Results for 'Tony Noice'

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  1.  20
    Can a Theater Acting Intervention Enhance Inhibitory Control in Older Adults? A Brain-Behavior Investigation.Aishwarya Rajesh, Tony Noice, Helga Noice, Andrew Jahn, Ana M. Daugherty, Wendy Heller & Arthur F. Kramer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Purpose: Studies of reactive and proactive modes of inhibitory control tend to show age-related declines and are accompanied by abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex. We explored which mode of inhibitory control would be more amenable to change and accrue greater benefits following engagement in a 4-week theater acting intervention in older adults. These gains were evaluated by performance on the AX-CPT task. We hypothesized that an increase in proactive control would relate to an increase in AY errors and a decrease (...)
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  2. (1 other version)To Think or Not To Think: The apparent paradox of expert skill in music performance.Andrew Geeves, Doris J. F. McIlwain, John Sutton & Wayne Christensen - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory (6):1-18.
    Expert skill in music performance involves an apparent paradox. On stage, expert musicians are required accurately to retrieve information that has been encoded over hours of practice. Yet they must also remain open to the demands of the ever-changing situational contingencies with which they are faced during performance. To further explore this apparent paradox and the way in which it is negotiated by expert musicians, this article profiles theories presented by Roger Chaffin, Hubert Dreyfus and Tony and Helga (...). For Chaffin, expert skill in music performance relies solely upon overarching mental representations, while, for Dreyfus, such representations are needed only by novices, while experts rely on a more embodied form of coping. Between Chaffin and Dreyfus sit the Noices, who argue that both overarching cognitive structures and embodied processes underlie expert skill. We then present the Applying Intelligence to the Reflexes (AIR) approach?a differently nuanced model of expert skill aligned with the integrative spirit of the Noices? research. The AIR approach suggests that musicians negotiate the apparent paradox of expert skill via a mindedness that allows flexibility of attention during music performance. We offer data from recent doctoral research conducted by the first author of this article to demonstrate at a practical level the usefulness of the AIR approach when attempting to understand the complexities of expert skill in music performance. (shrink)
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  3. Delusions and Brain Injury: The Philosophy and Psychology of Belief.Tony Stone & Andrew W. Young - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (3-4):327-364.
    Circumscribed delusional beliefs can follow brain injury. We suggest that these involve anomalous perceptual experiences created by a deficit to the person's perceptual system, and misinterpretation of these experiences due to biased reasoning. We use the Capgras delusion (the claim that one or more of one's close relatives has been replaced by an exact replica or impostor) to illustrate this argument. Our account maintains that people voicing this delusion suffer an impairment that leads to faces being perceived as drained of (...)
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    Of Materiality and Meaning: The Illegality Condition in Street Art.Tony Chackal - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (4):359-370.
    Street art is an art form that entails creating public works incorporating the street physically and in their meaning. That physical property is employed as an artistic resource in street art raises two questions. Are street artworks necessarily illegal? Does being illegal change the nature of production and aesthetic appreciation? First, I argue street artworks must be in the street. On my view, both the physical and sociocultural senses of the street can be constitutive of meaning. Second, I argue that (...)
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    Some Critical Issues in Social Ontology: Reply to John Searle.Tony Lawson - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4):426-437.
  6.  26
    (1 other version)Realism or idealism? Corporate social responsibility and the employee stakeholder in the global fast-food industry.Tony Royle - 2005 - Business Ethics: A European Review 14 (1):42-55.
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  7. The Logic of Marx’s “Capital”: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.Tony Smith - 1990 - Science and Society 56 (1):116-118.
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    How Leader Alignment of Words and Deeds Affects Followers: A Meta-analysis of Behavioral Integrity Research.Tony Simons, Hannes Leroy, Veroniek Collewaert & Stijn Masschelein - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):831-844.
    Substantial research examines the follower consequences of leader alignment of words and deeds, but no research has quantitatively reviewed these effects. This study examines extant research on behavioral integrity and contrasts it with two other constructs that focus on alignment: moral integrity and psychological contract breaches. We compare effect sizes between the three constructs, and find that BI has stronger effects on trust, in-role task performance and citizenship behavior than moral integrity and stronger effects on commitment and OCB than psychological (...)
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  9. Iconic Memory and Attention in the Overflow Debate.Tony Cheng - 2017 - Cogent Psychology 4 (1):01-11.
