Results for 'Young Damon'

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  1.  26
    The Mortal Blessings of Narrative: Death, Poetry, and the Beginnings of Cultural Change.Damon A. Young - 2001 - Philosophy Today 45 (3):275-285.
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    How to think about exercise.Damon Young - 2014 - New York: Picador.
    It can often seem as though existence is split in two: body and mind, flesh and spirit, moving and thinking. In the office or at study we are 'mind workers,' with seemingly superfluous bodies. Conversely, in the gym we stretch, run and lift, but our minds are idle. In How to Think About Exercise, author and philosopher Damon Young challenges this idea of separation, revealing how fitness can develop our bodies and minds as one. Exploring exercises and sports (...)
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    Not easy being green: Process, poetry and the tyranny of distance.Damon A. Young - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (3):189 – 204.
    There are many places that we must save from destruction. Sadly, they are mostly distant from us. If we accept Heidegger's notion of Being-in-the-World, this distance means that we cannot authentically speak of their Being. Even if we 'dwell' in our own lands, we are not 'at home' in these beautiful places. However, if we cannot speak of their Being, of what 'is', how can we ask logging and mining multinationals to stop destroying them? This speechlessness may be overcome with (...)
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    Being grateful for being: Being, reverence and finitude.Damon A. Young - 2005 - Sophia 44 (2):31-53.
    Atheists are rarely associated with holiness, yet they can have deeply spiritual experiences. Once such experience of the author exemplified ‘the holy’ as defined by Otto. However, the subjectivism of Otto’s Kantianism undermines Otto’s otherwise fruitful approach. While the work of Hegel overcomes this, it is too rationalistic to account for mortal life. Seeking to avoid these shortcomings, this paper places ‘holiness’ within a self-differentiating ontological unity, the Heideggerian ‘fourfold’. This unity can only be experienced by confronting groundless finite mortality, (...)
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  5. Faith without God: Kazantzakis and faith.Damon A. Young - manuscript
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  6. Bowing to your enemies: Courtesy, budō , and japan.Damon A. Young - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (2):pp. 188-215.
    Courtesy seems to be an essential part of budō , the Japanese martial ways. Yet there is no prima facie relationship between fighting and courtesy. Indeed, we might think that violence and aggression are antithetical to etiquette and care. By situating budō within the three great Japanese traditions of Shintō, Confucianism, and Zen Buddhism, this article reveals the intimate relationship between courtesy and the martial arts. It suggests that courtesy cultivates, and is cultivated by, purity of work and deed, mutually (...)
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    Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France.Damon Young (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This classic work by one of the most important philosophers and critics of our time charts the genesis and trajectory of the desiring subject from Hegel's formulation in _Phenomenology of Spirit_ to its appropriation by Kojève, Hyppolite, Sartre, Lacan, Deleuze, and Foucault. Judith Butler plots the French reception of Hegel and the successive challenges waged against his metaphysics and view of the subject, all while revealing ambiguities within his position. The result is a sophisticated reconsideration of the post-Hegelian tradition that (...)
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    Distraction.Damon Young - 2010 - Routledge.
    Most of us struggle with distraction every day: the familiar feeling that our attention is not quite where it should be. We feel it at work and at home and it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. But what is distraction? In his lucid, timely book, Damon Young shows that distraction is more than too many stimuli, or too little attention. It is actually a matter of value - to be distracted is to be torn away from what is (...)
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  9. In defense of psychoanalytic film theory.Damon R. Young - 2022 - In Kyle Stevens, The Oxford handbook of film theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  10. Sparta for our times: Why 300 in 2007?Damon A. Young - manuscript
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    Martial Arts and Philosophy: Beating and Nothingness.Graham Priest & Damon Young (eds.) - 2010 - Open Court Publishing.
    Martial arts and philosophy have always gone hand in hand, as well as fist in throat. Philosophical argument is closely paralleled with hand-to-hand combat. And all of today’s Asian martial arts were developed to embody and apply philosophical ideas. In his interview with Bodidharma, Graham Priest brings out aspects of Buddhist philosophy behind Shaolin Kung-Fu — how fighting monks are seeking Buddhahood, not brawls. But as Scott Farrell’s chapter reveals, Eastern martial arts have no monopoly on philosophical traditions: Western chivalry (...)
