Results for 'Wilfried Ettl'

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  1.  8
    Transzendentalphilosophie und die Kultur der Gegenwart: Festschrift für Wilfried Lehrke.Wilfried Lehrke, Steffen Dietzsch & Udo Teitz (eds.) - 2012 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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  2. Dialektik, Schrift, Rhetorik: Antwort auf den Beitrag von Detlef Thiel.Wilfried Kuhn - 2006 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 31 (1):55-60.
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  3. Lecture 1: Child research and biographical work : Phenomenological and educational perspectives.Wilfried Lippitz - 2006 - In Wilfried Lippitz & Daniel J. Martino, The Phenomenology of Childhood: The Nineteenth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center. Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
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    Albert Einstein in seinen Beziehungen zu Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Göttingen.Wilfried Schröder - 1988 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 (2):157-171.
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    Dedekind’s structuralism: creating concepts and deriving theorems.Wilfried Sieg & Rebecca Morris - 2018 - In Reck Erich, Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, and their History: Essays in Honor W.W. Tait. London, UK: College Publications.
    Dedekind’s structuralism is a crucial source for the structuralism of mathematical practice—with its focus on abstract concepts like groups and fields. It plays an equally central role for the structuralism of philosophical analysis—with its focus on particular mathematical objects like natural and real numbers. Tensions between these structuralisms are palpable in Dedekind’s work, but are resolved in his essay Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? In a radical shift, Dedekind extends his mathematical approach to “the” natural numbers. He creates (...)
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    Calculations by Man and Machine: Mathematical Presentation.Wilfried Sieg - unknown
    Wilfried Sieg. Calculations by Man and Machine: Mathematical Presentation.
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    (1 other version)Fragments of arithmetic.Wilfried Sieg - 1985 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 28 (1):33-71.
    We establish by elementary proof-theoretic means the conservativeness of two subsystems of analysis over primitive recursive arithmetic. The one subsystem was introduced by Friedman [6], the other is a strengthened version of a theory of Minc [14]; each has been shown to be of considerable interest for both mathematical practice and metamathematical investigations. The foundational significance of such conservation results is clear: they provide a direct finitist justification of the part of mathematical practice formalizable in these subsystems. The results are (...)
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    Gödel’s Philosophical Challenge.Wilfried Sieg - 2020 - Studia Semiotyczne 34 (1):57-80.
    The incompleteness theorems constitute the mathematical core of Gödel’s philosophical challenge. They are given in their “most satisfactory form”, as Gödel saw it, when the formality of theories to which they apply is characterized via Turing machines. These machines codify human mechanical procedures that can be carried out without appealing to higher cognitive capacities. The question naturally arises, whether the theorems justify the claim that the human mind has mathematical abilities that are not shared by any machine. Turing admits that (...)
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  9. Conscious control over the content of unconscious cognition.Wilfried Kunde, Andrea Kiesel & Joachim Hoffmann - 2003 - Cognition 88 (2):223-242.
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    Margrit & Ernst Baumann. Die Welt Sehen: Fotoreportagen 1945–2000.Wilfried Meichtry, Markus Schürpf & Nadine Olonetzky - 2010 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Zuerst im 2CV, dann im umgebauten VW-Bus: Das Zürcher Fotografenpaar Margrit und Ernst Baumann, 1929 bzw. 1928 geboren, begann in den 1950er-Jahren rund um den Erdball zu reisen. Ihre Fotografien publizierten sie in Zeitschriften und Zeitungen wie Stern, Neue Zürcher Zeitung oder Das gelbe Heft und brachten so die Welt in die Wohnzimmer. Kosmopolitan und neugierig kamen sie zu Motiven mit Seltenheitswert: Farbporträts von Che Guevara gehören ebenso dazu wie Reportagen über die letzten Kopfjäger im ecuadorianischen Urwald. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser (...)
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  11. Dedekind’s Analysis of Number: Systems and Axioms.Wilfried Sieg & Dirk Schlimm - 2005 - Synthese 147 (1):121-170.
    Wilfred Sieg and Dirk Schlimm. Dedekind's Analysis of Number: Systems and Axioms.
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    Natural Formalization: Deriving the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem in Zf.Wilfried Sieg & Patrick Walsh - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):250-284.
    Natural Formalization proposes a concrete way of expanding proof theory from the meta-mathematical investigation of formal theories to an examination of “the concept of the specifically mathematical proof.” Formal proofs play a role for this examination in as much as they reflect the essential structure and systematic construction of mathematical proofs. We emphasize three crucial features of our formal inference mechanism: (1) the underlying logical calculus is built for reasoning with gaps and for providing strategic directions, (2) the mathematical frame (...)
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    Sein und Gnade: die Ontologie in Karl Barths kirchlicher Dogmatik.Wilfried Härle - 1975 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Sein und Gnade" verfügbar.
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    Teaching the poor: Sarah Trimmer, Gods own handmaid.Wilfried Keutsch - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (3):43-58.
