Results for 'Tom Fielder'

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  1.  30
    Psychoanalysis and anti-racism in mid-20th-century America: An alternative angle of vision.Tom Fielder - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (3-4):193-217.
    The conventional historiography of psychoanalysis in America offers few opportunities for the elaboration of anti-racist themes, and instead American ‘ego psychology’ has often been regarded as the most acute exemplar of ‘racist’ psychoanalysis. In this article, consistent with the historiographical turn Burnham first identified under the heading of ‘the New Freud Studies’, I distinguish between histories of psychoanalytic practitioners and histories of psychoanalytic ideas in order to open out an alternative angle of vision on the historiography. For psychoanalytic ideas were (...)
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  2. The Case for Animal Rights.Tom Regan - 2004 - Univ of California Press.
    More than twenty years after its original publication, _The Case for Animal Rights _is an acknowledged classic of moral philosophy, and its author is recognized as the intellectual leader of the animal rights movement. In a new and fully considered preface, Regan responds to his critics and defends the book's revolutionary position.
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  3. (3 other versions)The Case for Animal Rights.Tom Regan - 1985 - Human Studies 8 (4):389-392.
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  4. The Nature and Possibility of an Environmental Ethic.Tom Regan - 1981 - Environmental Ethics 3 (1):19-34.
    A conception of an environmental ethic is set forth which involves postulating that nonconscious natural objects can have value in their own right, independently of human interests. Two kinds of objection are considered: those that deny the possibility of developing an ethic ofthe environment that accepts this postulate, and those.that deny the necessity of constructing such an ethic. Both types of objection are found wanting. The essay condudes with some tentative remarks regarding the notion of inherent value.
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  5. (3 other versions)Animal Rights and Human Obligations.Tom Regan & Peter Singer - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (206):576-577.
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    A dual-process model of defense against conscious and unconscious death-related thoughts: An extension of terror management theory.Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg & Sheldon Solomon - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):835-845.
  7.  34
    Defending Animal Rights.Tom Regan - 2001 - University of Illinois Press.
    He puts the issue of animal rights in historical context, drawing parallels between animal rights activism and other social movements, including the anti-slavery movement in the nineteenth century and the gay-lesbian struggle today. He also outlines the challenges to animal rights posed by deep ecology and ecofeminism to using animals for human purposes and addresses the ethical dilemma of the animal rights advocate whose employer uses animals for research."--BOOK JACKET.
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  8. The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism.Tom Regan - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):181 - 214.
    The bay was sunlit and filled with boats, many of them just returned from early-dawn trips to the open sea. Fish that a few hours before had been swimming in the water now lay on the boat decks with glassy eyes, wounded mouths, bloodstained scales. The fishermen, well-to-do sportsmen, were weighing the fish and boasting about their catches. As often as Herman had witnessed the slaughter of animals and fish, he always had the same thought: in their behavior toward creatures, (...)
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    An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.) - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    Tom Beauchamp presents a new edition, designed especially for the student reader, of An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, the classic work in which David Hume gave a general exposition of his philosophy to a broad educated readership. An authoritative new version of the text is preceded by a substantial introduction explaining the historical and intellectual background to the work and surveying its main themes. The volume also includes detailed explanatory notes on the text, a glossary of terms, and a section (...)
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  10. Animal rights, human wrongs.Tom Regan - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (2):99-120.
    In this essay, I explore the moral foundations of the treatment of animals. Alternative views are critically examined, including (a) the Kantian account, which holds that our duties regarding animals are actually indirect duties to humanity; (b) the cruelty account, which holds that the idea of cruelty explains why it is wrong to treat animals in certain ways; and (c) the utilitarian account, which holds that the value of consequences for all sentient creatures explains our duties to animals. These views (...)
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  11. Utilitarianism, vegetarianism, and animal rights.Tom Regan - 1980 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (4):305-324.
  12. Reconceptualising the Psychological Theory of Generics.Tom Ralston - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):2973-2995.
    Generics have historically proven difficult to analyse using the tools of formal semantics. In this paper, I argue that an influential theory of the meaning of generics due to Sarah-Jane Leslie, the Psychological Theory of Generics, is best interpreted not as a theory of their meaning, but as a theory of the psychological heuristics that we use to judge whether or not generics are true. I argue that Leslie’s methodology is not well-suited to producing a theory of the meaning of (...)
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  13. Does Environmental Ethics Rest on a Mistake?Tom Regan - 1992 - The Monist 75 (2):161-182.
