Results for 'Valters Negribs'

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  1.  2
    The Concept of sukha in the Ascetic Traditions of Ancient India.Valters Negribs - forthcoming - Journal of Indian Philosophy:1-27.
    This paper outlines the main ideas about _sukha_ (“pleasure, bliss, happiness”) in Brahmanical thought, as expressed in the Sanskrit epics, and proceeds to analyse the concept of sukha in ascetic poetry and legends from the _Mahābhārata_ and early Buddhist and Jaina literatures. This ascetic literature abounds in various compounds ending in -_sukha_. This paper argues that such classifications of _sukha_ are typically used to create hierarchies of _sukha_ for the purposes of religious rhetoric. This rhetoric may be used to promote (...)
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    Magnitude and Order are Both Relevant in SNARC and SNARC‐like Effects: A Commentary on Casasanto and Pitt.Valter Prpic, Serena Mingolo, Tiziano Agostini & Mauro Murgia - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13006.
    In a recent paper by Casasanto and Pitt (2019), the authors addressed a debate regarding the role of order and magnitude in SNARC and SNARC‐like effects. Their position is that all these effects can be explained by order, while magnitude could only account for a subset of evidence. Although we agree that order can probably explain the majority of these effects, in this commentary we argue that magnitude is still relevant, since there is evidence that cannot be explained based on (...)
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    Psychotherapy of the oppressed: the education of Paulo Freire in dialogue with phenomenology.Valter L. Piedade & Guilherme Messas - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):189-208.
    The current paradigm of mental health has fallen short in its promises to deliver better care and quality of life for those who lives with mental illness. Recent works have expressed the need for more comprehensive frameworks of research, in which phenomenology emerges as a fundamental tool for a new wave interdisciplinary studies with the humanities. In line with this project, this article hopes to explore the relation between education and phenomenologically oriented psychotherapy, through the work of Brazilian educator Paulo (...)
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    Nell'occhio del pettirosso: come la fisica quantistica ha cambiato la visione filosofica del mondo.Valter Bucelli - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Method in Philosophy.Valter Danna - 2009 - The Lonergan Review 1 (1):64-86.
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    Conhecimento histórico e historiografia.Valter Manoel Gomes - 2001 - Florianópolis: Papa-Livro Editora.
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  7. Le diverse ragioni delle opere d'arte.Valter Pinto - 2000 - Rivista di Estetica 40 (13):86-109.
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    Motor Coordination Correlates with Academic Achievement and Cognitive Function in Children.Valter R. Fernandes, Michelle L. Scipião Ribeiro, Thais Melo, Paulo de Tarso Maciel-Pinheiro, Thiago T. Guimarães, Narahyana B. Araújo, Sidarta Ribeiro & Andréa C. Deslandes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Schola quantorum: progresso, racionalidade e inconsistência na antiga teoria atômica Parte II: crítica à leitura lakatosiana.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (2):207-237.
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    A revalorização filosófica da visão comum de mundo segundo Porchat e o equilíbrio reflexivo e a solução de problemas em metafilosofia.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2020 - Discurso 50 (2):147-167.
    Neste texto investigamos a compatibilidade entre o ceticismo de Oswaldo Porchat e outras duas ideias metafilosóficas gerais, a saber, o equilíbrio reflexivo e a visão de solução de problemas. Procuramos mostrar de que modo o ceticismo e as outras duas ideias são compatíveis e iluminam-se mutuamente, e sugerimos uma articulação entre elas. O equilíbrio reflexivo ajuda a compreender a relação de uma filosofia cética e pós-cética, primeiro, com a vida comum e, depois, com o domínio fenomênico. O enfoque de solução (...)
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    Valores e incomensurabilidade: meditações kuhnianas em chave estruturalista e laudaniana.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (3):455-488.
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    Aristotle's writings.Valter Ferreira Oliveira - 2013 - Synesis 5 (1):77-87.
  13. Eseuri despre revoluția științifică și tehnică: concepte, ipoteze, controverse, tendințe și opțiuni.Valter Roman - 1970 - București: Editura politică.
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    The brownies’ book: Du Bois E a construção de Uma referência literária para identidade negra infanto-juvenil.Valter Roberto Silvério - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-27.
    In the period from January 1920 to December 1921 a cooperation between Jessie Fauset, Augustus Dill and W.E.B. Du Bois resulted in the publication of a periodical called “The Brownies’ Book” the first publication for North American black, and not white children and young people. The creation of “The Brownies' Book” was a pioneering event in African American literature in general and, more specifically, in the field of African American children's literature, as it was the first periodical composed and published (...)
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    Por que o pluralismo interessa à epistemologia?Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2018 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 6 (1):187-208.
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    Modality and Perceptual-Motor Experience Influence the Detection of Temporal Deviations in Tap Dance Sequences.Mauro Murgia, Valter Prpic, Jenny O., Penny McCullagh, Ilaria Santoro, Alessandra Galmonte & Tiziano Agostini - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Estruturas conceituais e estratégias de investigação: modelos representacionais e instanciais, analogias e correspondência.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2011 - Scientiae Studia 9 (3):585-609.
