Results for 'Wai-Shing Tse'

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  1.  27
    Can the Testing Effect for General Knowledge Facts Be Influenced by Distraction due to Divided Attention or Experimentally Induced Anxious Mood?Chi-Shing Tse, Meingold Hiu-Ming Chan, Wai-Shing Tse & Savio Wai-Ho Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:423111.
    Studies on testing effect have showed that a practice test on study materials leads to better performance in a final test than restudying the materials for the same amount of time. Two experiments were conducted to test how distraction, as triggered by divided attention or experimentally induced anxious mood in the practice phase, could modulate the benefit of testing (vs. restudying) on the learning of interesting and boring general knowledge facts. Two individual difference factors (trait test anxiety and working memory (...)
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    The relationship between language proficiency and attentional control in Cantonese-English bilingual children: evidence from Simon, Simon switching, and working memory tasks.Chi-Shing Tse & Jeanette Altarriba - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  3.  11
    The Taste of Emotion: Metaphoric Association Between Taste Words and Emotion/Emotion-Laden Words.Yanyun Zhou & Chi-Shing Tse - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  4. Why We Should Care About Ebola in West Africa and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in South Korea: Global Health Ethics and the Moral Insignificance of Proximity.Benedict Shing Bun Chan, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, King-Wa Fu, Chi-Ngai Cheung & Isaac Chun-Hai Fung - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (4):541-543.
  5.  17
    Healthcare law and ethics: principles & practices.James Shing Ping Chiu, Albert Lee & Kar-wai Tong (eds.) - 2023 - Hong Kong: City university of Hong Kong press.
    Section One - Principles and concepts of healthcare law and ethics -- Section Two - Complaints, disciplinary proceedings and indemnity insurance -- Section Three - Confidentiality, disclosure and apologies -- Section Four - Alternative dispute resolution and relationship with colleagues -- Section Five - Liabilities beyond healthcare practices.
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    How We Think about Temporal Words: A Gestural Priming Study in English and Chinese.Melvin M. R. Ng, Winston D. Goh, Melvin J. Yap, Chi-Shing Tse & Wing-Chee So - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  7.  24
    Evaluating the Effects of Metalinguistic and Working Memory Training on Reading Fluency in Chinese and English: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Tik-Sze Carrey Siu, Catherine McBride, Chi-Shing Tse, Xiuhong Tong & Urs Maurer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Children traditionally learn to read Chinese characters by rote, and thus stretching children’s memory span could possibly improve their reading in Chinese. Nevertheless, 85% of Chinese characters are semantic-phonetic compounds that contain probabilistic information about meaning and pronunciation. Hence, enhancing children’s metalinguistic skills might also facilitate reading in Chinese. In the present study we tested whether training children’s metalinguistic skills or training their working-memory capacity in eight weeks would produce reading gains, and whether these gains would be similar in Chinese (...)
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    Conscious of Everything or Consciousness Without Objects? A Paradox of Nirvana.Tse-fu Kuan - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (3):329-351.
    Seemingly contrary ideas of Nirvana are found in early Buddhist literature. Whereas some texts describe one who attains Nirvana as being conscious of everything, others depict Nirvana as a state in which consciousness has no object but emptiness or Nirvana. In this paper I deal with this paradox of Nirvana consciousness by exploring the correlations between several statements in early Buddhist texts. A number of sutta passages are cited to show that they contain doctrinal elements which, when considered collectively, may (...)
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    The conundrums of the reasonable patient standard in English medical law.Shing Fung Lee, Eric C. Ip & Kelvin Hiu Fai Kwok - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundIn its 2015 decision in Montgomery v. Lanarkshire Health Board, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom overruled the long-standing, paternalistic prudent doctor standard of care in favour of a new reasonable patient standard which obligates doctors to make their patients aware of all material risks of the recommended treatment and of any reasonable alternative treatment. This landmark judgment has been of interest to the rest of the common law world. A judicial trend of invoking Montgomery to impose more stringent (...)
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  10.  39
    The Transformation from Traditional Nonprofit Organizations to Social Enterprises: An Institutional Entrepreneurship Perspective.Wai Wai Ko & Gordon Liu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):15-32.
