Results for 'Users’ empowerment'

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  1.  28
    A Comparative Analysis of Personalisation: Balancing an Ethic of Care with User Empowerment.Kirstein Rummery - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):138-152.
    Developments in the provision of care and support services for disabled and older people across developed welfare states have led to the expansion of personalisation (sometimes called cash-for-care, direct payments, care payments, etc.) schemes, whereby cash is paid in substitute for care services and support. Although these schemes vary considerably in their scope and operation (sometimes paying carers directly, sometimes enabling disabled and older people to act as direct employers, sometimes mixing paid and unpaid care), they share the characteristics of (...)
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    Challenges to the modernist identity of psychiatry! User empowerment and recovery.Pat Bracken & Philip Thomas - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 123.
    This chapter argues that the modernist agenda, currently dominant in mainstream psychiatry, serves as a disempowering force for service users. By structuring the world of mental health according to a technological logic, this agenda is usually seen as promoting a liberation from "myths" about mental illness that led to stigma and oppression in the past. However, it is argued that this approach systematically separates mental distress from background contextual issues and sidelines non-technological aspects of mental health such as relationships, values, (...)
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    Empowerment through health self-testing apps? Revisiting empowerment as a process.Alexandra Kapeller & Iris Loosman - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (1):143-152.
    Empowerment, an already central concept in public health, has gained additional relevance through the expansion of mobile health (mHealth). Especially direct-to-consumer self-testing app companies mobilise the term to advertise their products, which allow users to self-test for various medical conditions independent of healthcare professionals. This article first demonstrates the absence of empowerment conceptualisations in the context of self-testing apps by engaging with empowerment literature. It then contrasts the service these apps provide with two widely cited empowerment (...)
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    Book Review: Empowerment and participation: power, influence and control in contemporary health care, Empowerment and the health service user. [REVIEW]Maya Shaha - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (2):213-214.
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    Subject to empowerment: the constitution of power in an educational program for health professionals.Truls I. Juritzen, Eivind Engebretsen & Kristin Heggen - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):443-455.
    Empowerment and user participation represents an ideal of power with a strong position in the health sector. In this article we use text analysis to investigate notions of power in a program plan for health workers focusing on empowerment. Issues addressed include: How are relationships of power between users and helpers described in the program plan? Which notions of user participation are embedded in the plan? The analysis is based on Foucault’s idea that power which is made subject (...)
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    “Alexa, define empowerment”: voice assistants at home, appropriation and technoperformances.Olya Kudina & Mark Coeckelbergh - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (2):299-312.
    Purpose This paper aims to show how the production of meaning is a matter of people interacting with technologies, throughout their appropriation and in co-performances. The researchers rely on the case of household-based voice assistants that endorse speaking as a primary mode of interaction with technologies. By analyzing the ethical significance of voice assistants as co-producers of moral meaning intervening in the material and socio-cultural space of the home, the paper invites their informed and critical use as a form of (...)
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  7.  24
    Phenomenology and empowerment in self‐testing apps.Alexandra Kapeller - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):770-777.
    Although self‐testing apps, a form of mobile health (mHealth) apps, are often marketed as empowering, it is not obvious how exactly they can empower their users—and in which sense of the word. In this article, I discuss two conceptualisations of empowerment as polar opposites—one in health promotion/mHealth and one in feminist theory—and demonstrate how both their applications to individually used self‐testing apps run into problems. The first, prevalent in health promotion and mHealth, focuses on internal states and understands (...) as an individual process. However, this version of empowerment has been accused of paternalism and responsibilisation. The second, feminist version considers structural conditions and foregrounds collective, political change, whose realisation is not obviously attainable for an individually used app. By pointing out the flaws of the positions that focus on either internal states or external conditions, and by engaging with theory from critical phenomenology, I argue that the interplay between them is where empowerment can take place. I propose to formulate empowerment in phenomenological terms as a shift in being‐in‐the‐world and discuss how this conceptualisation of empowerment would avoid the criticism of previous empowerment narratives while being realisable by self‐testing apps. (shrink)
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    Det monitorerede mig – empowerment eller patologisering?Lisbeth Kappelgaard - 2015 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):37-54.
