Results for 'Working-day'

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  1.  25
    Works, Days, and Divine Influence in Hesiod’s Story World.Carman Romano - 2020 - Kernos 33:9-31.
    Throughout the Works and Days (WD), Hesiod reaffirms and promotes his audience’s belief in the reality of the supernatural — that is, the gods of Olympus, whose power the poet clearly takes seriously, given the somber warnings that populate the final calendrical portion of the piece. Drawing on S.I. Johnston’s recent The Story of Myth, as well as the work of folklorists K. Hänninen and G. Bennett, I outline the techniques Hesiod employs to render believable the influence of the divine (...)
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    Voegelin, Schelling, and the Philosophy of Historical Existence.Jerry Day - 2003 - University of Missouri.
    In this important new work, Jerry Day brings to light the need for an extensive reinterpretation of the mature philosophy of Eric Voegelin, based on Voegelin’s published and unpublished appreciation for nineteenth-century German philosopher F. W. J. Schelling. Schelling, whom Day maintains was one of the most important guides to Voegelin’s mature philosophy of consciousness and historiography, has been described as the father of several disparate movements and schools of continental philosophy—chief among them being “Hegelian” idealism and existentialism. This characterization (...)
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  3. (1 other version)A behaviorist looks at the surviving work of Justin Martyr.Willard F. Day - 1984 - Behaviorism 12 (2):111-116.
  4. Differential time and aesthetic form : uneven and combined capitalism in the work of Allan Sekula.Gail Day & Steve Edwards - 2019 - In James Christie & Nesrin Degirmencioglu, Cultures of uneven and combined development: from international relations to world literature. Boston: Brill.
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    Physician moral injury in the context of moral, ethical and legal codes.Philip Day, Jennifer Lawson, Sneha Mantri, Abhi Jain, David Rabago & Robert Lennon - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):746-752.
    After 40 years of attributing high rates of physician career dissatisfaction, attrition, alcoholism, divorce and suicide to ‘burnout’, there is growing recognition that these outcomes may instead be caused by moral injury. This has led to a debate about the relative diagnostic merits of these two terms, a recognition that interventions designed to treat burnout may be ineffective, and much perplexity about how—if at all—this changes anything. The current research seeks to develop the construct of moral injury outside military contexts, (...)
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  6. "Collected Works of J. S. Mill" Vols, II and III, "Principles of Political Economy with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy". Ed. J. M. Robson. [REVIEW]J. P. Day - 1966 - Mind 75:601.
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    Postcards From the Road: Robert Frank’s ‘the Americans’.Jonathan Day - 2014 - Intellect.
    Taking Robert Frank's iconic images as his point of reference, Day shot new photographs that commented on the road and contemporary America. Here, these images are paired with critical commentary that details the aspects of the work that are visually expounded and explained in Day's complementary images. A visual entryway to the photographs and themes of this iconic book in the history of photography, this book represents a departure from standard photographic textbooks.
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  8. Constructing religion without the social: Durkheim, Latour, and extended cognition.Matthew Day - 2009 - Zygon 44 (3):719-737.
    I take up the question of how models of extended cognition might redirect the academic study of religion. Entering into a conversation of sorts with Emile Durkheim and Bruno Latour regarding the "overtakenness" of social agency, I argue that a robust portrait of extended cognition must redirect our interest in explaining religion in two key ways. First, religious studies should take up the methodological principle of symmetry that informs contemporary histories of science and begin theorizing the efficacy of gods as (...)
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  9.  19
    Engaging with Historical Source Work: Practices, pedagogy, dialogue.Charles Anderson, Kate Day, Ranald Michie & David Rollason - 2006 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 5 (3):243-263.
    Although primary source work is a major component of undergraduate history degrees in many countries, the topic of how best to support this work has been relatively unexplored. This article addresses the pedagogical support of primary source work by reviewing relevant literature to identify the challenges undergraduates face in interpreting sources, and examining how in two courses carefully articulated course design and supportive teaching activities assisted students to meet these challenges. This fine-grained examination of the courses is framed within a (...)
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  10.  16
    Is There a Tulip in Your Future?: Ruminations on Tulip Mania.Christian C. Day - 2004 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 14 (2).
    This essay emphasizes and explicates factors and forces that led to the creation of the Tulip futures market. It considers whether critics of that market were correct about Tulip Mania. The introductory section describes briefly the Dutch economy and states the thesis that the Dutch developed an innovative futures market. The principal section describes the forces and factors at work in the Tulip futures market. The concluding normative section assesses the bases for criticism and approves of the workings of the (...)
