Results for 'Yilong Yin'

981 found
  1.  21
    Pre-service teachers’ emotional experience: Characteristics, dynamics and sources amid the teaching practicum.Yilong Ji, Mohamed Oubibi, Siyuan Chen, Yuxin Yin & Yueliang Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recently, teacher emotions have become the focus of research in teacher education. Teacher emotions not only affect teachers themselves but also have an impact on their students. However, pre-service teachers’ emotions have been neglected. This study is based on a qualitative analysis of online emotional diaries related to emotional experience expression by 120 Chinese pre-service teachers before, during, and after teaching practice. The results in this study show three characteristics of pre-service teachers’ emotional experiences: the overall positive emotions are higher (...)
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  2.  23
    Dual-track spatio-temporal learning for urban flow prediction with adaptive normalization.Xiaoyu Li, Yongshun Gong, Wei Liu, Yilong Yin, Yu Zheng & Liqiang Nie - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 328 (C):104065.
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  3. (1 other version)Yin Haiguang, Lin Yusheng shu xin lu.Haiguang Yin - 1981 - Taibei Shi: Shi gu chu ban you xian gong si. Edited by Yusheng Lin.
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  4. (1 other version)Yin Haiguang quan ji.Haiguang Yin - 1900 - Taibei Shi: Gui guan tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
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  5. Yin Haiguang xue ji.Junlu Yin Xia (ed.) - 2004 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
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  6. Yin Hai-kuang hsien sheng wen chi.Haiguang Yin - 1979
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  7. Looking at upside-down faces.Robert K. Yin - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):141.
  8.  37
    How cells explore shape space: A quantitative statistical perspective of cellular morphogenesis.Zheng Yin, Heba Sailem, Julia Sero, Rico Ardy, Stephen T. C. Wong & Chris Bakal - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (12):1195-1203.
    Through statistical analysis of datasets describing single cell shape following systematic gene depletion, we have found that the morphological landscapes explored by cells are composed of a small number of attractor states. We propose that the topology of these landscapes is in large part determined by cell‐intrinsic factors, such as biophysical constraints on cytoskeletal organization, and reflects different stable signaling and/or transcriptional states. Cell‐extrinsic factors act to determine how cells explore these landscapes, and the topology of the landscapes themselves. Informational (...)
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  9.  16
    Luo ji xin yin: zen yang pan bie shi fei = Luoji xinyin: zenyang panbie shifei.Haiguang Yin - 2004 - Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
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  10. Zun dao yu gui de: Zhongguo ren de jia zhi guan.Yilong Chai - 1999 - Kunming: Yunnan ren min chu ban she.
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  11. IID prophet inequality with a single data point.Yilong Feng, Bo Li, Haolong Li, Xiaowei Wu & Yutong Wu - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 341 (C):104296.
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    The Interactive Model of L2 Listening Processing in Chinese Bilinguals: A Multiple Mediation Analysis.Yilong Yang, Guoying Yang & Yadan Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Second language listening is a common challenge for language learners. It remains largely unknown how bilinguals process L2 listening. The literature has suggested an interactive model of L2 listening processing. However, few studies have examined the model from an experimental approach. The current study tried to provide empirical evidence for the interactive model of L2 listening processing in bilinguals by exploring the relationships among English spoken word segmentation, cognitive inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and L2 listening proficiency. The results showed positive associations (...)
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    Yin Haiguang wen ji.Haiguang Yin - 2001 - Wuhan Shi: Hubei ren min chu ban she. Edited by Binfeng Zhang.
    di 1 juan. Zheng lun pian -- di 2 juan. Zhe xue pian -- di 3juan. Wen hua pian -- di 4 juan. Shu xin yu sui bi pian.
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  14.  13
    Gu yu Chen shi jia shu Yin Wenzi: [2 juan].Wen Yin - 2002 - Beijing: Beijing tu shu chu ban she.
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  15.  45
    Robust adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with multiple time-varying coupled delays.Yin-Ping Zhao, Ping He, Hassan Saberi Nik & Junchao Ren - 2015 - Complexity 20 (6):62-73.
