Results for 'Torkel Falkenberg'

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  1. Science, Practice and Mythology: A Definition and Examination of the Implications of Scientism in Medicine. [REVIEW]Michael Loughlin, George Lewith & Torkel Falkenberg - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (2):130-145.
    Scientism is a philosophy which purports to define what the world ‘really is’. It adopts what the philosopher Thomas Nagel called ‘an epistemological criterion of reality’, defining what is real as that which can be discovered by certain quite specific methods of investigation. As a consequence all features of experience not revealed by those methods are deemed ‘subjective’ in a way that suggests they are either not real, or lie beyond the scope of meaningful rational inquiry. This devalues capacities that (...)
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  2. Enhancing Business Ethics: Using Cases to Teach Moral Reasoning.Loren Falkenberg & Jaana Woiceshyn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):213-217.
    The growing trend of required ethics instruction in the business school curriculum has created a need for relevant teaching materials. In response to this need the Journal of Business Ethics is introducing a new case section. This section provides a forum for publishing and accessing a range of materials that can be used in teaching business ethics. This article discusses how business ethics cases can facilitate the development of deductive, inductive and critical reasoning skills.
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    Investigating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Risk Management Practices.Loren Falkenberg, Xiaoyu Liu & Hao Lu - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):496-534.
    To date, the value of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities has primarily been measured through the company’s reputation, with little attention given to exploring whether there are internal influences between CSR and other management practices. We argue that the efficacy of CSR extends beyond a company’s reputation for managing social and environmental concerns; in particular, it can influence other business practices such as risk management. Our results suggest that (a) overall, firms with better CSR performance are more likely to adopt (...)
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    The Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory.Torkel Klingberg - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    As the pace of technological change accelerates, we are increasingly experiencing a state of information overload. Statistics show that we are interrupted every three minutes during the course of the work day. Multitasking between email, cell-phone, text messages, and four or five websites while listening to an iPod forces the brain to process more and more informaton at greater and greater speeds. And yet the human brain has hardly changed in the last 40,000 years. Are all these high-tech advances overtaxing (...)
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    Transfinite Progressions: A Second Look At Completeness.Torkel Franzén - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):367-389.
    §1. Iterated Gödelian extensions of theories. The idea of iterating ad infinitum the operation of extending a theory T by adding as a new axiom a Gödel sentence for T, or equivalently a formalization of “T is consistent”, thus obtaining an infinite sequence of theories, arose naturally when Godel's incompleteness theorem first appeared, and occurs today to many non-specialists when they ponder the theorem. In the logical literature this idea has been thoroughly explored through two main approaches. One is that (...)
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    Faithonomics: religion and the free market.Torkel Brekke - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Does anyone have a monopoly on God? Can religion be bought or sold? Why do we pay priests? How do we limit religious conflicts? And should states get involved in matters of faith? "Faithonomics" shows that religion should be analyzed as a market similar to those for other goods and services, like bottled water or haircuts. It is about religion today, but Brekke shows us that there have always been religious markets, all over the world, regulated to a greater or (...)
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  7. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Rechtsphilosophie.Erdmuthe Falkenberg (ed.) - 1948 - Heidelberg,: A. Rausch.
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  8. Klassiker der Philosophie.R. Falkenberg - 1899 - The Monist 9:261.
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    Radioactive decay caused by neutrinos.Eckhard Dieter Falkenberg - 2001 - Apeiron 8 (2):32-45.
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    Re-invent Yourself! How Demands for Innovativeness Reshape Epistemic Practices.Ruth I. Falkenberg - 2021 - Minerva 59 (4):423-444.
    In the current research landscape, there are increasing demands for research to be innovative and cutting-edge. At the same time, concerns are voiced that as a consequence of neoliberal regimes of research governance, innovative research becomes impeded. In this paper, I suggest that to gain a better understanding of these dynamics, it is indispensable to scrutinise current demands for innovativeness as a distinct way of ascribing worth to research. Drawing on interviews and focus groups produced in a close collaboration with (...)
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    The role of fear in indian religious thought with special reference to buddhism.Torkel Brekke - 1999 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 27 (5):439-467.
