Results for 'Tom Scanlon'

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  1.  43
    2010 north american annual meeting of the association for symbolic logic.Alexander Razborov, Bob Coecke, Zoé Chatzidakis, Bjørn Kjos, Nicolaas P. Landsman, Lawrence S. Moss, Dilip Raghavan, Tom Scanlon, Ernest Schimmerling & Henry Towsner - 2011 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):127-154.
  2. News hound academics and religious schools under fire, oak felled and more Praise Of Putnam, Open Debate, Russell'S. Politics & Tom Scanlon - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13:4.
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  3. On Testing the Simulation Theory.Tom Campbell, Houman Owhadi, Joe Savageau & David Watkinson - manuscript
    Can the theory that reality is a simulation be tested? We investigate this question based on the assumption that if the system performing the simulation is nite (i.e. has limited resources), then to achieve low computational complexity, such a system would, as in a video game, render content (reality) only at the moment that information becomes available for observation by a player and not at the moment of detection by a machine (that would be part of the simulation and whose (...)
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  4. Action, knowledge and embodiment in Berkeley and Locke.Tom Stoneham - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (1):41-59.
    Embodiment is a fact of human existence which philosophers should not ignore. They may differ to a great extent in what they have to say about our bodies, but they have to take into account that for each of us our body has a special status, it is not merely one amongst the physical objects, but a physical object to which we have a unique relation. While Descartes approached the issue of embodiment through consideration of sensation and imagination, it is (...)
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    The concise argument – choice, choices and the choice agenda.Lucy Frith - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):1-2.
    Choice is probably one of the most often discussed areas in bioethics, alongside the related concepts of informed consent and autonomy. It is generally, prima facie, portrayed as a good thing. In healthcare, the 2000s saw the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair pursue the ‘Choice Agenda’ where, ‘As capacity expands, so choice will grow. Choice will fundamentally change the balance of power in the NHS.’1 In a consumerist society giving consumers more choice is seen as desirable. However, choice is not (...)
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  6. Review: On Critique: A Sociology of Emancipation. [REVIEW]Tom Boland - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 109 (1):120-125.
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    Theological Considerations for Liturgical Renewal with Edward Schillebeeckx1.Tom McLean - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1084):775-787.
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    1. Idealism, British Idealism, and Analytic Philosophy.Tom Rockmore - 2004 - In Hegel, Idealism, and Analytic Philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 11-63.
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    1. Idealism, Platonic Idealism, and the NewWay of Ideas.Tom Rockmore - 2007 - In Kant and Idealism. Yale University Press. pp. 17-47.
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    The computational complexity of abduction.Tom Bylander, Dean Allemang, Michael C. Tanner & John R. Josephson - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 49 (1-3):25-60.
  11. Neurotechnology, Invasiveness and the Extended Mind.Tom Buller - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):593-605.
    According to a standard view, the physical boundary of the person—the skin-and-skull boundary—matters morally because this boundary delineates between where the person begins and the world ends. On the basis of this view we make a distinction between invasive interventions that penetrate this boundary and non-invasive interventions that do not. The development of neuroprosthetics, however, raises questions about the significance of this boundary and the relationship between person and body. In particular it has been argued by appeal to the Extended (...)
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  12. Ensemble representation and the contents of visual experience.Tim Bayne & Tom McClelland - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):733-753.
    The on-going debate over the ‘admissible contents of perceptual experience’ concerns the range of properties that human beings are directly acquainted with in perceptual experience. Regarding vision, it is relatively uncontroversial that the following properties can figure in the contents of visual experience: colour, shape, illumination, spatial relations, motion, and texture. The controversy begins when we ask whether any properties besides these figure in visual experience. We argue that ‘ensemble properties’ should be added to the list of visually admissible properties. (...)
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    Autonomy in chimpanzees.Tom L. Beauchamp & Victoria Wobber - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (2):117-132.
    Literature on the mental capacities and cognitive mechanisms of the great apes has been silent about whether they can act autonomously. This paper provides a philosophical theory of autonomy supported by psychological studies of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie chimpanzee behavior to argue that chimpanzees can act autonomously even though their psychological mechanisms differ from those of humans. Chimpanzees satisfy the two basic conditions of autonomy: (1) liberty (the absence of controlling influences) and (2) agency (self-initiated intentional action), each of (...)
