Results for 'Mats Knutson'

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  1.  95
    Academic freedom at the University of Stockholm.S. E., Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Mats Knutson, Jacob Sundberg, Anki Gundhäll, Lars Gustafsson, Alan Dershowitz, Svante Nycander, Bengt Johansson, Magnus Eriksson, Lotta Gustavson, Marianne Gunnarsson, Kristina Vallström, Monique Wadsted, Mary Ann Glendon, Gerhard Radnitzky, Jescheck, Anders Victorin, Johan åsard & Lars Isaksson - 1991 - Minerva 29 (3):321-385.
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    Sagt och menat : 17 uppsatser tillägnade Mats Furberg på hans 50-årsdag. 2 (1983).Mats Furberg - 1983 - Institutionen För Filosofi, Göteborgs Universitet.
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    Can happiness measures be calibrated?Mats Ingelström & Willem van der Deijl - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5719-5746.
    Measures of happiness are increasingly being used throughout the social sciences. While these measures have attracted numerous types of criticisms, a crucial aspect of these measures has been left largely unexplored—their calibration. Using Eran Tal’s recently developed notion of calibration we argue first that the prospect of continued calibration of happiness measures is crucial for the science of happiness, and second, that continued calibration of happiness measures faces a particular problem—The Two Unknowns Problem. The Two Unknowns Problem relies on the (...)
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    Kris och kultur: kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på kunskap, estetik och historia.Mats Arvidson, Ursula Geisler & Kristofer Hansson (eds.) - 2013 - Lund: Sekel.
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    Money, Morality, and Masculinity: Staging the Politics of Poverty in Sanskrit Theater.Jesse Ross Knutson - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):92-103.
    It is well known that the concept of play is employed on a cosmic scale as an explanatory device in certain quarters of classical Indian metaphysics. What is less well known is that in the theory of drama, which explicitly appeals to this ‘playelement’ in the human imagination, the tension and play between different competing rasas is made a requirement of good theater: na hy ekarasajaṃ kāvyam kiṃcid asti — “from one rasa alone, no artwork can be,” says Bharata.1 In (...)
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    Psychobiology of personality disorders.Brian Knutson & Andreas Heinz - 2004 - In Jaak Panksepp (ed.), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley-Liss. pp. 145.
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    The Merchant of Venice in Auschwitz: Taking Apart Shylock Using the SCM and BIAS Map.Susan L. Knutson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In response to Frontiers’ 2020 Call for Papers on “Stereotypes and Intercultural Relations: Interdisciplinary Integration, New Approaches, and New Contexts,” my paper integrates the scientific study of stereotypes with a literary-theatrical exploration of stereotyping. The focus is on Tibor Egervari’s post-Auschwitz adaptation of Shakespeare’s anti-Semitic comedy The Merchant of Venice, with a very brief look at his related work on Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta and his 1998 collaboration with conductor Georg Tintner on a touring production of composer Viktor (...)
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  8.  10
    Women Who Make a Fuss: The Unfaithful Daughters of Virginia Woolf.April Knutson (ed.) - 2014 - Univocal Publishing.
    Virginia Woolf, to whom university admittance had been forbidden, watched the universities open their doors. Though she was happy that her sisters could study in university libraries, she cautioned women against joining the procession of educated men and being co-opted into protecting a “civilization” with values alien to women. Now, as Woolf’s disloyal daughters, who have professional positions in Belgian universities, Isabelle Stengers and Vinciane Despret, along with a collective of women scholars in Belgium and France, question their academic careers (...)
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    Peirce's Philosophy of Communication: The Rhetorical Underpinnings of the Theory of Signs.Mats Bergman - 2009 - Continuum.
    A social conception of science -- The pursuit of forms -- Beyond the doctrine of signs -- Structures of mediation -- Signs in action -- Prospects of communication -- From a rhetorical point of view.
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  10. A theory of focus interpretation.Mats Rooth - 1992 - Natural Language Semantics 1 (1):75-116.
    According to the alternative semantics for focus, the semantic reflec of intonational focus is a second semantic value, which in the case of a sentence is a set of propositions. We examine a range of semantic and pragmatic applications of the theory, and extract a unitary principle specifying how the focus semantic value interacts with semantic and pragmatic processes. A strong version of the theory has the effect of making lexical or construction-specific stipulation of a focus-related effect in association-with-focus constructions (...)
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    On Creation, Cave Art and Perception: a Doxological Approach.Mats Rosengren - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 90 (1):79-96.
