Results for 'W. Maschmeier'

914 found
  1.  53
    A new system of proof-theoretic ordinal functions.W. Buchholz - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:195-207.
  2. Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument an Outlook in Transition /Henry W. Johnstone, Jr. --. --.Henry W. Johnstone - 1978 - Dialogue Press of Man & World, C1978.
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  3.  39
    Instrumentalism and relativity.W. B. Bonnor - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):291.
  4. Corrections made by Hegel in his introduction to philosophy of nature, 1823/24-1828.W. Bonsiepen - 1991 - Hegel-Studien 26:213-218.
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    Studies in the history of Prout's hypotheses.W. Brock - 1969 - Annals of Science 25 (2):127-137.
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    Studies of sensory conditioning measured by the facilitation of auditory acuity.W. J. Brogden & Lee W. Gregg - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (6):384.
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  7. Kaulbach, Wilhelm, Von, philosopher-painter and modern painter-on the world-history cycle of kaulbach in the berliner-neues-museum.W. Busch - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  8. Positivismo ed umanismo.W. Buttemeyer - 1989 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):225-234.
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    Plato on essence: Phaedo.W. R. Carter - 1975 - Theoria 41 (3):103-111.
  10.  37
    The Scientists' Declaration: Reflexions on Science and Belief in the Wake of Essays and Reviews, 1864–5.W. H. Brock & R. M. Macleod - 1976 - British Journal for the History of Science 9 (1):39-66.
    During the decades following the publication of Darwin's Origin of species in 1859, religious belief in England and in particular the Church of England experienced some of the most intense criticism in its history. The early 1860s saw the appearance of Lyell's Evidence of the antiquity of man , Tylor's research on the early history of mankind , Renan's Vie de Jésus , Pius IX's encyclical, Quanta cura, and the accompanying Syllabus errarum, John Henry Newman's Apologia , and Swinburne's notorious (...)
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  11. A generation of research on the curriculum.W. E. Peik - 1938 - In Guy Montrose Whipple, The scientific movement in education. Bloomington, Ill.,: National Society for the Study of Education. pp. 2.
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  12.  32
    The new developments in psychology in the past quarter century.W. B. Pillsbury - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26 (1):56-69.
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    (1 other version)Bibliographie de l'année politique 1983.W. S. Plavsic - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (4):545-564.
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  14. Questions that Trouble Christians.W. A. Poovey - 1946
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  15.  25
    (1 other version)Eine französische Huldigung an Kant.W. Reinecke - 1906 - Kant Studien 11 (1-3):425-449.
  16. Obligation and Guilt in a Morality of Hypothetical Imperatives.W. Robert - 1974 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5 (1).
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  17. (1 other version)The problem of induction and the doctrine of formal cause.W. J. Roberts - 1909 - Mind 18 (72):538-551.
  18. Kant pure science of nature as critical metaphysics.W. Rod - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (2-3):117-131.
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    Existentialism is not Irrationalism: A Challenge to the Common Interpretation of Existentialism.W. Kim Rogers - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (1):77-83.
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  20. The Life of St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury by Eadmer.R. W. Southern - 1962
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  21.  18
    Commentary on "Epistemic Value Commitments".W. J. Livesley - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):223-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Epistemic Value Commitments”W. John Livesley (bio)A disquieting feature of contemporary psychiatric nosology is the tendency to adopt positions that imply that current classifications are simply statements of fact. Clinicians and researchers alike seem to assume that the DSM diagnostic concepts are factual descriptions based only on scientific analysis that reflect the essential nature of psychiatric disorders. The architects of the DSM acknowledge in various ways that this (...)
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  22.  13
    The hollow universe.W. C. Kneale - 1960 - Philosophical Books 1 (3):8-9.
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  23.  30
    Cretae Oaxem.W. F. J. Knight - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (06):212-213.
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  24.  14
    Jacobsohn's Law of Plautine Scansion.W. A. Laidlaw - 1936 - Classical Quarterly 30 (2):33-39.
    H. Jacobsohn, a pupil of Leo, in a Göttingen dissertation of 1904, ‘Quaestiones Plautinae’ declared that Plautus allowed Hiatus and Syllaba Anceps at two places in the line :— at the fourth arsis of the Iambic Senarius , at the second arsis of a Trochaic Septenarius.