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    À la frontière des arts: lectures contemporaines de l'esthétique adornienne.Wilfried Laforge & Jacinto Lageira (eds.) - 2018 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Éditions Mimésis.
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    Aristotelische Logiken: dargestellt als algebraische Kalküle.Wilfried Neumaier - 2013 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Antike Rhythmustheorien, historische Form und aktuelle Substanz.Wilfried Neumaier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    W. Neumaier, Antike Rhythmustheorien, historische Form und aktuelle Substanz, Grüner, Amsterdam, 1989, 141 p. - Études grecques et latines.
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    Unverfügbarkeit des Lebens oder Freiheit zum Tode.Harle Wilfried - 1975 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 19 (1):143-159.
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    Hilbert's Programs and Beyond.Wilfried Sieg - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oup Usa.
    David Hilbert was one of the great mathematicians who expounded the centrality of their subject in human thought. In this collection of essays, Wilfried Sieg frames Hilbert's foundational work, from 1890 to 1939, in a comprehensive way and integrates it with modern proof theoretic investigations.
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  20. Hilbert's Programs: 1917–1922.Wilfried Sieg - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):1-44.
    Hilbert's finitist program was not created at the beginning of the twenties solely to counteract Brouwer's intuitionism, but rather emerged out of broad philosophical reflections on the foundations of mathematics and out of detailed logical work; that is evident from notes of lecture courses that were given by Hilbert and prepared in collaboration with Bernays during the period from 1917 to 1922. These notes reveal a dialectic progression from a critical logicism through a radical constructivism toward finitism; the progression has (...)
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    Emil Wiechert und seine Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Geophysik zur exakten Wissenschaft.Wilfried Schröder - 1982 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 27 (4):369-389.
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  22. An Abstract Model For Parallel Computations: Gandy’s Thesis.Wilfried Sieg & John Byrnes - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):150-164.
    Wilfried Sieg and John Byrnes. AnModel for Parallel Computation: Gandy's Thesis.
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  23.  10
    Was soll man da in Gottes Namen sagen?Wilfried Sturm - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    English summary: Does pastoral care require ethical competence in order to fulfil its task properly? And, conversely, to what extent does ethical reflection require feedback from pastoral experience in order to remain true to life and of practical relevance? Wilfried Sturm examines the way hospital pastors deal with ethical challenges and conflict situations in neonatal clinics and enquires into the insights that can be gained from them for the relationship of pastoral care and ethics. German description: Braucht Seelsorge ethische (...)
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  24. Relative consistency and accessible domains.Wilfried Sieg - 1990 - Synthese 84 (2):259 - 297.
    Wilfred Sieg. Relative Consistency and Accesible Domains.
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    Student-teachers’ emotionally challenging classroom events: a typology of their responses.Wilfried Admiraal - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-5.
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    Local and global patterns during morphogenesis of the retinotectal topographical mapping in the vertebrate brain.Wilfried Allaerts - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (2):99-122.
    The highly ordered neuronal projections from the retina to the tectum mesencephali (optic tectum) in several vertebrate groups have been intensively studied. Several hypotheses so far have been proposed, suggesting mechanisms to explain the topographical and biochemical specificity of the retinotectal projections during ontogeny. In the present paper we compare the main hypotheses of retinotectal development with respect to the nature of specificity envisaged, the activity-dependence versus inheritance criterium and the strategy of argument, in casu the descriptive versus interferential type (...)
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  27. The self and its biological function: Contrasts between Popper and Sartre.Wilfried Allaerts - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 40:189-214.
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    The Originals.Wilfried Barner - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):149-150.
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    Inspraak van het lid in het VBO.Wilfried Bernaert - 1995 - Res Publica 37 (1):31-34.
    The Federation of Belgian companies is a confederation which groups 36 branch associations covering 30. 000 individual firms. About 85 % are small and medium-sizedfirms occupying less than 50 employees. The VBO/FEB is the most important exponent of the high degree of affiliation on the employers' side. The process of decision making reflects the structure of the federation. The mandate is defined in the board of the VBO/FEB, composed by a representative ofeach branch association. This representative holds his mandate on (...)
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    W. A. Howard. A system of abstract constructive ordinals. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 37 , pp. 355–374.Wilfried Buchholz - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):243-244.
  31. An abstract model for parallel computations: Gandy’s thesis.Wilfried Sieg & John Byrnes - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):150-164.
    In his classic paper On Computable Numbers Turing analyzed what can be done by a human computor in a routine, “mechanical” way. He argued that mechanical op-erations obey locality conditions and are carried out on configurations satisfying boundedness conditions. Processes meeting these restrictive conditions can be shown to be computable by a Turing machine. Turing viewed memory limitations of computors as the ultimate reason for the restrictive conditions. In contrast, Gandy analyzed in his paper Church’s Thesis and Principles for Mechanisms (...)
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  32. Totaler Untergang?Wilfried Daim - 1959 - München,: Manz.
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    Myth and Reality in Psychoanalysis.Wilfried Ver Eecke - 1971 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 45:158-166.
