Results for 'Weikang Gu'

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    Xin yang tan you.Weikang Gu - 1993 - Shanghai: Shanghai jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Gu Xiancheng quan ji.Xiancheng Gu - 2022 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Xuewei Wang.
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  3. The time-lag argument and simultaneity.Zhiwei Gu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11231-11248.
    The time-lag argument seems to put some pressure on naïve realism to agree that seeing must happen simultaneously with what is seen; meanwhile, a wide-accepted empirical fact suggests that light takes time to transmit from objects at a distance to perceivers—which implies what is seen happened before seeing, and, accordingly, naïve realism must be false. In this paper, I will, first of all, show that the time-lag argument has in fact involves a misunderstanding concept of simultaneity: according to Special Relativity, (...)
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    Which Is in Front of Chinese People, Past or Future? The Effect of Language and Culture on Temporal Gestures and Spatial Conceptions of Time.Yan Gu, Yeqiu Zheng & Marc Swerts - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12804.
    The temporal‐focus hypothesis claims that whether people conceptualize the past or the future as in front of them depends on their cultural attitudes toward time; such conceptualizations can be independent from the space–time metaphors expressed through language. In this paper, we study how Chinese people conceptualize time on the sagittal axis to find out the respective influences of language and culture on mental space–time mappings. An examination of Mandarin speakers' co‐speech gestures shows that some Chinese spontaneously perform past‐in‐front/future‐at‐back (besides future‐in‐front/past‐at‐back) (...)
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    Hui 'an Cun Gao Er: Gu Jingyang, Gao Jingyi Si Xiang Zhi Bi Jiao Yan Jiu'.Qingmei Gu - 2004 - Taibei Shi: Da an chu ban she.
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    Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen: Schriften zur philosophischen Anthropologie.Günther Anders - 2018 - München: C.H. Beck. Edited by Christian Dries & Henrike Gätjens.
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    "Gu lan jing" lun li si xiang yan jiu.Shiqun Gu - 2016 - Yinchuan Shi: Ningxia ren min chu ban she.
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    Gu Zhun li shi bi ji.Zhun Gu - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Guang ming ri bao chu ban she.
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    Mediating ‘face’ in triadic political communication: a CDA analysis of press conference interpreters’ discursive (re)construction of Chinese government’s image.Chonglong Gu - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (2):201-221.
    ABSTRACTThe pragmatist reform and opening-up in 1978 has revolutionised the way China communicates internally and engages with the outside world. Firmly embedded within this broader historical context, the interpreter-mediated and televised Premier-Meets-the-Press conferences are a high-profile institutional event in China. At this discursive event, the Chinese premier – ranked second in China’s political hierarchy – is put in the international media limelight, answering journalists’ questions on a range of topics. The section involving the interpreters’ rendering of journalists’ questions is triadic (...)
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    Screening Depressive Disorders With Tree-Drawing Test.Simeng Gu, Yige Liu, Fei Liang, Rou Feng, Yawen Li, Guorui Liu, Mengdan Gao, Wei Liu, Fushun Wang & Jason H. Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  11.  11
    Rückwege aus der Entfremdung: Studien zur Entwicklung der deutschen humanistischen Bildungsphilosophie.Günther Buck - 1984 - München: W. Fink.
  12.  46
    Reasons and Normativity in Critical Thinking.Guðmundur Heiðar Frímannsson - 2015 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 4 (1):3-16.
    The reasons conception is the most prominent account of the nature of critical thinking. It consists in responding appropriately to reasons. Responding to reasons can be following a rule, it can be making an exception to a rule, it can be responding to a situation that is unique. It depends on the context each time what is the appropriate response. Critical thinking is the educational cognate of rationality and is a sine qua non for a reasonable life in a modern (...)
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    Does Moral Leadership Enhance Employee Creativity? Employee Identification with Leader and Leader–Member Exchange in the Chinese Context.Qinxuan Gu, Thomas Li-Ping Tang & Wan Jiang - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):513-529.
    In this article, drawing from a relational perspective, we explore the relationship between moral leadership and employee creativity, treat employee identification with leader and leader–member exchange as two mediators, and develop a new theoretical model of employee creativity. Our data collected from 160 supervisor–subordinate dyads in the People’s Republic of China demonstrate that moral leadership is positively related to both employee identification with leader and LMX. Further, employee identification with leader partially mediates the relationship between moral leadership and LMX. In (...)
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  14.  26
    Four Stages in Social Media Network Analysis—Building Blocks for Health-Related Digital Autonomy in Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Depression.Carol G. Gu, Elizabeth Lerner Papautsky, Andrew D. Boyd & John Zulueta - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):38-40.
