Results for 'Wendy Olmsted'

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  1.  18
    (1 other version)11. The Uses of Rhetoric: Indeterminacy in Legal Reasoning, Practical Thinking, and the Interpretation of Literary Figures.Wendy Olmsted - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 235-253.
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    Ethical Deliberation in Aristotle's Rhetoric and Nicomachean Ethics.Wendy Olmsted - 2013 - Polis 30 (2):251-273.
    Although some scholars have argued that Aristotle makes deliberation seem independent of virtue, I argue that deliberation, properly understood, is ethical in the Rhetoric and the Nicomachean Ethics. Unlike modern scholars who separate the useful from the good and the prudent from the moral, Aristotle argues that speakers’ deliberative arguments seek what is good and beneficial, much as noble persons in the Ethics pursue the good and the beneficial in their actions. So regarded, the beneficial is not the enemy of (...)
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  3. Wendy Olmsted, Rhetoric: An Historical Introduction. [REVIEW]Luke O'sullivan - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27:284-286.
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    Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time a Reader.Walter Jost & Michael J. Hyde (eds.) - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    This thought-provoking book initiates a dialogue among scholars in rhetoric and hermeneutics in many areas of the humanities. Twenty leading thinkers explore the ways these two powerful disciplines inform each other and influence a wide variety of intellectual fields. Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde organize pivotal topics in rhetoric and hermeneutics with originality and coherence, dividing their book into four sections: Locating the Disciplines; Inventions and Applications; Arguments and Narratives; and Civic Discourse and Critical Theory. Contributors to this volume (...)
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    Democracy in What State?Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Daniel Bensaïd, Wendy Brown, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Rancière, Kristin Ross & Slavoj Zizek - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    "Is it meaningful to call oneself a democrat? And if so, how do you interpret the word?" -/- In responding to this question, eight iconoclastic thinkers prove the rich potential of democracy, along with its critical weaknesses, and reconceive the practice to accommodate new political and cultural realities. Giorgio Agamben traces the tense history of constitutions and their coexistence with various governments. Alain Badiou contrasts current democratic practice with democratic communism. Daniel Bensaid ponders the institutionalization of democracy, while Wendy (...)
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    Is Sustainability Reporting Becoming Institutionalised? The Role of an Issues-Based Field.Colin Higgins, Wendy Stubbs & Markus Milne - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):309-326.
    We study companies that do not produce a sustainability report in contexts where institutionalisation is assumed. Based on a careful analysis of interaction patterns between non-reporting companies, sustainability interest groups, and peer organisations, we find patterns of discursive and material isomorphism that suggest sustainability reporting is confined to an issues-based field, rather than spreading as an institutionalised practice across the business community. We argue that the issues-based field exerts only weak pressure for sustainability reporting, and that encouraging more firms to (...)
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    (1 other version)Defining disease in the context of overdiagnosis.Mary Jean Walker & Wendy Rogers - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):269-280.
    Recently, concerns have been raised about the phenomenon of ‘overdiagnosis’, the diagnosis of a condition that is not causing harm, and will not come to cause harm. Along with practical, ethical, and scientific questions, overdiagnosis raises questions about our concept of disease. In this paper, we analyse overdiagnosis as an epistemic problem and show how it challenges many existing accounts of disease. In particular, it raises ques- tions about conceptual links drawn between disease and dysfunction, harm, and risk. We argue (...)
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  8. Beveridge, Fiona, 209, 299, 313 Brooks-Gordon, Belinda, 195 Buss, Doris, 91 Conaghan, Joanne, 177.Peter Goodrich, Emilie Hafner-Burton, Adrian Howe, Rosemary Hunter, Sally J. Kenney, Wendy Larcombe, Patricia Leighton, Ulrike Liebert, Jill Lovecy & Rachel Roth - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10 (331).
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    The Right to Health: Why It Should Apply to Immigrants.Patricia Illingworth & Wendy E. Parmet - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (2):148-161.
    Although the right to health is universal, many nations that honor it fail to do so in the case of non-citizen immigrants. In this essay, we argue that the reasons typically given for not extending the right to health to immigrants are without merit and that there are good reasons for nations to protect, respect and fulfill the health right of all immigrants. Contrary to the standard view, we argue that health can be understood as a global public good. Two (...)
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  10. Catharine Macaulay on the Paradox of Paternal Authority in Hobbesian Politics.Wendy Gunther-Canada - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (2):150-173.
