Frederick L. Will [44]Frederic Will [32]Herbert Will [12]Robert Will [10]
Ernest Will [8]Ulrich Will [7]Jonathan F. Will [6]Free Will [5]

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  1.  22
    An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.Frederick L. Will - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51 (3):327.
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  2. The Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) Core Ontology.Milos Drobnjakovic, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, Farhad Ameri, Chris Will, Barry Smith & Albert Jones - 2022 - FOMI 2022: 12th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, September 12-15, 2022, Tarbes, France.
    The Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) was formed to create a suite of interoperable ontologies. Ontologies that would serve as a foundation for data and information interoperability in all areas of manufacturing. To ensure that each ontology is developed in a structured and mutually coherent manner, the IOF has committed to the tiered architecture of ontology building based on the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as top level. One of the critical elements of a successful tiered architecture build is the domain mid-level (...)
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  3. The Industrial Ontologies Foundry proof-of-concept project.Evan Wallace, Dimitris Kiritsis, Barry Smith & Chris Will - 2018 - In Ilkyeong Moon, Gyu M. Lee, Jinwoo Park, Dimitris Kiritsis & Gregor von Cieminski, Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0. Springer. pp. 402-409.
    The current industrial revolution is said to be driven by the digitization that exploits connected information across all aspects of manufacturing. Standards have been recognized as an important enabler. Ontology-based information standard may provide benefits not offered by current information standards. Although there have been ontologies developed in the industrial manufacturing domain, they have been fragmented and inconsistent, and little has received a standard status. With successes in developing coherent ontologies in the biological, biomedical, and financial domains, an effort called (...)
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  4.  13
    Die psychoanalytische »Reverie«.Herbert Will - 2023 - Psyche 77 (9-10):876-899.
    Die vorliegende Arbeit handelt von der psychoanalytischen »Reverie« als einem behandlungstechnischen Konzept, das dem Aufspüren und der Transformation gering symbolisierter affektiver Zustände dient. Ausgehend von Bions Modell der mütterlichen »Reverie« wird Fred Buschs Diskussion postbionianischer Reverie-Entwürfe von Ogden, da Rocha Barros und Ferro gestreift. Dann wird anhand von drei Fallvignetten eine klinische Phänomenologie der »Reverie« vorgestellt und ins intersubjektive Feld der analytischen Begegnung eingebettet. Mithilfe einiger Begriffe des späten Bion wird »Reverie« als Transformationsarbeit durch fünf Elemente charakterisiert: eine Haltung der (...)
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  5.  91
    (1 other version)Pragmatism and realism.Frederick L. Will - 1997 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefied Publishers. Edited by Kenneth R. Westphal.
    When historians of philosophy turn to the work of distinguished philosopher Frederick L. Will, Pragmatism and Realism will be an important part of the ...
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  6.  11
    Wie ungesättigte Deutungen entstehen.Herbert Will - 2018 - Psyche 72 (5):374-396.
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  7.  43
    Beyond deduction: ampliative aspects of philosophical reflection.Frederick L. Will - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction The central aim of this book is to focus attention upon and illuminate the character of a certain phase of philosophical reflection: namely, ...
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  8. A First-Order Logic Formalization of the Industrial Ontology Foundry Signature Using Basic Formal Ontology.Barry Smith, Farhad Ameri, Hyunmin Cheong, Dimitris Kiritsis, Dusan Sormaz, Chris Will & J. Neil Otte - 2019 - In Barry Smith, Farhad Ameri, Hyunmin Cheong, Dimitris Kiritsis, Dusan Sormaz, Chris Will & J. Neil Otte, ”, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), Graz.
    Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is a top-level ontology used in hundreds of active projects in scientific and other domains. BFO has been selected to serve as top-level ontology in the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF), an initiative to create a suite of ontologies to support digital manufacturing on the part of representatives from a number of branches of the advanced manufacturing industries. We here present a first draft set of axioms and definitions of an IOF upper ontology descending from BFO. The (...)
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  9.  9
    Treating Mycoplasma genitalium (in pregnancy): a social and reproductive justice concern.Ulla McKnight, Bobbie Farsides, Suneeta Soni & Catherine Will - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):89-104.
