Results for 'Xiaolin Mei'

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  1.  17
    Temporal recalibration in vision requires location-based binding.Li Gu, Xiaolin Mei, Qian Wu, Yingyu Huang & Xiang Wu - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104510.
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    Study on Influencing Factors of Micro and Small Enterprises’ Work Safety Behavior in Chinese High-Risk Industries.Wen Li, Xitao Ni, Xiaolin Zuo, Suxia Liu & Qiang Mei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Due to the limited work safety resources and the poor awareness of work safety from business owners with absolute decision-making power, safety accidents frequently occur in Chinese micro and small enterprises in high-risk industries. This study identifies the influencing factors of work safety behavior from MSEs, government safety supervision departments, and work safety service agencies. Based on the theory of planned behavior, the mechanism model of work safety behavior is built from the aspects of behavior attitude, subjective norms, behavior control (...)
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    Nitchū hikaku shisō joron: "mei" to "koto".Xiaolin Wang - 2016 - Tōkyō: Kyūko Shoin.
  4.  13
    Dang dai yi shu de shen mei zou xiang.Tianxing Wu, Yong Shen & Xiaolin Zheng (eds.) - 2016 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang ren min chu ban she.
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    Investigating the Impacts of Organizational Factors on Employees’ Unethical Behavior Within Organization in the Context of Chinese Firms.Xiaolin Lin, Paul F. Clay, Nick Hajli & Majid Dadgar - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):779-791.
    Unethical behavior is under-examined in the workplace. To date, few studies have attempted to explore the antecedents of an employee’s ethical decisions, particularly with respect to unethical behavior and its effects. To capture an employee’s psychological perception of unethical behavior in the workplace, this paper integrates organizational factors into the Theory of Reasoned Action. By conducting an empirical study in a Chinese firm, we found that codes of conduct and performance pressure have a significant influence on an employee’s attitude toward (...)
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  6.  61
    Gender Differences in How Family Income and Parental Education Relate to Reading Achievement in China: The Mediating Role of Parental Expectation and Parental Involvement.Xiaolin Guo, Bo Lv, Huan Zhou, Chunhui Liu, Juan Liu, Kexin Jiang & Liang Luo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  7.  13
    On existence of truthful fair cake cutting mechanisms.Xiaolin Bu, Jiaxin Song & Biaoshuai Tao - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103904.
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    Hsün-tzŭ on terminology.Y. P. Mei - 1951 - Philosophy East and West 1 (2):51-66.
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    What do players do in a game? A Habermasian perspective.Xiaolin Zhang, Emily Ryall & Andrew Edgar - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (3):311-328.
    By adopting Habermas’ communicative theory, this paper categorizes players’ actions into four elements. The strategic action involves players manipulating each other within the framework of a gameFootnote1; normative action is manifested in following the rules and the underlying ethos; dramaturgical action emerges through the players’ deliberate presentation of themselves to both participants and spectators; and communicative action reveals the purpose of a game as a way of being. The conceptualization of game actions leads to a qualitative redefinition of the perfect (...)
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  10. Xue shu ju ren yu li xing kun jing: Weibo, Babo, Habomasi.Xiaolin Chen - 1987 - Taibei Shi: Shi bao chu ban gong si.
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  11. Evaluating the Influencing Factors of TB Centralized Management in the Specialist Model.Xiaolin Wei - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (5):44-46.
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  12. Medical Expense and the Related Factors of Initial Treat Tuberculosis.Xiaolin Wei - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (5):41-43.
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  13.  14
    Confucian monotheism and its position.Zhang Xiaolin - 2006 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 4:031.
  14.  32
    Philosophy of Sports in China: An Overview of Its History and Academic Research.Xiaolin Zhang, Aiguang Zhou & Emily Ryall - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (4):556-571.
    The philosophy of sports is a relatively young discipline in China which we argue, can be divided into four stages of development over the past four decades. This paper attempts to map the history...