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  18.  13
    Marco Formal Para El Análisis Estructural de Los Valores En la Ciencia.Valter Alnis Bezerra & Lígia Lopes Gomes - 2021 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 12 (1):19-30.
    Se presenta un marco de referencia formal para describir y analizar los valores en la ciencia desde un punto de vista estructuralista. La noción de perspectiva de valor del Modelo de Interacción entre Ciencia y Valores de Lacey y Mariconda resulta útil como un punto de partida en sentido general, aunque la estructura de una perspectiva de valor se entiende aquí bajo una luz mucho más formal y “microscópica”. El referencial es desarrollado poco a poco, desde la noción general de (...)
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  19.  61
    Networks in contemporary philosophy of science: tracking the history of a theme between metaphor and structure.Valter Alnis Bezerra - unknown
    Our purpose in the present work is to survey some of the formulations that the theme of networks has received in contemporary philosophy of science over a period spanning twelve decades, from the end of the 19th century up to the present time. The proposal advanced herein is to interpret the evolution of this theme in four stages: first, one that goes from a metaphor or expressive image to a notion aspiring at implementation, but still having a virtual character, in (...)
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    Racionalidade covariante: valores e coerência como constitutivos do conhecimento e da racionalidade científicos.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (4):727-750.
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    Questione di valori: punti di vista su scelte e valutazioni.Valter Bucelli - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Os escritos de aristóteles: Transmissão E propagação dos manuscritos.Valter Ferreira Oliveira - 2013 - Synesis 5 (1).
    Entre a morte de Teofrasto (287 a.C) e a invasão de Atenas pelos romanos, os escritos de Aristóteles saíram de circulação e assim permaneceram por mais de dois séculos, até serem editados por Andrônico de Rodes, em torno do ano 40 a.C. No que diz respeito à transmissão dos escritos de Aristóteles, as fontes históricas se resumem a duas passagens: uma de Estrabão; e a outra de Plutarco. No entanto, para podermos aprofundar a análise da história da transmissão dos livros (...)
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    Maxwell, a teoria do campo e a desmecanização da física.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2006 - Scientiae Studia 4 (2):177-220.
  24.  25
    Notícia bibliográfica sobre Einstein na Internet.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (4):741-744.
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    Racionalidade, consistência, reticulação e coerência: o caso da renormalização na teoria quântica do campo.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2003 - Scientiae Studia 1 (2):151-181.
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    Schola quantorum: progresso, racionalidade e inconsistência na antiga teoria atômica. Parte I: desenvolvimento histórico, 1913-1925.Valter Alnis Bezerra - 2003 - Scientiae Studia 1 (4):463-517.
  27.  9
    Absurdo e a física moderna: a compreensão para Camus e Heisenberg.Luis Valter Machado Junior - 2022 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 21 (1).
    Dentro da relação entre a necessidade humana de compreensão e os “murros fechados do mundo” que o absurdo camusiano ocorre. O absurdo, vindo dessa dicotomia entre ser humano e mundo, decorrente dessa impossibilidade, ou com maior precisão, da irracionalidade do mundo descoberto pelo ser humano, é o que pauta a filosofia de Camus. Nesse contexto, a relação do absurdo com a ciência se torna um tema central de um dos ensaios de Camus, O mito de Sísifo. O autor expressa toda (...)
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    Abordagem anti-reducionista em saúde: Uma con­tribuição Das discussões filosóficas no contexto da educação em saúde.Liziane Martins & Valter Cova - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (58):843-859.
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    Wegen der vrijheid: Liber Amicorum voor Willem Witteveen.W. J. Witteveen, Carinne Elion-Valter, Bart van Klink & Sanne Taekema (eds.) - 2019 - Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers.
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  30. (1 other version)Encheiridion de Epicteto. Epicteto de Hierápolis. Introdução, Tradução e Comentários por Aldo Dinucci e Alfredo Julien. Coimbra: Imprensa de Coimbra, 2014. [REVIEW]Valter Duarte Moreira - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:169-170.
    RESENHA: Encheiridion de Epicteto. Epicteto de Hierápolis. Introdução, Tradução e Comentários: Aldo Dinucci; Alfredo Julien. Coimbra: Imprensa de Coimbra, 2014.
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  31. More phenomenology in psychiatry? Applied ontology as a method towards integration.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, Guilherme Messas, Maschião Luca, Valter Piedade & Janna Hastings - 2022 - The Lancet Psychiatry 9 (9):P751-758.
    There have been renewed calls to use phenomenology in psychiatry to improve knowledge about causation, diagnostics, and treatment of mental health conditions. A phenomenological approach aims to elucidate the subjective experiences of mental health, which its advocates claim have been largely neglected by current diagnostic frameworks in psychiatry (eg, DSM-5). The consequence of neglecting rich phenomenological information is a comparatively more constrained approach to theory development, empirical research, and care programmes. Although calls for more phenomenology in psychiatry have been met (...)