    Antimicrobial Resistance is a threat to individual and to population health and to future generations, requiring “collective sacrifices” in order to preserve antibiotic efficacy. ‘Who should make the sacrifices?’ and ‘Who will most likely make them?’ are ethical concerns posited as potentially manageable through Antimicrobial Stewardship. Antimicrobial stewardship almost inevitably involves a form of clinical cost-benefit analysis that assesses the possible effects of antibiotics to treat a diagnosed infection in a particular patient. However, this process rarely accounts properly for patients (...)
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  10. The Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) perspectives.Mohamed Karray, Neil Otte, Rahul Rai, Farhad Ameri, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, Barry Smith, Dimitris Kiritsis, Chris Will, Rebecca Arista & Others - 2021 - Proceedings: Industrial Ontology Foundry (IOF) Achieving Data Interoperability Workshop, International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications, Tarbes, France, March 17-24, 2020.
    In recent years there has been a number of promising technical and institutional developments regarding use of ontologies in industry. At the same time, however, most industrial ontology development work remains within the realm of academic research and is without significant uptake in commercial applications. In biomedicine, by contrast, ontologies have made significant inroads as valuable tools for achieving interoperability between data systems whose contents derive from widely heterogeneous sources. In this position paper, we present a set of principles learned (...)
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  11.  16
    Regression zum Träumen.Herbert Will - 2021 - Psyche 75 (7):561-591.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Der Autor versucht das regressive Erleben vieler Patienten und Analytiker, die zu Beginn der Sitzung in unbewusste Prozesse eintauchen und zum Ende wieder auftauchen, mit dem Konzept der Mikroregression zu erfassen. Im Kontrast zu destruktiven Regressionsprozessen arbeitet er ihre Eigenart als integrative Regression heraus, als Funktionsmodus, der im Dienst des Ichs und der Therapie steht. Dabei verbindet er die Eigenart der formalen Regression und des Träumens aus der Freud’schen Psychoanalyse mit der Haltung des »dreaming« aus der Bion-Tradition. Mikroregressionen drücken (...)
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  12.  17
    Induction and justification.Frederick L. Will - 1974 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
  13. Beyond Deduction: Ampliative Aspects of Philosophical Reflection.Frederick L. WILL - 1988 - Philosophy 64 (249):424-425.
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  14. The contrary-to-fact conditional.Frederick L. Will - 1947 - Mind 56 (223):236-249.
  15. On the multiple deaths of Whitehead's theory of gravity.Gary Gibbons & Clifford M. Will - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):41-61.
    Whitehead's 1922 theory of gravitation continues to attract the attention of philosophers, despite evidence presented in 1971 that it violates experiment. We demonstrate that the theory strongly fails five quite different experimental tests, and conclude that, notwithstanding its meritorious philosophical underpinnings, Whitehead's theory is truly dead.
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  16.  39
    Groundless Belief: An Essay on the Possibility of Epistemology.Frederick L. Will - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (3):483.
  17.  74
    Internal relations and the principle of identity.Frederick L. Will - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (5):497-514.
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  18. Reason, social practice, and scientific realism.Frederick L. Will - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (1):1-18.
    Accompanying the decline of empiricism in the theory of knowledge has been an increased interest in the social determinants of knowledge and an increased recognition of the fundamental place in the constitution of knowledge occupied by accepted cognitive practices. The principal aim of this paper is to show how a view of knowledge that fully recognizes the role of these practices can adequately treat a topic that is widely considered to be an insuperable obstacle to such a view. The topic (...)
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  19.  27
    The Rational Governance of Practice.Frederick L. Will - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (3):191 - 201.
  20.  39
    Introduction.Becker Larry & Kymlicka Will - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):465-467.
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  21.  24
    Psychoanalytische und kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Langzeittherapien bei chronischer Depression: Die LAC-Depressionsstudie.Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Ulrich Bahrke, Manfred Beutel, Heinrich Deserno, Jens Edinger, Georg Fiedler, Antje Haselbacher, Martin Hautzinger, Lisa Kallenbach, Wolfram Keller, Alexa Negele, Nicole Pfenning-Meerkötter, Hila Prestele, Tanja Strecker-von Kannen, Ulrich Stuhr & Andreas Will - 2010 - Psyche 64 (9):782-832.
