Results for 'Vanessa Utz'

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  1.  39
    Unconscious semantic priming from pictures under backward masking and continuous flash suppression.Timo Stein, Vanessa Utz & Filip van Opstal - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 78:102864.
  2.  49
    Vanessa Lemm (editora). Michel Foucault: neoliberalismo y biopolítica.Vanessa Lemm - 2011 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 67:303-305.
  3.  5
    Pragmatik und sprachliches Handeln: mit e. Kritik am Funkkolleg Sprache.Utz Maas & Dieter Wunderlich - 1974
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    Sprachforschung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus: Verfolgung, Vertreibung, Politisierung und die inhaltliche Neuausrichtung der Sprachwissenschaft.Utz Maas - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Ausführlich dargestellt werden die Verhältnisse der Sprachforschung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, mit einer Dokumentation der Verfolgten und ins Exil Getriebenen (insgesamt 301 verfolgte Personen) und einer ausführlichen Darstellung der Forschungssituation im 'Reich'. Ausgehend von dieser Darstellung wird die Entwicklung der Sprachforschung (nicht nur in Deutschland) seit dem 19. Jahrhundert skizziert"--Back cover.
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    Geteilte Sprache: Festschrift für Rainer Marten.Utz Maas & Willem van Reijen (eds.) - 1988 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
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    Die Jetztzeit des postkolonialen Karnevals.Utz Riese & Karl-Heinz Magister - 2002 - In Wolfgang Klein & Manfred Naumann, Genuss und Egoismus: zur Kritik ihrer geschichtlichen Verknüpfung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 258-272.
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    Praktische Vernunft in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.Konrad Utz - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (4):474-501.
    „Ein jedes Ding in der Natur wirkt nach Gesetzen. Nur ein vernünftiges Wesen hat das Vermögen, nach der Vorstellung der Gesetze, i.e. nach Prinzipien zu handeln oder einen Willen.“ So definiert Kant in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten den Willen oder, was für ihn dasselbe ist, die praktische Vernunft. Die Moral ergibt sich sowohl unter dem formalen Gesichtspunkt ihres Geltungsanspruchs wie unter dem materialen ihrer Grundnorm, nämlich des kategorischen Imperativs, aus der Selbstanwendung der apriorischen Grundstruktur der praktischen Vernunft. Damit (...)
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  8. 3. O “progresso na consciência da liberdade”: Um aspecto ético da Filosofia da História de Hegel.Konrad Christoph Utz - 2015 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 14 (1):82-103.
    Some features of Hegel’s Philosophy of History make it hardly acceptable in the 21st century. It proposes a final destination (Endzweck) of history, together with a principle of rational, dialectic necessity to take it there. In fact, these conceptions are not as absurd as they may seem to contemporary eyes. Nevertheless, the article doesn’t pretend to defend them, but aims to show that there is, behind these two, a third principle which is well worth to be defended –and which, in (...)
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    O Método da Fundamentação da Ética Em Kant.Konrad Utz - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 34 (34):258-274.
    Kant não apresentou o método de sua fundamentação da ética de forma explícita, num tratado próprio. Contudo, podemos compreendê-la como o evidenciar da originalidade da moral. Pois a moral não pode ser derivada de algo não-moral – tão dependência a destruiria. Com isso, a moral não pode ser provada ou justificada num sentido mais estrito, mas apenas pode ser “fundamentada”. E isso pode ser feito quando evidenciamos o lugar ou o topos e a virada ou a trope de seu originar. (...)
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  10. The ratcheting-up effect.Vanessa Carbonell - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):228-254.
    I argue for the existence of a ‘ratcheting-up effect’: the behavior of moral saints serves to increase the level of moral obligation the rest of us face. What we are morally obligated to do is constrained by what it would be reasonable for us to believe we are morally obligated to do. Moral saints provide us with a special kind of evidence that bears on what we can reasonably believe about our obligations. They do this by modeling the level of (...)
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  11.  42
    Associative Obligation and Law's Authority.Stephen Utz - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (3):285-314.
  12.  80
    Moral distress interventions: An integrative literature review.Vanessa K. Amos & Elizabeth Epstein - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):582-607.