    Healthcare apps er blevet en omfattende industri. Vi kan ganske gratis downloade tusindvis af apps, som sætter os i stand til at monitorere alt fra vores fysiske form til vores mentale velbefindende, og vi kan gennem denne monitorering, producere endeløse datamængder og viden om os selv og vores liv – altså skabe et «monitoreret mig». Men hvordan forholder vi os til denne mulighed? I nærværende artikel tages udgangspunkt i foreløbige resultater fra et igangværende ph.d. projekt, hvor brugen af apps og (...)
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  9. Coercion or empowerment? Moderation of content in Wikipedia as 'essentially contested' bureaucratic rules.Paul B. de Laat - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (2):123-135.
    In communities of user-generated content, systems for the management of content and/or their contributors are usually accepted without much protest. Not so, however, in the case of Wikipedia, in which the proposal to introduce a system of review for new edits (in order to counter vandalism) led to heated discussions. This debate is analysed, and arguments of both supporters and opponents (of English, German and French tongue) are extracted from Wikipedian archives. In order to better understand this division of the (...)
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    (1 other version)On the way to the digital homo vitruvianus? Medical self-tracking and digital health applications (DiGA) between empowerment and loss of control.Florian Funer - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (1):13-30.
    Definition of the problemHealth Apps are becoming increasingly important for a preventive and responsible orientation of the health system. Currently, most of these digital health applications (DiGA) are based on so-called self-tracking technologies which record physiological and psychological data via sensors, usually combined with personalized everyday information. In the last few years, these digital developments have launched an intense and clearly polarized debate about the opportunities and dangers of self-tracking in healthcare.ArgumentsAfter a brief overview of medical self-tracking, this essay wants (...)
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    Social Media and Mass Empowerment: Towards a Theory of Digital Legitimacy.Amanda R. Greene & Sam Gilbert - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (5-6):537-570.
    Many people are concerned about the legitimacy of digital technology companies like Meta. In this paper we show that two existing models for characterizing power – sovereign power and structural power – are inadequate when it comes to digital technology companies. This is because they fail to accommodate something crucial: the uniquely empowering nature of digital power. Companies like Meta empower users to interact by providing them with versatile systems defined by minimalist permission structures. Drawing on Searle’s theory of institutions (...)
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  12.  26
    The information, control, and value models of mobile health‐driven empowerment.Jesse Gray, Seppe Segers & Heidi Mertes - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    Mobile health tools are often said to empower users by providing them with the information they need to exercise control over their health. We aim to bring clarity to this claim, and in doing so explore the relationship between empowerment and autonomy. We have identified three distinct models embedded in the empowerment rhetoric: empowerment as information, empowerment as control, and empowerment as values. Each distinct model of empowerment gives rise to an associated problem. These (...)
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  13.  18
    Public access venues and community empowerment in Mozambique: a social representation study.Isabella Rega & Sara Vannini - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):199-217.
    This article uses the theoretical construct of Social Representations to investigate how Community Multimedia Centers (CMCs) – venues that offer public access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to underserved communities – are perceived by communities in Mozambique, and it discusses how the local population understands these venues as means to foster community empowerment and socio-economic development. In total, 113 participants took part in the study, from six CMCs in different towns of Mozambique. Participants were represented from three different (...)
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  14.  23
    On the adoption of personal health records: some problematic issues for patient empowerment.Paraskevas Vezyridis & Stephen Timmons - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (2):113-124.
    The development of electronic personal health records by independent vendors and national health systems is understood to empower patients and create a new kind of consumerism in healthcare. With more personal health information at hand, active participation in the management of health and rational purchasing of healthcare services will be possible. Healthcare systems will also be able to contain costs and achieve sustainability. Based on a careful examination of the literature, we argue that many of the declared benefits of this (...)
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  15.  22
    Representing youth as vulnerable social media users: a social semiotic analysis of the promotional materials from The Social Dilemma.Wei Jhen Liang & Fei Victor Lim - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (256):153-174.