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    Introduction: Philosophical Perspectives on Education for Well-­Being.Thomas Falkenberg - 2015 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (2):1-7.
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    Lügen: Grundzüge einer Theorie sprachlicher Täuschung.Gabriel Falkenberg - 1982 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    Die Buchreihe Linguistische Arbeiten (LA) trägt wesentlich zur aktuellen linguistischen Theoriebildung im Bereich der allgemeinen und einzelsprachlichen Linguistik bei. Veröffentlicht werden hochwertige Arbeiten, die aktuelle Fragestellungen bearbeiten und die Entwicklung der Sprachwissenschaft, synchron oder diachron, empirisch oder theoretisch orientiert, vorantreiben.
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    Recall improves in short-term memory the more recall context resembles learning context.Philippe R. Falkenberg - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):39.
  15.  91
    Wielding the rod of punishment – war and violence in the political science of Kautilya.Torkel Brekke - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (1):40-52.
    This article presents Kautilya, the most important thinker in the tradition of statecraft in India. Kautilya has influenced ideas of war and violence in much of South- and Southeast Asia and he is of great importance for a comparative understanding of the ethics of war. The violence inflicted by the king on internal and external enemies is pivotal for the maintenance of an ordered society, according to Kautilya. Prudence and treason are hallmarks of Kautilya's world. The article shows that this (...)
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  16. When in Rome ... Moral maturity and ethics for international economic organizations.Andreas Wyller Falkenberg - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):17-32.
    A number of multinational enterprises have come under ethical scrutiny over the recent decades. In some cases, this may be due to a lack of maturity of corporate moral reasoning. The article is based on a framework developed by Lawrence Kohlberg. He suggested three main stages of moral development: They are (1) pre-conventional moral reasoning, (2) conventional and (3) post-conventional moral reasoning. The article places different approaches to business ethics into the framework developed by Kohlberg. It is argued that the (...)
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  17.  30
    Makers of Modern Indian Religion in the Late Nineteenth Century.Torkel Brekke - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    This is a book about religious transformation in South Asia in the nineteenth century, perhaps the most important period of religious change in the history of the region. By looking at some outstanding individuals from different religions the book sheds light on the questions that lie at the heart of later nationalist discourse, questions like: Who is a Hindu? Who is a Buddhist? What is the relationship between the religious communities of South Asia?
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  18. The Ethics of Sustainable Well-Being and Well-Becoming: A Systems Approach to Virtue Ethics.Thomas Falkenberg - 2020 - In Heesoon Bai, David Chang & Charles Scott, A book of ecological virtues: living well in the anthropocene. Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press.
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    Insincerity and disloyalty.Gabriel Falkenberg - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (1):89-97.
    Insincerity is the intentional conflict between a state of mind and a synchronic linguistic act. Three cases have to be distinguished: lying, as the opposition of belief and assertion (the act is untruthful); dishonesty, as the opposition of will and declaration of will (act empty); and simulation, as the opposition of emotion and exclamation (act ungenuine). One of the problems arising is: Are there insincere commands, and if not, why?Disloyalty, on the other hand, is a diachronic inconsequence, the breach of (...)
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  20.  65
    Multi-Level Corporate Responsibility: A Comparison of Gandhi’s Trusteeship with Stakeholder and Stewardship Frameworks.Jaydeep Balakrishnan, Ayesha Malhotra & Loren Falkenberg - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):133-150.
    Mohandas Karamchand “Mahatma” Gandhi discussed corporate responsibility and business ethics over several decades of the twentieth century. His views are still influential in modern India. In this paper, we highlight Gandhi’s cross-level CR framework, which operates at institutional, organizational, and individual levels. We also outline how the Tata Group, one of India’s largest conglomerates, has historically applied and continues to utilize Gandhi’s concept of trusteeship. We then compare Gandhi’s framework to modern notions of stakeholder and stewardship management. We conclude that (...)
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    Eliminating the barriers to employment equity in the canadian workplace.L. E. Falkenberg & L. Boland - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (9):963-975.
