Results for 'Wolbert Smidt'

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  1.  7
    Friedensräume in tigray unter druck Von kriegerischer gewalt und reform: Ethos.Wolbert G. C. Smidt - 2006 - In Annette Hornbacher (ed.), Ethik, Ethos, Ethnos: Aspekte Und Probleme Interkultureller Ethik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 367-390.
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    Afrika im Schatten der Aufklärung: das Afrikabild bei Immanuel Kant und Johann Gottfried Herder.Wolbert Smidt - 1999 - Bonn: Holos.
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    What kind of theory should theory on education for human flourishing be?Lynne S. Wolbert, Doret J. De Ruyter & Anders Schinkel - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (1):25-39.
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    Introducing Malaguzzi: exploring the life and work of Reggio Emilia's founding father.Sandra Smidt - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Loris Malaguzzi (1920 - 1994) was the pioneer of the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching young children. An ever-increasing number of teachers and educationalists from all over the world now come to study the Reggio pre-school's unique methods, and this is largely due to Malaguzzi's devotion, work and commitment over 45 years, and the small group of teachers and educators he trained and with whom he developed his methods. The principles that underpin the Reggio Emilia approach are fundamental to the (...)
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    Sartre, Imagination and Dialectical Reason: Creating Society as a Work of Art.Austin Hayden Smidt - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    There are perpetual debates about the extent of freedom in politics. Are we free to choose? Are we overdetermined by our material conditions? Some hybrid between the two? In this text, Austin Hayden Smidt analyzes an oft-overlooked text by Jean-Paul Sartre in order to ground a logical framework for exploring this problem.
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    The flourishing child.Lynne Wolbert, Doret de Ruyter & Anders Schinkel - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):698-709.
    This paper aims to offer conceptual clarification on the use of the concept of human flourishing with regard to children. We will argue that the concept can meaningfully be applied to parts of human lives, specifically one's childhood, and discuss when we can meaningfully speak of a flourishing child. Viewing children's lives in terms of whether they are flourishing may be able to help us understand and articulate in which ways a child's life may go better or worse. This is (...)
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  7. Formal criteria for the concept of human flourishing: the first step in defending flourishing as an ideal aim of education.Lynne S. Wolbert, Doret J. de Ruyter & Anders Schinkel - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):118-129.
    Human flourishing is the topic of an increasing number of books and articles in educational philosophy. Flourishing should be regarded as an ideal aim of education. If this is defended, the first step should be to elucidate what is meant by flourishing, and what exactly the concept entails. Listing formal criteria can facilitate reflection on the ideal of flourishing as an aim of education. We took Aristotelian eudaimonia as a prototype to construct two criteria for the concept of human flourishing: (...)
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    The Potentiality Argument in the Debate relating to the Beginning of Personhood.Werner Wolbert - 2000 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 6 (2):19-26.
    (2000). The Potentiality Argument in the Debate relating to the Beginning of Personhood. Human Reproduction & Genetic Ethics: Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 19-26.
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    Introducing Freire: a guide for students, teachers, and practitioners.Sandra Smidt - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The famous Brazilian educator Paulo Freire has influenced educators, teachers and students in a broad tapestry of contexts and countries, as he challenged conventional thinking on how teachers ought to teach and learners ought to learn. By making his ideas accessible and relevant, this insightful and thought-provoking text draws out the relevance and topicality of Freire's work and applies this to a wide range of educational settings, from adult education, through schools, to early years settings. Themes covered include: the lasting (...)
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    Some observations of dislocation channelling in irradiated iron.P. A. Smidt & B. Mastel - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):651-656.
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    Babies by Design: The Ethics of Genetic Choice.Werner Wolbert - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):218-219.
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    Barmherzigkeit oder Gerechtigkeit: zur ethischen Einordnung einiger Fragen der Sexual- und Beziehungsmoral sowie der politischen Ethik.Werner Wolbert - 2020 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    Bezüglich Lehre und Praxis der Kirche empfindet man vielfach einen Mangel an Barmherzigkeit, vor allem da, wo ein Handeln gemäss der traditionellen Lehre für die Betroffenen eine erhebliche Belastung bedeutet. Im Brennpunkt stehen dabei besonders wiederverheiratete und homosexuelle Menschen, denen sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit zugemutet wird. Da es für solche Zumutung aber starke Argumente geben müsste, sind die vor allem mit Rekurs auf die Bibel vorgebrachten Gründe zu überprüfen. Falls diese aber der Überprüfung nicht standhalten, geht es nicht um Barmherzigkeit, sondern um (...)