    While participation in social media has become everyday practice among young people, there have been few studies examining how youth as social media users are represented in the media discourse. Focusing on the promotional materials of an award-winning and widely-viewed documentary film, The Social Dilemma, this paper examines the media depictions of youth that attract the public’s attention. Through a social semiotic analysis, we analyzed the representational, interactive, and compositional meanings in the poster and trailer to identify how young people (...)
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  16.  19
    Three years into the implementation of PrEP in France: What do users and health professionals say? (ANRS 95036).Perrine Galmiche, Lisa Carayon & Nicolas Foureur - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    The implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a new tool for prevention against HIV raised particular ethical concerns regarding the individuals’ and the collective's best interests in France. It was questioned whether the beneficence of taking or prescribing PrEP regarding its high efficacy to protect people from HIV is always more important than the maleficence represented by the risks involved, such as healthy people taking a pill with side effects, the growth of sexually transmitted infections or the potential generalization of (...)
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    Ethical Design in the Internet of Things.Gianmarco Baldini, Maarten Botterman, Ricardo Neisse & Mariachiara Tallacchini - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):905-925.
    Even though public awareness about privacy risks in the Internet is increasing, in the evolution of the Internet to the Internet of Things these risks are likely to become more relevant due to the large amount of data collected and processed by the “Things”. The business drivers for exploring ways to monetize such data are one of the challenges identified in this paper for the protection of Privacy in the IoT. Beyond the protection of privacy, this paper highlights the need (...)
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  18.  16
    Augmented facets.Federico Biggio - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):509-526.
    Augmented reality facial effects represent a new trend in social media communication based on ‘short forms’. The article proposes a tripartite analysis: a semiotic analysis of digital facial effects used to empower the natural users’ faces; a deconstructionist analysis of Spark by Meta, one of the major software applications to create such effects and, finally, a critical reflection on the practices prescribed by Spark and the stereotypical aesthetics of augmented selfies. The conclusion states that such forms of augmented reality effects (...)
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  19.  14
    The “silence of the chips” concept: towards an ethics(-by-design) for IoT.Caroline Rizza & Laura Draetta - 2014 - International Review of Information Ethics 22:23-31.
    In this position paper, we would like to promote the alternative approach positioned between the two extreme positions consisting in refusing any innovation or in adopting technology without questioning it. This approach proposes a reflexive and responsible innovation based on a compromise between industrial and economic potentialities and a common respect of our human rights and values. We argue that the “silence of the chips right” is timely, relevant and sustainable to face ethical challenges raised by IoT such as protecting (...)
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  20.  47
    Ethical Issues in Social Work.Richard Hugman & David Smith (eds.) - 1995 - Routledge.
    It has always been recognised that the practice of social work raises ethical questions and dilemmas. Recently, however, traditional ways of addressing ethical issues in social work have come to seem inadequate, as a result of developments both in philosophy and in social work theory and practice. This collection of thought-provoking essays explores the ethics of social work practice on the light of these changes. Ethical Issues in Social Work provides up to date critical analyses of the ethical implications of (...)
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  21.  50
    Optimization of what? For-profit health apps as manipulative digital environments.Marijn Sax - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):345-361.
    Mobile health applications (‘health apps’) that promise the user to help her with some aspect of her health are very popular: for-profit apps such as MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, or Headspace have tens of millions of users each. For-profit health apps are designed and run as optimization systems. One would expect that these health apps aim to optimize the health of the user, but in reality they aim to optimize user engagement and, in effect, conversion. This is problematic, I argue, because digital (...)
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  22.  20
    The Future Center as an empowering ecology.Ron Dvir, Fiona Lettice, Carol Webb & Yael Schwartzberg - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):206-225.
    PurposeTo present a generic empowerment ecology framework to guide the operation of Future Centers and to empower Future Center visitors to respond to the challenges facing them and develop and implement innovative solutions.Design/methodology/approachAn in‐depth case study was conducted in Be'er Sheva PISGA Future Center in the educational sector in Israel. Visits to a further 20 Future Centers around the world and a literature review helped to generalize the key findings and develop and validate the framework further.FindingsAlthough empowerment is (...)
