Results for 'Véronique Dagues'

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  1.  10
    Question de transmission: de l'Émile à l'apprenant et de la parole à la communication.Véronique Dagues - 2016 - [Limoges]: Éditions Lambert-Lucas. Edited by François Migeot.
  2.  17
    Tracing Expression in Merleau-Ponty: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Biology, and Ontology.Véronique M. Fóti - 2013 - Northwestern University Press.
    The French philosopher Renaud Barbaras remarked that late in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s career, “The phenomenology of perception fulfills itself as a philosophy of expression.” In _Tracing Expression in Merleau-Ponty: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Biology, and Ontology, _Véronique M. Fóti_ _addresses the guiding yet neglected theme of expression in Merleau-Ponty’s thought. She traces Merleau-Ponty’s ideas about how individuals express creative or artistic impulses through his three essays on aesthetics, his engagement with animality and the “new biology” in the second of his lecture courses (...)
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    Heidegger and the Poets: Poiesis/Sophia/Techne.Véronique Marion Fóti - 1995 - Humanity Books.
    Veronique Foti delves into the full range of Heideggerian texts to elaborate the problematics of historicity, language, and the structure of disclosure or "manifestation" in connection with the Herman poets whom Heidegger invoked along his path of thinking. Foti's reading of these ports is a probing inquiry into the aesthetic, ethical, and political implications of Heidegger's thought. She knows how technicity and poetizing are opposed yet brought together in Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology, how they are both politicized and linked with ethical (...)
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    Recherches hégéliennes: infini et dialectique.Denise Souche-Dagues - 1994 - Paris: Vrin.
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  5. Bringing back the social into the sociology of religion. Critical approaches.Véronique Altglas & Matthew Wood - 2018
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    La nature a-t-elle une fin?: le problème de la téléologie chez Kant.Véronique Zanetti - 1994 - Ousia.
  7.  8
    Amour du monde: christianisme et politique chez Hannah Arendt.Véronique Albanel - 2010 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf. Edited by Étienne Tassin.
    La philosophe étudie le concept d'amour du monde de H. Arendt. Il permet de dévoiler toute la complexité du rapport d'Arendt au christianisme, livrant un nouvel éclairage sur son oeuvre. Du souci du politique, qui s'mpose en 1933, à l'amour du monde, choisi librement en 1955, la pensée d'Arendt ne cesse de s'élargir, dans un dialogue serré avec le christianisme.
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  8. Some Shortcomings of Naturalization.Véronique Havelange - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (1):100-101.
    Gallagher hardly refers to the central issue of the phenomenological reduction, and he perpetuates the historical blunder of Chisholm, misinterpreting Husserlian intentionality as linguistic intensionality. This misunderstanding opens the way to a “naturalization” of phenomenology, which misses the very method of the phenomenological reduction as well as the essential dimension of subjective lived experience.
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  9. Response to Nunez.Véronique Izard, Stanislas Dehaene, Pierre Pica & Elizabeth Spelke - 2008 - Science 312 (5803):1310.
    We agree with Nuñez that the Mundurucu do not master the formal propreties of number lines and logarithms, but as the term "intuition" implies, they spontaneously experience a logarithmic mapping of number to space as natural and "feeling right.".
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  10. La norme sacrificielle en images.Véronique Mehl - forthcoming - Kernos.
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    Words and Images in Late Medieval Drama and Art.Véronique Plesch - 2007 - Mediaevalia 28 (1):23-53.
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  12. That which in life might prefer death : from the death drive to the desire of the analyst.Véronique Voruz - 2010 - In Ari Hirvonen & Janne Porttikivi (eds.), Law and evil: philosophy, politics, psychoanalysis. New York, N.Y.: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  13. Exact equality and successor function: Two key concepts on the path towards understanding exact numbers.Véronique Izard, Pierre Pica, Elizabeth S. Spelke & Stanislas Dehaene - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (4):491 – 505.
    Humans possess two nonverbal systems capable of representing numbers, both limited in their representational power: the first one represents numbers in an approximate fashion, and the second one conveys information about small numbers only. Conception of exact large numbers has therefore been thought to arise from the manipulation of exact numerical symbols. Here, we focus on two fundamental properties of the exact numbers as prerequisites to the concept of EXACT NUMBERS : the fact that all numbers can be generated by (...)
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    (1 other version)Epochal Discordance: Holderlin's Philosophy of Tragedy.Veronique M. Foti - 2006 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines the German poet Hölderlin’s philosophical insights into tragedy.
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  15. Visual foundations of Euclidean Geometry.Véronique Izard, Pierre Pica & Elizabeth Spelke - 2022 - Cognitive Psychology 136 (August):101494.
    Geometry defines entities that can be physically realized in space, and our knowledge of abstract geometry may therefore stem from our representations of the physical world. Here, we focus on Euclidean geometry, the geometry historically regarded as “natural”. We examine whether humans possess representations describing visual forms in the same way as Euclidean geometry – i.e., in terms of their shape and size. One hundred and twelve participants from the U.S. (age 3–34 years), and 25 participants from the Amazon (age (...)
