Results for 'Xiaoxing Qi'

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  1.  47
    A framework for a regional integrated food security early warning system: a case study of the Dongting Lake area in China.Xiaoxing Qi, Laiyuan Zhong & Liming Liu - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):315-329.
    Understanding the regional food security situation is of great importance to maintaining China’s food security. To provide targeted information to help regional policymakers monitor food security status, based on the differentiated foci during the phased development of food security, this paper was conceived from the perspective of the need for early warnings and proposes a framework for regional integrated food security that incorporates food quantity security, food quality security, and sustainable food security. In this framework, an indicator system is proposed, (...)
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  2. Explanationism and the awareness of logical truths.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-7.
    In Appearance and Explanation, McCain and Moretti propose a novel internalist account of epistemic justification called phenomenal explanationism, which combines phenomenal conservatism and explanationism. I argue that the current version of phenomenal explanationism faces a dilemma: either it omits the awareness requirement but implies an implausible form of logical-mathematical omniscience, or it preserves the requirement but leads to a vicious regress. I suggest how phenomenal explanationism might be revised to avoid this dilemma.
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  3. Closure, deduction and hinge commitments.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 15):3533-3551.
    Duncan Pritchard recently proposed a Wittgensteinian solution to closure-based skepticism. According to Wittgenstein, all epistemic systems assume certain truths. The notions that we are not disembodied brains, that the Earth has existed for a long time and that one’s name is such-and-such all function as “hinge commitments.” Pritchard views a hinge commitment as a positive propositional attitude that is not a belief. Because closure principles concern only knowledge-apt beliefs, they do not apply to hinge commitments. Thus, from the fact that (...)
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  4. Translation and transmutation: the Origin of Species in China.Xiaoxing Jin - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (1):117-141.
    Darwinian ideas were developed and radically transformed when they were transmitted to the alien intellectual background of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century China. The earliest references to Darwin in China appeared in the 1870s through the writings of Western missionaries who provided the Chinese with the earliest information on evolutionary doctrines. Meanwhile, Chinese ambassadors, literati and overseas students contributed to the dissemination of evolutionary ideas, with modest effect. The ‘evolutionary sensation’ in China was generated by the Chinese Spencerian Yan Fu’s (...)
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  5. Gradable know-how.Xiaoxing Zhang - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The gradation of know-how is a prominent challenge to intellectualism. Know-how is prima facie gradable, whereas know-that is not, so the former is unlikely to be a species of the latter. Recently, Pavese refuted this challenge by explaining the gradation of know-how as concerning either the quantity or the quality of practical answers one knows to a question. Know-how per se remains absolute. This paper argues, however, that in addition to the quantity and quality of practical answers, know-how also differs (...)
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  6. Phenomenal concepts and the speckled hen.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2016 - Analysis 76 (4):422-426.
    Feldman proposed a solution to the speckled hen problem via ‘phenomenal concepts’, a solution which Fumerton accepted with reservation. Notwithstanding the existing criticisms of Feldman as being over-intellectualist, I argue that his approach fails for other reasons.
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  7. Feng Qi xue shu.Qi Feng & Weiping Chen - 1999 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang ren min chu ban she. Edited by Weiping Chen.
  8. The gradation puzzle of intellectual assurance.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2021 - Analysis 81 (3):488-496.
    The Cartesian thesis that some justifications are infallible faces a gradation puzzle. On the one hand, infallible justification tolerates absolutely no possibility for error. On the other hand, infallible justifications can vary in evidential force: e.g. two persons can both be infallible regarding their pains while the one with stronger pain is nevertheless more justified. However, if a type of justification is gradable in strength, why can it always be absolute? This paper explores the potential of this gradation challenge by (...)
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  9.  29
    我思与怀疑的语境.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2018 - 哲学研究 (12).
    "我思"是笛卡尔《第一哲学沉思集》的阿基米德点,也是当代哲学众多议题的源头。在笛卡尔看来,我思不可怀疑,而当代哲学对我思的关注也往往基于我思的确定性。根据对笛卡尔的经典解释,我思不 可怀疑的原因在于其背后的自我意识结构:沉思者为追寻确定的知识而怀疑了感知、悬置了数学,并最终发现怀疑中的思想本身不可怀疑。然而,我思自我意识的经典解释并非自明,它对应于自我检验的"独白&qu ot;式怀疑语境。除独白之外,怀疑也能发生在笛卡尔和怀疑论者的"公共对话"之中。本文从语境的角度探讨"我思"和怀疑之间的种种关联,并指出自我意识的经典视角对解释 我思的核心特征并无显著优势。在现当代哲学的开端,我思有着难以抹消的歧义。.
