Results for 'Vaart Smit'

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  1. In memoriam Herman Ysbrand Groenewegen.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1930 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35:559.
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  2. (1 other version)Professor Dr. H. I J. Groenewegen 1902 bis 7. Mai 1927.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1927 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 32:543.
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  3. Paul Hensel.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1930 - Kant Studien 35:560.
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  4. (1 other version)Die Schule Karl Barths und die Marburger Philosophie.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:333.
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    Landesgruppe-Holland.Vaart Smit - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2).
  6. (2 other versions)Burkamp, Wilhelm, Begriff und Beziehung. [REVIEW]H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:416.
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  7. Van der Vaart Smit, H. W., Die Evolutions-Theorie.Wilhelm Koppelmann - 1921 - Kant Studien 26:218.
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  8. (1 other version)Van der Vaart Smit, H. W., Hans Vaihinger en de Als-Of Philosophie. [REVIEW]Johannes Lochner - 1926 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 31:415.
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  9. Human Nature, Metaphysics and Evolutionary Theory.Harry Smit - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1605-1626.
    This paper argues that the substance concept, as discussed by Aristotle in his Categories, aids us to improve our understanding of human nature. Aristotle distinguished the primary from the secondary substance, and substantial from accidental change. We explain these distinctions, their use for understanding phenomena, and discuss how we can integrate them with evolutionary explanations of human nature. For explaining of how the typical human characteristics evolved, we extend our investigations with a discussion of the concept of person. It is (...)
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  10. What is money? An alternative to Searle's institutional facts.J. P. Smit, Filip Buekens & Stan du Plessis - 2011 - Economics and Philosophy 27 (1):1-22.
    In The Construction of Social Reality, John Searle develops a theory of institutional facts and objects, of which money, borders and property are presented as prime examples. These objects are the result of us collectively intending certain natural objects to have a certain status, i.e. to ‘count as’ being certain social objects. This view renders such objects irreducible to natural objects. In this paper we propose a radically different approach that is more compatible with standard economic theory. We claim that (...)
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    De eerste en tweede geschiedenis: nagelaten geschriften van Meijer C. Smit.Meijer Cornelis Smit - 1987 - Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn. Edited by Jacob Klapwijk.
  12. Kant’s “I think” and the agential approach to self-knowledge.Houston Smit - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (7):980-1011.
    ABSTRACTThis paper relates Kant’s account of pure apperception to the agential approach to self-knowledge. It argues that his famous claim ‘The I think must be able to accompany all of my represent...
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  13. Cigarettes, dollars and bitcoins – an essay on the ontology of money.J. P. Smit, Filip Buekens & Stan Du Plessis - 2016 - Journal of Institutional Economics 12 (2):327 - 347.
    What does being money consist in? We argue that something is money if, and only if, it is typically acquired in order to realise the reduction in transaction costs that accrues in virtue of agents coordinating on acquiring the same thing when deciding what thing to acquire in order to exchange. What kinds of things can be money? We argue against the common view that a variety of things (notes, coins, gold, cigarettes, etc.) can be money. All monetary systems are (...)
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    An evaluation of the reporting on ethics and integrity of selected listed motor vehicle companies.Anet Magdalena Smit & Elizabeth J. Bierman - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1).
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  15. Developing the incentivized action view of institutional reality.J. P. Smit, Filip Buekens & Stan Du Plessis - 2014 - Synthese 191 (8).
    Contemporary discussion concerning institutions focus on, and mostly accept, the Searlean view that institutional objects, i.e. money, borders and the like, exist in virtue of the fact that we collectively represent them as existing. A dissenting note has been sounded by Smit et al. (Econ Philos 27:1–22, 2011), who proposed the incentivized action view of institutional objects. On the incentivized action view, understanding a specific institution is a matter of understanding the specific actions that are associated with the institution (...)
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  16. Kant on Apriority and the Spontaneity of Cognition.Houston Smit - 2009 - In Samuel Newlands & Larry M. Jorgensen (eds.), Metaphysics and the good: themes from the philosophy of Robert Merrihew Adams. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17. Kant on Marks and the Immediacy of Intuition.Houston Smit - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (2):235-266.
    The distinction between concept and intuition is of the utmost importance for understanding Kant’s critical philosophy. For, as Kant himself claimed, all the distinctive claims of this philosophy rest on, and develop out of, a detailed account of the way all our cognition of things requires both intuitions and concepts.