    Have employment equity programs achieved the goal of equity for women in the workplace? We argue that they have not because gender stereotypes still persist. In fact, they may have created resentment and antagonism towards successful women and employment equity initiatives. Arguments are developed for the Canadian government to create a self-regulating system, in which the government plays a role of educator as opposed to monitor.
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    Ethics in International Value Chain Networks: The Case of Telenor in Bangladesh.Andreas W. Falkenberg & Joyce Falkenberg - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):355 - 369.
    What is the responsibility of multinational enterprises in international value chain networks in countries with inadequate institutions? In this article, we present an ethical framework that allows for evaluation of institutions at the macro, mezzo, and micro levels. This framework is used to analyze the case of Telenor in Bangladesh. Telenor is a telecommunications company based in Norway. It is the majority owner (62%) in Grameenphone in Bangladesh. The minority owner is Grameen Telecom, which is part of the Grameen group (...)
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    "Talking About Feelings and Values with Children" (Michael Schleifer (with Cynthia Martiny)).Thomas Falkenberg - 2006 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 15 (2):101-106.
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    The Role of Reflection in Addressing the Social Responsibility Mandate of Teacher Education.Thomas Falkenberg - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):52-66.
    Abstract : This article makes the case that teacher’s personal qualities should be considered to be of great importance to being a teacher and that pre- and in- service teacher education has a social responsibility mandate. Developing personal qualities in teacher education is an important way in which teacher education can address its social responsibility mandate and, conversely, this mandate can provide the perspective from which the value of teacher’s personal qualities for teaching can be judged. Finally, the article discusses (...)
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    Ethical behaviours in organizations: Directed by the formal or informal systems? [REVIEW]Loren Falkenberg & Irene Herremans - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (2):133 - 143.
    Past research has focused on individual culpability with the assumption that individuals will further their own self interest over that of the organization, given an appropriate opportunity. In contrast, this research shifts the focus from individual motivation to the influence of the formal and informal control systems of organizations on ethical behaviours. An open-ended interview approach was used to collect data. It was found that pressures within the informal system were the dominant influence in the resolution of ethical issues. The (...)
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    DCDC2 polymorphism is associated with cortical thickness in left supramarginal and angular gyri.Darki Fahimeh & Klingberg Torkel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Just What I See? Implications of Congruence Between Supervisors’ and Employees’ Perceptions of Pay Justice for Employees’ Work-Related Attitudes and Behaviors.Sofia Malmrud, Helena Falkenberg, Constanze Eib, Johnny Hellgren & Magnus Sverke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Perceiving a pay system as just has been suggested to be a precondition for individualized pay to have a motivating effect for employees. Supervisors’ enacted justice is central for understanding the effects that pay setting can have on employee attitudes and behavior. Yet, enacted justice has received little research attention, in regard to both organizational justice and pay-related topics. This study examines the effects of employees’ perceived pay justice and supervisors’ enacted justice, as well as the degree of congruence, on (...)
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    Book review. [REVIEW]Gabriel Falkenberg - 1994 - Erkenntnis 41 (2):275-279.
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  29. rommans "Klassiker der Philosophie". [REVIEW]R. Falkenberg - 1899 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 9:261.
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    Dual-career and dual-income families: Do they have different needs? [REVIEW]L. Falkenberg & M. Monachello - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (4-5):339 - 351.
    Dual-earner families have been treated as if they are a homogenous group of individuals having to cope with similar demands. Yet these families vary in their rationale for both spouses working outside the home (from financial necessity to personal growth) and the responsibilities each spouse assumes in the home. Given the variations in work and home responsibilities it is proposed that members of dual-earner families should be studied on the basis of (a) the rationale each spouse has for working, (b) (...)
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  31. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Strategic Advantage or a Strategic Necessity? [REVIEW]Joyce Falkenberg & Petter Brunsæl - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (S1):9-16.
    For many firms, a focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an indication to stakeholders that the firm is concerned about social and environmental issues. However, these same firms may engage in CSR activities with the expectation that these activities will increase their bottom line. A relevant, and highly researched question, is the relationship between CSR and performance. The findings are inconclusive, indicating a need to consider other explanations. Several authors have drawn on the resource-based view of the firm to (...)