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  15.  77
    Neural Oscillations Associated With Auditory Duration Maintenance in Working Memory in Tasks With Controlled Difficulty.Xiaolin Yu, Youguo Chen, Ting Luo & Xiting Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16.  63
    The Relationship Between Filial Piety and the Academic Achievement and Subjective Wellbeing of Chinese Early Adolescents: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Educational Expectations.Xiaolin Guo, Junjie Li, Yingnan Niu & Liang Luo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:747296.
    A successful student has been defined as one who not only performs well in academics but is also happy. Hence, how to promote adolescents’ academic success and wellbeing is an important issue with which researchers have been concerned. A few studies have explored the relationship of filial piety to the academic achievement or life satisfaction of Chinese adolescents. However, in view of the close relationship between the two outcomes, the unique effects of filial piety on academic achievement and subjective wellbeing (...)
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  17.  33
    Effective content of the calculus of variations I: Semi-continuity and the chattering lemma.Xiaolin Ge & Anil Nerode - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 78 (1-3):127-146.
    The content of existence theorems in the calculus of variations has been explored and an effective treatment of semi-continuity has been achieved. An algorithm has been developed which captures the natural algorithmic content of the notion of a semi-continuous function and this is used to obtain an effective version of the “chattering lemma” of control theory and ordinary differential equations. This lemma reveals the main computational content of the theory of relaxed optimal control.
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  18.  9
    Cong Han cai dao He hun: Riben guo xue si xiang de xing cheng yu fa zhan.Xiaolin Wang - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    不了解日本國學,就無法了解日本社會及文化,更遑論了解日本人 日本國學產生的歷史和背景漫長且複雜, 為了對日本國學的形成、發展、特點及其影響,有較為清晰的把握, 香港城市大學人文‧社會科學學院副教授王小林 以漢字、名實觀、朱子學、疑古思潮等作為觀察對象, 多元檢視日本國學思想的要素, 為讀者提供了相對全面理解日本國學之內在精神結構的可能。 本書作者王小林以「從漢才到和魂」作為日本國學思想之形成與發展的研究、觀察視角,分別從不同議題、現象與學說主張來考察日本國學思想的發展流變。 《從漢才到和魂:日本國學思想的形成與發展》第一章與第二章主要從「漢字」與「言靈」;「名」與「言」,探討了漢字與「和魂」、「國語(日語)」之關係,以及名、言與「實事」、「體魂」之間的演繹詮釋,如何神聖化 日語同時強化日本之神國意識。第三、四、五章則以朱子學為江戶儒學之代表,將之視為日本國學之對照學問,闡述了日本國學之文論、宇宙觀與不可測度之神。第六章則從江戶儒者富永仲基之「加上說」與顧頡剛之層累說之間 的關聯,爬梳了中日兩國之「中國學」背後的日本國學之成份。最後一章的第七章,則闡明了決定近代日本資本主義的「職分」、「世間」這兩個精神關鍵概念,其宗教理論根據其實來自近世日本之國學家。 如上所述,《從漢才到和魂:日本國學思想的形成與發展》以漢字、名實觀、朱子學、疑古思潮作為「漢才」與「和魂」比較的觀察對象,多元檢視了日本國學思想的形成要素,本書所涉及之議題內容,提供了讀者數個面向以思 考形構日本國學之要素有何?同時也為讀者提供了相對全面理解日本國學之內在精神結構的可能。.
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    Exploring the Security of Information Sharing on Social Networking Sites: The Role of Perceived Control of Information.Nick Hajli & Xiaolin Lin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1):111-123.
    Social networking sites have challenged ethical issues about users’ information security and privacy. SNS users are concerned about their privacy and need to control the information they share and its use. This paper examines the security of SNS by taking a look at the influence of users’ perceived control of information over their information-sharing behaviors. Employing an empirical study, this paper demonstrates the importance of perceived control in SNS users’ information-sharing behaviors. Specifically, perceived control has been found to be negatively (...)
