Results for 'Tony McKibbin'

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  1.  39
    Book Review: Hollywood Westerns and American Myth: The Importance of Howard Hawks and John Ford for Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]Tony McKibbin - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (1):156-159.
  2.  61
    Constraints on Localization and Decomposition as Explanatory Strategies in the Biological Sciences.Michael Silberstein & Tony Chemero - unknown
    Several articles have recently appeared arguing that there really are no viable alternatives to mechanistic explanation in the biological sciences. This claim is meant to hold both in principle and in practice. The basic claim is that any explanation of a particular feature of a biological system, including dynamical explanations, must ultimately be grounded in mechanistic explanation. There are several variations on this theme, some stronger and some weaker. In order to avoid equivocation and miscommunication, in section 1 we will (...)
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  3. Spatial representations in sensory modalities.Tony Cheng - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (3):485-500.
    Some sensory modalities, such as sight, touch and audition, are arguably spatial, and one way to understand these spatial senses is to investigate spatial representations in them. Here I focus on a specific element in this area— the interplay between perspectival variation and spatial constancy—and discuss recent interdisciplinary works on this topic. With these relevant experimental works, we will see clearly how traditional controversies in philosophy, for example, whether we perceive perspectival shapes as well as objective shapes, and whether any (...)
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    Naming latency and the repetition of stimulus categories.Tony Marcel & Bert Forrin - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (3):450.
  5.  53
    How Leader Alignment of Words and Deeds Affects Followers: A Meta-analysis of Behavioral Integrity Research.Tony Simons, Hannes Leroy, Veroniek Collewaert & Stijn Masschelein - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):831-844.
    Substantial research examines the follower consequences of leader alignment of words and deeds, but no research has quantitatively reviewed these effects. This study examines extant research on behavioral integrity and contrasts it with two other constructs that focus on alignment: moral integrity and psychological contract breaches. We compare effect sizes between the three constructs, and find that BI has stronger effects on trust, in-role task performance and citizenship behavior than moral integrity and stronger effects on commitment and OCB than psychological (...)
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  6. Rescuing Fanon from the critics.Tony Martin - 1999 - In Nigel C. Gibson, Rethinking Fanon: the continuing dialogue. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 83--102.
  7.  87
    Of Materiality and Meaning: The Illegality Condition in Street Art.Tony Chackal - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (4):359-370.
    Street art is an art form that entails creating public works incorporating the street physically and in their meaning. That physical property is employed as an artistic resource in street art raises two questions. Are street artworks necessarily illegal? Does being illegal change the nature of production and aesthetic appreciation? First, I argue street artworks must be in the street. On my view, both the physical and sociocultural senses of the street can be constitutive of meaning. Second, I argue that (...)
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    The Logic of Marx’s “Capital”: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.Tony Smith - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    In a step-by-step progression through Marx's three volume work, discovers a systematic theory of socio-economic categories ordered according to the dialectical logic derived from Hegel.
  9. Obstacles to Testing Molyneux's Question Empirically.Tony Cheng - 2015 - I-Perception 6 (4).
    There have recently been various empirical attempts to answer Molyneux’s question, for example, the experiments undertaken by the Held group. These studies, though intricate, have encountered some objections, for instance, from Schwenkler, who proposes two ways of improving the experiments. One is “to re-run [the] experiment with the stimulus objects made to move, and/or the subjects moved or permitted to move with respect to them” (p. 94), which would promote three dimensional or otherwise viewpoint-invariant representations. The other is “to use (...)
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    The Epistemic Role of Consciousness.Tony Cheng - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (1):238-240.
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  11. Psychological understanding and social skills.Martin Davies & Tony Stone - 2003 - In Betty Repacholi & Virginia Slaughter, Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: Implications for Typical and Atypical Development. Hove, E. Sussex: Psychology Press.
    In B. Repacholi and V. Slaughter (eds), _Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: Implications for Typical and Atypical_ _Development_. Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science. Hove, E. Sussex: Psychology Press, 2003..