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  13. Is there a duty to create saviour siblings?Werner Wolbert - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 14 (1):22-28.
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    Peter Singer and Christian Ethics: Beyond Polarization by Charles E. Camosy.Werner Wolbert - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):225-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Peter Singer and Christian Ethics: Beyond Polarization by Charles E. CamosyWerner WolbertPeter Singer and Christian Ethics: Beyond Polarization CHARLES E. CAMOSY Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 278 pp. $29.99Peter Singer’s “Copernican revolution” against a sanctity of life ethic may be regarded, from a Roman Catholic viewpoint, as an expression of the “culture of death” denounced by John Paul II. One must keep in mind, however, that “we know (...)
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  15. Zur neueren Diskussion über den Gehirntod.Werner Wolbert - 1996 - Ethik in der Medizin 8 (1):6-18.
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    Grotius' letzte Reise.J. Th de Smidt - 1995 - Grotiana 16 (1):85-96.
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    Creating authentic connectedness online through a shared experience of ‘not-knowing’.Lynne Wolbert & Aslı Ünlüsoy - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):110-122.
    This article describes the experience of two educators in a master program in Pedagogy in the Netherlands. Their experience is of an online gathering with students and educators that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and educators were not allowed to meet face-to-face, thus resorted to online education. What happened at that online gathering was that the educators observed how the group connected to each other in a way that was reminiscent of the ‘normal’ face-to-face gatherings before the pandemic, (...)
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  18. Die Ehe als Vertrag und als Bund.Werner Wolbert - 1992 - In Klaus Demmer, Karl-Heinz Ducke & Wilhelm Ernst (eds.), Moraltheologie im Dienst der Kirche: Festschrift für Wilhelm Ernst zum 65. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Benno Verlag.
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    Human Flourishing, Wonder, and Education.Anders Schinkel, Lynne Wolbert, Jan B. W. Pedersen & Doret J. de Ruyter - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (2):143-162.
    Various authors see human flourishing as the overarching aim to which education should contribute. We ask whether fostering _wonder_ can help education attain this aim. We discuss two possibilities: firstly, it may be that having a sense of wonder as adults (possibly fostered by and/or refined due to education) contributes to flourishing itself. Secondly, it may be that fostering wonder in education increases the likelihood that education promotes flourishing, which it might do simply by increasing children’s intrinsic interest in what (...)
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    Göran Collste: Is Human Life Special? Religious and Philosophical Perspectives on the Principle of Human Dignity.Werner Wolbert - 2007 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 51 (3):229-231.
  21. Güterabwägung und Selbstzwecklichkeit: Zur Eigenart einer deontologischen Theorie und zur tugendethischen Alternative.Werner Wolbert - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (1-2):145-170.
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  22. Von der Bedeutung der Bibel für den Moraltheologen.Werner Wolbert - 2002 - In Hans Rotter, Wilhelm Guggenberger & Gertraud Ladner (eds.), Christlicher Glaube, Theologie und Ethik. Münster: Lit.
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    Is there a Duty to Create Saviour Siblings?H. Wolbert - 2008 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 14 (1):22-28.
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    Unzulängliche Argumente in der Diskussion um die Embryonenforschung.Werner Wolbert - 2003 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 47 (1):231-232.
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  25. Vergebung – bedingt oder unbedingt?Werner Wolbert - 2024 - De Ethica 8 (3):51-67.
    Von theologischer wir philosophischer Seite wird bisweilen gefordert, Vergebung müsse unbedingt sein. Darüber hinaus wird bei Psychotherapeuten die therapeutische Wirkung der Vergebung betont, so dass Vergebung im Eigeninteresse der gekränkten oder geschädigten Personen zu liegen scheint. Dabei werden Gesichtspunkte der Gerechtigkeit und der Prävention und der Selbstachtung des Opfers übersehen, wie die im Artikel aufgezeigten Vorbehalte deutlich machen können. Dabei kommt speziell die Perspektive der Geschädigten, der Opfer stärker in den Blick. Außerdem sind die einschlägigen Mahnungen im Neuen Testament, die (...)
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    Peer influence: neural mechanisms underlying in-group conformity.Mirre Stallen, Ale Smidts & Alan G. Sanfey - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Use of Herbs in Pastures: An Interview Survey Among Bio-Dynamic and Organic Farmers with Dairy Cattle. [REVIEW]Naja W. Smidt & Leon Brimer - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):355-363.
    Lack of knowledge about the effects of herbs in pastures and the frequency of their use by today's organic farmers has limited the development of new methods to improve animal health compatible with organic farming principles. Understanding farmers' agricultural practices is an early step in a participatory research process. With this in mind, we conducted a two-tiered, semi-structured survey of Danish organic farmers with dairy cattle to begin documenting their practices. Out of 350 farmers, 255 completed a mailed questionnaire – (...)
