Results for 'Trevor Bekolay'

941 found
  1.  20
    Modeling the Mental Lexicon as Part of Long-Term and Working Memory and Simulating Lexical Access in a Naming Task Including Semantic and Phonological Cues.Catharina Marie Stille, Trevor Bekolay, Peter Blouw & Bernd J. Kröger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:527667.
    Background To produce and understand words, humans access the mental lexicon. From a functional perspective, the long-term memory component of the mental lexicon is comprised of three levels: the concept level, the lemma level, and the phonological level. At each level, different kinds of word information are stored. Semantic as well as phonological cues can help to facilitate word access during a naming task, especially when neural dysfunctions are present. The processing corresponding to word access occurs in specific parts of (...)
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    On the Emergence of Phonological Knowledge and on Motor Planning and Motor Programming in a Developmental Model of Speech Production.Bernd J. Kröger, Trevor Bekolay & Mengxue Cao - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    A broad sketch for a model of speech production is outlined which describes developmental aspects of its cognitive-linguistic and sensorimotor components. A description of the emergence of phonological knowledge is a central point in our model sketch. It will be shown that the phonological form level emerges during speech acquisition and becomes an important representation at the interface between cognitive-linguistic and sensorimotor processes. Motor planning as well as motor programming are defined as separate processes in our model sketch and it (...)
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    Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy.Trevor Pearce - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In Pragmatism’s Evolution, Trevor Pearce demonstrates that the philosophical tradition of pragmatism owes an enormous debt to specific biological debates in the late 1800s, especially those concerning the role of the environment in development and evolution. Many are familiar with John Dewey’s 1909 assertion that evolutionary ideas overturned two thousand years of philosophy—but what exactly happened in the fifty years prior to Dewey’s claim? What form did evolutionary ideas take? When and how were they received by American philosophers? Although (...)
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  4.  39
    The major religious traditions: Recent re-assessments: Trevor Ling.Trevor Ling - 1966 - Religious Studies 1 (2):249-255.
  5.  46
    Cinema again: A reply to Walley.Trevor Ponech - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (4):412–416.
  6.  15
    Voegelinian Readings of Modern Literature (review).Trevor Shelley - 2012 - Symploke 20 (1-2):414-416.
  7. Contingent Existence and the Reduction of Modality to Essence.Trevor Teitel - 2019 - Mind 128 (509):39-68.
    This paper first argues that we can bring out a tension between the following three popular doctrines: (i) the canonical reduction of metaphysical modality to essence, due to Fine, (ii) contingentism, which says that possibly something could have failed to be something, and (iii) the doctrine that metaphysical modality obeys the modal logic S5. After presenting two such arguments (one from the theorems of S4 and another from the theorems of B), I turn to exploring various conclusions we might draw (...)
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    Grace de Laguna’s Evolutionary Critique of Pragmatism.Trevor Pearce - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):88-97.
    This commentary aims to place Grace de Laguna’s critique of pragmatism in its historical context. It examines her 1904 response to Henry Heath Bawden, her 1909 attack on John Dewey’s immediate empiricism, and her 1910 book Dogmatism and Evolution, focusing on the following question: Why did she describe her approach as an attempt to complete the pragmatists’ Darwinian revolution in logic?
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  9. Holes in Spacetime: Some Neglected Essentials.Trevor Teitel - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (7):353-389.
    The hole argument purports to show that all spacetime theories of a certain form are indeterministic, including the General Theory of Relativity. The argument has given rise to an industry of searching for a metaphysics of spacetime that delivers the right modal implications to rescue determinism. In this paper, I first argue that certain prominent extant replies to the hole argument—namely, those that appeal to an essentialist doctrine about spacetime—fail to deliver the requisite modal implications. As part of my argument, (...)
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  10.  29
    Language in mind and language in society: studies in linguistic reproduction.Trevor Pateman - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book considers how language can be appropriately theorized as both a natural and cultural phenomenon. In reaching his conclusion, Pateman draws on a wide range of work in linguistics, philosophy, and social theory, and argues in defense of Chomsky and against Wittgenstein, all within the framework of a realist philosophy of science and contemporary social theory.
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  11.  5
    John Dewey, Evolutionary Anthropology, and Comparative Jurisprudence.Trevor Pearce - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    In this paper I argue that the “dynamic functionalism” of Dewey’s evolutionary approach to ethics – moral norms emerge to address specific problems but must be constantly readjusted to changing contexts – had its roots in the comparative jurisprudence of Sir Henry Sumner Maine and Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. First, I will discuss the rise of the comparative sciences in the nineteenth century, part of the backdrop for the work of Maine and various evolutionary anthropologists. Next, I will examine Maine’s (...)
