Results for 'Yoktan Haddad'

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  1. Philosopher aujourd'hui et ici: mélanges offerts au professeur Fatma Haddad-Chamakh.Fatma Haddad-Chamakh & Muḥammad Maḥjūb (eds.) - 2007 - Tunis: Éditions sahar.
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    Citizenship and the Ambivalence of Birth.Samir Haddad - 2011 - Derrida Today 4 (2):173-193.
    In this paper I examine the meaning of birth in the work of Agamben, Esposito, and Derrida, paying particular attention to how it operates in their analyses of citizenship and national belonging. I show that Agamben views birth as negative, Esposito proposes a positive conception, and Derrida's writings imply an understanding that is ambivalent. Then, by focusing on the phenomenon of multiple citizenship, I argue for the value of the Derridean view.
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    Impact of Diglossia on Word and Non-word Repetition among Language Impaired and Typically Developing Arabic Native Speaking Children.Elinor Saiegh-Haddad & Ola Ghawi-Dakwar - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Effects of magnitude of reward and intensity of intermittent punishment on resistance to extinction.Nabil F. Haddad & Roger L. Mellgren - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (5):449-451.
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    Military Health Wishes in the Greek Letters of Caesar and Octavian.Christopher J. Haddad - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):233-246.
    This article examines and contextualizes a health wish formula found at the opening of eight Roman official letters inscribed in Greek, one of Caesar and seven of Octavian. In each letter the sender mentions that he is well ‘with the army’ (μετὰ τοῦ στρατεύματος), hence the term ‘military’ health wish. The health wish was borrowed from Latin letters into Roman letters written in Greek by means of phraseological imitation. The formulation employs appropriate Koine Greek. It was optional during the Republic (...)
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    Naqd al-ʻaql al-dīnī.Ḥusām Ḥaddād - 2022 - al-Muhandisīn, al-Jīzah: Insān.
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    Thermodynamics: A Dynamical Systems Approach.Wassim M. Haddad, VijaySekhar Chellaboina & Sergey G. Nersesov - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    This book places thermodynamics on a system-theoretic foundation so as to harmonize it with classical mechanics. Using the highest standards of exposition and rigor, the authors develop a novel formulation of thermodynamics that can be viewed as a moderate-sized system theory as compared to statistical thermodynamics. This middle-ground theory involves deterministic large-scale dynamical system models that bridge the gap between classical and statistical thermodynamics. The authors' theory is motivated by the fact that a discipline as cardinal as thermodynamics--entrusted with some (...)
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  8. Demystifying Downward Causation in Biology.Yasmin Haddad - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55:1-18.
    The concept of downward causation is frequently used in an explanatory capacity in biology to account for certain regularities and processes. Some philosophers, however, argue that downward causation is metaphysically incoherent, providing three main objections. Underlying these objections is the assumption that entities are connected by compositional hierarchies of levels of organization. In this paper, I introduce the notions of weak and strong compositional relations using examples from evolutionary developmental biology. I argue that downward causation becomes unproblematic if we use (...)
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  9. The Scope of Reciprocal Causation.Yasmin Haddad - 2024 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 16 (3).
    The role of reciprocal causation in Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) is controversial. Proponents of EES argue that reciprocal causation is a key innovation, underpinning the necessity of EES. Conversely, critics of the EES maintain that Standard Evolutionary Theory (SET) adequately encompasses the concept of reciprocal causation, challenging the need for EES. This skepticism is rooted in two primary critiques. First, the mischaracterization of causal dynamics within SET by EES advocates leads to a misrepresentation of SET. Second, the oversight of how (...)
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    Philosophy and Its Relation to Other Disciplines in Derrida’s Writings on Education.Samir Haddad - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (2):365-377.
    In this essay I examine Derrida’s attempts to transform how philosophy is conceived, specifically as this occurs in his writings on education. In these writings Derrida challenges two understandings of philosophy—in his interventions into debates on lycée education he targets philosophy in France, while in texts related to the founding of the Collège International de Philosophie at stake is philosophy understood as a broader European institution. I argue that in each case key in Derrida’s challenge is his rethinking of philosophy’s (...)
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    Derrida on Language and Philosophical Education.Samir Haddad - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (2):149-163.
    The relationship between national languages and schooling is a recurring theme in Derrida’s writings on education, playing an important role in the challenge he mounts to traditional understandings of the French State’s involvement in the teaching of philosophy. In this essay, I follow this thread of thinking across several of Derrida’s texts, paying specific attention to his diagnoses of positions arguing for a universal philosophical language on the one hand, and those elevating French as the proper language of philosophy on (...)