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  16.  13
    A study on the reaction of housing staff under the.Yin-Ling Chow - 2005 - Philosophy 10 (3):267-295.
  17.  96
    Business Ethics in the Greater China Region: Past, Present, and Future Research.Juelin Yin & Ali Quazi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):815-835.
    While business ethics has generated a great deal of research internationally over the last few decades, academic reviews of the business ethics literature remain limited. Moreover, there has been little attempt to date to analyze this literature specifically in the Greater China region, which has been experiencing rapid socioeconomic growth and dynamic evolution of business ethics in recent decades. This paper addresses this research gap by undertaking a comprehensive and critical appraisal of the business ethics literature on Greater China. In (...)
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  18.  86
    The Agency Problems Embedded in Firm’s Equity Investment.Yin-Hua Yeh, Tsun-Siou Lee & Pei-Gi Shu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):151-166.
    We find that agency problems are embedded in firm's excess and abnormal equity investments that are mainly dictated by controlling shareholder's motives and ethical choices manifested in ownership and board structure. The excess equity investment is gauged with respect to industry average. The abnormal equity investment is specifically referred to the number of nominal investment companies that are fully controlled by the controlling owners while subject to little governance. Our empirical evidences of 345 Taiwanese non-financial listed firms show that firm's (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Yin Haiguang shu xin ji.Haiguang Yin - 1975 - XiangGang Jiulong: Wen yi shu wu. Edited by Cang Lu.
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  20.  32
    Topological domains in mammalian genomes identified by analysis of chromatin interactions.Yin Shen, Dixon Jr, S. Selvaraj, F. Yue, A. Kim, Y. Li, M. Hu, J. S. Liu & B. Ren - unknown
    The spatial organization of the genome is intimately linked to its biological function, yet our understanding of higher order genomic structure is coarse, fragmented and incomplete. In the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, interphase chromosomes occupy distinct.
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  21.  69
    Institutional Drivers for Corporate Social Responsibility in an Emerging Economy: A Mixed-Method Study of Chinese Business Executives.Juelin Yin - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (5):672-704.
    This study develops an internal–external institutional framework that explains why firms act in socially responsible ways in the emerging country context of China. Utilizing a mixed method of in-depth interviews and a survey study of 225 Chinese firms, the author found that internal institutional factors, including ethical corporate culture and top management commitment, and external institutional factors, including globalization pressure, political embeddedness, and normative social pressure, will affect the likelihood of firms to act in socially responsible ways. In particular, implicit (...)
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  22.  58
    Sharing Sustainability: How Values and Ethics Matter in Consumers’ Adoption of Public Bicycle-Sharing Scheme.Juelin Yin, Lixian Qian & Anusorn Singhapakdi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):313-332.
    This study investigates the antecedents and mechanisms of consumers’ adoption of a public bicycle-sharing scheme as a form of shared sustainable consumption. Drawing on marketing ethics and sustainability literature, it argues that cultural and consumption values drive or deter the adoption of PBSS through the mediating mechanism of ethical evaluation. This study tests its hypotheses using a sample of 755 consumers from one of the largest PBSS programs in China. The results confirm the significance of collectivism, man–nature orientation, materialism, and (...)
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  23.  68
    Social top-down response modulation (STORM): a model of the control of mimicry in social interaction.Yin Wang & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  24.  15
    Mei you yan se de si xiang: Yin Haiguang yu zi you zhu yi du ben.Haiguang Yin - 2018 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin chu ban. Edited by Guangzhe Pan.
    殷海光向被公認為台灣自由主義知識人的典範。他以繼承與宏揚「五四」思想文化遺產為志業,提筆為劍,投注心力於鼓吹民主自由的實踐路向,對黨國威權體制製造的愚昧與壓迫,始終長鳴異議,非僅激盪人心,更可啟人深思 。 本書以殷海光闡釋自由主義理念的思想關懷為主題,以仍具現實意義並能激發讀者思考的原著為原則,收錄其著述精華十五篇,匯為一帙。編者潘光哲於每篇選文設計了「解題」與「延伸閱讀」兩個單元:前者摘述各文論說主旨 、解釋其時代或思想脈絡,期可有助於讀者掌握殷海光的論說要旨與背景;後者舉列相關主題的殷海光原著及研究成果,以便讀者按圖索驥,追查考究。本書並選刊相關圖片,以文圖並茂的方式,增加閱讀的興趣。初次「接觸」 、「閱讀」殷海光的讀者,本書應是打開殷海光的思想世界的第一扇窗。.
