Results for 'Valeria Arza'

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  1.  20
    La ciencia digital en América Latina: alcance y beneficios.Martín Del Castillo & Valeria Arza - 2021 - Arbor 197 (799):a595.
    El empleo de herramientas digitales está transformando los procesos de producción científica y sus impactos. En este trabajo evaluamos en qué medida la digitalización en ciencia ha alcanzado a la actividad científica en América Latina y cuáles han sido sus efectos. Para eso, utilizamos datos bibliométricos de tres países latinoamericanos de tamaño medio, Argentina, Chile y Colombia, que tienen una trayectoria científica importante y el análisis lo hemos centrado en cuatro disciplinas: ciencias biológicas y agrícolas, ciencias de la tierra y (...)
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  2. La desigualdad en salud que afecta a la comunidad gitana: estrategias de abordaje.Javier Arza & José Antonio Jiménez - 2019 - In R. Mendoza, Estrella Gualda Caballero & Markus Spinatsch, La mediación intercultural en la atención sanitaria a inmigrantes y minorías étnicas: modelos, estudios, programas y práctica profesional: una visión internacional. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
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  3. Una perspectiva del saber y de la fortaleza en el héroe unamuniano a la luz de Josef Pieper.Angélica S. Arza de Bousquet - 2004 - Sapientia 59 (216):315-320.
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    School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model.Valeria Ivaniushina & Daniel Alexandrov - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:883750.
    AimUnderstanding interrelations between the factors predicting students’ aggressive behavior is a priority for bullying-prevention programs. Our study explores two possible mechanisms linking school disciplinary structure and students’ aggression. We test students’ moral disengagement and bullying by teachers as mediational pathways from school authoritative discipline to students’ aggressive behavior.MethodsWe used a regionally representative sample of 213 schools that participated in a school climate survey in Kaluga Oblast (a federal subject of Russia) in 2019. The analytical sample contained the anonymous responses of (...)
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    Étude des vases en métal et des instruments apparentés de Delphes, du vie s. av. J.‑C. à l’époque romaine.Valeria Meirano - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:795-798.
    En 2014 et en 2015, deux campagnes se sont déroulées pour la continuation de l’étude des vases en métal et des instruments apparentés de Delphes, de 600 av. J.‑C. à l’époque romaine. La recherche, qui a pour but la publication systématique de ce corpus, porte sur des centaines d’objets, dont la plupart inédits. La majorité provient évidemment des sanctuaires d’Apollon et d’Athéna à Marmaria, mais des attestations relèvent aussi des contextes funéraires et domestiques du site. L’activité au mu...
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    The Conflict of Values in Southeast Asia.Valeria – Alina Miron - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:79-85.
    This article aims to identify the main cultural factors that have contributed to East Timor’s conflict with Indonesia by increasing vulnerability, instability and violence and at presenting the structural fazes of the conflict. Please note that despite being grouped into categories, many of the cultural conflict factors are, infact, closely inter - linked and often act to reinforce one another.
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    Injured Self: Autobiographical Memory, Self-Concept, and Mental Health Risk in Breast Cancer Survivors.Valeria Sebri, Stefano Triberti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  8. Inclusivist Egalitarian Liberalism and Temporary Migration: A Dilemma.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (2):202-224.
  9.  35
    Ambivalent Identification as a Moderator of the Link Between Organizational Identification and Counterproductive Work Behaviors.Valeria Ciampa, Moritz Sirowatka, Sebastian C. Schuh, Franco Fraccaroli & Rolf van Dick - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):119-134.
    Although counterproductive work behaviors can be extremely damaging to organizations and society as a whole, we do not yet fully understand the link between employees’ organizational attachment and their intention to engage in such behaviors. Based on social identity theory, we predicted a negative relationship between organizational identification and counterproductive work behaviors. We also predicted that this relationship would be moderated by ambivalent identification. We explored counterproductive work behaviors toward the organization and other individuals. Study 1, a survey of 198 (...)
