Results for 'Ty Pak'

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    Rationality of Language.Ty Pak - 1979 - Semiotica 28 (1-2).
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    Toward the theorization of semiotics: A review of the Bonn colloquium. [REVIEW]Ty Pak - 1976 - Semiotica 16 (2).
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    Tainovo pojetí vědy.Ivana Holzbachová - 2013 - Studia Philosophica 60 (2):43-62.
    Ačkoli je Taine znám především jako estetik a historik umění i politiky, zabývá se autorka spíš metodologickým předpokladem Tainova díla, a to jeho pojetím vědy. Ukazuje, že v Tainově díle nacházíme Hegelův vliv, který se však silně mísí s odlesky Comtových názorů, i když v oblasti ontologické lze spatřovat podobnost i s E. Machem. Taine chtěl aplikovat na duchovní vědy metody věd přírodních, i když si byl vědom zásadního rozdílu – nekvantifikovatelnosti v duchovních vědách. Podobnost spočívala ve snaze vysvětlit duchovní (...)
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    Ivan Blecha: Fenomenologie a kultura slepé skvrny, Triton, Praha, 2002, 119 s.Jaroslav Peregrin - unknown
    Ve své knížce Fenomenologie a kultura slepé skvrny předkládá Ivan Blecha tři eseje, jejichž společným jmenovatelem je konfrontace různých aspektů postmodernistické filosofie s filosofií fenomenologickou. Proti obratu k jazyku a z něj často vyvozovaného pluralismu nebo dokonce relativismu staví Blecha tezi, že svět, ve kterém člověk žije, je determinován způsobem, kterým v kadlubu své intencionální mysli konstituuje věci ze svého bezprostředního prožívání, a že tudíž tento svět není v žádném podstatném slova smyslu ani tvarován jazykem, ani otevřen žádným velkým pluralistickým (...)
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    Co je to elementární logika?Jaroslav Peregrin - manuscript
    Ve svém článku ‘Je elementární logika totéž co predikátová logika prvního řádu?’ (Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 42, 1997, 127-133) klade Jiří Fiala nesmírně zajímavou otázku, zda je opodstatněné ztotožňovat elementární logiku s predikátovou logikou prvního řádu; s pomocí argumentů propagovaných již delší dobu finským logikem a filosofem Jaako Hintikkou (viz již jeho Logic, Language-Games and Information, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1973; nejnověji jeho The Principles of Mathematics Revisited, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996) naznačuje, že by tomu tak být nemuselo. Myslím, (...)
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    Problém statečnosti v Aristotelově nauce o středu.Roman Hloch - 2019 - Pro-Fil 20 (1):27.
    Nauka o středu představuje jeden ze stěžejních pilířů Aristotelovy etiky a je úzce provázána s jeho pojetím etických zdatností. Ty jsou podle Aristotela flexibilní s ohledem na kontext praktické situace. Pojetí statečnosti se však od ostatních etických zdatností liší. Předně je zde problém dvou emocí, které Aristotelés přisuzuje zdatnosti statečnosti. Dále omezuje její oblast výhradně na válečnictví. Toto paradigma válečnictví má pak za následek, že statečnost postrádá flexibilitu etických zdatností a stává se rigidní. Tyto klíčové prvky ohrožují plausibilitu a koherenci (...)
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    Hayden White, Metahistorie: Historická imaginace v Evropě devatenáctého století. [REVIEW]Ivana Holzbachová - 2013 - Studia Philosophica 60 (1):100-103.
    Ačkoli je Taine znám především jako estetik a historik umění i politiky, zabývá se autorka spíš metodologickým předpokladem Tainova díla, a to jeho pojetím vědy. Ukazuje, že v Tainově díle nacházíme Hegelův vliv, který se však silně mísí s odlesky Comtových názorů, i když v oblasti ontologické lze spatřovat podobnost i s E. Machem. Taine chtěl aplikovat na duchovní vědy metody věd přírodních, i když si byl vědom zásadního rozdílu – nekvantifikovatelnosti v duchovních vědách. Podobnost spočívala ve snaze vysvětlit duchovní (...)
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    Pak Chong-hong chŏnjip.Chong-Hong Pak & Yoram Kinyom Saophoe - 1980 - Soul: Hyŏngsŏl Ch⁽ulp⁽ansa.
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    Sasangkwa hyŏnsil: Pak Ch'i-u chŏnchip.Ch'I.-U. Pak - 2010 - Inch'ŏn Kwangyŏksi: Inha Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu. Edited by Tae-sŏk Yun & Mi-ran Yun.