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  12. ADO-Tutor: Intelligent Tutoring System for leaning ADO.NET.Ibrahim A. El Haddad & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    This paper describes an Intelligent Tutoring System for helping users with ADO.NET called ADO-Tutor. The Intelligent Tutoring System was designed and developed using (ITSB) authoring tool for building intelligent educational systems. The user learns through the intelligent tutoring system ADO.NET, the technology used by Microsoft.NET to connect to databases. The material includes lessons, examples, and questions. Through the feedback provided by the intelligent tutoring system, the user's understanding of the material is assessed, and accordingly can be guided to different difficulty (...)
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  13. Reading Derrida Reading Derrida: Deconstruction as Self‐Inheritance.Samir Haddad - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (4):505-520.
    Derrida argued at great length early on in his career that texts live on in the absence of their author. The question remains, however, of precisely how this survival takes place. In this paper I argue that the life of Derrida’s own œuvre is sustained through his particular practice of self‐inheritance. I justify this claim by focusing on one moment in the text Rogues: Two Essays on Reason, in which Derrida inherits from himself through self‐citation. In citing himself while at (...)
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    Derrida and Education.Samir Haddad - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 490–506.
    Derrida lived almost his entire life attached to educational institutions, his work was received across the globe predominantly in the academy, and he was politically and philosophically preoccupied with issues related to teaching and educational institutions for a decade. The author uses these two events to organize his presentation of the main themes in Derrida's discussions of education. With two opponents, themselves opposed, Groupe de recherches sur l’enseignement philosophique (GREPH) and Derrida thus had a double task – to prevent the (...)
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    Foucault/Derrida Fifty Years Later: The Futures of Genealogy, Deconstruction, and Politics.Samir Haddad, Penelope Deutscher & Olivia Custer (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction, by Olivia Custer, Penelope Deutscher, and Samir Haddad -- Part I: Openings -- 1. The Foucault-Derrida Debate on the Argument Concerning Madness and Dreams, by Pierre Macherey -- 2. Looking Back at History of Madness, by Lynne Huffer -- 3. Violence and Hyperbole: From "Cogito and the History of Madness" to The Death Penalty, by Michael Naas -- Part II: Surviving the Philosophical Problem: History Crosses Transcendental Analysis.
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    More than a Language to Come.Samir Haddad - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (2):379-394.
    In this paper I demonstrate that the analysis supporting Derrida’s identification of the desire for a pure, originary idiom in Heidegger’s reading of Trakl in Geschlecht III provides a framework with which we can understand the call for a new language in Monolingualism of the Other. While acknowledging how his interpretation of Heidegger provides important insights that guide Derrida’s later negotiation with the dual dangers of nationalism and colonialism, I argue that the proximity to Heidegger, manifest in Derrida’s articulation of (...)
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    ʻĪsā ibn Zurʻa, philosophe arabe et apologiste chrétien.Cyrille Haddad - 2013 - Beyrouth: Centre de recherches et de publications de l'orient chrétien (CERPOC).
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    L'axiome de normalité pour Les espaces totalement ordonnés.Labib Haddad & Marianne Morillon - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):277-283.
    We show that the following property (LN) holds in the basic Cohen model as sketched by Jech: The order topology of any linearly ordered set is normal. This proves the independence of the axiom of choice from LN in ZF, and thus settles a question raised by G. Birkhoff (1940) which was partly answered by van Douwen (1985).
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    The excluded third: contribution to a dialectical anthropology.Fernando Haddad - 2024 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Daniel Hahn.
    In view of the new forays from biology into the Humanities, this book aims not only to demonstrate the inconsistencies of the theory of evolution in addressing cultural dynamics, but also to offer an alternative that begins from a resumption of the dialogue between anthropology and historical materialism in which dialectics reintroduces itself to anthropology from different premises and the role of symbolic language within materialism is reevaluated.
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    Case analysis in ethics instruction: bootlegging theory in a topical structure.Amy Haddad - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (4):235-251.
    Robert Veatch was a notable and prolific author in a variety of areas in philosophy, health care practice, and policy. However, it is evident by the sheer number of case study in ethics books, eighteen editions of case collections in all, that this approach to teaching ethics in the health sciences was especially important to him. A few of these case study collections he wrote alone, but the majority were written with co-authors from nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, allied health, and medicine, (...)