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  14.  53
    An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press.
    This new edition of Hume's Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, published in the Oxford Philosophical Texts series, has been designed especially for the student reader. The text is preceded by a substantial introduction explaining the historical and intellectual background to the work and its relationship to the rest of Hume's philosophy. The volume also includes detailed explanatory notes on the text, a glossary of terms, and a section of supplementary readings.
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  15.  71
    Internal and external standards for medical morality.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (6):601 – 619.
    What grounds and justifies conclusions in medical ethics? Is the source external or internal to medicine? Thee influential types of answer have appeared in recent literature: an internal account, an external account, and a mixed internal / external account. The first defends an ethic derived from either the ends of medicine or professional practice standards. The second maintains that precepts in medical ethics rely upon and require justification by external standards such as those of public opinion, law, religious ethics, or (...)
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  16. Virtue, Vice, and Situationism.Tom Bates & Pauline Kleingeld - 2017 - In Nancy E. Snow, The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford University Press. pp. 524-545.
    On the basis of psychological research, a group of philosophers known as 'situationists' argue that the evidence belies the existence of broad and stable (or 'global') character traits. They argue that this condemns as psychologically unrealistic those traditions in moral theory in which global virtues are upheld as ideals. After a survey of the debate to date, this article argues that the thesis of situationism is ill-supported by the available evidence. Situationists overlook the explanatory potential of a large class of (...)
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  17. Kant and phenomenology.Tom Rockmore - 2011 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    From Platonism to phenomenology -- Kant's epistemological shift to phenomenology -- Hegel's phenomenology as epistemology -- Husserl's phenomenological epistemology -- Heidegger's phenomenological ontology -- Kant, Merleau-Ponty's descriptive phenomenology, and the primacy of perception -- On overcoming the epistemological problem through phenomenology.
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  18.  80
    Does Ethical Theory Have a Future in Bioethics?Tom L. Beauchamp - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):209-217.
    The last twenty-five years of published literature and curriculum development in bioethics suggest that the field enjoys a successful and stable marriage to philosophical ethical theory. However, the next twenty-five years could be very different. I believe the marriage is troubled. Divorce is conceivable and perhaps likely. The most philosophical parts of bioethics may retreat to philosophy departments, while bioethics continues on its current course toward a more interdisciplinary and practical field.I make no presumption that bioethics is integrally linked to (...)
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  19. On Eliminating the Distinction Between Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1984 - The Monist 67 (4):514-531.
    “Applied ethics” has been the major growth area in North American philosophy in the last decade, yet a robust confidence and enthusiasm over its promise is far from universal in academic philosophy. It is considered nonphilosophical in West Germany, and has largely failed to penetrate British departments of philosophy. Whether it has any intellectually or pedagogically redeeming value is still widely debated in North America, where many who have tried to teach some area of applied ethics for the first time (...)
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  20.  40
    Response to Commentaries.Tom L. Beauchamp & James F. Childress - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (4-5):560-579.
    After expressing our gratitude to the commentators for their valuable analyses and assessments of Principles of Biomedical Ethics, we respond to several particular critiques raised by the commentators under the following rubrics: the compatibility of different sets of principles and rules; challenges to the principle of respect for autonomy; connecting principles to cases and resolving their conflicts; the value of and compatibility of virtues and principles; common morality theory; and moral status. We point to areas where we see common agreement (...)
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  21.  32
    Prikry forcing and tree Prikry forcing of various filters.Tom Benhamou - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):787-817.
    In this paper, we answer a question asked in Koepke et al. regarding a Mathias criteria for Tree-Prikry forcing. Also we will investigate Prikry forcing using various filters. For completeness and self inclusion reasons, we will give proofs of many known theorems.
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  22.  20
    An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: A Critical Edition.Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    about Hume: David Hume is one of the greatest of philosophers. Today he probably ranks highest of all British philosophers in terms of influence and philosophical standing. His philosophical work ranges across morals, the mind, metaphysics, epistemology, and aesthetics; he had broad interests not only in philosophy as it is now conceived but in history, politics, economics, religion, and the arts. He was a master of English prose. about the Clarendon Hume Edition: The Clarendon Hume will include all of his (...)