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    Efforts on Changing Lifestyle Behaviors May Not Be Enough to Improve Health-Related Quality of Life Among Adolescents: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.Alexsandra da Silva Bandeira, Michael W. Beets, Pablo Magno da Silveira, Marcus Vinicius Veber Lopes, Valter Cordeiro Barbosa Filho, Bruno G. G. da Costa & Kelly Samara Silva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Schools have been the main context for physical activity and sedentary behavior interventions among adolescents, but there is inconsistent evidence on whether they also improve dimensions of the health−related quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a school-based active lifestyle intervention on dimensions of HRQoL. A secondary aim was to verify whether sex, age, and HRQoL at baseline were moderators of the intervention effect. A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted at three control and (...)
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    University Students’ Hangover May Affect Cognitive Research.Mauro Murgia, Serena Mingolo, Valter Prpic, Fabrizio Sors, Ilaria Santoro, Eleonora Bilotta & Tiziano Agostini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Emotional Semantic Congruency based on stimulus driven comparative judgements.Carlo Fantoni, Giulio Baldassi, Sara Rigutti, Valter Prpic, Mauro Murgia & Tiziano Agostini - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):20-41.
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    T-pattern analysis of offensive and defensive actions of youth football goalkeepers.Fernando Santos, João Santos, Mário Espada, Cátia Ferreira, Paulo Sousa & Valter Pinheiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nowadays, football goalkeepers play an important role in the team's organization, namely, considering the offensive and defensive processes. The purpose of our investigation focuses on the notational and T-pattern analysis of the offensive and defensive actions of elite young football GKs. The participating GKs presented 8 years of experience in the specific position, were internationally selected for the national team of Portugal, and competed in the national U-17 championship of Portugal. Thirty football matches were observed. The observational sample consisted of (...)
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    Dal testo alla scena: montaggio, citazione e traduzione. Il caso Quartett di Heiner Müller e la messa in scena di Valter Malosti.Daniela Sacco - 2019 - Itinera 17.
    The dramaturgical principle of montage has a crucial importance in the mechanism of transposition from the novel to the staging and also includes the operations of quotation and translation. Heiner Müller’s transposition of the Liaisons dangereuses by Choderlos de Laclos into the pièce Quartett is an exemplary case for studying these dynamics, as well as the staging by Valter Malosti. Montage, Malosti, Heiner Müller, translation.
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    Razumevanje čežnje (Valter Benjamin, Berlinsko detinjstvo oko hiljadudevetstote). [REVIEW]Aleksandar Prnjat - 1992 - Theoria 35 (4):147-148.
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    Eskhatologii︠a︡ta v misleneto na Karl Shmit i Valter Beni︠a︡min.Vladimir Radenkov - 2010 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Realismo e metodo: la riflessione epistemologica di Bernard Lonergan.Rosanna Finamore (ed.) - 2014 - Roma, Italy: G&BP, Gregorian & Biblical Press.
    Quali opzioni filosofiche contrassegnano il realismo? La questione della conoscenza del reale appartiene al pensiero filosofico di ogni tempo: nei dibattiti filosofici contemporanei essa si accende di varie tonalità, per il moltiplicarsi di forme di realismo e antirealismo. Il problema di fondo è se, conoscendo il reale, siamo consapevoli di ciò che comporti affermarsi conoscenti in termini personali e culturali. Quali concezioni della cultura possono accompagnare il sapere? Come affrontare i problemi attinenti al dialogo tra discipline? Il sapere, contrassegnato da (...)
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    The search for the fundamental principles of modern theology miracle Catholic Cardinal Walter Kasper.Igor Gudyma - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:60-71.
    In this article «The search for the fundamental principles of modern theology miracle Catholic Cardinal Walter Kasper» I. Gudyma analyzes the peculiarity of explanation of a miracle by a catholic cardinal Valter Kasper, reveal the intimate connection of belief and miracle, investigate the role of a miracle within the catholic theology.
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    O Encontro Com o Buriti: A Árvore da Vida e as Crianças Warao Em Nova Iguaçu.Flavia Miller Naethe Motta & Andréa Silveira Dutra - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-22.
    “There`s only beauty if there is an interlocutor. The beauty of the lagoon is always someone” (Mãe, 2017, p.40). Valter Hugo Mãe expresses our desire in the making of this paper to share our experience of meeting refugee children, as part of an ongoing research project dedicated to exploring the conditions in which they live in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the influences they bring with them from their birth countries. In the process of conducting this research, we (...)
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    Dossiê Estoicismo.Antonio Tarquínio - 2017 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 10 (22).
    O dossiê estoicismo desta edição contém trabalhos apresentados no 1 Colóquio Epicteto, que ocorreu em Aracaju em fevereiro de 2016. Na capa desta edição temos foto de defesa de dissertação de Valter Duarte (à direita), sendo questionado por Antônio Tarquínio (à esquerda).
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