Results for 'Xiajun Hao'

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  1. Bian zheng wei wu zhu yi yu li shi wei wu zhu yi.Delin Tao, Deyang Li & Xiajun Hao (eds.) - 1986 - [Wuhan shi]: Xin hua shu dian Hubei fa xing suo fa xing.
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    A Logical Journey: From Gödel to Philosophy.Hao Wang - 1996 - Bradford.
    Hao Wang was one of the few confidants of the great mathematician and logician Kurt Gödel. _A Logical Journey_ is a continuation of Wang's _Reflections on Gödel_ and also elaborates on discussions contained in _From Mathematics to Philosophy_. A decade in preparation, it contains important and unfamiliar insights into Gödel's views on a wide range of issues, from Platonism and the nature of logic, to minds and machines, the existence of God, and positivism and phenomenology. The impact of Gödel's theorem (...)
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    Fan Hao zi xuan ji.Hao Fan - 2010 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she.
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  4. Zhang Hao zi xuan ji.Hao Chang - 2002 - Shanghai: Shanghai jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Cheng Hao yu Da Cheng shu yuan.Wanzhang Hao - 1993 - Zhengzhou Shi: Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she.
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  6. Evil Human Nature: From the Perspectives of St. Augustineand Hsun Tzu.Xiajun Hu & Jing Guo - 2011 - Open Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):61.
    The view of evil human nature is important in Chinese and western cultures. The thesis chooses evil human in St. Augustine’s thoughts and Hsun Tzu’s thoughts to compare and analyze evil in these two. St. Augustine, who is called “the Saint of God”, views the definition of evil, the resource of it, and salvations of it from the aspect of religious beliefs. He considers that evil is the privation of goodness and is not created by God. Because God is omnipotent (...)
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    Organizing an “organizationless” protest campaign in the WeChatsphere.Hao Cao - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    The introduction of digital technologies in collective actions seems to have transformed the dynamics of movement organizing and enabled divergent forms of protest organizing. While some studies emphasize “organizationless” organizing in which traditional organizational forms—social movements organizations and formal-bureaucratic structures—have been pushed into the margins, other studies showcase how traditional forms have assumed alternative features, for example, connective leadership and organizations with fluid boundaries. While existing research correctly points out the evolving organizing dynamics and forms in digital activism, few studies (...)
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  8. Popular lectures on mathematical logic.Hao Wang - 1981 - New York: Dover Publications.
    Noted logician and philosopher addresses various forms of mathematical logic, discussing both theoretical underpinnings and practical applications. After historical survey, lucid treatment of set theory, model theory, recursion theory and constructivism and proof theory. Place of problems in development of theories of logic, logic’s relationship to computer science, more. Suitable for readers at many levels of mathematical sophistication. 3 appendixes. Bibliography. 1981 edition.
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    The Relationship between Teacher Support and Students' Academic Emotions: A Meta-Analysis.Hao Lei, Yunhuo Cui & Ming Ming Chiu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Nonlinear Integer Programming Model for Integrated Location, Inventory, and Routing Decisions in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain.Hao Guo, Congdong Li, Ying Zhang, Chunnan Zhang & Yu Wang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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  11. “It is not a something, but not a nothing either!”—McDowell on Wittgenstein.Hao Tang - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3):557-567.
    This paper corrects a mistake in John McDowell’s influential reading of Wittgenstein’s attack on the idea of private sensations. McDowell rightly identifies a primary target of Wittgenstein’s attack to be the Myth of the Given. But he also suggests that Wittgenstein, in the ferocity of his battles with this myth, sometimes goes into overkill, which manifests itself in seemingly behavioristic denials about sensations. But this criticism of Wittgenstein is a mistake. The mistake is made over two important but notoriously difficult (...)
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  12.  46
    A logical analysis of the debate on Hao River.Xudong Hao - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (4):439-447.
    The debate between Zhuangzi and Huizi has profound epistemological significance, however, the main body of their debate comprises logical inferences and refutations. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the logical aspects of the debate. Some scholars have suggested that Huizi’s argument is self-contradictory; however, in fact, based on such evaluations of Huizi’s argument, we can conclude that Zhuangzi’s logic is also self-contradictory. By utilizing modern logical analysis tools, this study reveals what and how the propositions and inferences contained in the (...)
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    Recovering particle properties in revisionary ontologies.Sabrina Hao - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-25.
    In this paper, I explore the relation between actual scientific practice and conceptual interpretation of scientific theories by investigating the particle concept in non-relativistic quantum mechanics (NRQM). On the one hand, philosophers have raised various objections against the particle concept within the context of NRQM and proposed alternative ontologies such as wave function realism, Bohmian particles, mass density field, and flashes based on different realist solutions to the measurement problem. On the other hand, scientists continue to communicate, reason, and explain (...)
