Results for 'Uriel Barak'

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  1.  39
    The Collective Soul.Uriel Barak - 2016 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 24 (2):300-317.
    _ Source: _Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 300 - 317 This article examines R. Zvi Yehudah Kook’s reading of two earlier thinkers who were influential in the formulation of his thought—the Maharal of Prague and R. Avraham Azulai. I argue that his creative and unique reading of these texts exemplifies a fascinating dialogue he held with earlier sources, which he interpreted and infused with his own theological postulates. Here I explore his theory of the unique nature of the Jewish soul, (...)
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    Kabbalah versus Philosophy: Rabbi Avraham Itzhak Kook’s Critique of the Spiritual World of Franz Rosenzweig.Uriel Barak - 2015 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 23 (1):27-59.
  3.  9
    Die Schriften des Uriel da Costa.Uriel Acosta - 1922 - Amsterdam,: M. Hertzberger. Edited by Carl Gebhardt.
    Einleitung: Da Costa und das Marranenproblem. Die Gründung der Sephardischen Gemeinde in Amsterdam. Die Spaltung des Bewusstseins. Das Schicksal da Costas. Da Costa und Spinoza.--Propostas contra a tradição. Thesen gegen die Tradition.--Sobre a mortalidade da alma. Über die Sterblichkeit der Seele.--Exemplar humanae vitae. Ein Beispiel menschlichen Lebens.--Regesten.--Anmerkungen.
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    Guiding the Future: Rethinking the Role of Advance Directives in the Care of People with Dementia.Barak Gaster & Thaddeus Mason Pope - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S1):33-39.
    When people lose capacity to make a medical decision, the standard is to assess what their preferences would have been and try to honor their wishes. Dementia raises a special case in such situations, given its long, progressive trajectory during which others must make substituted judgments. The question of how to help surrogates make better‐informed decisions has led to the development of dementia‐specific advance directives, in which people are given tools to help them communicate what their preferences are while they (...)
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  5. Counterpossibles.Barak Krakauer - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts
    Counterpossibles are counterfactuals with necessarily false antecedents. The problem of counterpossibles is easiest to state within the "nearest possible world" framework for counterfactuals: on this approach, a counterfactual is true (roughly) when the consequent is true in the "nearest" possible world where the antecedent is true. Since counterpossibles have necessarily false antecedents, there is no possible world where the antecedent is true. On the approach favored by Lewis, Stalnaker, Williamson, and others, counterpossibles are all trivially true. I introduce several arguments (...)
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    What Makes a Better Life for People Facing Dementia? Toward Dementia‐Friendly Health and Social Policy, Medical Care, and Community Support in the United States.Barak Gaster & Emily A. Largent - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S1):40-47.
    Taking steps to build a more dementia‐friendly society is essential for addressing the needs of people experiencing dementia. Initiatives that improve the quality of life for those living with dementia are needed to lessen controllable factors that can negatively influence how people envision a future trajectory of dementia for themselves. Programs that provide better funding and better coordination for care support would lessen caregiver burden and make it more possible to imagine more people being able to live what they might (...)
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  7. What are impossible worlds?Barak Krakauer - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):989-1007.
    In this paper, I argue for a particular conception of impossible worlds. Possible worlds, as traditionally understood, can be used in the analysis of propositions, the content of belief, the truth of counterfactuals, and so on. Yet possible worlds are not capable of differentiating propositions that are necessarily equivalent, making sense of the beliefs of agents who are not ideally rational, or giving truth values to counterfactuals with necessarily false antecedents. The addition of impossible worlds addresses these issues. The kinds (...)
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  8.  33
    Applying a Social Constructivist Approach to an Online Course on Ethics of Research.Miri Barak & Gizell Green - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-24.
    The growing trend of shifting from classroom to distance learning in ethics education programs raises the need to examine ways for adapting best instructional practices to online modes. To address this need, the current study was set to apply a social constructivist approach to an online course in research ethics and to examine its effect on the learning outcomes of science and engineering graduate students. The study applied a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental research design within a framework of a mixed-methods approach. (...)