    Moral distress has been well reviewed in the literature with established deleterious side effects for all healthcare professionals, including nurses, physicians, and others. Yet, little is known about the quality and effectiveness of interventions directed to address moral distress. The aim of this integrative review is to analyze published intervention studies to determine their efficacy and applicability across hospital settings. Of the initial 1373 articles discovered in October 2020, 18 were appraised as relevant, with 1 study added by hand search (...)
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  13. Conversion of Consciousness as Principle of Morality.Konrad Utz - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (3):578-602.
    Kant shows that a fundamental theory of normativity and morality can give neither an explanation nor an explication of normativity, but can only articulate and render explicit its origin. It can do so by indicating the place or topos and the turn or trope of its originating. According to Kant, the topos of normativity is the will qua practical reason and its trope is the general, typically instrumental use of this reason, i.e. reflection. The trope of the origin of morality (...)
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  14. O método dialético de Hegel.Konrad Utz - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (1):165-185.
    A questão do método na Ciência da Lógica (CL) é uma das mais controvertidas na discussão da filosofia de Hegel. O artigo defende a opinião de que o “método absoluto” de fato apresenta uma estrutura formal definida e distinta que seja o princípio geral de todo o desenvolvimento do sistema hegeliano (maduro). Defende essa interpretação contra mal-entendimentos, sobretudo contra aquele que um tal método geral tornaria a CL num formalismo vazio. O método hegeliano é apresentado como método do determinar, sendo (...)
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    Ethische und soziale Existenz: gesammelte Aufsätze aus Ethik und Sozialphilosophie 1970-1983.Arthur Fridolin Utz - 1983 - Walberberg: Institut für Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Edited by Heinrich Basilius Streithofen.
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  16. Sozialethik: mit internationaler Bibliographie.Arthur Fridolin Utz - 1958 - Heidelberg: F.H. Kerle. Edited by Brigitta Galen.
    1. T. Die Prinzipien der Gesellschaftslehre.--2. T. Rechtsphilosophie.--3. T. Die soziale Ordnung.--4. T. Wirtschaftsethik Galen -- 5. T. Politische Ethik.
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  17. Kant e a questão "por quê ser moral?".Konrad Christoph Utz - 2018 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 17 (1):81-98.
    A questão “por quê ser moral”, que foi formulada expressamente no contexto do debate filosófico acadêmico por Francis Herbert Bradley, divide os leitores quando buscam sua resposta em Kant. Uns acham, como Gerold Prauss, que Kant negue a possibilidade de tal resposta e diga que a moral precisa ser aceita como um fato simplesmente dado, o “fato da razão”. Contudo, como tal imediatismo ou “decisionismo transcendental” parece insatisfatório, um outro grupo defende a assim chamada “interpretação do agente racional”, onde este (...)
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    The Child Affective Facial Expression (CAFE) set: validity and reliability from untrained adults.Vanessa LoBue & Cat Thrasher - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:127200.
    Emotional development is one of the largest and most productive areas of psychological research. For decades, researchers have been fascinated by how humans respond to, detect, and interpret emotional facial expressions. Much of the research in this area has relied on controlled stimulus sets of adults posing various facial expressions. Here we introduce a new stimulus set of emotional facial expressions into the domain of research on emotional development—The Child Affective Facial Expression set (CAFE). The CAFE set features photographs of (...)
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    What Technology Can and Cannot Do to Support Assessment of Non-cognitive Skills.Vanessa R. Simmering, Lu Ou & Maria Bolsinova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Parent‐Child Communication Problems and the Perceived Inadequacies of Chinese Only Children.Vanessa L. Fong - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (1):85-127.
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    Acceptabilité sociale et place de la population lors de la construction du barrage de Belo Monte.Vanessa Boanada & Leturcq - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    Depuis un peu plus de cinq ans, il existe dans le nord du Brésil des tensions sociales autour de la construction d’un projet de développement. La construction du barrage hydroélectrique de Belo Monte est un parfait exemple, à la fois pour illustrer la relation confuse entre le pouvoir public et les entreprises privées, durant la réalisation d’un ouvrage d’infrastructures et pour étudier comment cette relation influence l’« acceptabilité sociale » du projet. Pour Belo Monte, le gouvernement a mis en place (...)
