Results for 'Vincenzo Viva'

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  1.  14
    Legalità ed etica pubblica.Alessandro Rovello & Vincenzo Viva (eds.) - 2015 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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    L'eredità di Giovanni Gentile nella filosofia italiana.Leonardo Manna - 2018 - Roma RM, Italia: Aracne editrice.
    Il volume offre una sintetica analisi dell’attualismo di Giovanni Gentile al fine di rilevare i dettagli fondamentali della sua posizione teoretica e di individuare gli elementi su cui si è strutturata la sua ricezione in Italia. La filosofia postattualista italiana è stata radicalmente influenzata dal filosofo siciliano e il suo sviluppo ha assunto le forme di un lungo dialogo con l’attualismo. Tra gli autori principali di questo dialogo figurano Ugo Spirito, Gustavo Bontadini e Andrea Emo in primis, oltre a Guido (...)
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  3. Il pensiero politico di Vincenzo Gioberti.Vincenzo Gioberti - 1941 - Milano,: Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale. Edited by Vecchietti, Tullio & [From Old Catalog].
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  4. Vincenzo Gioberti e l'ontologismo.Vincenzo Portale - 1968 - Cosenza,: Pellegrini.
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  5. On bayesian measures of evidential support: Theoretical and empirical issues.Vincenzo Crupi, Katya Tentori & and Michel Gonzalez - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (2):229-252.
    Epistemologists and philosophers of science have often attempted to express formally the impact of a piece of evidence on the credibility of a hypothesis. In this paper we will focus on the Bayesian approach to evidential support. We will propose a new formal treatment of the notion of degree of confirmation and we will argue that it overcomes some limitations of the currently available approaches on two grounds: (i) a theoretical analysis of the confirmation relation seen as an extension of (...)
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  6. Generalized Information Theory Meets Human Cognition: Introducing a Unified Framework to Model Uncertainty and Information Search.Vincenzo Crupi, Jonathan D. Nelson, Björn Meder, Gustavo Cevolani & Katya Tentori - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1410-1456.
    Searching for information is critical in many situations. In medicine, for instance, careful choice of a diagnostic test can help narrow down the range of plausible diseases that the patient might have. In a probabilistic framework, test selection is often modeled by assuming that people's goal is to reduce uncertainty about possible states of the world. In cognitive science, psychology, and medical decision making, Shannon entropy is the most prominent and most widely used model to formalize probabilistic uncertainty and the (...)
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    Taxonomies, Networks, and Lexicons: A Study of Kuhn’s Post-‘Linguistic Turn’ Philosophy.Vincenzo Politi - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):87-103.
    In his mature works, Kuhn abandons the concept of a paradigm and becomes more interested in the analysis of the conceptual structure of scientific theories. These changes are interpreted as resulting from a ‘linguistic turn’ that Kuhn underwent sometimes around the 1980s. Much of the philosophical discussions about Kuhn’s post-‘linguistic turn’ philosophy revolves around his views on taxonomic concepts. Apart from taxonomy, however, the mature Kuhn introduces other concepts, such as conceptual networks and lexicons. This article distinguishes these three concepts (...)
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  8.  61
    Animadversions on naturalistic ethics.Eliseo Vivas - 1945 - Ethics 56 (3):157-177.
  9.  22
    The Object of the Poem.Eliseo Vivas - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (1):19 - 35.
    In order to answer our question, "What is the object of the poem?" we must consider two stages of the coming to be of the poem. This is what unqualified organicists forget. The first stage discloses what is called by A. C. Bradley the "subject matter of the poem." It shows the subject matter to consist of the objects of non-aesthetic experience, with whatever structure they may inherently possess as appropriate to their natures, which the poet employs in the making (...)
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    Auditory Stimulus Timing Influences Perceived duration of Co-Occurring Visual Stimuli.Vincenzo Romei, Benjamin De Haas, Robert M. Mok & Jon Driver - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
  11. The Evidential Conditional.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2897-2921.
    This paper outlines an account of conditionals, the evidential account, which rests on the idea that a conditional is true just in case its antecedent supports its consequent. As we will show, the evidential account exhibits some distinctive logical features that deserve careful consideration. On the one hand, it departs from the material reading of ‘if then’ exactly in the way we would like it to depart from that reading. On the other, it significantly differs from the non-material accounts which (...)
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    Edizione Nazionale delle opere edite e inedite di Vincenzo Gioberti: Del bello - 1939.Vincenzo Gioberti & Enrico Castelli - 1939 - Bocca.
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  13. Irrelevant conjunction: Statement and solution of a new paradox.Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (1):1-13.
