Results for 'Yani Zhang'

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  1.  23
    Ethnobotanical profiles of wild edible plants recorded from Mongolia by Yunatov during 1940–1951.Yanying Zhang, Wurhan, Sachula, Yongmei & Khasbagan - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-25.
    Mongolian traditional botanical knowledge has been rarely researched concerning the ethnobotany theory and methodology in the last six decades ). However, most of the known literature of indigenous knowledge and information regarding the use of local wild plants among Mongolian herders was first documented by several botanical research of Russian researchers in Mongolia through the 1940s and 1950s. One of the most comprehensive works was completed by A. A. Yunatov, which is known as “Fodder Plants of Pastures and Hayfields of (...)
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    Xian Qin ren xue si xiang yan jiu: ru mo dao fa jia "ren" lun shuo lüe.Yanying Zhang - 2010 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Coordinated Depth Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles by Using Theory of Adaptive Sliding Mode.Yintao Wang & Yani Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    The influence of perceptual load on gaze-induced attentional orienting: The modulation of expectation.Zhijun Cheng, Tingkang Zhang, Saisai Hu, Yanying Tian, Jingjing Zhao & Yonghui Wang - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 113 (C):103543.
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    Thinking and Poetry: A Cross-Cultural Interpretation of the Existential Situation in Chinese and German Poetry from the Heideggerian Perspective.Zhang Qingxiong - 2018 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2018 (3):169-183.
    In Heidegger, “thinking” and “poetry” are inseparable, and the interpretation of poetry is an important approach for him to express his philosophical thinking. His phenomenological approach is a path to return to the things themselves, i.e, to see the facticity and understand the meaning of existence in the lived experience of existential situations. Themes such as “anxiety”, “alien”, “soul and Earth”, “words” can reveal the existential situations in Chinese and German poems through a cross-cultural interpretation from Heidegger’s perspective.
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    Diligence Creates Paths Amid Mountains of Books and Hard Work Makes a Ship in the Boundless Sea of Learning.Zhang Kunping - 2003 - Chinese Studies in History 37 (1):62-66.
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    Penitent Confession on the Xi 'an Incident'.Zhang Xueliang - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (3):64-76.
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    前言:COVID-19所引發的倫理議題再思考: Introduction: Another Moment for Reflection: Ethical Issues in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ellen Y. Zhang - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (1):1-8.
    影響全球的COVID-19已經進入第三年,在疫情時代或後疫情時代的種種爭論中,相關的倫理考量依然是學界關注的議題。本期的論文涉及具體的醫學倫理學問題,包括香港抗疫倫理焦點、ECMO的使用、疫情防控中的 道德兩難、現代科技大數據所引發的對個人隱私的焦慮、疫情處境中的善終和臨終關懷、審視傳統中醫學有關疫情控制的歷史研究、傳統墨家思想對現當下防疫管理的啟示作用。本期的論文的研究方法各有不同,包括哲學的、倫 理學的、實證的、歷史的、及比較的,其宗旨是引發人們對這些問題的反思和探討。.
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  9. War and peace according to Huang-Lao philosophy : based on the Huangdi sijing.Ellen Y. Zhang - 2024 - In Sumner B. Twiss, Bingxiang Luo & Benedict S. B. Chan, Warfare ethics in comparative perspective: China and the West. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  10.  26
    Chinese Philosophy as a Kind of Field Philosophy.Zhang Wei - 2020 - Social Epistemology 35 (4):416-425.
    Chinese philosophy is practical in orientation. This practical orientation is consistent with field philosophy, which aims to break the disciplinary mode of knowledge production and establish inter...
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    Facebook Influence Among Incoming College Freshmen: Sticky Cues and Alcohol.Megan Moreno, Jens Eickhoff, Chong Zhang & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (1-2):13-20.
    Alcohol displays on Facebook are ever present and can be socially desirable for college students. Because problematic drinking is a concern for college students, this research sought to understand how different types of information on a Facebook page influence first year college student likelihood to drink. Telephone interviews were conducted with 338 incoming college freshmen from two large national universities. Data were obtained from a vignette prompt that presented a scenario in which a senior college student’s Facebook profile displayed wall (...)
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  12.  22
    Right Temporoparietal Junction Plays a Role in the Modulation of Emotional Mimicry by Group Membership.Shenli Peng, Beibei Kuang, Ling Zhang & Ping Hu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Our prior research demonstrated that the right temporoparietal junction exerted a modulatory role in ingroup bias in emotional mimicry. In this study, two experiments were conducted to further explore whether the rTPJ is a neural region for emotional mimicry or for the modulation of emotional mimicry by group membership in a sham-controlled, double-blinded, between-subject design. Both experiments employed non-invasive transcranial direct current stimulation to temporarily change the cortical excitability over the rTPJ and facial electromyography to measure facial muscle activations as (...)