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  22. La conception du "souci de soi" chez Platon et Foucault.Vanessa Kayling - 2020 - In Jean-Marc Narbonne, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink & Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen, Foucault: repenser les rapports entre les Grecs et les Modernes. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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  23. With or without government: Political legitimacy, procedural justice, and the responsibility to protect.Vanessa Neumann - 2007 - Philosophical Writings 34 (1).
    Political legitimacy and causal responsibilities are not the trumps they may appear to be in considering the justifiability of foreign intervention. Indeed, the major determinants that should guide the international laws and their enactors regarding justifiable foreign intervention are: the negative duty not to partake in an unjust system that oppresses the people of another country, moral uncertainty, and the realities of the agents in question. These jointly work to constrain the redesign of international law to a narrower scope than (...)
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  24.  11
    Digitalisierung und Grundgesetz.Utz Schliesky - 2019 - Polis 23 (1):13-15.
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    Só para não passar em branco: uma revisão narativa sobre a branquitude.Vanessa Pita Sousa, Dóris Firmino Rabelo & Jeane Saskya Campos Tavares - 2021 - Odeere 6 (2):352-368.
    Este artigo objetiva realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre a temática da branquitude, de modo a verificar suas definições presentes na literatura, assim como as maneiras como ela se expressa no cotidiano. As produções foram organizadas em um quadro segundo autor e data, discutindo os diferentes aspectos da raça, na realidade brasileira, em diferentes regiões e também da realidade de outros países. Os dados obtidos indicam que a branquitude, em suas diversas representações, configura-se um agente central na manutenção do racismo. Confirmaram-se (...)
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  26.  62
    Liberdade em Hegel.Konrad Utz - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):257-283.
    As normas da moral são as regras sob as quais o indivíduo livre limita livremente sua liberdade em prol da liberdade geral. As normas da lei são regras sob as quais o indivíduo livre é forçado a limitar sua liberdade em prol da liberdade geral. Com isso quase todos os filósofos modernos concordam. A ideia genial e central da filosofia prática de Hegel é que as normas tanto da moral quanto da lei não são limitações da liberdade, mas o cumprimento (...)
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  27.  15
    Musik-Sprachen: Beiträge zur Sprachnähe und Sprachferne von Musik im Dialog mit Albrecht Wellmer.Christian Utz, Dieter Kleinrath, Clemens Gadenstätter & Albrecht Wellmer (eds.) - 2013 - Saarbrücken: Pfau.
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    Rules, Principles, Algorithms and the Description of Legal Systems.Stephen Utz - 1992 - Ratio Juris 5 (1):23-45.
    Abstract.Although the Hart/Dworkin debate has as much to do with Dworkin's affirmative theory of judicial discretion as with Hart's more comprehensive theory of law, the starting point was of course Dworkin's attempt to demolish the “model of rules,” Hart's alleged analysis of legal systems as collections of conclusive reasons for specified legal consequences. The continuing relevance of this attack for the prospects for any theory of law is the subject of the present essay.
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  29. De dicto desires and morality as fetish.Vanessa Carbonell - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (2):459-477.
    Abstract It would be puzzling if the morally best agents were not so good after all. Yet one prominent account of the morally best agents ascribes to them the exact motivational defect that has famously been called a “fetish.” The supposed defect is a desire to do the right thing, where this is read de dicto . If the morally best agents really are driven by this de dicto desire, and if this de dicto desire is really a fetish, then (...)
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    Microbes and animal olfactory communication: Where do we go from here?Vanessa O. Ezenwa & Allison E. Williams - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (9):847-854.
    We know that microbes contribute to the production of odors that some animals use to communicate, but how common is this phenomenon? Recent studies capitalizing on new molecular technologies are uncovering fascinating associations between microbes and odors of wild animals, but causality is difficult to ascertain. Fundamental questions about the nature of these unique host‐microbe interactions also remain unanswered. For instance, do microbes benefit from signaling associations with hosts? How does microbial community structure influence signal production? How do hosts regulate (...)
