Results for 'Yiping Zhang'

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  1.  23
    Self-efficacy and positive coping mediate the relationship between social support and resilience in patients undergoing lung cancer treatment: A cross-sectional study.Yizhen Yin, Mengmeng Lyu, Yiping Chen, Jie Zhang, Hui Li, Huiyuan Li, Guili Xia & Jingping Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe prognosis of patients undergoing lung cancer treatment might be influenced by mental health status. Resilience is one of the important predictors to reflect the mental health status. It has been shown that patients with higher levels of social support, self-care self-efficacy, and positive coping have greater resilience. This study aimed to determine the mediating role of self-efficacy and positive coping in the relationship between social support and psychological resilience in patients with lung cancer.MethodThis is a cross-sectional study that was (...)
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  2.  20
    Chinese Aesthetics in a Global Context by Zhirong Zhu. [REVIEW]Yiping Zhang - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (1):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Chinese Aesthetics in a Global Context by Zhirong ZhuYiping Zhang (bio)Chinese Aesthetics in a Global Context. By Zhirong Zhu 朱志榮. Translated by Xurong Kong. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2022. Pp. xi + 327. eBook €85.59, isbn 978-981-16-7749-6. Zhirong Zhu's Chinese Aesthetics in a Global Context (hereafter Chinese Aesthetics) is a translation of the author's Chinese book, which was originally published by East China Normal University Press in June (...)
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  3.  39
    Self-Deception Reduces Cognitive Load: The Role of Involuntary Conscious Memory Impairment.Zengdan Jian, Wenjie Zhang, Ling Tian, Wei Fan & Yiping Zhong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  4.  29
    The Impact of Self-Relevance on Preschool Children’s Sharing.Wenjie Zhang, Songmei Xiang, Hongmei Dai, Mengmeng Ren, Yuqi Shen, Wei Fan & Yiping Zhong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This study was designed to investigate the impact of self-relevance between preschool children and recipients on children’s sharing behavior in dictator games using a forced-choice resource distribution paradigm. Experiment 1: A total of 75 children aged 3-6 years were evaluated in a first-party situation in which they were distributed as recipients and dictators and shared resources with distracting recipients with different extents of self-relevance under three different payoff structures, including non-costly, costly and envy structures. Children could choose between a sharing (...)
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    Influence of Self-Relevance and Reputational Concerns on Altruistic Moral Decision Making.Youlong Zhan, Xiao Xiao, Qianbao Tan, Shangming Zhang, Yangyi Ou, Haibo Zhou, Jin Li & Yiping Zhong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6.  25
    Gender Differences Influence Gender Equality Awareness, Self-Esteem, and Subjective Well-Being Among School-Age Children in China.Yifei Li, Man Zuo, Yirong Peng, Jie Zhang, Yiping Chen, Yingxiang Tao, Biyun Ye & Jingping Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective of this study was to investigate and analyze the status and influential factors of gender equality awareness, self-esteem, and subjective well-being in school-age boys and girls. The results can help schools and teachers provide more effective gender equality and mental health education. In the study, 284 valid questionnaires were collected from a total of 323 school-age boys and girls in the Hunan Province, China. The questionnaire covered gender equality awareness, self-esteem, and subjective well-being, with the influencing factors analyzed (...)
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  7.  18
    Risk decision: The self-charity discrepancies in electrophysiological responses to outcome evaluation.Min Tan, Mei Li, Jin Li, Huie Li, Chang You, Guanfei Zhang & Yiping Zhong - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:965677.
    Previous studies have examined the outcome evaluation related to the self and other, and recent research has explored the outcome evaluation of the self and other with pro-social implications. However, the evaluation processing of outcomes in the group in need remains unclear. This study has examined the neural mechanisms of evaluative processing by gambling for the self and charity, respectively. At the behavioral level, when participants make decisions for themselves, they made riskier decisions following the gain than loss in small (...)
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  8. Infinitary belief revision.Dongmo Zhang & Norman Foo - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (6):525-570.
    This paper extends the AGM theory of belief revision to accommodate infinitary belief change. We generalize both axiomatization and modeling of the AGM theory. We show that most properties of the AGM belief change operations are preserved by the generalized operations whereas the infinitary belief change operations have their special properties. We prove that the extended axiomatic system for the generalized belief change operators with a Limit Postulate properly specifies infinite belief change. This framework provides a basis for first-order belief (...)