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  20.  5
    La noción de «deseo» en san Agustín, repensada por Edith Stein en su obra «Ser finito y Ser eterno. Intento de un ascenso al sentido del ser».Anneliese Meis - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El estudio aborda la noción de “deseo” —sintetizada por san Agustín en Confesiones 1,1—, no en sí, sino en cuanto repensada por Edith Stein, pensadora potente y conocedora profunda del pensamiento agustiniano. Si bien ella cita con frecuencia a san Agustín en su obra Endliches und ewiges Sein, no aborda, directamente, la noción de “deseo “del obispo de Hipona. Sin embargo, sus análisis avalan la base agustiniana de este fenómeno humano y la relevancia actual indiscutible de san Agustín.
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  21. The Joint Moderating Impact of Moral Intensity and Moral Judgment on Consumer’s Use Intention of Pirated Software.Mei-Fang Chen, Ching-Ti Pan & Ming-Chuan Pan - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (3):361-373.
    Moral issues have been included in the studies of consumer misbehavior research, but little is known about the joint moderating effect of moral intensity and moral judgment on the consumer’s use intention of pirated software. This study aims to understand the consumer’s use intention of pirated software in Taiwan based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) proposed by Ajzen (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179, 1991). In addition, moral intensity and moral judgment are adopted as a joint (...)
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  22.  4
    Sour Grapes: Exploring Unfavorable Reactions of Employees Who Observe Leader Leniency.Wenjuan Mei, Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Jinnan Wu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    Although leniency from leaders is a frequent occurrence in workplaces, there is no research to date regarding the reactions of employees when observing leaders display leniency towards their peers. This paper applies deonance theory to argue that employees interpret leader leniency as a form of comparative grievance, which shapes feelings of envy towards their peers. Subsequently, employees hold the grantor and recipient involved in leadership leniency responsible for this unfavorable situation. Responding out of deontic reactions, it is predicted that employees (...)
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    Reappraising Plato’s Cratylus.David Meißner - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (1):1-22.
    While the argument of Plato’s Cratylus supports both the claim that there is a natural correctness of names and the claim that correct names need not be descriptions or imitations of their referents, the protagonists of the Cratylus find it infeasible to reconcile these two claims. In my paper, I account for this puzzling observation by elaborating a novel interpretation of the Cratylus. I show that the protagonists of the Cratylus are unable to make sense of the results of their (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Pediatric Precision Oncology in Singapore.Mei-Yoke Chan - forthcoming - Asian Bioethics Review:1-14.
    Since the human genome was sequenced in 2003, exploding knowledge and new technologies in the field of genomics have given rise to the new field of precision medicine, whereby treatment is individualized to patients based on their genomic information. However, as with any new scientific advancement and technology, precision medicine has the potential to improve health outcomes but raises ethical questions, particularly in children. Using pediatric precision oncology as an example, this paper focuses on the ethical issues in the integration (...)
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    Extremal Matching Energy and the Largest Matching Root of Complete Multipartite Graphs.Xiaolin Chen & Huishu Lian - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-7.
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    Kajian perlindungan nasabah menurut uu ri nomor 21 tahun 2008 tentang perbankan syariah.Mei Santi - 2012 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 7 (2).
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    Complexity Analysis of a Mixed Memristive Chaotic Circuit.Xiaolin Ye, Jun Mou, Chunfeng Luo, Feifei Yang & Yinghong Cao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Both the Survival Scenario and the Death Scenario Improve Memory Recall Regardless of the Processing/Priming Paradigm.Xiaolin Zhao, Hao Li, Xinxin Zhang & Juan Yang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The curvilinear relationship between corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: Empirical evidence from China.Dingyu Wu & Xiaolin Li - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (1):40-64.
    The positive or negative impacts corporate social responsibility (CSR) may have on business performance have drawn research interest. In recent years, the focus of research has shifted toward the link between CSR and corporate competitive advantage. Corporate competitive advantage is a multifaceted and holistic concept that captures more than just corporate financial performance. Building on the resource-based view (RBV), corporate competitive advantage construct theory, and CSR behavior theory, we explore how a firm's CSR engagement shapes its corporate competitive advantage. Our (...)