    The development of commercial revenue streams allows traditional nonprofit organizations to increase financial certainty in response to the reduction of traditional funding sources and increased competition. In order to capture commercial revenue-generating opportunities, traditional nonprofit organizations need to deliberately transform themselves into social enterprises. Through the theoretical lens of institutional entrepreneurship, we explore the institutional work that supports this transformation by analyzing field interviews with 64 institutional entrepreneurs from UK-based social enterprises. We find that the route to incorporate commercial processes (...)
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  11.  15
    Legal and Ethical Issues of Live Streaming.Shing-Ling S. Chen, Nicole Allaire & Zhuojun Joyce Chen (eds.) - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book uses a critical lens to discuss live stream uses and misuses, as well as the impacts of live streaming on various fields. In the landscape of the historical evolution of communication technologies, this volume opens up a new space for discussing legal and ethical issues associated with the use of live streaming.
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    Spontaneity, Perspectivism, and Anti-intellectualism in the Zhuangzi.Wai Wai Chiu - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (3):393-409.
    Contemporary Anglophone scholarship on the Zhuangzi 莊子 tends to reject intellectualism, the view that all knowledge is propositional. Scholars usually state that Zhuangzi values practical knowledge more than propositional knowledge. This valuation, however, seems to presuppose that the Zhuangzi or its interpreters must recognize the distinction between these two kinds of knowledge. In this article, I argue that Zhuangzi sees all knowledge as practical, and if we situate him in the contemporary philosophical field we can extract several ideas from the (...)
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  13.  11
    Von den modernen zu den postmodernen Zeitvorstellungen: Kant, Heidegger, Virilio, Baudrillard.Shing-Shang Lin - 2011 - Essen: Verlag Die Blaue Eule.
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  14. An Anthology of his Writings.MAO TSE-TUNG - 1962
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  15.  55
    (1 other version)On dialectical materialism a fragment.Tse-Tung Mao - 1963 - Studies in East European Thought 3 (4):270-277.
  16.  42
    Justice: A Case of False-Positive HIV Employee.Wais Mohammad & Sobia Idrees Sobia Idrees - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (4).
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    Evolution of Intelligence and the Human Fifth Dimension.Shing Yiu Yip - 2013 - World Futures 69 (1):29 - 44.
    ?Information? has been postulated by the Daoist theory of Qi-energy fields system to be encoded and inherent in the Qi-energy complex (Qi) since the beginning of time. This became the origin of intelligence when it was passed onto humankind. This abstract entity is extended as a concept of ?quantum information/intelligence? (QI) when correlated with quantum physics. Human psychic power, spread over interconnected biological to cosmic spatial fields, would constitute a new Fifth Dimension, woven into the fabric of space and time. (...)
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  18.  11
    Creating good citizens in China: comparing Grade 7–9 school textbooks, 1997–2005.Thomas Tse - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (2):161-180.
    Ideological indoctrination is explicit and pervasive in China, with the school curriculum used to mould the spirit and character of adolescents, fulfilling ideological and political purposes. But the exact content varies over time. Comparing two versions of textbooks published in 1997 and 2005, this paper depicts the continuities and change in the curricular discourses centred on the notion of ‘good citizen’. While keeping the official status of socialism and the Party leadership untouched, the new textbooks soften the presentation and packaging (...)
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  19.  55
    Do Stock Investors Value Corporate Sustainability? Evidence from an Event Study.Adrian Wai Kong Cheung - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):145-165.
    This paper analyzes the impacts of index inclusions and exclusions on corporate sustainable firms by studying a sample of US stocks that are added to or deleted from the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index over the period 2002-2008. The impacts are measured in terms of stock return, risk and liquidity. We cannot find any strong evidence that announcement per se has any significant impact on stock return and risk. However, on the day of change, index inclusion (exclusion) stocks experience a (...)
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  20.  42
    Resolving the paradox of the active user: stable suboptimal performance in interactive tasks.Wai-Tat Fu & Wayne D. Gray - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (6):901-935.