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  11. The working day : animals, capitalism, and surplus time.Dinesh J. Wadiwel - 2019 - In Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter & Will Kymlicka, Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Hume on Justice and Allegiance.John Day - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (151):35-56.
    In this paper I shall analyse in detail one part of Hume 's writing on politics in order to explain and criticise his method of inquiry there. This will involve me in assessing the value of Hume 's contribution in this section of his work to the theory of politics. I shall make my investigation into Hume 's method bearing in mind his admiration of Newton and other natural scientists and his intention of adopting their methods in his studies.
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  13. Knowing as Instancing: Jazz Improvisation and Moral Perfectionism.William Day - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (2):99-111.
    This essay presents an approach to understanding improvised music, finding in the work of certain outstanding jazz musicians an emblem of Ralph Waldo Emerson's notion of self-trust and of Stanley Cavell's notion of moral perfectionism. The essay critiques standard efforts to interpret improvised solos as though they were composed, contrasting that approach to one that treats the procedures of improvisation as derived from our everyday actions. It notes several levels of correspondence between our interest in jazz improvisations and the particular (...)
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  14.  37
    Night labour, social reproduction and political struggle in the ‘Working Day’ chapter of Marx's Capital.Paul Apostolidis - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    This essay offers a new reading of Marx's chapter on ‘the working day’ in Capital Volume One by exploring the textual theme of night-time work. Even as Marx emphasises how the lengthening workday enables the super-exploitation of producers’ wage labour, his depictions of nocturnal experiences highlight more forcefully the destruction of workers’ reproductive resources, capacities and relationships. Night comes to represent the contracted time, condensed space, petrified relational bonds and thwarted desires for human reproduction in a free, fulsome sense (...)
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  15.  34
    (1 other version)George Berkeley, 1685-1753: Part I.J. P. De C. Day - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (1):83 - 113.
    Hitherto, the standard edition of Berkeley's works has been A. C. Fraser's of 1901, published by the Oxford University Press. The chief differences between the two editions are these. Professors Luce and Jessop give of each text the latest edition published by Berkeley himself, adding all significant variations in any earlier editions in footnotes, whereas Fraser followed no uniform procedure, and sometimes combined different editions. This difference is obviously an improvement. Further, Professor Luce's edition of Berkeley's pair of notebooks, which (...)
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  16.  21
    Indemnity and Liability for Human Volunteers — Ethical Considerations: The Victim's Perspective.Martyn Day - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):14-17.
    There is much law and many guidelines surrounding the whole issue of the indemnity for human volunteers when it comes to clinical trials. The system that had been put in place to protect individual volunteer drug trialists seems largely to have worked by the fact that there are so few examples of legal cases being issued. However, recent events have shown that when the system fails it fails somewhat spectacularly. The difficulty for groups such as the ethics committee is that (...)
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  17.  16
    Aaron Swartz and the Spirit of Information.Ronald E. Day - 2015 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (2):38-48.
    Today, I will discuss aspects of my project on the Spirit of Information. I will present part of a chapter of a new book that I am working on documentation and expression, where I discuss information as an attempt to break away from documentation during modernity and today. AARON SWARTZ E O ESPÍRITO DA INFORMAÇÃOResumo Hoje vou discutir aspectos do meu projeto sobre "O espírito da informação". Irei apresentar parte do capítulo de um novo livro em que estou trabalhando (...)
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  18. The no-slip condition of fluid dynamics.Michael A. Day - 1990 - Erkenntnis 33 (3):285 - 296.
    In many applications of physics, boundary conditions have an essential role. The purpose of this paper is to examine from both a historical and philosophical perspective one such boundary condition, namely, the no-slip condition of fluid dynamics. The historical perspective is based on the works of George Stokes and serves as the foundation for the philosophical perspective. It is seen that historically the acceptance of the no-slip condition was problematic. Philosophically, the no-slip condition is interesting since the use of the (...)
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  19.  32
    Extraordinary television time travel and the wonderful end to the working day.Sean Redmond - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 131 (1):54-64.
    In this article I will present two arguments. First, the argument that the time travel television series historically provided viewers with a spectacular temporal and spatial alternative to the routine of everyday life, the regulation of television scheduling, and the small-world confines of domestic subjectivity. Taking the decades of the 1970s and 1980s, predominantly in a UK viewing environment, I will suggest that the special effect rendering of the time travel sequence expanded the viewer’s material universe, and affectively wrenched the (...)
