Results for 'Wolfgang Kunkel'

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    Geschichte als Prozess?: historischer Materialismus oder marxistische Geschichtstheorie.Wolfgang Kunkel - 1987 - Hamburg: VSA-Verlag.
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    Roman Jurists Wolfgang Kunkel: Herkunft und soziale Stellung der römischen Juristen. Pp. xi+405. Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1952. Paper, DM. 26.50. [REVIEW]Barry Nicholas - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):45-47.
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    Latte's Short Papers Kurt Latte: Kleine Schriften zu Religion, Recht, Literatur und Sprache der Griechen und Römer. Herausgegeben von Olof Gigon, Wolfgang Buchwald und Wolfgang Kunkel. Pp. xvi+931 Munich: Beck, 1968. Cloth, £10. 10s. [REVIEW]Hugh Lloyd-Jones - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (02):187-189.
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    Die Philosophie des Rechts in historischer Perspektive.Carl Joachim Friedrich - 1955 - Berlin,: Springer Verlag.
    Diese kleine Rechtsphilosophie bemillit sich, die heutige rechts­ philosophische Problematik in den groBen Rahmen der Geschichte der Rechtsphilosophie hineinzustellen. Ein derartiges Unterfangen macht eine strenge Auswahl erforderlich, und jeder wird bei einer solchen zum Teil davon beeinfluBt sein, was er im Hinblick auf die Problema­ tik der Gegenwart als wesentlich empfindet. Viel Interessantes muB notwendigerweise unberiicksichtigt bleiben; als MaBstab fiir die Auswahl habe ich dabei im wesentlichen die Originalitat des rechtsphilosophischen Beitrags angesehen. Eine Ausnahme· bilden die Naturrechtler des 18. Jahrhunderts. (...)
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  5. How Will Capitalism End? Essays on a Failing System.Wolfgang Streeck - unknown
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  6. Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum Theory.Wolfgang Yourgrau & Stanley Mandelstam - 1961 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 (47):259-260.
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    A Causal Approach to Analogy.Wolfgang Pietsch - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (4):489-520.
    Analogical reasoning addresses the question how evidence from various phenomena can be combined and made relevant for theory development and prediction. In the first part of my contribution, I review some influential accounts of analogical reasoning, both historical and contemporary, focusing in particular on Keynes, Carnap, Hesse, and more recently Bartha. In the second part, I sketch a general framework. To this purpose, a distinction between a predictive and a conceptual type of analogical reasoning is introduced. I then take up (...)
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    Complexity-sensitive decision procedures for abstract argumentation.Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner & Stefan Woltran - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 206 (C):53-78.
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    Splitting lattices of logics.Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1980 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 20 (3-4):155-159.
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    The Non-plurality of the I: On the Question of the Ultimate Subject of Experience.Wolfgang Fasching - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (1-2):140-157.
    In his contribution to this special issue, Almaas is keen to distinguish the individual streams of consciousness from 'pure awareness'. Since the existence of the former is presumably quite uncontroversial in present-day philosophy, I wish to concentrate on the latter, in particular on Almaas's claim that pure awareness is non-individual and ultimately it is 'the true owner of all experiences of all streams'. In my contribution, I wish to make plausible, by a philosophical reflection on the puzzling nature of the (...)
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    Moral positions, medical–ethical knowledge and motivation during the course of medical education—results of a cross-sectional study at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.Wolfgang Strube, Mona Pfeiffer & Florian Steger - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (3):201-216.
    Der Unterricht in Medizinethik soll Medizinstudierenden die Grundlagen dafür vermitteln, in ihrer zukünftigen ärztlichen Tätigkeit gute Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Im Rahmen einer Panelstudie wird derzeit die Entwicklung moralischer Positionen, medizinethischer Kenntnisse und Motivationen von Medizinstudierenden der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München über den Verlauf des Studiums untersucht. Für die Datenerhebung wurde ein Fragebogen entwickelt, der medizinethische Positionen und Kenntnisse sowie Motivationen erfasst. Im Wintersemester 2009/10 wurde die erste Querschnittsuntersuchung mit Studierenden im 1., 3. und 8. Semester sowie im Praktischen Jahr durchgeführt. Die (...)
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    Gibt es Fehler im fiktionalen Kontext? Grenzen der dichterischen Freiheit.Wolfgang Huemer - 2010 - In Otto Neumaier (ed.), Was aus Fehlern zu lernen ist in Alltag, Wissenschaft und Kunst. LIT Verlag. pp. 211-227.
  13. An old pseudoproblem.Wolfgang Kohler - 1929 - Die Naturwissenschaften 17:395-401.
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  14. The ambiguities of `resistance': A reply to Peter Nicholson.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1977 - Ethics 87 (3):255-259.