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  12. How to Be a Spacetime Substantivalist.Trevor Teitel - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (5):233-278.
    The consensus among spacetime substantivalists is to respond to Leibniz's classic shift arguments, and their contemporary incarnation in the form of the hole argument, by pruning the allegedly problematic metaphysical possibilities that generate these arguments. Some substantivalists do so by directly appealing to a modal doctrine akin to anti-haecceitism. Other substantivalists do so by appealing to an underlying hyperintensional doctrine that implies some such modal doctrine. My first aim in this paper is to pose a challenge for all extant forms (...)
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  13. What Theoretical Equivalence Could Not Be.Trevor Teitel - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):4119-4149.
    Formal criteria of theoretical equivalence are mathematical mappings between specific sorts of mathematical objects, notably including those objects used in mathematical physics. Proponents of formal criteria claim that results involving these criteria have implications that extend beyond pure mathematics. For instance, they claim that formal criteria bear on the project of using our best mathematical physics as a guide to what the world is like, and also have deflationary implications for various debates in the metaphysics of physics. In this paper, (...)
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  14.  70
    Theory testing in science—the case of solar neutrinos: Do crucial experiments test theories or theorists?Trevor Pinch - 1985 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (2):167-187.
  15.  71
    The transformation of a recent Japanese new religion: Ōkawa Ryūhō and Kōfuku no Kagaku.Trevor Astley - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (3-4):343-380.
  16. A Companion To African Philosophy.Trevor Curnow - 2006 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 26 (1):54-55.
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  17.  51
    `First of the Moderns': Reading Carlyle Reading Goethe, Again.Trevor Hogan - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 72 (1):46-64.
    This article reads Carlyle as a reader of Goethe to recover why he proclaimed Goethe as the `benignant spiritual revolutionist' of modernity and `first of the moderns'. As Goethe's first major English translator, Thomas Carlyle was also arguably the first to grasp the nature and purpose of Goethe's project to interpret modernity as a revolutionary epoch involving changes in consciousness, culture and material development. For Carlyle, Goethe's Faust presents modern consciousness and culture from the side of elegy - as the (...)
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    Supervision in Teacher Education: A Counselling and Pedagogical Approach.Trevor Kerry & Edgar Stones - 1985 - British Journal of Educational Studies 33 (1):97.
  19.  20
    The Social Dimension of Theravada Buddhism in Burma.Trevor Ling - 1962 - Hibbert Journal 60 (39):314-322.
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    Ideology and Humor in Suetonius' Life of Vespasian 8.Trevor Luke - 2010 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 103 (4):511-527.
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  21. What Is Non-Fiction Cinema? On the Very Idea of Motion Picture Communication.Trevor Ponech - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (3):343-344.
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  22.  54
    Ancient Political Theory.Trevor J. Saunders - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (01):79-.
  23.  33
    An introduction to physical anthropology.J. C. Trevor - 1940 - The Eugenics Review 31 (4):217.
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  24. Toward an Integrated Neuroscience of Morality: The Contribution of Neuroeconomics to Moral Cognition.Trevor Kvaran & Alan G. Sanfey - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):579-595.
    Interest in the neural processes underlying decision making has led to a flurry of recent research in the fields of both moral psychology and neuroeconomics. In this paper, we first review some important findings from both disciplines, and then argue that the two fields can mutually benefit each other. A more explicit recognition of the role of values and norms will likely lead to more accurate models of decision making for neuroeconomists, whereas the tasks, insights into neural mechanisms, and mathematical (...)
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  25.  58
    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Responding to Those Who Hope for a Miracle: Practices for Clinical Bioethicists”.Trevor M. Bibler, Myrick C. Shinall & Devan Stahl - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):W1-W5.
    Significant challenges arise for clinical care teams when a patient or surrogate decision-maker hopes a miracle will occur. This article answers the question, “How should clinical bioethicists respond when a medical decision-maker uses the hope for a miracle to orient her medical decisions?” We argue the ethicist must first understand the complexity of the miracle-invocation. To this end, we provide a taxonomy of miracle-invocations that assist the ethicist in analyzing the invocator's conceptions of God, community, and self. After the ethicist (...)
