Results for 'William Claude Storms'

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  1.  35
    Lawful disorganization: The process underlying a schizophrenic syndrome.William E. Broen & Lowell H. Storms - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):265-279.
  2.  16
    A reaction potential ceiling and response decrements in complex situations.William E. Broen & Lowell H. Storms - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (6):405-415.
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    After Dionysus: A Theory of the Tragic.William Storm - 2019 - Cornell University Press.
    William Storm reinterprets the concept of the tragic as both a fundamental human condition and an aesthetic process in dramatic art. He proposes an original theoretical relation between a generative and consistent tragic ground and complex characterization patterns. For Storm, it is the dismemberment of character, not the death, that is the signature mark of tragic drama. Basing his theory in the sparagmos, the dismembering rite associated with Dionysus, Storm identifies a rending tendency that transcends the ancient Greek setting (...)
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    On the order structure of the hyperreal line.William S. Hatcher & Claude Laflamme - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (4):197-202.
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    Drive theories and stimulus generalization.Lowell H. Storms & William E. Broen - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (2):113-127.
  6.  33
    Ibn ʿArabī, ou la quête du soufre rougeIbn Arabi, ou la quete du soufre rouge.William Chittick & Claude Addas - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):161.
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  7. The Tanner lectures on human values.William G. Bowen, Craig J. Calhoun, Michael Ignatieff, F. M. Kamm, Claude Lanzmann, Robert Post, Michael J. Sandel & Mark Matheson (eds.) - 2014 - Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press.
    Volume 39 of the Tanner Lectures on Human Values includes lectures initially scheduled during the academic year 2019-2020. Owing to the global coronavirus pandemic, some were delivered at a later date. The Tanner Lectures are published in an annual volume. In addition to permanent lectures at nine universities, the Tanner Lectures on Human Values funds special one-time lectures at selected higher educational institutions in the United States and around the world.
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  8. Les concepts fondamentaux de la phénoménologie: Entretien avec Claude Romano.Tarek R. Dika, William C. Hackett & Claude Romano - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (2):173-202.
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    Along a Mountain Path with Empedocles(31 B D.-K.).Jean-Claude Picot & William Berg - 2012 - Elenchos 33 (1):5-20.
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    Apollo, Eros, and Epic Allusions in Empedocles, frr. 134 And 29 DK.Jean-Claude Picot & William Berg - 2018 - American Journal of Philology 139 (3):365-396.
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    Lions and promoi: Final Phase of Exile for Empedocles’ daimones.Jean-Claude Picot & William Berg - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (4):380-409.
  12.  27
    In Memory of Edward Diener: Reflections on His Career, Contributions and the Science of Happiness.Weiting Ng, William Tov, Ruut Veenhoven, Sebastiaan Rothmann, Maria José Chambel, Sufen Chen, Matthew L. Cole, Chiara Consiglio, Arianna Costantini, Jesus Alfonso Daep Datu, Zelda Di Blasi, Susana Llorens Gumbau, Alexandra Huber, Saskia M. Kelders, Jeff Klibert, Hans Henrik Knoop, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Mirna Nel, Marisa Salanova, Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra, Rebecca Shankland, Akihito Shimazu, Peter M. ten Klooster, Maria Vera, Maria A. J. Zondervan-Zwijnenburg & Llewellyn Ellardus van Zyl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    The Professional EventEnvironment for ManEnvironment and ChangeEnvironment and Policy. [REVIEW]Claude Winkelhake & William Ewald Jr - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (1):133.
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  14. Divine Immutability: A Critical Reconsideration.Isaak August Dorner, Robert R. Williams & Claude Welch - 1994
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    Ethical Issues in Research: Perceptions of Researchers, Research Ethics Board Members and Research Ethics Experts.Marie-Josée Drolet, Eugénie Rose-Derouin, Julie-Claude Leblanc, Mélanie Ruest & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):269-292.