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  25.  6
    On the Factivity Problem for Contextualism.Chih-Yun Yin - forthcoming - Acta Analytica:1-15.
    A number of commentators have argued that epistemic contextualism faces the factivity problem, which is the problem that contextualism, together with some plausible epistemic principles, will lead to a contradiction. In this paper, I argue that on three variants of contextualism, two of the premises of the factivity problem are incompatible. Thus, the factivity problem is dissolved in the sense that contextualism does not lead to such a contradiction.
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  26. The Quantified Argument Calculus with Two- and Three-valued Truth-valuational Semantics.Hongkai Yin & Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2022 - Studia Logica 111 (2):281-320.
    We introduce a two-valued and a three-valued truth-valuational substitutional semantics for the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). We then prove that the 2-valid arguments are identical to the 3-valid ones with strict-to-tolerant validity. Next, we introduce a Lemmon-style Natural Deduction system and prove the completeness of Quarc on both two- and three-valued versions, adapting Lindenbaum’s Lemma to truth-valuational semantics. We proceed to investigate the relations of three-valued Quarc and the Predicate Calculus (PC). Adding a logical predicate T to Quarc, true of (...)
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  27. Fa hsüeh hsü lun.Yin'en Cai - 1959
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  28.  46
    Studies of Japanese Society and Culture: Sociology and Cognate Disciplines in Hong Kong.Yin-wah Chu - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 13 (2):201-221.
    This paper reviews the studies of Japanese society and culture undertaken by Hong Kong-based sociologists and scholars in related disciplines. It presents information on research projects funded by the Research Grants Council, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) journal articles, authored and edited books, book chapters, non-SSCI and non-A&HCI journal articles, as well as master and doctoral theses written by scholars and graduate students associated with Hong Kong's major universities. It is found that the (...)
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  29.  32
    The Earliest Chinese Translation of Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid.Yinli Ge - 2019 - Cultura 16 (2):89-104.
    In 1908, the first and second chapters of Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid were first translated into Chinese by Li Shizeng, greatly influencing Chinese anarchists. Li Shizeng followed Kropotkin’s scientific argument of anarchism and strengthened the viewpoint for praising “public” and suppressing “private”. When translating Kropotkin’s thoughts, Li Shizeng focused on political revolution, glossing over the criticism of the capitalist economy, and barely referenced Kropotkin’s original anarchist communist ideology.
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  30.  12
    Do You Want to Be a Human Being?(1958).Yin Haiguang - 2001 - In Stephen C. Angle & Marina Svensson, Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe. pp. 229.
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  31.  14
    Analysis of Revenue Incentive Dynamic Mechanism of Financial Supply Chain from the Perspective of the Internet of Things.Yue Yin - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    With the rapid development of society, all walks of life need the support of the Internet of Things, and the financial industry is no exception. This article integrates blockchain technology with supply chain finance and builds a supply chain financial alliance architecture based on blockchain technology and an underlying model of the Ethereum blockchain system suitable for supply chain finance. We innovated new supply chain finance models and operating mechanisms and proposed business scenarios for supply chain finance from the perspective (...)
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  32.  28
    Neutralization and homophony avoidance in phonological learning.Sora Heng Yin & James White - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):89-101.
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  33.  80
    Neural evidence for the use of digit-image mnemonic in a superior memorist: an fMRI study.Li-Jun Yin, Yu-Ting Lou, Ming-Xia Fan, Zhao-Xin Wang & Yi Hu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  34. Lo chi hsin yin.Haiguang Yin - 1955
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  35.  15
    The Interplay of EFL Students’ Enjoyment, Hope, Pride and Self-Regulation.Xuehong Yin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Nowadays, emotions are among the most significant issues in the route of learning a language that should be taken into consideration. Consistent with the fundamental function of positive psychology and also the theory of broaden-and-build, enjoyment in language learning especially the foreign language is among those positive emotions that encourage EFL learners to develop their perspective to achieve. Efforts to apprehend and develop the academic achievement of EFL learners have also progressively concentrated on self-regulation as it boosts learners’ enjoyment, hope, (...)
