Results for 'Tiziana Russo-Spena'

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  1.  26
    Trends and Drivers in CSR Disclosure: A Focus on Reporting Practices in the Automotive Industry.Tiziana Russo-Spena, Marco Tregua & Alessandra De Chiara - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):563-578.
    This work focuses on corporate social responsibility disclosure practices of multinational corporations. Based on a longitudinal study of CSR reports of companies operating in the automotive industry, the paper offers a detailed study of how disclosure practices are changing and which principles and approaches influence and drive the development of such disclosure. Based on a four-year report-based study, the findings enable us to identify three main trends in the CSR disclosure strategy of automotive firms. First, in line with the mainstream (...)
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    As Time Goes by: Anxiety Negatively Affects the Perceived Quality of Life in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes of Long Duration.Gabriella Martino, Antonino Catalano, Federica Bellone, Giuseppina Tiziana Russo, Carmelo Mario Vicario, Antonino Lasco, Maria Catena Quattropani & Nunziata Morabito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Una vita contro. Conversazione con Lucia Pizzo Russo.Tiziana Andina & Carmelo Calì - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 48:3-11.
    The research Lucia Pizzo Russo carried out all over her academic and scientific career is focussed on a the following idea: human mind and behaviour make up a cognitive device from whose complexity stems an evolutionary advantage. Hence, the psychological study of mind should take into account all those cognitive functions that underlie man’s ability of perceiving structures and affordances in the visual world as much as of solving problems, where perception and thought deeply interact, and of giving shape (...)
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    A Matter of Dust, Powdery Fragments, and Insects. Object Temporalities Grounded in Social and Material Museum Life.Tiziana N. Beltrame - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (2):365-385.
    This paper aims to demonstrate how museum collection sustainability is grounded in a range of concrete care practices that are social and material. It explores the unstable nature of heritage materials, drawing on the ecological approach of infrastructure and maintenance studies in the field of art and museums. To do this, I analyse the role of mundane operations in the daily functioning of an exhibition area, presenting data from fieldwork I conducted from 2015–2016 at the Musée du quai Branly in (...)
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  5. Moral judgment in adults with autism spectrum disorders.Tiziana Zalla, Luca Barlassina, Marine Buon & Marion Leboyer - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):115-126.
    The ability of a group of adults with high functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger Syndrome (AS) to distinguish moral, conventional and disgust transgressions was investigated using a set of six transgression scenarios, each of which was followed by questions about permissibility, seriousness, authority contingency and justification. The results showed that although individuals with HFA or AS (HFA/AS) were able to distinguish affect-backed norms from conventional affect-neutral norms along the dimensions of permissibility, seriousness and authority-dependence, they failed to distinguish moral and (...)
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    A Just Criminalization of Irregular Immigration: Is It Possible?Alessandro Spena - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (2):351-373.
    The aim of this paper is to question, from the perspective of a principled theory of criminalization, the legitimacy of making irregular immigration a crime. In order to do this, I identify three main ways in which the political decision to introduce a crime of IM may be defended: according to the first, IM is a malum in se the wrongness of which resides in its being a violation of states’ territorial sovereignty; according to the second, IM is a justified (...)
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  7. La figura Del calepio tra gravina E Lessing.Tiziana Carena - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3).
  8. La favola Graviniana trasforma la scienza in figura sensibile ad uso del popolo.Tiziana Carena - 1999 - Filosofia 50 (3):381-402.
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    Potter's Personal History of Bioethics. An Examination and Survey.Russo Giovanni - 2001 - Global Bioethics 14 (4):63-71.
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  10.  14
    Cruise ships. Non-human modern monsters.Tiziana Migliore - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    The aim of this article is to literally explore the declinations of the status of the “monstruous thing”, investigating if and when monsters are abnormal phenomena, not of nature but of culture. Which features, of both expression and content, must a non-living artificial subject present in order to be perceived and judged as a “monster”? In the West, the image of the monster is traditionally associated with an abominable creature belonging to the universe of nature whose touchstone is a standard (...)
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    Roberto Ardigò, il positivismo e l'identità pedagogica del nuovo stato unitario.Tiziana Pironi - 2000 - Bologna: CLUEB.
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  12. La "Numancia" da Alberti a Alberti.Tiziana Pucciarelli - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:341-354.
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    The Ethics of Immigration, by Joseph H. Carens: New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. xvii + 364, $35.Tiziana Torresi - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):176-178.
