Results for 'Val Gillies'

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  1.  22
    Power, Knowledge and the Academy: The Institutional is Political.Val Gillies & Helen Lucey (eds.) - 2007 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Power is everywhere. But what is it and how does it infuse personal and institutional relationships in higher education? Power, Knowledge and the Academy: The Institutional is Political takes a close-up and critical look at both the elusive and blatant workings and consequences of power in a range of everyday sites in universities. Chapters focus on specific locations in which power shapes personal and institutional knowledge including student-supervisor relationships, research teams, networking, the Research Assessment Exercise in the UK, and literature (...)
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    Clients or consumers, commonplace or pioneers? Navigating the contemporary class politics of family, parenting skills and education.Rosalind Edwards & Val Gillies - 2011 - Ethics and Education 6 (2):141-154.
    An explicit linking of the minutiae of everyday parenting practices and the good of society as a whole has been a feature of government policy. The state has taken responsibility for instilling the right parenting skills to deal with what is said to be the societal fall-out of contemporary and family change. ?Knowledge? about parenting is seen as a resource that parents must access in order to fulfil their moral duty as good parents. In this policy portrait, caring for children (...)
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    Reply to John Cantwell’s Commentary on Grazia Ietto-Gillies’ paper: ‘The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+’.Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 2014 - Economic Thought 3 (2):67.
    Go to John Cantwell’s response to the original paper from here › Go to Grazia Ietto-Gillies’ original paper from here ›.
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  4. Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason.Val Plumwood (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    In this much-needed account of what has gone wrong in our thinking about the environment, Val Plumwood digs at the roots of environmental degradation. She argues that we need to see nature as an end itself, rather than an instrument to get what we want. Using a range of examples, Plumwood presents a radically new picture of how our culture must change to accommodate nature.
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  5. Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century: Four Central Themes.Donald Gillies - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (4):1066-1069.
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    Causality, Probability, and Medicine.Donald Gillies - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Why is understanding causation so important in philosophy and the sciences? Should causation be defined in terms of probability? Whilst causation plays a major role in theories and concepts of medicine, little attempt has been made to connect causation and probability with medicine itself. Causality, Probability, and Medicine is one of the first books to apply philosophical reasoning about causality to important topics and debates in medicine. Donald Gillies provides a thorough introduction to and assessment of competing theories of (...)
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  7. Mathematical Reasoning and Heuristics.C. Cellucci D. Gillies (ed.) - 2005 - King's College Publications.
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  8. Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason.Val Plumwood - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (4):535-537.
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    Women, Humanity and Nature.Val Plumwood - 1988 - Radical Philosophy 48:16.
    Women, Humanity and Nature Val Plum wood There is now a growing awareness that the Western philosophical tradition which has identified, on the one hand, maleness with the sphere of rationality, and on the other hand, femaleness with the sphere...
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    Representing Reason: Feminist Theory and Formal Logic.Val Plumwood, Carroll Guen Hart, Dorothea Olkowski, Marie-Genevieve Iselin, Lynn Hankinson Nelson, Jack Nelson, Andrea Nye & Pam Oliver (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Philosophy's traditional "man of reason"—independent, neutral, unemotional—is an illusion. That's because the "man of reason" ignores one very important thing—the woman. Representing Reason: Feminist Theory and Formal Logic collects new and old essays that shed light on the underexplored intersection of logic and feminism.
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    Ethics and Instrumentalism: A Response to Janna Thompson.Val Plumwood - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (2):139-149.
    I argue that Janna Thompson’s critique of environmental ethics misrepresents the work of certain proponents of non-instrumental value theory and overlooks the ways in which intrinsie values have been related to valuers and their preferences. Some of the difficulties raised for environmental ethics are real but would only be fatal if environmental ethics could not be supplemented by a wider environmental philosophy and practice. The proper context and motivation for the development of non-instrumental theories is not that of an objectivist (...)
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  12. Paths beyond human-centeredness: Lessons from liberation struggles.Val Plumwood - 1998 - In Anthony Weston (ed.), An Invitation to Environmental Philosophy. Oup Usa. pp. 69--106.
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    Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.Val Plumwood (ed.) - 1993 - Routledge.
    Two of the most important political movements of the late twentieth century are those of environmentalism and feminism. In this book, Val Plumwood argues that feminist theory has an important opportunity to make a major contribution to the debates in political ecology and environmental philosophy. _Feminism and the Mastery of Nature_ explains the relation between ecofeminism, or ecological feminism, and other feminist theories including radical green theories such as deep ecology. Val Plumwood provides a philosophically informed account of the relation (...)
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  14. Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method.Donald Gillies - 1996 - Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method examines the remarkable advances made in the field of AI over the past twenty years, discussing their profound implications for philosophy. Taking a clear, non-technical approach, Donald Gillies shows how current views on scientific method are challenged by this recent research, and suggests a new framework for the study of logic. Finally, he draws on work by such seminal thinkers as Bacon, Gdel, Popper, Penrose, and Lucas, to address the hotly-contested question of whether computers (...)