    The discovery of Palaeolithic cave art in the late 19th century entails many problems, some of which are perceptual. Presenting doxology as a post-phenomenological way of approaching epistemic and perceptual questions, this article draws on the problematics of cave art and contemporary cognitive science to discuss the process of perception — what it takes to see what one sees — in caves (and elsewhere). The article concludes that in order to see and perceive anything at all, both our physical and (...)
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    Surrogate consent to non-beneficial research: erring on the right side when substituted judgments may be inaccurate.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (2):149-160.
    Part of the standard protection of decisionally incapacitated research subjects is a prohibition against enrolling them unless surrogate decision makers authorize it. A common view is that surrogates primarily ought to make their decisions based on what the decisionally incapacitated subject would have wanted regarding research participation. However, empirical studies indicate that surrogate predictions about such preferences are not very accurate. The focus of this article is the significance of surrogate accuracy in the context of research that is not expected (...)
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  13. On Questions and Pseudo-Problems.Mats Furberg - 1973 - In Sören Halldén (ed.), Modality, morality and other problems of sense and nonsense. Lund,: Gleerup. pp. 85.
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    Counterfactual reasoning in surrogate decision making – another look.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2009 - Bioethics 25 (5):244-249.
    Incompetent patients need to have someone else make decisions on their behalf. According to the Substituted Judgment Standard the surrogate decision maker ought to make the decision that the patient would have made, had he or she been competent. Objections have been raised against this traditional construal of the standard on the grounds that it involves flawed counterfactual reasoning, and amendments have been suggested within the framework of possible worlds semantics. The paper shows that while this approach may circumvent the (...)
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  15. Measurement of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly & Shawn L. Berman - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (1):20-46.
    The contribution of this work is a classification of corporate social action underlying the Social Ratings Data compiled by Kinder Lydenburg Domini Analytics, Inc. We compare extant typologies of corporate social action to the results of our exploratory factor analysis. Our findings indicate four distinct latent constructs that bear resemblance to concepts discussed in prior literature. Akey finding of our research is that positive and negative social action are both empirically and conceptually distinct constructs and should not be combined in (...)
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  16. An analysis of nonnatural meaning.Mats Furberg - 1970 - In Thorild Dahlquist & Tom Pauli (eds.), Logic and value. Uppsala,: [Filosofiska Föreningen och Filosofiska Institutionen vid Uppsala Universitet]. pp. 9--21.
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  17. Advaitānandada vacanagaḷu.Bi Ār Hirēmaṭha (ed.) - 1983 - Gadaga: Vīraśaiva Adhyayanasaṃsthe, Śrī Jagadguru Tōṅṭadārya Saṃsthānamaṭha.
    Epigrams of Lingayat saints of the 16th century espousing the Advaita school in Hindu philosophy; transcribed from a palm-leaf manuscript preserved in the Karnatak University.
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  18. Which gauge matters?James Mattingly - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (2):243-262.
  19.  82
    (1 other version)Reflexive methodology: new vistas for qualitative research.Mats Alvesson - 2000 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. Edited by Kaj Sköldberg.
    Reflexive Methodology established itself as a groundbreaking success, providing researchers with an invaluable guide to a central problem in research methodology – how to put field research and interpretations in perspective, paying attention to the interpretive, political, and rhetorical nature of empirical research. Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition includes a new chapter on positivism, social constructionism, and critical realism, and offers new conclusions on the applications of methodology. It provides further illustrations and updates that build on the acclaimed and (...)
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  20. The Structure of Scientific Theory Change: Models versus Privileged Formulations.James Mattingly - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (2):365-389.
    Two views of scientific theories dominated the philosophy of science during the twentieth century, the syntactic view of the logical empiricists and the semantic view of their successors. I show that neither view is adequate to provide a proper understanding of the connections that exist between theories at different times. I outline a new approach, a hybrid of the two, that provides the right structural connection between earlier and later theories, and that takes due account of the importance of the (...)
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  21.  25
    The Limited Power of Female Appointments: Abortion and Domestic Violence Policy in the Carter Administration.Doreen J. Mattingly - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):538.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:538 Feminist Studies 41, no. 3. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Doreen J. Mattingly The Limited Power of Female Appointments: Abortion and Domestic Violence Policy in the Carter Administration In 1977 in the United States, Second Wave feminists were poised to make a meaningful impact on federal policy. Jimmy Carter’s successful 1976 presidential campaign had included an open wooing of feminist support : he had created a “51.3 (...)