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  30. Security and Privacy Protection in Developing Ethical AI: A Mixed-Methods Study from a Marketing Employee Perspective.Xuequn Wang, Xiaolin Lin & Bin Shao - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Despite chatbots’ increasing popularity, firms often fail to fully achieve their benefits because of their underutilization. We argue that ethical concerns dealing with chatbot-related privacy and security may prevent firms from developing a culture of embracing chatbot use and fully integrating chatbots into their workflows. Our research draws upon the stimulus-organism-response theory (SOR) and a study by Floridi et al. (Minds and Machines, 28:689–707, 2018 ) on the ethical artificial intelligence framework to investigate how chatbot affordances can foster employees’ positive (...)
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  31. Fang Tung-mei hsien sheng yen chiang chi.Tung-mei Fang & Fang Tung-Mei Hsien Sheng Ch Üan Chi Pien Tsuan Wei Yüan Hui - 1978 - Li Ming Wen Hua Shih Yeh Kung Ssu.
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    (1 other version)Sartre and the Moral Limits of War and Terrorism.Jennifer Ang Mei Sze - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    Reinterpreting Sartre’s main methodologies and removing Hegelian dialectics from his notion of violence, this book demolishes the supposed hostile intersubjective relations that characterizes all concrete relations. Furthering this stance, it reconstructs an interpretation of the "violent Sartre" and crafts an alternative response: one that rejects terrorist tactics, preemptive war and Western hegemony through democratization. Based on the latest debate on Sartre’s works on ethics and politics, this project examines the relevancy and new importance they hold for contemporary concerns -- the (...)
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  33.  15
    Motse... the neglected rival of Confucius.Yi-Pao Mei - 1934 - London,: A. Probsthain.
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  34.  26
    Understanding the Complexity of Teacher Emotions From Online Forums: A Computational Text Analysis Approach.Zixi Chen, Xiaolin Shi, Wenwen Zhang & Liaojian Qu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    An Economic Turn: A Hermeneutical Reinterpretation of Political Economy with Respect to the Question of Land.Todd S. Mei - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (3):297-326.
    The philosophy of economics has been largely guided by analytic philosophy. Even Marx has been appropriated without much scandal by economists who separate his scientific contributions from his politics. In this article, I place philosophical hermeneutics (i.e., Heidegger and Ricoeur) in dialogue with the conventional understanding of land as a factor of production. The history of political economy misunderstands land as an entity classifiable as property and capital. I argue instead that land's ontological role, deriving from Heidegger's concept of earth, (...)
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  36. Li shi shang lao dong ren min fan Kong dou zheng de gu shi.Mei Ren - 1975 - Beijing: Ren min mei shu chu ban she. Edited by Zhanmei Lu.
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    Cultivating a Moral Sense of Nursing Through Model Emulation.Mei-che Samantha Pang & Kwok-Shing Thomas Wong - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (5):424-440.
    This paper reports part of a longitudinal research project, which sought to capture students’ conceptualization of caring practice as they progressed to different levels of study in a nursing diploma programme in Hong Kong. Model emulation was found to be an effective means of focusing students’ learning processes on the moral aspects of nursing practice. The theory of model emulation from a Chinese perspective and how it is applied to create a learning context to allow students to acquire a moral (...)
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    Instruments of health and harm: how the procurement of healthcare goods contributes to global health inequality.Mei L. Trueba, Mahmood F. Bhutta & Arianne Shahvisi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):423-429.
    Many healthcare goods, such as surgical instruments, textiles and gloves, are manufactured in unregulated factories and sweatshops where, amongst other labour rights violations, workers are subject to considerable occupational health risks. In this paper we undertake an ethical analysis of the supply of sweatshop-produced surgical goods to healthcare providers, with a specific focus on the National Health Service of the United Kingdom. We contend that while labour abuses and occupational health deficiencies are morally unacceptable in the production of any commodity, (...)
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  39.  26
    The "visual word form area" is involved in successful memory encoding of both words and faces.L. Mei, G. Xue, C. Chen, F. Xue, M. Zhang & Q. Dong - unknown
    Previous studies have identified the critical role of the left fusiform cortex in visual word form processing, learning, and memory. However, this so-called visual word form area's other functions are not clear. In this study, we used fMRI and the subsequent memory paradigm to examine whether the putative VWFA was involved in the processing and successful memory encoding of faces as well as words. Twenty-two native Chinese speakers were recruited to memorize the visual forms of faces and Chinese words. Episodic (...)
