Results for 'Walther Hofmann'

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  1. Ein zeitgenössischer Bericht über Schopenhauers Tod. Mitgeteilt von Walther Rauschenberger.Walther Rauschenberger - 1943 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:214-214.
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  2. In defence of metaphysical analyticity.Frank Hofmann & Joachim Horvath - 2008 - Ratio 21 (3):300-313.
    According to the so-called metaphysical conception of analyticity, analytic truths are true in virtue of meaning (or content) alone and independently of (extralinguistic) facts. Quine and Boghossian have tried to present a conclusive argument against the metaphysical conception of analyticity. In effect, they tried to show that the metaphysical conception inevitably leads into a highly implausible view about the truthmakers of analytic truths. We would like to show that their argument fails, since it relies on an ambiguity of the notion (...)
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    Randfiguren: Spinoza-Inspirationen: Festgabe für Manfred Walther.Manfred Walther, Felicitas Englisch, Manfred Lauermann & Maria-Brigitta Schröder (eds.) - 2005 - Hannover-Laatzen: Wehrhahn.
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    (1 other version)The Concept of Disease -- Vague, Complex, or Just Indefinable?Bjørn Hofmann - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: A European Journal 13 (1):3-10.
    The long ongoing and partly heated debate on the concept of disease has not led to any consensus on the status of this apparently essential concept for modern health care. The arguments range from claims that the disease concept is vague, slippery, elusive, or complex, and to statements that the concept is indefinable and unnecessary. The unsettled status of the concept of disease is challenging not only to health care where diagnosing, treating, and curing disease are core aims, but also (...)
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  5. On the triad disease, illness and sickness.Bjørn Hofmann - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6):651 – 673.
    The point of departure for this article is a review of the discussion between Twaddle and Nordenfelt on the concepts of disease, illness, and sickness, and the objective is to investigate the fruitfulness of these concepts. It is argued that disease, illness, and sickness represent different perspectives on human ailment and that they can be applied to analyze both epistemic and normative challenges to modern medicine. In particular the analysis reveals epistemic and normative differences between the concepts. Furthermore, the article (...)
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    Hasso Hofmann, Einführung in die Rechts‐ und Staatsphilosophie. [REVIEW]Hasso Hofmann - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):197-198.
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    Das Problem des Apriorischen in der Erkenntnistheorie Nicolai Hartmanns.Walther Brüning - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 5:655-666.
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    The fundamental types of present philosophic anthropology.Walther Bruning - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (1):114-121.
  9. Hermeneutik nach Nietzsche: Thesen und Überlegungen im Anschluss an Nietzsches Begriff der Interpretation.J. Nepomuk Hofmann - 1996 - Nietzsche Studien 25:261-306.
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    ‘You are inferior!’ Revisiting the expressivist argument.Bjørn Hofmann - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (7):505-514.
    According to the expressivist argument the choice to use biotechnologies to prevent the birth of individuals with specific disabilities is an expression of disvalue for existing people with this disability. The argument has stirred a lively debate and has recently received renewed attention. This article starts with presenting the expressivist argument and its core elements. It then goes on to present and examine the counter-arguments before it addresses some aspects that have gained surprisingly little attention. The analysis demonstrates that the (...)
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  11. Executive functions and self-regulation.Wilhelm Hofmann, Brandon J. Schmeichel & Alan D. Baddeley - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):174-180.
  12. Truthmaking, recombination, and facts ontology.Frank Hofmann - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (2):409-440.
    The idea of truthmakers is important for doing serious metaphysics, since a truthmaker principle can give us important guidance in finding out what we would like to include into our ontology. Recently, David Lewis has argued against Armstrong’s argument that a plausible truthmaker principle requires us to accept facts. I would like to take a close look at the argument. I will argue in detail that the Humean principle of recombination on which Lewis relies is not plausible (independently of the (...)
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    Objektivationen des Geistigen: Beiträge zur Kulturphilosophie in Gedenken an Walther Schmied-Kowarzik, 1885-1958.Walther Schmied-Kowarzik & Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (eds.) - 1985 - Berlin: D. Reimer.
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    Matthias Hofmann: Schleiermachers Vorlesungen über das Leben Jesu – Die Einleitungen der Kollegien von 1819/20 und 1829/30. Zwei Teileditionen von Hörernachschriften. [REVIEW]Matthias Hofmann - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (2):262-310.