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    The Moral Purpose of the State: Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality in International Relations.Christian Reus-Smit - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    This book seeks to explain why different systems of sovereign states have built different types of fundamental institutions to govern interstate relations. Why, for example, did the ancient Greeks operate a successful system of third-party arbitration, while international society today rests on a combination of international law and multilateral diplomacy? Why did the city-states of Renaissance Italy develop a system of oratorical diplomacy, while the states of absolutist Europe relied on naturalist international law and "old diplomacy"? Conventional explanations of basic (...)
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    Chapter Five. Absolutist Europe.Christian Reus-Smit - 2009 - In The Moral Purpose of the State: Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality in International Relations. Princeton University Press. pp. 87-121.
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    Are animal displays bodily movements or manifestations of the mind?H. Smit - 1995 - Behavior and Philosophy 23 (1):13-19.
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    God, the beautiful and mathematics: A response.Peter-Ben Smit & Rianne de Heide - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-4.
    Volker Kessler argues two points to Rudolf Bohren’s list of four areas where God becomes beautiful should be extended with a fifth one: mathematics and mathematics can be argued as a place where God becomes beautiful. In this response, we would like to argue that the extension of Bohren’s list that Kessler argues in favour of is superfluous and that Kessler makes a number of questionable assumptions about mathematics. By arguing against Kessler, we intend to make an interdisciplinary contribution to (...)
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    Small Pipe-Clay Devotional Figures: Touch, Play and Animation.Lieke Smits - 2020 - Das Mittelalter 25 (2):397-423.
    Small, mass-produced pipe-clay figurines were popular devotionalia in the late medieval Low Countries. In this paper, focusing on representations of the Christ Child, I study the sensory and playful ways in which such objects were used as ‘props of perception’ in spiritual games of make-believe or role-play. Not only does this particular iconography invite tactile and playful behaviour, the figurines fit within a larger context of image practices involving visions and make-believe. Through such practices images were animated and imbued with (...)
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  23. Adult age, an investigation based on certain aspects of growth curves.H. R. Vaart - 1953 - Acta Biotheoretica 10 (3-4).
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  24. The autocatalytic growth model.H. R. Vaart - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4).
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  25. Kripke contra Kripke – Semantic Reference as Conventionalized Speaker’s Reference.J. P. Smit - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    I argue that Kripke’s construal of the distinction between speaker’s reference and semantic reference, in ‘Speaker’s reference and semantic reference’ (Kripke in Midwest Stud Philos 2:255–276, 1977), in conjunction with an intuitive view of the nature of conventions, implies a theory of semantic reference that is distinct from his causal theory. On this theory, semantic reference is conventionalized speaker’s reference. The argument concerning Kripke has two general implications. First, any theory that features a notion of speaker’s reference will have great (...)
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  26. Against Descriptive Names.J. P. Smit & Jan Heylen - forthcoming - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    Names like ‘Neptune’ and ‘Vulcan’ have lead some Millians to countenance a class of descriptive names. This is so, as, first, the closeness of the association between a descriptive name and its associated descriptive condition seems to show that the link between the name and the description must be semantic, and, second, as Millianism implies that names without bearers make no direct contribution to the propositions expressed by the sentences in which such names occur. In this paper we use the (...)
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  27. An Overarching Framework for Understanding and Explaining Human Nature.Harry Smit - 2023 - Biological Theory 18 (1):63-75.
    This article investigates how we can reconcile conceptions of human nature with biological explanations. Therefore, it discusses essential differences between (neo) Cartesian substance dualism and (neo) Aristotelian substance monism. It argues that only the (neo) Aristotelian conception of the psuchē, as the set of potentialities the exercise of which is characteristic of the organism, is coherent. The question of how we can reconcile this conception with biological explanations is answered by discussing how it can be integrated with Tinbergen’s subdivision of (...)
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  28. Why Bare Demonstratives Need Not Semantically Refer.J. P. Smit - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):43-66.
    I-theories of bare demonstratives take the semantic referent of a demonstrative to be determined by an inner state of the utterer. E-theories take the referent to be determined by factors external to the utterer. I argue that, on the Standard view of communication, neither of these theories can be right. Firstly, both are committed to the existence of conventions with superfluous content. Secondly, any claim to the effect that a speaker employs the conventions associated with these theories cannot have any (...)
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  29. The Role of Reflection in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Houston Smit - 1999 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 80 (2):203–223.
    There are two prevailing interpretations of the status which Kant accorded his claims in the Critique of Pure Reason: 1) he is analyzing our concepts of cognition and experience; 2) he is making empirical claims about our cognitive faculties. I argue for a third alternative: on Kant's account, all cognition consists in a reflective consciousness of our cognitive faculties, and in critique we analyze the content of this consciousness. Since Strawson raises a famous charge of incoherence against such a position, (...)