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  36.  29
    A Multilevel Analysis of Job Characteristics, Emotion Regulation, and Teacher Well-Being: A Job Demands-Resources Model.Hongbiao Yin, Shenghua Huang & Lijie Lv - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  37. Shen mei shi bu.Yin Guo - 1984 - Xi'an: Shanxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  38.  7
    Jiu shi se: Zhongguo chuan tong se cai feng shang.Yin Qu - 2021 - Xi'an Shi: Shanxi ren min chu ban she.
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  39.  53
    (1 other version)Soviet “new political thinking”: Reflections on the issues of peace and war, war and politics.Xicheng Yin - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 38 (1):105-109.
  40.  28
    Embeddings of p/fin into borel equivalence relations between ℓp and ℓq.Zhi Yin - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (3):917-939.
  41.  28
    Adaptive Neural Network Sliding Mode Control for Quad Tilt Rotor Aircraft.Yanchao Yin, Hongwei Niu & Xiaobao Liu - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
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  42.  46
    Collide or Collaborate: The Interplay of Competing Logics and Institutional Work in Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Juelin Yin & Dima Jamali - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):673-694.
    An increasing body of institutional research has examined organizations’ response to conflicting institutional logics, but few studies have looked into how cross-sector organizational actors experiencing institutional complexity strategize their response mechanisms to create value in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We conduct a comparative case study of nine social partnerships between multinational companies (MNCs) and nonprofits in China. We identify a partnership logic among the value-creating partnerships where partners guided by an either/and mindset take joint ownership of the (...)
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  43.  50
    Epistemic values of quantity and variety of evidence in biological mechanism research.Yin Chung Au - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-22.
    This paper proposes an extended version of the interventionist account for causal inference in the practical context of biological mechanism research. This paper studies the details of biological mechanism researchers’ practices of assessing the evidential legitimacy of experimental data, arguing why quantity and variety are two important criteria for this assessment. Because of the nature of biological mechanism research, the epistemic values of these two criteria result from the independence both between the causation of data generation and the causation in (...)
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  44.  19
    A task-oriented taxonomy of visual completion.Carol Yin - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):780-781.
    Differences and similarities between modal and amodal completions can only be understood by considering the goals of visual completion: unity, shape, and perceptual quality. Pessoa et al. cannot reject representational accounts of vision because of flaws with isomorphic representations of perceptual quality: representations and processes for perceptual quality (modal completion) and most likely dissociable from those for unity and shape (nonmodal completions).
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  45.  27
    From Montague to Neo-Confucianism: Feng Youlan’s “New Lixue” and Logical Analysis.Yin Lujun - 1994 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 21 (3-4):337-361.
  46.  7
    Laozi wei dao.Han Yin - 2005 - Lanzhou Shi: Gansu wen hua chu ban she. Edited by Laozi.
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  47.  32
    Philosophy of Gongcheng (Engineering): A Chinese Field Philosophy Case Study.Wenjuan Yin - 2020 - Social Epistemology 35 (4):358-367.
    Under the influence of natural science, twentieth century philosophy departed from its Socratic heritage and increasingly isolated itself within the discipline. This new disciplinary way of doing p...
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  48. Rethinking student outcomes : constructing predicted and adjusted graduation and retention rates for comprehensive universities.Michelle Lu Yin - 2015 - In Mark Schneider & K. C. Deane, The university next door: what is a comprehensive university, who does it educate, and can it survive? New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.
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  49.  41
    Attractiveness Modulates Neural Processing of Infant Faces Differently in Males and Females.Lijun Yin, Mingxia Fan, Lijia Lin, Delin Sun & Zhaoxin Wang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  50.  31
    Are Empowered Employees More Proactive? The Contingency of How They Evaluate Their Leader.Yin Kui, Xing Lu, Li Can & Guo Yungui - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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