Results for 'Till Armbruster'

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  1.  7
    Has philosophy become more ‘Scientific’? A citation analysis.Paul Rehren & Till Armbruster - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-19.
    Many philosophers agree that philosophical inquiry has become more reliant on scientific research in recent decades. Some go so far as to speak of a methodological revolution. However, there is almost no systematic evidence about when, where and in what way these changes took place—if indeed, they did. To change this, we made use of citation analysis. We collected a large corpus of 9954 articles published in three high-profile generalist philosophy journals (_Noûs_; _Philosophical Studies_; _Synthese_) since 1971. We then extracted (...)
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    Developing and Exploring a Process.Karla Armbruster - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (2):191-194.
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    Taking Sides: Ethics, Politics, and Fieldwork in Anthropology.Heidi Armbruster & Anna Lærke (eds.) - 2008 - Berghahn Books.
    This volume, written by a new generation of scholars engaged with contemporary global movements for social justice and peace, reflects their efforts in trying ...
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    Urteil und Anschauung. Kants metaphysische Deduktion der Kategorien.Till Hoeppner - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book develops a textually grounded reconstruction of Kant’s argument in the Metaphysical Deduction. The argument proceeds in three steps, developing, first, a concept of judgment on which to base the table of logical functions, next a concept of synthesis of intuition that explains the content of the categories, and finally a concept of the understanding on which the categories belong a priori to the same capacity through which we judge. -/- The investigation presented here is an argumentative reconstruction of (...)
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  5. Grundfragen des rechts und ihre praktische bedeutsamkeit.Kurt Armbruster - 1932 - Leipzig,: F.&J. Voglrieder.
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  6. What is a logic translation?Till Mossakowski, Răzvan Diaconescu & Andrzej Tarlecki - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (1):95-124.
    We study logic translations from an abstract perspective, without any commitment to the structure of sentences and the nature of logical entailment, which also means that we cover both proof- theoretic and model-theoretic entailment. We show how logic translations induce notions of logical expressiveness, consistency strength and sublogic, leading to an explanation of paradoxes that have been described in the literature. Connectives and quantifiers, although not present in the definition of logic and logic translation, can be recovered by their abstract (...)
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    Die Araber Und Die Antike Wissenschaftstheorie: [Übersetzung Aus Dem Ungarischen von Johanna Till Und Gábor Kerekes].Miklos Maróth, Johanna Till & Gábor Kerekes - 1990 - Brill.
    The book then discusses another group of issues ("whether it is, what it is, how and why it is"), which determined the argumentation, the axiomatic ordering of the sciences, and concludes with a demonstration on the basis of concrete ...
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    The Making of the Economy: A Phenomenology of Economic Science.Till Düppe - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The Making of the Economy uses Husserl's critique of formalism in natural science in The Crisis of the European Sciences work as the template for an analogous critique of formalism in economic science. The historical narrative focuses on the emergence of formal economic analysis out of a series of successive life-worlds, or concrete historical situations. This generates new substantive understanding of both the historical material and the current discourse of crisis surrounding economics. It will appeal to historians and philosophers of (...)
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    A first order approach to correspondence and congruence systems.Manfred Armbrust - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (14‐18):215-222.
  10.  16
    (1 other version)On Quasi‐Universal Model Classes.Manfred Armbrust & Klaus Kaiser - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (25‐30):403-406.
  11. Geborgen sterben dürfen.Till M. Mendler - 1993 - Ethik in der Medizin 5 (3):136-146.
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  12.  39
    Beyond Nature Writing: Expanding the Boundaries of Ecocriticism.Karla Armbruster & Kathleen R. Wallace - 2001 - University of Virginia Press.
    Together, their work signals a new direction in the field and offers refreshingly original insights into a broad spectrum of texts.
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  13. Why the Objective World Depends on Thought. Dissolving Stroud’s Metaphysical Aporia Using Kant’s Notion of an Object.Till Hoeppner - 2022 - Synthesis – Journal for Philosophy 2:145-179.
    In his final monograph, Barry Stroud argues that certain fundamental concepts, like the concept of causation, are not only indispensable to any thought of an objective, independent world, but that they are also, therefore, invulnerable to skeptical attack. Given some assumptions about thought and objectivity, this leads him into the following metaphysical aporia: We can neither metaphysically establish that the objective, independent world is as we must think of it nor that it is not that way. I will argue that (...)