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    Foucault and classical antiquity: power, ethics, and knowledge.Wolfgang Detel - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a critical examination of Michel Foucault's relation to ancient Greek thought, in particular his famous analysis of Greek history of sexuality. Wolfgang Detel offers a new understanding of Foucault's theories of power and knowledge based on modern analytical theories of science and concepts of power. He offers a fresh and complex reading of the texts which Foucault discusses, covering topics such as Aristotle's ethics and theory of sex, Hippocratic diatetics, the earliest treatises on economics, and Plato's (...)
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    Non-physical practice improves task performance in an unstable, perturbed environment: motor imagery and observational balance training.Wolfgang Taube, Michael Lorch, Sibylle Zeiter & Martin Keller - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Wie zuverlässig und wirklichkeitsgetreu sind unsere Erinnerungen?Wolfgang Mertens - 2019 - Psyche 73 (12):974-1001.
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    Deterministic Causation.Wolfgang Spohn - 2001 - In Wolfgang Spohn, Marion Ledwig & Michael Esfeld (eds.), Current Issues in Causation. Mentis. pp. 21-46.
    This paper is the most complete presentation of my views on deterministic causation. It develops the deterministic theory in perfect parallel to my theory of probabilistic causation and thus unites the two aspects. It also argues that the theory presented is superior to all regularity and all counterfactual theories of causation.
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  19. (1 other version)Das System der Leibnizschen Logik.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (1):112-116.
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    Formal1z1ng the bas1s of accountlng.Wolfgang Balzer & Richard Mattessich - 2000 - In Joseph D. Sneed, Wolfgang Balzer & C.-U. Moulines (eds.), Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples. Rodopi. pp. 75--99.
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  21. Putnams philosophische Aufsätze.Wolfgang Spohn - 1978 - Philosophische Rundschau 25:199.
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    Discourse, Diversity, and Free Choice.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (1):48-67.
    ABSTRACT ‘You may have beer or wine’ suggests that you may have beer and you may have wine. Following Klinedinst, I argue that this ‘free choice’ effect is a special kind of scalar implicature, arising from the application of an unspecific predicate to a plurality (of worlds). I show that the implicature can be derived from general norms of cooperative communication, without postulating new grammatical rules or hidden lexical items. The derivation calls for an extension to the classical neo-Gricean model. (...)
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    Introduction.Wolfgang Balzer & Bert Hamminga - 1989 - Erkenntnis 30 (1-2):1-3.
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  24. Erkenntnis und Wahrheit.Wolfgang Eichhorn (ed.) - 1983 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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    Das Recht und die sozialen Gruppen: Versuch einer Rechtssoziologie auf der Grundlage empirischer Philosophie.Wolfgang Hirsch - 1983 - Stuttgart: Enke.
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    Vorschlag zur Gründung von Leibniz-Akademien.Wolfgang Jacob - 1983 - Heidelberg: L. Schneider.
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    Existenzphilosophie.Wolfgang Janke - 1982 - New York: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Existenzphilosophie" verfügbar.
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    Rechtsphilosophische Grundbegriffe.Wolfgang Naucke - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: A. Metzner.
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    Grundlagen einer Typologie der Klänge.Wolfgang Thies - 1982 - Hamburg: Verlag der Musikalienhandlung, K. D. Wagner.
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    Entscheidungsfreiheit bei Platon.Wolfgang Maria Zeitler - 1983 - München: C.H. Beck.
  31. Ich und Spontaneität.”.Wolfgang Carl - 1998 - In Marcelo Stamm (ed.), Philosophie in Synthetischer Absicht. pp. 105--22.
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    Le départ du penseur.Wolfgang Kaltenbacher & Catherine Millasseau - 2013 - Diogène 238 (2):19-30.
    It was in February 1935 that Lévi-Strauss went to Brazil to teach sociology at the newly founded University of São Paolo. In the stimulating atmosphere of the city soon he struck up a friendship with the founders of Brazilian modernism, in particular with Mário de Andrade, the central figure of the avant-garde movement, who helped the young researcher to finance his expeditions into the Mato Grosso and the Amazon Rainforest. Twenty years later Lévi-Strauss wrote about this period in Brazil, after (...)
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  33. Wortstruktur und Satzstruktur.Wolfgang Motsch & Ilse Zimmermann (eds.) - 1989 - Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft.
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    Bioethik als Herausforderung.Wolfgang Wieland - 2003 - Bonn: Bonn University Press.
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    The Texture of Images: From "Calligramme" to "Fractogram".Wolfgang Wackernagel - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (156):47-63.