    The so‐called problem of irrelevant conjunction has been seen as a serious challenge for theories of confirmation. It involves the consequences of conjoining irrelevant statements to a hypothesis that is confirmed by some piece of evidence. Following Hawthorne and Fitelson, we reconstruct the problem with reference to Bayesian confirmation theory. Then we extend it to the case of conjoining irrelevant statements to a hypothesis that is dis confirmed by some piece of evidence. As a consequence, we obtain and formally present (...)
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    La vita come ricerca, la vita come arte, la vita come amore: documenti e testimonianze degli studi e del pensiero di Vincenzo Pirro (1970-2009).Vincenzo Pirro & Hervé A. Cavallera (eds.) - 2016 - Terni: Morphema editrice.
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  15. Three Ways of Being Non-Material.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2022 - Studia Logica 110:47-93.
    This paper develops a probabilistic analysis of conditionals which hinges on a quantitative measure of evidential support. In order to spell out the interpreta- tion of ‘if’ suggested, we will compare it with two more familiar interpretations, the suppositional interpretation and the strict interpretation, within a formal framework which rests on fairly uncontroversial assumptions. As it will emerge, each of the three interpretations considered exhibits specific logical features that deserve separate consideration.
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    The psychology of olfaction: A theoretical framework with research and clinical implications.Vincenzo Bochicchio & Adam Winsler - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (3):442-454.
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    Neurophysiological Activations of Predictive and Non-predictive Exogenous Cues: A Cue-Elicited EEG Study on the Generation of Inhibition of Return.Ana B. Vivas, Evangelos Paraskevopoulos, Alejandro Castillo & Luis J. Fuentes - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Voci dell'anima: scrittura narrazione e pratica analitica.Vincenzo Ampolo - 2004 - Nardò (Lecce): Besa.
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    Al nominalista non manca proprio nulla?: La dispensabilità dell'insieme vuoto in mereologia.Vincenzo Latronico - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (1):63-73.
    Al nominalista non manca proprio nulla? La dispensabilità dell’insieme vuoto in mereologia - Quine’s commitment to nominalism has always required set theory to be replaced by an ontologically less dubious tool for the analysis of predication, one that is usually ABSTRACT Rivista di storia della filosofia, n. 1, 2009 mereological in nature, akin to the Calculus of Individuals he and Goodman developed in a seminal paper on nominalism. The problem Quine himself always acknowledged as central in any such replacement arises (...)
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    L’omelia “In sanctum Pascha” di Ippolito di Roma.Vincenzo Loi - 1977 - Augustinianum 17 (3):461-484.
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    L'avventura di Tommaso Campanella tra vecchio e nuovo mondo.Vincenzo Rizzuto - 2004 - Cosenza: Brenner.
  22.  29
    The problems of aesthetics.Eliseo Vivas - 1953 - New York,: Rinehart. Edited by Murray Krieger.
  23. The Problems of Aesthetics a Book of Readings.Eliseo Vivas & Murray Krieger - 1953 - Rinehart.
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  24. Duality, projectivity, and unification in Łukasiewicz logic and MV-algebras.Vincenzo Marra & Luca Spada - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):192-210.
    We prove that the unification type of Łukasiewicz logic and of its equivalent algebraic semantics, the variety of MV-algebras, is nullary. The proof rests upon Ghilardiʼs algebraic characterisation of unification types in terms of projective objects, recent progress by Cabrer and Mundici in the investigation of projective MV-algebras, the categorical duality between finitely presented MV-algebras and rational polyhedra, and, finally, a homotopy-theoretic argument that exploits lifts of continuous maps to the universal covering space of the circle. We discuss the background (...)
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  25. Outline of a Theory of Reasons.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):117-142.
    This paper investigates the logic of reasons. Its aim is to provide an analysis of the sentences of the form ‘p is a reason for q’ that yields a coherent account of their logical properties. The idea that we will develop is that ‘p is a reason for q’ is acceptable just in case a suitably defined relation of incompatibility obtains between p and ¬q. As we will suggest, a theory of reasons based on this idea can solve three challenging (...)
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  26. Specialisation and the Incommensurability Among Scientific Specialties.Vincenzo Politi - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (1):129-144.
    In his mature writings, Kuhn describes the process of specialisation as driven by a form of incommensurability, defined as a conceptual/linguistic barrier which promotes and guarantees the insularity of specialties. In this paper, we reject the idea that the incommensurability among scientific specialties is a linguistic barrier. We argue that the problem with Kuhn’s characterisation of the incommensurability among specialties is that he presupposes a rather abstract theory of semantic incommensurability, which he then tries to apply to his description of (...)
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    Trans‐splicing in Drosophila.Vincenzo Pirrotta - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (11):988-991.