    Catharine Macaulay's first political pamphlet, “Loose remarks on certain positions to be found in Mr. Hobbes's philosophical rudiments of government and society with a short sketch for a democratical form of government in a letter to Signor Paoli,” published in London in 1769, has received no significant scholarly attention in over two hundred years. It is of primary interest because of the light it sheds on Macaulay's critique of patriarchal politics, which helps to establish a new line of thinking about (...)
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  11. Women have substantial advantage in STEM faculty hiring, except when competing against more-accomplished men.Stephen J. Ceci & Wendy M. Williams - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  12.  19
    The Business of Consumption: Environmental Ethics and the Global Economy.George G. Brenkert, Donald A. Brown, Rogene A. Buchholz, Herman E. Daly, Richard Dodd, R. Edward Freeman, Eric T. Freyfogle, R. Goodland, Michael E. Gorman, Andrea Larson, John Lemons, Don Mayer, William McDonough, Matthew M. Mehalik, Ernest Partridge, Jessica Pierce, William E. Rees, Joel E. Reichart, Sandra B. Rosenthal, Mark Sagoff, Julian L. Simon, Scott Sonenshein & Wendy Warren - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    At the forefront of international concerns about global legislation and regulation, a host of noted environmentalists and business ethicists examine ethical issues in consumption from the points of view of environmental sustainability, economic development, and free enterprise.
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    The Disciplining of Education: New Languages of Power and Resistance.Jerome Satterthwaite, Elizabeth Atkinson & Wendy Martin (eds.) - 2004 - Trentham Books.
    This book is a call to educators everywhere to recognize and resist the global forces which are driving educational policy deeper and deeper into narrow discourses of performance, accountability and e~certaintiese(tm) about what works.
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    Towards the role of working memory in pitch processing in language and music.Leigh VanHandel, Jennie Wakefield & Wendy K. Wilkins - 2011 - In Patrick Rebuschat, Martin Rohrmeier, John A. Hawkins & Ian Cross, Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press. pp. 302.
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    The psychology of psychology: A thought experiment.Stephen J. Ceci & Wendy M. Williams - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Growing Up with Parents Who Have Learning Difficulties.Timothy A. Booth & Wendy Booth - 1998 - Routledge.
    _Growing up with Parents who have Learning Difficulties_ uses a life-story approach to present new evidence about how children from such families manage the transition to adulthood, and about the longer-term outcomes of such an upbringing. It offers a view of parental competence as a social attribute rather than an individual skill, assessing the implications for institutional policies and practices. The authors address the notion of children having to parent their disabled parents and argue for a shift in emphasis from (...)
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    Solidarity and Health: A Public Goods Justification.Patricia Illingworth & Wendy E. Parmet - 2015 - Diametros 43:65-71.
    This comment on Professor ter Meulen's paper, "Solidarity and Justice in Health Care," offers additional perspectives on solidarity's importance for health. Noting the findings of social epidemiology, the paper explains that health has important public good dimensions. It is both non-rivlalrous because one person's health does not diminish another's, and it is largely determined by non-excludable access goods, including social networks, social determinants, and public health efforts. The public good dimension of health underscores the mutual dependence and shared stake that (...)
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    Adventures in Nannydom: Reclaiming Collective Action for the Public's Health.Lindsay F. Wiley, Wendy E. Parmet & Peter D. Jacobson - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):73-75.
    Each of us has written about the importance of reframing the debate over public health paternalism. Our individual explorations of the many and varied paths forward from libertarian “nanny state” objections to the “new public health” have been intimately informed by collaboration. This article represents a summary of our current thinking — reflecting the ground gained through many fruitful exchanges and charting future collaborative efforts.Our starting point is that law is a vitally important determinant of population health, and the interplay (...)
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    Windows on Sophiatown.Catherine Descheneau, Ian Gough & Wendy Gough - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):147-148.
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  20. Lost in Translation? Sociological Observations and Reflections on the Practice of Hospital Chaplaincy.Raymond De Vries, Nancy Berlinger & Wendy Cadge - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Lost in translation: The chaplain's role in health care.Raymond Vries, Nancy Berlinger & Wendy Cadge - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (6):23-27.
    Chaplains often describe their work in health care as “translation” between the world of the patient and the world of hospital medicine. Translators usually work with texts, interpreters with words. However, when chaplains use this metaphor, it describes something other than a discrete task associated with the meaning of words. While medical professionals focus on patients' medical conditions, chaplains seek to read the whole person, asking questions about what people's lives are like outside of the hospital, what they care about (...)
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    Teaching Nonviolence In Hebron.Kathleen Kern & Wendy Lehman - 1997 - The Acorn 9 (1):37-43.
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    School “Work” and Academic Tasks.Wendy Oxman-Michelli - 1989 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 3 (4):5-5.