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  14. Extending Lewisian modal metaphysics in light of Quantum Gravity.Tiziana Vistarini - 2020 - In Nick Huggett, Keizo Matsubara & Christian Wüthrich, Beyond Spacetime: The Foundations of Quantum Gravity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press..
    It has been argued within some philosophy of quantum gravity circles that endorsing Lewisian modal metaphysics is incompatible with endorsing the fundamental physical ontology of any quantum gravity theory. Speaking concisely, the unsolvable tension would be between Lewis' metaphysical commitment to the fundamentality of space and time, and the physical lesson of quantum gravity about the disappearance of space and time from the fundamental structure of the world. In this essay I argue against the idea that the tension is unsolvable. (...)
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  15.  76
    Feeling of knowing and phenomenal consciousness.Tiziana Zalla & Adriano P. Palma - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):271-272.
    In Feeling of Knowing cases, subjects have a form of consciousness about the presence of a content (such as an item of information) without having access to it. If this phenomenon can be correctly interpreted as having to do with consciousness, then there would be a P-conscious mental experience which is dissociated from access.
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    Judgment of Intentionality and Moral Evaluation in Individuals with High Functioning Autism.Tiziana Zalla & Marion Leboyer - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (4):681-698.
    In this study, we investigated the relationships between judgments of intentionality and moral evaluation in individuals with High Functioning Autism (HFA) or Asperger Syndrome (AS). HFA or AS are neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by severe deficits in communication and social functioning. Impairments in Theory of Mind (ToM), i.e., the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and to others, are thought to be the core features of autism. Of all mental states, the concept of ‘intentional action’ is particularly important. People normally (...)
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  17.  35
    Transgenerational Social Structures and Fictional Actors: Community-Based Responsibility for Future Generations.Tiziana Andina & Fausto Corvino - 2023 - The Monist 106 (2):150-164.
    The notion of transgenerational community is usually based on two diachronic interactions. The first interaction consists of present generations taking up the legacy (not only economic, but also institutional, artistic, cultural, and so forth) of past generations and giving it continuity, exercising a form of active agency. The second interaction occurs when present generations pass on their legacy to future generations. This is supposed to expand the boundaries of the community in a transgenerational sense (both backward- and forward-looking). In this (...)
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  18.  41
    Metacognition of agency and theory of mind in adults with high functioning autism.Tiziana Zalla, David Miele, Marion Leboyer & Janet Metcalfe - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 31:126-138.
  19.  15
    A philosophy for future generations: the structure and dynamics of transgenerationality.Tiziana Andina - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Antonella Emmi.
    If societies, like institutions, are built to endure, then the bond that exists between generations must be considered. Constructing a framework to establish a philosophy of future generations, Tiziana Andina explores the factors that make it possible for a society to reproduce over time. Andina's study of the diachronic structure of societies considers the never-ending passage of generations, as each new generation comes to form a part of the new social fabric and political model. Her model draws on the (...)
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  20.  39
    Perceptual salience affects the contents of working memory during free-recollection of objects from natural scenes.Tiziana Pedale & Valerio Santangelo - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21. Investigating Stakeholder Theory and Social Capital: CSR in Large Firms and SMEs.Angeloantonio Russo & Francesco Perrini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):207-221.
    The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been widely investigated, but a generally accepted theoretical framework does not yet exist. This paper argues that the idiosyncrasies of large firms and SMEs explains the different approaches to CSR, and that the notion of social capital is a more useful way of understanding the CSR approach of SMEs, whereas stakeholder theory more closely addresses the CSR approach of large firms. Based on the extant literature, we present a comparison of large firm (...)
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  22.  67
    Gregory’s Sixth Operation.Tiziana Bascelli, Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Tahl Nowik, David M. Schaps & David Sherry - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (1):133-144.
    In relation to a thesis put forward by Marx Wartofsky, we seek to show that a historiography of mathematics requires an analysis of the ontology of the part of mathematics under scrutiny. Following Ian Hacking, we point out that in the history of mathematics the amount of contingency is larger than is usually thought. As a case study, we analyze the historians’ approach to interpreting James Gregory’s expression ultimate terms in his paper attempting to prove the irrationality of \. Here (...)
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  23.  18
    ARTICLE RETIRÉ : Sous le signe de Dionysos.Tiziana Gabrielli - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 69 (2):243-261.