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  9.  86
    The idea of human dignity in classical chinese philosophy: A reconstruction of confucianism.Qianfan Zhang - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27 (3):299–330.
  10.  78
    Human dignity in classical chinese philosophy: Reinterpreting mohism.Qianfan Zhang - 2007 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 34 (2):239–255.
  11. Flowing Within the Text: A Discussion on He Lin’s Explanation of Zhu Xi’s Method of Intuition.Xianglong Zhang - 2005 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (1):60-65.
    The author examines He Lin's interpretation of Zhu Xi's method of intuition from a phenomenological-hermeneutical perspective and by exposing Zhu's philosophical presuppositions. In contrast with Lu Xiangshan's intuitive method, Zhu Xi's method of reading classics advocates "emptying your heart and flowing with the text" and, in this spirit, explains the celebrated "exhaustive investigation on the principles of things (ge wu qiong li)." "Text," according to Zhu, is therefore not an object in ordinary sense but a "contextual region" or "sensible pattern" (...)
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  12. The concept of nature and historicism in Marx.Wenxi Zhang - 2006 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (4):630-642.
    Scholars of Marx often spend much effort to emphasize the socio-historical characteristics of Marx's concept of nature. At the same time, from this concept of nature, one seems to be able to deduce a strong sense of historical anthropocentricism and relativism. But through an exploration of the results of Rorty's discarding the distinction between "natural" and "man-made" and Strauss' clearing up value relativism in terms of the concept of nature, people will find that historicism is a world outlook that brought (...)
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  13.  80
    Marxism and human sociobiology: A comparative study from the perspective of modern socialist economic reforms. [REVIEW]Zhang Boshu - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):463-474.
    Modern socialist economic reforms which center on the establishment of a commodity based economic system, demand a reconsideration of human nature. Marxism and human sociobiology give different answers to questions about human nature, but neither is complete in itself. It seems timely, therefore, to suggest that a combination of biological understanding with a Marxist-based social understanding would produce a more adequate notion of human nature, thereby helping us to resolve a number of problems posed by reforms currently taking place in (...)
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  14.  28
    Hopf Bifurcation and Dynamic Analysis of an Improved Financial System with Two Delays.G. Kai, W. Zhang, Z. Jin & C. Z. Wang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    The complex chaotic dynamics and multistability of financial system are some important problems in micro- and macroeconomic fields. In this paper, we study the influence of two-delay feedback on the nonlinear dynamics behavior of financial system, considering the linear stability of equilibrium point under the condition of single delay and two delays. The system undergoes Hopf bifurcation near the equilibrium point. The stability and bifurcation directions of Hopf bifurcation are studied by using the normal form method and central manifold theory. (...)
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  15.  23
    The Analysis of Teachers’ Perceptions of Moral Education Curriculum.Quankun Zhang, Norzihani Binti Saharuddin & Nor Azni Binti Abdul Aziz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:967927.
    With the development of teachers’ psychological cognition, the moral education curriculum develops as per the changes in times. Currently, a resurgence of interest on studying teachers’ perceptions of the moral education curriculum has observed. This is because moral education curriculum of each country plays a unique role in the overall design of the country’s education curriculum. However, studies on teachers’ perceptions of the moral education curriculum are scarce, and no framework has been developed to guide the teaching and learning of (...)
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  16. A new multi-server scheme for private information retrieval.Chi Sing Chum & Xiaowen Zhang - 2016 - In Delaram Kahrobaei, Bren Cavallo & David Garber, Algebra and computer science. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
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  17.  13
    Strengths-Based Leadership and Turnover Intention: The Roles of Felt Obligation for Constructive Change and Job Control.Xixi Chu, He Ding, Lihua Zhang & Zhuyi Angelina Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study draws on the substitutes for leadership theory to investigate the association of strengths-based leadership with employee turnover intention and the mediating role of felt obligation for constructive change and the moderating role of job control in the linkage. Data were collected using a three-wave survey from a sample of 317 employees working in a variety of enterprises in China. The multiple regression analyses with bootstrapping procedure were utilized to examine the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that strengths-based leadership (...)