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    Si wei yu yu yan, ren shi yu zhen li: Zhang Hao wen xuan.Hao Zhang - 2017 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本書分為思維與語言關係研究、認識與真理關係探析、學術研究與學術創新三大專題,書中從發生學的視角提出了人類思維的發生先於語言的獨到見解,進而闡明了語言對人類思維發展的促進作用;探討了真理與認識的關係和真 理有無階級性問題。闡明了真理,包括相對真理均不包含錯誤。用真理的科學性論證了任何真理,包括社會科學的真理都沒有階級性;從哲學的角度論述了獨立思考之于學術創新的重大意義。.
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  15. Reflections on Gôdel.Hao Wang - 1987 - MIT Press.
  16. From Mathematics to Philosophy.Hao Wang - 1974 - London and Boston: Routledge.
    First published in 1974. Despite the tendency of contemporary analytic philosophy to put logic and mathematics at a central position, the author argues it failed to appreciate or account for their rich content. Through discussions of such mathematical concepts as number, the continuum, set, proof and mechanical procedure, the author provides an introduction to the philosophy of mathematics and an internal criticism of the then current academic philosophy. The material presented is also an illustration of a new, more general method (...)
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  17. Leibniz as a virtue ethicist.Hao Dong - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (2):505-527.
    In this paper I argue that Leibniz's ethics is a kind of virtue ethics where virtues of the agent are explanatorily primary. I first examine how Leibniz obtained his conception of justice as a kind of love in an early text, Elements of Natural Law. I show that in this text Leibniz's goal was to find a satisfactory definition of justice that could reconcile egoism with altruism, and that this was achieved through the Aristotelian virtue of friendship where friends treat (...)
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    The Development of Still-life Painting in China in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century Under the Influence of Russian-Soviet and Western Art.Hao Meng - 2022 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 9:121-132.
    Still life as an independent painting genre in Chinese fine art was formed in the second half of the XX century under the strong influence, first of all, of Western European and Russian, and then American art. This relatively short period of time includes several periods at once, in which one or another influence dominated. However, it was the integration of the ideas and principles of foreign art schools that allowed Chinese masters to develop those features of the artistic and (...)
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    Personal Motives, Moral Disengagement, and Unethical Decisions by Entrepreneurs: Cognitive Mechanisms on the “Slippery Slope”.Robert A. Baron, Hao Zhao & Qing Miao - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):107-118.
    Entrepreneurs sometimes make unethical decisions that have devastating effects on their companies, stakeholders, and themselves. We suggest that insights into the origins of such actions can be acquired through attention to personal motives and their impact on moral disengagement—a cognitive process that deactivates moral self-regulation, thus enabling individuals to behave in ways inconsistent with their own values. We hypothesize that entrepreneurs’ motivation for financial gains is positively related to moral disengagement, while their motivation for self-realization is negatively related to this (...)
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    The Influence of Social Class on University Students’ Prosocial Behavior Based on the Game Perspective.Hao Ding, Feng Xu & Jia-Ming Zhu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    In the present research, based on the game research paradigm, the research tools are the dictator game and the trust game, and the research objects are Chinese university students. We adopt 2 × 2 between-subjects design experiment to investigate the influence of social class on university students’ prosocial behavior. Across the experimental study, we find that in the two situations of dictator game and trust game, self-social class has no significant influence on university students’ prosocial behavior; in the situation of (...)
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    Wang Zhaowen shen mei guan xi lun de mei xue si xiang yan jiu.Chunyan Hao - 2009 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Transparency as Manipulation? Uncovering the Disciplinary Power of Algorithmic Transparency.Hao Wang - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-25.
    Automated algorithms are silently making crucial decisions about our lives, but most of the time we have little understanding of how they work. To counter this hidden influence, there have been increasing calls for algorithmic transparency. Much ink has been spilled over the informational account of algorithmic transparency—about how much information should be revealed about the inner workings of an algorithm. But few studies question the power structure beneath the informational disclosure of the algorithm. As a result, the information disclosure (...)
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  23. A Meeting of the Conceptual and the Natural: Wittgenstein on Learning a Sensation‐Language.Hao Tang - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):105-135.
    Since the rise of modern natural science there has been deep tension between the conceptual and the natural. Wittgenstein's discussion of how we learn a sensation-language contains important resources that can help us relieve this tension. The key here, I propose, is to focus our attention on animal nature, conceived as partially re-enchanted. To see how nature, so conceived, helps us relieve the tension in question, it is crucial to gain a firm and detailed appreciation of how the primitive-instinctive, a (...)