    Environmental ethics rests on a mistake. At least a common conception of what such an ethic must be like rests on a mistake. To make this clearer, I first explain this conception, then characterize and defend the charge I make against it.
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  14. The radical egalitarian case for animal rights.Tom Regan - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 5:82-90.
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    Implications of the TASI taxonomy for understanding inconsistent effects pertaining to free will beliefs.Tom St Quinton & David Trafimow - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):480-502.
    Whether people possess free will has been a long-lasting philosophical debate. Recent attention in social psychology has been given to the behavioral consequences of believing in free will. Research has demonstrated that manipulating free will beliefs has implications for many social behaviors. For example, free will belief manipulations have been associated with cheating, aggressiveness, and prejudice. Despite this work, some of these findings have failed to replicate. Testing theoretical predictions, such as whether believing in free will influences behavior, depends on (...)
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  16. Computational functionalism.Tom Polger - 2009 - In Sarah Robins, John Symons & Paco Calvo, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology. New York, NY: Routledge.
    An introduction to functionalism in the philosophy of psychology/mind, and review of the current state of debate pro and con. Forthcoming in the Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Psychology (John Symons and Paco Calvo, eds.).
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    Narveson on Egoism and the Rights of Animals.Tom Regan - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):179 - 186.
    Jan Narveson has rendered a valuable service with his examination of two recent publications on the general topic of the treatment of animals. Not only has he given us the means for securing a better understanding of many of the most important arguments common to these two volumes; what is more, he has advanced a position which fails to receive any attention in either, and a position which, should it happen to be correct, would fatally undermine perhaps the most basic (...)
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  18. Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy.Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy written in English is overwhelmingly analytic philosophy, and the techniques and predilections of analytic philosophy are not only unhistorical but anti-historical, and hostile to textual commentary. Analytic usually aspires to a very high degree of clarity and precision of formulation and argument, and it often seeks to be informed by, and consistent with, current natural science. In an earlier era, analytic philosophy aimed at agreement with ordinary linguistic intuitions or common sense beliefs, or both. All of these aspects of (...)
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    The Thee Generation: Reflections on the Coming Revolution.Tom Regan (ed.) - 1991 - Temple University Press.
    Addresses such topics as child pornography, feminism, deep ecology, vivisection, Christian theology and career choice.
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    Standing on principles: collected essays.Tom L. Beauchamp - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume will collect Tom Beauchamp's 15 most important published articles in bioethics, most of which were published over the last 25 years, and most of ...
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  21. What are we so afraid of? A terror management theory perspective on the politics of fear.Tom Pyszczynski - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (4):827-848.
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  22. Die Vorstrukturierung des Möglichen - Latenz und Technisierung.Tom Poljanšek - 2016 - In Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski & Alfred Nordmann, Technisches Nichtwissen: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co. Kg. pp. 17-40.
    (Deutsch:) Es werden zunächst drei Hinsichten unterschieden, nach denen die in einer Situation offenstehenden Möglichkeiten vorstrukturiert erscheinen: materiell, sozial und subjektiv. Während in materieller Hinsicht Möglichkeiten schlicht vorgegeben sind, werden Möglichkeiten gesellschaftlich als zulässig oder unzulässig skandiert, d.i. hervorgehoben, oder bleiben unskandiert. In subjektiver Hinsicht sind es vor allem die Fähigkeiten des Einzelnen, die diese Möglichkeiten er- oder verschließen. Technisierung erscheint in dieser Perspektive als sichernde Vorstrukturierung von Möglichkeitsräumen, die subjektiv stets mit der Abblendung oder Abschattung bestimmter Sachverhalte und Möglichkeiten, (...)
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  23. Nie ganz bei den Sachen. Zur Phänomenologie der Immersion.Tom Poljanšek - 2022 - In Oliver Ruf & Lars C. Grabbe, Technik-Ästhetik. Zur Theorie techno-ästhetischer Realität. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 183-202.
    Menschen sind häufig nicht ganz bei der Sache. Oft finden wir sie abwesend, nicht ganz da, sich in Tagträume verlierend, in Gedanken schon bei der nächsten Sache; finden sie irgendwie nicht ganz hinein in die Situationen, mit denen sie sich gerade konfrontiert finden. Der Beitrag entwickelt die These, dass die Rede von der "Immersivität" von Erfahrung nicht erst bei technologisch oder ästhetisch mediierten Erlebnissen des Versetztseins in künstliche oder virtuelle "Welten" und Umgebungen am Platz, gewöhnliche menschliche Erfahrung vielmehr ganz grundsätzlich (...)