    The authors of the concept Health-Related Digital Autonomy have laid the first building block to examine the interactions between artificial intelligence, social media, and depression f...
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    "Knowing value" logic as a normal modal logic.Tao Gu & Yanjing Wang - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 362-381.
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    Effects of Open Versus Closed Skill Exercise on Cognitive Function: A Systematic Review.Qian Gu, Liye Zou, Paul D. Loprinzi, Minghui Quan & Tao Huang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  25
    Violent Memes and Suspicious Minds: Girard's Scapegoat Mechanism in the Light of Evolution and Memetics.Guðmundur Ingi Markússon - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):88-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:VIOLENT MEMES AND SUSPICIOUS MINDS: GIRARD'S SCAPEGOAT MECHANISM IN THE LIGHT OF EVOLUTION AND MEMETICS Guömundur Ingi Markússon Reykjavik, Iceland The present article is an attempt to bring mimetic theory into dialogue with certain evolutionary approaches to human culture, i.e., evolutionarypsychology and memetics. That which immediately suggests a consonance between these approaches is a shared concern for the fundamental aspects ofhuman culture, or "fundamental anthropology." My discussion aims at (...)
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    Locality Stereotype, CEO Trustworthiness and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China.Leilei Gu, Jinyu Liu & Yuchao Peng - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (4):773-797.
    Exploring the locality stereotype with respect to CEO’s trustworthiness, we find that firms whose CEOs are from more reputable hometowns have a higher likelihood of stock price crashes, indicating the presence of a CEO “Trust Exploitation” effect, i.e. a high-trust identity does not guarantee managerial ethics; to the contrary, it could tempt CEOs to abuse outsiders’ trust, camouflage their misconducts and conceal adverse information more severely. The effect of CEO’s perceived trustworthiness on tail risk of stock price remains robust when (...)
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    From yuanqi (primal energy) to Wenqi (literary pneuma): A philosophical study of a chinese aesthetic.Ming Dong Gu - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 22-46.
    Wenqi 文氣 (literary pneuma) is a foundational idea in Chinese aesthetics. It has remained elusive since its initial formulation, however. This is so largely because previous scholars did not examine its ontological and epistemological conditions in analytic terms, still less explore its implications in a conceptual framework of artistic creation. Here, it is proposed to explore its general as well as specific implications against the larger background of Chinese intellectual thought and in relation to contemporary theories of literature and aesthetics. (...)
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    Hikmetin izinde: Kenan Gürsoy'a armağan.Kenan Gürsoy & Fulya Bayraktar (eds.) - 2016 - Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayınları.
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    Das Leben führen?: Lebensführung zwischen Technikphilosophie und Lebensphilosophie: für Günter Ropohl zum 75. Geburtstag.Günter Ropohl & Nicole C. Karafyllis (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Edition Sigma.
    Kann man das Leben führen? Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge stellen sich in kritischer Absicht dem modernen Konzept der »Lebensführung«, das die Technikphilosophie mit der Lebensphilosophie im frühen 20. Jahrhundert eng verbunden hat und teilweise bis heute verbindet. Auch relevante soziologische Positionen wurden in diesem Kontext entwickelt. Anhand zentraler Autoren wie Simmel, Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, Blumenberg, Berdjajew, Reuleaux, von Uexküll, Plessner, Freyer, Jonas und Günter Ropohl (dem dieser Band aus Anlass seines 75. Geburtstags gewidmet ist) werden die Bezugnahmen zwischen (...)
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    Liang Shuming’s Confucian Reconstruction of Russell’s Philosophy.Gu Hongliang - 2021 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 52 (1-2):33-42.
    Reading Bertrand Russell’s Principles of Social Reconstruction, Liang Shuming began a process of interpreting Russell’s philosophy in a Confucian way. The first stage in this process was seeing Russell as a fellow Confucian. Its second stage was absorbing Russell’s theory of impulse, seeing this as sharing aspects of the Confucian doctrine of benevolence (ren). The third stage was reconstructing Russell’s theory of spirit as a Confucian theory of “reason” as impersonal feeling. Under Liang Shuming’s critical assimilation of Russell’s philosophy, Russell’s (...)
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    Grundzüge einer modernen Anthropologie.Günter H. Rager - 2012 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Edited by Michael von Brück.