    Between 1819 and 1832 Friedrich Schleiermacher was giving lectures on the life of Jesus at the University of Berlin. The following article includes two partial editions, which document the introductory parts of the lectures from 1819/20 and 1829/30. Both are based on manuscripts written by Schleiermacher’s listeners. Especially to explore the development of Schleiermacher’s conceptual considerations this two partial editions should be a useful addition to the new critical edition of Schleiermacher’s Vorlesungen über das Leben Jesu published in 2018 by (...)
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    Freiheit und Kontingenz: zur interdisziplinären Anthropologie menschlicher Freiheiten und Bindungen: Festschrift für Christian Walther.Christian Walther, Rainer Dieterich & Carsten Pfeiffer (eds.) - 1992 - Heidelberg: R. Asanger.
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  16. (1 other version)Simplified models of the relationship between health and disease.Bjørn Hofmann - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (5):355-377.
    The concepts of health and disease are crucial in defining the aim and the limits of modern medicine. Accordingly it is important to understand them and their relationship. However, there appears to be a discrepancy between scholars in philosophy of medicine and health care professionals with regard to these concepts. This article investigates health care professionals’ concepts of health and disease and the relationship between them. In order to do so, four different models are described and analyzed: the ideal model, (...)
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  17.  28
    In Defense of Evidential Minimalism: Varieties of Criticizability.Frank Hofmann - forthcoming - Episteme:1-6.
    This paper will critically engage with Daniel Buckley's argument against “evidential minimalism” (EM), i.e., the claim that necessarily, bits of evidence (are or) provide epistemic reasons for belief. Buckley argues that in some cases, a subject has strong evidence that p (and fulfills further minimal conditions), does not believe p, but nevertheless is not epistemically criticizable and has no epistemic reason to believe p. I will defend EM by pointing out that Buckley's argument trades on an ambiguity between a strong (...)
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  18.  79
    Broadening consent--and diluting ethics?B. Hofmann - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):125-129.
    Biobank research is potentially fruitful. It is argued that broad consent is acceptable for future research on biological material because a) the benefit is high, b) it pays respect to people’s autonomy, c) it is consistent with current practices and d) because the risk is low. Furthermore, broad consent should be allowed if information is handled safely, people can withdraw and expanded research should be approved by an ethics review board. However, these arguments are flawed and the criteria for broad (...)
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  19.  63
    (1 other version)Is Evidence Normative?Frank Hofmann - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):1-18.
    This paper defends the view that in a certain sense evidence is normative. Neither a bit of evidence nor the fact that it is evidence for a certain proposition is a normative fact, but it is still the case that evidence provides normative reason for belief. An argument for the main thesis will be presented. It will rely on evidentialist norms of belief and a Broomean conception of normative reasons. Two important objections will be discussed, one from A. Steglich-Petersen on (...)
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    On the triad disease, illness and sickness.Bj⊘ rn Hofmann - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6):651-673.
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    Das pathosophische Denken Viktor von Weizsäckers: ein Beitrag der medizinischen Anthropologie zu einer anthropologisch fundierten Pädagogik.Walther Dreher - 1974 - Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    V.v. Weizsäcker, Mediziner und Philosoph, versucht mit der Einführung des Subjekts in die Medizin ein neues Verständnis des Menschlichen im Menschen zu eröffnen. Der Autor stellt das breite Feld des v. Weizsäckerschen Denkens dar, um dadurch für ein Gespräch zwischen Medizin und Pädagogik das Material zu unterbreiten und auf Schwerpunktverlagerungen in den Wissenschaften vom Menschen aufmerksam zu machen.
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    Das Geschlocht von dies.J. B. Hofmann - 1938 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 93 (1):265-273.
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    Immediate self-knowledge and avowal.Frank Hofmann - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 70 (1):193-213.
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    Normative Bedeutung von Handlungsfolgen: paradigmatische utilitaristische Ansätze und katholische Moraltheologie.Stefan Hofmann - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Human actions have diverse consequences. Some consequences are intended, others are considered side effects, although they too, such as climate-damaging CO2 emissions, can be ethically relevant. Ethically speaking, considering consequences in a differentiated way is therefore clearly unavoidable. After discussing the influential concepts of utilitarianism and moral theology, the author presents his own approach to considering consequences.