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  10. Pak Che-ga ŭi segyegwan kwa yŏksagwan.Pak Sŏng-sun - 2020 - In In-ho Pak (ed.), Yŏksa rŭl parabonŭn sirhakcha ŭi sisŏn. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kyŏngin Munhwasa.
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    Pak I-mun ch'ŏrhak esei: na ŭi kil, na ŭi sam.I. -mun Pak - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Midasŭ Puksŭ.
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    Pak I-mun chichŏk chasŏjŏn: haengbok han hŏmujuŭija ŭi yŏlchŏng.I. -mun Pak - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Midasŭ Puksŭ.
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    Pak Chong-hong chʻŏrhak ŭi chaejomyŏng: Yŏram tʻansin 100-chunyŏn ŭl kinyŏm hayŏ.Chong-Hong Pak (ed.) - 2003 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Chʻŏnji.
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  14. Pak Sŏng-mu ŭi pʻurŏ ssŭnŭn Tasan iyagi.Sŏng--mu Pak - 2005 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Munhak Suchʻŏp.
    2. Saebyŏngnyŏk chʻodang esŏ on pʻyŏnji.
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  15. Niichʻe sasang kwa chʻŏrhak ŭi mannam: Chʻihŏ Pak Chun-tʻaek Paksa hwallyŏk kinyŏm nonmunjip.Chun-T.°aek Pak & Ch°ihæo Pak Chun-T.°aek Paksa Hwallyæok Kinyæom Nonmunjip Kanhaeng Wiwæonhoe (eds.) - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Parhaengchʻŏ Pagyŏngsa.
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    Pak Ŭn-sik: 'yangji' ro kŭndae rŭl kkwettult'a.Chŏng-sim Pak - 2021 - Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Hakkobang.
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  17. Bearing the Weight of the World: On the Extent of an Individual's Environmental Responsibility.Ty Raterman - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (4):417 - 436.
    To what extent is any individual morally obligated to live environmentally sustainably? In answering this, I reject views I see as constituting two extremes. On one, it depends entirely on whether there exists a collective agreement; and if no such agreement exists, no one is obligated to reduce her/his consumption or pollution unilaterally. On the other, the lack of a collective agreement is morally irrelevant, and regardless of what others are doing, each person is obligated to limit her/his pollution and (...)
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  18. Pak Chong-hong chŏnjip.Chong-Hong Pak, Kyu-Yong Kim & Chong-Hyon Pak - 1980 - Soul: Hyŏngsŏl Ch⁽ulp⁽ansa.
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    The temporal dynamics of infants' joint attention: Effects of others' gaze cues and manual actions.Ty W. Boyer, Samuel M. Harding & Bennett I. Bertenthal - 2020 - Cognition 197 (C):104151.
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  20. Yŏram Pak Chong-hong Paksa.Chong-Hong Pak (ed.) - 1963
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    Pak Hong-gyu chŏnjip.Hong-gyu Pak - 1995 - Sŏul: Minŭmsa.
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    Pak I-mun inmunhak ilki: tangsin egen ch'ŏrhak i itsŭmnikka?I. -mun Pak - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Midasŭ Puksŭ. Edited by I.-mun Pak.
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    Igŏt ŭn chŏngch'i iyagi ka anida: Pak Chŏng-ja ŭi inmunhak k'allŏm.Chŏng-ja Pak - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Ek'ŭri.
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    Cultural Differences as Excuses? Human Rights and Cultural Values in Global Ethics and Governance of AI.Pak-Hang Wong - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (4):705-715.
    Cultural differences pose a serious challenge to the ethics and governance of artificial intelligence from a global perspective. Cultural differences may enable malignant actors to disregard the demand of important ethical values or even to justify the violation of them through deference to the local culture, either by affirming the local culture lacks specific ethical values, e.g., privacy, or by asserting the local culture upholds conflicting values, e.g., state intervention is good. One response to this challenge is the human rights (...)
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  25.  17
    An investigation of the use of co-verbal gestures in oral discourse among Chinese speakers with fluent versus non-fluent aphasia and healthy adults.Kong Anthony Pak Hin, Law Sampo & Chak Gigi Wan-Chi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Loving Creatures.Ty Kieser - 2022 - Philosophia Christi 24 (1):39-46.
    Wessling’s treatment of divine love raises several questions for systematic consideration. My goal here is to articulate some of these questions and their rationale insofar as they relate to the Creator-creature distinction. I begin with the nature of “creaturely love,” with its material content and methodological contours in Wessling’s account. Then I move to questions about the Creator’s love with regard to divine aseity. Finally, I ask about the Creator’s relationship to creatures in the hypostatic union of the Son with (...)
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  27. Pŏphak kaeron.Il-gyŏng Pak - 1981 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Pŏmmunsa.