  24.  19
    Maximizing the Benefit and Mitigating the Risks of Moral Hazard.Randi Zlotnik Shaul & Wendy J. Ungar - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):44-46.
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  25. II—Wendy S. Parker: Confirmation and adequacy-for-Purpose in Climate Modelling.Wendy S. Parker - 2009 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 83 (1):233-249.
    Lloyd (2009) contends that climate models are confirmed by various instances of fit between their output and observational data. The present paper argues that what these instances of fit might confirm are not climate models themselves, but rather hypotheses about the adequacy of climate models for particular purposes. This required shift in thinking—from confirming climate models to confirming their adequacy-for-purpose—may sound trivial, but it is shown to complicate the evaluation of climate models considerably, both in principle and in practice.
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    A Miller’s Tale. [REVIEW]David Oldroyd, Phil Dowe, Adrian Mackenzie, Alison Bashford, Geoffrey C. Bowker, Alan Chalmers, I. J. Crozier, John Dargavel, Wendy Riemens & Andrew Dowling - 1997 - Metascience 6 (1):105-184.
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    The "Application" of Telescopes to Astronomical Instruments, 1667-1669; A Study in Historical Method.John Olmsted - 1949 - Isis 40 (3):213-225.
    THE purpose of this paper is to illustrate some of the consequences of neglecting historical method when studying and writing the history of science. For in such a task history, quite as much as science, must be given its due. The reason is obvious. Whatever else it may be, the history of science is first of all a field of history. To cultivate it effectively, historical scholarship is indispensable. As in any serious historical enterprise, the most essential tools are accordingly (...)
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  28. Governmentality: a conversation with Wendy Brown, Partha Chatterjee and Nikolas Rose.Partha Chatterjee Wendy Brown, Martina Tazzioli Nikolas Rose & William Walters - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    The Scientific Expedition of Jean Richer to Cayenne.John Olmsted - 1942 - Isis 34 (2):117-128.
  30.  93
    Wendy’s book collection reveals all.Wendy M. Grossman - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 35:96-96.
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    (1 other version)The Liberal Self: John Stuart Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy.Wendy Donner - 1991 - Cornell University Press.
    Wendy Donner contends here that recent commentators on John Stuart Mill's thought have focused on his notions of right and obligation and have not paid as much attention to his notion of the good. Mill, she maintains, rejects the quantitative hedonism of Bentham's philosophy in favor of an expanded qualitative version. In this book she provides an account of his complex views of the good and the ways in which these views unify his moral and political thought.
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    The Power of Tolerance: A Debate.Wendy Brown & Rainer Forst (eds.) - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    We invoke the ideal of tolerance in response to conflict, but what does it mean to answer conflict with a call for tolerance? Is tolerance a way of resolving conflicts or a means of sustaining them? Does it transform conflicts into productive tensions, or does it perpetuate underlying power relations? To what extent does tolerance hide its involvement with power and act as a form of depoliticization? Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst debate the uses and misuses of tolerance, an (...)
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    Getting clearer on overdiagnosis.Wendy A. Rogers & Yishai Mintzker - 2016 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 22 (4):580-587.
    Overdiagnosis refers to diagnosis that does not benefit patients because the diagnosed condition is not a harmful disease in those individuals. Overdiagnosis has been identified as a problem in cancer screening, diseases such as chronic kidney disease and diabetes, and a range of mental illnesses including depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this paper, we describe overdiagnosis, investigate reasons why it occurs, and propose two different types. Misclassification overdiagnosis arises because the diagnostic threshold for the disease in question has (...)
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    Unable to answer the call of our patients: mental health nurses’ experience of moral distress.Wendy Austin, Vangie Bergum & Lisa Goldberg - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):177-183.
    Unable to answer the call of our patients: mental health nurses’ experience of moral distress When health practitioners’ moral choices and actions are thwarted by constraints, they may respond with feelings of moral distress. In a Canadian hermeneutic phenomenological study, physicians, nurses, psychologists and non‐professional aides were asked to identify care situations that they found morally distressing, and to elaborate on how moral concerns regarding the care of patients were raised and resolved. In this paper, we describe the experience of (...)
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    Feminism, Law, and Neoliberalism: An Interview and Discussion with Wendy Brown.Katie Cruz & Wendy Brown - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (1):69-89.
    On the 24th June 2015, Feminist Legal Studies and the London School of Economics Law Department hosted an afternoon event with Professor Wendy Brown, Class of 1936 First Professor of Political Science, University of California. Professor Brown kindly agreed to discuss her scholarship on feminist theory, and its relationship to both the law and neoliberalism. The event included an interview by Dr Katie Cruz and a Q&A session, which are presented here in an edited version of the transcript. Sumi (...)