    Splicing is an efficient and precise mechanism that removes noncoding regions from a single primary RNA transcript. Cutting and rejoining of the segments occurs on nascent RNA. Trans-splicing between small specialized RNAs and a primary transcript has been known in some organisms but recent papers show that trans-splicing between two RNA molecules containing different coding regions is the normal mode in a Drosophila gene.1-3 The mod(mdg4) gene produces 26 different mRNAs encoding as many protein isoforms. The differences lie in alternative (...)
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  28. Conditionals: Inferentialism Explicated.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2024 - Erkenntnis.
    According to the view of conditionals named 'inferentialism', a conditional holds when its consequent can be inferred from its antecedent. This paper identifies some major challenges that inferentialism has to face, and uses them to assess three accounts of conditionals: one is the classical strict account, the other two have recently been proposed by Douven and Rott. As will be shown, none of the three proposals meets all challenges in a fully satisfactory way. We argue through novel formal results that (...)
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    Potential initiators of hiv-related stigmatization: Ethical and programmatic challenges for pmtct programs.Viva C. Thorsen, Johanne Sundby & Francis Martinson - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (1):43–50.
    HIV/AIDS continues to constitute a serious threat to the social and physical wellbeing of African mothers and their babies. In the hardest hit countries of sub-Saharan Africa, more than 60% of all new HIV infections are occurring in women, infants and young children. Mother-to-child transmission constitutes 90% of new HIV infections among infants and young children. Most of these infections can be prevented. However, the social stigma of HIV/AIDS insidiously continues to undermine the success of prevention programs. Ironically, some attributes (...)
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  30.  10
    Hacia una objetividad científica abierta: una reflexión desde la concepción epistemológica de Evandro Agazzi.Robert Fernando Bolaños Vivas - 2019 - Endoxa 44:271.
    Ante las distintas maneras de entender la objetividad científica, con prevalencia del sentido empirista, que propugna una discriminación sobre la cientificidad de las distintas áreas del conocimiento, Evandro Agazzi, con su realismo científico y su concepción epistemológica abierta, configura un concepto de objetividad adecuado para todo quehacer científico y académico. Con su distinción entre objetividad en sentido débil y fuerte, Agazzi sostiene que estas formas de entender la objetividad pueden incluir y armonizar los variados horizontes epistemológicos desde los cuales es (...)
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  31. New Axioms for Probability and Likelihood Ratio Measures.Vincenzo Crupi, Nick Chater & Katya Tentori - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (1):189-204.
    Probability ratio and likelihood ratio measures of inductive support and related notions have appeared as theoretical tools for probabilistic approaches in the philosophy of science, the psychology of reasoning, and artificial intelligence. In an effort of conceptual clarification, several authors have pursued axiomatic foundations for these two families of measures. Such results have been criticized, however, as relying on unduly demanding or poorly motivated mathematical assumptions. We provide two novel theorems showing that probability ratio and likelihood ratio measures can be (...)
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  32. A note on value.Eliseo Vivas - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (21):568-575.
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    Nash Bargaining Theory, Nonconvex Problems and Social Welfare Orderings.Vincenzo Denicolò & Marco Mariotti - 2000 - Theory and Decision 48 (4):351-358.
    In this paper we deal with the extension of Nash bargaining theory to nonconvex problems. By focussing on the Social Welfare Ordering associated with a bargaining solution, we characterize the symmetric Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS). Moreover, we obtain a unified method of proof of recent characterization results for the asymmetric single-valued NBS and the symmetric multivalued NBS, as well as their extensions to different domains.
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    Early exegetical practice on Avicenna's Šifāʾ: Faḫr al-dīn al-Rāzī’s Marginalia to logic.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2018 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 28 (1):31-66.
    Nine manuscripts preserving Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ share a set of identical marginal glosses to the section of Logic. One of these manuscripts reports, at the end of each of the glosses, a certificate of transmission ascribing them to the theologian and philosopher Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606H/1210), which provides some material evidence of the existence of a flourishing exegetical activity on the Kitāb al-Šifāʾ during the twelfth-thirteenth century, in spite of the apparent lack of commentaries on the text in that (...)
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    A meinongian solution of mctaggart’s paradox.Vincenzo Fano - 2005 - In Alfred Schramm (ed.), Meinongian Issues in Contemporary Italian Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 73-92.
    The present paper is divided in two parts . In the first part we will propose Meinong’s theory of time outlined in 1899 interpreted in such a way that the subtlety of his argumentation is emphasised. In the second, we will discuss different solutions for the celebrated McTaggart’s paradox, reaching the conclusion that a theory of time suggested by the reflections of the Austrian Philosopher seems to be the most adequate perspective for tackling this problem.