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  12. Foucault and the transgression of limits.Tony O'Connor - 1988 - In Hugh J. Silverman, Philosophy and Non-philosophy Since Merleau-Ponty. New York: Routledge.
  13.  55
    Competence to make treatment decisions in anorexia nervosa: thinking processes and values.Jacinta Oa Tan, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Raymond Fitzpatrick - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology: Ppp 13 (4):267.
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  14.  26
    Education and Conflict: Complexity and Chaos.Tony Gallagher - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (2):252-253.
  15.  65
    Taking Conceptual Issues Really Seriously: One Next Step for the Cognitive Science of Consciousness.Tony Cheng, Yi Lin & Philip Tseng - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (11):e13213.
    In this letter we focus on the cognitive science of consciousness. The general message is that, while this interdisciplinary area has made much progress in recent years, there is a tendency of downplaying conceptual issues, and therefore underestimating the difficulties of various problems. We briefly focus on a few prominent examples only, due to the space limit, but the general message should be clear: this recent tendency can be problematic for the progress of the consciousness branch of cognitive sciences.
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    MacIntyre and Hegel on the possibility of resolving philosophical disagreements.Tony Burns - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article examines the views of Hegel and Alasdair MacIntyre regarding philosophical disagreements, whether or not they can be resolved and if so how. For both thinkers such a disagreement is thought of as taking place between the advocates of two theoretical positions which are opposed to one another. Each party subscribes to a way of thinking about the issue under discussion which appears to be logically incompatible with the views of the other. We seem therefore to have to make (...)
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    Aristotle and natural law.Tony Burns - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (2):142-166.
    The paper presents an interpretation of Aristotle's views on natural justice in the Nicomachean Ethics. It focuses, in particular, on Aristotle's understanding of the relationship which exists between natural justice and political justice, or between natural law and positive law. It is suggested that Aristotle's views on this subject are often misunderstood. It is also suggested that, contrary to what some commentators might think, Aristotle's comments on natural justice are actually central for our understanding of his political thought as a (...)
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  18. The ordinary as a precedent for sustainability in architecture.Martina Novakova & Tony Lam - 2015 - In Christopher Crouch, An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: the arts and design for the environment. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
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  19. Defending extended cognition.Tony Chemero & Michael Silberstein - unknown
    In this talk, we defend extended cognition against several criticisms. We argue that extended cognition does not derive from armchair theorizing and that it neither ignores the results of the neural sciences, nor minimizes the importance of the brain in the production of intelligent behavior. We also argue that explanatory success in the cognitive sciences does not depend on localist or reductionist methodologies; part of our argument for this is a defense of what might be called ‘holistic science’.
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  20. The connection between logical and thermodynamical irreversibility.Tony Short, James Ladyman, Berry Groisman & Stuart Presnell - unknown
    There has recently been a good deal of controversy about Landauer's Principle, which is often stated as follows: The erasure of one bit of information in a computational device is necessarily accompanied by a generation of kT ln 2 heat. This is often generalised to the claim that any logically irreversible operation cannot be implemented in a thermodynamically reversible way. John Norton (2005) and Owen Maroney (2005) both argue that Landauer's Principle has not been shown to hold in general, and (...)
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    Autonomy and the Politics of Food Choice: From Individuals to Communities.Tony Chackal - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2):123-141.
    Individuals use their capacity for autonomy to express preferences regarding food choices. Food choices are fundamental, universal, and reflect a diversity of interests and cultural preferences. Traditionally, autonomy is cast in only epistemic terms, and the social and political dimension of it, where autonomy obstruction tends to arise, is omitted. This reflects problematic limits in the Cartesian notion of the individual. Because this notion ignores context and embodiment, the external and internal constraints on autonomy that extend from social location are (...)
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  22. The case against free market environmentalism.Tony Smith - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (2):126-144.
    Free market environmentalists believe that the extension of private property rights and market transactions is sufficient to address environmental difficulties. But there is no invisible hand operating in markets that ensures that environmentally sound practices will be employed just because property rights are in private hands. Also, liability laws and the court systems cannot be relied upon to force polluters to internalize the social costs of pollution. Third, market prices do not provide an objective measure of environmental matters. Finally, there (...)