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  9.  15
    A Financial Case for a Medical-Legal Partnership: Reducing Lengths of Stay for Inpatient Care.Barak D. Richman, Breanna Barrett, Riya Mohan & Devdutta Sangvai - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):771-776.
    While Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) have improved the health and well-being of the people they serve, most healthcare institutions will only invest in an MLP if they are convinced that doing so will improve its balance sheet. This article offers a detailed estimation of the cost savings that an MLP targeted toward the most acute legal needs would accrue to an academic medical center (AMC) in North Carolina.
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    Explorations in semantic theory.Uriel Weinreich - 1972 - Paris,: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Explorations in Semantic Theory".
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  11.  50
    Philosophy of Microbiology, by Maureen A. O'Malley: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. x + 269, £19.99.Idan Ben-Barak - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):627-627.
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    Sheʻarim: le-mishnato shel ha-Rav Yehuda Leʼon Ashkenazi (Maniṭu) = An introduction to the thought of Rabbi Yehuda Ashkenazi (Manitou).Uriel Eitam - 2021 - Yeruḥam: Yeshivat ha-hesder Yeruḥam.
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  13.  17
    The Implicit Association of High-Fat Food and Shame Among Women Recovered From Eating Disorders.Roni Elran-Barak, Tzipi Dror, Andrea B. Goldschmidt & Bethany A. Teachman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14.  23
    A State of Inaction: Regulatory Preferences, Rent, and Income Inequality.Barak Orbach - 2015 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 16 (1):45-68.
    This Article explores several meanings of a regulatory preference for government inaction. It explains the rise to dominance of this inaction preference in the United States and its distorting influence on the perception and understanding of regulation. Specifically, the Article demonstrates how basic terms in regulation, such as “government failure,” “regulatory capture,” and “deregulation,” acquired misleading connotations suggesting that government inaction is always superior to government action. The Article further explains how, through government inaction, the U.S. legal system accommodates rent (...)
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    Autoconservación y trabajo desde la perspectiva edificante de Kierkegaard. Análisis de Lo que aprendemos de los lirios del campo y las aves del cielo.Pablo Uriel Rodríguez - 2021 - Franciscanum 63 (175):1-23.
    El presente artículo discute los conceptos de «autoconservación» y «trabajo» en Lo que aprendemos de los lirios del campo y las aves del cielo. El análisis del discurso edificante escrito por Kierkegaard en 1847 permite definir la perspectiva que el danés asume ante el proyecto filosófico de la Modernidad. A partir de una crítica a las concepciones estéticas y éticas de la vida, el autor edificante propone un modelo de existencia religiosa que combina la autoconservación y la dependencia.
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    Erkundungen zur Theorie der Semantik.Uriel Weinreich - 1970 - Tübingen,: M. Niemeyer.
    Die Buchreihe Konzepte der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft gibt Aufschluss über Prinzipien, Probleme und Verfahrensweisen philologischer Forschung im weitesten Sinne und dient einer Bestimmung des Standorts der Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft. Die Reihe übergreift Einzelsprachen und Einzelliteraturen. Sie stellt sich in den Dienst der Reflexion und Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Die Bände sind zum Teil informierende Einführungen, zum Teil wissenschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge.
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    Convergences in the analysis of the structure of interpersonal behavior.Uriel G. Foa - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (5):341-353.
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  18. Proportionality and Principled Balancing.Aharon Barak - 2010 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 4 (1):1-16.
    This essay focuses on proportionality stricto sensu as a consequential test of balancing. The basic balancing rule establishes a general criterion for deciding between the marginal benefit to the public good and the marginal limit to human rights. Based on the Israeli constitutional jurisprudence, this essay supports the adoption of a principled balancing approach that translates the basic balancing rule into a series of principled balancing tests, taking into account the importance of the rights and the type of restriction. This (...)
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    The strength of a remorseful heart: psychological and neural basis of how apology emolliates reactive aggression and promotes forgiveness.Urielle Beyens, Hongbo Yu, Ting Han, Li Zhang & Xiaolin Zhou - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  20.  36
    (1 other version)Ethnic and Racial Employment Discrimination in Low-Wage and High-Wage Markets: Randomized Controlled Trials Using Correspondence Tests in Israel.Barak Ariel, Ilanit Tobby-Alimi, Irit Cohen, Mazal Ben Ezra, Yafa Cohen & Gabriela Sosinski - 2015 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 9 (1):113-139.
