Results for 'Valentín Redondo'

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  1. Reconciliación en las fuentes franciscanas.Valentín Redondo - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (174):201-222.
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  2. Ethics training and businesspersons' perceptions of organizational ethics.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (4):381 - 390.
    Ethics training is commonly cited as a primary method for increasing employees ethical decision making and conduct. However, little is known about how the presence of ethics training can enhance other components of an organization's ethical environment such as employees perception of company ethical values. Using a national sample of 313 business professionals employed in the United States, the relationship between ethics training and perceived organizational ethics was explored. The results of the analysis provide significant statistical support for the notion (...)
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    La nueva metafísica de Hegel desde el prólogo a la Wissenschaft der Logik (1812).Joan Cordero Redondo - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 69:55-83.
    Este artículo analiza el prólogo de 1812 a la Ciencia de la lógica (WdL) y responde a los planteos: ¿de qué trata esta obra?, ¿qué hay de lógico en la expresión “lógica”?, ¿es ”lógica” un nombre sustituto para “metafísica” o, más bien, la WdL es la inauguración de una disciplina completamente nueva y que dista de la metafísica en el sentido tradicional? Concluyo que la lógica es aquí el desarrollo del concepto expresada como libertad social.
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  4. (1 other version)Being seen and heard? The ethical complexities of working with children and young people at home and at school.Gill Valentine - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2):141 – 155.
    In the late 1980s and early 1990s a number of key writers within sociology and anthropology criticised much of the existing research on children within the social sciences as 'adultist'. This has subsequently provoked attempts by academics to define new ways of working with , not on or for, children that have been characterised by a desire to define more mutuality between adult and children in research relationships and to identify new ways that researchers can engage with young people. This (...)
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    Ethical reasoning in an equitable relief innocent spouse context.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):325 - 339.
    This study assessed the relationship between ethical reasoning and the decision to grant equitable relief using an innocent spouse vignette where a wife had partial knowledge of her husband''s tax fraud. A path model derived from various ethics theories was tested using a sample of 357 accounting, legal, and human resource professionals, and after careful examination of the measurement and structural relationships in the path model, the results provided partial support for the study''s hypotheses. Moral intensity was marginally associated with (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Legal reasons: Between universalism and particularism.María Redondo - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (1):47-68.
    The first part of this work analyses the universalist and the particularist conceptions of reasons. The second part projects this analysis to the legal domain. The author stresses that universalism and particularism regarding reasons are mutually exclusive theories linked to incompatible conceptions of norms, i.e. norms as strict universal conditionals and norms as defeasible conditionals. In giving an account of this tenet, different meanings of universality and defeasibility are explored. A parallel debate regarding reasons can be found in the legal (...)
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    Evolution, Games, and Economic Behaviour.Fernando Vega-Redondo (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Evolutionary Game Theory covers recent developments in the field, with an emphasis on economic contexts and applications. It begins with the basic ideas as they originated within the field of theoretical biology and then proceeds to the formulation of a theoretical framework that is suitable for the study of social and economic phenomena from an evolutionary perspective. Core topics include the Evolutionary Stable Strategy and Replicator Dynamics, deterministic dynamic models, and stochastic (...)
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    Marción de Sinope a la luz de la violencia religiosa contemporánea.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade Campo-Redondo - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:15-33.
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    El uso de la expresión plástica en los museos de Bolonia.Carmen Gómez Redondo & Beatrice Borghi - 2020 - Clio 46:188-201.
    En el siguiente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación sobre el uso de técnicas plásticas en los programas educativos de los museos de la ciudad de Bolonia. Para ello se ha diseñado una herramienta específica para la recogida de datos sobre el uso de técnicas plásticas en los diseños educativos en los museos de la ciudad, siguiendo con los principios de investigación de corte cualitativo. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos los principales resultados que arroja el estudio (...)
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    A Socio-Axiological Concept of Law.Valentin Petev - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (3):263-273.
    The author starts with the assumption that present‐day Western society is complex, pluralistic and conflictual in nature. Because of these qualities of society, law appears as an ineluctable means for the regulation of societal relationships. Law does not express an amorphous common good, nor is it simply an instrument of power. Law turns the socio‐ethical and political conception that discursively prevails in the competition among the diverging conceptions of dynamic social groups into generally binding standards of conduct. In the socio‐axiological (...)
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  11. Europa po 11 września 2001 roku (przeł. Karolina M. Cern).Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 2004 - Principia.
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    Heidegger ante la fenomenología de Husserl.Pablo Redondo - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4.
    RESUMENHeidegger ha ejercido una crítica constante de la fenomenología de Husserl desde el momento en que empezó a impartir sus primeras lecciones académicas. uno de los momentos culminantes de este proceso es Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs, el curso del verano de 1925. Haciendo un análisis detallado de la fenomenología de la conciencia de Husserl, Heidegger denuncia que los presupuestos en los que aquella se apoya la acercan a la filosofía tradicional y la alejan de sus pretensiones iniciales. La "fascinación (...)