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    Changing articulations of relevance in soil science.Lisa Sigl, Ruth Falkenberg & Maximilian Fochler - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):79-90.
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    Parent's Relative Perceived Work Flexibility Compared to Their Partner Is Associated With Emotional Exhaustion.Constanze Leineweber, Helena Falkenberg & Sophie C. Albrecht - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations: A Comparative Perspective.Edited By Torkel Brekke - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (1):85-88.
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    Transcranial Electric Stimulation Can Impair Gains during Working Memory Training and Affects the Resting State Connectivity.Annie Möller, Federico Nemmi, Kim Karlsson & Torkel Klingberg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  36.  18
    Connectivity of the Human Number Form Area Reveals Development of a Cortical Network for Mathematics.Federico Nemmi, Margot A. Schel & Torkel Klingberg - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  37.  12
    Resting State EEG Related to Mathematical Improvement After Spatial Training in Children.Da-Wei Zhang, Anna Zaphf & Torkel Klingberg - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Spatial cognitive abilities, including mental rotation and visuo-spatial working memory are correlated with mathematical performance, and several studies have shown that training of these abilities can enhance mathematical performance. Here, we investigated the behavioral and neural correlates of MR and vsWM training combined with number line training. Fifty-seven children, aged 6–7, performed 25 days of NL training combined with either vsWM or MR and participated in an Electroencephalography -session in school to measure resting state activity and steady-state visual evoked potentials (...)
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    (1 other version)Falkenberg, Robert, Die Realität des objektiven Geistes bei Hegel. [REVIEW]Georg Lasson - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 24:398.
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  39. Torkel Franzén, Gödel's Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to its Use and Abuse. [REVIEW]R. Zach - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (4):369-371.
    On the heels of Franzén's fine technical exposition of Gödel's incompleteness theorems and related topics (Franzén 2004) comes this survey of the incompleteness theorems aimed at a general audience. Gödel's Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to its Use and Abuse is an extended and self-contained exposition of the incompleteness theorems and a discussion of what informal consequences can, and in particular cannot, be drawn from them.
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    In memory of Torkel Franzén.Solomon Feferman - unknown
    1. Logic, determinism and free will. The determinism-free will debate is perhaps as old as philosophy itself and has been engaged in from a great variety of points of view including those of scientific, theological and logical character; my concern here is to limit attention to two arguments from logic. To begin with, there is an argument in support of determinism that dates back to Aristotle, if not farther. It rests on acceptance of the Law of Excluded Middle, according to (...)
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    A Deweyan critique of Thomas Falkenberg’s article “Teaching as Contemplative Professional Practice”.Fred Harris - 2013 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 21 (1):51-53.
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  42. Consciousness as computation: A defense of strong AI based on quantum-state functionalism.R. Michael Perry - 2006 - In Charles Tandy, Death and Anti-Death, Volume 4: Twenty Years After De Beauvoir, Thirty Years After Heidegger. Palo Alto: Ria University Press.
    The viewpoint that consciousness, including feeling, could be fully expressed by a computational device is known as strong artificial intelligence or strong AI. Here I offer a defense of strong AI based on machine-state functionalism at the quantum level, or quantum-state functionalism. I consider arguments against strong AI, then summarize some counterarguments I find compelling, including Torkel Franzén’s work which challenges Roger Penrose’s claim, based on Gödel incompleteness, that mathematicians have nonalgorithmic levels of “certainty.” Some consequences of strong AI (...)
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    Modernity, Postsecularism, Fundamentalism.Péter Losonczi - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (3):705-720.
    In this essay, I critically examine Habermas’ approach to fundamentalism, a question that explicitly and implicitly alike bears influence on the formation of his postsecular thesis. The overview of his theory is followed by a combined analysis, depending on Torkel Brekke’s sociological study on fundamentalism, on the one hand, and a joint study by Adam Seligman and others in the field of anthropology and social theory. In this regard, questions of sincerity and authenticity are in the focus of my (...)
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