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  23.  45
    Lockbox: mobility, privacy and values in cloud storage. [REVIEW]Luke Stark & Matt Tierney - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (1):1-13.
    This paper examines one particular problem of values in cloud computing: how individuals can take advantage of the cloud to store data without compromising their privacy and autonomy. Through the creation of Lockbox, an encrypted cloud storage application, we explore how designers can use reflection in designing for human values to maintain both privacy and usability in the cloud.
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  24.  14
    Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Full: Exploring the Ethics in Design Practices.Marc Steen - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (3):389-420.
    Contemporary design practices, such as participatory design, human-centered design, and codesign, have inherent ethical qualities, which often remain implicit and unexamined. Three design projects in the high-tech industry were studied using three ethical traditions as lenses. Virtue ethics helped to understand cooperation, curiosity, creativity, and empowerment as virtues that people in PD need to cultivate, so that they can engage, for example, in mutual learning and collaborative prototyping. Ethics of alterity helped to understand human-centered design as a fragile encounter (...)
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  25.  53
    Mobile health ethics and the expanding role of autonomy.Bettina Schmietow & Georg Marckmann - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):623-630.
    Mhealth technology is mushrooming world-wide and, in a variety of forms, reaches increasing numbers of users in ever-widening contexts and virtually independent from standard medical evidence assessment. Yet, debate on the broader societal impact including in particular mapping and classification of ethical issues raised has been limited. This article, as part of an ongoing empirically informed ethical research project, provides an overview of ethical issues of mhealth applications with a specific focus on implications on autonomy as a key notion in (...)
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  26.  44
    Personalized medicine, digital technology and trust: a Kantian account.Bjørn K. Myskja & Kristin S. Steinsbekk - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):577-587.
    Trust relations in the health services have changed from asymmetrical paternalism to symmetrical autonomy-based participation, according to a common account. The promises of personalized medicine emphasizing empowerment of the individual through active participation in managing her health, disease and well-being, is characteristic of symmetrical trust. In the influential Kantian account of autonomy, active participation in management of own health is not only an opportunity, but an obligation. Personalized medicine is made possible by the digitalization of medicine with an ensuing (...)
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  27.  35
    Medicine, market and communication: ethical considerations in regard to persuasive communication in direct-to-consumer genetic testing services.Manuel Schaper & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Commercial genetic testing offered over the internet, known as direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT), currently is under ethical attack. A common critique aims at the limited validation of the tests as well as the risk of psycho-social stress or adaption of incorrect behavior by users triggered by misleading health information. Here, we examine in detail the specific role of advertising communication of DTC GT companies from a medical ethical perspective. Our argumentative analysis departs from the starting point that DTC GT (...)
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  28.  49
    What happens after technology adoption? Gendered aspects of small-scale irrigation technologies in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Tanzania.Sophie Theis, Nicole Lefore, Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Elizabeth Bryan - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):671-684.
    Diverse agricultural technologies are promoted to increase yields and incomes, save time, improve food and nutritional security, and even empower women. Yet a gender gap in technology adoption remains for many agricultural technologies, even for those that are promoted for women. This paper complements the literature on gender and technology adoption, which largely focuses on reasons for low rates of female technology adoption, by shifting attention to what happens within a household after it adopts a technology. Understanding the expected benefits (...)
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  29. La contribution de l’approche par les capabilités d’Amartya Sen à la pratique professionnelle en santé mentale : une analyse éthique.Hubert Doucet - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):93-101.
    This study aims to show the contribution of Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach to professional mental health practice. To do so, the text first clarifies the transformation that has occured in the mental health field over the last 50 years. The “recovery”, with its emphasis on the empowerment of the user, testifies to this renewal. In a second part, the capabilities approach of Amartya Sen is presented. If its aim is to strengthen the power of individuals to choose the life (...)
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  30.  24
    Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Personas Populating Unregulated mHealth Research.Megan Doerr & Christi Guerrini - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):37-48.
