Results for 'Victorine Liguiçano'

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  1.  21
    The History of the Problem of the Authenticity of the Summa.Victorin Doucet - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (1):26-41.
  2. Origens africanas da reflexão filosófica: a importância do pensamento decolonial.Victorine Liguiçano - 2021 - Rio de Janeiro: Autografia.
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    Der griechisch-römische Scheitelschmuck und die Funde von Thasos.Victorine Von Gonzenbach - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (2):885-945.
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    Academic freedom at the University of Stockholm.S. E., Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Mats Knutson, Jacob Sundberg, Anki Gundhäll, Lars Gustafsson, Alan Dershowitz, Svante Nycander, Bengt Johansson, Magnus Eriksson, Lotta Gustavson, Marianne Gunnarsson, Kristina Vallström, Monique Wadsted, Mary Ann Glendon, Gerhard Radnitzky, Jescheck, Anders Victorin, Johan åsard & Lars Isaksson - 1991 - Minerva 29 (3):321-385.
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    The Victorine Pierre Leduc’s Collationes, Sermo finalis, and Principia on the Sentences, Paris 1382-1383.Chris Schabel - 2020 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1:237-334.
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    The Victorine Sub-structure of Bonaventure's Thought.Dale M. Coulter - 2012 - Franciscan Studies 70:399-410.
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    Pierre Leduc, Victorine Master of Theology, and the Parisian Sententiarii in 1382.William J. Courtenay - 2020 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1:87-113.
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  8. "Art and Human Intelligence": Victorine Tejera. [REVIEW]Eva Schaper - 1970 - British Journal of Aesthetics 10 (1):86.
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    Grégoire d’Elvire et le Commentaire sur la Genèse de Victorin de Poetovio.Martine Dulaey - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):203-219.
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  10. Homo assumptus at st. Victor: Reconsidering the relationship between Victorine christology and Peter Lombard's first opinion.Franklin T. Harkins - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (4):595-624.
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    The Grace that creates Nature, the Grace that renews Nature: Gilbert of La Porrée and the Victorines on Natural Law.Riccardo Saccenti - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):109-120.
    Natural law is a crucial subject in the twelfth-century debates among Roman and canon lawyers, but also among the exegetes and theologians. Starting from two verses of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, the masters debated the natural capability of human being to achieve a moral knowledge and the features of the universal moral principle, that is the lex naturalis, which natural reason can understand. Through the analysis of Gilbert of La Porrée’s Glossa in epistolas Beati Pauli and of Ps. Hugh (...)
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  12.  24
    On Love: Victorine Texts in Translation: Exegesis, Theology and Spirituality from the Abbey of St. Victor. Edited by Hugh Feiss, OSB. Pp. 341 + Bibliography, indices, Turnhout, Brepols. 2012, $35.18. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Ingham - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (6):980-980.
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    Margot E. Fassler, Gothic Song: Victorine Sequences and Augustinian Reform in Twelfth-Century Paris. 2nd ed. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2011. Paper. Pp. xxxix, 487; 15 black-and-white figures. $55. ISBN: 9780268028893. [REVIEW]Alison Altstatt - 2013 - Speculum 88 (4):1087-1089.
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    Sacramental Wisdom: Humilitatio, Eruditio, Exercitatio in the Scholastics and Today.O. P. Sr Albert Marie Surmanski - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1391-1413.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacramental Wisdom:Humilitatio, Eruditio, Exercitatio in the Scholastics and TodaySr. Albert Marie Surmanski O.P.IntroductionThe relationship between human nature and the sacraments is often characterized in a way that takes away from the beauty and power of the sacraments. Sacraments are sometimes viewed today as something basically irrelevant to human life, an interesting spiritual "option" for those who find comfort in ritual. This view leads to a sacramental practice that is (...)