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  10.  25
    Do You Transfer Your Skills? From Sports to Health Management in Cancer Patients.Valeria Sebri, Lucrezia Savioni, Stefano Triberti, Ilaria Durosini, Ketti Mazzocco & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Skill transfer is a process in which cognitive and behavioral abilities are applied in another context different from the one in which they were originally learned. Literature demonstrated that this transferability is possible; studies highlight the application of skills from sport to other life-domains (e.g. school, work, health management) with the aim to improve individual characteristics and reach personal goals. Some factors such as positive communication, adequate context, a person-centered perspective and specific strategies are necessary. The objective of the present (...)
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  11. Key Concept: Loneliness.Valeria Motta - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):71-81.
  12. On the elusive notion of meta-agreement.Valeria Ottonelli & Daniele Porello - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (1):68-92.
    Public deliberation has been defended as a rational and noncoercive way to overcome paradoxical results from democratic voting, by promoting consensus on the available alternatives on the political agenda. Some critics have argued that full consensus is too demanding and inimical to pluralism and have pointed out that single-peakedness, a much less stringent condition, is sufficient to overcome voting paradoxes. According to these accounts, deliberation can induce single-peakedness through the creation of a ‘meta-agreement’, that is, agreement on the dimension according (...)
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  13. Intuition and visualization in mathematical problem solving.Valeria Giardino - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):29-39.
    In this article, I will discuss the relationship between mathematical intuition and mathematical visualization. I will argue that in order to investigate this relationship, it is necessary to consider mathematical activity as a complex phenomenon, which involves many different cognitive resources. I will focus on two kinds of danger in recurring to visualization and I will show that they are not a good reason to conclude that visualization is not reliable, if we consider its use in mathematical practice. Then, I (...)
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  14.  34
    Institucionalidade, governamentalidade e inteligência artificial.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke & Gilberto Miranda Junior - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação.
    O presente artigo insere-se no contexto do Programa de Mestrado Profissional (PROF-FILO UFABC) e articula parte da discussão feita na dissertação. Seu objetivo é correlacionar o avanço das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação e o enfraquecimento das Democracias Liberais do Ocidente, tendo como pano de fundo a governamentalidade algorítmica. Em um primeiro momento, a partir do conceito de governamentalidade do filósofo francês Michel Foucault faremos um diálogo com os pensadores alemães Ulrich Beck e Jürgen Habermas, discutindo de que forma (...)
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    Taking out the garbage: Migrant women’s unseen environmental work.Valeria Bonatti - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (1):41-55.
    In recent years, feminist scholars have criticized various European governments for placing the burden of environmentalist practices on women’s unpaid work. While denouncing how environmentalist regimes reinforce gender inequalities, this literature has overlooked migrant domestic workers’ contributions to sustainable practices, such as managing household recyclables and waste. This article addresses the intersection of gender, race and immigration in urban recycling schemes in the city of Naples, Italy, a growing destination for labor migrants and an area with a long history of (...)
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    Los juicios de gusto en el escepticismo humeano.Valeria Schuster - 2022 - Tópicos 44:e0009.
    En nuestro trabajo analizamos la propuesta de una norma del gusto por parte de David Hume en el marco de su filosofía escéptica. Nuestra investigación parte de la premisa de que el filósofo no logra consolidar los principios básicos de una Ciencia del Hombre tal como él mismo propone en la Introducción del Tratado de la naturaleza humana y que, por lo tanto, en varios ámbitos del saber no es posible distinguir cuáles son los principios últimos que rigen el entendimiento (...)
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    Bound to Act: Models of Action, Dramas of Inaction.Valeria Wagner - 1999 - Stanford University Press.
    The author deals with both philosophical and dramatic texts in addressing this question. These texts formulate the impossibility of acting in terms of the difficulty of the passage à l'acte, which each inflects differently.
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    Mobilizing After Corporate Environmental Irresponsibility in a Community of Place: A Framing Microprocess Perspective.Valeria Cavotta, Guido Palazzo & Antonino Vaccaro - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1155-1169.
