Results for 'Yoshikazu Yamanaka'

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  1. Kinsei no kokugaku to kyōiku.Yoshikazu Yamanaka - 1998 - Tōkyō: Taga Shuppan.
  2. Shūkyō to kagaku nihirizumu.Yoshikazu Ishida - 1981
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  3. Tetsugaku no kairō.Yoshikazu Matsui (ed.) - 1982 - Tōkyō: Gakujutsu Tosho Shuppansha.
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  4. Gurōbaru-ka to gendai kokka: kokka, shakai, jinkenron no kadai.Yoshikazu Nakatani & Norio Yasumoto (eds.) - 2002 - Tōkyō: Ochanomizu Shobō.
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    Epilogue: Alternative perspectives.Yoshikazu Sakamoto - 1987 - World Futures 24 (1):285-299.
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    Ningen to kokka: aru seiji gakuto no kaisō.Yoshikazu Sakamoto - 2011 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    現代に生きる人間は、国家とどう向き合い、自分のアイデンティティをどのように考えていくべきか。その問いと格闘してきた国際政治学者の軌跡。上巻は、上海で戦争を経験した少年時代、生き方に悩む青年時代、やがて 学問と出会い、アメリカ留学を経て、冷戦・核時代のなかで平和問題に取り組み、社会的発言を繰り広げてゆくまで。.
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  7. Kindaihō no seikaku.Yasuo Yamanaka - 1950 - Tōkyō: Morikita Shuppan.
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    Patient perspectives on research use of residual biospecimens and health information: On the necessity of obtaining societal consent by creating a governance structure based on value-sharing.Mayumi Yamanaka, Mika Suzuki & Keiko Sato - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (1):103-119.
    Very few attempts have been made to survey patient opinions, particularly regarding the use of residual biospecimens and health information in research, to clarify their values. We conducted a questionnaire survey that targeted outpatients of a university hospital to gauge their awareness levels and understand patient perspectives on research that uses these items. Few patients felt that obtaining individual consent for each research study was necessary. Most patients expressed the view that researchers should be obligated to inform them about the (...)
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  9. Risei to shinkō.Yoshitomo Yamanaka - 1964
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  10. Nihon no shūkyō tetsugaku.Yoshikazu Ishida - 1993 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  11. Shingyō no ronri.Yoshikazu Ishida - 1970
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    Editor's introduction.Yoshikazu Sakamoto - 1987 - World Futures 24 (1):2-4.
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    Unilateral initiative as an alternative strategy.Yoshikazu Sakamoto - 1987 - World Futures 24 (1):107-133.
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    Jakobsonian poetics through the years.Kei I. Yamanaka - 1993 - Semiotica 96 (3-4):257-268.
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    Dialogues About Death in Milindapañha and Carakasaṃhitā.Yukio Yamanaka & Tsutomu Yamashita - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (5):559-578.
    This paper deals with the debates over _kālamṛtyu_ (“timely death” or human death at the end of the life span) and _akālamṛtyu_ (“untimely death” or premature death that occurs when the life span still remains). In cultural areas like ancient India, where the _karman_ doctrine or the law of _karman_ is firmly rooted, such “timely death” and “untimely death” have seemed to be the catalysts for the philosophical and ethical debates. Assuming that a person’s life itself would be affected by (...)
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  16. Tōyō ni okeru shizen no shisō.Yoshikazu Suzuki - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
  17.  8
    Shōbō Genzō shashinshū: Dōgen Zenji, Zen no shinshō fūkei.Yoshikazu Takeshima - 2020 - Tōkyō-to Itabashi-ku: Kokusho Kankōkai. Edited by Taizen Endō.
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  18. Hō no kisokuryokuteki kenʼi.Yasuo Yamanaka - 1950
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  19. Mimamoru kyōiku.Tomojirō Yamanaka - 1977
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    iPS cell therapy 2.0: Preparing for next‐generation regenerative medicine.Kelvin K. Hui & Shinya Yamanaka - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400072.