    In the context of academic research, a diversity of ethical issues, conditioned by the different roles of members within these institutions, arise. Previous studies on this topic addressed mainly the perceptions of researchers. However, to our knowledge, no studies have explored the transversal ethical issues from a wider spectrum, including other members of academic institutions as the research ethics board (REB) members, and the research ethics experts. The present study used a descriptive phenomenological approach to document the ethical issues experienced (...)
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  16.  29
    William Ockham Marilyn McCord Adams Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 1987, 2 vol., xx, 1402 p.Claude Panaccio - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (3):532-.
  17.  25
    Ockham on Concepts.Claude Panaccio - 2017 - Routledge.
    William of Ockham (c.1287-1347) is known to be one of the major figures of the late Middle Ages. The scope and significance of his doctrine of human thought, however, has been a controversial issue among scholars in the last decade, and this book presents a full discussion of recent developments. Claude Panaccio proposes a richly documented and entirely original reinterpretation of Ockham's theory of concepts as a coherent blend of representationalism, conceptual atomism, and non reductionist nominalism, stressing in (...)
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  18.  20
    From totalitarianism to populism: Claude Lefort’s overlooked legacy.William Selinger - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article recovers Claude Lefort’s engagement with the issue of populism, which was inspired by the emergence of Jean-Marie Le Pen as a major figure in French politics during the late 1980s. I show how Lefort developed both an analysis of populism as a pathology of modern politics and a new vision of representative democracy as the alternative to populism. In doing so, Lefort drew upon his more familiar theory of democracy and totalitarianism, his study of the history of (...)
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  19. William of Ockham., Summa logicae (ca. 1324).Claude Panaccio - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 177--182.
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  20. William of Ockham.Paul Vincent Spade & Claude Panaccio - 2019 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition).
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  21. Journée clermontoise. L'humanisme en question : une anthropodicée est-elle possible? / Jean-Baptiste Létang ; La folie entre absence, négativité et altérité / Marlène Morel ; Le Bien comme principe totalisant dans l'expérience de l'âme chez Plotin / William Néria; La volonté d'être l'Unique en face du Tout / Claude Brunier-Coulin ; L'Âtman/Brahman ou la possibilité de la Totalité dans le non-dualisme de Śaṅkara.William Néria - 2016 - In Claude Brunier-Coulin, Institutions et destitutions de la totalité: explorations de l'oeuvre de Christian Godin: actes du colloque des 24-25-26 septembre 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, Université Blaise Pascal, Paris, Université Paris Descartes. Paris: Orizons.
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    Mémoire et héritage scientifique de William James.Jean-Claude Dupont - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):443-460.
    Si l’héritage scientifique de William James est revendiqué aujourd’hui à la fois par certains tenants du béhaviorisme, du cognitivisme et des neurosciences, c’est que les Principles of Psychology (1890) eurent une portée très supérieure à l’influence directe exercée sur les propres élèves de James, ou au legs au fonctionnalisme américain. La dimension programmatique de l’œuvre peut être approchée par le traitement multiple qu’elle applique au problème de la mémoire. Les écrits sur la mémoire de James, sans doute moins connus (...)
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  23. Les Evangiles du Diable de Claude Seignolle.William Schnabel - 2001 - Iris 22:287-315.
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    Earth, Wind, and Fire: Aristotle on Violent Storm Events, with Reconsideration of the Terms ἐκνεφίας, τυφῶν, κεραυνός, and πρηστήρ.Michael Williams, Zachary Herzog & Daniel W. Graham - 2022 - Apeiron 55 (3):417-442.
    Recent studies of Aristotle’s meteorology have often focused on questions of scientific methodology rather than on the empirical accuracy of the explanations. Here we wish to focus on Aristotle’s theory of storms, considering them in their historical context and in light of Aristotle’s theoretical commitments, but testing them in terms of their ability to explain the phenomena in question. Aristotle’s approach to storm events follows a general pattern of “outburst” theories proposed by Presocratic thinkers, in which wind, fire, and (...)
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  25. Mental language and tradition encounters in medieval philosophy: Anselm, Albert and ockham.Claude Panaccio - 2007 - Vivarium 45 (s 2-3):269-282.