    This paper brings the intellectual tools of cognitive science to bear on resolving the “paradox of the active user” [Interfacing Thought: Cognitive Aspects of Human–Computer Interaction, Cambridge, MIT Press, MA, USA]—the persistent use of inefficient procedures in interactive tasks by experienced or even expert users when demonstrably more efficient procedures exist. The goal of this paper is to understand the roots of this paradox by finding regularities in these inefficient procedures. We examine three very different data sets. For each data (...)
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  21.  69
    Chinese and Americans see opposite apparent motions in a Chinese character.Peter Ulric Tse & Patrick Cavanagh - 2000 - Cognition 74 (3):B27-B32.
  22.  70
    Clarification on feelings in buddhist dhyāna/jhāna meditation.Tse-fu Kuan - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 33 (3):285-319.
  23.  21
    Legends and Transcendence.Tse-Fu Kuan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4):607-634.
    Of the four complete Āgama collections, the Ekottarika Āgama (EĀ) has generated the most controversy about whether it can be attributed to any early Buddhist school and, if so, which school it could belong to. This paper examines the various hypotheses about the sectarian affiliation(s) of the EĀ. It shows that a considerable part of this corpus is likely to be of Mahāsāṃghika derivation, and that the EĀ contains numerous salient features of Mahāsāṃghika doctrine, particularly the transcendence of Buddhas and (...)
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    Early Chinese Commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama: The Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 and the History of the Translation of the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經. By Antonello Palumbo.Tse-Fu Kuan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2).
    An Early Chinese Commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama: The Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 and the History of the Translation of the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經. By Antonello Palumbo. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corp., 2013. Pp. xiv + 424. NT$460.
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    Rethinking Non-self.Tse-fu Kuan - 2009 - Buddhist Studies Review 26 (2):155-175.
    Scholars have pointed out that the arguments for not-self recurring in the Buddhist texts are meant to refute the “self” in the Upani?ads. The Buddha’s denial of the self, however, was not only pointed at Brahmanism, but also confronted various?rama?ic trends of thought against Brahmanism. This paper investigates the extant three versions of a Buddhist text which records a debate between the Buddha and Saccaka, an adherent of a certain?rama?ic sect, over the relationship of the self and the five aggregates. (...)
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  26. Shê chiao shêng huo ti an pʻai.Tsê Ku - 1959
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    Interpretive Charity, Massive Disagreement, and Imagination.Wai-Hung Wong - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):49-74.
    I argue that it is a main theme of Davidson's theory of interpretation that interpretive charity implies the impossibility of massive disagreement. There is clear textual support for that. I then argue that from the first-person point of view of a full-blooded interpreter, the theme must be accepted; and that is precisely why Davidson accepts it. If massive disagreement between speaker and interpreter seems to us easy to imagine, it is only because the imagination involved is third-personal and not full-blooded.
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    Towards a computational theory of cognitive maps.Wai K. Yeap - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (3):297-360.
  29.  22
    Cross‐Situational Word Learning With Multimodal Neural Networks.Wai Keen Vong & Brenden M. Lake - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4).
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2022.
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  30.  14
    Do Additional Features Help or Hurt Category Learning? The Curse of Dimensionality in Human Learners.Wai Keen Vong, Andrew T. Hendrickson, Danielle J. Navarro & Andrew Perfors - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (3).
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  31.  41
    Are new zealand business students more unethical than non-business students?Alan Tse & Alan Au - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):445-450.
    Using undergraduate students from the Waikato University in New Zealand as a sample, this study compared the ethical positions of students of different field of study and demographic characteristics. It was found that the ethical standard of business students are not significantly different from that of non-business students. The findings also suggest that female students are more ethical than male students, and senior students are more ethical than junior students.Besides sex and year of study, other variables studied were parents' occupation, (...)
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  32.  57
    Interfacing Mind and Environment: The Central Role of Search in Cognition.Wai-Tat Fu, Thomas Hills & Peter M. Todd - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):384-390.