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  23.  50
    Interpreting and appropriating texts in the history of political thought: Quentin Skinner and poststructuralism.Tony Burns - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (3):313-331.
  24. What we perceive when we perceive affordances: Commentary on Michaels (2000), Information, Perception and Action.Tony Chemero - 2001 - Ecological Psychology 13 (2):111-116.
    In her essay --?Information, Perception and Action--, Claire Michaels reaches two conclusions that run very much against the grain of ecological psychology. First, she claims that affordances are not perceived, but simply acted upon; second, because of this, perception and action ought to be conceived separately. These conclusions are based upon a misinterpretation of empirical evidence which is, in turn, based upon a conflation of two proper objects of perception: objectively with properties and affordances.
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  25.  30
    Marx’s Hegelian Critique of Hegel.Tony Smith - 2019 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (54):11-32.
    Hegel conceptualized the capitalist economy as a system of needs, with commodities and money serving as means to human ends. While anticipating Marx’s criticisms of certain tendencies in capitalism, Hegel insisted that higher-order institutions, especially those of the modern state, could put them out of play and establish a reconciliation of universality, particularity, and individuality warranting rational affirmation. Hegel, however, failed to comprehend the emergence of capital as a dominant subject, subordinating human ends under its end. The structural coercion, domination, (...)
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    The ‘General Intellect’ in the Grundrisse and Beyond.Tony Smith - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):235-255.
    In recent publications Paolo Virno and Carlo Vercellone have called attention to Marx’s category of the general intellect in theGrundrisse, and to the unprecedented role its diffusion plays in contemporary capitalism. According to Virno, the flourishing of the general intellect, which Marx thought could only take place within communism, characterises post-Fordist capitalism. Vercellone adds that Marx’s account of the real subsumption of living labour under capital is obsolete in contemporary cognitive capitalism. Both authors regard Marx’s value theory as historically obsolete. (...)
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  27. Mental Disorder and the Concept of Authenticity.Alexandre Erler & Tony Hope - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (3):219-232.
    Authenticity has recently emerged as an important issue in discussions of mental disorder. We show, on the basis of personal accounts and empirical studies, that many people with psychological disorders are preoccupied with questions of authenticity. Most of the data considered in this paper are from studies of people with bipolar disorder and anorexia nervosa. We distinguish the various ways in which these people view the relationship between the disorder and their sense of their authentic self. We discuss the principal (...)
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    INTRODUCTION. The Major Breakthrough in Scientific Practice.Shahid Rahman, Tony Street & Hassan Tahiri - 2008 - In Shahid Rahman, Tony Street & Hassan Tahiri, The Unity of Science in the Islamic Tradition. Hal Ccsd.
    Knowledge was a major issue in science and philosophy in the twentieth century. Its first irruption was in the heated controversy concerning the foundations of mathematics. To justify his rejection of the use of the actual infinite in mathematical reasoning, Brouwer has made the construction of mathematical objects dependent on the knowing subject. This approach was rejected by the mainstream of analytical philosophers who feared a fall into pyschologism. Several years later, the question of the progress of scientific knowledge was (...)
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  29.  52
    Marx and the Concept of a Social Formation.Tony Burns - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    This paper discusses the significance of the concept of a social formation for historical materialism. It argues that the concept is wrongly thought to be associated uniquely with the writings of Louis Althusser and with structuralist Marxism. It can be found in the writings of Marx himself, as well as those of Lenin, and is central to an adequate understanding of classical Marxism. To illustrate its importance the paper shows how the concept may be used to shed new light on (...)
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  30. The Sceptical Paradox and the Nature of the Self.Tony Cheng - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (1):3-14.
    In the present article, I attempt to relate Saul Kripke's “sceptical paradox” to some issues about the self; specifically, the relation between the self and its mental states and episodes. I start with a brief reconstruction of the paradox, and venture to argue that it relies crucially on a Cartesian model of the self: the sceptic regards the Wittgensteinian “infinite regress of interpretation” as the foundation of his challenge, and this is where he commits the crucial mistake. After the diagnosis, (...)