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    Sanjiao Heyi and Tibet.Ty Rossow - 2023 - Stance 16 (1):12-25.
    This paper considers Chinese Communist Party policies in Tibet from Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist perspectives. I first explain how these three traditions are unified in the sanjiao heyi, but I contend that this practice has been neglected in favor of state repression. I then elucidate Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism with respect to their general principles and application in Tibet. I conclude that a fuller embrace of the sanjiao heyi where Confucian tenets are balanced by insights from Daoism and Buddhism would (...)
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  29. Études sur Pascal (1623-1923)..Robert de Sinéty - 1923 - Paris: G. Beauchesne. Edited by Blaise[From Old Catalog] Romeyer, RéGis[From Old Catalog] Jolivet & J. I. V. Souihé.
  30. Remnants of Nation: On Poverty Narratives by Women. By Roxanne Rimstead.E. Ty - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):132-132.
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  31. Democratizing Algorithmic Fairness.Pak-Hang Wong - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (2):225-244.
    Algorithms can now identify patterns and correlations in the (big) datasets, and predict outcomes based on those identified patterns and correlations with the use of machine learning techniques and big data, decisions can then be made by algorithms themselves in accordance with the predicted outcomes. Yet, algorithms can inherit questionable values from the datasets and acquire biases in the course of (machine) learning, and automated algorithmic decision-making makes it more difficult for people to see algorithms as biased. While researchers have (...)
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  32. Pʻalsun kinyŏm Kŭmgye Pak Kwan-su Sŏnsaeng nonsŏlchip.Kwan-su Pak - 1974 - [Sŏu]l: Kongsanwŏn Munje Yŏnʼguso.
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    Infants’ understanding of actions performed by mechanical devices.Ty W. Boyer, J. Samantha Pan & Bennett I. Bertenthal - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):1-11.
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  34. Persons as Objects of Love.Ty Landrum - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (4):417-439.
    Recent attempts to view personal love as a response to value fail to capture the lover's distinctive compulsion to intimacy with the beloved. Their common mistake is to hold that the grounding value of love must be other than the beloved person herself. This view condemns theorists to describe an attachment comparatively impersonal and undiscerning. The present paper argues that the beloved person is the object of love, particularly when she is regarded in light of her virtues. Virtues are aspects (...)
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    I Know You Above All; I Know You Not.Ty Monroe - 2015 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 20 (2):139-156.
    This essay considers distinct ways of understanding these complexities, specifically by reference to the anthropological and metaphysical thought of St. Maximus the Confessor. Maximus’ understanding of human knowledge and volition and desire are interpreted in light of his commitments concerning doctrine of God, read through his systematic correction of a broadly “Origenist” aversion to metaphysical motion.
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  36. Torat Ḥovot ha-levavot: ḥibro bi-leshon ʻArvi ha-rav ha-gadol... Rabenu Baḥye... b.R. Yosef Ibn Paḳudah ha-dayan ha-Sefaradi ṿe-tirgemo li-leshon ha-ḳodesh... Yehudah ibn Ṭibon, zatsal: ṿe-ʻalaṿ perush ḳatsar ṿe-ḳal ha-mekhuneh Lev ṭov ha-ḳatsar... hekhin u-faʼal Pinḥas Yehudah b. a.a.m. ṿe-r. Ṭoviyah Liberman. Uve-sofo perush Derekh ʻavodato / nitḥaber ʻa. y. Tsevi b. la-a.a. Yiśraʼel Ṿaingarṭen.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2005 - Chicago, Il.: Tsevi ben Yiśraʼel Ṿaingarṭen. Edited by Yehudah ibn Tibon, Pinḥas Yehudah Liberman & Hershy Weingarten.
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    Anthropology, Ontology, and the Possibility of Post‐Mortem Repentance.Ty Paul Monroe - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (5):707-722.
    This essay considers the question of conversion unto repentance, as an act of cognition and volition, by the separated soul in the post‐mortem state. It primarily explicates and interrogates Thomas Aquinas's various attempts to rule out this possibility for the damned. Since Thomas's arguments for such impossibility feature his commitment to the radical immateriality of the human soul—and, like it, the angelic spirit—the essay highlights the ontological and moral tensions within that account. The case is thus made for the ontological, (...)
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  38. Consenting to Geoengineering.Pak-Hang Wong - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (2):173-188.
    Researchers have explored questions concerning public participation and consent in geoengineering governance. Yet, the notion of consent has received little attention from researchers, and it is rarely discussed explicitly, despite being prescribed as a normative requirement for geoengineering research and being used in rejecting some geoengineering options. As it is noted in the leading geoengineering governance principles, i.e. the Oxford Principles, there are different conceptions of consent; the idea of consent ought to be unpacked more carefully if, and when, we (...)