    In this paper, we take a framing perspective to corporate environmental irresponsibility and focus it on the community of place as one among the most affected, yet rarely examined, stakeholders. In particular, we take a framing microprocess perspective, to study how interactions within a community of place affect a mobilization after corporate environmental irresponsibility. We elicit two framing microprocess, losses display and scale augmentation, and show how they significantly, though differently, affect a mobilization. In so doing, we enrich our understanding (...)
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  19. The structure of the soul, intellectual virtues, and the ethical ideal of masters of arts in early commentaries on the Nichomachean ethics.Valeria A. Buffon - 2008 - In István Pieter Bejczy, Virtue ethics in the Middle Ages: commentaries on Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics, 1200 -1500. Boston: Brill.
  20.  20
    The Psychological and Social Impact of Covid-19: New Perspectives of Well-Being.Valeria Saladino, Davide Algeri & Vincenzo Auriemma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The diachronic evolution of artistic terminology in translation. Building a parallel corpus of Giorgio Vasari’s Le Vite.Valeria Henkel Zotti - 2024 - Corpus 25.
    This article describes the methods involved in building a diachronic multilingual corpus devoted to Fine Arts, beginning with G. Vasari's Lives of the most excellent Italian architects, sculptors and painters (1568) as the fundamental source text in the field of Art History. Attention is given to automatic pre-alignment, the special proofreading protocol and segmentation rules developed to allow multilingual and/or diachronic alignment of multiple texts, and the difficulties inherent in annotating a multilingual database. A case study is offered, comparing the (...)
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  22.  49
    Cortical connectivity in high-frequency beta-rhythm in schizophrenics with positive and negative symptoms.Valeria Strelets - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):105-106.
    In chronic schizophrenic patients with both positive and negative symptoms (see Table 1), interhemispheric connections at the high frequency beta2-rhythm are absent during cognitive tasks, in contrast to normal controls, who have many interhemispheric connections at this frequency in the same situation. Connectivity is a fundamental brain feature, evidently greatly promoted by the NMDA system. It is a more reliable measure of brain function than the spectral power of this rhythm.
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  23. The Interplay of International Law, European Union Law, Municipal Law and Bioethics in the Field of Biomedical Research on Human Tissues.Valeria Eboli, Antonio Giuseppe Naccarato & Generoso Bevilacqua - 2015 - In Sánchez Patrón, José Manuel, Torres Cazorla, María Isabel, García San José, I. Daniel & Andrés Bautista Hernáez, Bioderecho, seguridad y medioambiente =. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  24.  12
    Laboratoire, mode d'emploi: science, hiérarchies et pouvoirs.Valeria A. Hernandez - 2001 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Le laboratoire scientifique est ici appréhendé dans sa spécificité propre. Il est bien situé en tant qu'objet anthropologique. Le lecteur trouvera dans ce livre la problématique du pouvoir dans le laboratoire, il découvrira une manière spécifique de traiter la dialectique entre production identitaire individuelle et collective.
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  25.  19
    Flutuação do 'nimo em Espinosa: uma leitura deleuzeana.Valéria Loturco da Silva - 2008 - Cadernos Espinosanos 18:11.
    Como é possível a mente ser constituída por afetos contrários? Para entender em que circunstâncias acontece a “flutuação do ânimo”, sua ação no campo da imaginação, sua dependência do conatus e da consciência e seu peso ontológico, propusemo-nos à análise do conjunto de proposições que vai da P14 à P18 da parte III da Ética de Espinosa. A flutuação do ânimo ocorre por obra da variação do conatus, ou seja, do esforço do indivíduo de perseverar na existência em seu duplo (...)
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  26.  19
    Humano, más humano, un ensayo sobre la condición humana.Valèria Sivera - 2021 - Isegoría 65:16-16.
  27.  36
    The Dichotomy of Civilization and Barbarism: Its Origins and Evolution.Valeria I. Spiridonova - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):27-45.