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  21.  40
    (1 other version)Civic Ecologism: Environmental Politics in Cities.Nir Barak - 2020 - Tandf: Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (1):53-69.
    Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2020, Page 53-69.
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  22.  18
    New developments in facet design and analysis.Uriel G. Foa - 1965 - Psychological Review 72 (4):262-274.
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  23.  49
    Dreams, mnemonics, and tuning for criticality.Barak A. Pearlmutter & Conor J. Houghton - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):625-626.
    According to the tuning-for-criticality theory, the essential role of sleep is to protect the brain from super-critical behaviour. Here we argue that this protective role determines the content of dreams and any apparent relationship to the art of memory is secondary to this.
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  24.  46
    Super Majoritarianism and the Endowment Effect.Uriel Procaccia & Uzi Segal - 2003 - Theory and Decision 55 (3):181-207.
    The American and some other constitutions entrench property rights by requiring super majoritarian voting as a condition for amending or revoking their own provisions. Following Buchanan and Tullock [The Calculus of Consent, Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor), 1962], this paper analyzes individuals' interests behind a veil of ignorance, and shows that under some standard assumptions, a (simple) majoritarian rule should be adopted. This result changes if one assumes that preferences are consistent with the behavioral (...)
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  25.  15
    How Communities Create Economic Advantages: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York.Barak D. Richman - 2006 - Law and Social Inquiry 31 (2).
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    Rethinking Private Warfare.Daphné Richemond-Barak - 2011 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 5 (1):160-191.
    Waging war for money has been frowned upon since the Peace of Westphalia and the rise of the modern nation-state. The stigma associated with private warfare translates, in legal terms, into a prohibition on mercenary activity and denying mercenaries the protection afforded to regular combatants . Noting the apparent similarities between mercenaries and private military contractors, some have sought to extend to the latter the restrictive regime applicable to the former. But the resemblance between these two types of actors should (...)
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  27. Jonah.Uriel Simon - 1999
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  28. Reading Prophetic Narratives.Uriel Simon - 1997
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  29.  22
    On semantics.Uriel Weinreich - 1980 - [Philadephia]: University of Pennsylvania Press. Edited by William Labov & Beatrice Weinreich.
    Uriel Weinreich was of the innovative and creative thinkers in the field of semantics in the twentieth century. This volume contains all of Weinreich's writings on semantics, including a number of papers that were not published in his lifetime. It includes the first paper on the universals of semantic theory, an analysis of the fundamental concepts of semantics and semiotics, and a critique of lexicography.
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  30.  17
    Novice Researchers’ Views About Online Ethics Education and the Instructional Design Components that May Foster Ethical Practice.Miri Barak & Gizell Green - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1403-1421.
    The goal of the current study was to examine novice researchers’ views about online ethics education and to identify the instructional design components that may foster ethical practice. Applying the mixed methods approach, data were collected via a survey and semi-structured interviews among M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in science and engineering. The findings point to the need for rethinking the way conventional online ethics courses are developed and delivered; encouraging students to build confidence in learning from distance, engaging them in (...)
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  31.  48
    Hundertwasser – Inspiration for Environmental Ethics: Reformulating the Ecological Self.Nir Barak - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (3):317-342.
    This article analyses and interprets the works of Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000) as a source of inspiration for environmental ethics and offers an extended model of the Ecological Self based on an interpretation of his works. Hundertwasser was a prominent Jewish-Austrian artist and environmental activist, yet despite his commitment to environmental issues, he has not received the attention he deserves from the environmental ethics community. His works and writings suggest a critique and reformulation of the well-known concept of the Ecological Self. (...)
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  32.  42
    Cosmic Political Theory.Uriel Abulof & Shirley Le Penne - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):6-17.
    Modern political thought arrived on the heels of two revolutionary realizations: We are not at the center of the universe (Copernicus), which was not created for us (Darwin). How might political theory respond to a third revolutionary realization, that we are not alone, that other creatures, sentient and highly intelligent, share our vast universe? We explore answers through a dialogue between two political theorists, a human and an alien. Rather than superimposing astropolitics upon anthropolitics, we use the encounter to ask (...)