    Search can be found in almost every cognitive activity, ranging across vision, memory retrieval, problem solving, decision making, foraging, and social interaction. Because of its ubiquity, research on search has a tendency to fragment into multiple areas of cognitive science. The proposed topic aims at providing integrative discussion of the central role of search from multiple perspectives. We focus on controlled search processes, which require a goal, uncertainty about the nature, location, or acquisition method of the objects to be searched (...)
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  33.  63
    Emotional Nuance: Examining Positive Emotional Granularity and Well-Being.Tse Yen Tan, Louise Wachsmuth & Michele M. Tugade - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The focus of this review is on positive emotional granularity. Emotional granularity is the level of specificity that characterizes verbal representations of an affective experience. Although there has been research on negative emotional granularity, relatively less attention has been given to the study of positive emotional granularity. Positive emotions are theorized to motivate an individual to “broaden and build” one’s scope of cognition, attention, and behavior. Distinct positive emotion concepts may provide individuals with more informational value than that provided by (...)
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    The Semantic Concept of Truth in Pre-Han Chinese Philosophy.Wai Ch'un1 Leong - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (1):55-74.
    In this paper I argue, contrary to Chad Hansen’s view , that pre-Han 漢 Chinese philosophy has the semantic concept of truth. Hansen argues that, first, pre-Han Chinese thinkers do not have motivations to introduce the concept of truth in their philosophy due to their peculiar theory of language; second, the concept does not fit well with philosophical texts at that time, and in particular, the Mozi 墨子 text about the three standards of doctrine. However, I argue that Chinese thinkers (...)
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  35.  88
    Zhuangzi’s idea of ‘spirit’: acting and ‘thinging things’ without self-assertion.Wai Wai Chiu - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (1):38-51.
    ABSTRACTIn contrast to his contemporaries who take the heart–mind as the ruler of a person, Zhuangzi suggests that one’s action is guided by the spirit. Questions arise as one articulates the function of spirit and its relationship with the heart–mind. In this article, I articulate the relationship between heart–mind and spirit to show three points: first, spirit is a kind of qi 氣 that can be tied or run smoothly, or rather the mechanism triggered by the functioning of smooth qi. (...)
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  36.  20
    Structure and Formation of the A?guttara Nik?ya and the Ekottarika?gama.Tse-fu Kuan & Roderick S. Bucknell - 2020 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (2):141-166.
    In both the A?guttara Nik?ya in Pali and the Ekottarika?gamain Chinese translation, the suttas are grouped into eleven nip?tas, from the Ekaka-nip?ta/Eka-nip?ta to the Ek?dasaka-nip?ta – though in the Ekottarika?gama the nip?tas are not labelled as such. This grouping into nip?tas is based on the number of doctrinal items dealt with in the component suttas. In the Ones and Twos, it is often the case that a single original sutta has been subdivided so that its component sections become a series (...)
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  37.  76
    A Dynamic Context Model of Interactive Behavior.Wai-Tat Fu - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (5):874-904.
    A dynamic context model of interactive behavior was developed to explain results from two experiments that tested the effects of interaction costs on encoding strategies, cognitive representations, and response selection processes in a decision-making and a judgment task. The model assumes that the dynamic context defined by the mixes of internal and external representations and processes are sensitive to the interaction cost imposed by the task environment. The model predicts that changes in the dynamic context may lead to systematic biases (...)
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  38. Authenticity and Filiality. The Problem of Genuineness in Li Zhi.Wai-yee Li - 2021 - In Rebecca Handler-Spitz, Pauline C. Lee & Haun Saussy (eds.), The objectionable Li Zhi: fiction, criticism, and dissent in late Ming China. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
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  39.  17
    Die Leidenschaft der Liebe: Schelers Liebesbegriff als eine Antwort auf Nietzsches Kritik an der christlichen Moral und seine soteriologische Bedeutung.Wai Hang Ng - 2009 - New York: Lang.