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  16.  26
    Vision's Invisibles: Philosophical Explorations.Veronique M. Foti - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines the construction of vision in the works of Heraclitus, Plato, Descartes, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, Nancy, and Derrida.
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  17. Techniques financières, influences, performances dans les activités bancaires des sanctuaires grecs.Véronique Chankowski - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  18. Le conteur in fabula chez Crébillon. Une érotique des âmes.Véronique Costa - 2005 - Iris 29:141-156.
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    À la racine de la personne: Oubli et volonté chez Pierre de Jean Olivi.Véronique Decaix - 2024 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 91 (1):63-85.
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  20. Scepticisme, sens commun et langage ordinaire: le furieux sens commun de Moore et son héritage dans la philosophie anglo-américaine contemporaine.Véronique Dimier - 2006 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3.
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  21. Esthétique de Hegel, coll. « Ouverture philosophique ».Véronique Fabbri & Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (2):253-254.
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    Jean Sturm & Valentin Erythraeus ou l'élaboration méthodique d'une topique dialectique.Véronique Montagne - 2001 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 63 (3):477-509.
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  23. Compte-rendu de: The Byzantine Octateuchs, vol 1, Text, vol 2, Plates.Véronique Somers - 2001 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 32 (2):254-256.
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  24. Description des collections complètes des Orationes de Grégoire de Nazianze: Quelques compléments.Véronique Somers - 2001 - Byzantion 71 (2):462-504.
    Lors de la publication de sa thèse sur les collections complètes des Discours de Grégoire de Nazianze, en 1997, l'A. signalait que l'inventaire des colletions fourni était incomplet. Il publie donc, pour les autres témoins, une description correspondant à la classification utilisée dans sa thèse. Seuls les manuscrits conservés en Russie n'ont pu être accessibles.
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    Le développement de l'intentionnalité dans la phénoménologie Husserlienne.Denise Souche-Dagues - 1972 - La Haye,: M. Nijhoff.
    CONCLUSION. Ce qu'on a appelé les «deux versants» de la pensée de l'inten- tionnalité: d'une part pensée descriptive de l'essence de la conscience, d'autre part pensée de la vie de l'âme, identifiée à la vie de l'être même, ont ainsi été ...
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    Logique et politique hégéliennes.Denise Souche-Dagues - 1983 - Paris: J. Vrin.
  27. Le platonisme de Husserl.Denise Souche-Dagues - 1974 - Analecta Husserliana 3:335-360.
  28.  8
    Usage du monde et liberté à l'âge classique.Véronique Wiel - 2017 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    L'on ne saurait trop souligner combien l'âge "classique" est un âge critique. Moment de crise aiguë, totale, puisque c'est la destitution du monde ancien qui s'amorce et une situation inédite qui se dessine : l'homme se découvrant comme jamais instance de liberté face à un monde dont il est désormais séparé, ce qui devient pensable, c'est la réformation générale du monde et de soi. La question est de savoir comment réinventer la liberté dans les conditions de la modernité. Cette entreprise (...)
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    La théorie kantienne du vivant.Véronique Zanetti - 1992 - Filozofski Vestnik 13 (2).
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  30. Vision's Invisibles.Véronique Fóti - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
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  31. Heidegger, Hölderlin and Sophoclean Tragedy.Véronique Fóti - 1999 - In James Risser (ed.), Heidegger toward the turn: essays on the work of the 1930s. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 163--186.
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    Les rythmes de l'existence.Véronique Verdier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà paru dans la revue brésilienne Psicanàlise & Barroco em revista en juillet 2020. Nous remercions Véronique Verdier de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : Cet article esquisse l'itinéraire de reconquête des rythmes de l'existence. Partant d'un constat, l'existence est en fait rythmée mais ces rythmes sont le plus souvent passivement subis et ne sont pas ceux choisis par le sujet, nous nous demandons comment retrouver une maîtrise de ces rythmes car cette maîtrise (...)
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  33. La création comme machine de guerre: d'une figure de résistance a l'autre: de l'Antigone de Hegel a celle de Deleuze.Véronique Bergen - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 104:33-43.
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    What Fraction of Medicaid Enrollees Have Private Insurance Coverage at the Time of Enrollment? Estimates from Administrative Data.Laura Dague, Thomas DeLeire, Donna Friedsam, Lindsey Leininger, Sarah Meier & Kristen Voskuil - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801454402.
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  35. The Evidences of Paintings: Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Abstraction.Véronique M. Foti - 1996 - In Véronique Marion Fóti (ed.), Merleau-Ponty: difference, materiality, painting. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 137--138.
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  36. Empty Transport And Sheer Time: ON HÖLDERLIN'S PHILOSOPHY OF TRAGEDY.Veronique Fóti - 2002 - Existentia 12 (1-2):185-196.
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    Merleau-Ponty: difference, materiality, painting.Véronique Marion Fóti (ed.) - 1996 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Although the three sections contain essays written from a wide spectrum of viewpoints, they emphasize, respectively, the important connections of Merleau-Ponty's thought to that of Derrida and Levinas, the Husserlian heritage and complex implications of his philosophy of material existence, and the relation of his philosophy of painting to contemporary abstract art. A distinguishing feature of this collection is its emphasis on contemporaneity.