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  18.  29
    Informed consent in pragmatic trials: results from a survey of trials published 2014–2019.Jennifer Zhe Zhang, Stuart G. Nicholls, Kelly Carroll, Hayden Peter Nix, Cory E. Goldstein, Spencer Phillips Hey, Jamie C. Brehaut, Paul C. McLean, Charles Weijer, Dean A. Fergusson & Monica Taljaard - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):34-40.
    ObjectivesTo describe reporting of informed consent in pragmatic trials, justifications for waivers of consent and reporting of alternative approaches to standard written consent. To identify factors associated with (1) not reporting and (2) not obtaining consent.MethodsSurvey of primary trial reports, published 2014–2019, identified using an electronic search filter for pragmatic trials implemented in MEDLINE, and registered in 1988 trials, 132 (6.6%) did not include a statement about participant consent, 1691 (85.0%) reported consent had been obtained, 139 (7.0%) reported a (...)
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  19.  10
    The more engaging, the more enjoyable? Age matters in predicting perceived enjoyment with different Facebook activities.Lianshan Zhang & Eun Hwa Jung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drawing upon uses and gratifications perspectives and socioemotional selectivity theory, this study examined the differences in the use of Facebook features among younger, middle-aged, and older adults. Furthermore, it explored the association between Facebook activities and users’ perceived enjoyment for different age groups. An online survey was conducted with 647 Facebook users in the United States. An exploratory factor analysis identified four types of Facebook activities: broadcasting, directed communication, content consumption, and information regulation. The results revealed that younger users’ broadcasting, (...)
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  20.  87
    Haecceity Mereology.Ruoyu Zhang - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):275-294.
    Haecceities are non-qualitative properties for individuation but the current theories about haecceities are still to be much more explored. This paper aims to develop a “haecceity mereology” – that is, an ontological system that understands substances as mereological combinations of haecceities and qualitative properties. In this way, the view developed is an alternative to Paul’s : 578–96; 2006. “Coincidence as Overlap.” Noûs 40 : 623–59) mereological approach. Three rules are proposed: If S is a substance, then there is one and (...)
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  21.  50
    A proof of topological completeness for S4 in.Grigori Mints & Ting Zhang - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):231-245.
    The completeness of the modal logic S4 for all topological spaces as well as for the real line , the n-dimensional Euclidean space and the segment etc. was proved by McKinsey and Tarski in 1944. Several simplified proofs contain gaps. A new proof presented here combines the ideas published later by G. Mints and M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, G. Bezhanishvili with a further simplification. The proof strategy is to embed a finite rooted Kripke structure for S4 into a subspace (...)
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  22.  89
    Analytic and coanalytic families of almost disjoint functions.Bart Kastermans, Juris Steprāns & Yi Zhang - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1158-1172.
    If F ⊆ NN is an analytic family of pairwise eventually different functions then the following strong maximality condition fails: For any countable H ⊆ NN. no member of which is covered by finitely many functions from F, there is f ∈ F such that for all h ∈ H there are infinitely many integers k such that f(k) = h(k). However if V = L then there exists a coanalytic family of pairwise eventually different functions satisfying this strong maximality (...)
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  23.  40
    Supervisor Narcissism and Time Theft: Investigating the Mediating Roles of Emotional Exhaustion and the Moderating Roles of Attachment Style.Zhihui Ding, Wenxing Liu, Guanglei Zhang & Huaqiang Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24.  26
    Justice in triad: Revisiting supplier involvement in new product development.Jindan Zhang, Qi Zou & Yuan Wang - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):312-327.
    Recognizing the importance of involving suppliers in the new product development (NPD) process, extensive studies have examined this issue at a buyer–supplier dyadic level. However, how supplier involvement leads to better NPD performance is not clearly explained. Additionally, extending the dyadic relationships to triadic relationships and addressing how to manage the two competing suppliers with fair conduct remains unexplored. To answer these questions, this study developed a conceptual model theorizing the role of supplier involvement, information sharing, and justice in the (...)
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  25.  25
    Multi-agent path finding with mutex propagation.Han Zhang, Jiaoyang Li, Pavel Surynek, T. K. Satish Kumar & Sven Koenig - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 311 (C):103766.