    Max Schelers Auseinandersetzung mit Nietzsches Kritik an der christlichen bzw. christlich inspirierten Moral ist Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung. Darin lasst sich Schelers phanomenologisches Verstandnis der Liebe erschliessen, das einerseits Nietzsches Kritik apologetisch zwingend beantwortet und andererseits das Gedankengut Nietzsches aufgreift. Schelers Anlehnung an Nietzsche zeigt sich deutlich in seinem Kampf gegen den modernen Altruismus, gegen den Scheler mit ausserster Scharfe das christliche Verstandnis der Liebe abgrenzt. Daruber hinaus entwickelt der Autor in seinem Buch Schelers Verstandnis der Liebe weiter in Hinsicht auf (...)
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  40.  75
    Ogyū Sorai’s Philosophical Masterworks: The Bendō and Benmei. By John Tucker.Wai-Ming Ng - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (3):532-535.
  41. The Significance of Negation in Classical German Philosophy.Chiu Yui Plato Tse (ed.) - forthcoming - Dordrecht, Netherlands:
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  42. A pluralist hybrid model for moral AIs.Fei Song & Shing Hay Felix Yeung - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    With the increasing degrees A.I.s and machines are applied across different social contexts, the need for implementing ethics in A.I.s is pressing. In this paper, we argue for a pluralist hybrid model for the implementation of moral A.I.s. We first survey current approaches to moral A.I.s and their inherent limitations. Then we propose the pluralist hybrid approach and show how these limitations of moral A.I.s can be partly alleviated by the pluralist hybrid approach. The core ethical decision-making capacity of an (...)
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  43. Skilful performances and the Zhuangzi's lessons on orientation.Wai Wai Chiu - 2019 - In Karyn Lai & Wai Wai Chiu (eds.), Skill and Mastery Philosophical Stories from the Zhuangzi. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
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  44.  41
    Zhuangzi’s evaluation of qing and its relationship to knowledge.Chiu Wai Wai - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (3):288-304.
    This paper articulates the relationship between knowledge and qing 情 in the Zhuangzi. I argue that Zhuangzi has a twofold view of qing, which is structurally similar to his view of knowledge. I sta...
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  45. Epistemic possibility: Kripke versus Soames.Wai Lok Cheung - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Soames attributes to Kripke the theory of epistemic possibility that uses metaphysical impossibilities in explaining necessary a posteriori truths. I attribute to Kripke a theory from epistemic counterparthood. I develop an epistemic accessibility based on Kripke’s appeal to Lewis’ counterpart theory that is reflexive, non-transitive, and non-symmetric. I also propose an epistemic counterpart function and a description function.
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  46. Re-visiting St. Thomas' Concept of God as Truth Itself from the Perspective of Qi in the Guanzi's Four Daoist Chapters.John Cheng Wai-Leung - 2007 - In B. K. Dalai (ed.), Ultimate reality and meaning. Pune: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune. pp. 212-231.
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  47.  24
    Residues of Justice: Literature, Law, Philosophy.Wai Chee Dimock - 1996 - University of California Press.
    In this arresting book, Wai Chee Dimock takes on the philosophical tradition from Kant to Rawls, challenging its conception of justice as foundational, self-evident, and all-encompassing. The idea of justice is based on the premise that the world can be resolved into commensurate terms: punishment equal to the crime, redress equal to the injury, benefit equal to the desert. Dimock focuses, however, on what remains unexhausted, unrecovered, and noncorresponding in the exercise of justice. To honor these "residues," she turns to (...)
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  48.  26
    Statement: Ethics of Care in Law and Science.Wai Dimock - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):510.
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    Is a Single‐Bladed Knife Enough to Dissect Human Cognition? Commentary on Griffiths et al.Wai-Tat Fu - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (1):155-161.
    Griffiths, Christian, and Kalish (this issue) present an iterative‐learning paradigm applying a Bayesian model to understand inductive biases in categorization. The authors argue that the paradigm is useful as an exploratory tool to understand inductive biases in situations where little is known about the task. It is argued that a theory developed only at the computational level is much like a single‐bladed knife that is only useful in highly idealized situations. To be useful as a general tool that cuts through (...)
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  50. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh shih lüeh.Wai-lu Hou - 1958 - Chung-Kuo Ch'ing M'en Ch'u Pan Shê. Edited by Chʻi-Chih[From Old Catalog] Chang.
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