Results for 'Vincent Chukwuma Asalu'

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  1.  16
    Pencil in the Hand of the Creator? An Igbo Hermeneutic Rebuttal of Wale Adenuga’s Concept of the Human Person.Vincent Chukwuma Asalu - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (5).
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    Climate tipping points and expert judgment.Vincent Lam & Mason Majszak - 2022 - WIREs Climate Change 13 (6).
    Expert judgment can be seen throughout climate science and even more prominently when discussing climate tipping points. To provide an accurate characterization of expert judgment we begin by evaluating the existing literature on expertise as it relates to climate science as a whole, before then focusing the literature review on the role of expert judgment in the unique context of climate tipping points. From this we turn our attention to the structured expert elicitation protocols specifically developed for producing expert judgments (...)
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  3. Quantum structure and spacetime.Vincent Lam - 2015 - In Tomasz Bigaj & Christian Wüthrich (eds.), Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Neuroscience and Legal Responsibility.Nicole A. Vincent (ed.) - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    Adopting a broadly compatibilist approach, this volume's authors argue that the behavioral and mind sciences do not threaten the moral foundations of legal responsibility. Rather, these sciences provide fresh insight into human agency and updated criteria as well as powerful diagnostic and intervention tools for assessing and altering minds.
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  5. The singular nature of spacetime.Vincent Lam - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):712-723.
    We consider to what extent the fundamental question of spacetime singularities is relevant for the philosophical debate about the nature of spacetime. After reviewing some basic aspects of the spacetime singularities within general relativity, we argue that the well known difficulty to localize them in a meaningful way may challenge the received metaphysical view of spacetime as a set of points possessing some intrinsic properties together with some spatiotemporal relations. Considering the algebraic formulation of general relativity, we argue that the (...)
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  6. “Two Understandings of Supremacy: An Essay.”.Vincent Samar - 2010 - St. Louis University Public Law Review 9:339-80.
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  7. Causa sive ratio: La raison de la cause, de Suarez à Leibniz.Vincent Carraud - 2002 - Studia Leibnitiana 37 (1):121-125.
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  8. Cuts, Gluts and Gaps.Vincent Degauquier - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 55 (218):229-240.
    This paper deals with predicate logics involving two truth values (here referred to as bivalent logics). Sequent calculi for these logics rely on a general notion of sequent that helps to make the principles of excluded middle and non-contradiction explicit. Several formulations of the redundancy of cut are possible in these sequent calculi. Indeed, four different forms of cut can be distinguished. I prove that only two of them hold for positive sequent calculus (which is both paraconsistent and paracomplete) while (...)
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  9. Medical ethics: a Christian view.Vincent Edmunds - 1966 - London: published for the Christian Medical Fellowship by Tyndale P.. Edited by C. Gordon Scorer.
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  10. New Waves in Epistemology.Vincent Hendricks (ed.) - 2007 - Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book provides a valuable look at the work of up and coming epistemologists. The topics covered range from the central issues of mainstream epistemology to the more formal issues in epistemic logic and confirmation theory. This book should be read by anyone interested in seeing where epistemology is currently focused and where it is heading. - Stewart Cohen , Arizona State University..
  11. Hearing and Seeing Musical Expression.Vincent Bergeron & Dominic Mciver Lopes - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (1):1-16.
    Everybody assumes (1) that musical performances are sonic events and (2) that their expressive properties are sonic properties. This paper discusses recent findings in the psychology of music perception that show that visual information combines with auditory information in the perception of musical expression. The findings show at the very least that arguments are needed for (1) and (2). If music expresses what we think it does, then its expressive properties may be visual as well as sonic; and if its (...)
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    Puzzling Identities.Vincent Descombes - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  13. Neuroimaging and Responsibility Assessments.Nicole A. Vincent - 2011 - Neuroethics 4 (1):35-49.
    Could neuroimaging evidence help us to assess the degree of a person’s responsibility for a crime which we know that they committed? This essay defends an affirmative answer to this question. A range of standard objections to this high-tech approach to assessing people’s responsibility is considered and then set aside, but I also bring to light and then reject a novel objection—an objection which is only encountered when functional (rather than structural) neuroimaging is used to assess people’s responsibility.
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  14. A Moral Justification for Gay and Lesbian Civil RIghts Legislation.Vincent Samar - 1994 - In Timothy F. Murphy (ed.), Gay Ethics: Controversies in Outing, Civil Rights, and Sexual Science. Harrington Park Press. pp. 147-178.
    A Moral Justification for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Legislation.
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  15. Grandson, a modern interpretation of ideas.Vincent Shen - 1997 - Philosophy and Culture 24 (11):1104-1109.
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  16. Introduction: Brain, Emotions and Will.Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (10):1-3.
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  17. Symbol grounding in computational systems: A paradox of intentions.Vincent C. Müller - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):529-541.