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    确定性与梯度——富莫尔顿亲历理论的困境.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2022 - 哲学研究 (1).
    传统内在基础主义于近年的知识论研究中有所复兴。该理论的核心论点之一,是人类具有确定无疑的认知辩护。富莫尔顿尤其尝试以亲历理论解释确定辩护。可惜,确定辩护会受到来自“梯度”现象的挑战。针对梯度挑战,富莫 尔顿曾先后提出“事实性”“典型案例”“语义模糊”三个应对策略。本文将分别考察这三个策略,并指明其不足。.
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    The Evolution of Evolutionism in China, 1870–1930.Xiaoxing Jin - 2020 - Isis 111 (1):46-66.
    The earliest references to Darwin in China, which came by way of the network of Protestant missionaries, emerged in the early 1870s: the principle of general transformism and ideas about human origins were transmitted to the Chinese intellectual landscape. Only with the “evolutionary sensation” aroused by Yan Fu, in the mid-1890s, did Chinese readers begin to learn of Darwinian principles like the “struggle for existence” and “natural selection.” Translation of the Origin began much later, in 1902, and the initial effort (...)
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  12. Practical knowledge without practical expertise: the social cognitive extension via outsourcing.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (4):1255-1275.
    Practical knowledge is discussed in close relation to practical expertise. For both anti-intellectualists and intellectualists, the knowledge of how to φ is widely assumed to entail the practical expertise in φ-ing. This paper refutes this assumption. I argue that non-experts can know how to φ via other experts’ knowledge of φ-ing. Know-how can be ‘outsourced’. I defend the outsourceability of know-how, and I refute the objections that reduce outsourced know-how to the knowledge of how to ask for help, of how (...)
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    Cartesian epistemology: an introduction.Xiaoxing Zhang, Jean-Baptiste Rauzy & Stefano Cossara - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):4667-4669.
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    The paradox of the diffusiveness of power.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2489-2500.
    Although the topic of basic act is controversial, theorists of agency normally agree that complex performances are based on comparatively simple ones. To the extent that we can attribute powers to agents over various tasks, it is also plausible to suppose that our powers over complex tasks are based on powers over the simple. Chisholm once formulated this idea in terms of the principle of the diffusiveness of power. In the present paper, however, we shall argue that the principle which (...)
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  15.  8
    China in the 20th century.Xiaoxing Liu - 2009 - In Jesús de Garay Jacinto Choza, Estado, Derecho y Religión en Oriente y Occidente. Plaza y Valdés Editores. pp. 71--82.
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    Numerical study of structural evolution in shear band.Xiaoxing Liu, Aurélie Papon & Hans Muhlhaus - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3501-3519.
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    (1 other version)Correction to: Closure, deduction and hinge commitments.Xiaoxing Zhang - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-1.
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    Zhongguo yi shu jing shen: hua ti de ti chu ji qi zhuan huan: Tai Gang ji hai wai xin ru xue de mei xue guan zhao.Qi Sun - 2012 - Beijing: Shi jie tu shu chu ban gong si.
    本书从唐君毅先生提出的“中国艺术精神”开始论述,分析了中国艺术精神的多层面向进而深入分析其阐释的意义;继而,本书对徐复观先生深入的研究进行了解读和探索,一直延续到今日学界的研究和探索,并对“中国艺术精 神”在世纪之交时发生的转向给出了结论.
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  19. The Verifiability of Daoist Somatic Mystical Experience.Wen Chen & Xiaoxing Zhang - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Mystical religious experiences typically purport to engage with the transcendent and often claim to involve encounters with spiritual entities or a detachment from the material world. Daoism diverges from this paradigm. This paper examines Daoist mystical experiences of bodily transformations and explores their epistemological implications. Specifically, we defend the justificatory power of Daoist somatic experiences against the disanalogy objection. The disanalogy objection posits that mystical experiences, in contrast to sense perceptions, are not socially verifiable and thereby lack prima facie epistemic (...)
