Results for 'Youjung Choi'

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  1.  11
    Young infants' expectations about a self-propelled agent's body.Youjung Choi, Jin Seok & Yuyan Luo - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105629.
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    The Effectiveness of Somatization in Communicating Distress in Korean and American Cultural Contexts.Eunsoo Choi, Yulia Chentsova-Dutton & W. Gerrod Parrott - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Creating good citizens in China: comparing Grade 7–9 school textbooks, 1997–2005.Thomas Kwan-Choi Tse - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (2):161-180.
    Ideological indoctrination is explicit and pervasive in China, with the school curriculum used to mould the spirit and character of adolescents, fulfilling ideological and political purposes. But the exact content varies over time. Comparing two versions of textbooks published in 1997 and 2005, this paper depicts the continuities and change in the curricular discourses centred on the notion of ‘good citizen’. While keeping the official status of socialism and the Party leadership untouched, the new textbooks soften the presentation and packaging (...)
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    A Research on The Yul- Gok's Thought about Death and Life.Choi Il Beom - 2010 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 64:41-63.
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    『장자집해내편보정』의 제물론 해석에 관한 연구.Choi Il Beom - 2009 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 57:277-301.
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  6. Ontological security and the emotional significance of sovereignty.Nina C. Krickel-Choi - 2023 - In Hannes Černy & Janis Grzybowski, Variations on sovereignty: contestations and transformations from around the world. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    : Knowledge Flows in a Global Age: A Transnational Approach.Youjung Shin - 2024 - Isis 115 (2):434-435.
  8. Korean Women and God: Experiencing God in a Multiple-Religious Colonial Context.Choi Hee An - 2005
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    Re-Imagining Theological Reflection on God from the Context of Korean Women.Choi Hee An - 2008 - Feminist Theology 16 (3):350-364.
    When Western Christianity came to Asia, it merged with Eastern religions and histories and developed very differently in different places. Today Asian women in each country build up very unique images of God. They practice Eastern forms of worship and liturgical rites, and do indigenized theologies. They simultaneously try to find their own ways of naming, imaging, believing in and communicating with their own God. Korean Christianity has inherited many images of God from Western Christian doctrines and theologies. However, when (...)
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  10. Dimension as a way of describing the idea of ultimate reality in contemporary physics and theology.Hyung Sup Choi - 1996 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 19 (1):50-68.
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  11. Interpretation & Translation Know-How.J. W. Choi - forthcoming - Nexus.
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    Causes of Mental Agonies and a Method of Curing Them Based on the Five heaps.Choi Dong Hoon - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 82:105-124.
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    A Policy Entrepreneur in the Information Society: Shaping the Interdisciplinarity of Brain Research in Korea.Youjung Shin - 2018 - Minerva 56 (2):231-257.
    This paper aims to show the historical contingency of policy entrepreneurship in science by analyzing the case of brain research in South Korea during the last decade of the 20th century. This decade saw an increasing emphasis placed upon the development of information technology and its use for societal changes. The rise of the “Information Society” in Korea was an important context for shaping the field of brain research as an amalgam of multiple disciplines which led to the passage of (...)
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    For or against the molecularization of brain science?: Cybernetics, interdisciplinarity, and the unprogrammed beginning of the Neurosciences Research Program at MIT.Youjung Shin - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (1):103-130.
    It was no accident that the first neuroscience community, the Neurosciences Research Program (NRP), took shape in the 1960s at MIT, the birthplace of cybernetics. Francis O. Schmitt, known as the founding father of the NRP, was a famous biologist and an avid reader of cybernetics. Focusing on the intellectual and institutional context that Schmitt was situated in, this article unveils the way that the brain was conceptualized as a distinct object, requiring the launch of a new research community in (...)
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  15. Dispositions.Sungho Choi - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Business Groups and Corporate Social Responsibility.Jongmoo Jay Choi, Hoje Jo, Jimi Kim & Moo Sung Kim - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4):931-954.
    There is a growing literature on corporate social responsibility, but few have focused on the implications of business groups for CSR. We examine the antecedents and outcomes of CSR behaviors of group firms in Korea. We find that group affiliation is associated with higher CSR overall and for its major societal and environmental components. However, the ownership disparity between cash flow and control by controlling inside shareholders is associated with lower CSR, consistent with opportunistic rent expropriation theory. We further find (...)
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  17. Looking With Fresh Eyes Across Time and Space: Europe from a Confucian Perspective.Kee Il Choi - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):22-32.
    The most valuable finding of my first sightseeing trip was that medieval Europe was the seat of Christendom and that Christianity defines the West. I was amazed to see that Europe reveals so much of its past. I had not had such an experience in the United States, where I had lived as a student and then as a professor of economics.As I glimpsed the West, I found myself rediscovering Confucian civilization and how much I am still Confucian, although I (...)
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    A population response model of ensemble perception.Igor S. Utochkin, Jeunghwan Choi & Sang Chul Chong - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (1):36-57.