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    Not so off-putting. [REVIEW]Damon Young - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 51 (51):102-103.
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    Emotion regulation choice: the role of environmental affordances.Gaurav Suri, Gal Sheppes, Gerald Young, Damon Abraham, Kateri McRae & James J. Gross - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):963-971.
    ABSTRACTWhich emotion regulation strategy one uses in a given context can have profound affective, cognitive, and social consequences. It is therefore important to understand the determinants of emotion regulation choice. Many prior studies have examined person-specific, internal determinants of emotion regulation choice. Recently, it has become clear that external variables that are properties of the stimulus can also influence emotion regulation choice. In the present research, we consider whether reappraisal affordances, defined as the opportunities for re-interpretation of a stimulus that (...)
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  14.  28
    Philosophy and the Martial Arts: Engagement.Priest Graham & Young Damon (eds.) - 2014 - Open Court.
    In both occidental and oriental traditions, philosophers have long treated the martial arts as pursuits worthy of philosophical reflection. This is the first substantial academic book to lay out the philosophical terrain within the study and understanding of the martial arts and to explore the significance of this fascinating subject for contemporary philosophy. The book is divided into three sections. The first section concerns what philosophical reflection can teach us about the martial arts, and especially the nature and value of (...)
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    The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & D. S. Potter - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):13-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreD. S. PotterTranslated by Cynthia DamonEditorial Conventions( ) expansion of abbreviation[ ] restoration of letters written but now missing{ } deletion of letters written by mistake[ ] correction of letters considered wrongly inscribed necessary supplements > in translation, material supplied for clarity1 A(nte) d(iem) IIII eid(us) Dec(embres) in Palatio in porticu, quae est ad Apollinis. Scribendo2 adfuerunt M(arcus) Valerius M(arci) f(ilius) Lem(onia tribu) (...)
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    The Emergence of German Idealism. [REVIEW]Damon Linker - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (2):417-418.
    German Idealism can be said to have arisen from two main tensions in Kant’s critical philosophy. The first of these concern its epistemological status. Kant had conceived of the Critique of Pure Reason as, at least in part, a “science of ignorance” that clearly delineated what man could count as knowledge from what he could never possibly know. But what was the basis of Kant’s claim to know what can and what cannot count as knowledge? Strictly speaking, the content of (...)
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  17. Changes in Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms During COVID-19 Lockdown: United States Adult Age Groups.Amy Chan Hyung Kim, James Du & Damon P. S. Andrew - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates: the changes in three major health-related factors—physical activity, non-physical-activity health behavior, and depressive symptoms, and how changes in physical activity were associated with changes in one’s depressive symptoms among young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults while controlling non-physical-activity health behavior and sociodemographic characteristics among young, middle-aged, and older adults before and after the COVID-19 outbreak lockdown in the United States. A total of 695 participants completed an online questionnaire via MTurk, and participants were asked (...)
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  18.  11
    Damon Young, "On Getting Off: Sex and Philosophy.".Jan Koumar - 2021 - Philosophy in Review 41 (3):224-226.
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    Plutarque et Damon de Chéronée.Pierre Ellinger - 2005 - Kernos 18:291-310.
    L’étrange histoire du jeune Damon de Chéronée, le « dernier des Péripoltides », et de son masque de suie, que Plutarque a placée en introduction à ses Vies de Cimon et de Lucullus, a suscité des interprétations fort diverses : dernier avatar du « Chasseur noir », témoignage sur les luttes féroces entre factions pro-romaines et pro-pontiques aux temps de la première guerre de Mithridate… On cherche ici surtout à montrer ce que Plutarque a voulu faire en écrivant cette (...)
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    The Sound of Slurs: Bad Sounds for Bad Words.Eric Mandelbaum, Jennifer Ware & Steve Young - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
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    A unified theoretical framework underlying the regulation of motivated behavior.Yu-Been Kim, Young Hee Lee, Shee-June Park & Hyung Jin Choi - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400016.