    The overflow debate concerns this following question: does conscious iconic memory have a higher capacity than attention does? In recent years, Ned Block has been invoking empirical works to support the positive answer to this question. The view is called the “rich view” or the “Overflow view”. One central thread of this discussion concerns the nature of iconic memory: for example how rich they are and whether they are conscious. The first section discusses a potential misunderstanding of “visible persistence” in (...)
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    Bud-Sex: Constructing Normative Masculinity among Rural Straight Men That Have Sex With Men.Tony Silva - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (1):51-73.
    This study draws on semistructured interviews with 19 white, rural, straight-identified men who have sex with men to understand how they perceive their gender and sexuality. It is among the first to use straight men’s own narratives, and helps address the underrepresentation of rural masculinities research. Through complex interpretive processes, participants reworked non-normative sexual practices—those usually antithetical to rural masculinities—to construct normative masculinity. Most chose other masculine, white, and straight or secretly bisexual men as partners for secretive sex without romantic (...)
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    Introduction.Bertell Ollman & Tony Smith - 1998 - Science and Society 62 (3):333 - 337.
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  12. The Great Gatsby as a business ethics inquiry.Tony McAdams - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):653-660.
    The author argues for the use of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel,The Great Gatsby, as a text for studying business ethics. The author presents a documented analysis of the major ethics themes in the book including, for example, moral growth, Gatsby's life of illusion, the withering of the American Dream, and the parallels between the 1920s and the 1980s. Fitzgerald's fiction analysis is then tied to the '90s via current social science and philosophical evidence addressing Fitzgerald's 1920s concerns. Data examining the (...)
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    Impunity and Hope.Tony Reeves - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):415-438.
    Is there a duty to prosecute grave international crimes? Many have thought so, even if they recognize the obligation to be defeasible. However, the theoretical literature frequently leaves the grounds for such a duty inadequately specified, or unsystematically amalgamated, leaving it unclear which considerations should drive and shape processes of criminal accountability. Further, the circumstance leaves calls to end impunity vulnerable to skeptical worries concerning the risks and costs of punishing perpetrators. I argue that a qualified duty to prosecute can (...)
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  14. The problem with brain GUTs: Conflation of different senses of “prediction” threatens metaphysical disaster.Michael L. Anderson & Tony Chemero - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):204-205.
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  15. The morality of tort law: questions and answers.Tony Honore - 1995 - In David G. Owen, Philosophical Foundations of Tort Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 73.
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    Remembering implied advertising claims as facts: Extensions to the “real world”.Richard J. Harris, Tony M. Dubitsky, Karen L. Perch, Cindy S. Ellerman & Mark W. Larson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):317-320.
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    Treating for the Common Good: A Proposed Ethical Framework.Harold W. Jaffe & Tony Hope - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):193-198.
    To reduce the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Granich et al. 1 ( 2009 ) have proposed a new strategy for universal voluntary HIV testing immediately followed by antiretroviral therapy. Although this proposal is likely to benefit the partners of those affected and thus promote public health, it is by no means clear that it benefits the infected people themselves and indeed it may be harmful. Since the proposal involves an intervention that is not clinically indicated, it falls (...)
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  18. Pure Hypocrisy.Tony Lynch & A. R. J. Fisher - 2012 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 19 (1):32-43.
    We argue that two main accounts of hypocrisy— the deception-based and the moral-non-seriousness-based account—fail to capture a specific kind of hypocrite who is morally serious and sincere "all the way down." The kind of hypocrisy exemplified by this hypocrite is irreducible to deception, self-deception or a lack of moral seriousness. We call this elusive and peculiar kind of hypocrisy, pure hypocrisy. We articulate the characteristics of pure hypocrisy and describe the moral psychology of two kinds of pure hypocrites.
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    Habit: Time, Freedom, Governance.Tony Bennett - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (2-3):107-135.
    This article investigates the place that habit occupies in different ‘architectures of the person’, focusing particularly on constructions of the relations between habit and other components of personhood that are marked by time. Three such positions are examined: first, the relations between thought, will, memory, habit and instinct proposed by post-Darwinian accounts of ‘organic memory’; second, Henri Bergson’s account of the relations between habit, memory and becoming; and, third, the temporal aspects of Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus understood as a (...)
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  20. Attention, Fixation, and Change Blindness.Tony Cheng - 2017 - Philosophical Inquiries 5 (1):19-26.
    The topic of this paper is the complex interaction between attention, fixation, and one species of change blindness. The two main interpretations of the target phenomenon are the ‘blindness’ interpretation and the ‘inaccessibility’ interpretation. These correspond to the sparse view (Dennett 1991; Tye, 2007) and the rich view (Dretske 2007; Block, 2007a, 2007b) of visual consciousness respectively. Here I focus on the debate between Fred Dretske and Michael Tye. Section 1 describes the target phenomenon and the dialectics it entails. Section (...)