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  24.  47
    Themes and Issues in Chinese Business History.Yen-P'ing Hao - 1998 - Chinese Studies in History 31 (3-4):106-126.
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    The KMT Reorganization Faction and Its Activities in Shanghai.Jiang Hao - 1993 - Chinese Studies in History 27 (1-2):123-130.
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    The Images of Israel in Shanghai College Students' Eyes-A Questionnaire Perspective.Hao Qian - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (2):p37.
    This research paper aims to explore the images of Israel in the eyes of college students in Shanghai, China. The author chooses students from East China Normal University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics together with some other small groups of college students as the subjects of the questionnaire. These target college students are supposed to represent the mainstream discourse concerning the public images of Israel among Shanghai young intellectual groups. In the survey, the author discovers (...)
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  27. Russell y su lógica.Hao Wang - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):31-76.
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  28. The Metaphysics of Dao in W ang Bi’s Interpretation of Laozi.Hao Hong - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (2):219-240.
    WANG Bi 王弼 develops a metaphysic of Dao 道 in his Commentary on Laozi and “The Structure of Laozi’s Subtle Pointers.” I summarize this metaphysic as the following thesis: Dao is featureless and is the ultimate reason why the myriad things exist and are the ways they are. I develop a systematic account of this thesis: I provide an interpretation of the featurelessness of Dao and show how Dao’s featurelessness relates to its fundamental explanatory role as the ontological ground for (...)
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  29.  21
    Comment on “Aroused by the odes, established by the rules of propriety, perfected by music: integrating aesthetic education in contemporary music education through Confucian aesthetic philosophy”.Hao Tang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (6).
    Commented article: YANG, Wenpeng. Aroused by the odes, established by the rules of propriety, perfected by music: integrating aesthetic education in contemporary music education through Confucian aesthetic philosophy. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, v. 47, n. 6, e02400318, 2024. Available at:
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  30. Wittgenstein’s and Other Mathematical Philosophies.Hao Wang - 1984 - The Monist 67 (1):18-28.
    I construe mathematical philosophy not in the narrow sense of philosophy of mathematics but in a broad indefinite sense of different manners of giving mathematics a privileged place in the study of philosophy. For example, in one way or another, mathematics plays an important part in the philosophy of Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and Kant. In contrast, history plays a central role in the philosophy of Vico, Hegel, and Marx. In more recent times, Frege, Husserl, Russell, Ramsey, and Gödel all (...)
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    Bai hua Yanzi Chun qiu.Hao Jiang - 1994 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Ying Yan.
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    How Team Structure Can Enhance Performance: Team Longevity’s Moderating Effect and Team Coordination’s Mediating Effect.Hao Ji & Jin Yan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:554823.
    Teams are more or less structured in function. Whether team structure is beneficial or harmful for the teams entail debates in current literature. Past studies mainly investigate the effects of team structure through learning or creativity. In this study, we tend to examine the effect of team structure on team performance through team coordination. We conducted two independent field studies with samples of 56 and 67 work teams to test our hypotheses. In both two substudies, we found team structure positively (...)
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    General Images of America in China since 1972---Some reviews on the questionnaires.Hao Qian - 2012 - Asian Culture and History 4 (1):p18.
    For more than 200 years, America’s images in Chinese popular as well as public discourse have experienced both positive and negative phases. This paper is exploring the general images of America in China, focusing on 6 critical periods when Sino-U.S. relations was at the cross-road. The author chose three regions: Shanghai?Jiangsu and Anhui as the subjects of the questionnaires. To follow ground-to-up method, the subjects are all ordinary people and they are supposed to represent the tendency of popular discourse regarding (...)
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    AI-Enabled Sensing and Decision-Making for IoT Systems.Hao Qinxia, Shah Nazir, Ma Li, Habib Ullah Khan, Wang Lianlian & Sultan Ahmad - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    The influential stage of Internet of Things has reformed all fields of life in general but specifically with the emergence of artificial intelligence has drawn the attention of researchers into a new paradigm of life standard. This revolution has been accepted around the globe for making life easier with the use of intelligent devices such as smart sensors, actuators, and many other devices. AI-enabled devices are more intelligent and capable of doing a specific task which saves a lot of resources (...)
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  35. Zen yang jiu zheng luo ji cuo wu.Hao Qin - 1984 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  36. Attention and Practical Knowledge.Hao Tang - 2023 - Journal of Human Cognition 7 (2):19-29.
    Practical knowledge, in the sense made famous by G. E. M. Anscombe, is “the knowledge that a man has of his intentional actions”. This knowledge is very ordinary, but philosophically it is not easy to understand. One illuminating approach is to see practical knowledge as a kind of self-knowledge or self-consciousness. I offer an enrichment of this approach, by (1) exploiting Gilbert Ryle’s discussion of heeding (that is, paying attention), in particular paying attention to one’s own intentional action, and (2) (...)