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  33.  10
    The Mortality and Morality of Nations: Jews, Afrikaners, and French-Canadians.Uriel Abulof - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Standing at the edge of life's abyss, we seek meaningful order. We commonly find this 'symbolic immortality' in religion, civilization, state and nation. What happens, however, when the nation itself appears mortal? The Mortality and Morality of Nations seeks to answer this question, theoretically and empirically. It argues that mortality makes morality, and right makes might; the nation's sense of a looming abyss informs its quest for a higher moral ground, which, if reached, can bolster its vitality. The book investigates (...)
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  34.  25
    When Children's Production Deviates From Observed Input: Modeling the Variable Production of the English Past Tense.Libby Barak, Zara Harmon, Naomi H. Feldman, Jan Edwards & Patrick Shafto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13328.
    As children gradually master grammatical rules, they often go through a period of producing form‐meaning associations that were not observed in the input. For example, 2‐ to 3‐year‐old English‐learning children use the bare form of verbs in settings that require obligatory past tense meaning while already starting to produce the grammatical –ed inflection. While many studies have focused on overgeneralization errors, fewer studies have attempted to explain the root of this earlier stage of rule acquisition. In this work, we use (...)
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  35.  38
    Law, Economics, and Morality.Eyal Zamir & Barak Medina - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    Law, Economics, and Morality examines the possibility of combining economic methodology and deontological morality through explicit and direct incorporation of moral constraints into economic models. Economic analysis of law is a powerful analytical methodology. However, as a purely consequentialist approach, which determines the desirability of acts and rules solely by assessing the goodness of their outcomes, standard cost-benefit analysis is normatively objectionable. Moderate deontology prioritizes such values as autonomy, basic liberties, truth-telling, and promise-keeping over the promotion of good outcomes. It (...)
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  36.  98
    The Private Prison Controversy and the Privatization Continuum.Daphne Barak-Erez - 2011 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 5 (1):139-157.
    Imprisonment calls into question the institutionalized violence of the state and its organs. It touches on the very core of the meaning of state sovereignty and concerns one of the most disempowered groups of society: indicted criminals. Therefore, privatization of prisons signals the willingness to apply privatization policies almost with no limitations. Private prisons have become a known phenomenon in many countries. After the debate on this issue seemed to lose its pragmatic value—in contrast to its importance on the theoretical (...)
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  37.  45
    Banned from the Libraries?: Ovid's Books and Their Fate in the Exile Poetry.Barak Blum - 2017 - American Journal of Philology 138 (3):489-526.
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  38.  17
    Corporate Crime and Plea Bargains.Uriel Procaccia & Eyal Winter - 2017 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 11 (1):119-133.
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  39. On the Semantic Structure of Language (an Excerpt).Uriel Weinreich & Of Vocabularies - 1967 - In Donald Clayton Hildum, Language And Thought: An Enduring Problem In Psychology. London: : Van Nostrand,. pp. 152.
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    Cultor et Antistes Doctorum Sancte Virorum: The Addressee of Ovid Tr. 3.14.Barak Blum - 2018 - Hermes 146 (3):324.
    This article explores an issue of some ongoing controversy in Ovidian scholarship: the identity of the anonymous person addressed in the epilogue of the “Tristia”’s third book. The exploration combines an analysis of the text with an examination of salient aspects of Hellenistic and Roman literary culture. These in turn inform a systematic prosopographical reassessment of four hypotheses. Evidence converges in the conclusion that the addressee was likely a high-level library administrator, most probably C. Iulius Hyginus.
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    Ovid, tristia 2.7–8 revisited.Barak Blum - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):598-604.
    At the beginning ofTristia2, a single long apologetic elegy, Ovid struggles with making sense of his continued occupation with poetry, despite the disaster it has brought upon him. In lines 7–8 he broods over Augustus’ displeasure, roused by theArs Amatoria, which led to his reproach. The passage is also sometimes adduced as a reference to the removal of theArsfrom Rome's public libraries.1.