    Medieval philosophy is often presented as the outcome of a large scale encounter between the Christian tradition and the Greek philosophical one. This picture, however, inappropriately tends to leave out the active role played by the medieval authors themselves and their institutional contexts. The theme of the mental language provides us with an interesting case study in such matters. The paper first introduces a few technical notions—'theme', 'tradition', 'textual chain' and 'textual borrowing'—, and then focuses on precise passages about mental (...)
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    Recensie: Spirit's gift: The metaphysical insight of Claude Bruaire/Antonio López, FSCB (Washington, 2006).William Desmond - 2007 - The Thomist 71 (1):154-158.
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    The Cognitive Basis of the Discipline: Claude Bernard on Physiology.William Coleman - 1985 - Isis 76:49-70.
  28.  85
    Intuition and Causality: Ockham’s Externalism Revisited.Claude Panaccio - 2010 - Quaestio 10:241-253.
    Content externalism, as defended by Hilary Putnam, Tyler Burge and several others, is the thesis that the content of our thoughts at a given moment is not uniquely determined by our internal states at that moment. In its causalist version, it has often been presented as a deep revolution in philosophy of mind. Yet a number of medievalists (e.g. Peter King, Calvin Normore, Gyula Klima, and myself) have recently stressed the presence of significant externalist tendencies in late-medieval nominalism, especially in (...)
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  29.  51
    Auguste Comte et William Whewell :?uvres contemporaines.Jean-Claude Pont - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 4 (4):471-491.
    Auguste Comte et William Whewell sont contemporains. Tous les deux ont écrit sur de nombreux sujets : histoire et philosophie des sciences, astronomie, mécanique, philosophie morale et réflexions sur l’éducation. Leurs œuvres de philosophie des sciences sont parmi les plus importantes du XIXe siècle. Mais si celle du premier a marqué le siècle, celle du second n’a fait que de timides apparitions. C’est probablement par John Stuart Mill, à la fois disciple et sectateur de Comte et farouche opposant de (...)
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  30.  31
    Ockham's nominalism: a philosophical introduction.Claude Panaccio - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    William of Ockham is a towering figure in the history of philosophy and he is commonly seen as the most important nominalist thinker of the Middle Ages. His nominalism basically consists in three theses: there are no universals in the external world, no relations either, and no quantities considered as distinct entities. This book provides an introduction to Ockham's defence of these positions and to what they amount to in metaphysics, semantics, and epistemology. It thus displays the outlines of (...)
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  31. From mental word to mental language.Claude Panaccio - 1992 - Philosophical Topics 20 (2):125-147.
    This paper studies the doctrinal and historical relations between the augustinian theme of the inner word as it was understood in Thirteenth-century thought --especially by Thomas Aquinas -- and William of Ockham's idea of mental discourse. The differences are shown to be deeply significant and are replaced in the context of a crucial shift that occurred in the decades between Aquinas and Ockham: the shift from theology to logic as providing the main inputs and stimulations for the development, on (...)
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    A Hospital Ethics Committee At War: The Hospital Ship Mercy Experience During Operation Desert Shield And Operation Desert Storm.William Robert Kiser - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (4):389-392.
    During Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, USNS Mercy was one of two American hospital ships deployed to the Persian Gulf. She arrived in the Gulf on 15 September 1990, following a 12,000-mile transit from her homeport of Oakland, California, and remained on station until 18 March 1991, when she passed through the Straits of Hormuz on her return voyage home. During the height of her deployment, Mercy was staffed with nearly 1,200 men and women, including physicians, nurses, dentists, (...)
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    Les mots, les concepts et les choses: la sémantique de Guillaume d'Occam et le nominalisme d'aujourd'hui.Claude Panaccio - 1992 - Montréal : Bellarmin.
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    Four Notes on the Grammar of Ockham’s Mental Language.Claude Panaccio - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild, Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 207-219.