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  13.  12
    Logic-based subsumption architecture.Eyal Amir & Pedrito Maynard-Zhang - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 153 (1-2):167-237.
  14.  9
    Dao yi bian.Minzheng Cheng, Tong Cheng & Jian Zhang (eds.) - 2007 - Hefei Shi: Anhui ren min chu ban she.
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  15.  7
    Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008.Fan Di'an & Zhang Ga (eds.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    The artworks in 'Synthetic Times' explore a trajectory of uncanny visions ranging from the desire to transcend the corporal to the construction of synthetic worlds.
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  16.  62
    Community service, educational performance and social responsibility in Northwest China.Renfu Luo, Yaojiang Shi, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Hongbin Li, Scott Rozelle & Brian Sharbono - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (2):181-202.
    The main goal of this paper is to analyse the effect of high school scholarships tied to community service on the development of secondary school students in Northwest China. Using data from three rounds of surveys of thousands of students in 298 classes in 75 high schools in Shaanxi province, the paper documents the implementation of the Compassionate Heart Scholars Program and evaluates the effect of the programme on the educational performance, self‐esteem, self‐efficacy and social responsibility of the participants. We (...)
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  17.  37
    Probabilistic workflow mining.Ricardo Silva, Jiji Zhang & James G. Shanshan - unknown
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  18.  17
    Correction to: On the hermeneutics of screen time.Jesper Aagaard, Emma Steninge & Yibin Zhang - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-1.
    In the Original publication of the article the revised date was erroneously published as: 20 August 2017 the correct date is: 20 August 2020.
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  19.  33
    Asymmetric Transfer of Auditory Perceptual Learning.Sygal Amitay, Yu-Xuan Zhang & David R. Moore - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  20.  7
    Nitchūkan shisōka handobukku: jisshin jitsugaku o kizuita 99-nin.Haruhisa Ogawa, Jian Zhang & ŏN-Jong Kim (eds.) - 2015 - Tōkyō: Bensei Shuppan.
    東アジア共通の知の基盤を創った99人。日本・中国・韓国の3か国から各33名、近世の代表的思想家を紹介。単なる技術の学ではなく、儒学を基調として、自己修養や自然への畏敬など「心」を重んじる実心実学思想は 、東アジア世界の独自かつ共通の知的達成であった。近代以降を席巻した西洋の知的体系が大きな見直しを迫られるいま、東アジア独自の知の源泉を再認識する。.
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  21.  17
    Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment may has a lower risk of cognitive decline after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: A retrospective cohort study.Hutao Xie, Quan Zhang, Yin Jiang, Yutong Bai & Jianguo Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943472.
    BackgroundThe cognitive outcomes induced by subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) remain unclear, especially in PD patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This study explored the cognitive effects of STN-DBS in PD patients with MCI.MethodsThis was a retrospective cohort study that included 126 PD patients who underwent STN-DBS; all patients completed cognitive and motor assessments before and at least 6 months after surgery. Cognitive changes were mainly evaluated by the Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) scale and the seven specific MoCA domains, (...)
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  22. Zhe xue yuan li zi xue du ben.Xianpeng Meng & Min Zhang (eds.) - 1984 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  23.  6
    `Also' as a Discourse Marker: Its Use in Disjunctive and Disaffiliative Environments.Hansun Zhang Waring - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (3):415-436.
    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the intricate operation of the adverb `also' in actual interaction at a level of detail that dictionary definitions have failed to capture. Using primarily a conversation analytic framework in examining two data corpora, which include a series of graduate seminar discussions and television roundtable discussions, I argue that the semantic features of `also' are strategically deployed to accomplish complex interactional goals in a disjunctive or disaffiliative environment. In a disjunctive environment, `also' can (...)
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  24.  8
    Xian dai xi fang zhe xue ci dian.Jisong Xia & Jiwu Zhang (eds.) - 1987 - [Hefei shi]: Anhui sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  25.  41
    A Behavioural Study on the Influences of Confucianism in Chinese Society.Helal Uddin Ahmed & Zhang Jielin - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:109-132.