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  22.  66
    Would They Follow What has been Laid Down? Cancer Patients' and Healthy Controls' Views on Adherence to Advance Directives Compared to Medical Staff.Stefan Sahm, R. Will & G. Hommel - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):297-305.
    Advance directives are propagated as instruments to maintain patients’ autonomy in case they can no longer decide for themselves. It has been never been examined whether patients’ and healthy persons themselves are inclined to adhere to these documents. Patients’ and healthy persons’ views on whether instructions laid down in advance directives should be followed because that is (or is not) “the right thing to do”, not because one is legally obliged to do so, were studied and compared with that of (...)
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  23.  16
    Everyday curation? Attending to data, records and record keeping in the practices of self-monitoring.Rosalind Williams, Flis Henwood, Catherine Will & Kate Weiner - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    This paper is concerned with everyday data practices, considering how people record data produced through self-monitoring. The analysis unpacks the relationships between taking a measure, and making and reviewing records. The paper is based on an interview study with people who monitor their blood pressure and/or body mass index/weight. Animated by discussions of ‘data power’ which are, in part, predicated on the flow and aggregation of data, we aim to extend important work concerning the everyday constitution of digital data. In (...)
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  24. Philosophic Governance Of Norms.Frederick Will - 1993 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 1.
    Norms are widely regarded as kinds of templates of performance, resident in agents. As such they are thought to determine unilaterally what kinds of thought or action accords with them. Under philosophical elaboration this view has led to multiple perplexities: among them the question of how there can be evaluation, justification, and rectification of such unilaterally determining entities. Sometimes one can appeal to other, supervening norms; but the need to terminate the regressive procedure typically leads to appeals to dubious "foundations," (...)
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  25.  39
    Thoughts and Things.Frederick L. Will - 1968 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 42:51 - 69.
  26.  28
    Reason and Tradition.Frederick L. Will - 1983 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 17 (4):91.
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  27. Free will and determinism.On Free Will, Bio-Cultural Evolution Hans Fink, Niels Henrik Gregersen & Problem Torben Bo Jansen - 1991 - Zygon 26 (3):447.
  28. Langsam's “the theory of appearing defended” 69–91 Ulrich meyer/the metaphysics of velocity 93–102.Temporary Intrinsics, Free Will, Making Compatibilists, Incompatibilists More Compatible & Vats May Be - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 112:291-292.
  29.  67
    The preferability of probable beliefs.Frederick L. Will - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (3):57-67.
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  30. Modelling Hume's moral and political theory: The design of HUME1. 0.R. Hegselmann & O. Will - 2010 - In M. Baurmann, G. Brennan, R. Goodin & N. Southwood, Norms and Values. Nomos Verlag.
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  31.  5
    One Interpreter's Journey of Interpreting for Pregnancy Loss.Marisa Rueda Will - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):156-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:One Interpreter's Journey of Interpreting for Pregnancy LossMarisa Rueda WillInterpreters have to know everything." This is what I thought as I watched and shadowed a seasoned interpreter at a world-renowned medical center, during my J-term internship. The fact that I had gotten this opportunity was still hard to believe. There I was, shadowing medical interpreters at one of the best hospitals in the world during my senior year of (...)
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  32. Laws of Human Behavior.Adolph Grunbaum & Free Will - 1971 - The American Philosophical Quarterly, Viii 4:306.
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  33. Jargon of Authenticity.Knut Tarnowski & Frederic Will (eds.) - 1973 - Northwestern University Press.
    This devastating polemical critique of the existentialist philosophy of Martin Heidegger is a monumental study in Adorno's effort to apply qualitative analysis to the content and impact of cultural phenomena.
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  34.  48
    Pragmatic Rationality.Frederick L. Will - 1985 - Philosophical Investigations 8 (2):120-142.
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  35.  52
    A process model for information retrieval context learning and knowledge discovery.Harvey Hyman, Terry Sincich, Rick Will, Manish Agrawal, Balaji Padmanabhan & Warren Fridy - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (2):103-132.