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    ‘The moment is poorly chosen’: Proust, Same-Sex Sexuality and Nationalism.Ty Blakeney - 2022 - Paragraph 45 (1):39-57.
    This article attempts to think historically about the relationship between nationalism and same-sex sexuality in Proust's novel and in readers’ responses to the novel from the time of its publication to the present. The article uses a column written on the first part of Sodome et Gomorrhe by nationalist literary critic and author Binet-Valmer in 1921 in order to illuminate some of the sexual and political contexts of Proust's representation of same-sex sexuality. It then turns to two twenty-first-century uses of (...)
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    Education by Any Means Necessary: Peoples of African Descent and Community-Based Pedagogical Spaces.Ty-Ron Michael Douglas & Craig Peck - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (1):67-91.
    This study examines how and why peoples of African descent access and utilize community-based pedagogical spaces that exist outside schools. Employing a theoretical framework that fuses historical methodology and border-crossing theory, the researchers review existing scholarship and primary documents to present an historical examination of how peoples of African descent have fought for and redefined education in nonschool educative venues. These findings inform the authors? analysis of results from an oral history project they conducted into how Black Bermudian men utilized (...)
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    Moral Educational Implication of ‘Social Intuitionist’.Pak Byung Kee & Kim Min-Jae - 2012 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (84):127-158.
  42.  75
    An Environmentalist’s Lament on Predation.Ty Raterman - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (4):417-434.
    That some animals need to prey on others in order to live is lamentable. While no one wants predators to die of starvation, a world in which no animal needed to prey on others would, in some meaningful sense, be a better world. Predation is lamentable for four primary reasons: predation often inflicts pain on prey animals; it often frustrates prey animals’ desires; anything other than lamentation—which would include relishing predation as well as being indifferent to it—is in tension with (...)
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    Regulation, Compensation, and the Loss of Life: What Cost-Benefit Analysis Really Requires.Ty Raterman - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (1):97-118.
    This paper defends two main claims. First: although it is easy to lose sight of this, what cost-benefit analysis really demands, in order to approve of a prospective policy, is that it be possible for those who would gain through the policy change to compensate those who would lose through it. And second: in cases where a policy change does, or can reasonably be expected to, lead to someone's death, the demand of compensability is much harder to satisfy than economists (...)
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    Categorical perception of colour in the left and right visual field is verbally mediated: Evidence from Korean.Debi Roberson, Hyensou Pak & J. Richard Hanley - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):752-762.
  45. The Public and Geoengineering Decision-Making.Pak-Hang Wong - 2013 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17 (3):350-367.
    In response to the Royal Society report’s claim that “the acceptability of geo­engineering will be determined as much by social, legal, and political issues as by scientific and technical factors” (Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty [London: Royal Society, 2009], ix), a number of authors have suggested the key to this challenge is to engage the public in geoengineering decision-making. In effect, some have argued that inclusion of the public in geoengineering decision-making is necessary for any geoengineering project to (...)
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    Rituals and Machines: A Confucian Response to Technology-Driven Moral Deskilling.Pak-Hang Wong - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (4):59.
    Robots and other smart machines are increasingly interwoven into the social fabric of our society, with the area and scope of their application continuing to expand. As we become accustomed to interacting through and with robots, we also begin to supplement or replace existing human–human interactions with human–machine interactions. This article aims to discuss the impacts of the shift from human–human interactions to human–machine interactions in one facet of our self-constitution, i.e., morality. More specifically, it sets out to explore whether (...)
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    On Modesty: Being Good and Knowing It without Flaunting It.Ty Raterman - 2006 - American Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):221 - 234.
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  48. Maintenance Required: The Ethics of Geoengineering and Post-Implementation Scenarios.Pak-Hang Wong - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (2):186-191.
    The ethics of geoengineering has gained momentum in recent academic debate. The current debates, however, is typically framed in terms of (i) the first-order question about the moral permissibility of geoengineering, and (ii) the second-order question about the distributive and compensatory issues associated with geoengineering. Both (i) and (ii) are central to decision-making about geoengineering, but they have not cover all ethical issues related to geoengineering. I argue that a preoccupation with (i) and (ii) may lead to an oversight of (...)
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  49.  25
    Measuring the coherence of healthy and aphasic discourse production in Chinese using Rhetorical Structure Theory.Kong Anthony Pak Hin, Linnik Anastasia, Law Sampo & Shum Waisa - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  50. Dissociating ideomotor and spatial compatibility: Empirical evidence and connectionist models.Ty W. Boyer, Matthias Scheutz & Bennett I. Bertenthal - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2280--2285.
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