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    Ein unerschütterliches Reich: die mittelplatonische Umformung des Parusiegedankens im Hebräerbrief.Wilfried Eisele - 2003 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Der Band untersucht die fünf Stellen des Hebräerbriefes, die herkömmlicherweise als Hinweise auf die Parusie Christi gedeutet werden (Hebr 1,6; 9,28; 10,25.36-39; 12,25-29). Ausgangspunkt ist die Feststellung, dass eine apokalyptische Rede von der Parusie zur übrigen Denkweise des Schreibens nicht recht passen will, die eher von einer mittelplatonischen Ontologie geprägt ist. Zur Auflösung dieser Spannung werden in Teil I die problematischen Stellen des Hebräerbriefes textimmanent analysiert und in Teil II mit relevanten Texten von Philon, Plutarch, Seneca und Alkinoos in Verbindung (...)
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    Kirche und militärische Gewalt: Zum Thema »Kritische Solidarität«.Wilfried Gerhard - 1976 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 20 (1):264-275.
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    Musiksprache, Sprachmusik, Textvertonung: Aspekte d. Verhältnisses von Musik, Sprache u. Text.Wilfried Gruhn - 1978 - München: Diesterweg.
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    Sri Aurobindo: saga of a great Indian sage.Wilfried Huchzermeyer - 2013 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
  38. Das Prinzipienproblem in der Philosophie des Thomas von Aquin.Wilfried Kühn - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (2):307-308.
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    Ludwig Klages als Erzieher.Wilfried Kuckartz - 1978 - Bonn: Bouvier.
  40.  5
    Avantgarden in den USA: zwischen Mainstream und kritischer Erneuerung 1940-1970.Wilfried Raussert - 2003 - New York: Campus.
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  41. Die Verantwortung der Banken : Bericht von einer wirtschafts- und sozialethischen Grossbaustelle.Wilfried Stadler - 2017 - In Ingeborg Gabriel, Peter G. Kirchschläger & Richard Sturn, Eine Wirtschaft, die Leben fördert: wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Reflexionen im Anschluss an Papst Franziskus. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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  42. Emendatvr Horativs.Wilfried Stroh - 1989 - Hermes 117 (3):376-377.
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    Faceting of high-angle grain boundaries in the coincidence lattice.Wilfried R. Wagner, T. Y. Tan & R. W. Balluffi - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (4):895-904.
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    Die Phänomenolügie des "Kitsches".Wilfried Wolf - 1980 - Osnabrück: Oidipus-Verlag.
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    On the masking and disclosure of unconscious elaborate processing. A reply to Van opstal, reynvoet, and Verguts (2005).Wilfried Kunde, Andrea Kiesel & Joachim Hoffmann - 2005 - Cognition 97 (1):99-105.
  46. Mechanical procedures and mathematical experience.Wilfried Sieg - 1994 - In Alexander George, Mathematics and mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 71--117.
    Wilfred Sieg. Mechanical Procedures and Mathematical Experience.
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    Gerechtfertigte Ungleichheiten: Grundsätze Sozialer Gerechtigkeit.Wilfried Hinsch - 2002 - New York: De Gruyter.
    Demokratische Systeme sind auch dann, wenn sie den grundrechtlichen Forderungen politischer Gerechtigkeit genügen, kritikwürdig und reformbedürftig, solange es ihnen nicht gelingt, allen Bürgern gerechte Anteile an den gesellschaftlich produzierten Reichtümern zu sichern. Bei den Auseinandersetzungen um Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Steuerpolitik, Erziehungspolitik, Meinungs- und Willensfreiheit steht auch Grundsätzlicheres zur Debatte: Was verstehen wir unter sozialer Gerechtigkeit? In Gerechtfertigte Ungleichheiten werden die Grundzüge einer Theorie sozialer Gerechtigkeit entwickelt. Es handelt sich um eine egalitäre Theorie, die soziale Ungleichheit ausdrücklich zulässt, diese aber an das Vorliegen (...)
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  48.  11
    Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman.Wilfried Sieg, Richard Sommer & Carolyn Talcott - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Since their inception, the Perspectives in Logic and Lecture Notes in Logic series have published seminal works by leading logicians. Many of the original books in the series have been unavailable for years, but they are now in print once again. This volume, the fifteenth publication in the Lecture Notes in Logic series, collects papers presented at the symposium 'Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics' held in celebration of Solomon Feferman's 70th birthday (The 'Feferfest') at Stanford University, California in 1988. (...)
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    Human Rights as Moral Claim Rights.Wilfried Hinsch & Markus Stepanians - 2006 - In Rex Martin & David A. Reidy, Rawls's Law of Peoples. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 117–133.
    This chapter contains section titled: Human Rights in Rawls's The Law of Peoples Human Rights as Universal Claim Rights Human Rights Minimalism and the Problem of Justification Acknowledgments Notes.
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    Reductions of Theories for Analysis.Wilfried Sieg, Georg Dorn & P. Weingartner - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):354-354.
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