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  20.  15
    The Christ Who Meets Us in the Sacraments: The Influence of St. Ambrose on the tertia pars of St. Thomas's Summa theologiae.O. P. Damian Day - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):103-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Christ Who Meets Us in the Sacraments:The Influence of St. Ambrose on the tertia pars of St. Thomas's Summa theologiaeDamian Day O.P.IntroductionThe recent increased interest in St. Thomas Aquinas and the Fathers of the Church has produced a number of excellent studies of the Angelic Doctor's understanding of the authority of the Fathers and his use of them.1 In this article, I hope to contribute to the ongoing (...)
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  21.  82
    Present and Emerging Ethical Issues with tDCS use: A Summary and Review.Parker Day, Jack Twiddy & Veljko Dubljević - 2022 - Neuroethics 16 (1):1-25.
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a brain stimulation technique known for its relative safety and minimal invasiveness. tDCS has demonstrated efficacy as a potential treatment for certain neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, and has been shown to enhance a range of cognitive abilities under certain contexts. As a result, this technique has captured the interest of both the research community and the public at large. However, efforts to gather information about the effects of tDCS on the brain are (...)
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  22.  28
    Membership categorization and storytelling.Dennis Day & Susanne Kjærbeck - 2019 - Pragmatics and Society 10 (3):359-374.
    In this paper, we demonstrate how the collaborative and sequential unfolding of a story ties into the constitution of a membership categorization device which we have glossed as ‘us and them’. The data come from a focus group activity where first and second generation immigrants to Denmark have been asked to discuss their situation in Denmark. Using Ethnomethodological Conversation and Membership Categorization Analysis, we present one story which involves a story-teller and his family and an elderly Danish couple living in (...)
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  23.  26
    Saving Black America?: A Womanist Analysis of Faith-Based Initiatives.Keri Day - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):63-81.
    This essay considers the complexities associated with faith-based initiatives for poor black people, as these initiatives have become one antipoverty strategy within some black churches. Deploying a womanist perspective on public policy, my contention is that faith-based initiatives have a contradictory nature in relation to ameliorating poverty among blacks. While these initiatives provide the necessary funding for many religious organizations such as black churches that are already doing antipoverty work, these initiatives simultaneously fail to consider how free-market institutions exacerbate poverty (...)
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  24.  44
    Teacher and student perceptions of intermediate assessment in higher education.Indira N. Z. Day, F. M. van Blankenstein, P. Michiel Westenberg & W. F. Admiraal - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (4):449-467.
    Universities introduce intermediate assessment because it is understood to have positive effects on student behaviour and achievement. Yet, how intermediate assessment is perceived might be conditional for its success. The current study investigates both teachers’ and students’ perceptions of intermediate assessment. Teachers and students were interviewed and Student Evaluations of Teaching were examined. Results indicate that both teachers and students had generally positive perceptions of intermediate assessment. However, the two groups provided different reasons for their positive perceptions. Teachers and students (...)
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  25. Obesity, identity and community: Leveraging social networks for behavior change in public health.Norah Mulvaney-Day & Catherine A. Womack - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (3):250-260.
    Obesity is a public health problem influenced by behavioral patterns that span an ecological spectrum of individual-level factors, social network factors and environmental factors. Both individual and environmental approaches necessarily include significant influences from social networks, but how and under what conditions social networks influence behavior change is often not clearly mapped out either in the obesity literature or in many intervention designs. In this paper, we provide an analysis of recent empirical work in obesity research that explicates social network (...)
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  26.  17
    Exploring the Interspace: Recent Dialogues around the Work of Annie Ernaux.Lyn Thomas & Loraine Day - 2003 - Feminist Review 74 (1):98-104.
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  27. Words Fail Me. (Stanley Cavell's Life out of Music).William Day - 2020 - In David LaRocca, Inheriting Stanley Cavell: Memories, Dreams, Reflections. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 187-97.
    Stanley Cavell isn't the first to arrive at philosophy through a life with music. Nor is he the first whose philosophical practice bears the marks of that life. Much of Cavell's life with music is confirmed for the world in his philosophical autobiography Little Did I Know. A central moment in that book is Cavell's describing the realization that he was to leave his musical career behind – for what exactly, he did not yet know. He connects the memory-shock of (...)