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    Comprehension of the Idea of Poongryu(風流) of Chi Won Choi and its Foundation - In relation with the Monument of King Jinheung and the Guangua(觀卦) and Xungua (巽卦) of 『Zhouyi』.Young-Sung Choi - 2014 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 40:7-32.
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  20. Art and Truth a Critical Analysis of Gadamer's Approach to Visual Art.Jinhee Choi - 1999
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    Depression Counseling and Education in Moral Education.Youngseong Choi - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (112):159-197.
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    Die Expressionismusdebatte und die Studien: eine Untersuchung zu Brechts Sonettdichtung.Young-Jin Choi - 1998 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Brechts Sonettsammlung Studien entstand als Reaktion auf die sogenannte Expressionismusdebatte, die in der Exilzeitschrift Das Wort (1937/38) ausgetragen wurde. Es geht darin um die produktive Nutzung des klassischen Erbes der Weltliteratur. Während die theoretischen Schriften Brechts über diese Debatte in der Forschung viel Beachtung fanden, wurden die Studien bisher marginalisiert. Die Autorin legt erstmalig eine Gesamtdarstellung der Studien vor. Im Zentrum stehen die Bezüge zur Expressionismusdebatte, die sich, wie in der Arbeit gezeigt wird, nicht auf eine «Brecht-Lukács-Debatte» reduzieren läßt. Darüber (...)
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  23. Emotion, Fiction, and Rationality: Cognitivism Vs. Non-Cognitivism.Jinhee Choi - 1999 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    The focus of this dissertation is on the rationality of emotion directed toward fiction. The launch of the cognitive theory of emotion in philosophy of mind and in psychology provides us with a way to show how emotion is not, by nature, opposed to reason and rationality. However, problems still remain with respect to emotion directed toward fiction, because we are emotionally involved with a story about people that do not exist and events that did not happen. This is called (...)
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    Reimagining the moral life: on Lisa Sowle Cahill's contributions to Christian ethics.Ki Joo Choi, Sarah Moses & Andrea Vicini (eds.) - 2020 - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
    This volume honors Lisa Cahill's 45 years of teaching Christian ethics at Boston College. With contributions from most of the doctoral students she directed during her career, it provides an interpretive overview of Cahill's specific contributions to Christian ethics.
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    Social Relatedness and Physical Health Are More Strongly Related in Older Than Younger Adults: Findings from the Korean Adult Longitudinal Study.Eunsoo Choi, Yuri Kwon, Minha Lee, Jongan Choi & Incheol Choi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Meaning and reference from a probabilistic point of view.Jacob Feldman & Lee-Sun Choi - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105058.
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    Confucian Value Theory and Environment Ethics.Choi Il Beom - 2007 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 49:399-426.
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    Reconsideration on Goun Choi Chi-won’s Life-A few significant scenes in his life.Young-Sung Choi - 2016 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 51:9-43.
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    Factors influencing emergency nurses’ ethical problems during the outbreak of MERS-CoV.Jeong-Sil Choi & Ji-Soo Kim - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (3):335-345.
    Background: Whenever there has been a worldwide contagious disease outbreak, there have been reports of infection and death of healthcare workers. Particularly because emergency nurses have contact with patients on the front line, they experience ethical problems in nursing while struggling with infectious diseases in an unfavorable environment. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore emergency nurses’ ethical problems and to identify factors influencing these problems during the outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome–coronavirus in Korea. Design and sample: (...)
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  30. The Simple Vs. Reformed Conditional Analysis of Dispositions.Sungho Choi - 2006 - Synthese 148 (2):369-379.
    Lewis claims that Martin’s cases indeed refute the simple conditional analysis of dispositions and proposes the reformed conditional analysis that is purported to overcome them. In this paper I will first argue that Lewis’s defense of the reformed analysis can be understood to invoke the concepts of disposition-specific stimulus and manifestation. I will go on to argue that advocates of the simple analysis, just like Lewis, can also defend their analysis from alleged counterexamples including Martin’s cases by invoking the concepts (...)
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    Avoiding the Swine.Jee Won Choi - 2021 - Stance 14 (1):115-123.
    What constitutes a good life? A hedonist’s answer to this question is rather simple— more pleasure, less pain. While hedonism was previously a widely accepted belief, it now suffers from several crucial objections. A challenge particularly vexing to hedonists is the Philosophy of Swine: could it be possible that our lives may be less than that of a theoretical swine? In this essay, I argue that lifetime hedonism, the view of hedonism concerned with one’s total lifelong well-being, does not survive (...)
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    Causality in Contemporary American Sociology: An Empirical Assessment and Critique.Brandon Vaidyanathan, Michael Strand, Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, Thomas Buschman, Meghan Davis & Amanda Varela - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (1):3-26.
    Using a unique data set of causal usage drawn from research articles published between 2006–2008 in the American Journal of Sociology and American Sociological Review, this article offers an empirical assessment of causality in American sociology. Testing various aspects of what we consider the conventional wisdom on causality in the discipline, we find that “variablistic” or “covering law” models are not the dominant way of making causal claims, research methods affect but do not determine causal usage, and the use of (...)