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    Persons of authority: the Ston pa tshad ma'i skyes bur sgrub pa'i gtam of a lag sha ngag dbang bstan dar: a Tibetan work on the central religious questions in Buddhist epistemology.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 1993 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner. Edited by Tom J. F. Tillemans.
  24.  72
    Where Are We in the Justification of Research Involving Chimpanzees?Tom L. Beauchamp, Hope R. Ferdowsian & John P. Gluck - 2012 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 22 (3):211-242.
    On December 15, 2011, a final report was issued by the Committee on the Use of Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research, which had been convened by the U. S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) in collaboration with National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies. Within a month of its release, this report was designated by Wired Science one of the “top scientific discoveries of 2011” (Wired Science Staff 2011). The ad hoc Committee responsible for this report was formed at (...)
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  25.  45
    An integrative review of attention biases and their contribution to treatment for anxiety disorders.Tom J. Barry, Bram Vervliet & Dirk Hermans - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  26.  76
    Rethinking the ethics of research involving nonhuman animals: introduction.Tom L. Beauchamp, Hope R. Ferdowsian & John P. Gluck - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (2):91-96.
    In the relatively short time since 2006—when Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics published an issue on moral issues relevant to the use of nonhuman animals in research [1]—significant changes have occurred for nonhuman animals in many quarters. Public sentiment, new policy initiatives, and scientific studies of nonhuman animals’ capacities have all influenced the ways in which nonhuman animals are perceived and treated in research. Today, a large body of information is available for use in decision making about the acceptability of using (...)
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  27.  47
    On Rhodes’s failure to appreciate the connections between common morality theory and professional biomedical ethics.Tom Beauchamp - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):790-791.
    Two positions that Rosamund Rhodes puts forward are the proper starting point for this commentary: 1. Medical ethics based on the common morality that uses a body of abstract principles or rules are not ‘an adequate and appropriate guide for physicians’ actions’. 2. We need, but do not have, a true professional medical ethics for physicians, which must be ‘distinctly different’ from ethics based on common morality. I will argue that both positions are mistaken. Rhodes does not analyse what she (...)
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  28.  85
    Paternalism and Biobehavioral Control.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1977 - The Monist 60 (1):62-80.
  29.  61
    The Idea of a “Standard View” of Informed Consent.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (12):1-2.
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  30.  60
    The Upper Limits of Pain and Suffering in Animal Research.Tom L. Beauchamp & David B. Morton - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (4):431-447.
  31. Understanding 'sensorimotor understanding'.Tom Roberts - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (1):101-111.
    Sensorimotor theories understand perception to be a process of active, exploratory engagement with the environment, mediated by the possession and exercise of a certain body of knowledge concerning sensorimotor dependencies. This paper aims to characterise that exercise, and to show that it places constraints upon the content of sensorimotor knowledge itself. Sensorimotor mastery is exercised when it is put to use in the service of intentional action-planning and selection, and this rules out certain standard readings of sensorimotor contingency knowledge. Rather (...)
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    Introducing thalassa.Nicolas Abraham & Tom Goodwin - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (6):137-142.
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    Hume’s Two Theories of Causation.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1973 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 55 (3):281-300.
  34.  63
    Ambiguous Sovereignty: Political Judgment and the Limits of Law in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.Tom Bailey - 2024 - Law and Philosophy 43 (3):235-268.
    Kantian legalism is now the dominant scholarly interpretation of Kant and an important approach to legal and political philosophy in its own right. One notable feature is its construal of the relationship between law and politics decisively in law’s favour: Law subordinates politics. Political judgment is constrained by and only permissibly exercised through law. This paper opposes this subordination through a close analysis of an ambiguity in Kant’s conception of sovereignty. Understanding this ambiguity requires seeing that, for Kant, law cannot (...)
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  35. Moral Foundations.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2009 - In Steven Scott Coughlin, Tom L. Beauchamp & Douglas L. Weed, Ethics and Epidemiology. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter seeks to provide an understanding of philosophical ethics sufficient for reading other chapters and for appreciating the relevance of philosophical investigations for epidemiologic ethics. Some central concepts and methods of biomedical ethics are explained. In the section on Social Morality and Professional Morality, several questions about the nature of morality and moral responsibility are discussed. In the Section on Problems and Methods in Moral Philosophy, several problems and methods in moral philosophy are discussed, and, in the final section, (...)