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    Précis of John McDowell on Worldly Subjectivity.Tony Cheng - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-6.
    This is a précis of my recent monograph John McDowell on Worldly Subjectivity: Oxford Kantianism Meets Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences. I first describe the key question the book is trying to answer via understanding McDowell’s thinking and the general outline of it. The key question is a Kantian how-possible question, and the outline includes the distinction between first and second nature, the contrast between Cogito and Homo sapience, and how a minded human animal can be a perceiver, knower, thinker, speaker, (...)
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    Employee and Coworker Idiosyncratic Deals: Implications for Emotional Exhaustion and Deviant Behaviors.Dejun Tony Kong, Violet T. Ho & Sargam Garg - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3):593-609.
    By integrating conservation of resources and social comparison perspectives, we seek to investigate how employees’ own i-deals, independently from and jointly with their coworker’s i-deals, determine their emotional exhaustion and subsequent deviant behaviors. We conducted a field study focusing on task i-deals, and used Actor–Partner Interdependence Model and polynomial regression to test the hypotheses. We found that emotional exhaustion not only mediated the negative relationship between employees’ own task i-deals and deviant behaviors, but also mediated the positive relationship between upward (...)
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    Q & A.Tony Coady & C. A. J. Coady - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 44 (44):114-115.
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    Rediscovering the Educating Forest Through the Prefacing Trees: Drawing Lessons from Barber’s Strong Democracy.Tony DeCesare - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:109-112.
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    Structural correspondence in Molyneux’s subjects.Tony Cheng - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    The historical Molyneux’s question – roughly, whether congenital blind subjects can visually identify shapes in front of them right after being made to see – is having its renaissance in recent years (Ferretti and Glenney, 2021). While there have been many different formulations of it, and many attempted answers as well, no clear consensus has been reached. Moreover, although arguably both memory and imagination are involved in the process, their roles in the Molyneux’s task have not been adequately discussed. In (...)
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  36. A Plea for the Plurality of Function.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Review of Contemporary Philosophy 15:70-81.
    In this paper I defend a pluralistic approach in understanding function, both in biological and other contexts. Talks about function are ubiquitous and crucial in biology, and it might be the key to bridge the “manifest image” and the “scientific image” identified by Sellars (1962). However, analysis of function has proven to be extremely difficult. The major puzzle is to make sense of “time-reversed causality”: how can property P be the cause of its realizer R? For example, “pumping blood” is (...)
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  37. Compositionality and Believing That.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 15:60-76.
    This paper is about compositionality, belief reports, and related issues. I begin by introducing Putnam’s proposal for understanding compositionality, namely that the sense of a sentence is a function of the sense of its parts and of its logical structure (section 1). Both Church and Sellars think that Putnam’s move is superfluous or unnecessary since there is no relevant puzzle to begin with (section 2). I will urge that Putnam is right in thinking that there is indeed a puzzle with (...)
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  38. Revolutionary Aristotelianism? : the political thought of Aristotle, Marx, and MacIntyre.Tony Burns - 2011 - In Paul Blackledge & Kelvin Knight, Virtue and politics: Alasdair MacIntyre's revolutionary Aristotelianism. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 35-53.
  39. Self, Action and Passivity.Tony Cheng - 2015 - Philosophical Writings 44 (1):01-19.
    In a series of works Hubert Dreyfus argues that phenomenological considerations can show the falsity of John McDowell’s claim that ours actions are permeated with rationality. Dreyfus changes the details of his objections several times in this debate, but I shall argue that there is an implicit false assumption lurking in his thinking throughout his exchanges with McDowell. Originally Dreyfus proposed a distinction between “detached rule-following” and “situation-specific way of coping,” and later he replaces it with the distinction between “subjectivity” (...)
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  40. Afterword.Tony Milligan, Klara Anna Capova, David Dunér & Erik Persson - 2018 - In Klara Anna Capova, Erik Persson, Tony Milligan & David Dunér, Astrobiology and Society in Europe Today. Springer. pp. 55-60.