    A key feature of unregulated mHealth research is the diversity of participants in this space. Applying an approach drawn from user experience design, we describe a set of archetypal unregulated mHealth researcher “personas,” which range from individuals who seek empowerment or have philanthropic objectives to those who are primarily motivated by financial gain or have misanthropic objectives. These descriptions are useful for evaluating policies applicable to mHealth to understand how they will impact various stakeholders.
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    The person in health care policy development.Janet Wallcraft - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):347-349.
  32.  56
    Would John Dewey Wear a Fitbit? A Pragmatist Analysis of Self-Tracking Technologies’ Impact on Habit Formation.Michał Wieczorek - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-24.
    In this paper, I discuss the formation of habits with the help of self-tracking technologies. Although devices like Fitbit smart bands come with promises of empowerment through the means of increased control over users’ habits, existing literature does not provide conclusive findings about the validity of such claims. I contribute to the ongoing debate by relying on John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy and its notion of intelligent habit. I demonstrate that from a pragmatist standpoint, habits that are the most likely (...)
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  33.  40
    (1 other version)Beyond informed choice: Prenatal risk assessment, decision-making and trust.Nete Schwennesen, Mette Nordahl Svendsen & Lene Koch - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):11-31.
    In 2004 prenatal risk assessment was implemented as a routine offer to all pregnant women in Denmark. It was argued that primarily the new programme would give all pregnant women an informed choice about whether to undergo prenatal testing. On the basis of ethnographic fieldwork in an ultrasound clinic in Denmark and interviews with pregnant women and their partners, we call into question the assumption underlying the new guidelines that more choice and more objective information is a source of (...) and control. We focus on one couple's experience of PRA. This case makes it evident how supposed choices in the context of PRA may not be experienced as such. Rather, they are experienced as complicated processes of meaning-making in the relational space between the clinical setting, professional authority and the social life of the couples. PRA users are reluctant to make choices and abandon health professionals as authoritative experts in the face of complex risk knowledge. When assumptions about autonomy and self-determination are inscribed into the social practice of PRA, authority is transferred to the couple undergoing PRA and a new configuration of responsibility evolves between the couple and their relationship to the foetus. It is argued that al-though the new programme of prenatal testing in Denmark presents itself in opposition to quasi-eugenic and paternalistic forms of governing couples' decisions it represents another form of government that works through the notion of choice. An ethics of a shared responsibility of PRA and its outcome would be more in agreement with how decisions are actually made. (shrink)
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    BBC Arabic, Social Media and Citizen Production: An Experiment in Digital Democracy before the Arab Spring.Marie Gillespie - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):92-130.
    This article examines an innovative experiment in democratizing international broadcasting through embracing a participatory model of production. In spring 2010, a political debate television series was co-created by BBC Arabic and citizen producers, using social media tools. Based around interviews with prominent political and controversial public figures, the programme (G710) was broadcast weekly on satellite TV across the Middle East and the Arabic-speaking world. Combining collaborative ethnography with corporate ‘big data’ analysis, the research team followed the experiment from conception to (...)
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    “Elections” or “Selections”? Blogging and Twittering the Nigerian 2007 General Elections.Presley Ifukor - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (6):398-414.
    This article examines the linguistic construction of textual messages in the use of blogs and Twitter in the Nigerian 2007 electoral cycle comprising the April 2007 general elections and rerun elections in April, May, and August 2009. A qualitative approach of discourse analysis is used to present a variety of discursive acts that blogging and microblogging afford social media users during the electoral cycle. The data are culled from 245 blog posts and 923 tweets. The thesis of the study is (...)
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  36. The Internet as Cognitive Enhancement.Cristina Voinea, Constantin Vică, Emilian Mihailov & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):2345-2362.
    The Internet has been identified in human enhancement scholarship as a powerful cognitive enhancement technology. It offers instant access to almost any type of information, along with the ability to share that information with others. The aim of this paper is to critically assess the enhancement potential of the Internet. We argue that unconditional access to information does not lead to cognitive enhancement. The Internet is not a simple, uniform technology, either in its composition, or in its use. We will (...)