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  21. Filosofia da ciência e epistemologias feministas: entrevista com Helen Longino.Yasmin Haddad, Jade Arbo & Maria Helena Silva Soares - 2021 - Em Construção 1 (10).
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    Inheriting Democracy to Come.Samir Haddad - 2005 - Theory and Event 8 (1).
  23. Problematic ethical experiences: stories from nursing practice.Amy Marie Haddad - forthcoming - Bioethics Forum.
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    An Exegesis of Sura Ninety-Eight.Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):519-530.
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    Corriger sa vie.Karen Haddad - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):127-135.
    Au fil des volumes inaugurés par Bardadrac, Gérard Genette, livrant des versions différentes de certains biographèmes, « corrige » sa vie d’une façon qu’on propose d’appeler annotation de soi. L’étude de la figure de « Jacqueline » révèle ainsi un usage très personnel de la note auctoriale, telle que Genette l’avait définie dans Seuils, et qui fait tendre l’ensemble des volumes non seulement vers l’autofiction, mais vers une sorte d’« anti-roman » valéryen.
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    Les Annales Archéologiques de Syrie, Revue d'Archéologie et d'Histoire. Tome XIIILes Annales Archeologiques de Syrie, Revue d'Archeologie et d'Histoire. Tome XIII.George M. Haddad - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):274.
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    More than a Mother Tongue.Samir Haddad - 2020 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 41 (2):469-487.
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  28. O Homem Cí­nico.Samir Haddad - 1997 - Princípios 4 (5):215-228.
    Nosso trabalho procura descrever a escola cinica atraves de seu fundador; Antistenes de Atenas (444-355) , analisando o comportamento do homem cinico e suas contradiçõess, sua busca pela virtude e pelo agir correto. Mostramos o caminho que o homem cinico deve percorrer para chegar a seu objetivo : a autarquia. Ao mesmo tempo, revelamos seu repúdio a toda cultura estabelecida e a sua relaçáo com o corpo e o prazer. O cínico deve distanciarse da cidade, das atividades mundanas e da (...)
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    O terceiro excluído: contribuição para uma antropologia dialética.Fernando Haddad - 2022 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Zahar.
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    Political Factions in Aleppo, 1760-1826.George M. Haddad & Herbert L. Bodman - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):419.
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    Philosophie systématique et système de philosophie politique chez Spinoza.Fatma Haddad-Chamakh - 1980 - [Tunis]: Impr. officielle de la République tunisienne.
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    Reflexões sobre os vinte anos de experiência do grupo de teatro Tá na Rua.Amir Haddad - 2001 - Trans/Form/Ação 24 (1):153-161.
    O artigo trata dos conceitos de um teatro público e de um teatro privado, a partir do surgimento da burguesia capitalista. O capitalismo estabeleceu um conflito entre as manifestações públicas (festas dramáticas) e o teatro de recinto fechado. As fontes brasileiras para um teatro público são vistas pela restauração e recuperação das nossas origens mediterrâneas em oposição ao pensamento protestante da América do Norte e Europa.
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    The epistemic harms of direct-to-consumer genetic tests.Yasmin Haddad - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (4):559-571.
    In this paper, I provide an epistemic evaluation of the harms that result from the widespread marketing of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests. While genetic tests are a valuable accessory diagnostic tool when ordered by a medical practitioner, there are different implications when they are sold directly to consumers. I aim to show that there are both epistemic and non-epistemic harms associated with the widespread commoditization of DTC genetic tests. I argue that the epistemic harms produced by DTC genetic tests have (...)
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    (1 other version)Does foreign ownership affect corporate cash holdings Evidence from Amman Stock Exchange.Lara Al Haddad & Abdullah Al Ahmad - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Dieu et la morale.Joachim Haddad & Sebastian Hüsch (eds.) - 2023 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Depuis l'Antiquite, la philosophie occidentale tente de determiner si la morale peut et doit etre ancree dans une constellation theiste. Tenter de repondre a cette question constitue un defi d'autant plus grand dans un monde globalise, au sein duquel le theisme est non seulement remis en question par la tradition occidentale des Lumieres, mais aussi par des modeles de pensee qui promeuvent une maniere fondamentalement differente de se rapporter a la realite. Les reflexions proposees dans ce volume sur Dieu et (...)
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    Ensaios sobre o Pensamento Contemporâneo e sobre Heidegger.Samir Haddad & Sandro Márcio Moura de Sena (eds.) - 2024 - Toledo: Instituto Quero Saber.
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    Ibn ʿAbbād de Ronda: Ar-Rasā'il as-SugraIbn Abbad de Ronda: Ar-Rasa'il as-Sugra.Wadi Z. Haddad & Paul Nwyia - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):338.