    Lue et appréciée par Schelling et Hegel, mais férocement critiquée par Lobeck et les cercles philologiques rationalistes, la Symbolik de Creuzer ne manqua pas d'exercer son influence sur Bachofen et le jeune Nietzsche, jusqu'à Klages, Frobenius, W. Fr. Otto et Kerényi. Point de repère incontournable de toute recherche historique et philologique sensible aux racines mystériques, dionysiaques et orientales de la grécité, la Symbolik a eu le mérite de conjuguer l'érudition typique du XVIII e siècle et une vision métaphysique et religieuse (...)
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  24.  17
    Denkweg o di un certo gusto per la narrazione in arte.Tiziana Andina - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:5-10.
    Ever since the last century art seems to be characterized by a powerful metareflective vocation. The works of Mimmo Paladino represent an effective barrier in this deconstructive movement and allow art to preserve the memory of its own narrative vocation.
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  25.  16
    Introduzione. Un Brillo Box in salotto.Tiziana Andina - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (2):3-11.
    That’s my whole philosophy of art in a nutshell, finding the deep difference between art and craft, artworks and mere thing, when members from either class look exactly similar. What serves the purposes of ontology also serves the purpose of criticism. When you have found a similarity, avert your eyes and look for the explanation of how different artistic expression can look like affines of one another. Provo a iniziare con un indovinello: quale filosofo potrebbe avere nel salotto di casa, (...)
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  26. Storie dell'ontologia.Tiziana Andina & Carola Barbero - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (22):3-13.
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  27. The figure of Calepio in Gravina and Lessing.Tiziana Carena - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3):A87 - A107.
  28.  8
    Il lavoro come professione: una storia della professionalità tra etica e politica.Tiziana Faitini - 2016 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  29.  21
    Husain Sarkar, A Theory of Method.Russo François - 1986 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 39 (3):283-284.
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    I corpi e le istituzioni: studio su Gehlen.Michelantonio Lo Russo - 1996 - Bari: Palomar.
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    Trasfigurazioni quotidiane: elogio dell'esercizio.Michelantonio Lo Russo - 2007 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
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  32. Lamberto Borghi, Aldo Capitini e l'eterno presente della nonviolenza.Tiziana Pironi - 2005 - In Franco Cambi, Paolo Orefice & Luciana Bellatalla, Educazione, libertà, democrazia: il pensiero pedagogico di Lamberto Borghi. Napoli: Liguori. pp. 61--133.
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  33. Le arti e la psicologia.Lucia Pizzo Russo - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (23):164-202.
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    The Aesthetics of Proportion in Hans van der Laan and Leon Battista Alberti.Tiziana Proietti - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):183-199.
    This paper aims at presenting the work of Dutch architecture Hans van der Laan through a comparison with the Renaissance architect Leon Battista Alberti by stating the similarity of the role assigned to proportion in architectural design by both architects. In particular, the study will show how both Van der Laan and Alberti understood proportion and the perceptive and aesthetic values of proportioned forms as the result of an intellectual appreciation.
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  35. Annibale Pastore, proposals and limitations of the logic of the raising to power.Giuseppe Russo - 1982 - Catania: Edizioni Greco.
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  36.  83
    Critical data studies: An introduction.Federica Russo & Andrew Iliadis - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Critical Data Studies explore the unique cultural, ethical, and critical challenges posed by Big Data. Rather than treat Big Data as only scientifically empirical and therefore largely neutral phenomena, CDS advocates the view that Big Data should be seen as always-already constituted within wider data assemblages. Assemblages is a concept that helps capture the multitude of ways that already-composed data structures inflect and interact with society, its organization and functioning, and the resulting impact on individuals’ daily lives. CDS questions the (...)
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  37.  88
    Formal vs. Informal CSR Strategies: Evidence from Italian Micro, Small, Medium-sized, and Large Firms.Angeloantonio Russo & Antonio Tencati - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):339-353.
    Recent research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) suggests the need for further exploration into the relationship between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and CSR. SMEs rarely use the language of CSR to describe their activities, but informal CSR strategies play a large part in them. The goal of this article is to investigate whether differences exist between the formal and informal CSR strategies through which firms manage relations with and the claims of their stakeholders. In this context, formal CSR strategies (...)
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  38.  21
    Crossmodal spatial distraction across the lifespan.Tiziana Pedale, Serena Mastroberardino, Michele Capurso, Andrew J. Bremner, Charles Spence & Valerio Santangelo - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104617.