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  26.  76
    Relativity. The Special and General Theory.J. E. Trevor, Albert Einstein & Robert W. Lawson - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (2):213.
  27.  92
    From 'Circumstances' to 'Environment': Herbert Spencer and the Origins of the Idea of Organism–Environment Interaction.Trevor Pearce - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (3):241-252.
    The word ‘environment’ has a history. Before the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of a singular, abstract entity—the organism—interacting with another singular, abstract entity—the environment—was virtually unknown. In this paper I trace how the idea of a plurality of external conditions or circumstances was replaced by the idea of a singular environment. The central figure behind this shift, at least in Anglo-American intellectual life, was the philosopher Herbert Spencer. I examine Spencer’s work from 1840 to 1855, demonstrating that he was exposed (...)
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  28.  49
    An Analysis of the Impact of Economic Wealth and National Culture on the Rise and Fall of Software Piracy Rates.Trevor T. Moores - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):39-51.
    A number of studies have investigated and found a significant relationship among economic wealth, Hofstede’s national culture dimensions, and software piracy rates (SPR). No study, however, has examined the relationship between economic wealth, culture, and the fact that national SPRs have been declining steadily since 1994. Using a larger sample than has previously been available (57 countries), we confirm the expected negative relationship between economic wealth, culture (individualism and masculinity) and levels of software piracy. The rate of decline in software (...)
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  29.  45
    Putting the Pieces Back Together: Moral Intensity and Its Impact on the Four‐component Model of Morality.Trevor T. Moores, H. Jeff Smith & Moez Limayem - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (2):243-268.
    A large body of research has examined the relationship between moral intensity (MI) and the four‐component model of morality, typically, by separating MI into its constituent dimensions and regressing them individually against the four‐component model. This approach, however, violates the definition of MI as a single construct. To correct this problem, we develop and test a model of the impact of MI as a single, 6‐item formative construct. We find that when MI is taken into account, moral recognition is not (...)
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  30. Metaphor and film.Trevor Whittock - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Metaphor and Film, Trevor Whittock demonstrates that feature films are permeated by metaphors that were consciously introduced by directors. An examination of cinematic metaphor forces us to reconsider the nature of metaphor itself, and the ways by which such visual imagery can be recognised and understood, as well as interpreted. Metaphor and Film identifies the principal forms of cinematic metaphor, and also provides an analysis of the mental operations that one must bring to it. Recent developments in cognitive (...)
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  31.  32
    Naturalism and Despair: George Herbert Mead and Evolution in the 1880s.Trevor Pearce - 2016 - In Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner, The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 117-143.
    Trevor Pearce examines Mead’s early intellectual development and shows in detail how difficult it was for a young Christian at the time to integrate Darwin into his worldview. Pearce explores the deep existential crisis that resulted from these difficulties. Based on new and newly reevaluated biographical material, Pearce traces the development of Mead’s views through his years in college, in a longer phase of existential reorientation, and as a student of philosophy and psychology. Pearce also shows how Mead’s education (...)
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  32. Background Independence: Lessons for Further Decades of Dispute.Trevor Teitel - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65:41-54.
    Background independence begins life as an informal property that a physical theory might have, often glossed as 'doesn't posit a fixed spacetime background'. Interest in trying to offer a precise account of background independence has been sparked by the pronouncements of several theorists working on quantum gravity that background independence embodies in some sense an essential discovery of the General Theory of Relativity, and a feature we should strive to carry forward to future physical theories. This paper has two goals. (...)
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  33.  18
    Consultations across Languages.Trevor Bibler, Adam Peña & Courtenay R. Bruce - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (3):13-14.
    Lei, a twenty‐seven‐year‐old Mandarin speaker, visits the United States seeking curative treatments for his acute myeloid leukemia. His mother, Hua, has traveled with him. Neither she nor Lei speak English, and the hospital does not have an onsite professional Mandarin‐speaking interpreter. Using a professional interpreter over the phone, Lei's oncologist, Dr. Branson, attempts to initiate a face‐to‐face goals‐of‐care conversation with Hua as the surrogate decision‐maker. Dr. Branson explains that Lei has “only weeks to months to live” and recommends initiating comfort‐care‐only (...)
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  34.  17
    Capacity limits in sentence comprehension: Evidence from dual-task judgements and event-related potentials.Trevor Brothers - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105153.
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  35. Criteria and the Problem of Other Minds in Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy.Trevor E. Cohen - 1975 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales (Australia)
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  36.  12
    Eunoïtgozon.Trevor Curnow - 2000 - Philosophy Now 26:50-51.