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  20. Kitāb al-Tajrīd al-shāfī ʻalá Tadhhīb al-manṭiq al-kāfī: wa-hiya Ḥāshiyat al-ʻAllāmah al-muḥaqiq al-Dasūqī ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-Khabīṣī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq lil-Taftāzānī allatī jarradahā al-Dardīr.Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʻArafah Dasūqī - 1911 - Miṣr: Maṭbaʻat Kurdistān al-ʻIlmīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī, Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī & Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʻArafah Dasūqī.
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    Li lun, fang fa he de xing: ji nian Feng Qi.Qi Feng (ed.) - 1996 - Shanghai Shi: Fa xing Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo.
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  22. Perceiving God like an Angel.Wen Chen & Xiaoxing Zhang - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Mystical experiences are often regarded as potential sources of epistemic justification for religious beliefs. However, the ‘disanalogy objection’ maintains that, in contrast to sense perceptions, mystical experiences lack social verifiability and are thus merely subjective states that cannot substantiate objective truths. This article explores a novel externalist response that involves the concept of angels. As spiritual beings, angels can directly perceive God and verify these perceptions in their celestial community. Thus, the ‘direct perception of God’ is not inherently incapable of (...)
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  23. Li Qi ji.Qi Li - 2003 - Beijing: Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian.
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    Qianlong xin chou Qian Qi zhuang yuan juan.Qi Qian - 2017 - Suzhou: Gu Wu xuan chu ban she. Edited by Qianlong.
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    Influence of Music on the Behaviors of Crowd in Urban Open Public Spaces.Qi Meng, Tingting Zhao & Jian Kang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  26.  49
    A hierarchy of ramsey cardinals.Qi Feng - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 49 (3):257-277.
    Assuming the existence of a measurable cardinal, we define a hierarchy of Ramsey cardinals and a hierarchy of normal filters. We study some combinatorial properties of this hierarchy. We show that this hierarchy is absolute with respect to the Dodd-Jensen core model, extending a result of Mitchell which says that being Ramsey is absolute with respect to the core model.
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    Hierarchical organization in visual working memory: From global ensemble to individual object structure.Qi-Yang Nie, Hermann J. Müller & Markus Conci - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):85-96.
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  28. Investigating the Psychology of Financial Markets During COVID-19 Era: A Case Study of the US and European Markets.Khurram Shehzad, Liu Xiaoxing, Muhammad Arif, Khaliq Ur Rehman & Muhammad Ilyas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:1-13.
    The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has imperatively shaken the behavior of the global financial markets. This study estimated the impact of COVID-19 on the behavior of the financial markets of Europe and the US. The results revealed that the returns of the S&P 500 index have been greatly affected by a lockdown in the US owing to COVID-19. However, the health crisis generated due to the novel coronavirus significantly decreased the stock returns of the Nasdaq Composite index. The results also showed (...)
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  29. Fiqh al-ithbāt fī al-qānūn wa-al-sharīʻah al-Islāmīyah: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah taṭbīqīyah muqāranah: al-mabādiʼ al-ʻāṢiddīq ʻAbd al-Bāqī - 2005 - al-Kharṭūm: Dār ʻAzzah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Green IT practice disclosure.Qi Deng, Shaobo Ji & Yun Wang - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (2):145-164.
    As an enabler of environmental sustainability, Green information technology (IT) has become an emerging topic of interest in both academic and business communities. Despite its importance, confusions exist in the content and scope of Green IT practice. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current state of Green IT practice.,First 14 widely accepted Green IT practice topics were identified from prior research and a taxonomy was developed to categorize them. Using the content analysis method, these (...)
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    How Leader-Member Exchange Affects Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Understanding the Effects of Commitment and Employee Characteristics.Qi Hao, Yijun Shi & Weiguo Yang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Nature, Engagement, Empathy: Yijing as a Chinese Ecological Aesthetics.Qi Li & John Ryan - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (3):343-364.
    The ancient aesthetics of yijing has played a crucial role in traditional Chinese philosophy, literature and art since the eighth century CE. Defined variously by early and contemporary writers, yijing links an artist's emotional domain to objects in the world. This article conceptualises yijing as an ecological aesthetics and distinguishes it from an environmental aesthetics. In particular, two aspects of yijing render it an eco-aesthetics: subject–object correspondence (or ‘engagement'); and empathic identification with the environment (or ‘bio-empathy'). Three brief case studies (...)