    In this paper we take a fresh look at the information retrieval problem of balancing recall with precision in electronic document extraction. We examine the IR constructs of uncertainty, context and relevance, proposing a new process model for context learning, and introducing a new IT artifact designed to support user driven learning by leveraging explicit knowledge to discover implicit knowledge within a corpus of documents. The IT artifact is a prototype designed to present a small set of extracted documents from (...)
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  36.  60
    Kneale's theories of probability and induction.Frederick L. Will - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (1):19-42.
  37.  29
    Rules and Subsumption: Mutative Aspects of Logical Processes.Frederick L. Will - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (2):143 - 151.
  38.  31
    The heterogeneity and plasticity of cerebral structures.Bruno E. Will, John C. Dalrymple-Alford & Georges Di Scala - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):131-132.
  39.  89
    Verifiability and the external world.Frederick L. Will - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (2):182-191.
    For some time there have been appearing in the philosophical literature hints and suggestions that the so-called “problem of the external world” should be abandoned, not primarily because it is of little pragmatic significance, but rather because there is really no such problem to be solved. The publication of Reichenbach's Experience and Prediction has now stimulated a resurgence of these suggestions. In the course of his discussion of the book in the April Philosophy of Science Professor Ernest Nagel has taken (...)
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  40. Justification and induction.Frederick L. Will - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (3):359-372.
  41. ”, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), Graz.Barry Smith, Farhad Ameri, Hyunmin Cheong, Dimitris Kiritsis, Dusan Sormaz, Chris Will & J. Neil Otte (eds.) - 2019
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    Orientierungen in der Psychoanalyse: generelle Theorie – klinische Theorie – analytische Subjektivität.Herbert Will - 2025 - Psyche 79 (1):54-83.
    Ausgehend von den Modellen Wälders und Schmidt-Helleraus beschreibt der Autor, wie psychoanalytisches Wissen sich heute in drei Dimensionen organisiere: (1) der Metapsychologie und generellen Theorie, (2) der klinischen Theorie und Behandlungstechnik und (3) der analytischen Subjektivität. Ihre unterschiedlichen sozialen Orte (Schreibtisch – Falldiskussion – Behandlungszimmer) seien mit unterschiedlichen Referenzbereichen und Arten des Nachdenkens verbunden. Der Autor legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die analytische Subjektivität, weil deren Perspektive erst in neuerer Zeit angemessen ausgearbeitet werde. Zu ihren Besonderheiten gehöre es, einen fühlenden Denkraum (...)
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  43. Can We Get Inside the Aesthetic Sensibility of the Archaic Past?Frederic Will - forthcoming - Contemporary Aesthetics.
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  44.  18
    A Capital Campaign: An Open letter.Derek Bok, George F. Will, David Baltimore, Daniel Callahan & Willard Gaylin - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (4):2-3.
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  45. Food for People and Profit: An Alternative Interpretation.Harold F. Breimyer, George F. Will & Anne Kreuger - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz, Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press. pp. 101--109.
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  46. Decisions by competent adults.Normal L. Cantor & My Annotated Living Will - 1994 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 324:429.
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    The structure, operation, and functionality of intracerebral grafts.Jean-Christophe Cassel & Bruno Will - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):51-52.
    The concept of structure, operation, and functionality, as they may be understood by clinicians or researchers using neural transplantation techniques, are briefly defined. Following Stein & Glasier, we emphasize that the question of whether an intracerebral graft is really functional should be addressed not only in terms of what such a graft does in a given brain structure, but also in terms of what it does at the level of the organism.
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  48.  20
    Age, Health and Attractiveness Perception of Virtual Human Hair.Bernhard Fink, Carla Hufschmidt, Thomas Hirn, Susanne Will, Graham McKelvey & John Lankhof - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  49.  72
    Cognition through beauty in Moses mendelssohn’s early aesthetics.Frederic Will - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (1):97-105.
  50. The range of epistemic logic.Robert A. Larmer & Free Will - 1987 - Philosophia 17 (3):375-390.
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