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  42.  38
    Getting Scientific with Religion:A Darwinian Solution... Or Not?Barak Morgan - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):192-230.
    Introducing non-Darwinian mind as a nonaptation I argue that Darwinian mind evolved from non-Darwinian mind through the evolution of desire and aversion. The subject position within Darwinian mind is Darwinian self and is inherently selfish. However the cathexis whereby the subject prioritises motivations of desire and aversion is not an inherent property of mind. Instead it is proposed to be an adaptation, a predisposition to respond to pleasant/unpleasant sensations with desire/aversion. This explains why self-sacrifice and disengagement from desire/aversion are the (...)
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  43.  30
    Visiones islámicas tempranas y medievales acerca de la autoridad materna en circunstancias de diferencia religiosa.Uriel Simonsohn - 2024 - Al-Qantara 44 (2):e23.
    Mientras que desde una perspectiva islámica los musulmanes debían ofrecer lealtad primordial a Dios y a Su mensaje, los lazos de parentesco podían poner en tela de juicio ese compromiso. Los ideales islámicos, articulados a través de diversos géneros literarios, reflejan esta tensión, presentando una priorización de la comunidad religiosa sobre la familia. Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, los sentimientos de parentesco se utilizaban a menudo para inculcar ideales religiosos e identidad entre los miembros de la comunidad. La percepción islámica (...)
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  44.  14
    Abraham como metáfora del Otro ser humano en la obra filosófica de Emmanuel Levinas.Uriel Navarro Uribe - 2022 - Perseitas 11:390-420.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una reconstrucción teórica sobre la figura de Abraham como categoría central en la constitución de la subjetividad en el pensamiento judío y mostrar cómo se convierte en referente filosófico en la obra levinasiana. Para ello, se indagan las raíces judías de Levinas y de su obra, en la que la figura de Abraham aparece como principio de subjetivación ética en el proceso de constitución del pueblo de la alianza, en contraste con la figura griega (...)
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  45.  15
    Un futuro para la filosofía en el ciberpresente.Uriel Bonilla Suárez - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 118:271-283.
    En el actual contexto en reorganización por la influencia del ciberespacio cruzado, entre otras, por las contradicciones entre control y comunicación y por el impacto de las inteligencias artificiales damos cuenta del curso dirigido por Jesús Zamora Bonilla y titulado Filosofía del Futuro y el Futuro de la Filosofía (enero de 2023). En el mismo se ha dibujado el campo de los estudios del futuro y se ha reflexionado sobre el papel que en ellos pudiera jugar la filosofía. También se (...)
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  46. O smertnosti dushi chelovecheskoĭ.Uriel Acosta - 1958
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  47. O smertnosti dushi.Uriel Acosta - 1934 - Leningrad: Academia. Edited by S. S. Ignatov, A. Denisov, Efim Ḥiger, I. K. Luppol, Acosta, Uriel & Approximately.
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  48.  26
    Culpa antigua y culpa moderna a la luz del análisis kierkegaardeano de la tragedia en O lo uno o lo otro I.Pablo Uriel Rodríguez - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (2):165-206.
    El presente artículo discute la obra pseudónima de Kierkegaard “El reflejo de lo trágico antiguo en lo trágico moderno”. El joven esteta A traza una distinción entre la “culpa antigua” y la “culpa moderna”. A utiliza esta distinción para formular una potente crítica a la ética moderna. No obstante, dicha polémica contra los conceptos éticos de la Modernidad no implican un retorno a la moralidad trágica antigua.
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    On Arguing with Mr. Katz: A Brief Rejoinder.Uriel Weinreich - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (3):284-287.
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    Exploring the Liminal Characteristics of Muslim Converts.Uriel Simonsohn - 2025 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 145 (1):1-18.
    When considering questions of integration, assimilation, and adjustment in the formative centuries of Islam it is vital to think about the individuals who converted to Islam. The gradual nature of conversion and the enduring ties of Muslim converts to their former coreligionists kept them in a liminal position. My analysis will evolve around three spheres of inquiry: linguistic, social, and practical. Linguistically, I show how ecclesiastical Syriac and rabbinic Hebrew terms that refer to apostates speak of individuals who did not (...)
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