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    Rewriting English.Janet Batsleer, Tony Davies, Rebecca O'Rourke & Chris Weedon - 2003 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    A preference in rats for cues associated with intoxication.Roger W. Black, Tony Albiniak, Melvin Davis & Joseph Schumpert - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):423-424.
  23.  21
    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self.Jason Powell & Tony Gilbert - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (2):220-229.
    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self This paper sets out to delve into the relationship trust and professional authority in the context of health care. Understood in its micro-political terms and conceived as impacting on individualorganisational levels and the socio-political; this relationship stands at the interface of competingpressures working to produce the increasing complexity of social life. “Trust” is inextricably linked withuncertainty and complexity while professional authority rests on the specialist knowledge claimed bythe range of experts (...)
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  24. The Situational Structure of Primate Beliefs.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):50-57.
    This paper develops the situational model of primate beliefs from the Prior-Lurz line of thought. There is a strong skepticism concerning primate beliefs in the analytic tradition which holds that beliefs have to be propositional and non-human animals do not have them. The response offered in this paper is twofold. First, two arguments against the propositional model as applied to other animals are put forward: an a priori argument from referential opacity and an empirical argument from varieties of working memory. (...)
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  25. Why Animals are Persons.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Animal Sentience 1 (10):5-6.
    Rowlands’s case for attributing personhood to lower animals is ultimately convincing, but along the way he fails to highlight several distinctions that are crucial for his argument: Personhood vs. personal identity; the first person vs. its mental episodes; and pre- reflective awareness in general vs. one specific case of it.
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    Schooled mathematics and cultural knowledge.Guida de Abreu & Tony Cline - 2008 - In Patricia Murphy & Robert McCormick, Knowledge and practice: representations and identities. Milton Keynes, U.K.: The Open University.
  27. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV.Dunn John & Wrigley Tony - 2005
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    Modelling the effects of individual, family and community level characteristics on executive functioning.Hindman Emily, Nelson Jeff, Broe Tony & Hodges John - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Critical Thinking and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.Donald Hatcher, Tony Brown & Kelli Gariglietti - 2001 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 20 (3):6-18.
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    Exploring the concept of ubuntu as a liberatory praxis.Leshaba Tony Lechaba - 2022 - South African Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):88-102.
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    A note on a recent paper by Dagsvik on IIA and random utilities.P. O. Lindberg & Tony E. Smith - 2017 - Theory and Decision 82 (2):305-307.
    In a recent paper in this journal, Dagsvik derives the class of independent random utility representations that are “equivalent” to the independence-from-irrelevant-alternatives assumption by Luce. In this short note, we clarify the relations between this paper by Dagsvik, and a paper in Lindberg’s 2012 thesis.
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  32. A Plea for the Plurality of Function.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Review of Contemporary Philosophy 15:70-81.
    In this paper I defend a pluralistic approach in understanding function, both in biological and other contexts. Talks about function are ubiquitous and crucial in biology, and it might be the key to bridge the “manifest image” and the “scientific image” identified by Sellars (1962). However, analysis of function has proven to be extremely difficult. The major puzzle is to make sense of “time-reversed causality”: how can property P be the cause of its realizer R? For example, “pumping blood” is (...)
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  33. Compositionality and Believing That.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 15:60-76.
    This paper is about compositionality, belief reports, and related issues. I begin by introducing Putnam’s proposal for understanding compositionality, namely that the sense of a sentence is a function of the sense of its parts and of its logical structure (section 1). Both Church and Sellars think that Putnam’s move is superfluous or unnecessary since there is no relevant puzzle to begin with (section 2). I will urge that Putnam is right in thinking that there is indeed a puzzle with (...)
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  34. The WroNGNeSS oF SeX WiTh ANiMALS.Tony Milligan - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (3):241-256.
    For sexual purposes, animals are off limits. But if we regard attributions of species membership as unimportant in familiar ethical contexts, then it may be difficult to explain why this is the case. Someone who is unimpressed by appeals to species membership as a basis for favoring humans over non-humans may remain similarly unimpressed by such appeals when sex becomes an issue. Species barriers may seem to be beside the point. Peter Singer’s attitude toward human sexual relations with non-humans leans (...)
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  35. Students' understanding of light and its properties: Teaching to engender conceptual change.Tony Fetherstonhaugh & David F. Treagust - 1992 - Science Education 76 (6):653-672.