    Von Beginn menschlicher Reflexion war die Frage, was der Mensch seinem Wesen nach sei und welche Stellung er im Kosmos einnehme, von zentraler Bedeutung, denn schliesslich wird in ihr das Selbstverstandnis des Menschen thematisiert. Dabei wird die Komplexitat der Fragestellung deutlich, da auch nur der Versuch, diese zu beantworten, zahlreiche andere Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungsgebiete voraussetzt und somit auch immer von kulturellen Komponenten abhangt.Dabei spielen zwei Aspekte in der Deutung des Menschen eine wichtige Rolle: Zum einen erarbeiteten die modernen Naturwissenschaften zahlreiche (...)
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    Der Spekulative Satz: Bemerkungen Zum Begriff der Spekulation Bei Hegel.Günter Wohlfart - 1980 - New York: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Der spekulative Satz" verfügbar.
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  25. Drei Motive im Anti-Liberalismus Carl Schmitts.Günter Maschke - 1988 - In Klaus Hansen & Hans J. Lietzmann (eds.), Carl Schmitt und die Liberalismuskritik. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
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  26. Die Gegenständlichkeit der Welt:: Festschrift für Günter Figal zum 70. Geburtstag.Günter Figal & Antonia Egel (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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  27. Das Sein des Sollens.Günter Dux - 2004 - In Christoph Lütge & Gerhard Vollmer (eds.), Fakten statt Normen?: Zur Rolle einzelwissenschaftlicher Argumente in einer naturalistischen Ethik. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Phonological development in American Sign Language-signing children: Insights from pseudosign repetition tasks.Shengyun Gu, Deborah Chen Pichler, L. Viola Kozak & Diane Lillo-Martin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study, we conducted a pseudosign repetition task with 22 children acquiring American Sign Language as a first language from deaf parents. Thirty-nine pseudosigns with varying complexity were developed and organized into eight categories depending on number of hands, number of simultaneous movement types, and number of movement sequences. Pseudosigns also varied in handshape complexity. The children’s performance on the ASL pseudosign task improved with age, displaying relatively accurate production of location and orientation, but much less accurate handshape and (...)
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    The Role of Mental Health and Sustainable Learning Behavior of Students in Education Sector Influences Sustainable Environment.Zhaoliang Gu, Pu Li, Aiai Zhang, Xiaoqiang Xu & Fengmiao Gu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mental health has been declared as the essential component of overall human wellbeing. However, there has been a very steep rate of depression and anxiety in students that exhibit their social and personal burdens. It has been widely accepted that the wellbeing and mental health of individuals are a mix of psychological, genetic, social, lifestyle factors, and environmental exposure. Due to the pandemic, the shift from traditional classroom learning to e-learning has also disturbed the mental health of students, which consequently (...)
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    Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy Still Matters: The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom for the Global Age.Ming Dong Gu & J. Hillis Miller (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Traditional Chinese philosophy, if engaged at all, is often regarded as an object of antiquated curiosity and dismissed as unimportant in the current age of globalization. Written by a team of internationally renowned scholars, this book, however, challenges this judgement and offers an in-depth study of pre-modern Chinese philosophy from an interdisciplinary perspective. Exploring the relevance of traditional Chinese philosophy for the global age, it takes a comparative approach, analysing ancient Chinese philosophy in its relation to Western ideas and contemporary (...)
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    Ästhetische und kulturphilosophische Denkweisen.Günter Schenk & Regina Meyer (eds.) - 2004 - Halle: Schenk.
    Bd. 1. Adolph Goldschmidt, Ernst Meumann, Wilhelm Waetzoldt und Arnold Schering -- Bd. 2. Paul Frankl, Emilt Utitz, Gustav Johann von Allesch und Wilhelm Worringer.
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    Gu Zhun wen ji.Zhun Gu - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
  33.  28
    Hybrid Genetic Grey Wolf Algorithm for Large-Scale Global Optimization.Qinghua Gu, Xuexian Li & Song Jiang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-18.
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    Aristotle's theory of the syllogism.Günther Patzig - 1969 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    The present book is the English version of a monograph 'Die aristotelische Syllogistik', which first appeared ten years ago in the series of Abhand 1 lungen edited by the Academy of Sciences in Gottingen. In the preface to the English edition, I would first like to express my indebtedness to Mr. J. Barnes, now fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. He not only translated what must have been a difficult text with exemplary precision and ingenuity, but followed critically every argument and (...)
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  35. Interpretationsgedanke und Wiederkunftslehre.Günter Abel - 1984 - In Mihailo Đuric & Josef Simon (eds.), Zur Aktualität Nietzsches. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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  36. Über den Segen einer komparativen Ethik.Günter Brakelmann - 1997 - In Karl-Wilhelm Dahm (ed.), Sozialethische Kristallisationen: Studien zur verantwortlichen Gesellschaft. Münster: Lit.