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    Actionable postcolonial theory in education.Vanessa Andreotti - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book illustrates how postcolonial theory can be put to work in education. It offers an accessible and handy overview and comparison of postcolonial theory and other theoretical debates related to critiques of Western ethnocentrism and hegemony. It also offers examples that illustrate how a discursive strand of postcolonial theory has been applied successfully in the contexts of educational research/critique and in pioneering pedagogical projects. This book supports educators and researchers in education to engage with postcolonial theoretical frameworks and their (...)
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  32. Beyond serving a purpose: additional ethical focuses for public policy agents.Vanessa Scholes - 2010 - In Jonathan Boston, Andrew Bradstock & David Eng, Ethics and public policy: contemporary issues. Victoria University Press.
    From the point of view of a theorist in ethics, the interest in public policy usually centres on the policy outcomes. But this point of view does not take much account of the roles and practices through which public policies are enacted. What additional ethical focuses for the policy agent might these entail? I outline four features of policy making, centred on the agent's performance of their role in the process, that raise ethical issues. These features are: the nature of (...)
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    Working Memory Capacity as a Dynamic Process.Vanessa R. Simmering & Sammy Perone - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Why Isn’t Exploration a Science?Vanessa Heggie - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):318-334.
    Historians of twentieth-century science have been systematically ignoring some of the subject’s richest sources and most exciting stories; this has left us with a body of work that is necessarily lopsided and that can be self-reinforcing in its insistence on certain features of “modern” science as uniquely dominant or significant after 1900. Methods, concepts, research questions, research areas, and resources that have been routinely and productively used by historians of science immersed in earlier centuries appear to drop out of our (...)
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  35.  20
    Dimensões de consciência possíveis na pesquisa e na escrita narrativa sobre si - uma perspectiva bakhtiniana.Vanessa França Simas, Guilherme do Val Toledo Prado & Jesús Domingo - 2018 - Bakhtiniana 13 (1):113-131.
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    Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics.Vanessa Lemm - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Nietzsche coins the enigmatic term homo natura to capture his understanding of the human being as a creature of nature and tasks philosophy with the renaturalisation of humanity. Following Foucault's critique of the human sciences, Vanessa Lemm discusses the reception of Nietzsche's naturalism in philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. She offers an original reading of homo natura that brings back the ancient Greek idea of nature and sexuality as creative chaos and of the philosophical life as outspoken and (...)
  37.  27
    Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds.Vanessa Agnew - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    The Enlightenment saw a critical engagement with the ancient idea that music carries certain powers - it heals and pacifies, civilizes and educates. Yet this interest in musical utility seems to conflict with larger notions of aesthetic autonomy that emerged at the same time. In Enlightenment Orpheus, Vanessa Agnew examines this apparent conflict, and provocatively questions the notion of an aesthetic-philosophical break between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
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  38. Is Nietzsche a Perfectionist? Rawls, Cavell, and the Politics of Culture in Nietzsche's "Schopenhauer as Educator".Vanessa Lemm - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 34 (1):5-27.
  39.  17
    Entre croyances et pratiques de futurs enseignants de mathématiques au secondaire : une relation perméable.Vanessa Hanin, Anaïs Laurent & Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):107-128.
    The stability of low student math scores has been a concern of education systems around the world for many years. While teaching practices are pointed out as a determining factor in student engagement and the quality of student learning, they are only the tip of the iceberg. Much work has shown that these practices are strongly colored by epistemological beliefs as well as by beliefs related to the teaching and learning of the school discipline under investigation. On this subject, if (...)
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    Vers une meilleure compréhension du métier de conseiller pédagogique en mathématiques au primaire : une approche par le genre et les styles.Vanessa Hanin, Caroline Lajoie, Nadine Bednarz, Mireille Saboya & Lily Bacon - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (1):52-71.
    This research focuses on a profession, that of pedagogical consultant (PC) in mathematics, which has been little explored. Interviews were conducted with eight PCs in mathematics at the elementary school level, based on two professional situations related to problem solving and professional development of teachers. An emerging analysis brought to light, within their professional practice, common elements, characterizing what we can call “a PC’s professional genre”. Singular forms of this profession are also highlighted, reflecting the way in which these PCs (...)