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    La mariposa y el violín. La urgencia de una cita: infancia, escuela e igualdad.Patricia Raquel Redondo - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (31):545-556.
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  14. Marketing de buscadores: el reino de la relevancia.José Manuel Redondo - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:116-121.
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    Osservazioni sociolinguistiche sulla commedia di Aristofane.Jordi Redondo - 2016 - Hermes 144 (3):265-278.
    In a sociolinguistic perspective, this paper deals with the Aristophanic use of the technical languages, given that according to some recent research there is no room for them in this author. Our approach to the matter focuses on two technical languages, viz. medical and rhetorical. Methodologically, the main attention must be paid to the philological analysis of the textual evidence, always by means of the contrast of the attested linguistic data related to different sociolects. We also suggest that this analysis (...)
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    Pensadores ¡al rincón!: el eclipse de la filosofía.Pablo Redondo Sánchez - 2021 - Santander, Cantabria: El Desvelo Ediciones.
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    Lo que se llevó el Ciclón del 16 en la Cuba ciberpunk Underguater de Erick J. Mota.Juan C. Toledano Redondo - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (30):79-104.
    La novela Habana Underguater y los cuentos del universo Underguater, publicados por el autor cubano Erick J. Mota en la primera década del siglo xxi, reflejan una forma diferente de hacer ciencia ficción en Cuba, y proponen una reapropiación y modernización de los mitos y las culturas transculturadas locales y caribeñas, poniendo énfasis en las culturas y etnias de origen afrodescendiente. A través de un ciberpunk —con “i” latina—, el universo Underguater reflexiona sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro (...)
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    The dynamics of operant conditioning.Valentin Dragoi & J. E. R. Staddon - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (1):20-61.
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    Transhumanism, Society and Education: An Edusemiotic Approach.Susana Gómez Redondo, Claudio J. Rodríguez Higuera, Juan R. Coca & Alin Olteanu - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (2):177-193.
    We propose a semiotic framework to underpin a posthumanist philosophy of education, as contrasted to technological determinism. A recent approach to educational processes as semiotic phenomena lends itself as a philosophy to understand the current interplay between education and technology. This view is aligned with the transhumanist movement to defend techno-scientific progress as fundamental to human development. Particularly, we adopt a semiotic approach to education to tackle certain tensions in current debates on the human. Transhumanism scholars share the optimistic belief (...)
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    Philosophy and history of psychology: selected works of Elizabeth Valentine.Elizabeth R. Valentine - 2014 - London: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
    In the World Library of Psychologists series, international experts themselves present career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, and their major practical theoretical contributions. Elizabeth Valentine has an international reputation as an eminent scholar and pioneer in the field of philosophy and history of psychology. This selection brings together some of her best work over the last thirty years. A specially written introduction gives an overview of her (...)
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    “Racialized Disablement” as a Key Heuristic for Addressing Racism in Bioethics.Desiree Valentine - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):24-26.
    Russell’s “Meeting the Moment: Bioethics in the Time of Black Lives Matter” expertly identifies how race and racism are matters of bioethical concern that ought to be addressed via an indivi...
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    Is public health concern a sufficient reason to illegalize consensual incest?Maria Campo Redondo & Gabriel Andrade - 2022 - Philosophical Forum 53 (4):269-281.
    Incest taboos are universal, but it is questionable whether consensual incest should continue to be illegal. The most common argument in favor of the illegalization of consensual incest appeals to genetic risks and the harm to potential offspring. In this article, we examine whether public health concern is a sufficient reason to illegalize consensual incest. We posit that indeed, incest represents a risk, but this is not reason enough to illegalize incest. For, other circumstances of sexual intercourse may lead to (...)
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  23. Revisió de mètodes sobre l'ensenyament de la literatura grega i propostes multidisciplinàries en temps de canvis.Jordi Redondo & Ramon Torné - 2012 - Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics 1:107.
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    A dialogue on Metasystem transition.Valentin Turchin - 1995 - World Futures 45 (1):5-57.
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    Fichte und die Metaphysik des deutschen Idealismus.Manuel Jimenez-Redondo - 1996 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 22:231-265.
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    L'exposé de la Doctrine de la Science de 1805.Manuel Jiménez-Redondo - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (3):463-481.
    Cet article propose une reconstruction de la ligne d’argumentation de l’exposé de 1805 de la Doctrine de la Science de Fichte. Son objet fondamental consiste à répondre à la question : qu’est-ce que le savoir ? ce qui implique de répondre à cette autre question : qu’est-ce que le « est » ? Fichte répond : ce savoir est l’existence absolue, ce qui est équivalent à l’existence de l’absolu – et l’auteur le montre à travers cinq tentatives de démonstration de (...)