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    The Role of Imagination in Descartes’s Thought.Véronique M. Fóti - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:29-32.
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    Le «De suavi dicendi forma» de Jean Sturm: Notes sur la douceur du style à la renaissance.Véronique Montagne - 2004 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 66 (3):541-563.
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    Characteristics of Clinical Trials Launched Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US and in France.Véronique Raimond, Julien Mousquès, Jerry Avorn & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):139-151.
    Based on hierarchical classification and logistic regression of early US and French COVID-19 clinical trials we show that despite the registration of a large number of trials, only a minority had characteristics usually associated with providing robust and relevant evidence.
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  41. Accelerative force: an example of contextual definition in d'Alembert's Traite de Dynamique.Veronique Le Ru - 1994 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 47 (3):475-494.
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    Calibrating the mental number line.Véronique Izard & Stanislas Dehaene - 2008 - Cognition 106 (3):1221-1247.
    Human adults are thought to possess two dissociable systems to represent numbers: an approximate quantity system akin to a mental number line, and a verbal system capable of representing numbers exactly. Here, we study the interface between these two systems using an estimation task. Observers were asked to estimate the approximate numerosity of dot arrays. We show that, in the absence of calibration, estimates are largely inaccurate: responses increase monotonically with numerosity, but underestimate the actual numerosity. However, insertion of a (...)
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  43. II—Véronique Munoz-Dardé: Equality and Division: Values in Principle 1.Véronique Munoz-Dardé - 2005 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 79 (1):255-284.
    Are there distinctively political values? Certain egalitarians seem to think that equality is one such value. Scheffler 's contribution to the symposium seeks to articulate a division of moral labour between norms of personal morality and the principles of justice that regulate social institutions, and using this suggests that the egalitarian critique of Rawls can be deflected. In this paper, instead, I question the status of equality as an intrinsic value. I argue that an egalitarianism which focuses on the status (...)
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  44. I—Véronique Munoz-Dardé: Liberty's Chains.Véronique Munoz-Dardé - 2009 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 83 (1):161-196.
    Is the principal concern of political philosophy the source of political authority? And, if so, can this source be located in individual consent? In this article I draw on Rousseau to answer the second question negatively; and in rejecting that answer, why we might answer the first question in the negative as well. We should be concerned with questions of legitimacy rather than with the source of authority and political obligation. Our principal concern, that is, should be with the question (...)
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  45.  45
    Anthropomorphism in Human–Animal Interactions: A Pragmatist View.Véronique Servais - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This paper explores anthropomorphism in human-animal interactions from the theoretical perspectives of pragmatism and anthropology of communication. Its aim is to challenge the conception of anthropomorphism as the attribution/inference of human properties to a nonhuman animal, i.e. as a special case of the theory of mind, and to articulate and make plausible an alternative conception of anthropomorphism as a situated direct perception of human properties by someone who is engaged in a given situation, and let themselves be affected by the (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir: Nourriture, Cuisine et Existentialisme.Véronique Olivier - 2012 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 28 (1):47-60.
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    Active Cognition: Challenges to an Aristotelian Tradition.Véronique Decaix & Ana María Mora-Márquez (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This edited work draws on a range of contributed expertise to trace the fortune of an Aristotelian thesis over different periods in the history of philosophy. It presents eight cases of direct or indirect challenges to the Aristotelian passive account of human cognition, taking the reader from late antiquity to the 20th century. Chapters analyse the effect of Aristotle’s account of cognition on later periods. In his influential De anima, Aristotle describes human cognition, both sensitive and intellectual, as the reception (...)
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  48.  19
    Graphes et écritures.Véronique Fabbri - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Le moment le plus remarquable dans l'œuvre de Goodman, Langages de l'art, c'est sans doute sa théorie de la notation ; c'est aussi une théorie de l'œuvre, une approche critique de l'ontologie – la construction de ce que j'appellerai une ontologie du singulier. La danse joue un rôle décisif dans l'élaboration de ces deux aspects de la pensée de Goodman : « La possibilité d'une notation pour la danse a été l'une des questions initiales qui m'ont conduit à étudier les (...)
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    V. Fabbri, Danse et philosophie. Une pensée en construction.Véronique Fabbri - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    V. Fabbri, Danse et philosophie. Une pensée en construction, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007, 244 p. « La construction ne relève pas nécessairement de l'architecture : elle n'est pas architectonique mais rhapsodique, procédant par ajustement et montage de matériaux. » « En tant qu'elles construisent des formes d'expériences, les pratiques artistiques sont toutes traversées par une pratique du langage, y compris et surtout la danse. Ce qui est à construire en relation au langage lui reste au moins (...) - En librairie.
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  50. Ladelle McWhorter, ed., Heidegger and the Earth: Essays in Environmental Philosophy Reviewed by.Véronique M. Fóti - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (4):171-172.
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