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  26.  11
    Promoting the Brand Inside: The Conceptualization of Nonprofit Internal Branding and Its Relationship With Employees’ Brand Performance.Ran Zhang, Yunqiao Wu & Chao Ye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a value-led entity, the nonprofit depends on its staff for the delivery of the brand value outsides and thus promoting the brand inside is crucial to the development of the nonprofits. Using a sample of 290 full-time staff working in 270 nonprofits in China, two related studies were conducted. Study 1 aimed to develop and validate a new scale for internal branding in the nonprofit context, while Study 2 aimed to investigate the linking mechanism between internal branding and brand (...)
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  27.  75
    Attitudes towards transfers of human tissue samples across borders: An international survey of researchers and policy makers in five countries.Xinqing Zhang, Kenji Matsui, Benjamin Krohmal, Alaa Abou Zeid, Vasantha Muthuswamy, Young Mo Koo, Yoshikuni Kita & Reidar K. Lie - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):16-.
    Background: Sharing of tissue samples for research and disease surveillance purposes has become increasingly important. While it is clear that this is an area of intense, international controversy, there is an absence of data about what researchers themselves and those involved in the transfer of samples think about these issues, particularly in developing countries. Methods: A survey was carried out in a number of Asian countries and in Egypt to explore what researchers and others involved in research, storage and transfer (...)
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  28.  55
    What Else besides War: Deliberate Metaphors Framing COVID-19 in Chinese Online Newspaper Editorials.Cun Zhang, Zhengjun Lin & Shengxi Jin - 2022 - Metaphor and Symbol 37 (2):114-126.
    Through metaphor, we gain distinctive perspectives on reality and communicate in new ways, especially when we use metaphor intentionally. The COVID-19 pandemic broke out in early 2020, causing sign...
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  29. Empirical adaptationism revisited: is it testable and is it worth testing?Mingjun Zhang - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (6):1-23.
    Empirical adaptationism is often said to be an empirical claim about nature, which concerns the overall relative causal importance of natural selection in evolution compared with other evolutionary factors. Philosophers and biologists who have tried to clarify the meaning of empirical adaptationism usually share, explicitly or implicitly, two assumptions: (1) Empirical adaptationism is an empirical claim that is scientifically testable; (2) testing empirical adaptationism is scientifically valuable. In this article, I challenge these two assumptions and argue that both are unwarranted (...)
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  30. On Montesquieu’s Intention and His Theory of Government.Guodong Zhang - manuscript
    Montesquieu believes that human beings have three kinds of natures: self-preserving, imperfect knowledge and passions. The first and the third nature tend to conflict with each other, and the result is the state of war, in which human natures could not be satisfied. Montesquieu uses this theory of human nature to judge all the kinds of governments, and finds that the virtuous republic, despotism and monarchy all have important defects. Especially, the monarchy by nature tends to degenerate into despotism, which (...)
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  31.  17
    Human Nature, Time-Consciousness, and the New Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence—An Inquiry from the Perspective of Phenomenology and the Eastern School of Mind.Xianglong Zhang - 2021 - In Bing Song, Intelligence and Wisdom: Artificial Intelligence Meets Chinese Philosophers. Springer Singapore. pp. 131-150.
    Many scholars make a very clear distinction between intelligence and consciousness. Let’s take one of the most famous today, Israeli history Professor, Yuval Noah Harari, the author of Sapiens and Homo Deus. In his 2018 book, 21 lessons for the twenty-first century, he writes that, “intelligence and consciousness are very different things. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Consciousness is the ability to feel things such as pain, joy, love, and anger.”.
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  32. A Critical Interpretation of Leo Strauss’ Thoughts on Machiavelli.Guodong Zhang - manuscript
    Strauss’s analysis of Machiavelli is both about his argument and action. He looks Machiavelli’s argument through the lens of classicalpolitical philosophy especially Plato’s political philosophy. He believed Machiavelli had not achieved important theoretical innovation. He looks Machiavelli’s action through the lens of modernity. He believed Machiavelli’s political thought did not perform a good function as it did in the last several centuries any more. Moreover, Strauss supplement Machiavelli’s political thought with a discussion of the problem of technique. Strauss’s caution of (...)