    The respectably legitimate offspring of an age-old affair between writing and picture-making, the calligramme — that is, “a poem in which the typographical layout creates a picture, generally related to the ‘subject’ of the text” (Dictionnaire des littératures, Larousse) — is often seen as an esoteric minority art of dubious reputation. Starting from an exclusively Western approach to the history of the calligramme, my aim is to demonstrate that this artform may in fact represent something more than simply (here I (...)
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    Cornelius Lanczos (1893–1974).Wolfgang Yourgrau - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):19-20.
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    S4:1:4 = s4:1:2 and s4:021 = s4:04.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (July):465-466.
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    The Colony as Laboratory: German Sleeping Sickness Campaigns in German East Africa and in Togo, 1900-1914.Wolfgang Eckart - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (1):69 - 89.
    This paper is on dangerous human experimentations with drugs against trypanosimiasis carried out in the former German colonies of German East Africa and Togo. Victory over trypanosomiasis could not be achieved in Berlin because animals were thought to be unsuitable for therapeutic laboratory research in the field of trypanosomiasis. The colonies themselves were necessarily chosen as laboratories and the patients with sleeping sickness became the objects of therapeutical and pharmacological research. The paper first outlines Robert Koch's trypanosomiasis research in the (...)
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    Kosmopolitismus, Kommunitarismus und die Demokratie.Wolfgang Merkel & Michael Zürn - 2019 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin, Detlef Daniels & Nicole Wloka (eds.), Internationale Gerechtigkeit Und Institutionelle Verantwortung. De Gruyter. pp. 67-102.
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    Das Realitätsproblem in der Transzendentalphilosophie.Wolfgang Rod - 1995 - In Hans Lenk & Hans Poser (eds.), Neue Realitäten. Herausforderung der Philosophie: Xvi. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Berlin 20.–24. September 1993. De Gruyter. pp. 424-442.
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    Bedingtheit und Unbedingtheit der Freiheit.Wolfgang Speyer - 2016 - Philotheos 16:5-18.
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    Vom Paradox der Wirklichkeit.Wolfgang Speyer - 2003 - Philotheos 3:31-39.
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    Zur Gottesfrage heute.Wolfgang Speyer - 2004 - Philotheos 4:12-18.
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    Varieties of Varieties: “VoC” and the Growth Models.Wolfgang Streeck - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (2):243-247.
    The article points out the important contribution made by the concept of “growth models” to comparative political economy. It emphasizes Baccaro and Pontusson’s critique of the standard model of “varieties of capitalism.”.
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    Der Geile Esel bei Archilochos.Wolfgang Luppe - 1995 - Hermes 123 (2):247-249.
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  46. Experimental Approaches to Action.Wolfgang Prinz - 2003 - In Johannes Roessler & Naomi Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Das Verschwinden der Politik.Wolfgang Fach - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Als "Wissenschaft des Regierens" und "Kunst der Verwaltung" definiert ein Lexikon aus dem 18. Jahrhundert die Politik, 2000 Jahre früher machte Aristoteles das "glückselige und edle Leben" als Zweck des Staates aus. Ein Blick auf die Rituale der Berliner Republik zeigt, wie weit sich die praktische Politik von diesen Idealen entfernt hat: Es geht weniger um die Glückseligkeit der Bürger als um Parteienproporz und Lobbyinteressen, das zähe Ringen um Reformen hat mit großer Kunst wenig gemeinsam. Wie es trotzdem immer wieder (...)
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    Sach-Index.Wolfgang Carl - 2018 - In Welt Und Selbst Beim Frühen Heidegger. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 231-232.
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    Erkenntnis Orientated: A Centennial Volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach.Wolfgang Spohn (ed.) - 1991 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Rudolf Carnap was born on May 18, 1891, and Hans Reichenbach on September 26 in the same year. They are two of the greatest philosophers of this century, and they are eminent representatives of what is perhaps the most powerful contemporary philosophical movement. Moreover, they founded the journal Erkenntnis. This is ample reason for presenting, on behalf of Erkenntnis, a collection of essays in honor of them and their philosophical work. I am less sure, however, whether it is a good (...)
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    Microsoft, refusal to license intellectual property rights, and the incentives balance test of the EU commission.Wolfgang Kerber & Claudia Schmidt - unknown
    This article contributes to the analysis of refusal to license cases as abuse of a dominant position pursuant Article 82 EC from an economic perspective. In the Microsoft case, the European Commission introduced an "Incentives Balance Test" to assess whether the refusal to give access to interface information can be justified by arguing that this information is protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): The Commission argued that if the overall innovative effects evoked by a compulsory license are significantly higher than (...)
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