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    Logos und Erscheinung beim späten Fichte.Manuel Jiménez-Redondo - 2000 - Fichte-Studien 17:241-258.
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    Das Bild des absoluten Seins beim frühen und späten Fichte.Manuel Jiménez-Redondo - 2000 - Fichte-Studien 17:83-102.
  29. Análisis, autoconciencia y libertad.Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 1980 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):215-222.
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  30. A propósito de la versión castellana de la obra de John Rawls" A theory of justice".Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 1981 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):231-239.
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  31. Comfortability Analysis under a Human-robot Interaction Perspective.M. E. L. Redondo, R. Niewiadomski, F. Rea, S. Incao, G. Sandini & A. Sciutti - 2023 - International Journal of Social Robotics 16:77-103.
    Interactions entail a tangled mix of emotional states that emerge between the people who are communicating. Being capable of comprehending these states help us to adapt to our partner’s needs enhancing the interaction. In the same fashion, we believe that robots capable of such skills would be better integrated in society. Hence, this paper tackles the internal state that focuses on the unfolding of any social exchange: Comfortability. It explores whether a humanoid robot can have an impact on humans Comfortability (...)
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  32. El segundo Habermas: teorías de la acción comunicativa.Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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  33. Los afectos y su fuerza cognoscitiva.Pablo Redondo - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (157):463-473.
    Los amplios y detallados estudios de Scheler sobre lo afectivo constituyen uno de los capítulos más relevantes de su obra. Contienen una elaborada crítica a la interpretación tradicional de los afectos y sentimientos, habitualmente denigrados como modos de conocimiento. El presente trabajo presenta someramente algunos de los presupuestos filosóficos fundamentales de este proyecto al hilo de los textos más importantes y quiere pensar en última instancia si este intento rupturista con respecto a la tradición se ha llevado satisfactoriamente a cabo (...)
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    Nota en memoria de Eugenio Bulygin.María Cristina Redondo - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 41 (2):379-381.
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    Sobre la completitud de los sistemas jurídicos.María Cristina Redondo - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (2):294-324.
    En el presente artículo se analizan cinco modos de entender el ideal de completitud de los sistemas jurídicos, teniendo como punto de referencia las ideas de Carlos Alchourrón. En este trabajo se propone distinguir los criterios de identificación de los textos jurídicamente relevantes; los métodos o reglas que permiten pasar de un contenido C a un contenido C1, y los criterios de validez o pertenencia de normas al sistema. En la concepción predominante entre los teóricos del derecho, las reglas lógicas (...)
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  36. Reasons for action and defeasibility.María Cristina Redondo - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti (eds.), The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    Fichte gegen Napoleon: Die zugrundeliegenden Ideen von Freiheit und Nation.Manuel Jiménez-Redondo - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:190-208.
    Fichte’s hostility towards Napoleon, as expressed in his lectures of 1813 on the theory of the state, has its origin at the level of principles, and his always very strong admiration for the figure of Napoleon is at the same time so negatively loaded, that Napoleon becomes for Fichte something like an arch-enemy, the enemy par excellence. Napoleon has turned the old European political world upside down in favor of a re-structuration of this order according to the principles of the (...)
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    Tacitus for the instruction of ambassadors: Vera’s Enbaxador(1620).María Concepción Gutiérrez Redondo - 2025 - History of European Ideas 51 (1):27-42.
    Juan de Vera’s El Enbaxador (1620) was one of the main treatises on the role of the ambassador in Early Modern Europe and the first one published in Spanish. At the time, Spain was no exception to the influence of Tacitus as a significant ancient author to inspire the political practice of the age. Juan de Vera, a nobleman and writer, soon an ambassador and entitled count, incorporated his own reading of Tacitus into El Enbaxador. Justus Lipsius, the outstanding editor (...)
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  39. Ethics Programs, Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Satisfaction.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (2):159-172.
    Companies offer ethics codes and training to increase employees' ethical conduct. These programs can also enhance individual work attitudes because ethical organizations are typically valued. Socially responsible companies are likely viewed as ethical organizations and should therefore prompt similar employee job responses. Using survey information collected from 313 business professionals, this exploratory study proposed that perceived corporate social responsibility would mediate the positive relationships between ethics codes/training and job satisfaction. Results indicated that corporate social responsibility fully or partially mediated the (...)
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  40. Ethics codes and sales professionals' perceptions of their organizations' ethical values.Sean Valentine & Tim Barnett - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (3):191 - 200.