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  30. The Incentivized Action View of Institutional Facts as an Alternative to the Searlean View - A Reply to Butchard and D’Amico.J. P. Smit, Filip Buekens & Stan du Plessis - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (1):44-55.
    In our earlier work, we argued, contra Searle, that institutional facts can be understood in terms of non-institutional facts about actions and incentives. Butchard and D’Amico claim that we have misinterpreted Searle, that our main argument against him (“the circularity objection”) has no merit and that our positive view cannot account for institutional facts created via joint action. We deny all three charges.
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  31. Apriority, reason, and induction in Hume.Houston Smit - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (3):313-343.
    In what follows, I argue that Hume works with a notion of the a priori that, though unfamiliar today, was standard in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. On this notion of the a priori, to know (consider, prove) something a priori is to know (consider, prove) it from the grounds that make it true. I will refer to this as the "from-grounds" notion of the a priori, and to the now-familiar and dominant notion—on which to know something a priori is (...)
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  32. Weismann, Wittgenstein and the homunculus fallacy.Harry Smit - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (3):263-271.
    A problem that has troubled both neo-Darwinists and neo-Lamarckians is whether instincts involve knowledge. This paper discusses the contributions to this problem of the evolutionary biologist August Weismann and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Weismann discussed an empirical homunculus fallacy: Lamarck’s theory mistakenly presupposes a homunculus in the germ cells. Wittgenstein discussed a conceptual homunculus fallacy which applies to Lamarck’s theory: it is mistaken to suppose that knowledge is stored in the brain or DNA. The upshot of these two fallacies is (...)
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  33. Almog was Right, Kripke’s Causal Theory is Trivial.J. P. Smit - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1627-1641.
    Joseph Almog pointed out that Kripkean causal chains not only exist for names, but for all linguistic items (Almog 1984: 482). Based on this, he argues that the role of such chains is the presemantic one of assigning a linguistic meaning to the use of a name (1984: 484). This view is consistent with any number of theories about what such a linguistic meaning could be, and hence with very different views about the semantic reference of names. He concludes that (...)
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  34. Polyglossia and nativization: the translation of Zoonyms in early Dutch Bibles.Merlijn de Smit - 2019 - In Mikko Kauko, Miika Norro, Kirsi-Maria Nummila, Tanja Toropainen & Tuomo Fonsén (eds.), Languages in the Lutheran Reformation: textual networks and the spread of ideas. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Ethical Considerations in Personalized Medicine.Smit Patel, Chris Slavin & Raj R. Rao - 2020 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 11 (1):89-93.
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    'Absurd' Rationalist Cosmology: Copernicus, Kepler, Descartes and the Religious Basis for the end to Aristotelian Dogma.Nicholas Smit-Keding - 2016 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 7 (1):7.
    Current popular narratives regarding the history of astronomy espouse the narrative of scientific development arising from clashes between observed phenomena and dogmatic religious scripture. Such narratives consider the development of our understandings of the cosmos as isolated episodes in ground-breaking, world-view shifting events, led by rational, objective and secular observers. As observation of astronomical development in the early 1600s shows, however, such a narrative is false. Developments by Johannes Kepler, for instance, followed earlier efforts by Nicholas Copernicus to refine Aristotelian-based (...)
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  37. De wereldbeschouwing van Charles Secrétan.Pieter Smit - 1906 - Nijmegen,: H. ten Hoet.
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    Five uneasy pieces: essays on law and evolution.Jan M. Smits - 2019 - The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
    Can the law benefit from an evolutionary perspective? This little book shows how the idea of survival of the fittest can help explain legal development and the rise and fall of legal institutions. The reader is invited to join in on a journey of discovery in which the world of Darwin is connected to the topics of legal change, convergence of law, legal complexity, law in hip-hop music and the adoption of the price-payment rule. Exploring these five themes from an (...)
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    Music Perception Abilities and Ambiguous Word Learning: Is There Cross-Domain Transfer in Nonmusicians?Eline A. Smit, Andrew J. Milne & Paola Escudero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:801263.
    Perception of music and speech is based on similar auditory skills, and it is often suggested that those with enhanced music perception skills may perceive and learn novel words more easily. The current study tested whether music perception abilities are associated with novel word learning in an ambiguous learning scenario. Using a cross-situational word learning (CSWL) task, nonmusician adults were exposed to word-object pairings between eight novel words and visual referents. Novel words were either non-minimal pairs differing in all sounds (...)