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    Interprofessional Ethics Simulations and Debriefing to Develop Collaborative Skills.Amy Haddad, Kimberley Begley & Ann Ryan Haddad - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-11.
    The Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s (IPEC’s) core competencies are accreditation standards of most, if not all, healthcare professions (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel [2016, Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update. Washington, DC: IPEC]). Limited literature exists on interprofessional (IP) learning outcomes in healthcare ethics; even fewer studies include debrief sessions. Interprofessional education (IPE) case discussion using web-based technology is a promising way to incorporate ethics content. This article summarizes a model for healthcare programs to create, conduct, and assess synchronous (...)
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    Thinking About Difficulties: Using Poetry to Enhance Interpretative and Collaborative Skills in Healthcare Ethics Education.Amy Haddad - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):459-469.
    Viewing difficulty as an opportunity for learning runs counter to the common view of difficulty as a source of frustration and confusion. The aim of this article is to focus on the idea of difficulty as a stepping-off point for learning. The literature on difficulty in reading texts, and its impact on thinking and the interpretive process, serve as a foundation for the use of poetry in healthcare ethics education. Because of its complexity and strangeness compared to the usual scientific (...)
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    The Meaning of Being a ‘Good Nurse’ in the ICU During the COVID‐19 Pandemic.Ali Al Haddad, Anne Arber, Anna Cox & Ann Gallagher - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12694.
    Intensive care unit (ICU) nurses were at the forefront of patient care during the coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic. To date, no studies have explored what it meant to be a ‘good nurse’ in this unique and challenging context. As such, the aim of this study was to construct the meaning of the ‘good nurse’ in ICUs during a pandemic. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 25 ICU nurses from three ICUs in Kuwait, who had worked during the COVID‐19 pandemic. The data were (...)
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  41. The Molecular Pursuit of Masculinity.Ramsi Haddad - 1991 - Nexus 9 (1):8.
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    The Notebooks of Ibn ʿAqīl: Kitāb al-FunūnThe Notebooks of Ibn Aqil: Kitab al-Funun.Wadi Z. Haddad, George Makdisi, Ibn ʿAqīl & Ibn Aqil - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):536.
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  43. Arendt, Derrida, and the Inheritance of Forgiveness.Samir Haddad - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (4):416-426.
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    Derrida and the Inheritance of Democracy.Samir Haddad - 2013 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Derrida and the Inheritance of Democracy provides a theoretically rich and accessible account of Derrida's political philosophy. Demonstrating the key role inheritance plays in Derrida’s thinking, Samir Haddad develops a general theory of inheritance and shows how it is essential to democratic action. He transforms Derrida’s well-known idea of "democracy to come" into active engagement with democratic traditions. Haddad focuses on issues such as hospitality, justice, normativity, violence, friendship, birth, and the nature of democracy as he reads these (...)
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    Arab History and the Nation State: A Study in Modern Historiography, 1820-1980.Mahmoud Haddad & Youssef M. Choueiri - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):530.
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    The Maronites in History.Robert M. Haddad & Matti Moosa - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):314.
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    What Health Science Students Learn from Playing a Standardized Patient in an Ethics Course.Amy Haddad - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):481-487.
    Formal teaching of ethics in health science programs at the entry level and postprofessional level in the United States and Canada has been documented in the professional literature for more than 30 years, yet there are significant differences in the way it is taught and how much time is devoted to the subject. Numerous teaching and evaluation methods have been used in ethics education, such as lectures, written examinations, debates, role-playing, small group discussion, and case study analysis. Most instruction in (...)
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    Review of Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and his Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries, by Max J. Lee. [REVIEW]Najeeb T. Haddad - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):322-325.
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    Shared Learning and The Ignorant Schoolmaster.Samir Haddad - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:175-182.
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    Where do Women ‘Stand’ in Islam? Negotiating Contemporary Muslim Prayer Leadership in North America.Munira Kassam Haddad & Meena Sharify-Funk - 2012 - Feminist Review 102 (1):41-61.
    This article analyses the drama surrounding the activism of female imams in North America. The image of Muslim women presiding over mixed congregational prayers evokes dramatically divergent responses among different Muslim constituencies, highlighting the disputed nature of fundamental issues pertaining to identity, community and authority. Provocative questions are raised: Can Islamic texts and communities of interpreters accommodate female religious authorities? Is it in the interest of Muslim women to seek empowerment within a domain of communal life in which male authority (...)
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