  36. The Status of Combatants.Tony Coady - 2008 - In David Rodin & Henry Shue, Just and Unjust Warriors: The Moral and Legal Status of Soldiers. Oxford University Press.
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  37. Can Gravitons be Detected?Tony Rothman & Stephen Boughn - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (12):1801-1825.
    Freeman Dyson has questioned whether any conceivable experiment in the real universe can detect a single graviton. If not, is it meaningful to talk about gravitons as physical entities? We attempt to answer Dyson’s question and find it is possible concoct an idealized thought experiment capable of detecting one graviton; however, when anything remotely resembling realistic physics is taken into account, detection becomes impossible, indicating that Dyson’s conjecture is very likely true. We also point out several mistakes in the literature (...)
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  38. Necessary and sufficient conditions in tort law.Tony Honore - 1995 - In David G. Owen, Philosophical Foundations of Tort Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 363--385.
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    Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals 1944-1956.Richard J. Golsan & Tony Judt - 1994 - Substance 23 (2):125.
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    Quality and Pleasure in Latin Poetry.Julia Haig Gaisser, Tony Woodman & David West - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (4):414.
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    One Christ—Many Witnesses: Marking the Completion of the Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series.Knud Jørgensen, Tony Gray, Wonsuk Ma & Kirsteen Kim - 2016 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33 (4):262-269.
    Editorial for ‘One Christ—Many Witnesses: Marking the Completion of the Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series’, a special issue to celebrate the Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Issue.
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    List of titles.Thomas G. Weiss, Tony Porter, G. Duina & George E. Shambaugh - 2005 - In David Long & Brian C. Schmidt, Imperialism and internationalism in the discipline of international relations. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    How to do Animal Ethics.Tony Lynch & Lesley McLean - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (4):597-606.
    Many think doing animal ethics demands we see moral humanism as a speciesist prejudice of the kind found with sexism and racism. The only serious case for this rests on the Argument from Marginal Cases. We find that argument to the point, but show that properly understood it supports humanism. Understanding why it does this lets us see how we ought to go on in animal ethics.
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  44. Social theory.Tony Lawson - 1999 - In Steve Fleetwood, Critical realism in economics: development and debate. New York: Routledge. pp. 3.
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    Riddle Me This: The Craft and Concept of Animal Mind.Tony Ashford & Graham Cox - 1998 - Science, Technology and Human Values 23 (4):425-438.
    This article examines the relations between methods used in both animal work and study and concepts of animal mind. By "animal work" the authors mean humans and animals working together, and by "animal study" they mean the discipline of ethology, especially the emerging area of cognitive ethology. Within these areas the wide range of conceptions of animal mind includes varying emphases on intelligence, forms of rationality and language, cognition, consciousness, and intentionality. The authors' central concern is to elucidate the vocabulary (...)
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    (1 other version)Thinking Without Authority: Performance Philosophy as the Democracy of Thought.Tony Fisher - 2015 - Performance Philosophy Journal 1:175-184.
    Performance philosophy commences with an impertinent gesture when it describes itself as inaugurating a ‘new field’ of study. Accompanying that claim is a radical proposition that ‘performance thinks’; that it should be counted as a form of philosophising in its own right. But in what sense can performance be construed as ‘genuinely’ philosophical thought? Taking my cue from Laura Cull’s alignment of performance philosophy with Laruelle’s practice of ‘non philosophy’ – and specifically, with its introduction of ‘democracy’ into the dispositives (...)
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    Joseph Dietzgen and the History of Marxism.Tony Burns - 2002 - Science and Society 66 (2):202-27.
    Joseph Dietzgen (1828-1888) had an important role in the history of Marxism. One reason for this is that he coined the phrase "dialectical materialism" — the hallmark of "orthodox" Marxism. Another reason is that at the beginning of the 20th century, in the absence of Marx's early writings, humanist critics of "orthodox" Marxism like Anton Pannekoek appealed to Dietzgen. An understanding of Dietzgen's thought sheds new light on our understanding of "dialectical materialism" and on the debate between "orthodox" and "Hegelian" (...)
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  48. Understanding foucault: a critical introduction.Tony Schirato - 2012 - Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Edited by Geoff Danaher & Jen Webb.
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    Introduction: striving for objectivity in space.Tony Cheng & Paul Snowdon - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (5):791-797.
    In this special issue, we put together papers that explore the theme “objectivity, space, and mind” from various angles. In the introduction we minimally discuss what are involved in this theme.
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    a société au risque de l'inconscient.Tony Andréani & Yvon Quiniou - 1994 - Actuel Marx 15 (1):99.
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