    Confucius is considered to be a great philosopher and educator in Chinese society and one of the greatest scholars ever in world history. He was the founder of Confucianism, which constitutes a major part of traditional Chinese culture and made tremendous contribution to the unfolding of Chinese civilization over the centuries. In this study, the authors have presented a comprehensive outline of Confucianism and have attempted to gauge the attitude of contemporary Chinese people towards Confucian concepts, values and attributes as (...)
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  26.  19
    Deep ChaosNet for Action Recognition in Videos.Huafeng Chen, Maosheng Zhang, Zhengming Gao & Yunhong Zhao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-5.
    Current methods of chaos-based action recognition in videos are limited to the artificial feature causing the low recognition accuracy. In this paper, we improve ChaosNet to the deep neural network and apply it to action recognition. First, we extend ChaosNet to deep ChaosNet for extracting action features. Then, we send the features to the low-level LSTM encoder and high-level LSTM encoder for obtaining low-level coding output and high-level coding results, respectively. The agent is a behavior recognizer for producing recognition results. (...)
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  27.  11
    Zuo yi li chang yu bei ju wen hua.Kang Chen & Yongqing Zhang (eds.) - 2014 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Visual Form Perception Can Be a Cognitive Correlate of Lower Level Math Categories for Teenagers.Jiaxin Cui, Yiyun Zhang, Dazhi Cheng, Dawei Li & Xinlin Zhou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Shi jie: Ouzhou yu Yazhou de gong tong zhe xue zhi qu = World monde welt.Guanmin Huang & Guoxian Zhang (eds.) - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Zheng da chu ban she.
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  30.  22
    Commodity Image Classification Based on Improved Bag-of-Visual-Words Model.Huadong Sun, Xu Zhang, Xiaowei Han, Xuesong Jin & Zhijie Zhao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    With the increasing scale of e-commerce, the complexity of image content makes commodity image classification face great challenges. Image feature extraction often determines the quality of the final classification results. At present, the image feature extraction part mainly includes the underlying visual feature and the intermediate semantic feature. The intermediate semantics of the image acts as a bridge between the underlying features and the advanced semantics of the image, which can make up for the semantic gap to a certain extent (...)
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  31.  18
    Feature Recognition of Crop Growth Information in Precision Farming.Hanqing Sun, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhou Yu & Gang Xi - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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  32.  46
    Application of Data Mining Technology on Surveillance Report Data of HIV/AIDS High-Risk Group in Urumqi from 2009 to 2015.Dandan Tang, Man Zhang, Jiabo Xu, Xueliang Zhang, Fang Yang, Huling Li, Li Feng, Kai Wang & Yujian Zheng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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  33.  18
    The Use of Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Music Signal Identification and Generation Technology in National Music Teaching.Hui Tang, Yiyao Zhang & Qiuying Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The research expects to explore the application of intelligent music recognition technology in music teaching. Based on the Long Short-Term Memory network knowledge, an algorithm model which can distinguish various music signals and generate various genres of music is designed and implemented. First, by analyzing the application of machine learning and deep learning in the field of music, the algorithm model is designed to realize the function of intelligent music generation, which provides a theoretical basis for relevant research. Then, by (...)
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  34.  20
    Q-Matrix Designs of Longitudinal Diagnostic Classification Models With Hierarchical Attributes for Formative Assessment.Wei Tian, Jiahui Zhang, Qian Peng & Xiaoguang Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Longitudinal diagnostic classification models (DCMs) with hierarchical attributes can characterize learning trajectories in terms of the transition between attribute profiles for formative assessment. A longitudinal DCM for hierarchical attributes was proposed by imposing model constraints on the transition DCM. To facilitate the applications of longitudinal DCMs, this paper explored the critical topic of the Q-matrix design with a simulation study. The results suggest that including the transpose of the R-matrix in the Q-matrix improved the classification accuracy; ten-item tests measuring three (...)
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  35. Xing shi luo ji.Hongdi Tian & Jing Zhang (eds.) - 1986 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ke xue ji shu chu ban she.
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  36.  43
    Order algebras as models of linear logic.Constantine Tsinakis & Han Zhang - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (2):201 - 225.
    The starting point of the present study is the interpretation of intuitionistic linear logic in Petri nets proposed by U. Engberg and G. Winskel. We show that several categories of order algebras provide equivalent interpretations of this logic, and identify the category of the so called strongly coherent quantales arising in these interpretations. The equivalence of the interpretations is intimately related to the categorical facts that the aforementioned categories are connected with each other via adjunctions, and the compositions of the (...)