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  40.  66
    Heidegger, Work, and Being.Todd S. Mei - 2009 - Continuum.
    This book provides a novel interpretation of the Aristotelian understanding of work in light of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. In a world of changing work patterns and the global displacement of working lifestyles, the nature of human identity and work is put under great strain. Modern conceptions of work have been restricted to issues of utility and necessity, where aims and purposes of work are reducible to the satisfaction of immediate technical and economic needs. Left unaddressed is the larger (...)
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  41.  77
    Emotional Responses to Visual Art and Commercial Stimuli: Implications for Creativity and Aesthetics.Mei-Chun Cheung, Derry Law, Joanne Yip & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  42.  48
    Comparing knowledge and use of health services of migrants from rural and urban areas in kunming city, china.Xiaolin Wei, Stephen Pearson, Zhanxin Zhang, Jiangmei Qin, Nancy Gerein & John Walley - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):743-756.
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  43. Guan yu jing shen wen ming jian she di li lun tan tao: xue xi "Zhong gong zhong yang guan yu she hui zhu yi jing shen wen ming jian she zhi dao fang zhen di jue yi".Xiaolin Zhang & Huaiming Hao (eds.) - 1987 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Who is respectful? Effects of social context and individual empathic ability on ambiguity resolution during utterance comprehension.Xiaoming Jiang & Xiaolin Zhou - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  45.  30
    Conventionalism and Relativism in Plato's Cratylus.David Meißner - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (2):119-135.
    In Plato's Cratylus, Hermogenes contends that the correctness of names is conventional. Appealing though this claim sounds to modern ears, it does not meet with approval in the Cratylus. Why? I argue that the conventionalism promoted by Hermogenes is discredited by unacceptable relativist implications because it incorporates the mistaken assumption that correct names are individuated exclusively by their phonetic composition.
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  46. Zhao wen dao, xi bu gan si: Wang Zhaowen zhuan.Mei Guo - 2011 - Nanjing: Jiangsu ren min chu ban she. Edited by Congyan Zheng.
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    Examination of cyber aggression by adult consumers: ethical framework and drivers.Mei Han & Arturo Z. Vasquez - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (2):305-319.
    Purpose The widespread use of information and communication technologies enables consumers to obtain and share information whenever they feel the urge. With the advent of review websites and forums, companies and business owners may find themselves victims of consumer cyber aggression, which can hurt a company badly. This study aims to explore why consumers would engage in cyber aggression against companies, and to that end, it examines consumers’ ethical orientation and other possible drivers of cyber aggression. Design/methodology/approach To examine how (...)
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    Load Parameter Identification for Parallel Robot Manipulator Based on Extended Kalman Filter.Shijie Song, Xiaolin Dai, Zhangchao Huang & Dawei Gong - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    Load is the main external disturbance of a parallel robot manipulator. This disturbance will cause dynamic coupling among different degrees of freedom and make heaps of model-based control methods difficult to apply. In order to compensate this disturbance, it is crucial to obtain an accurate dynamic model of load. However, in practice, the load is always uncertain and its dynamic parameters are arduous to know a priori. To cope with this problem, this paper proposes a novel and simple approach to (...)
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    Traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism and Current Environmental Education.Mei-Hsiang Lin - 2016 - Environmental Ethics 38 (1):3-17.
    In an era in which a conflicting relationship exists between humans and nature, ways of solv­ing environmental problems need to be introduced into people’s thinking about what to do, what lifestyle we should accept, and what kind of people we should become to support our environmental protection work using better justifications. Traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism can exert a profound ideological, philosophical, and spiritual influence on how people judge the meaning and value of their lives. Regarding how humans face the (...)
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    Examining the impetus for internal CSR Practices with digitalization strategy in the service industry during COVID-19 pandemic.Mei Peng Low & Maoliang Bu - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):209-223.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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