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  33.  50
    Inhibition drives configural superiority of illusory Gestalt: Combined behavioral and drift–diffusion model evidence.Qi-Yang Nie, Mara Maurer, Hermann J. Müller & Markus Conci - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):150-162.
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    COVID-19 and Spillover Effect of Global Economic Crisis on the United States’ Financial Stability.Khurram Shehzad, Liu Xiaoxing, Faik Bilgili & Emrah Koçak - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown engendered has had a vicious impact on the global economy. This analysis’ prime intention is to evaluate the impact of the United States’ economic and health crisis as a result of COVID-19 on its financial stability. Additionally, the investigation analyzed the spillover impact of the worldwide economic slowdown experienced by COVID-19 on the United States’ financial volatility. The study applied an autoregressive distributed lag model and discovered that the economic and health crises (...)
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  35. Judhūr al-maʻrifah ʻinda Ibn Khaldūn.Muḥammad Bulmazūqīyah - 1989 - [Morocco: [S.N.].
  36. Muqaddimah-i ʻilm-i akhlāq.Salāḥ al-Din Saljūqī - 1952
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    Social attention directs working memory maintenance.Qi-Yang Nie, Xiaowei Ding, Jianyong Chen & Markus Conci - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):85-94.
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    Yi shu di she hui xue jie shi: Puliehannuofu mei xue si xiang shu ping = Yishu de shehuixue jieshi.Qi Ma - 1988 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she. Edited by Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov.
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  39. Yi shu zhe xue lun gao.Qi Ma - 1985 - Taiyuan: Shanxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  40. Hume's Theory of Obligation: Morality between Nature and Artifice.Xiao Qi - 2025 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews
    Hume’s account of obligation has been widely discussed in the literature, but many aspects of his conception of obligation, including its definition, taxonomy, and scope, are still subjects of interpretative controversy. Some scholars read his concept of moral obligation as denoting a determining motive in regard to moral values, while some read it as identical to the approbation of virtue which cannot motivate by itself. I argue against both views in this thesis. The primary concern of Hume’s account of obligation, (...)
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  41.  25
    Being American, being Asian: The bicultural self and autobiographical memory in Asian Americans.Qi Wang - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):743-751.
  42.  25
    COVID-19 Induced Economic Slowdown and Mental Health Issues.Yimiao Gong, Xiaoxing Liu, Yongbo Zheng, Huan Mei, Jianyu Que, Kai Yuan, Wei Yan, Shiqiu le ShiMeng, Yanping Bao & Lin Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has pressed a pause button on global economic development, and induced significant mental health problems. In order to demonstrate the progressed relationship between the pandemic, economic slowdown, and mental health burden, we overviewed the global-level gross domestic product changes and mental problems variation since the outbreak of COVID-19, and reviewed comprehensively the specific sectors influenced by the pandemic, including international trade, worldwide travel, education system, healthcare system, and individual employment. We hope to provide timely evidence to help (...)
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  43. Epistemic Contextualism: A Defense, by Baumann, Peter: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. x + 265, £45. [REVIEW]Xiaoxing Zhang - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):398-401.
  44.  31
    The Fate of Childhood Memories: Children Postdated Their Earliest Memories as They Grew Older.Qi Wang & Carole Peterson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  45.  13
    Kinsei Nihon no minshū kyōka to Min Shin seiyu.Xiaoxing Yin - 2021 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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    Are Asians forgetful? Perception, retention, and recall in episodic remembering.Qi Wang - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):123-131.
  47.  82
    Optimal Policies for the Pricing and Replenishment of Fashion Apparel considering the Effect of Fashion Level.Qi Chen, Qi Xu & Wenjie Wang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
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    Research on Face Recognition Method by Autoassociative Memory Based on RNNs.Qi Han, Zhengyang Wu, Shiqin Deng, Ziqiang Qiao, Junjian Huang, Junjie Zhou & Jin Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    萨都剌诗词选译.Qi Guo & Hao Cheng - 1994 - Chengdu: Sichuan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Hao Cheng & Yi Cheng.
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    A Study of the Common Aesthetic Character of Chinese Calligraphy and Dance.Ren Na1 He Qi - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 3:019.
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