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  28. Hearing Between the Lines: Impressions of Meaning and Jazz's Democratic Esotericism.William Day - 2023 - Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 11 (1):75-88.
    In *Here and There*, Stanley Cavell suggests that music, like speech, implicates the listener, so that our descriptions of music "are to be thought of not as discoveries but as impressions and assignments of meaning." Such impressions express what "makes an impression upon us," "what truly matters to us." Moreover, this aspect of music "is itself more revolutionary than ... any political event of which it could be said to form a part." I offer one indication of that significance by (...)
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  29. To Not Understand, but Not Misunderstand: Wittgenstein on Shakespeare.William Day - 2013 - In Sascha Bru, Wolfgang Huemer & Daniel Steuer, Wittgenstein Reading. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. pp. 39-53.
    Wittgenstein's lack of sympathy for Shakespeare's works has been well noted by George Steiner and Harold Bloom among others. Wittgenstein writes in 1950, for instance: "It seems to me as though his pieces are, as it were, enormous sketches, not paintings; as though they were dashed off by someone who could permit himself anything, so to speak. And I understand how someone may admire this & call it supreme art, but I don't like it." Of course, the animosity of one (...)
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  30.  14
    The problem of the variable in Quine's perspicuous lingua franca of the sciences.Ivory Day - 2024 - Theoria 90 (4):361-376.
    Some 55 years after the publication of Russell's seminal ‘On Denoting’, Quine adopted the theory of definite descriptions presented therein to formulate his perspicuous lingua franca for the sciences. This paper illustrates how, in so doing, Quine's lingua franca inherited an old antinomy at the core of Russell's theory of definite descriptions, specifically, the lack of congruency between notation and metaphysical commitments when the variable assumes the role of fundamental singular reference. In this context, the paper contends that the phrase (...)
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    The problem of the variable in Quine 's perspicuous lingua franca of the sciences.Ivory Day - 2024 - Theoria 90 (4):361-376.
    Some 55 years after the publication of Russell's seminal ‘On Denoting’, Quine adopted the theory of definite descriptions presented therein to formulate his perspicuous lingua franca for the sciences. This paper illustrates how, in so doing, Quine's lingua franca inherited an old antinomy at the core of Russell's theory of definite descriptions, specifically, the lack of congruency between notation and metaphysical commitments when the variable assumes the role of fundamental singular reference. In this context, the paper contends that the phrase (...)
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  32.  24
    Robert Frank's the Americans: The Art of Documentary Photography.Jonathan Day - 2011 - Intellect.
    To mark the book’s fiftieth anniversary, Jonathan Day revisits this pivotal work and contributes a thoughtful and revealing critical commentary.
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    (1 other version)Plants, Prayers, and Power.Jo Day - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien, Gardening ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 63–78.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Concerned Whether You’ll Make It in Life? Status Anxiety Uniquely Explains Job Satisfaction.Anna Keshabyan & Martin V. Day - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Ever feel concerned that you may not achieve your career goals, or feel worried about where your life is going? Such examples may reflect the experience of status anxiety, that is, concerns that one may be stuck or not able to move up in life, or worries that one may be too low in standing compared to society’s standards. Status anxiety is believed to be exacerbated by economic inequality and negatively affect well-being. While job satisfaction is an important determinant of (...)
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  35.  35
    On the computational power of random strings.Adam R. Day - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (2):214-228.
    There are two fundamental computably enumerable sets associated with any Kolmogorov complexity measure. These are the set of non-random strings and the overgraph. This paper investigates the computational power of these sets. It follows work done by Kummer, Muchnik and Positselsky, and Allender and co-authors. Muchnik and Positselsky asked whether there exists an optimal monotone machine whose overgraph is not tt-complete. This paper answers this question in the negative by proving that the overgraph of any optimal monotone machine, or any (...)
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  36.  96
    Manfredo Tafuri, Fredric Jameson and the Contestations of Political Memory.Gail Day - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):31-77.
    The Italian architectural historian Manfredo Tafuri developed a distinctive Marxist approach of critical analysis, which has prompted extensive responses. The reception of his work in the United States in the 1970s and 80s – the intervention of Fredric Jameson, especially – forms an important moment of historiographical mutation, in which the status of Tafuri’s politics holds an intriguing place: it was eviscerated in the very act of its affirmation. At stake is not simply the problems attending the transatlantic migration of (...)
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  37. Bertrand Russell on Eugenics.John V. Day - 2015 - Mankind Quarterly 55 (3):254-267.