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  15. The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite.Georgios Steiris, Pallis Dimitrios & Mark Edwards (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This Handbook contains forty essays by an international team of experts on the antecedents, the content, and the reception of the Dionysian corpus, a body of writings falsely ascribed to Dionysius the Areopagite, a convert of St Paul, but actually written about 500 AD. The first section contains discussions of the genesis of the corpus, its Christian antecedents, and its Neoplatonic influences. In the second section, studies on the Syriac reception, the relation of the Syriac to the original Greek, and (...)
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    John of Ripa and the Metaphysics of Christology.Richard Cross - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild (ed.), Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 377-387.
    John of Ripa’s (fl. 1350s) Christology is highly unusual in the context of late medieval theology, since it is a form of the old “homo assumptus (assumed man)” Christology found in St. Augustine and the Victorines, but not generally in later theologians. Ripa explains the Incarnation by supposing that the divine essence is in some sense the form of the human nature, such that both “God” and the whole panoply of divine properties can be predicated of it. This move allows (...)
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    A commentary on Boethius's Arithmetica of the twelfth or thirteenth century.Gillian R. Evans - 1978 - Annals of Science 35 (2):131-141.
    Munich, Bayerische Staadtsbibliothek Ms. C.L.M. 4643 contains a curious commentary on Boethius's Arithmetica, which deals very fully with some passages in the work and totally neglects a great many others. The principal interest of the piece lies in the fact that the parts of the Arithmetica it selects for consideration are exactly those which were of special interest to twelfth- and early-thirteenth-century students, and in particular to the successors of Hugh of St. Victor who continued to draw on the (...) tradition. (shrink)
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    From Knowledge to Beatitude: St. Victor, Twelfth-Century Scholars, and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Grover A. Zinn, Jr.E. Ann Matter & Lesley Janette Smith (eds.) - 2013 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _From Knowledge to Beatitude _is a collection of original essays on the intersection between Christian theology and spiritual life primarily in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, especially in the Parisian School of St. Victor, which honors the influential work of Grover A. Zinn, Jr. Written by distinguished scholars from various fields of medieval studies, these essays range from the study of the exegetical school of twelfth-century St. Victor and medieval glossed Bibles to the medieval cultural reception of women visionaries, preachers, (...)
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    Fondements anthropologiques et théologiques de l’idéal communautaire des chanoines de Saint-Victor.Chirine Raveton - 2019 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 56:85-101.
    La communauté des chanoines réguliers de Saint-Victor de Paris, si importante dans l’histoire intellectuelle du Moyen Âge, a vécu de façon intense l’idéal de vie communautaire défini par la règle de saint Augustin. L’épistémologie, la métaphysique et la théologie victorines sont cohérentes avec ce mode de vie, supposant que l’unité la plus haute intègre une certaine pluralité. Après avoir situé la règle d’Augustin par rapport aux autres conceptions de la vie religieuse et présenté l’ordre canonial, qui se distingue de l’ordre (...)
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  20.  10
    Diagrammes médiévaux et exégèse visuelle: le Libellus de formatione arche de Hugues de Saint-Victor.Patrice Sicard - 1993 - Paris: Brepols Publishers.
    Cet ouvrage se présente comme une introduction d'histoire littéraire et doctrinale au premier volume de l'édition critique des oeuvres de Hugues de Saint-Victor. Il exploite les données fournies par l'étude de la tradition manuscrite du De archa Noe et du Libellus de formatione arche, qui aboutissent à une perception et à une reception renouvellées de ces traîtés. Du premier ouvrage on a tenté, non seulement une histoire, mais une préhistoire: car il a connu un stade oral, celui de collationes dont (...)
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    The Inception Speech of Galdericus as an Introduction to Thirteenth-Century Theology and Philosophy.Alexander Fidora - 2020 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 87 (1):43-58.
    À partir du discours de réception « Girum celi » du moine bénédictin Galdericus, cet article tente d’établir un lien entre la littérature théologique des « principia » et les introductions à la philosophie de la première moitié du xiii e siècle. L’analyse montre que Galdericus connaissait très bien non seulement la tradition augustinienne et victorine, mais aussi les divisions contemporaines de la philosophie qui ont été écrites à la Faculté des Arts de l’Université de Paris. D’autres « principia (...)