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  28. Een vergeten denker, Abraham Ibn Daud: een onderzoek naar de bronnen en de structuur van "Ha-Emunah ha-ramah".Smidt van Gelder-Fontaine & Theresia Anna Maria - 1986 - [Amsterdam?]: T.A.M. Smidt van Gelder-Fontaine.
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    Linking Diversity and Mental Health: Task Conflict Mediates Between Perceived Subgroups and Emotional Exhaustion.Niklas Schulte, Friedrich M. Götz, Fabienne Partsch, Tim Goldmann, Lea Smidt & Bertolt Meyer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Diversity and psychological health issues at the workplace are pressing issues in today’s organizations. However, research linking the two fields is scant. To bridge this gap, drawing from team faultline research, social categorization theory, and the job-demands resources model, we propose that perceiving one’s team as fragmented into subgroups increases strain. We further argue that this relationship is mediated by task conflict and relationship conflict and that it is moderated by psychological empowerment and task interdependence. Multilevel structural equation models on (...)
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    Sepharad in Ashkenaz: Medieval Knowledge and Eighteenth-Century Enlightened Jewish Discourse.Irene E. Zwiep, Andrea Schatz & Resianne Smidt van Gelder-Fontaine (eds.) - 1858 - Edita-the Publishing House of the Royal.
    Medieval Sephardi literature was a catalytic presence in the Jewish intellectual landscape of the eighteenth century. In _Sepharad in Ashkenaz_, a celebrated group of contributors provides the first, comprehensive evaluation of the medieval Sephardi canon in the Ashkenazi world. These essays explore the introduction of Sephardi texts into Jewish discourse, the Ashkenazi reception of the Sephardi masters, and the resulting literary innovations that forever changed Jewish scholarship. Through a series of case studies and analyses of works by Maimonides, Spinoza, and (...)
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    De republica Emendanda.P. A. H. de Boer, J. Th de Smidt, Arthur Eyffinger & L. E. van Holk - 1984 - Grotiana 5 (1):3-4.
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    Werner Wolbert (2000) Du sollst nicht töten. Systematische Überlegungen zum Tötungsverbot.: Universitätsverlag, Freiburg i. Ue. und Verlag Herder, Freiburg i. Br., ISBN 3-7278-1291-5 und 3-451-27561-9, 173 Seiten.F. J. Illhardt - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (1):67-67.
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    Aus dem Tagebuch von Johann Smidt (1794/95).Erich Fuchs - 1995 - Fichte-Studien 7:173-192.
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    Introducing Bruner: A Guide for Practitioners and Students in Early Years Education. By Sandra Smidt.Victor J. Sensenig - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (2):205-207.
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    (1 other version)Analytische Einführung in Die Ethik.Dieter Birnbacher - 2007 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Review text: "... ist diese Einführung als solche uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen, da sie ihrem "analytischen? Charakter im besten Sinne des Wortes gerecht wird."Werner Wolbert in: Salzburger Theologische Zeitschrift 2/2008.
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    Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick.Martin Rhonheimer - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):279-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTENTIONAL ACTIONS AND THE MEANING OF OBJECT: A REPLY TO RICHARD McCORMICK MARTIN RHONHEIMER Roman Athenaeum of the Holy Cross Rome, Italy I N HIS ARTICLE, " Some Early Reactions to Veritatis Splendor," 1 Richard McCormick discusses my article on Veritatis Splendor and its teaching about intrinsically evil acts.2 He challenges my defence of the encyclical's views and poses some concrete questions for me. At the same time, McCormick (...)
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    Subjektivität.Richard Schottky (ed.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Klaus DÜSING: Strukturmodelle des Selbstbewußtseins. Ein systematischer Entwurf. Christian KLOTZ: Reines Selbstbewußtsein und Reflexion in Fichtes Grundlegung der Wissenschaftslehre. Hans-Peter FALK: Existenz und Licht. Zur Entwicklung des Wissensbegriffs in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1805. Akira OMINE: Das Problem der Reflexion bei Kierkegaard und Fichte. Erich HEINTEL: Zum Problem des "Ich" als "daseiende Transzendentalität". Von David Hume zu Ernst Mach und dem "Wiener Kreis". Günter ZÖLLER: Bestimmung zur Selbstbestimmung: Fichtes Theorie des Willens. VERMISCHTE BEITRÄGE. Richard SCHOTTKY†: Staatliche Souveränität und individuelle Freiheit (...)
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