    This year marks the tenth anniversary of the world's first transplantation of tissue generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). There is now a growing number of clinical trials worldwide examining the efficacy and safety of autologous and allogeneic iPSC‐derived products for treating various pathologic conditions. As we patiently wait for the results from these and future clinical trials, it is imperative to strategize for the next generation of iPSC‐based therapies. This review examines the lessons learned from the development of (...)
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    Philosophy of Data Science for Corpus Linguistics.Kazuho Kambara & Tsukasa Yamanaka - 2023 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 32:47-73.
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    Does the Clock Tick Slower or Faster in Parkinson’s Disease? – Insights Gained From the Synchronized Tapping Task.Shin-Ichi Tokushige, Yasuo Terao, Shunichi Matsuda, Toshiaki Furubayashi, Takuya Sasaki, Satomi Inomata-Terada, Akihiro Yugeta, Masashi Hamada, Shoji Tsuji & Yoshikazu Ugawa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Relationships between Psychophysiological Responses to Cycling Exercise and Post-Exercise Self-Efficacy.Eriko Matsuo, Shigeru Matsubara, Seigo Shiga & Kentaro Yamanaka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Superthermostability of nanoscale TIC-reinforced copper alloys manufactured by a two-step ball-milling process.Fenglin Wang, Yunping Li, Xiandong Xu, Yuichiro Koizumi, Kenta Yamanaka, Huakang Bian & Akihiko Chiba - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (35):4035-4053.
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  25. Kei I. yamanaka.D. L. Bolinger - 1993 - Semiotica 96:257.
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    The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan.J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence (eds.) - 1975 - Springer Verlag.
    The Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time was held at Hotel Mt. Fuji, near Lake Yamanaka, Japan, on July I to 7,1973. The present volume is the proceedings at that Con ference and constitutes the second volume in The Study of Time series. * At the closing session of our First Conference in Oberwolfach, Germany, in 1969, I was honored by being elected to the Presidency of the Society, following Dr. J. G. Whitrow, our (...)
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  27. Second World Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time at Lake Yamanaka.D. Park - 1973 - Scientia 67 (8):615.
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    Genome damage in induced pluripotent stem cells: Assessing the mechanisms and their consequences.Samer Mi Hussein, Judith Elbaz & Andras A. Nagy - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (3):152-162.
    In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka and colleagues discovered how to reprogram terminally differentiated somatic cells to a pluripotent stem cell state. The resulting induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) made a paradigm shift in the field, further nailing down the disproval of the long‐held dogma that differentiation is unidirectional. The prospect of using iPSCs for patient‐specific cell‐based therapies has been enticing. This promise, however, has been questioned in the last two years as several studies demonstrated intrinsic epigenetic and genomic anomalies in (...)
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  29. Social experiments in stem cell biology.Melinda B. Fagan - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (3):235-262.
    Stem cell biology is driven by experiment. Its major achievements are striking experimental productions: "immortal" human cell lines from spare embryos (Thomson et al. 1998); embryo-like cells from "reprogrammed" adult skin cells (Takahashi and Yamanaka 2006); muscle, blood and nerve tissue generated from stem cells in culture (Lanza et al. 2009, and references therein). Well-confirmed theories are not so prominent, though stem cell biologists do propose and test hypotheses at a profligate rate. 1 This paper aims to characterize the (...)
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  30. Humans as bacteria? Cultural immunology in contemporary Japan.Natalia Anna Michna & Leszek Sosnowski - 2025 - Cogent 12 (1):1-14.
    The starting point for the considerations in the article is the statement of Keiko Yamanaka that the Japanese know nothing about resistance to the bacterium represented by another human being. In the article, however, we put forward the thesis that Japanese culture has developed a collective immune system resulting not from individual but from shared systemic immunology in connection with the performance of family, professional and social functions. The analysis of Japanese ‘cultural immunology’ includes an examination of the ways (...)