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  37. Hanging Together.Trevor Curnow - 2002 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 22 (2):162-163.
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    Born Free.Trevor Emmott - 2002 - Philosophy Now 36:53-54.
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  39.  43
    Optimizing Hope: A Response to Nolt.Trevor Hedberg - 2015 - In Andrew T. Brei, Ecology, Ethics and Hope. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 65-82.
    John Nolt’s “Hope, Self-Transcendence, and Environmental Ethics” is a unique attempt to defend a partial biocentrism – the view that we should regard a significant portion of non-sentient life (as well as sentient life) as having direct moral standing. After defending a general duty to optimize human hope, Nolt argues that this duty requires us to become self-transcendent toward living things in nature. Self-transcendence refers to an intentional state of valuing the good of some object other than yourself as an (...)
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  40.  24
    Philosophy as Teaching and Therapy in Sankara (pt. 1).Trevor Leggett - 1999 - Philosophy Now 23:14-16.
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    A new editorial team.Trevor H. Levere - 2014 - Annals of Science 71 (1):1-1.
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  42.  3
    When These Things Begin: Conversations with Michel Treguer.Trevor Cribben Merrill (ed.) - 2014 - Michigan State University Press.
    In this lively series of conversations with writer Michel Treguer, René Girard revisits the major concepts of mimetic theory and explores science, democracy, and the nature of God and freedom. Girard affirms that “our unprecedented present is incomprehensible without Christianity.” Globalization has unified the world, yet civil war and terrorism persist despite free trade and economic growth. Because of mimetic desire and the rivalry it generates, asserts Girard, “whether we’re talking about marriage, friendship, professional relationships, issues with neighbors or matters (...)
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  43.  37
    Majoritarianism.Trevor Pateman - 1988 - Cogito 2 (3):29-31.
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    An unsolvable problem concerning identities.Trevor Evans - 1969 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10 (4):413-414.
  45.  57
    Technologizing the human condition: hyperconnectivity and control.Trevor Thwaites - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4):373-382.
    In this paper I argue that the technologizing of most things in our daily lives, from work and education to finance and leisure, can be seen to promote a loss of the tangible and a rootlessness for human societies, causing a disorientation in the knowledge and beliefs acquired over millennia. Arendt’s proposal that ‘the earth is the very quintessence of the human condition’ (1958, p. 2) appears to be challenged as digital interactions create new spaces that coax humans away from (...)
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  46.  30
    Painasymbolia is not pain.Trevor Griffith & Adrian Kind - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):561–578.
    We challenge the standard interpretation of pain asymbolia (PA), a neuropsychiatric condition that causes unusual reactions to pain stimuli. The standard interpretation asserts that PA subjects experience pain but lack important features of the experience. However, we argue that the clinical evidence for PA does not support this interpretation and that the arguments put forward by the defenders of the standard interpretation end up making self-contradicting claims. Finally, we suggest that the best interpretation of the available evidence is to take (...)
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  47.  17
    f ( R ) Gravity in a Kaluza–Klein Theory with Degenerate Metric.Trevor P. Searight - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (3):147-160.
    f gravity is examined in the context of a five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory with degenerate metric. In this theory electromagnetism is described by two vector fields, and there is a reflection symmetry between them which unifies them with gravitation. For matter, it is shown how the Lagrangian may be any function and still generate the same equations of motion, provided that some simple conditions are satisfied. The field equations are derived, and it is found that f gravity is not consistent with (...)
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  48.  26
    Wisdom, Intuition and Ethics.Trevor Curnow - 1999 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Putting forward a new case for ethical intuitionism, Trevor Curnow finds its roots in the wisdom traditions of antiquity, while also drawing on Eastern philosophy and modern psychology.
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  49.  26
    Editorial.Trevor Stammers - 2011 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 17 (2):139 - 140.
    Ediorial Content Type Journal Article Category Editorial Pages 139-140 DOI 10.1558/hrge.v17i2.139 Authors Trevor Stammers, St Mary’s University College, London Journal Human Reproduction & Genetic Ethics Online ISSN 2043-0469 Print ISSN 1028-7825 Journal Volume Volume 17 Journal Issue Volume 17, Number 2 / 2011.
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  50. Ion: Translated and Introduced by Trevor J. Saunders. Plato & Trevor J. Saunders - 1987 - In Plato & Chris Emlyn-Jones, Early Socratic dialogues. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books.
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