    William of Ockham’s discussion of which grammatical categories are relevant for describing the syntax of mental language occurs in two short and closely related passages: Quodlibeta V, 8 and Summa logicae I, 3. In the present paper, I discuss four riddles that are raised by these two texts: (1) I point to an apparent anomaly in the structure of Summa logicae I, 3 and I propose an amendment to the St. Bonaventure edition in this regard; (2) I argue that (...)
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    Helmholtz and the Psychophysiology of Time.Claude Debru - 2001 - Science in Context 14 (3):471-492.
    ArgumentAfter having measured the velocity of the nervous impulse in the 1850s, Helmholtz began doing research on the temporal dimensions of visual perception. Experiments dealing with the velocity of propagation in nerves were carried out occasionally for some fifteen years until their final publication in 1871. Although the temporal dimension of perception seems to have interested Helmholtz less than problems of geometry and space, his experiments on the time of perception were technically rather subtle and seminal, especially compared with experiments (...)
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    Brooke Williams Smith, Jacques Maritain.Ultramodern? An historical analysis of his critics, his thought and his life. New York-Oxford-Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1976 Un vol. rel. de 14,5 × 22, 194 p. [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):105-106.
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    Le langage mental en discussion: 1320-1335.Claude Panaccio - 1996 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:323-339.
    Guillaume d'Ockham fut l'initiateur principal d'une approche sémantique aux phénomènes cognitifs: la pensée, pour lui, est un discours intérieur et il propose de l'analyser systématiquement à travers les catégories de la grammaire et celles — surtout — de la théorie nouvelle des « propriétés des termes » . On examine ici comment cette suggestion fut reçue chez les philosophes anglais du temps d'Ockham, en particulier: Gauthier Chatton, Hugues Lawton, le Pseudo-Campsall, Crathorn, Robert Holkot et Adam Wodeham. William of Ockham (...)
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    Jean-Claude Wolf, John Stuart Mill's 'Utilitarismus', Freiburg/Munich, Alber, 1992, pp. 260.Howard Williams - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (1):159.
  39. Ockham and Buridan on Epistemic Sentences: Appellation of the Form and Appellation of Reason.Claude Panaccio - 2012 - Vivarium 50 (2):139-160.
    Buridan’s theory of sentences with epistemic verbs (‘to know’, ‘to believe’, etc.) has received much attention in recent scholarship. Its originality with respect to Ockham’s approach, however, has been importantly overestimated. The present paper argues that both doctrines share crucial features and basically belong to the same family. This is done by comparing Buridan’s notion of the ‘appellation of reason’ with Ockham’s application to epistemic sentences of the general principle that a predicate always ‘appellates its form’.
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    Existential faith and biblical philosophy.William L. Power - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (3):199-210.
    In this article, I present a case for a kind of existential theology which would be philosophical and metaphysical, though not broadly Platonic and classical, and biblical though not illogical. What I present will be an attempt to clarify and justify what I call "existential hayatological theism". In so doing I will draw on insights from what Edmond La B Cherbonnier and Claude Tresmontant designated as "biblical philosophy" and "biblical metaphysics" as well as from the neo-classical philosophies of Charles (...)
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    Catullus II. 9–12.A. Hudson Williams - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (3-4):186-.
    For horribilesque we need something better than Haupt's horribile aequor ; and Mr. E. L. B. Meurig Davies comes near the truth, I think, with his proposal horribilem niue. A noun in the ablative indicating cold to define horribilem is just what we require. That noun does not seem to me, however, likely to be niue. Read rather horribilem gelu; cf. Luc. 2. 570 ‘ Rheni gelidis … fugit ab undis’, Claud. Rapt. 3. 321 ‘non Rheni glacies, non me Rhipaea (...)
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    Les consonances entre l’éthique jonassienne et la pensée confucéenne à l’'ge écologique.Jean-Claude Gens - 2014 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 22:247-262.