    To orchestrate behaviors for survival, multiple psychological components have evolved. The current theories do not clearly distinguish the distinct components. In this article, we provide a unified theoretical framework. To optimize survival, there should be four components; (1) “need”, an alarm based on a predicted deficiency. (2) “motivation”, a direct behavior driver. (3) “pleasure”, a teacher based on immediate outcomes. (4) “utility”, a teacher based on final delayed outcomes. For behavior stability, need should be accumulated into motivation to drive behavior. (...)
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    Critical Theory and Classroom Talk.Robert Young - 1992 - Multilingual Matters.
    An application of Young's Habermasian critical theory of education to classroom communication problems of teachers in schools, with a special focus on the question/answer cycle and its educational role. The book uses classroom transcripts extensively in the analysis.
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    Kant on Form or Design.James O. Young - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1):112-115.
  24. Mothers, citizenship, and independence: A critique of pure family values.Iris Marion Young - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):535-556.
  25.  51
    Krautrock, Heidegger, Bogeyman: Kittler in the anglosphere.Geoffrey Winthrop-Young - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):6-20.
    The paper discusses some of the key factors that shaped Friedrich Kittler’s anglophone reception. Four points are of special importance: the truncated appropriation of Kittler’s ‘middle period’ by American academics; the structural and ideological reasons for the failure of North American German Studies to capitalize on the growing interest in Kittler; the charges of technodeterminism; and Kittler’s difficult role in the debate over posthumanism.
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  26.  59
    Critique of Pure Music.James O. Young - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    James O. Young seeks to explain why we value music so highly. He draws on the latest psychological research to argue that music is expressive of emotion by resembling human expressive behaviour. The representation of emotion in music gives it the capacity to provide psychological insight--and it is this which explains a good deal of its value.
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    Marxism and the History of Science.Robert M. Young - 1989 - In R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie & M. J. S. Hodge, Companion to the History of Modern Science. Routledge. pp. 23--31.
  28.  33
    Buddhism after Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism.Serinity Young & Rita M. Gross - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:248.
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  29. Authenticity in performance.James O. Young - 2000 - In Berys Nigel Gaut & Dominic Lopes, The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics. New York: Routledge.
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  30. (1 other version)Aristotle on justice.Charles M. Young - 1989 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 27 (S1):233-249.
  31. (1 other version)Consciousness.Andrew W. Young & Ned Block - 1996 - In Vicki Bruce, Unsolved Mysteries of the Mind: Tutorial Essays in Cognition. Taylor & Francis.
  32.  43
    Reply to Michael Huemer's "Is Benevolent Egoism Coherent?" (Spring 2002) On Egoism and Predatory Behavior.Michael Young - 2004 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 5 (2):441 - 456.
    Young argues against Michael Huemer's contention that egoism demands sacrificing others. The centrality of mutual trust in achieving vital sociallyproduced goods requires that egoism strictly limit, in degree and scope, any allowable prédation. The need for genuine and meaningful social recognition and affirmation rules out achieving mutual trust while secretly being a predator. Egoism may not support a strong Randian principle of never sacrificing others for the benefit of oneself but it plausibly supports a principle of never achieving particular (...)
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  33.  65
    Being and Value: Heidegger contra Nietzsche.Julian Young - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (3):105-116.
  34.  39
    Assessing the Ethos Theory of Music.James O. Young - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (62):283-297.
    The view that music can have a positive or negative effect on a person’s character has been defended throughout the history of philosophy. This paper traces some of the history of the ethos theory and identifies a version of the theory that could be true. This version of the theory can be traced to Plato and Aristotle and was given a clear statement by Herbert Spencer in the nineteenth century. The paper then examines some of the empirical literature on how (...)
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    Prediction of flow stress and textures of AZ31 magnesium alloy at elevated temperature.Hesam Askari, John P. Young, David P. Field, Ghassan Kridli & Hussein M. Zbib - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (29):3353-3367.