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    Terrorisme en rechtvaardige oorlog: recht en onrecht in tijden van terreur.Wim Smit - 2007 - Antwerpen: Garant.
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  41. A note on life tables and nonlinear death processes.H. R. Vaart - 1983 - Acta Biotheoretica 32 (1).
    This note is viewing survival data of a natural cohort as being generated by a possibly nonlinear, nonhomogeneous death process. It proves that the usual conditional distributions of the number of survivors at a certain age are binomial if and only if the death process is linear. Thus the customary statistical methods for the analysis of life table data are, strictly speaking, invalid whenever the underlying death process is nonlinear. For example, if a contagious disease is the cause of some (...)
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  42. Is Somaliland a Country? An Essay on Institutional Objects in the Social Sciences.J. P. Smit & Filip Buekens - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Searle claims that his theory of institutional reality is particularly suitable as a theoretical scheme of individuation for work in the social sciences. We argue that this is not the case. The first problem with regulatory individuation is due to the familiar fact that institutional judgments have constrained revisability criteria. The second problem with regulatory individuation is due to the fact that institutions amend their declarative judgments based on the inferential (syntactic) properties of the judgments and in response to regulatory (...)
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    'Theory of mind' in animals: ways to make progress.Elske Vaart & Charlotte K. Hemelrijk - 2012 - Synthese (3):1-20.
    Whether any non-human animal can attribute mental states to others remains the subject of extensive debate. This despite the fact that several species have behaved as if they have a ‘theory of mind’ in various behavioral tasks. In this paper, we review the reasons of skeptics for their doubts: That existing experimental setups cannot distinguish between ‘mind readers’ and ‘behavior readers’, that results that seem to indicate ‘theory of mind’ may come from studies that are insufficiently controlled, and that our (...)
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  44. How to Resolve Comte’s Challenge: The Answer of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Neo-Aristotelian Alternative.Harry Smit - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (3):1201-1217.
    Comte argued against the Cartesian conception of the mind that the thinker cannot simultaneously think or perceive and observe itself so doing. Based on insights from cognitive neuroscience, Dehaene has recently given a contemporary answer to Comte’s challenge. He has extended some ideas of Helmholtz on unconscious inferences and argued that we can resolve Comte’s problem by reformulating it in terms of the brain. Since the brain consists of different parts having different functions, it is possible that some parts are (...)
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  45. An Unjustly Neglected Theory of Semantic Reference.J. P. Smit - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (5):1297-1316.
    There is a simple, intuitive theory of the semantic reference of proper names that has been unjustly neglected. This is the view that semantic reference is conventionalized speakers reference, i.e. the view that a name semantically refers to an object if, and only if, there exists a convention to use the name to speaker-refer to that object. The theory can be found in works dealing primarily with other issues (e.g. Stine in Philos Stud 33:319–337, 1977; Schiffer in Erkenntnis 13:171–206, 1978; (...)
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  46. What is legal doctrine? : on the aims and methods of legal-dogmatic research.Jan M. Smits - 2017 - In Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin (eds.), Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  47. Russell’s Eccentricity.J. P. Smit - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (2):275-293.
    Russell claims that ordinary proper names are eccentric, i.e. that the semantic referent of a name is determined by the descriptive condition that the individual utterer of the name associates with the name. This is deeply puzzling, for the evidence that names are subject to interpersonal coordination seems irrefutable. One way of making sense of Russell’s view would be to claim that he has been systematically misinterpreted and did not, in fact, offer a semantic theory at all. Such a view (...)
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  48. The Two Fundamental Problems of Epistemology, Their Resolution, and Relevance for Life Science.Harry Smit - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):105-119.
    Among the many fundamental problems Wittgenstein discussed, two are especially relevant for evolutionary theory. The first one is the problem of negation and its relation to the intentionality of thought. Its resolution answers the question of how thought can anticipate reality though what is thought may not exist, and explains how empirical propositions are distinguishable from mathematical, logical, and conceptual (or what are traditionally called metaphysical) propositions. The second is the problem of the grounds of sensory experience. Wittgenstein’s resolution of (...)
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    Individual Rights and the Making of the International System.Christian Reus-Smit - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    We live today in the first global system of sovereign states in history, encompassing all of the world's polities, peoples, religions and civilizations. Christian Reus-Smit presents a new account of how this system came to be, one in which struggles for individual rights play a central role. The international system expanded from its original European core in five great waves, each involving the fragmentation of one or more empires into a host of successor sovereign states. In the most important, (...)
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    Afscheid nemen van de Homo philosophicus.Marion Smit - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (3):351-354.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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