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  33.  20
    Measurement of the Vertical Spatial Metaphor of Power Concepts Using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure.Bao Hong, Lu Zhang & Hongri Sun - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34.  17
    Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress: Can Benevolent Childhood Experiences Counteract the Negative Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences?Hao Hou, Caochen Zhang, Jie Tang, Jingjing Wang, Jiaqi Xu, Qin Zhou, Wenjun Yan, Xiuyin Gao & Wei Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundChildhood experiences can exert a huge impact on adult psychological conditions. Previous studies have confirmed the effects of adverse childhood experiences and benevolent childhood experiences on psychological distress separately, but few studies explored a combined effect of ACEs and BCEs on psychological distress. The aim of this study was to explore a combined effect of ACEs and BCEs on psychological distress among Chinese undergraduates.MethodsParticipants were undergraduates aged 17–24 years and completed a self-reported questionnaire. A series of regression analyses were conducted (...)
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  35.  62
    Mental abilities and performance efficacy under a simulated 480-m helium–oxygen saturation diving.Gonglin Hou, Youlan Zhang, Na Zhao, Ruiyong Chen, Weibing Xiao, Hao Yu, Jiachun Wang & Ti-Fei Yuan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  36.  21
    Understanding the Effects of Colleague Participation and Public Cause Proximity on Employee Volunteering Intentions: The Moderating Role of Power Distance.Jundong Hou, Ling Qian & Chi Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  37. Zhongguo jin dai zhe xue shi.Wailu Hou & Qizhi Zhang (eds.) - 1979 - [Beijing]: Xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  38. Zhongguo si xiang shi gang =.Wailu Hou & Qizhi Zhang (eds.) - 2004 - Shanghai: Shanghai shu dian chu ban she.
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  39. Destination image, nostalgic feeling, flow experience and agritourism: An empirical study of Yunling Tea Estate in Anxi, China.Sunbowen Zhang, Jingxuan Liang, Yongqiang Ma, Youcheng Chen & Qiaohua He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study introduces destination image, nostalgic feeling, and flow experience into tea estate tourism and constructs a theoretical model that includes destination image, nostalgic feeling, flow experience, cultural identity, and tourists’ behavioral intention. Then, an empirical study is conducted with tourists at Yunling Tea Estate in Anxi, China. The results show that all hypotheses are supported except the hypothesis pertaining to the significance of the influence of flow experience on behavioral intention, which is not supported. The model includes eight mediating (...)
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  40.  96
    A corpus-based study of modal verbs in Chinese–English governmental press conference interpreting.Yifan Zhang & Andrew K. F. Cheung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the use of modal verbs in Chinese–English government press conference interpretation. Modal verbs mark the speaker’s opinion of or attitude toward the event described in a sentence. Interpreters also use modal verbs to indicate the stances of the source language speakers. The use of modal verbs has been examined in such contexts as research papers, textbooks, and second language learners’ output; however, studies that compare differences in modal verbs between source and target languages in the context of (...)
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  41.  81
    Online users’ donation behavior to medical crowdfunding projects: Mediating analysis of social presence and perceived differences in trust.Tao Zhang, Qianyu Zhang, Rong Jiang, Tilei Gao & Ming Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Perceived trust is a key factor affecting the behavior to donate online. In order to further explore the factors and influencing mechanisms that affect the success of medical crowdfunding projects, this paper, combined with the Stimulus-Organism-Response theory, introduces the mediating variable of social presence and perceived differences in trust, and constructs a model of online users’ donation behavior to medical crowdfunding projects. We collected 437 valid samples through a questionnaire survey, and processed the data with SPSS and Amos software to (...)
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  42.  58
    EEG Oscillation Evidences of Enhanced Susceptibility to Emotional Stimuli during Adolescence.Xianxin Meng, Wenwen Liu, Ling Zhang, Xiang Li, Bo Yao, Xinsheng Ding, JiaJin Yuan & Jiemin Yang - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  43.  73
    Research on the Vulnerability of Government Procurement of Elderly Care Services: A Complex Network Perspective.Yuting Zhang, Lan Xu & Zhengnan Lu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    The policy of government procurement of elderly care services has the vulnerability characteristics that all complex systems have. To maintain the policy’s robustness, this paper studies the vulnerability of government procurement of elderly care services from the perspective of complex network. Case analysis and sample statistics are used to obtain the vulnerability influencing factors of the policy. Then, complex network diagram of vulnerability influencing factors is constructed through Pajek software. The compatibility coefficient is used to investigate the network’s overall vulnerability (...)