    This brief essay takes a look at Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), the English philosopher and social reformer, and his ideas about eugenics and dysgenics. It is evident from his works that like many other leading thinkers and social reformers of his time, Russell recognized the importance of genetics for human welfare and was deeply concerned about the dysgenic trends that he observed in his time. He included eugenics as an integral part of his moral philosophy and never abandoned the belief in (...)
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  38.  51
    Contact Disputes: Narrative Constructions of `Good' Parents.Felicity Kaganas & Shelley Day Sclater - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (1):1-27.
    This paper explores contact disputes in England and Wales. We discuss the legal background as well as separating parents' experiences of contact disputes. Contact has been high on the agenda since the U.K. Government report, Making Contact Work, examined various means for facilitating contact between non-resident parents and their children. More recently, the issue has featured prominently in the headlines, largely as a result of the campaigning efforts of fathers' rights groups who complain of injustice and demand changes in the (...)
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  39.  31
    Prostitution Policy in Europe: A Time of Change?Helen Ward, Sophie Day & Judith Kilvington - 2001 - Feminist Review 67 (1):78-93.
    There has been considerable recent debate about prostitution in Europe that reflects concerns about health, employment and human rights. Legal changes are being introduced in many countries. We focus on two examples in order to discuss the likely implications. A new law in The Netherlands is normalizing aspects of the sex industry through decriminalizing both workers and businesses. In Sweden, on the other hand, prostitution is considered to be a social problem, and a new law criminalizes the purchasers of sexual (...)
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    Variations in efficiency during the working day.H. L. Hollingworth - 1914 - Psychological Review 21 (6):473-491.
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  41. Book Review: Emmanuel Alloa, Frank Chouraqui, and Rajiv Kaushik (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy. [REVIEW]Jason K. Day - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):198-202.
    Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy is an ambitious collected volume of fourteen chapters, accompanied by an epilogue by Jean-Luc Nancy, in which current Merleau-Ponty scholars together aim to demonstrate the urgent relevance of Merleau-Ponty to contemporary philosophy across a range of fields including ontology, epistemology, anthropology, embodiment, animality, politics, language, aesthetics, and art. Divided into four thematic sections, namely, “Legacies”, “Mind and Nature”, “Politics, Power, and Institution” and “Art and Aesthetics”, this collected volume provides a rich resource for Merleau-Ponty scholars who (...)
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  42. John Stuart Mill, innate differences, and the regulation of reproduction.Diane B. Paul & Benjamin Day - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (2):222-231.
    In this paper, we show that the question of the relative importance of innate characteristics and institutional arrangements in explaining human difference was vehemently contested in Britain during the first half of the nineteenth century. Thus Sir Francis Galton’s work of the 1860s should be seen as an intervention in a pre-existing controversy. The central figure in these earlier debates—as well as many later ones—was the philosopher and economist John Stuart Mill. In Mill’s view, human nature was fundamentally shaped by (...)
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    Hesiod’s Religious Norms in Context: On Works & Days 724–760.Andrej Petrovic Petrovic - 2022 - Kernos 35:185-232.
    We analyze the section from Hesiod’s Works and Days (724–760) that equips the farmer with the expertise necessary to facilitate the household’s harmonious relationship with the gods. We propose that this section with its tabular ordinances represents the earliest collection of Greek religious norms, and we contextualize it both within the structure of the W&D and within the wider framework of Greek religion. The section is carefully developed and purposefully placed towards the end of the poem, with an eye to (...)
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    A Study of Aging Topic Focusing on the Catholic Social Doctrine and Sen's Capability Approach.Hsiang-Yi Lin & Daisy Tai-Hsing Day - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (37):125-147.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the topic of older people in the world from the perspective of the Social Teaching of the Church. As explained in Christifideles Laici , the Catholic Church believes that the laity is summoned to pave the way for the arrival of God’s Kingdom, and people who are at an advanced age should still respond to God’s calling through their own unique way of contribution. In Familiaris Consortio it is emphasized that the Church (...)
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  45. Work and Justice Without Moral Content in Hesiod’s Works and Days.Refik Guremen - unknown
    According to Michael Gagarin, Hesiod’s notion of dikê is not a moral notion, and it has to be disassociated from the moral connotations that it will start to assume later in the fifth century. For Gagarin, an ad hoc settlement of particular disputes in city courts is all there is to Hesiodic dikê. This article objects to this interpretation of Hesiod and claims that Hesiod is working with a more substantial idea of dikê in his Works and Days. According (...)