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    The Growth of Mysticism: Gregory the Great through the 12th Century, volume two of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism by Bernard McGinn.Louis Dupré - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):475-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Growth of Mysticism: Gregory the Great through the 12th Century, volume two of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism. By BERNARD MCGINN. New York: Crossroad, 1994. Pp. xv + 630. $49.50. This second volume of the History of Western Mysticism covers the period from the sixth through the twelfth century, from Gregory the Great to the Victorines. It fully lives up to (...)
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    Hugonis de Sancto Victore operum Editio auspiciis Gilduini abbatis procurata et IV voluminibus digessa.Rainer Berndt & Jose Luis Narvaja - 2017 - Monasterii Westfalorum [Münster in Westfalen, Germany]: In aedibus Aschendorff. Edited by Gilduin, Rainer Berndt, José Luis Narvaja & Hugh.
    English summary: Gilduin (1155) was, from 1113, the first abbot of the community of the Canons Regular of St Augustine, soon to become an abbey, under the auspices of St Victor of Marseille, on the left bank of the river Seine. After the death of his confrere Hugh, who was of German descent and the leading figure of the Victorines, on 11 February 1141, abbot Gilduin took care that the writings of Hugh were collected and compiled in a representative complete (...)
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    Ab Uno Disce Omnes.Antonie Vos - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (2):173-204.
    The premodern history of the European university can be divided into two triads of three centuries: the medieval university and the ‘medieval’ university of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. During these last three centuries Europe’s Christian university was a ‘confessional’ university: the catholic, Lutheran, reformed and Anglican university and the dissenter university of New England. The reformed university of these centuries offered a distinctive way of systematic thought. A specific doctrine of God was connected with a distinct ontology and (...)
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    La raison chez Hugues de Saint-Victor : du feuilleté des acceptions à la cohérence d’un sens, d’une pensée, d’un programme éducatif.Dominique Poirel - 2021 - Vivarium 59 (3):143-185.
    Three conclusions can be drawn from the study of the word ratio and its derivatives in the works of Hugh of Saint-Victor. First, the approximately 1500 occurrences present an exceptional diversity of meanings. Second, these meanings are not tightly separated from each other, but tend to tile or merge: not only are there many passages where the translator can legitimately hesitate between two or more interpretations, but the author himself plays on this malleability of significations, as if to refer his (...)
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    Aelred de Rievaulx et les discours cisterciens sur l’'me.Christian Trottmann - 2011 - Chôra 9:429-470.
    Cet article commence par rappeler quelques éléments de la vie et de l’oeuvre d’Aelred de Rievaulx, connu comme philosophe de l’amitié. Il situe ensuite son discours sur l’âme au sein du regain d’intérêt pour ce sujet manifesté dans l’ordre cistercien par des auteurs comme Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, Isaac de l’Étoile ou l’auteur du De spiritu et anima, mais aussi chez les Victorins. Il en vient ensuite à la spécificité du discours d’Aelred tel qu’on le trouve dans son dialogue sur l’âme, (...)
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    Mémoires de la Marquise de la Ferrières, née en 1748, recueillis par le Vicomte Henri Frotier de la Messelière, présentés par Hélène Mathurin, Bonnes, Éditions Les Gorgones, Collection « Dire l'histoire », 1998, XXXI-105 p. [REVIEW]Dominique Godineau - 2001 - Clio 13:253-254.
    Agréable à lire, plein de vivacité et de détails parlants, ce petit texte nous entraîne dans l'univers de la noblesse poitevine, à laquelle appartient l'auteur par sa naissance et son mariage. Univers qui, à première vue, paraît assez éloigné de celui décrit par exemple dans les Mémoires de Madame Roland ou de Victorine de Chastenay, deux filles des Lumières assoiffées de lectures les ouvrant au monde et aux idées du siècle, rêvant de philosophie et de Républiques antiques. Rien de (...)
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