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  24. Phänomenologie als deiktische Kartographie der Existenz.Tom Poljanšek - 2022 - In Niklas Grouls & Laura Martena, Anspruch und Methode der Philosophie. Stimmen aus der Gegenwart. WBG Academic. pp. 55 - 83.
    Der Aufsatz untersucht, inwiefern der Sprache in der Phänomenologie die Rolle zukommt, das Individuum deiktisch in den Situationen seiner Existenz zu orientieren, indem sie kategorial auf Gegebenheiten seiner Erfahrung zeigt. Phänomenologisches Philosophieren geht in dieser Hinsicht über das bloße, innertheoretische Geben und Nehmen von Gründen sowie die Absicherung objektiver Wissensbestände (zu denen es gleichfalls nicht in Opposition tritt) hinaus, und zielt dabei evokativ auf orientierende Erkenntniseffekte im Subjekt. Statt als innersprachliche "Deskriptionen" oder Bezeichnungen von Phänomenen fungieren phänomenologische Begriffe und Beschreibungen (...)
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    Genauigkeit und Seele. Erkenntnisorientierte Literatur als überlegene Philosophie nach Musil und Valéry.Tom Poljanšek - 2016 - In Sebastian Hüsch & Sikander Singh, Literatur als philosophisches Erkenntnismodell: literarisch-philosophische Diskurse in Deutschland und Frankreich. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. pp. 236-251.
    Im Umgang mit dem, was geschieht, lassen sich grundsätzlich zwei Weisen unterscheiden: Einer offenen, irritationsfreudigen Umgangsweise steht eine Erlebensweise gegenüber, die eher dazu neigt, Erlebtes zu vereindeutigen, mit ihm so schnell wie möglich fertig zu werden, es möglichst schnell möglichst abschließend zu begreifen. Während eine Person, die ersterem zuneigt, etwa einen in alltäglicher Konversation geäußerten Satz daraufhin abklopft, welche Über- und Hintersinne noch mit ihm angespielt und ausgesagt sein könnten, ob das, was sie zu hören meinte, auch wirklich das ist, (...)
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  26. The rights of humans and other animals.Tom Regan - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (2):103 – 111.
    Human moral rights place justified limits on what people are free to do to one another. Animals also have moral rights, and arguments to support the use of animals in scientific research based on the benefits allegedly derived from animal model research are thus invalid. Animals do not belong in laboratories because placing them there, in the hope of benefits for others, violates their rights.
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    Introducing thalassa.Nicolas Abraham & Tom Goodwin - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (6):137-142.
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  28. Treatment of animals.Tom Regan - 1992 - In Lawrence C. Becker & Charlotte B. Becker, The Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Publishing. pp. 42--46.
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    Respecting Donors to Biobank Research.Tom Tomlinson - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 43 (1):41-47.
    The research importance of biobanked biological materials and their derived data is growing, especially as these are increasingly linked with individual and population‐level medical and health information. The number, diversity, and size of biobanks are growing in tandem. So, too, is the number of individuals whose donations are being used in biobank‐supported research, with or without their knowledge. Pretty soon, we all will be “participants” in a variety of research projects we know nothing about. Until recently, our leftover tissue or (...)
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  30. The Politics of Fear after 9/11.Tom Pyszczynski - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (4):1136-1142.
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    A terror management theory perspective on the appeal of historical myths.Tom Pyszczynski, Sheldon Solomon & Jeff Greenberg - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e189.
    Historical myths are appealing primarily because they provide people with views of life and their role in it as significant and enduring. These worldviews help people manage death anxiety by enabling them to view themselves as part of something great that stretches far into the past and endures indefinitely into the future. We review empirical evidence supporting this analysis.
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    Time, history, and political thought.Tom Pye - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1511-1514.
    This is a collection of essays about how political thought inhabits the dimensions of time and history. As John Robertson explains in his introduction, time and history are ‘separable concepts’ (2)...
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  33. Sinn und Erwartung – Über den Unterschied von Sinngegenständlichkeit und Referenzialität.Tom Poljanšek - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (4):502-525.
  34.  34
    How do Madhyamikas think? Notes on Jay Garfield, Graham Priest, and paraconsistency.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2009 - In Mario D'Amato, Jay L. Garfield & Tom J. F. Tillemans, Pointing at the moon: Buddhism, logic, analytic philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  35. Choosing Appropriate Paradigmatic Examples for Understanding Collective Agency.Tom Poljanšek - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn, Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag.
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  36. Obligations to animals are based on rights.Tom Regan - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (2):171-180.