    The article researches the historical transformation the dichotomy of civilization and barbarism, which was originally in ancient Greece without pejorative meaning. This dichotomy has become relevant today to justify the classification of states according to their degree of acceptance of “civilization standards,” which are understood as the standards of the European model of development. The main features of the stereotype of the divide between civilization and barbarism, which took shape in the Roman era, have survived to the present. The premise (...)
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    Music in dreams.Valeria Uga, Maria Chiara Lemut, Chiara Zampi, Iole Zilli & Piero Salzarulo - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):351-357.
    Music in dreams is rarely reported in scientific literature, while the presence of musical themes in dreams of famous musicians is anecdotally reported. We did a systematic investigation to evaluate whether the occurrence of musical dreams could be related to musical competence and practice, and to explore specific features of dreamt pieces. Thirty-five professional musicians and thirty non-musicians filled out a questionnaire about the characteristics of their musical activity and a structured dream log on the awakening for 30 consecutive days. (...)
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  29.  43
    Modularity and spatial reorientation in a simple mind: encoding of geometric and nongeometric properties of a spatial environment by fish.Valeria Anna Sovrano, Angelo Bisazza & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2002 - Cognition 85 (2):B51-B59.
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    Voluntariness and Migration: A Restatement.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):406-426.
    A key question in the theory of migration and in public debates on immigration policies is when migration can be said to be voluntary and when, conversely, it should be seen as nonvoluntary. In a previous article, we tried to answer this crucial question by providing a list of conditions we view as sufficient for migration to be considered nonvoluntary. According to our account, one condition that makes migration nonvoluntary is when people migrate because they lack acceptable alternatives to doing (...)
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  31. From modeling to implementing the perception loop in self-conscious systems.Valeria Seidita & Massimo Cossentino - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):289-306.
  32. Introduction: Varieties of Iconicity.Valeria Giardino & Gabriel Greenberg - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (1):1-25.
    This introduction aims to familiarize readers with basic dimensions of variation among pictorial and diagrammatic representations, as we understand them, in order to serve as a backdrop to the articles in this volume. Instead of trying to canvas the vast range of representational kinds, we focus on a few important axes of difference, and a small handful of illustrative examples. We begin in Section 1 with background: the distinction between pictures and diagrams, the concept of systems of representation, and that (...)
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  33.  33
    Jornalismo de si: subjetividade e partilha de experiências na cultura contempor'nea.Valéria Maria Sampaio Vilas Bôas Araújo - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (2):31-45.
    Este artigo propõe uma discussão sobre jornalismo e subjetividade a partir de uma argumentação que considera que, embora o discurso hegemônico sobre a instituição se construa a partir do ideal da objetividade, de um texto constituído apenas pelos fatos e cujo autor deixa de ser sujeito para assumir a identidade de jornalista, a subjetividade foi sempre constituidora do texto jornalístico. Assim, pensando a partir dos estudos culturais o jornalismo como uma instituição social com formas, valores e funções conformados historicamente, e (...)
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    A Bio-Psycho-Social Co-created Intervention for Young Adults With Multiple Sclerosis (ESPRIMO): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Feasibility Study.Valeria Donisi, Alberto Gajofatto, Maria Angela Mazzi, Francesca Gobbin, Isolde Martina Busch, Annamaria Ghellere, Alina Klonova, Doriana Rudi, Francesca Vitali, Federico Schena, Lidia Del Piccolo & Michela Rimondini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundMultiple sclerosis, the most common neurological disease that causes disability in youth, does not only affect physical functions but is also associated with cognitive impairment, fatigue, depression, and anxiety and can significantly impact health-related quality of life. Since MS is generally diagnosed at a young age—a period of great significance for personal, relational, and professional development—adaptation can become highly challenging. Therefore, enhancing the competence of young people to adaptively cope with these potential challenges is of utmost importance in order to (...)