    The paper presents a paradoxical feature of computational systems that suggests that computationalism cannot explain symbol grounding. If the mind is a digital computer, as computationalism claims, then it can be computing either over meaningful symbols or over meaningless symbols. If it is computing over meaningful symbols its functioning presupposes the existence of meaningful symbols in the system, i.e. it implies semantic nativism. If the mind is computing over meaningless symbols, no intentional cognitive processes are available prior to symbol grounding. (...)
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    The Reconstruction of Institutions.Vincent M. Colapietro - 1990 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 4 (3):237 - 248.
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    Resolving Conceptual Conflicts through Voting.Vincent Cuypers & Andreas De Block - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (3):773-788.
    Scientific activities strongly depend on concepts and classifications to represent the world in an orderly and workable manner. This creates a trade-off. On the one hand, it is important to leave space for conceptual and classificatory criticism. On the other hand, agreement on which concepts and classifications to use, is often crucial for communication and the integration of research and ideas. In this paper, we show that this trade-off can sometimes best be resolved through conceptual governance, in which scientific institutions (...)
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    Dark Energy Explained by a Bias in the Measurements.Vincent Deledicque - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-19.
    Typical cosmological models are based on the postulate that space is homogeneous. Space however contains overdense regions in which matter is concentrating, leaving underdense regions of almost void. The evolution of the scale factor of the universe has been established from measurements on SNIa. Since such events occur in regions were matter is present, we may expect that most of the SNIa are located in overdense regions. This means that the evolution of the scale factor has been established in a (...)
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    The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty‐first century.Avi Hofstein & Vincent N. Lunetta - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):28-54.
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    Le procès pénal du Mediator® et ses implications concernant les différents ordres de juridiction.Vincent Bouquet - 2021 - Médecine et Droit 2021 (170):88-91.
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    Autofinzioni, affabulazioni e istinti.Vincent Colonna - 2015 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 29.
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    Les effets d’une recherche-action sur la collaboration entre acteurs du sanitaire et du social.Vincent Enrico - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):88-97.
    This article concerns an action research with the technical, medical and social people of a medical equipment rental company (ADL) company. The study is about the knowledge involved in health and social collaboration. ADL’s mission implies for interprofessional cooperation beyond the medical and technical processing. The company has chosen to extend its field of action with a patient’s social treatment. To better understand the nature of the link between social and other areas of work, the subject of action research is (...)
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    L'adolescence introuvable.Vincent Lauzet - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 198 (4):89-100.
    Le mot « adolescence » a une histoire : l’étude diachronique montre qu’il a subi bien des avatars avant de devenir un concept clinique qui n’a pas cours dans les milieux enseignants. Professeur de lettres, l’auteur s’interroge sur la vision qu’ont les professeurs des élèves. Il remonte à Platon et Socrate, analyse les changements qui impactent les jeunes et la société, montre que la massification de l’enseignement a fait entrer dans les lycées toutes les problématiques qui agitent aujourd’hui l’ensemble des (...)
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    Politics of Abuse, Abuse of Politics.Vincent Lloyd - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (1):27-31.
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    Des usages néolibéraux de Spinoza : les cas du développement personnel et de la philosophie du management.Vincent Mariscal - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    This article is about specific uses of the thought of Spinoza, studied through a selection of books concerning personal development and philosophy of management. Through a discourse of truth and authority, these texts give rise to the formulation of a Spinozism that philosophically justifies the ideal types of neoliberalism and make Spinoza the father of this social, political, and economic model. Thus, the authors want to convince individuals that they must concentrate on their affects, by postulating that happiness and freedom (...)
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    La transition énergétique résiliente.Vincent Mignerot - 2022 - Cités 92 (4):57-68.
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    Mixed emotional variants of gratitude: antecedent situations, cognitive appraisals, action tendencies, and psychosocial outcomes.Vincent Y. S. Oh & Eddie M. W. Tong - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):572-585.
    This research provides an exploratory investigation of whether gift/help-receiving contexts that elicit mixed emotional variants of gratitude can be distinguished from typical gratitude-eliciting situations in their associated appraisals, action tendencies, and psychosocial effects. We examined 473 participants (159 males, 312 females, 2 others; Mage = 31.07) using a one-way four-conditions between-subjects experiment. Participants were randomly assigned to complete recall tasks describing four different gratitude-eliciting situations. Emotions, cognitive appraisals, action tendencies, and general psychosocial outcomes were assessed. Relative to a control condition (...)
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  30. Be here now : mimesis and the history of representation.Vincent P. Pecora - 2013 - In Ranjan Ghosh & Ethan Kleinberg (eds.), Presence: philosophy, history and cultural theory for the twenty-first century. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
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    El libro de Job en la predicación de san Agustín.Monique Vincent & José Oroz - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):355-360.
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    Philosophy, politics, and citizenship: the life and thought of the British idealists.Andrew Vincent - 1984 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Blackwell. Edited by Raymond Plant.
  33. Exploration, discovery and the cartographic tradition.Peter Vincent & I. White - 2004 - In John Anthony Matthews & David T. Herbert (eds.), Unifying geography: common heritage, shared future. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 33--45.
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  34. La figure de l'inversion dans le poème tenebrae de Paul Celan.Jean Marcel Vincent - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (3):205-225.