    The ability to resist distracting stimuli whilst voluntarily focusing on a task is fundamental to our everyday cognitive functioning. Here, we investigated how this ability develops, and thereafter declines, across the lifespan using a single task/experiment. Young children (5–7 years), older children (10–11 years), young adults (20–27 years), and older adults (62–86 years) were presented with complex visual scenes. Endogenous (voluntary) attention was engaged by having the participants search for a visual target presented on either the left or right side (...)
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  39. The Rationale of Variation in Methodological and Evidential Pluralism.Federica Russo - 2006 - Philosophica 77 (1).
    Causal analysis in the social sciences takes advantage of a variety of methods and of a multi-fold source of information and evidence. This pluralistic methodology and source of information raises the question of whether we should accordingly have a pluralistic metaphysics and epistemology. This paper focuses on epistemology and argues that a pluralistic methodology and evidence don’t entail a pluralistic epistemology. It will be shown that causal models employ a single rationale of testing, based on the notion of variation. Further, (...)
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  40.  52
    The sense of agency in autism spectrum disorders: a dissociation between prospective and retrospective mechanisms?Tiziana Zalla & Marco Sperduti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  41.  47
    Voluntariness and Migration: A Restatement.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):406-426.
    A key question in the theory of migration and in public debates on immigration policies is when migration can be said to be voluntary and when, conversely, it should be seen as nonvoluntary. In a previous article, we tried to answer this crucial question by providing a list of conditions we view as sufficient for migration to be considered nonvoluntary. According to our account, one condition that makes migration nonvoluntary is when people migrate because they lack acceptable alternatives to doing (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Time in quantum gravity.Nick Huggett, Tiziana Vistarini & Christian Wuthrich - 2012 - .
    Quantum gravity--the marriage of quantum physics with general relativity--is bound to contain deep and important lessons for the nature of physical time. Some of these lessons shall be canvassed here, particularly as they arise from quantum general relativity and string theory and related approaches. Of particular interest is the question of which of the intuitive aspects of time will turn out to be fundamental, and which 'emergent' in some sense.
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    Are Modular Activations Altered in Lower Limb Muscles of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during Walking? Evidence from Muscle Synergies and Biomechanical Analysis.Tiziana Lencioni, Johanna Jonsdottir, Davide Cattaneo, Alessandro Crippa, Elisa Gervasoni, Marco Rovaris, Emilio Bizzi & Maurizio Ferrarin - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  44.  18
    Risk Perceptions and Psychological Effects During the Italian COVID-19 Emergency.Tiziana Lanciano, Giusi Graziano, Antonietta Curci, Silvia Costadura & Alessia Monaco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current study provides data about the immediate risk perceptions and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic among Italian participants. A sample of 1034 volunteers answered a web-based survey which aimed to investigate the many facets of risk perceptions connected to COVID-19 (health, work, economy, social and psychological), and risk-related variables such as knowledge, news seeking, perceived control, efficacy of containment measures, and affective states. Socio-demographic characteristics were also collected. Results showed that although levels of general concern are relatively high (...)
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  45.  32
    Climate issue: the principle of transgenerational responsibility.Tiziana Andina - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:17-32.
    The multidimensional nature of climate change makes it a complex matter, on both the theoretical and practical planes. The urgency and centrality of the issues and problems it poses are of key importance for our species and its survival. In this paper, we propose pairing the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities – the cornerstone of climate talks over the last thirty years – with the criterion of transgenerational responsibility. Such a criterion seeks to focus particular attention on the issues (...)
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  46.  10
    Embodiment and Medium.Tiziana Andina - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore, A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 240–247.
    The concepts of embodiment and medium lie at the core of Arthur Danto's philosophy. As Danto underlines in Connections to the World, one speaks of embodiment when describing a state in which two objects with different properties constitute a single object, as the mind and body together constitute the human being. Humans are basically entes rapresentantes as their representative ability, their ability to process thoughts and incorporate them in language and, ultimately, their willingness to produce and enjoy art, are key (...)
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  47.  12
    Che cos'è filosofia politica?: Foucault, un'ontologia.Tiziana Faitini - 2018 - Milano: Meltemi.
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  48.  11
    Etica e professioni sanitarie in Europa: un dialogo tra medicina e filosofia.Tiziana Faitini, Lucia Galvagni & Michele Nicoletti (eds.) - 2014 - Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia.
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    Design enhancing instruments: Post Occupancy Evaluation in Hospice Design.Tiziana Ferrante - 2013 - Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 6.
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  50. Thomas Kuhn e la ricerca storiografica relativa alla rivoluzione copernicana.Tiziana Lombardi - 1995 - Roma: Gruppo editoriale internazionale.
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