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  44.  63
    Booms and Busts in Chinese Agricultural Markets: An Agent-Based Model.Yu Zhang & Xinyi Deng - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    This paper uses agent-based modelling to study the frequent booms and busts in Chinese agricultural markets. First, an artificial agricultural commodity market consisting of heterogeneous agents, such as producers, consumers, and speculators, is built. A numerical simulation suggests that speculation can cause large price fluctuations via nonlinear price dynamics. Then, parameters are estimated by the simulated method of moments using garlic and ginger price data in China from 2006Q2 to 2018Q3. The estimation yields a statistically significant speculative behavior parameter, supporting (...)
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    Do We Have Free Will?Coco Zhang - 2022 - Questions 22:5-6.
  46.  44
    Popularity of the metaverse: Embodied social presence theory perspective.Guihua Zhang, Junwei Cao, Dong Liu & Jie Qi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With Facebook’s name changing to Meta, the metaverse concept has become popular again. There are many indications that the current fashionableness of the metaverse is not driven by technical factors, rather related to the public hype. To clarify the reasons for the increasing popularity of the concept, this study develops a model based on embodied social presence theory. We surveyed 292 metaverse users, and analyzed the obtained data using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that the main (...)
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  47.  43
    Interplay of eco-friendly factors and islamic religiosity towards recycled package products: A cross-cultural study.Qingyu Zhang, Mudassir Husnain, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Waheed Akhtar, Saqib Ali, Mussadiq Ali Khan, Qamar Abbas, Riffat Ismail, Tayyab Rehman & Muhammad Akram - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Climate change has increasingly been recognised and associated with consumer behaviour: Practitioners are developing their strategies to reduce environmental degradation while increasing the management of sustainable consumption; it needs to better understand consumer attitudes and eco-friendly factors about the issue. Therefore, the current study focused to understand the effects of pro-environmental factors on individuals’ environmental attitudes through the lens of theory of planned behaviour in a cross-cultural setting. Moreover, present research focuses on the moderating role that religiosity plays in causal (...)
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  48.  41
    A Virtual Net Locks Me In: How and When Information and Communication Technology Use Intensity Leads to Knowledge Hiding.Zhe Zhang & Xintong Ji - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (3):611-626.
    The research explores a novel phenomenon in which information and communication technology (ICT), which is originally designed for knowledge transferring, may result in employees’ knowledge hiding due to increasing use intensity. Specifically, drawing upon the appraisal theory of empathy, we develop a moderated mediation model of empathy linking ICT use intensity and knowledge hiding. The hypothesized model is tested by conducting a scenario-based experimental study (Study 1, N = 194) and a multi-wave field study (Study 2, N = 350). Results (...)
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  49.  42
    The effect of blind box product uncertainty on consumers’ purchase intention: The mediating role of perceived value and the moderating role of purchase intention.Yi Zhang & Tianqi Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As the younger generation, who like to pursue novelty and excitement, becomes the main consumer and the traditional consumption culture changes in China, the blind box has become a popular product among young people with its uncertain characteristics. Previous studies have mainly explored the role of uncertainty in promotion, while this paper focuses on the role of uncertainty in daily sales of blind box products. Based on the stimulus–organism–response theory, this paper conducted an online questionnaire survey and an empirical analysis (...)
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  50.  27
    A principle‐based framework for disclosing a psychosis risk diagnosis.Oliver Y. Zhang, Doug McConnell, Adrian Carter & Jonathan Pugh - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):171-182.
    In recent decades, researchers have attempted to prospectively identify individuals at high risk of developing psychosis in the hope of delaying or preventing psychosis onset. These psychosis risk individuals are identified as being in an ‘At-Risk Mental State’ (ARMS) through a standardised psychometric interview. However, disclosure of ARMS status has attracted criticism due to concerns about the risk–benefit ratio of disclosure to patients. Only approximately one quarter of ARMS patients develop psychosis after three years, raising concerns about the unnecessary harm (...)
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