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    Context-specific neophilia and its consequences for innovations.Claudia Mettke-Hofmann - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):419-420.
    According to Ramsey and colleagues the main constituent psychological processes of innovation are response to novelty, exploration, and the ability to recognize a novel solution. I fully support this view but point out that novelty reactions are often context-specific. I will expand on this and discuss the possible consequences of context-specific novelty reactions on the emergence of innovations.
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    Die kleine und die grosse metaphysik Hermann Lotzes.Walther Scheller - 1912 - Bonn.: Buckdruckerie H. Ludwig.
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  27. Günther Holstein.Walther Schönfeld - 1931 - Rivista di Filosofia 20:286.
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    Nietzsche, Our Contemporary.Eric Walther - 2012 - Philosophy Now 93:6-7.
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  29. The Jaynes-Cummings model and the one-atom-maser.H. Walther - 1993 - In E. T. Jaynes, Walter T. Grandy & Peter W. Milonni (eds.), Physics and probability: essays in honor of Edwin T. Jaynes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 33.
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    Bioethics: No Method—No Discipline?Bjørn Hofmann - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-10.
    This article raises the question of whether bioethics qualifies as a discipline. According to a standard definition of discipline as “a field of study following specific and well-established methodological rules” bioethics is not a specific discipline as there are no explicit “well-established methodological rules.” The article investigates whether the methodological rules can be implicit, and whether bioethics can follow specific methodological rules within subdisciplines or for specific tasks. As this does not appear to be the case, the article examines whether (...)
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    The death of dignity is greatly exaggerated: Reflections 15 years after the declaration of dignity as a useless concept.Bjørn Hofmann - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):602-611.
    Fifteen years ago, Ruth Macklin shook the medical community with her claim in the BMJ that dignity is a useless concept. Her essay provoked a storm of reactions. What have we learned from the debate? In this article I analyse the responses to her essay and the following debate to investigate whether she was right that “[d]ignity is a useless concept in medical ethics and can be eliminated without any loss of content.” While some of the commentaries misconstrued her claim (...)
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  32.  90
    Explaining Free Will by Rational Abilities.Frank Hofmann - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (2):283-297.
    In this paper I present an account of the rational abilities that make our decisions free. Following the lead of new dispositionalists, a leeway account of free decisions is developed, and the rational abilities that ground our abilities to decide otherwise are described in detail. A main result will be that the best account of the relevant rational abilities makes them two-way abilities: abilities to decide to do or not to do x in accordance with one’s apparent reasons. Dispositionalism about (...)
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  33.  26
    Temporal uncertainty in disease diagnosis.Bjørn Hofmann - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):401-411.
    There is a profound paradox in modern medical knowledge production: The more we know, the more we know that we (still) do not know. Nowhere is this more visible than in diagnostics and early detection of disease. As we identify ever more markers, predictors, precursors, and risk factors of disease ever earlier, we realize that we need knowledge about whether they develop into something experienced by the person and threatening to the person’s health. This study investigates how advancements in science (...)
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  34. La promessa della dignità umana: La dignità dell'uomo nella cultura giuridica tedesca.Hasso Hofmann - 1999 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 76 (4):620-650.
    H. HOFMANN, La promessa della dignità umana. La dignità dell’uomo nella cultura giuridica tedesca.
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    On value-judgements and ethics in health technology assessment.Bjørn Hofmann - 2005 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (4):277-295.
    The widespread application of technology in health care has imposed a broad range of challenges. The field of health technology assessment (HTA) is developed in order to face some of these challenges. However, this strategy has not been as successful as one could hope. One of the reasons for this is that social and ethical considerations have not been integrated in the HTA process. Nowadays however, such considerations have been included in many HTAs. Still, the conclusions and recommendations of the (...)
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    André-Marie Ampère: Enlightenment and Electrodynamics.James R. Hofmann - 1996 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Absorbing biography of the creative and destructive scientific genius and tragic life of Andr?-Marie Amp're.
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    Ethical issues with geographical variations in the provision of health care services.Bjørn Hofmann - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    Geographical variations are documented for a wide range of health care services. As many such variations cannot be explained by demographical or epidemiological differences, they are problematic with respect to distributive justice, quality of care, and health policy. Despite much attention, geographical variations prevail. One reason for this can be that the ethical issues of geographical variations are rarely addressed explicitly. Accordingly, the objective of this article is to analyse the ethical aspects of geographical variations in the provision of health (...)