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  15. Updating Data Semantics.Anthony S. Gillies - 2020 - Mind 129 (513):1-41.
    This paper has three main goals. First, to motivate a puzzle about how ignorance-expressing terms like maybe and if interact: they iterate, and when they do they exhibit scopelessness. Second, to argue that there is an ambiguity in our theoretical toolbox, and that exposing that opens the door to a solution to the puzzle. And third, to explore the reach of that solution. Along the way, the paper highlights a number of pleasing properties of two elegant semantic theories, explores some (...)
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  16. Social theories, self management, and environmental problems.Val Routley & Richard Routley - 1980 - In Don S. Mannison, Michael A. McRobbie & Richard Sylvan (eds.), Environmental Philosophy. Dept. Of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University. pp. 217--332.
  17.  53
    Traditionalist dissent: The reorientation of american conservatism, 1865–1900*: Gillis J. Harp.Gillis J. Harp - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (3):487-518.
    The last couple of decades has brought a renewed interest in American conservatism among historians. Yet most recent studies have focused on the emergence of neoconservatism after World War II and virtually no recent scholarly work has pursued the history of conservatism before the 1920s. Both Richard Hofstadter and Clinton Rossiter agreed that the late nineteenth century was an important watershed in the evolution of American conservative thought. Hofstadter argued that the new laissez-faire conservatism that became dominant during the Gilded (...)
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    Frege's Conception of Numbers as Objects. [REVIEW]Donald Gillies - 1984 - Mind 93 (372):613-617.
  19. Los escritos lógicos de Ventura Reyes y Prósper.J. A. del Val - 1973 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):2-3.
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    Educational leadership and Michel Foucault.Donald Gillies - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Outlines the key concepts in the work of Foucault, showing how his concepts of discourse, of power/knowledge, and of governmentality offer a way to understand how ideas of educational leadership and management have emerged, how they serve to establish a discipline, and how they construct individuals in particular ideological ways.
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    (1 other version)International symposium on structures in mathematical theories (SSMT-90) (san Sebastián, 25-29 de septiembre de 1.990).Donald A. Gillies - 1991 - Theoria 6 (1):331-335.
  22.  23
    The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+.Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 2014 - Economic Thought 3 (2):38.
    The paper briefly summarises the historical evolution of transnational corporations and their activities. It then introduces the major theories developed to explain the TNC. There is an attempt to place the theories historically, within the context of the socio-economic … More ›.
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    Laws and Models in Science.Donald Gillies (ed.) - 2004 - KIng's College Publications.
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  24. The Fregean revolution in logic.Donald Gillies - 1992 - In Revolutions in mathematics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 265--305.
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  25.  51
    A Problem About Preference.Anthony S. Gillies - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (19).
    Obligation describing language is hooked up with preference, a relation of what-is-better-than-what. But ordinary situations underdetermine such relations of what-is-better-than-what. Even so, there are plainly true sentences describing our obligations in those situations. This mismatch is trouble-making and getting out of the trouble requires either giving up the easy link between “ought” and preference or re-thinking the kind of things preferences can be.
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    Prospecting for Ecological Gold Amongst the Platonic Forms: A Response to Timothy Mahoney.Val Plumwood - 1997 - Ethics and the Environment 2 (2):149 - 168.
    Timothy Mahoney discovers and champions an ecologically benign account of Plato in opposition to my own critical analysis of the reason-centeredness, reason-nature dualism, and nature and body devaluation in the Platonic dialogues, in which multiple linked dualisms of reason and nature associated with systems of oppression provide major organizing principles for Platonic philosophy. I show first that Mahoney's criticisms of my interpretation involve some careless and mistaken readings of my own text. Second, I argue that Mahoney* s account of nature (...)
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  27. Epistemic conditionals and conditional epistemics.Anthony S. Gillies - 2004 - Noûs 38 (4):585–616.
  28. The Russo-Williamson thesis and the question of whether smoking causes heart disease.Donald Gillies - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo (ed.), Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 110--125.
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  29. The cost of armaments.Val Yule - forthcoming - Australian Humanist, The 122:6.
    Yule, Val A series of before-and-after pictures shows the cost to a city that is bombed. A recent example is the UNESCO-listed sites in the Syrian city of Aleppo - one example is given above. After bombing these sites were all rubble.
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    Evidence of mechanism in the evaluation of streptomycin and thalidomide.Donald Gillies - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 66:55-62.
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    Understanding misunderstanding in medical consultation.Gillie Bolton - forthcoming - Medical Humanities.
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  32. Varieties of propensity.Donald Gillies - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (4):807-835.
    The propensity interpretation of probability was introduced by Popper ([1957]), but has subsequently been developed in different ways by quite a number of philosophers of science. This paper does not attempt a complete survey, but discusses a number of different versions of the theory, thereby giving some idea of the varieties of propensity. Propensity theories are classified into (i) long-run and (ii) single-case. The paper argues for a long-run version of the propensity theory, but this is contrasted with two single-case (...)