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    Finding partnership: The benefit of sharing and the capacity for complexity.Michaela Amering - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (1):77-79.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Finding PartnershipThe Benefit of Sharing and the Capacity for ComplexityMichaela Amering (bio)Keywordsrecovery, empowerment, trialog, user involvement, schizophreniaIs There Ignorance and Arrogance? In Psychiatry? In Medicine?Adding insight to injury' is the paraphrase psychiatrist Pat McGorry (1992) coined for his reproach of 'pushing for "insight" or "acceptance of diagnosis"' without carefully taking into account the complexities of the individual situation, context, and needs. That must be about the kind of (...)
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    Acting-with: On the Development of a Public Realm on TikTok during the Pandemic and its Potential to Enable Action.Jurgita Imbrasaite - 2022 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 26 (3):504-522.
    The pandemic and subsequent wave of lockdowns in many countries led to a massive increase in TikTok users globally, boosting the platform’s public significance. Even if TikTok’s political potential is already established, the platform still lacks a theoretical underpinning as a space for action. Using both a political-philosophical as well as a techno-philosophical perspective, I seek to discuss and substantiate TikTok’s potential as a public realm that enables political action. Due to the unique algorithmic logic of this app, I argue (...)
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    The ethics of self-tracking. A comprehensive review of the literature.Michał Wieczorek, Fiachra O’Brolchain, Yashar Saghai & Bert Gordijn - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (4):239-271.
    This paper presents a literature review on the ethics of self-tracking technologies which are utilized by users to monitor parameters related to their activity and bodily parameters. By examining a total of 65 works extracted through a systematic database search and backwards snowballing, the authors of this review discuss three categories of opportunities and ten categories of concerns currently associated with self-tracking. The former include empowerment and well-being, contribution to health goals, and solidarity. The latter are social harms, privacy (...)
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    Exploring Human Values in the Design of a Web-Based QoL-Instrument for People with Mental Health Problems: A Value Sensitive Design Approach.Ivo Maathuis, Maartje Niezen, David Buitenweg, Ilja L. Bongers & Chijs van Nieuwenhuizen - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):871-898.
    Quality of life is an important outcome measure in mental health care. Currently, QoL is mainly measured with paper and pencil questionnaires. To contribute to the evaluation of treatment, and to enhance substantiated policy decisions in the allocation of resources, a web-based, personalized, patient-friendly and easy to administer QoL instrument has been developed: the QoL-ME. While human values play a significant role in shaping future use practices of technologies, it is important to anticipate on them during the design of the (...)
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    ‘Now we call it research’: participatory health research involving marginalized women who use drugs.Amy Salmon, Annette J. Browne & Ann Pederson - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):336-345.
    SALMON A, BROWNE AJ, and PEDERSON A. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 336–345 ‘Now we call it research’: participatory health research involving marginalized women who use drugsIn this paper, we discuss and analyse the strategies employed and challenges encountered when conducting a recent feminist participatory action research study with highly marginalized women who were illicit drug users in an inner city area of Vancouver, Canada. Through an analysis of the political economy of participatory praxis within current neoliberal contexts, we focus on (...)
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    Alternatives for the enforcement of the right to health in Brazil.Carla A. A. Ventura, Rubens C. Junior, Murillo S. Gutier & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):318-327.
    In this article, the right to health is discussed as a social right and an essential requisite in the construction and guarantee of human rights, more precisely human dignity, considering this right as a complex but effective process in the transformation of the social reality. In the first place, the activities of the public power and its difficulties to guarantee universal access to health are highlighted. This scenario ends up inhibiting the practice of the right to health and prevents users (...)
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    Seeking Connections, Creating Movement: The Power of Altruistic Action.Tineke A. Abma & Vivianne Baur - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (4):366-384.
    Participation of older people in designing and improving the care and services provided in residential care settings is limited. Traditional forms of democratic representation, such as client councils, and consumer models are management-driven. An alternative way of involving older people in the decisions over their lives, grounded in notions of care ethics and deliberative democracy, was explored by action research. In line with this tradition older people engage in collective action to enhance the control over their lives and those of (...)