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    Foucault et la question coloniale.Vincenzo Sorrentino - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):127.
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    Dreiser, an inconsistent mechanist.Eliseo Vivas - 1937 - International Journal of Ethics 48 (4):498-508.
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  38. Is a conservative philosophical anthropology possible?Eliseo Vivas - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  39.  18
    Review article.Eliseo Vivas - 1971 - Journal of Value Inquiry 5 (4):310-314.
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    The Problem of Artificial Precision in Theories of Vagueness: A Note on the Rôle of Maximal Consistency.Vincenzo Marra - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (5):1015-1026.
    The problem of artificial precision is a major objection to any theory of vagueness based on real numbers as degrees of truth. Suppose you are willing to admit that, under sufficiently specified circumstances, a predication of “is red” receives a unique, exact number from the real unit interval [0, 1]. You should then be committed to explain what is it that determines that value, settling for instance that my coat is red to degree 0.322 rather than 0.321. In this note (...)
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  41.  54
    Noisy probability judgment, the conjunction fallacy, and rationality: Comment on Costello and Watts (2014).Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (1):97-102.
  42.  51
    A working hypothesis for the logic of radical ignorance.Vincenzo Fano & Pierluigi Graziani - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):601-616.
    The Dunning–Kruger effect focuses our attention on the notion of invisibility of ignorance, i.e., the ignorance of ignorance. Such a phenomenon is not only important for everyday life, but also, above all, for some philosophical disciplines, such as epistemology of sciences. When someone tries to understand formally the phenomenon of ignorance of ignorance, they usually end up with a nested epistemic operator highly resistant to proper regimentation. In this paper, we argue that to understand adequately the ignorance of ignorance phenomenon (...)
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  43.  47
    Non-Monotonicity and Contraposition.Vincenzo Crupi, Tiziano Dalmonte & Andrea Iacona - forthcoming - Journal of Logic, Language and Information.
    This paper develops a formal theory of non-monotonic consequence which differs from most extant theories in that it assumes Contraposition as a basic principle of defeasible reasoning. We define a minimal logic that combines Contraposition with three uncontroversial inference rules, and we prove some key results that characterize this logic and its possible extensions.
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    Confirmation as partial entailment: A representation theorem in inductive logic.Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4):364-372.
  45. Toward a Grammar of Bayesian Confirmation.Vincenzo Crupi, Roberto Festa & Carlo Buttasi - 2009 - In M. Suàrez, M. Dorato & M. Rèdei (eds.), EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer. pp. 73--93.
  46.  22
    White gene expression, repressive chromatin domains and homeotic gene regulation in Drosophila.Vincenzo Pirrotta & Luca Rastelli - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (8):549-556.
    The use of Drosophila chromosomal rearrangements and transposon constructs involving the white gene reveals the existence of repressive chromatin domains that can spread over considerable genomic distances. One such type of domain is found in heterochromatin and is responsible for classical position‐effect variegation. Another type of repressive domain is established, beginning at specific sequences, by complexes of Polycomb Group proteins. Such complexes, which normally regulate the expression of many genes, including the homeotic loci, are responsible for silencing, white gene variegation, (...)
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  47. Bayesian Confirmation by Uncertain Evidence: A Reply to Huber [2005].Vincenzo Crupi, Roberto Festa & Tommaso Mastropasqua - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (2):201-211.
    Bayesian epistemology postulates a probabilistic analysis of many sorts of ordinary and scientific reasoning. Huber ([2005]) has provided a novel criticism of Bayesianism, whose core argument involves a challenging issue: confirmation by uncertain evidence. In this paper, we argue that under a properly defined Bayesian account of confirmation by uncertain evidence, Huber's criticism fails. By contrast, our discussion will highlight what we take as some new and appealing features of Bayesian confirmation theory. 1. Introduction2. Uncertain Evidence and Bayesian Confirmation3. Bayesian (...)
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  48. Scientific revolutions, specialization and the discovery of the structure of DNA: toward a new picture of the development of the sciences.Politi Vincenzo - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2267-2293.
    In his late years, Thomas Kuhn became interested in the process of scientific specialization, which does not seem to possess the destructive element that is characteristic of scientific revolutions. It therefore makes sense to investigate whether and how Kuhn’s insights about specialization are consistent with, and actually fit, his model of scientific progress through revolutions. In this paper, I argue that the transition toward a new specialty corresponds to a revolutionary change for the group of scientists involved in such a (...)
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    Creation and Discovery; Essays in Criticism and Aesthetics.Eliseo Vivas - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):100-107.
  50. Omaggio a Vincenzo La Via.Vincenzo La Via (ed.) - 1970 - Catania,: Tip. dell'Università.
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