    L�usage, dans un contexte liturgique, du poème le plus connu de Paul Celan, Tenebrae, pose problème. Quel «projet de réalité» se déploie-t-il dans ce texte ? Une interprétation est ici proposée qui prend particulièrement en considération l�univers poétique de l�auteur jusqu�en 1957 ainsi que les nombreuses réminiscences littéraires et spécialement bibliques qui lui permettent d�élaborer un contre-langage. Les étapes préliminaires du poème que nous révèlent les éditions critiques récentes fournissent des pistes précieuses pour affiner le sens de ce poème splendide (...)
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  35. PRATIQUES DU PÈLERINAGE ET DE LA MARCHE: Perspectives phénoménologiques.Gilbert Vincent - 2011 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 91 (1):43-66.
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  36. The arafura file snake (Acrochordus arafurae).M. Vincent & J. Birkett - 1999 - Vivarium 10 (4).
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    Relational Power, Legitimation, and Pregnancy Discrimination.Vincent J. Roscigno & Reginald A. Byron - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (3):435-462.
    Pregnancy-based employment discrimination has long been a topic of interest for gender inequality scholars and civil rights agencies. Prior work suggests that employer stereotypes and financial interests leave pregnant women vulnerable to being fired. We still know little, however, about women’s interpretations of their terminations and how employers justify such decisions in the face of arguably protective laws. This article provides much needed, in-depth analyses of such dynamics and a relational account of pregnancy-based employment discrimination claims. Elaborating on theoretical expositions (...)
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    The secular faith of Gillian rose.Vincent Lloyd - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (4):683-705.
    Gillian Rose was a philosopher, social theorist, memoirist, and Jewish convert to Christianity who died an untimely death in 1995. She offers a novel account of faith, which grows out of her Hegelian philosophical background inflected by her reading of Kierkegaard and her rediscovered Jewish heritage. For Rose, faith is a mode of social practice. Rose's conception of faith is here reconstructed by translating her obscure jurisprudential idiom into the language of social practices and norms. The conception of secular faith (...)
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    Power and Events: An Essay on Dynamics in Philosophy.Vincent A. Tomas - 1947 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 5 (4):327-329.
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    Commentary.Vincent Vaccaro - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (3-4):105-109.
  41.  22
    Les nouvelles configurations de l’ordre public.Vincent Valentin - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (1):119-136.
    The relationship between law and morality has for some years been the object of a new investment by legal doctrine, in search of a new balance between individual freedom on the one hand, and the assertion of rights or values seen as imperative, as well as dignity or the principle of non-discrimination, on the other. In this article is proposed a modelling of the concepts of neutrality attached to the definition of public order, whose potentialities are in a second time (...)
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    Unite the study of AI in government: With a shared language and typology.Vincent J. Straub & Jonathan Bright - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  43. Liminaire.Vincent Boyer - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (3):333-335.
  44. Man in the new humanism.Mary Vincent Killeen - 1934 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic University of America.
  45. (1 other version)What is at stake in taking responsibility? Lessons from third-party property insurance.Nicole A. Vincent - 2001 - [Journal (Paginated)] (in Press) 20 (1):75-94.
    Third-party property insurance (TPPI) protects insured drivers who accidentally damage an expensive car from the threat of financial ruin. Perhaps more importantly though, TPPI also protects the victims whose losses might otherwise go uncompensated. Ought responsible drivers therefore take out TPPI? This paper begins by enumerating some reasons for why a rational person might believe that they have a moral obligation to take out TPPI. It will be argued that if what is at stake in taking responsibility is the ability (...)
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    The general science of nature.Vincent Edward Smith - 1958 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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    The Concept of Religion in China and the West.Vincent Goossaert - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):13-20.
    The religious question in China is not limited to the contemporary tensions between the Catholic and Protestant churches and the Beijing regime, the repression suffered by Tibetan Buddhists or Uighur Muslims and the problems associated with so-called ‘sectarian’ movements. Though these issues are very important and worthy of interest in themselves, they have to be understood in a wider context which takes in the totality of religious realities in China, including those we in the West do not see because they (...)
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    Abduting explanation.Vincent F. Hendricks & Jan Faye - 1999 - In L. Magnani, Nancy Nersessian & Paul Thagard (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery. Kluwer/Plenum. pp. 271--292.
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    A note on some quantitative theories of confirmation.R. H. Vincent - 1961 - Philosophical Studies 12 (6):91 - 92.
  50. Matters of Interest: The Objects of Research in Science and Technoscience. [REVIEW]Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Sacha Loeve, Alfred Nordmann & Astrid Schwarz - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (2):365-383.
    This discussion paper proposes that a meaningful distinction between science and technoscience can be found at the level of the objects of research. Both notions intermingle in the attitudes, intentions, programs and projects of researchers and research institutions—that is, on the side of the subjects of research. But the difference between science and technoscience becomes more explicit when research results are presented in particular settings and when the objects of research are exhibited for the specific interest they hold. When an (...)
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