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  44.  34
    Alternatives for the enforcement of the right to health in Brazil.Carla A. A. Ventura, Rubens C. Junior, Murillo S. Gutier & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):318-327.
    In this article, the right to health is discussed as a social right and an essential requisite in the construction and guarantee of human rights, more precisely human dignity, considering this right as a complex but effective process in the transformation of the social reality. In the first place, the activities of the public power and its difficulties to guarantee universal access to health are highlighted. This scenario ends up inhibiting the practice of the right to health and prevents users (...)
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  45. Hacking the Cycle: Femtech, Internalized Surveillance, and Productivity.Alzbeta Hajkova & Tom Doyle - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (4):1-22.
    Femtech refers to a growing range of technologies that aim to address health needs typically associated with women’s bodies, such as maternal health, fertility, menstruation, sexual wellness, or contraception. We examine a specific popular femtech product, cycle tracking apps, as an instrument of self-surveillance for greater productivity. Our analysis is grounded in the phenomenology of temporality—we understand workplace surveillance technologies as advancing an internalized sense of time discipline, generating a personal experience of time as a constant call to improve one’s (...)
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    Political irony as self-censorship practice? Examining dissidents’ use of Weibo in the 2017 Hong Kong Chief Executive Election.Zhongxuan Lin & Yupei Zhao - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (5):512-532.
    This research examines the knowledge constructed in political ironic discourses, which is associated with different models of practicing self-censorship, taking a case study of the 2017 Hong Kong Chief Executive Election via social media Weibo. Critical discourse analysis, the verbal irony principle and semi-structured interviews were employed to compare participants from mainland China and Hong Kong, including opinion leaders and casual users. This research suggests a three-stage analytical framework that clearly emphasizes the act of rhetorical discourse and the practice of (...)
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    The contribution of “information science” to the social and ethical challenges of the information age.Shifra Baruchson-Arbib - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):53-58.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to introduce readers to the social and ethnical dimensions of information science.Design/methodology/approachThe paper provides a literature survey on the concept of information science and its history. It describes the different developments involved in the development of information science as a research field. It present various definitions and domains of the field that represent different stages of information science evolution.FindingsThis paper presents an updated image of information science as a research field that takes into consideration (...)
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    Web U2: Emerging Online Communities and Gendered Intimacy in the Asia-Pacific region.Larissa Hjorth - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (2):117-124.
    Unquestionably, the zeitgeist of Web 2.0 is symbolized by the dominance of social networking sites (SNS) and user-created content (UCC). MySpace, Facebook, and Cyworld mini-hompy are but a few examples of SNS that are becoming increasingly part of urban everyday life and interwoven into the historicity of the Internet. Web 2.0 has promised much about new forms of participation, creation, collaboration, and authorship, and yet within each location, we can find examples of both empowerment and exploitation. This is particularly (...)
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    Creating an ethical culture to support recovery from substance use disorders.Laura Williamson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):9-9.
    There is a long-standing failure to create an ethical culture around substance use disorders (SUDs) or dependence that actively supports people’s recovery efforts. Issues which impede the development of prorecovery environments are complex, but include the far-reaching effects of the social stigma that surrounds SUDs; and the failure to harness relational and social support that allows debates to transcend blaming individual substance users. As part of efforts to create prorecovery environments, it is important to acknowledge that bioethics debate on SUDs (...)
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    The ethical and legal considerations of young people and their parents using a hospital patient portal: Hospital Ethics Committee members perspectives.Pippa Sipanoun, Jo Wray, Kate Oulton & Faith Gibson - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210944.
    Background In April 2019, our hospital transitioned to an electronic patient record system and patient portal. MyGOSH enables young people aged 12 years or older and their parents to access results, documentation, appointments, and to communicate with their care team. Aims A focus group was conducted to explore the ethical and legal considerations of young people and their parents using a patient portal from the perspective of hospital Ethics Committee members. Participants and research context Members of the hospital Paediatric Bioethics (...)
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