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  33. Critical Rationalism and the Internet.Donald Gillies - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 17 (42):80-90.
    The aim of this paper is to consider whether critical rationalism has any ideas which could usefully be applied to the internet. Today we tend to take the internet for granted and it is easy to forget that it was only about two decades ago that it began to be used to any significant extent. Accordingly in section 1 of the paper, there is a brief consideration of the history of the internet. At first sight this makes it looks implausible (...)
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  34. The Duhem thesis and the Quine thesis.Donald Gillies - 1998 - In Martin Curd & Jan A. Cover (eds.), Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues. Norton. pp. 302--319.
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  35. Stories for change.Gillie Bolton - 2006 - Medical Humanities 32 (1):43-47.
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  36. Avaliar redações: uma questão mais ampla do que parece.Maria da Graça Costa Val - forthcoming - Dois Pontos.
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  37. La intercomunica en su fase actual.Urs1cino Domínguez Del Val - 1969 - Salmanticensis 16:155.
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  38. Esther.Gillis Gerleman - 1970
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    Aesthetics, Art, Liberty, and the Ultimate.Alexandra Gillis - 2011 - Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis 6:7-17.
    Why are art and the aesthetic so vitally important to our liberty, and to the re-creation of liberty in our living? How do they evoke the Ultimate in us? And why is that so important to our modern living? These are the vital questions that moved this author to a three-month personal exploration of aesthetic, artistic and ultimate meaning in its relation to liberty. The article is written pedagogically to lead the reader along the chain of ideas, thoughts and further (...)
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    Treating high risk mentally disordered offenders; the dangerous and severe personality disorder initiative.Val Hawes - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley (eds.), Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
  41. Response to Gatens.Val Plumwood - 1989 - Radical Philosophy 53:56.
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    Relevant Logics and Their Rivals.Richard Routley, Val Plumwood, Robert K. Meyer & Ross T. Brady - 1982 - Ridgeview. Edited by Richard Sylvan & Ross Brady.
  43.  32
    Non-Bayesian Confirmation Theory, and the Principle of Explanatory Surplus.Donald A. Gillies - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:373 - 380.
    This paper suggests a new principle for confirmation theory which is called the principle of explanatory surplus. This principle is shown to be non-Bayesian in character, and to lead to a treatment of simplicity in science. Two cases of the principle of explanatory surplus are considered. The first (number of parameters) is illustrated by curve-fitting examples, while the second (number of theoretical assumptions) is illustrated by the examples of Newton's Laws and Adler's Theory of the Inferiority Complex.
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    Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.Val Plumwood - 1993 - Environmental Values 6 (2):245-246.
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  45. Philosophy of technology: an introduction.Val Dusek (ed.) - 1993 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    Ideal for undergraduate students in philosophy and science studies, Philosophy of Technology offers an engaging and comprehensive overview of a subject vital to our time. An up-to-date, accessible overview of the philosophy of technology, defining technology and its characteristics. Explores the issues that arise as technology becomes an integral part of our society. In addition to traditional topics in science and technology studies, the volume offers discussion of technocracy, the romantic rebellion against technology. Complements The Philosophy of Technology : The (...)
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  46. Indicative conditionals.Anthony Gillies - 2011 - In Gillian Russell & Delia Graff Fara (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language. New York, USA: Routledge.
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    ‘Every Poem Breaks a Silence that Had to be Overcome’*: The Therapeutic Power of Poetry Writing.Gillie Bolton - 1999 - Feminist Review 62 (1):118-133.
    The creation of poetry can be an intensely healing process, as therapeutic as the other arts and talking therapies. This paper examines three areas. First, it sets out some opinions about the specific qualities of poetry that make it particularly valuable as part of a therapeutic process. It goes on to give exemplified information about how poetry is used within healthcare in Britain. Finally, it indicates the current growth of interest in this area, with brief descriptions of pilot research studies (...)
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  48.  49
    Should we distrust medical interventions?: Jacob Stegenga: Medical nihilism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 226 pp, £27 HB.Donald Gillies - 2019 - Metascience 28 (2):273-276.
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    The effects of two strategic and meta-cognitive questioning approaches on children’s explanatory behaviour, problem-solving, and learning during cooperative, inquiry-based science.Robyn M. Gillies, Kim Nichols, Gilbert Burgh & Michele Haynes - 2012 - International Journal of Educational Research 53:93–106.
    Teaching students to ask and answer questions is critically important if they are to engage in reasoned argumentation, problem-solving, and learning. This study involved 35 groups of grade 6 children from 18 classrooms in three conditions (cognitive questioning condition, community of inquiry condition, and the comparison condition) who were videotaped as they worked on specific inquiry-based science tasks. The study also involved the teachers in these classrooms who were audio-taped as they interacted with the children during these tasks. The results (...)
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  50. Postmodernism and cinema.Val Hill - 2011 - In Stuart Sim (ed.), The Routledge companion to postmodernism. New York: Routledge.
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