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  25. Vicious Pleasures [Articles Tr. From the Fr. By W.M.T.].Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi & M. T. W. - 1896
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  26.  43
    Professor Patten's Theory of Social Forces.W. Caldwell - 1897 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (3):345-353.
  27.  36
    Two Notes on the Agamemnon.W. M. Calder - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (7-8):163-.
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    Agony and Epitaph: Man, His Art, and His Poetry.W. Norris Clarke - 1971 - International Philosophical Quarterly 11 (2):276-277.
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  29.  18
    Charge density waves in intercalated 1T-TaS2.W. B. Clark & P. M. Williams - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (4):883-899.
  30.  37
    Can God Create a Being He Cannot Control?W. S. Anglin - 1980 - Analysis 40 (4):220 - 223.
  31.  10
    Some variables affecting feeding cycles in the opossum.W. F. Angermeier, J. McLean & D. Minvielle - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (6):459-461.
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    18 To Forgive and Forget.W. Edelstein & G. Nunner-Winkler - 2005 - In Wolfgang Edelstein & Gertrud Nunner-Winkler, Morality in context. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 137--395.
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  33. Al-Baladhuri and the Armeniak Theme.W. Kaegi - 1968 - Byzantion 38:273-77.
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    Joseph Epstein 1917-1993.W. E. Kennick - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 67 (4):137 -.
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  35. La paradoja de la democracia: premisas para la deconstrucción de la teoría "demoliberal".Carlos Kohn W. - 1994 - Apuntes Filosóficos 6.
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  36. Donne, Castiglione, and the Poetry of Courtliness. By Peter DeSa Wiggins.W. S. H. Lim - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (5):531.
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  37. Report for the Uk Ministry of Justice, Essex Autonomy Project, University of Essex.W. Martin, S. Michalowski, T. Juetten & M. Burch (eds.) - 2014
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  38. Le problème axiologique.W. Mejbaum - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 268:35-47.
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  39. Experiment and Fiction in Literature and Science as Modes of Expression.W. Moser - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 115:61-80.
  40.  10
    Speculative and practical.S. J. †peter W. Robinson - 1968 - Heythrop Journal 9 (1):037–049.
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  41. Can Theories Be Refuted?W. V. Quine (ed.) - 1976 - Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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  42. (1 other version)The Christian Challenge to Philosophy.W. H. V. Reade - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (2):341-343.
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    Theoretical investigation of the optical spectra and local lattice structure for Mn5+in a Sr106F2crystal.W. L. Feng, Y. C. Zhong, F. Zhang, Q. Wei & X. H. Zhang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (9):1213-1217.
  44.  34
    (1 other version)Die Lehre von den Strahlungsgesetzen und das philosophische Problem der wissenschaftstheoretischen Einschätzung der exakten Naturwissenschaft.W. Flach - 1968 - Kant Studien 59 (1-4):283-295.
    In der abhandlung wird anhand der lehre von den strahlungsgesetzen von g.Kirchhoff bis m.Planck, Die in dieser hinsicht als paradigmatisch betrachtet wird, Das fundierende methodenkonzept der exakten naturwissenschaft, Als welches sich das konzept der messung erweist, Herausgestellt und auf seine prinzipielle legitimation hin befragt. Dabei werden zunachst, Und zwar in der weise der methodologischen beurteilung der einzelnen schritte in der entwicklung der lehre von den strahlungsgesetzen, Die hauptsatze des methodenkonzepts der messung dargelegt, Dann wird die beziehung zwischen diesem konzept und (...)
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  45.  16
    Education and Society in Modern France.W. R. Fraser - 1964 - British Journal of Educational Studies 12 (2):230-230.
  46.  61
    Seven Passages in Aristotle's Poetics.W. Hamilton Fyfe - 1910 - The Classical Review 24 (08):233-235.
  47. Free Will and Determinism Yet Again.W. B. Gallie - 1959 - Philosophy 34 (130):275-276.
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  48.  23
    China: Its Population: Trade: and The Prospect of a Treaty.W. W. G. - 1844 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 1 (2):143.
  49. God with us, a study in religious idealism.W. R. Boyce Gibson - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (1):16-17.
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    Atheism, Morality, and Meaning.W. Matthews Grant - 2004 - International Philosophical Quarterly 44 (1):128-130.
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