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  38.  30
    Rational Belief, Reflection, and Undercutting Defeat.Frank Hofmann - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (3):354-373.
    Philosophers disagree about the role of reflection for rationality, understood as the capacity to (properly) respond to genuine, normative reasons. Here, ‘reflection’ means the capacity for self-conscious normative meta-cognition. This article develops and rejects a novel argument – the argument from undercutting defeaters – in favor of the ‘one-level view’ that holds that having the concept of a belief (and of a reason) is necessary for responding to reasons. It will be argued that the ‘two-level view’, which allows for rational (...)
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    (2 other versions)Incidental findings of uncertain significance: To know or not to know - that is not the question.Bjørn Hofmann - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    Although the “right not to know” is well established in international regulations, it has been heavily debated. Ubiquitous results from extended exome and genome analysis have challenged the right not to know...
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  40. .Dagmar Hofmann - unknown
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    In pursuit of goodness in bioethics: analysis of an exemplary article.Bjørn Hofmann & Morten Magelssen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):60.
    What is good bioethics? Addressing this question is key for reinforcing and developing the field. In particular, a discussion of potential quality criteria can heighten awareness and contribute to the quality of bioethics publications. Accordingly, the objective of this article is threefold: first, we want to identify a set of criteria for quality in bioethics. Second, we want to illustrate the added value of a novel method: in-depth analysis of a single article with the aim of deriving quality criteria. The (...)
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  42.  48
    How to Draw the Line Between Health and Disease? Start with Suffering.Bjørn Hofmann - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (2):127-143.
    How can we draw the line between health and disease? This crucial question of demarcation has immense practical implications and has troubled scholars for ages. The question will be addressed in three steps. First, I will present an important contribution by Rogers and Walker who argue forcefully that no line can be drawn between health and disease. However, a closer analysis of their argument reveals that a line-drawing problem for disease-related features does not necessarily imply a line-drawing problem for disease (...)
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  43. The correspondence theory of truth.Frank Hofmann - manuscript
    Ever since the works of Alfred Tarski and Frank Ramsey, two views on truth have seemed very attractive to many people. On the one hand, the correspondence theory of truth seemed to be quite promising, mostly, perhaps, for its ability to accomodate a realistic attitude towards truth. On the other hand, a minimalist conception seemed appropriate since it made things so simple and unmysterious. So even though there are many more theories of truth around - the identity theory, the prosentential (...)
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  44. Der Mensch als handelndes Wesen; El Hombre como Ser Actante.WALTHER BRÜNING - 1955
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    Äquivalenz- und Toleranzstrukturen in der Linguistik.Walther L. Fischer - 1973 - München: Hueber,: Hueber.
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    Empfindung und Vorstellung: ein Beitrag zur Klärung psychologischer Grundbegriffe.Paul Hofmann - 1919 - Berlin: Reuther & Reichard.
    Excerpt from Empfindung und Vorstellung: Ein Beitrag zur Klarung Psychologischer Grundbegriffe Vor kurzem erschien eine Abhandlung von Carl Stumpf uber Empfindung und Vorstellung, welche auf Grund feinfuhliger Selbstbeobachtungen und unter Berucksichtigung der grossen einschlagigen Literatur in die vielen Winkel und Dunkelheiten dieses Problems der deskriptiven Psychologie hineinleuchtet. Unter sorgfaltiger Analyse der von den verschiedenen Beobachtern gegebenen Beschreibungen und scharfsinniger Untersuchung der logischen Durchfuhrbarkeit jeder einzelnen der bisher ausgesprochenen Auffassungen versucht diese Abhandlung die Frage zu klaren, worin der wesentliche Unterschied beider (...)
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  47. Kripkes und Chalmers' Argumente gegen den Materialismus.Frank Hofmann - 2003 - Philosophia Naturalis 40 (1):55-81.
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  48. Die Irrfahrten des Odysseus.Walther Kranz - 1915 - Hermes 50 (1):93-112.
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    Kunstphilosophie und ästhetik.Walther Rathenau - 1923 - München,: G. D. W. Callwey. Edited by Wolfgang Schumann.
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  50. Das philosophische Genie und seine Rasseabstammung.Walther Rauschenberger - 1922 - Frankfurt a.M.,: Selbstverlag.
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