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  36. Analysing the Good Will: Kant's Argument in the First Section of the Groundwork.Tom Bailey - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (4):635-662.
    This article contends that the first section of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals provides a sophisticated and valid argument, and that commentators are therefore mistaken in dismissing this section as flawed. In particular, the article undertakes to show that in this section Kant argues from a conception of the goodness of a good will to two distinctive features of moral goodness, and from these features to his ?formula of universal law?. The article reveals the sophistication and validity of (...)
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    Structurer la politique étrangère de la nation.Tom Farer - 2003 - Diogène 203 (3):83-101.
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    Two Cheers for Humanitarianism.Tom Farer - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (3):355-372.
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    Bodily feelings and atmospheres the felt situational impact upon education.Tom Feldges - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (3):501-519.
    This paper argues for the importance of a passive form of embodiment for educational purposes to capture tacit environmental influences. G. Buck’s account of learning as experience is put in discussion with psychological approaches to reveal the limitation of what psychology can achieve, especially when it comes to situated experiences within educational environments. As a solution to overcome this problem a concept of passive embodiment is developed that allows for a body that is receptive to multisensory environmental influences. Böhme’s concept (...)
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  40. Introduction : philosophy and education.Tom Feldges - 2019 - In Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  41. Making sense of it all? - a concluding attempt.Tom Feldges - 2019 - In Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship.Tom Feldges (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This text develops students' ability to philosophise and learn about philosophy and education. It challenges readers to use philosophy as a tool within education and as a set of theories to understand education by developing solutions to problems as they occur within practice. Assuming no pre-existing philosophical background, this book explores topics such as: the limits of a religious-based education; the desire for 'alternative facts' or 'truths'; and the struggle in the teacher-student relationship. This book will support all those on (...)
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  43. Will to Power: Nietzsche's Transcendental Idealism.Tom Bailey - 2021 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 52 (2):260-289.
    This article argues that in Beyond Good and Evil (BGE) Nietzsche defends “will to power” as a transcendentally ideal condition of objectivity, in the sense in which Kant considers, say, space, time, or the concepts of substance and causation to be such conditions. The article shows how Nietzsche’s engage-ment with the transcendental idealist arguments of his Kantian contemporaries leads him to reject naturalism and to adopt a peculiarly transcendental kind of skepticism, which rejects as unjustified the conditions that would make (...)
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    ‘Natural Inclinations’ in Aquinas and his Modern Interpreters.Tom Angier - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):261-284.
    In this paper, I tackle Aquinas’s notion of ‘natural inclinations’, specifically as it occurs in his seminal elaboration of the natural law in Summa Theologiae I-II. Question 94. Article 2. Maintaining that it constitutes a departure from Aristotle’s terminology, and is hence puzzling, I go on to investigate a raft of modern, mainly Anglophone, interpretations of the concept. Beginning with Jacques Maritain, I move through the broadly chronological sequence of John Finnis, Jean Porter, Steven Jensen, Justin Matchulat and Stephen Brock. (...)
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    On Common Morality as Embodied Practice.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (1):86-93.
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  46. Irrationalism. Lukács and the Marxist View of Reason.Tom Rockmore - 1992 - Science and Society 58 (1):115-117.
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  47. The compatibiity of universal morality, particular moralities, and multiculturalism.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2014 - In Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln, Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  48.  30
    David McPherson, Virtue and Meaning: A Neo-Aristotelian Perspective.Tom Angier - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (6):655-658.
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    The Value of Mere Willing: Revisiting Kant’s Argument for the Formula of the End in Itself.Tom Bailey - 2025 - Kant Studien 116 (1):1-21.
    In this article I attempt to explain Kant’s notoriously obscure argument for the principle that every rational being should be treated as an “end,” and not merely as a means. I take my lead from the appearance in the argument of terms and ideas that he uses earlier in the Groundwork to express two distinctive features of moral value and to make a related claim about how moral value is achieved. I argue that, of the candidates for the “end” of (...)
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  50. The Second Coming of Free Trade.Tom Athanasiou - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: Concepts, Policy and Theory. London and Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Company.
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