    Space exploration and the search for a better understanding of life have never been entirely separate from one another. This is not simply a matter of policy, a decision by political administrations to combine the two. Rather, it is a matter of the ways in which both draw upon the same scientific culture and upon overlapping societal influences. Some of the latter are the political influences of particular times and particular places, others are of a far broader nature. Progress in (...)
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  41. Segregation That No One Seeks.Ryan Muldoon, Tony Smith & Michael Weisberg - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (1):38-62.
    This paper examines a series of Schelling-like models of residential segregation, in which agents prefer to be in the minority. We demon- strate that as long as agents care about the characteristics of their wider community, they tend to end up in a segregated state. We then investigate the process that causes this, and conclude that the result hinges on the similarity of informational states amongst agents of the same type. This is quite di erent from Schelling-like behavior, and sug- (...)
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    Roemer on Marx's Theory of Exploitation: Shortcomings of a Non-Dialectical Approach.Tony Smith - 1989 - Science and Society 53 (3):327 - 340.
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    Capturing the Elusive Self.Tony Cheng - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):978-981.
    Psychology and philosophy have maintained a special relationship since very long ago. Nowadays, many psychologists stay away from philosophy and focus on the empirical methods in their studies. The...
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    Demystifying Consciousness and Non-cognitive Theories of Consciousness.Tony Cheng - 2022 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 1 (2).
    In “A conceptual framework for consciousness,” Michael Graziano provides a substantive conceptual framework for explaining consciousness. In this commentary I will focus on the way Graziano sets up the issue, which fails to capture the opposition accurately. The opponent of Graziano’s approach is no mysticism, but non-cognitive theories exemplified by, e.g., Ned Block’s Overflow thesis. Without identifying the opponent accurately, its significance cannot be fully appreciated. In this commentary I attempt to capture the real disagreement to facilitate further communications. ER (...)
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  45. Dynamical explanation and mental representations.Tony Chemero - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (4):141-142.
    Markman and Dietrich1 recently recommended extending our understanding of representation to incorporate insights from some “alternative” theories of cognition: perceptual symbol systems, situated action, embodied cognition, and dynamical systems. In particular, they suggest that allowances be made for new types of representation which had been previously under-emphasized in cognitive science. The amendments they recommend are based upon the assumption that the alternative positions each agree with the classical view that cognition requires representations, internal mediating states that bear information.2 In the (...)
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    Introduction: Sensing the self in world.Tony Cheng - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (1):57-60.
    Analytic Philosophy, Volume 62, Issue 1, Page 57-60, March 2021.
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  47. Immersive Virtual Reality and Virtual Embodiment for Pain Relief.Marta Matamala-Gomez, Tony Donegan, Sara Bottiroli, Giorgio Sandrini, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives & Cristina Tassorelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  48.  34
    Radical internalism meets radical externalism or: Smithies’ epistemology transcendentalised.Tony Cheng - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1-8.
    In The Epistemic Role of Consciousness (2019), Declan Smithies has carried out a thorough radical internalist programme. Along the way he compares and contrasts many different views, including a group he calls “radical externalism.” From the labels, it might seem that radical internalism and radical externalism must be very different in their core commitments. In this short note, I will single out a version of radical externalism – factivism, more specifically John McDowell’s version (1994, 1995, 2011) – and argue that (...)
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  49. Understanding the imitation deficit in autism may lead to a more specific model of autism as an empathy disorder.Tony Charman - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):29-30.
    Preston & de Waal are understandably cautious in applying their model to autism. They emphasise multiple cognitive impairments in autism, including prefrontal-executive, cerebellar-attention, and amygdala-emotion recognition deficits. Further empirical examination of imitation ability in autism may reveal deficits in the neural and cognitive basis of perception-action mapping that have a specific relation to the empathic deficit.
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    Christian List, "Why Free Will Is Real.".Tony Cheng - 2021 - Philosophy in Review 41 (2):80-82.
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