    Some feminist philosophers criticize the idea of human rights because, they allege, it encapsulates male bias; it is therefore misguided, in their view, to extend moral rights to non-human animals. I argue that the feminist criticism is misguided. Ideas are not biased in favour of men simply because they originate with men, nor are ideas themselves biased in favour of men because men have used them prejudicially. As for the position that women should abandon theories of rights and embrace an (...)
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  37. 19 Animals as Subjects-of-a-Life.Tom Regan - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions.
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    Structurer la politique étrangère de la nation.Tom Farer - 2003 - Diogène 203 (3):83-101.
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    Two Cheers for Humanitarianism.Tom Farer - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (3):355-372.
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    Bodily feelings and atmospheres the felt situational impact upon education.Tom Feldges - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (3):501-519.
    This paper argues for the importance of a passive form of embodiment for educational purposes to capture tacit environmental influences. G. Buck’s account of learning as experience is put in discussion with psychological approaches to reveal the limitation of what psychology can achieve, especially when it comes to situated experiences within educational environments. As a solution to overcome this problem a concept of passive embodiment is developed that allows for a body that is receptive to multisensory environmental influences. Böhme’s concept (...)
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  41. Introduction : philosophy and education.Tom Feldges - 2019 - In Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  42. Making sense of it all? - a concluding attempt.Tom Feldges - 2019 - In Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship.Tom Feldges (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This text develops students' ability to philosophise and learn about philosophy and education. It challenges readers to use philosophy as a tool within education and as a set of theories to understand education by developing solutions to problems as they occur within practice. Assuming no pre-existing philosophical background, this book explores topics such as: the limits of a religious-based education; the desire for 'alternative facts' or 'truths'; and the struggle in the teacher-student relationship. This book will support all those on (...)
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    Pre-ceiving the Imminent. Emotions-had, Emotions-perceived and Gibsonian Affordances for Emotion Perception in Social Robots.Tom Poljanšek - 2023 - In Catrin Misselhorn, Tom Poljanšek, Tobias Störzinger & Maike Klein, Emotional Machines: Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 83-110.
    Current theories of emotions and emotional machines often assume too homogeneous a conception of what emotions are in terms of whether they are experienced as one's own emotions (“internal” emotions) or whether they are perceived as the emotions of other agents (“external” emotions). In contrast, this paper argues, first, that an answer to the question of whether machines can possess emotions requires such a distinction—the distinction between internal emotions-had and external emotions-perceived. Second, it argues that the emotions we perceive in (...)
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    How do Mādhyamikas think?: and other essays on the Buddhist philosophy of the middle.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2016 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom.
    Intro -- Title -- Contents -- Publisher's Acknowledgment -- Introduction -- Madhyamaka's Promise as Philosophy -- 1. Trying to Be Fair -- 2. How Far Can a Mādhyamika Reform Customary Truth? Dismal Relativism, Fictionalism, Easy-Easy Truth, and the Alternatives -- Logic and Semantics -- 3. How Do Mādhyamikas Think? Notes on Jay Garfield, Graham Priest, and Paraconsistency -- 4. "How Do Mādhyamikas Think?" Revisited -- 5. Prasaṅga and Proof by Contradiction in Bhāviveka, Candrakīrti, and Dharmakīrti -- 6. Apoha Semantics: What (...)
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    Belief in free will: Integration into social cognition models to promote health behavior.Tom St Quinton & A. William Crescioni - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The question of whether free will exists has been debated extensively for centuries. Instead of debating this complex issue, recent work in psychology has sought to understand the consequences of beliefs in free will. That is, how are people’s behaviors influenced when they either believe or do not believe in free will? Amongst many outcomes, research has identified free will beliefs to influence achievement, perseverance, and aggressiveness. We believe that beliefs in free will could also exert influence on health behaviors. (...)
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    David Hume the polymath.Tom Pye - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):683-686.
  48. Ernest Becker's theory of the denial of death.Tom Pyszczynski & Sally A. Kenel A. Heroic Vision - 1998 - Zygon 33:180.
  49.  44
    A capital Scot: microscopes and museums in Robert E. Grant's zoology.Tom Quick - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (2):173-204.
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    A Refutation of Utilitarianism.Tom Regan - 1983 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):141 - 159.
    Alleged refutations of utilitarianism are not uncommon, so it is unlikely that the title of the present essay will raise eye-brows. ‘Another paper about utility's failure to account for our duty to be just’, is apt to be the prevailing reaction to the title's stated objective. This is understandable. For utilitarianism has been taken to task on just this score more than a score of times. And rightly so, I believe, though I shall not argue that point here. Here I (...)
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