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  37.  13
    Industry Development Tendency and Innovation Strategy Preference of Five Typical Industries under the Background of Low-Carbon Sustainable Development in China.Yanhong Tu, Leilei Zhang & Xue Li - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-11.
    This paper tries to investigate the future development tendency of five typical industries in China and find out whether there exists a different innovation strategy preference between Chinese firms of low- and high-knowledge density industry in the background of low-carbon sustainable development. First, this paper finds that the innovation driven-based trend of industrial development is further accelerated in China. Firms in industries with high knowledge and technology density, such as specialized-supplier, scale-intensive, and science-based industries, are more likely to choose exploratory (...)
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    Good fuzzy preorders on fuzzy power structures.Hongliang Lai & Dexue Zhang - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (4):469-489.
    This paper deals with good fuzzy preorders on fuzzy power structures. It is shown that a fuzzy preorder R on an algebra ${(X,\mathbb{F})}$ is compatible if and only if it is Hoare good, if and only if it is Smyth good.
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  39.  19
    Stable Anatomy Detection in Multimodal Imaging Through Sparse Group Regularization: A Comparative Study of Iron Accumulation in the Aging Brain.Matthew Pietrosanu, Li Zhang, Peter Seres, Ahmed Elkady, Alan H. Wilman, Linglong Kong & Dana Cobzas - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Multimodal neuroimaging provides a rich source of data for identifying brain regions associated with disease progression and aging. However, present studies still typically analyze modalities separately or aggregate voxel-wise measurements and analyses to the structural level, thus reducing statistical power. As a central example, previous works have used two quantitative MRI parameters—R2* and quantitative susceptibility —to study changes in iron associated with aging in healthy and multiple sclerosis subjects, but failed to simultaneously account for both. In this article, we propose (...)
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  40. Solid Tumour Section.Julia A. Ross & Xuchen Zhang - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    Visual perception and regulatory conflict: Motivation and physiology influence distance perception.Shana Cole, Emily Balcetis & Sam Zhang - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):18.
  42.  8
    Makesi zhu yi wen hua zhe xue yu xian dai xing =.Lizhi Huang & Chunmei Zhang (eds.) - 2006 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
  43.  31
    NTU core, TU core and strong equilibria of coalitional population games with infinitely many pure strategies.Zhe Yang & Haiqun Zhang - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (2):155-170.
    Inspired by Scarf, Zhao, Sandholm and Yang and Zhang, we introduce the model of coalitional population games with infinitely many pure strategies, and define the notions of NTU core and TU core for coalitional population games. We next prove the existence results for NTU cores and TU cores. Furthermore, as an extension of the NTU core, we introduce the notion of strong equilibria and prove the existence theorem of strong equilibria.
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  44.  18
    Processing Facial Expressions That Conflict With Their Meanings to an Observer: An Event Related Potential Study.Qiwei Yang, Yuping Zhang, Jianfeng Wang & Yan Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45.  15
    Asymptotic Behavior of the Kirchhoff Type Stochastic Plate Equation on Unbounded Domains.Xiaobin Yao & Zhang Zhang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    In this paper, we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Kirchhoff type stochastic plate equation driven by additive noise defined on unbounded domains. We first prove the uniform estimates of solutions and then establish the existence and upper semicontinuity of random attractors.
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  46.  26
    Adaptive Finite-Time Disturbance Observer Based Sliding Mode Control for Dual-Motor Driving System.Tianyi Zeng, Xuemei Ren & Yao Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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  47.  12
    Emotion Analysis and Happiness Evaluation for Graduates During Employment.Lanlv Hang, Tianfeng Zhang & Na Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Happiness can be regarded as an evaluation of life satisfaction. A high level of wellbeing can promote self-fulfillment and build a rational, peaceful, self-esteem, self-confidence, and positive social mentality. Therefore, the analysis of the factors of happiness is of great significance for the continuous improvement of the individual’s sense of security and gain and the realization of the maximization of self-worth. Emotion is not only an important internal factor that affects happiness, but it can also accurately reflect the individual’s happiness. (...)
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  48.  22
    The Relationship Between Neuroticism Fit and General Well-Being: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Resilience.Ran Hao, Huan Dong, Ruili Zhang, Ping Li, Peng Zhang, Meng Zhang & Jie Hu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Measurement of the Vertical Spatial Metaphor of Power Concepts Using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure.Bao Hong, Lu Zhang & Hongri Sun - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dialogical Consciousness and Descriptive Experience Sampling: Implications for the Study of Intrapersonal Communication in Sport.Judy L. Van Raalte, Andrew Vincent & Yani L. Dickens - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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