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  37. Hermeneutische Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Weltbildes.Günther S. Stent - 1987 - In Werner Arber (ed.), Weltbild und Weltgestaltung im Wandel der Zeit: Vorträge, Kurzreferate und Podiumsdiskussionen der Blockveranstaltung vom 6./7. Februar 1987 an der Universität Basel. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
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    Wahrheit und Geschichte: die gebrochene Tradition metaphysischen Denkens: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Günther Mensching.Günther Mensching, Alia Mensching-Estakhr & Michael Städtler (eds.) - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  39. Sŏngho Yi Ik yŏnʼgu: inʼgan Sŏngho wa kŭ ŭi chŏngchʻi sasang.U. -gŭn Han - 1980 - Sŏul Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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    What contributes to individual differences in brain structure?Jenny Gu & Ryota Kanai - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  41.  31
    The Theoretical Debate on “Sinologism”: A Rejoinder to Mr. Zhang Xiping.Ming Dong Gu - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (1):55-70.
    EDITORS’ AbstractThis article is a direct response to Zhang Xiping’s criticism of Sinologism in particular and to the overall critique of Sinologism in general. With a succinct account of what Sinologism is, it provides detailed answers to a series of questions brought up by the critics. In an effort to clarify the relationship between Sinologism on the one hand and Orientalism, postcolonialism, deconstruction, New Historicism, postmodernism, and ideological theory on the other, it attempts to rethink the issues of paradigms for (...)
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    Sayr-i tārīkhī-i naqd-i Mullā Ṣadrā.Z̲akāvatī Qarāgūzlū & ʻAlī Riz̤ā - 2007 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Hastīʹnamā.
  43. Emanzipation und Freiheit.Günter Rohrmoser - 1970 - München,: Goldmann.
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  44. Philosophie und Wissenschaft in der Auseinandersetzung unserer Zeit: marxistisch-leninistische Positionen zu Grundfragen des 16. Weltkongresses für Philosophie 1978.Günter Schenk (ed.) - 1978 - Halle (Saale): Abt. Wissenschaftspublizistik der Martin-Luther-Universität.
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    Sėtgėl tȯdiĭtniĭ gu̇n ukhaan.Gu̇rzhavyn Lkhagvasu̇rėn - 2018 - Ulaanbaatar: Soëmbo Printing.
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  46.  17
    Hume in der deutschen Aufklärung: Umrisse einer Rezeptionsgeschichte.Gu Nter Gawlick, Günter Gawlick & Lothar Kreimendahl - 1987
    Im 18. Jahrhundert bestand ein uberraschend grosses Interesse am Denker, Schriftsteller und Menschen David Hume (1711-1776), das die ganze Vielheit in den Voraussetzungen und Zielen der deutschen Aufklarung widerspiegelt. Zunachst standen die religionsphilosophischen Thesen Humes im Vordergrund; sie wurden durchweg abgelehnt und haufig nur polemisch zuruckgewiesen. Gerade als sich die Chance einer sachgerechteren Beurteilung Humes bot, revolutionierte Kant die gesamte Philosophie, und Hume wurde nur noch als der auslosende Faktor der Kantischen Metaphysikkritik gesehen. Die umstrittene Frage, wann und durch welches (...)
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  47. Dipolarity in Chan buddhism and the Whiteheadian God.Linyu Gu - 2005 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32 (2):211-222.
  48.  17
    Ch'ŏrhak ŭro pip'an hada: Han'gukchŏk hangmun kwa kyoyuk e taehan haebu: Chŏng Se-gŭn p'yŏngnonjip.Se-gŭn Chŏng - 2020 - Ch'ungbuk Ch'ŏngju-si: Ch'ungbuk Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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  49. Yŏksa rŭl ŏttŏkʻe pol kŏsinʼga: "Chʻŏrhak yŏnʼgu" che 65-chip ŭi pyŏlchʻaek.Han-gu Yi (ed.) - 2004 - Sŏul-si: Chʻŏrhal Kwa Hyŏnsilsa.
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  50. Rationalität und induktive Intuition.Günter Rieske - 1978 - In Günter Schenk (ed.), Philosophie und Wissenschaft in der Auseinandersetzung unserer Zeit: marxistisch-leninistische Positionen zu Grundfragen des 16. Weltkongresses für Philosophie 1978. Halle (Saale): Abt. Wissenschaftspublizistik der Martin-Luther-Universität.
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