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    Ontological and ethical implications of direct nuclear reprogramming.Gerard Magill & William B. Neaves - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (1):pp. 23-32.
    Scientific breakthroughs rarely yield the potential to engage a foundational ethical question. Recent studies on direct reprogramming of human skin cells reported by the Yamanaka lab in Japan and the Thomson lab in Wisconsin suggest that scientists may have crossed both a scientific and an ethical threshold. The fascinating science of direct nuclear reprogramming highlights empirical data that may clarify the ontological status of cellular activity in the early stages of what could become a human fetus and justify ethical (...)
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    Genomic analysis of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells: routes to reprogramming.Ashlin Kanawaty & Jeffrey Henderson - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (2):134-138.
    The phenomenal proliferation of scientific studies into the nature of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells following publication of the findings of Takahashi and Yamanaka little more than 2 years ago, have significantly expanded our understanding of cellular mechanisms relating to cell lineage, differentiation, and proliferation. While the full potential of iPS cell lineages for both scientific tool and therapeutic applications is as yet unclear, findings from several lines of investigation suggests that multipotential and terminally differentiated cells from an array (...)
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  33. III. History of ideas.P. E. Ariotti - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--69.
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    The concept of time in Western antiquity.P. E. Ariotti - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 69--80.
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    Nietzsche and the Concept of Time.Dorothea W. Dauer - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 81--97.
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    Human temporality.H. L. Dreyfus - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 150--162.
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    Clockmaking—The Most General Trade.J. T. Fraser - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 365--366.
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  38. International Society for the Study of Time, Second World Conference Piero E. Ariotti, Verrazzano College, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA Seth G. Atwood, The Time Museum, Rockford, Illinois, USA Silvio E. Bedini, Smithsonian Institution, The National Museum of History and Technology. [REVIEW]Norio Fujisawa, Kyoto Sakyo & Japan James J. Gibson - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 485.
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  39. Events are perceivable but time is not.James J. Gibson - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 295-301.
    For centuries psychologists have been trying to explain how a man or an animal could perceive space. They have thought of space as having three dimensions and the difficulty was how an observer could see the third dimension. For depth, as Bishop Berkeley asserted at the outset of the New Theory of Vision (1709), “is a line endwise to the eye which projects only one point in the fund of the eye.” Space was its dimensions. It was empty save for (...)
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  40. Ix. psychology.J. J. Gibson - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--295.
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    Temporal stages in the development of the self.H. B. Green - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 1--19.
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    The History of Political Philosophy and the Myth of the Tradition.J. G. Gunnell - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 283--294.
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  43. Viii. Political philosophy.J. G. Gunnell - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--283.
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    Structures of the 'Living Present': Husserl and Proust.Jose Huertas-Jourda - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 163-195.
    The mediate aim of this essay is to make good two related claims: that phenomenology in Husserl’s sense is adequate to the task of describing the most concrete structures of subjectivity; and that the universal may be apprehended directly through the concrete.
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    A Non-Causal Approach to Physical Time.S. Kamefuchi - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 239--248.
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    Time, death and ritual in old age.Robert Kastenbaum - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 20--38.
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    Temporal passage and spatial metaphor.Nathaniel Lawrence - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 196--205.
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    Time: Being or Consciousness Alone?—A Realist View.M. Matsumoto - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 206-215.
    Experience of matter can be described in the context of time and space, whereas, some people say, experience of mind may be described according to time only. Accordingly, though time and space together are regarded as objective forms, one may have a propensity for treating time alone as a particular form of the subjective consciousness. For space is indeed referred to the self-evidence of being, while time is thought to belong rather to the self-evidence of our own consciousness. According to (...)
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  49. 1. time is rooted in the consciousness of being.M. Matsumoto - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--206.
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    Temporality and Time in Hegel and Marx.W. Mays - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 98--113.
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