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    The Psychological Pathway to Suicide Attempts: A Strategy of Control Without Awareness.Vanessa G. Macintyre, Warren Mansell, Daniel Pratt & Sara J. Tai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectivesThis paper aims to identify potential areas for refinement in existing theoretical models of suicide, and introduce a new integrative theoretical framework for understanding suicide, that could inform such refinements.MethodsLiterature on existing theoretical models of suicide and how they contribute to understanding psychological processes involved in suicide was evaluated in a narrative review. This involved identifying psychological processes associated with suicide. Current understanding of these processes is discussed, and suggestions for integration of the existing literature are offered.ResultsExisting approaches to understanding (...)
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  42.  22
    Henry Adams and the question of posthistoire.Utz Riese - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):621-625.
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    The cognitive roots of regularization in language.Vanessa Ferdinand, Simon Kirby & Kenny Smith - 2019 - Cognition 184 (C):53-68.
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    Trust increases euthanasia acceptance: a multilevel analysis using the European Values Study.Vanessa Köneke - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):86.
    This study tests how various kinds of trust impact attitudes toward euthanasia among the general public. The indication that trust might have an impact on euthanasia attitudes is based on the slippery slope argument, which asserts that allowing euthanasia might lead to abuses and involuntary deaths. Adopting this argument usually leads to less positive attitudes towards euthanasia. Tying in with this, it is assumed here that greater trust diminishes such slippery slope fears, and thereby increases euthanasia acceptance.
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    The Physiological Sublime: Burke's Critique of Reason.Vanessa Lyndal Ryan - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):265-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 265-279 [Access article in PDF] The Physiological Sublime: Burke's Critique of Reason Vanessa L. Ryan The eighteenth-century discussion of the sublime is primarily concerned not with works of art but with how a particular experience of being moved impacts the self. The discussion of the sublime most fully explores the question of how we make sense of our experience: "Why (...)
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    Knowledge and attitude of ICU nurses, students and patients towards the Austrian organ donation law.Vanessa Stadlbauer, Peter Steiner, Martin Schweiger, Michael Sereinigg, Karl-Heinz Tscheliessnigg, Wolfgang Freidl & Philipp Stiegler - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):32.
    A survey on the knowledge and attitudes towards the Austrian organ donation legislation (an opt-out solution) of selected groups of the Austrian population taking into account factors such as age, gender, level of education, affiliation to healthcare professions and health related studies was conducted.
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  47. The Chemical Bond is a Real Pattern.Vanessa A. Seifert - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-47.
    There is a persisting debate about what chemical bonds are and whether they exist. I argue that chemical bonds are real patterns of interactions between subatomic particles. This proposal resolves the problems raised in the context of existing understandings of the chemical bond and provides a novel way to defend the reality of chemical bonds.
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    L'éthique à l'épreuve de la crise.Vanessa Barbé, Jean-François Kerléo & Julien Padovani (eds.) - 2021 - Le Mans: Éditions l'Epitoge.
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    Os contos de Canterbury, de Geofrey Chaucer, a partir do carnaval bakhtiniano: a esposa de Bath e a subversão de gênero feminino pela profanação do discurso bíblico.Vanessa Rodrigues Barcelos & João Batista Costa Gonçalves - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e63636p.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to analyze the character Alison, the wife of Bath, in Geofrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. To do this, based on Bakhtin (1984a, 1984b), especially from the perspective of carnivalization, together with Butler’s theory of gender performativity (1988, 1999), we intend to show how this character carnivalistically subverts certain biblical texts relating to the role of women in marriage. Thus, for the purposes of this study, we have taken the Wife of Bath’s prologue from (...)
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    The Canterbury Tales, by Geofrey Chaucer, from the Perspective of Bakhtinian Carnival: The Wife of Bath and the Subversion of Female Gender through the Profanation of Biblical Discourse.Vanessa Rodrigues Barcelos & João Batista Costa Gonçalves - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e63636p.
    RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é proceder a uma análise da personagem Alison, esposa de Bath, na obra Os contos de Canterbury, de Geofrey Chaucer. Para isso, com base em Bakhtin (2010, 2018), em particular a partir da perspectiva da carnavalização, somada à teoria da performatividade de gênero de Butler (1988, 2017), pretendemos mostrar como a referida personagem subverte, carnavalizadamente, certos textos bíblicos referentes ao papel da mulher no matrimônio. Dessa forma, nesse estudo, para efeito de análise, tomamos da obra (...)
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