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    Challenges arising when seeking broad consent for health research data sharing: a qualitative study of perspectives in Thailand.Phaik Yeong Cheah, Nattapat Jatupornpimol, Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn, Napat Khirikoekkong, Podjanee Jittamala, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee, Nicholas P. J. Day, Michael Parker & Susan Bull - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):86.
    Research funders, regulatory agencies, and journals are increasingly expecting that individual-level data from health research will be shared. Broad consent to such sharing is considered appropriate, feasible and acceptable in low- and middle-income settings, but to date limited empirical research has been conducted to inform the design of such processes. We examined stakeholder perspectives about how best to seek broad consent to sharing data from the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, which implemented a data sharing policy and broad consent (...)
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  47.  47
    The Process of Ethical Decision-Making: Experts vs Novices.Thomas Van Valey, David Hartmann, Wayne Fuqua, Andrew Evans, Amy Day Ing, Amanda Meyer, Karolina Staros & Chris Walmsley - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (1):45-60.
    As one approach to examining the way ethical decisions are made, we asked experts and novices to review a set of scenarios that depict some important ethical tensions in research. The method employed was “protocol analysis,” a talk-aloud technique pioneered by cognitive scientists for the analysis of expert performance. The participants were asked to verbalize their normally unexpressed thought processes as they responded to the scenarios, and to make recommendations for courses of action. We found that experts spent more time (...)
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    Hesiod, Works And Days: An Addendum.A. S. F. Gow - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (04):211-.
    On p. 118 I said that the injunction of Pythagoras παρà θνσíαν μxs22EF xs22EFννχíζον, quoted by Goettling with a false reference, might be illuminating in its context but that I suspected it of being a figment. My suspicions were unfounded. The reference, as Mr. A. B. Cook has kindly pointed out to me, is Iambl. Protrept. 364 K.; but Iamblichus's explanation—that ‘nails’ stands for one's remoter kinsfolk, οíον xs22EFνεψιáδαι xs22EF πατραδxs22EFλφων γαμβρονοτιδεîς xs22EF τοιοντοí τινες, with whom one should renew relations (...)
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  49.  4
    Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme Sangmeister), Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon, Rosalind Cornforth, Robin S. Cox, Nicholas Cradock-Henry, Laura Cramer, Almendra Cremaschi, Halvor Dannevig, Catherine T. Day & Cathel Hutchison - unknown
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    Researchers’ views on, and experiences with, the requirement to obtain informed consent in research involving human participants: a qualitative study.Antonia Xu, Melissa Therese Baysari, Sophie Lena Stocker, Liang Joo Leow, Richard Osborne Day & Jane Ellen Carland - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background Informed consent is often cited as the “cornerstone” of research ethics. Its intent is that participants enter research voluntarily, with an understanding of what their participation entails. Despite agreement on the necessity to obtain informed consent in research, opinions vary on the threshold of disclosure necessary and the best method to obtain consent. We aimed to investigate Australian researchers’ views on, and their experiences with, obtaining informed consent. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 researchers from NSW institutions, (...) in various fields of research. Interviews were analysed and coded to identify themes. Results Researchers reported that consent involved information disclosure, understanding and a voluntary decision. They emphasised the variability of consent interactions, which were dependent on potential participants’ abilities and interests, study complexity and context. All researchers reported providing written information to potential participants, yet questioned the readability and utility of this information. The majority reported using signed consent forms to ‘operationalise’ consent and reported little awareness of, and lack of support in implementing more dynamic informed consent procedures, such as verbal informed consent, that was fit for the purposes of their studies. Views on Human Research Ethics Committees varied. Some reported inconsistent, arduous inputs on the information form and consent process. Others expressed reliance on HRECs for guidance, viewing them as institutional safeguards. Conclusions This study highlights the importance of transparent relationships, both between researchers and participants, and between researchers and HRECs. Where the relationship with study participants was reported as more robust, researchers felt that they were better able to ensure participants made better, more informed decisions. Where the relationship with HRECs was reported as more robust, researchers were more likely to view them as institutional safeguards, rather than as bureaucratic hindrances. Conscientious and mindful researchers are paramount to ensuring the procedure accommodates individual requirements. This study advocates that when designing ethical informed consent practices, researchers should be integrated as autonomous players with a positive input on the process, rather than, in the worst case, predatory recruiters to be curtailed by information forms and oversight. (shrink)
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