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  22. Om Schopenhauers syn på medlidandet.Mats Johansson - 2002 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 1.
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    Logic and Abstraction: Essays Dedicated to Per Lindström on His Fiftieth Birthday.Mats Furberg, Thomas Wetterström & Claes Åberg (eds.) - 1986 - Göteborg, Sweden and Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
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    Utopia in the Caribbean.Mats Lundahl - 2016 - CLR James Journal 22 (1-2):35-86.
  25.  33
    Gunnar Foss and Eivind Kasa (eds.), Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences, Høyskoleforlaget AS – Norwegian Academic Press, 2002, pp. 223.Mats Rosengren - 2005 - SATS 6 (2):211-218.
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    Evolutionary Theodicy and the Type-Token Distinction: A Reply to Eikrem and Søvik.Mats Wahlberg - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (2):195-206.
    SummaryHow can the immense amount of suffering and waste inherent in the evolutionary process be reconciled with the existence of a perfectly good and omnipotent God? A widely embraced proposal in the area of “evolutionary theodicy” is the so-called “Only Way”-argument. This argument contends that certain valuable goods – in particular, creaturely independence and human freedom – can only come about through a genuinely indeterministic and partly uncontrolled process of evolution. In a previous article, I have argued that the “Only (...)
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  27.  62
    The date and purpose of the pseudo-Xenophon constitution of Athens.Harold B. Mattingly - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):352-.
    This short political pamphlet has survived to our day through the lucky chance of being included in the minor works of Xenophon, and for over 150 years it has been the subject of lively scholarly debate. The unknown author was a confirmed oligarch, but with an insider's insight into Athenian democracy. Though he cannot approve of this form of government, he is astute enough to see that the system works well on its own terms and that it is therefore popular; (...)
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  28.  46
    The Date of Plato's Symposium.Harold B. Mattingly - 1958 - Phronesis 3 (1):31 - 39.
  29. The Educational Role of Philosophy.Mat Lipman - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):4-14.
    The history of the relationship between philosophy and education has been a long and troubled one. In part, this stemmed from the problematic nature of philosophy itself, but this difficulty was compounded by controversy as to the age at which training in philosophy should begin. Although Socrates seemed indifferent to whether he conversed philosophically with young or old, his pupil, Plato, was inclined to restrict philosophy to mature students, on the grounds that it made the younger ones unduly contentious. Since (...)
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  30.  41
    Reflections on the Role of the Communicative Sign in Semeiotic.Mats Bergman - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (2):225 - 254.
  31.  88
    Turning failures into successes: A methodological shortcoming in empirical research on surrogate accuracy.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (1):17-26.
    Decision making for incompetent patients is a much-discussed topic in bioethics. According to one influential decision making standard, the substituted judgment standard, a surrogate decision maker ought to make the decision that the incompetent patient would have made, had he or she been competent. Empirical research has been conducted in order to find out whether surrogate decision makers are sufficiently good at doing their job, as this is defined by the substituted judgment standard. This research investigates to what extent surrogates (...)
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  32. Om dödsbegrepp och definitioner.Mats Furberg - 1987 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 8 (1):1.
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  33. Tankar om döden.Mats Furburg - 1970 - Stockholm,: Aldus/Bonnier.
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    Vision och skepsis.Mats Furberg - 1969 - Stockholm,: Aldus/Bonnier.
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    Nummus.Harold Mattingly & E. S. G. Robinson - 1935 - American Journal of Philology 56 (3):225.
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    Dyeing off: On the deaths of dyestuffs as scientific objects.Mat Paskins - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (2):297-311.
    Between the 1870s and the 1920s, the dye industry was at the center of claims about the productivity of organic chemistry. Dyestuffs were widely represented as the most complex molecules to find commercial application, and positioned at the center of nationalist projects to establish chemical industry, especially in Britain and the United States. By the later twentieth century, the complex of scientific hopes which surrounded dyestuffs had largely disappeared. In Hans-Jörg Rheinberger’s terms, they had changed from “epistemic things” to, at (...)
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    Natural Selection, Scarcity and Evil.Mats Wahlberg - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (1):107-118.
    It is often claimed that our knowledge of the evolutionary process adds an extra dimension to the classical problem of natural evil and makes this problem worse. Especially the principle of natural selection is often portrayed as morally inappropriate or “unfitting” for a perfectly good God to use as a means for creating biological complexity. In this article, I argue that this common view is misconceived, and that natural selection is a wholly innocuous principle. The real source of evolutionary evils (...)