    La corrélation entre l’éthique de la responsabilité de Jonas d’une part et les hypothèses théo-goniques ou -logiques de sa philosophie de la vie d’autre part, implique-t-elle une dépendance de la première vis-à-vis des secondes? C’est cette dépendance qui est interrogée dans le remarquable recueil co-édité en 2010 par Hava-Tirosh Samuelson et Christian Wiese The Legacy of Hans Jonas. Si ce volume interroge surtout l’inspiration théologique juive de Jonas, William R. LaFleur a bien vu dans sa...
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    Claude Blanckaert. De la race à l'évolution: Paul Broca et l'anthropologie française . 616 pp., table, bibl., index. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. $56.55. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Williams - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):176-178.
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    Walter Lippmann, Neoliberalism, and the Gathering Storm.William E. Connolly - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):321-330.
    Adapt!: On a New Political Imperative, by Barbara Stiegler, reveals how neoliberalism in the 1930s took the shape of an entire social philosophy; it also shows how her book must be updated today. As Stiegler reviews, Walter Lippmann insisted that major state and social institutions must be reformed to support neoliberal aims of capital priority and rapid growth, the primacy of technical experts, management of mass opinion to insulate those inviolable ends, and courts equipped with neoliberal jurisprudence and authority to (...)
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    Shard cinema.Evan Calder Williams - 2017 - London: Repeater Books, an imprint of Watkins Media.
    Shard cinema tells an expansive story of how moving images have changed in the last three decades, and how they have changed us along with them, rewiring the ways we watch, fight, and navigate an unsteady world. In a set of interrelated essays that range from the writings of early factory workers to the distributed sight of contemporary surveillance, Williams argues for deep links between the images we see and the hidden labors frozen into them, exploring how even the apparently (...)
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    William Morris, Nouvelles de nulle part (News from nowhere), traduction, introduction et notes de V. Dupont. Paris, Editions Aubier-Montaigne, 1976. 13 × 20, 519 p. (« Collection bilingue »). [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):230.
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    The revised transliminality scale: Reliability and validity data from a Rasch top-down purification procedure.Rense Lange, Michael A. Thalbourne, James Houran & Lance Storm - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (4):591-617.
    The concept of transliminality (''a hypothesized tendency for psychological material to cross thresholds into or out of consciousness'') was anticipated by William James (1902/1982), but it was only recently given an empirical definition by Thalbourne in terms of a 29-item Transliminality Scale. This article presents the 17-item Revised Transliminality Scale (or RTS) that corrects age and gender biases, is unidimensional by a Rasch criterion, and has a reliability of .82. The scale defines a probabilistic hierarchy of items that address (...)
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    On the Elements of Being: II.Donald C. Williams - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (2):171-192.
    If a bit of perceptual behavior is a trope, so is any response to a stimulus, and so is the stimulus, and so therefore, more generally, is every effect and its cause. When we say that the sunlight caused the blackening of the film we assert a connection between two tropes; when we say that Sunlight in general causes Blackening in general, we assert a corresponding relation between the corresponding universals. Causation is often said to relate events, and generally speaking (...)
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    Catullus II. 9–12.A. Williams - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (3-4):186.
    For horribilesque we need something better than Haupt's horribile aequor ; and Mr. E. L. B. Meurig Davies comes near the truth, I think, with his proposal horribilem niue. A noun in the ablative indicating cold to define horribilem is just what we require. That noun does not seem to me, however, likely to be niue. Read rather horribilem gelu; cf. Luc. 2. 570 ‘ Rheni gelidis … fugit ab undis’, Claud. Rapt. 3. 321 ‘non Rheni glacies, non me Rhipaea (...)
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    Existential-Hayatological Theism.William L. Power - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (3):181-198.
    One of the oldest conceptions of theology is discourse of the poets about the gods and its philosophical interpretation. Judaism and Christianity borrowed this Greek understanding of theology and revised it only slightly to reflect its own monotheistic vision of God and God’s relations to and with the world of nature and human existence. The question as to which philosophy best explicates and justifies the oral and written mythopoetic discourse of the imaginative bards of Israel and the early Christian community (...)
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