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    A Study of the Validity of the Moral Ethos Questionnaire and its Transferability to a Chinese Context.Robin S. Snell, Keith F. Taylor, Jess Wai-han Chu & Damon Drummond - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (4):361-381.
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    Who Can Govern from a House on Fire? International Order, State Responsibility, and the Problem of Solar Radiation Modification.Danielle N. Young - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):243-254.
    This essay argues that the possibility of governing the development and deployment of solar radiation modification (SRM) technology is predicated on the assumption of a liberal international order informed by an understanding of state responsibility. However, this order is experiencing a period of disruption that has placed stress on extant and emerging global governance regimes and brought the assumption of their efficacy and viability into doubt. In addition, international order and existing global governance of technologies with planetary implications, such as (...)
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    Are human endogenous retroviruses pathogenic? An approach to testing the hypothesis.George R. Young, Jonathan P. Stoye & George Kassiotis - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):794-803.
    A number of observations have led researchers to postulate that, despite being replication‐defective, human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) may have retained the potential to cause or contribute to disease. However, mechanisms of HERV pathogenicity might differ substantially from those of modern infectious retroviruses or of the infectious precursors of HERVs. Therefore, novel pathways of HERV involvement in disease pathogenesis should be investigated. Recent technological advances in sequencing and bioinformatics are making this task increasingly feasible. The accumulating knowledge of HERV biology may (...)
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    Abortion, Ideology, and the Murder of George Tiller.Angie Young - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (2):416-420.
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    Auditory localization with acoustical transposition of the ears.Paul Thomas Young - 1928 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11 (6):399.
  41.  78
    Analogical Reasoning and Easy Rescue Cases.Thomas Young - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Research 18:327-339.
    The purpose of this article is to determine whether analogical reasoning can supply a basis for believing that we have a moral obligation to rescue strangers. The paper will focus on donating cadaver organs. I construct a moral analogical argument involving an easy rescue case and organ donation. Various alleged relevant differences between the cases are examined and rejected. Finally, what I cal l “the ownership dilemma” is introduced and I conclude that this dilemma is inescapable. Thus, analogical reasoning, however (...)
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    A Study on Chu-tzu’s View of Society and Samgyohapryu.Park Young-jin - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 72:125-147.
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    A Study on Death and Afterlife Conceptions in the Early Vedas.Kim Chin Young - 2013 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 37:5-33.
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    Attention to detail?Malcolm P. Young, Ian R. Paterson & David I. Perrett - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):417-418.
  45. Australia's violent foundation and the myths that conceal it: A Girardian perspective on the formation of Non-Indigenous identity.Xavier Young - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (3):288.
    Rene Girard developed an anthropological theory that at the foundation of all cultures are scapegoated victims and that the violence committed against these victims is hidden or justified in myths. In this article I re-examine some of the texts that formed the identity of Non-Indigenous Australians as well as texts written before NI identity was formed, and I use Girard's theory to uncover and understand the violence that developed and was hidden at our culture's foundation. Applying Girard's theory in this (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Jerrold Levinson.James O. Young - 2012 - In Alessandro Giovannelli, Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers. New York: Continuum.
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  47. Kant on Existence.J. Michael Young - 1976 - Ratio (Misc.) 18 (2):91.
  48.  56
    Kivy on Musical Genius.J. O. Young - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (1):1-12.
    Peter Kivy argues that Handel was the first composer to be regarded as a genius and that only in the eighteenth century was the philosophical apparatus in place that would enable any composer to be conceived of as a musical genius. According to Kivy, a Longinian conception of genius transformed Handel into a genius. A Platonic conception of genius was used to classify Mozart as a genius. Then Kant adopted a Longinian conception of genius and this shaped the perception of (...)
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    Key, temperament and musical expression.James O. Young - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (3):235-242.
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    Logic of Law Making in Islam: Women and Prayer in the Legal Tradition. By Behnam Sadeghi.Walter E. Young - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1).
    The Logic of Law Making in Islam: Women and Prayer in the Legal Tradition. By Behnam Sadeghi. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xxi + 215. $99.99, £64.99.
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