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    The Osmotic Subject of the Digital.Mats Carlsson - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (4).
    In this article it is suggested that the discourse entailing the realization of a dystopia of totalitarian surveillance, far from being a grounded fact, on the contrary, works as a screen sheltering us from the fact that we are reaching a point where we are nothing more than depersonalized, emptied forms of interest neither to corporations nor to each other; instead, we are moving towards the liquification of subjectivity as such. When our user data is “taken hostage” we are emptied (...)
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  39. Grices värdelära.Mats Furberg - 1995 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 2.
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    Haugen, Heen og Bjørklys kritikk avOle Martin Moen bygger på omstridte samfunnsvitenskapelige premisserog en misforståelse av evolusjonsteori.Mats Lillehagen - 2018 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 53 (4):225-236.
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    Kan det liberale demokratiet overleveidentitetsbaserte krav om anerkjennelse?Mats Lillehagen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (3-4):262-271.
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    Five common misconceptions regarding flattening-the-curve of COVID-19.Auni Aslah Mat Daud - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-7.
    In the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, the phrase “Flattening the curve” has become a rallying cry, popularized by government leaders and journalist in the news and on the social media. FTC is a succinct way of communicating an important public health message that physical distancing, mask-wearing and other public health measures will decrease the peak number of cases and prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. However, while the message of FTC is right in the sense that limiting transmission will (...)
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  43.  15
    Asking Questions, Making Sound-Bites: Research Reports, Interviews and Television News Stories.Mats Nylund - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (4):517-533.
    This article is a detailed discourse analytic study about the transformation of three social research reports into television news, above all through the reporter–source interview. The focus is on how questions are used to probe responses and explanations and how these are either omitted from or incorporated into the final news stories. By this unique research design the interactional conduct of the reporter–source interview as well as some aspects of question design applied in the interview are described. It is argued (...)
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  44.  37
    What Ekman really said.Mats Olsson, Kathleen Harder & John C. Baird - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):157-158.
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  45.  53
    Notions of Focus Anaphoricity.Mats Rooth - 2008 - Acta Linguistica Hungarica 55 (3-4):277--285.
    This article reviews some of the theoretical notions and empirical phenomena which figure in current formal-semantic theories of focus. It also develops the connection between “alternative semantics” and “givenness” accounts of focus interpretation.
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    Evolutionary innovation in the vertebrate jaw: A derived morphology in anuran tadpoles and its possible developmental origin.Mats E. Svensson & Alexander Haas - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):526-532.
    The mouthparts of anuran tadpoles are highly derived compared to those of caecilians or salamanders. The suprarostral cartilages support the tadpole's upper beak; the infrarostral cartilages support the lower beak. Both supra‐ and infrarostral cartilages are absent in other vertebrates. These differences reflect the evolutionary origin of a derived feeding mode in anuran tadpoles. We suggest that these unique cartilages stem from the evolution of new articulations within preexisting cartilages, rather than novel cartilage condensations. We propose testing this hypothesis through (...)
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  47. Agricola and the Germania. Tacitus, Harold Mattingly & J. B. Rives - 2009 - Penguin Group USA.
    **A newly revised edition of two seminal works on Imperial Rome** Undeniably one of Rome’s most important historians, Tacitus was also one of its most gifted. *The Agricola* is both a portrait of Julius Agricola-the most famous governor of Roman Britain and Tacitus’s respected father-in-law-and the first known detailed portrayal of the British Isles. In the *Germania*, Tacitus focuses on the warlike German tribes beyond the Rhine, often comparing the behavior of "barbarian" peoples favorably with the decadence and corruption of (...)
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  48.  34
    Information and Experimental Knowledge.James Mattingly - 2021 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    An ambitious new model of experimentation that will reorient our understanding of the key features of experimental practice. What is experimental knowledge, and how do we get it? While there is general agreement that experiment is a crucial source of scientific knowledge, how experiment generates that knowledge is far more contentious. In this book, philosopher of science James Mattingly explains how experiments function. Specifically, he discusses what it is about experimental practice that transforms observations of what may be very localized, (...)
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    Et mangelfullt forsøk på å foredle liberalismenFrancis FukuyamaLiberalismens utfordringer. Slutten på den liberale æra?Oslo: Dreyers Forlag 2022.Mats Lillehagen - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 41 (2-3):317-332.
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    Saying and meaning: a main theme in J. L. Austin's philosophy.Mats Furberg - 1971 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
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