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    Procedures to Develop a Computerized Adaptive Testing to Advance the Measurement of Narcissistic Personality.Hao Luo, Yan Cai & Dongbo Tu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A multiscale gradient-dependent plasticity model for size effects.Hao Lyu, Nasrin Taheri-Nassaj & Hussein M. Zbib - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (18):1883-1908.
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  39. Ho chʻing nien pʻêng yu tʻan chi ko hsiu yang wên tʻi.Hao-chʻuan Ting - 1951
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    Wu-Wei and the Decentering of the Subject in Lao-Zhuang.Changchi Hao - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (4):445-457.
    This essay attempts to provide an alternative approach to the philosophy of religion through a new interpretation of Daoist philosophy in light of Husserl’s phenomenology. I argue that Lao-Zhuang’s wu-wei should be understood as a reduction of our existential and conceptual beliefs about the reality of this world. In Lao-Zhuang, wu-wei is related to the theme of decentering of the subject. In order to be a true self, we have to make space at the core of our being for Dao (...)
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    Temporal inductive path neural network for temporal knowledge graph reasoning.Hao Dong, Pengyang Wang, Meng Xiao, Zhiyuan Ning, Pengfei Wang & Yuanchun Zhou - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 329 (C):104085.
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    AI-Enabled Sensing and Decision-Making for IoT Systems.Hao Qinxia, Shah Nazir, Ma Li, Habib Ullah, Wang Lianlian & Sultan Ahmad - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    The influential stage of Internet of Things has reformed all fields of life in general but specifically with the emergence of artificial intelligence has drawn the attention of researchers into a new paradigm of life standard. This revolution has been accepted around the globe for making life easier with the use of intelligent devices such as smart sensors, actuators, and many other devices. AI-enabled devices are more intelligent and capable of doing a specific task which saves a lot of resources (...)
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    An Arithmetically Complete Predicate Modal Logic.Yunge Hao & George Tourlakis - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (4):513-541.
    This paper investigates a first-order extension of GL called \. We outline briefly the history that led to \, its key properties and some of its toolbox: the \emph{conservation theorem}, its cut-free Gentzenisation, the ``formulators'' tool. Its semantic completeness is fully stated in the current paper and the proof is retold here. Applying the Solovay technique to those models the present paper establishes its main result, namely, that \ is arithmetically complete. As expanded below, \ is a first-order modal logic (...)
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    Ordinal Numbers and Predicative Set Theory.Hao Wang - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):250-250.
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  45. A New Tool to Measure Malevolent Creativity: The Malevolent Creativity Behavior Scale.Ning Hao, Mengying Tang, Jing Yang, Qifei Wang & Mark A. Runco - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  46.  22
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Risk: The Moderating Effect of Risk Environment and Growth Potential.Hao Lu, M. Martin Boyer & Anne Kleffner - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (3):668-711.
    Theoretical arguments regarding the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm liability risk are abundant; however, empirical evidence about this relationship is scarce. We investigate the relationship between CSR and the personal liability risk of a firm’s directors and officers. We argue that companies with better CSR performance represent a better underwriting risk for directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance providers and, therefore, have a lower cost of insurance. Our results show that firms with better CSR performance are more likely (...)
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    Serial Multiple Mediation of Professional Identity, and Psychological Capital in the Relationship Between Work-Related Stress and Work-Related Well-Being of ICU Nurses in China: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey.Cuiping Hao, Lina Zhu, Suzhen Zhang, Shan Rong, Yaqing Zhang, Jiuhang Ye & Fuguo Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study aimed to investigate the serial-multiple mediation effect of professional identity, psychological capital, work-related stress, and work-related wellbeing among intensive care unit nurses in China. The cross-sectional survey was conducted from January 2017 to May 2017 in two Grade III A general hospitals in Jining, Shandong Province, China. Cluster sampling was used to recruit participants from the two hospitals. A total of 330 ICU nurses participated in the study. The nurses’ work stress scale, Chinese nurse’s professional identity scale, the (...)
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    Affective Teacher—Student Relationships and Students' Externalizing Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis.Hao Lei, Yunhuo Cui & Ming Ming Chiu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Measuring and Benchmarking Technical Efficiency of Public Hospitals in Tianjin, China.Li Hao & Dong Siping - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801560548.
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  50. Reflections on Kurt Gödel.Hao Wang - 1990 - Bradford.
    In this first extended treatment of his life and work, Hao Wang, who was in close contact with Godel in his last years, brings out the full subtlety of Godel's ideas and their connection with grand themes in the history of mathematics and ...
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