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  35.  6
    Il poeta, l'alchimista, il demone: la dottrina tetravalente dei temperamenti poetici di Gaston Bachelard.Valeria Chiore - 2004 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Karl Valentin Teatro de Cabaret.Valeria Garrote - 2008 - Aisthesis 44.
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    Não-individualidade em mec'nica qu'ntica.Valéria Gradinar - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (1):67.
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    Desmuteados: por qué las opiniones y las creencias se escuchan más fuerte que la verdad.Valeria Groisman - 2021 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Librería Akadia Editorial.
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  39. Some considerations on the reducibility of chemistry to physics.Valeria Mosini - 1994 - Epistemologia 17 (2):205-223.
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    Why the reactivity of the elements is a relational property, and why it matters.Valeria Mosini - unknown
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    Corrigendum: Loss of form vision impairs spatial imagery.Valeria Occelli, Jonathan B. Lin, Simon Lacey & K. Sathian - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  42.  14
    Maria Montessori: una vita per l'infanzia, una lezione da realizzare.Valeria Rossini - 2020 - Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): San Paolo.
  43. Social and conceptual spaces: Froebelian geographies' project for the Froebel Trust archive collection.Valeria Scacchi - 2018 - In Tina Bruce, Peter Elfer, Sacha Powell & Louie Werth, The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: re-articulating research and policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Estilo literario y reflexión filosófica en el siglo XVIII: Hume y Rousseau sobre el suicidio.Valeria Schuster - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 48 (1):012-012.
    This research focuses on the comparison of Hume ´s essay On Suicide and the letters XXI y XXII present in the third book of Julia or the New Heloise written by Rouseeau, that were published together by an anonymous editor in England in 1783. We will analyse the arguments present in both texts, the different reactions the audience of that time had and the possible common sources between them. On the basis of this study, the second attempt of this paper (...)
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  45.  18
    The Efficacy of Psychological Intervention on Body Image in Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic-Review and Meta-Analysis.Valeria Sebri, Ilaria Durosini, Stefano Triberti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The experience of breast cancer and related treatments has notable effects on women's mental health. Among them, the subjective perception of the body or body image is altered. Such alterations deserve to be properly treated because they augment the risk for depression and mood disorders, and impair intimate relationships. A number of studies revealed that focused psychological interventions are effective in reducing BI issues related to breast cancer. However, findings are inconsistent regarding the dimension of such effects. This meta-analysis synthesizes (...)
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  46.  27
    Nietzsche e il buddhismo. Osservazioni introduttive a uno studio comparativo.Valeria Emi Mara Sgueglia - 1993 - Studi Filosofici 16:181.
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    Profili dell'averroismo bolognese: metafisica e scienza in Taddeo da Parma.Valeria Sorge - 2001 - Napoli: Luciano.
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    Julgamento de translucência em Sistemas de Comunicação Alternativa e Suplementar por universitários.Valéria de Oliveira Thiers & Fernando César Capovilla - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:49-56.
    O estudo descreve o julgamento da translucência relativa de substantivos, verbos e modificadores em quatro Sistemas de Comunicação Alternativa e Suplementar (Bliss, PIC, PCS e ImagoAnaVox) por meio do emprego de um software (Sonda) que apresentava os símbolos e registrava a pontuação atribuída, o te..
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  49. Note in tema di verificazione della scrittura privata.Valeria Verde - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone, Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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  50. Apresentação do Dossiê Ensino de Filosofia sob o Impacto das Tecnologias Digitais.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke & Antonio Julio Garcia Freire - 2024 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 10 (1):22-1.
    Testemunhamos hoje diferentes consequências decorrentes do modelo de negócios das Big Techs e, por conseguinte, do modo como o trânsito informacional pelas infovias é realizado. Esse último fenômeno é basicamente marcado pelos algoritmos e pelo formato mercadológico, que abrem espaço para a disseminação de conteúdos desinformativos, ou com alto teor da toxicidade das informações circulantes, que têm, por um lado, impactado o campo do ensino de Filosofia e, por outro, provocado o questionamento e também o desenvolvimento de estratégias e recursos (...)
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