    Most large companies and many smaller ones have adopted ethics codes, but the evidence is mixed as to whether they have a positive impact on the behavior of employees. We suggest that one way that ethics codes could contribute to ethical behavior is by influencing the perceptions that employees have about the ethical values of organizations. We examine whether a group of sales professionals in organizations with ethics codes perceive that their organizational context is more supportive of ethical behavior than (...)
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  41. The Impact of Ethical Ideologies, Moral Intensity, and Social Context on Sales-Based Ethical Reasoning.Sean R. Valentine & Connie R. Bateman - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):155-168.
    Previous research indicates that ethical ideologies, issue-contingencies, and social context can impact ethical reasoning in different business situations. However, the manner in which these constructs work together to shape different steps of the ethical decision-making process is not always clear. The purpose of this study was to address these issues by exploring the influence of idealism and relativism, perceived moral intensity in a decision-making situation, and social context on the recognition of an ethical issue and ethical intention. Utilizing a sales-based (...)
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    Logics for propositional determinacy and independence.Valentin Goranko & Antti Kuusisto - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):470-506.
    This paper investigates formal logics for reasoning about determinacy and independence. Propositional Dependence Logic D and Propositional Independence Logic I are recently developed logical systems, based on team semantics, that provide a framework for such reasoning tasks. We introduce two new logics L_D and L_I, based on Kripke semantics, and propose them as alternatives for D and I, respectively. We analyse the relative expressive powers of these four logics and discuss the way these systems relate to natural language. We argue (...)
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  43. When do people dislike self-enhancers?Valentin Weber & Hugo Mercier - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (1):27-48.
    Self-enhancing statements can provide useful information. Why do we resent those who make them? We suggest that the resentment comes from a broader claim of superiority that self-enhancing statements can imply. In three experiments, we compared one condition, designed such that the self-enhancing claim would be perceived as a claim of superiority, to three conditions providing different contextual reasons for why the self-enhancing claim might not be a claim of superiority. In those conditions the self-enhancing claim is either called for, (...)
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  44. Professional Ethical Standards, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):657-666.
    This study explored several proposed relationships among professional ethical standards, corporate social responsibility, and the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility. Data were collected from 313 business managers registered with a large professional research association with a mailed self-report questionnaire. Mediated regression analysis indicated that perceptions of corporate social responsibility partially mediated the positive relationship between perceived professional ethical standards and the believed importance of ethics and social responsibility. Perceptions of corporate social responsibility also fully mediated the negative relationship (...)
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  45. Ecologismo y liberación animal: nuevos clásicos para una civilización alternativa.Oscar Carpintero Redondo & Jorge Riechmann - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    Tarántula: institución y hacer pensante por la autonomía: Castoriadis en la trama latinoamericana entre academia y política.Rafael Miranda Redondo, Dolores Camacho Velázquez & Jorge Alonso (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: CIESAS.
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    A legal orderʼs supreme legislative authorities.Cristina Redondo - 2016 - Revus 29.
    The first part of this article is about the rules that define a legal order’s supreme legislative authority. In this first part, the article also dwells on several distinctions such as those between norms and meta-norms, legislative and customary rules, and constitutive and regulative rules, all with the objective of determining which of these categories the aforementioned rules belong to. The conclusion is that the basic rules defining the supreme legislative authorities of every existing legal order are necessarily constitutive meta-norms (...)
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    Can robots impact human comfortability during a live interview?M. E. L. Redondo, A. Sciutti, S. Incao, F. Rea & R. Niewiadomski - 2021 - Hri '21 Companion: Companion of the 2021 Acm/Ieee International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.
    Interaction among humans does not always proceed without errors; situations might happen in which a wrong word or attitude can cause the partner to feel uneasy. However, humans are often very sensitive to these interaction failures and may be able to fix them. Our research aims to endow robots with the same skill. Thus the first step, presented in this short paper, investigates to what extent a humanoid robot can impact someone's Comfortability in a realistic setting. To capture natural reactions, (...)
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    FLANAGAN, OWEN (2007) The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World.Ivan Redondo Orta - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 47:253.
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    Long-interval intracortical inhibition in primary motor cortex related to working memory in middle-aged adults.María Redondo-Camós, Gabriele Cattaneo, Vanessa Alviarez-Schulze, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Goretti España-Irla, Javier Solana-Sanchez, Ruben Perellón-Alfonso, Sergiu Albu, José M. Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartres-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionExcitability of the primary motor cortex measured with TMS has been associated with cognitive dysfunctions in patient populations. However, only a few studies have explored this relationship in healthy adults, and even fewer have considered the role of biological sex.MethodsNinety-seven healthy middle-aged adults completed a TMS protocol and a neuropsychological assessment. Resting Motor Threshold and Long-Interval Intracortical Inhibition were assessed in the left motor cortex and related to attention, episodic memory, working memory, reasoning, and global cognition composite scores to evaluate (...)
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