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    Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    DIVA reader aimed at revitalizing left legal and political critique./div.
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    The Purpose Ecosystem and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Interactions Among Private Sector Actors and Stakeholders.Wendy Stubbs, Frederik Dahlmann & Rob Raven - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (4):1097-1112.
    In this paper we explore the nature of the emerging purpose ecosystem and its role in transforming and supporting business to help address the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We argue that interactions among its ‘private actors’, who share efforts and belief in changing and redefining the purpose and nature of business by advocating broader non-financial performance outcomes, have the potential to contribute to a wider sustainability-oriented transformation of the business sector. Through interview data collected in the UK and Australia, we (...)
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    A new look at habits and the habit-goal interface.Wendy Wood & David T. Neal - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (4):843-863.
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    Manhood and Politics: A Feminist Reading in Political Theory.Wendy Brown - 1988 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'Is politics gendered? Wendy Brown things so, and argues for this point with elegance, imagination and pungent phrases. Brown's book is challenging, provocative and...original; it does force us to question the degree to which gender controls our politics.'-THE REVIEW OF POLITICS.
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  40. Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (2):252-255.
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  41. Why bioethics needs a concept of vulnerability.Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie & Susan Dodds - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (2):11-38.
    Concern for human vulnerability seems to be at the heart of bioethical inquiry, but the concept of vulnerability is under-theorized in the bioethical literature. The aim of this article is to show why bioethics needs an adequately theorized and nuanced conception of vulnerability. We first review approaches to vulnerability in research ethics and public health ethics, and show that the bioethical literature associates vulnerability with risk of harm and exploitation, and limited capacity for autonomy. We identify some of the challenges (...)
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  42. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia.Wendy Chapple & Jeremy Moon - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (4):415-441.
    This article addresses four hypotheses: (a) that corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Asia is not homogeneous but varies among countries, (b) that the variation is explained by stages of development, (c) that globalization enhances the adoption of CSR in Asia, and (d) that national business systems structure the profile of multinational corporations’ CSR. These hypotheses are investigated through analysis of Web site reporting of 50 companies in seven Asian countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. The (...)
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    States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity.Wendy Brown - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Whether in characterizing Catharine MacKinnon's theory of gender as itself pornographic or in identifying liberalism as unable to make good on its promises, Wendy Brown pursues a central question: how does a sense of woundedness become the basis for a sense of identity? Brown argues that efforts to outlaw hate speech and pornography powerfully legitimize the state: such apparently well-intentioned attempts harm victims further by portraying them as so helpless as to be in continuing need of governmental protection. "Whether (...)
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  44.  16
    Letters from an American Utopia: The Stetson Family and the Northampton Association, 1843-1847.Wendy E. Chmielewski - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (3):463-466.
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    Improving Military IRB Efficiency: Envisioning Broader Changes.Wendy A. Cook & Alexander A. Kon - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (8):41-43.
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    A Critical Perspective on KRL.Wendy Lehnert & Yorick Wilks - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (1):1-28.
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    Language, psychology and linguistics.David L. Olmsted & Omar Khayyam Moore - 1952 - Psychological Review 59 (6):414-420.
  48.  35
    To stop or not to stop: dissent and undue burden as reasons to stop participation in paediatric research.Wendy Bos, Anna Westra, Inez de Beaufort & Suzanne van de Vathorst - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):519-523.
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  49.  21
    (1 other version)Eros for the Other: Retaining Truth in a Pluralistic World.Wendy Farley - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Eros for the Other_ takes up the problem of how truth claims and ethical norms can survive the increasingly radical recognition of the historical, cultural, pluralistic, and often ideological character of human experience. Sharing with postmodernism a suspicion of totalizing forms of knowledge and practice, Wendy Farley parts with postmodernism in defending the possibility of truth and ethics. Arguing that reality occurs in the concrete existence of actual beings, she develops an interpretation of the nature of knowledge as an (...)
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  50.  30
    Authoritarianism: Three Inquiries in Critical Theory.Wendy Brown, Peter E. Gordon & Max Pensky - 2018 - University of Chicago Press.
    Across the Euro-Atlantic world, political leaders have been mobilizing their bases with nativism, racism, xenophobia, and paeans to “traditional values,” in brazen bids for electoral support. How are we to understand this move to the mainstream of political policies and platforms that lurked only on the far fringes through most of the postwar era? Does it herald a new wave of authoritarianism? Is liberal democracy itself in crisis? In this volume, three distinguished scholars draw on critical theory to address our (...)
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