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    An investigation into the theory of Hwandan 還丹.Choi Il Beom - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 28:251-276.
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    A Study on the theory of self-cultivating at the state of pre-occurrence in Chosun Neo-Confucianism.Choi Il Beom - 2015 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 45:37-60.
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    The Environmental Ethical Analysis of Confucianism.Choi Il Beom - 2008 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 53:279-306.
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    Feminism and Vegetarianism.Choi Hoon - 2011 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 15 (null):205-231.
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    Lexical Predictability During Natural Reading: Effects of Surprisal and Entropy Reduction.Matthew W. Lowder, Wonil Choi, Fernanda Ferreira & John M. Henderson - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):1166-1183.
    What are the effects of word-by-word predictability on sentence processing times during the natural reading of a text? Although information complexity metrics such as surprisal and entropy reduction have been useful in addressing this question, these metrics tend to be estimated using computational language models, which require some degree of commitment to a particular theory of language processing. Taking a different approach, this study implemented a large-scale cumulative cloze task to collect word-by-word predictability data for 40 passages and compute surprisal (...)
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    Risk Analysis and Logical Response Model for BSE.Choi Hoon - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 14:119-143.
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    게오르그 짐멜(G. Simmel)의 종교사상 -종교성(Religiosität)의 해방과 자기-초월(Selbst-Transzendenz)로서의 종교-.Choi Sung Hwan - 2019 - Philosophical Investigation 56 (null):55-95.
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    Sabina Leonelli, Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study , 288 pp., $35.00, Paperback, ISBN: 9780226416472. [REVIEW]Youjung Shin - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (4):887-889.
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    A Critical Appraisal of The Second-Class’s Discursive Practice and Practice of Ethics Education.Youngseong Choi - 2013 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (93):265-315.
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    Quantifying attentional modulation of auditory-evoked cortical responses from single-trial electroencephalography.Inyong Choi, Siddharth Rajaram, Lenny A. Varghese & Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Meaning of Equality from the Viewpoint of the Intrinsic Aim in Education.Eun-Sun Choi - 2014 - The Journal of Moral Education 26 (2):141.
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    The Origins of Political Trust in East Asian Democracies: Psychological, Cultural, and Institutional Arguments.Eunjung Choi & Jongseok Woo - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (3):410-426.
    While the importance of social and political trust has been well documented, there is a lack of scholarly consensus over where trust originates. This article tests three theoretical arguments – social-psychological, social-cultural, and political institutional – on the origin of political trust against three East Asian democracies. The empirical analysis from the AsiaBarometer survey illustrates that political institutional theory best explains the origin of political trust in East Asian cases. Citizens of these East Asian democracies have a high level of (...)
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    The Study on the Moral Psychology of Cyber Space and Information Ethics Education's Teaching Strategies of J. Rest's Four Moral Components Model.Youngseong Choi - 2014 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (94):277-325.
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    The conceptual injustice of the brain death standard.William Choi - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (4):261-276.
    Family disputes over the diagnosis of brain death have caused much controversy in the bioethics literature over the conceptual validity of the brain death standard. Given the tenuous status of brain death as death, it is pragmatically fruitful to reframe intractable debates about the metaphysical nature of brain death as metalinguistic disputes about its conceptual deployment. This new framework leaves the metaphysical debate open and brings into focus the social functions that are served by deploying the concept of brain death. (...)
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    Three Policy Alternatives for Advancing Active Citizenship: Universal Basic Income, Universal Basic Services, and Social Economy.Chikako Endo & Young Jun Choi - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (1):4-20.
    This article discusses three policy ideas that address the limitations of the traditional welfare state: universal basic income (UBI), universal basic services (UBS), and the social economy. As a lens from which to evaluate these policy alternatives, we develop a concept of active citizenship as an interactive and recursive process between people’s equal political influence and the institutional conditions in which they are placed. While the social policy discourse on active citizenship has centred on the debate between increasing individual responsibilities (...)
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  48. Dispositions And Mimickers.Sungho Choi - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (2):183-188.
    In this paper I put forward a counterexample against Lewis’s reformed conditional analysis of fragility and then refute a possible response by Lewis. And I go on to argue that Lewis can overcome the counterexample by excluding fragility-mimickers from the stimulus appropriate to the concept of fragility.
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  49. What is a Dispositional Masker?S. Choi - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1159-1171.
    Manley and Wasserman criticize the conditional analysis of dispositions, arguing that whilst it invites the ‘strategy of getting specific’, this strategy creates more problems than it solves. I show that their understanding both of the phenomenon of masking and also of the strategy of getting specific is deeply defective, which wreaks havoc with their principal critique of the conditional analysis of dispositions.
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    Phase transition of conducting polymer/clay nanocomposite suspensions under an electric field.Fei Fei Fang, Hyoung Jin Choi & Woon Seop Choi - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (17-18):2507-2517.
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