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  14.  33
    The Interdisciplinarity of Collaborations in Cognitive Science.Bergmann Till, Dale Rick, Sattari Negin, Heit Evan & S. Bhat Harish - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1412-1418.
    We introduce a new metric for interdisciplinarity, based on co-author publication history. A published article that has co-authors with quite different publication histories can be deemed relatively “interdisciplinary,” in that the article reflects a convergence of previous research in distinct sets of publication outlets. In recent work, we have shown that this interdisciplinarity metric can predict citations. Here, we show that the journal Cognitive Science tends to contain collaborations that are relatively high on this interdisciplinarity metric, at about the 80th (...)
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    1. Kapitel: Vorwort zu Teil 1.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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  16. Die Reflexivität der Transzendentalphilosophie und die Herleitung der Kategorien. Ergänzungen zu Manfred Baum.Till Hoeppner - 2012 - In Antonino Falduto, Caroline Kolisang & Gabriel Rivero (eds.), Metaphysik - Ästhetik - Ethik. Beiträge zur Interpretation der Philosophie Kants. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 29-44.
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  17. Contro le ideologie.Till E. Spiegel - 1975 - Roma: G. Volpe.
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  18.  22
    (Un)mask yourself! Effects of face masks on facial mimicry and emotion perception during the COVID-19 pandemic.Till Kastendieck, Stephan Zillmer & Ursula Hess - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (1):59-69.
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    Qualitative reasoning about relative direction of oriented points.Till Mossakowski & Reinhard Moratz - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 180-181 (C):34-45.
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    11. Kapitel: Vorwort zu Teil 2.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Summary.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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  22. América, Platón y el alma del hombre bajo la democracia.Till Kinzel - 2001 - Res Publica 8:197-215.
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    Willenshandlungen: zur Natur und Kultur der Selbststeuerung.Till Vierkant (ed.) - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  24.  14
    Correction to: Do translocal networks matter for agricultural innovation? A case study on advice sharing in small-scale farming communities in Northeast Thailand.Till Rockenbauch, Patrick Sakdapolrak & Harald Sterly - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):703-703.
    The article Do translocal networks matter for agricultural innovation? A case study on advice sharing in small scale farming communities in Northeast Thailand, written by Till Rockenbauch, Patrick Sakdapolrak and Harald Sterly, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on 10 April 2019 without open access.
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  25.  28
    Schwerpunkt "Kritische Metaphysik".Till Hoeppner & Johannes Haag (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, De Gruyter. Translated by Till Hoeppner.
    Mit der Renaissance der Metaphysik in den letzten Jahren hat sich auch die Reflexion auf ihre Grundlagen intensiviert. Die auf Kant zurückgehende Frage nach der Möglichkeit der Metaphysik jedoch, so scheint es, bleibt in diesen Auseinandersetzungen dennoch weitgehend außen vor. Zwar steht diese Frage im Hintergrund, wenn zum Beispiel darüber diskutiert wird, ob wir das Unternehmen der Metaphysik realistisch oder nicht-realistisch auffassen sollten. Nach einer unmittelbaren Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage jedoch, unter welchen Bedingungen realistisch verstandene Metaphysik möglich ist, suchen wir (...)
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    Siting the New Economic Science: The Cowles Commission's Activity Analysis Conference of June 1949.Till Düppe & E. Roy Weintraub - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (3):453-483.
    ArgumentIn the decades following World War II, the Cowles Commission for Research in Economics came to represent new technical standards that informed most advances in economic theory. The public emergence of this community was manifest at a conference held in June 1949 titledActivity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New ideas in optimization theory, linked to linear programming, developed from the conference's papers. The authors’ history of this event situates the Cowles Commission among the institutions of postwar science in-between National Laboratories (...)
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  27. Kant’s Metaphysical and Transcendental Deductions of the Categories. Tasks, Steps, and Claims of Identity.Till Hoeppner - 2022 - In Giuseppe Motta, Dennis Schulting & Udo Thiel (eds.), Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception: New Interpretations. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 461-492.
    Kant’s Metaphysical Deduction of the Categories justifies their apriority, i.e. that their contents originate in the understanding itself, while the Transcendental Deduction justifies their objectivity, both in that they purport to represent objects of experience and that they do so successfully. The apriority of the categories, as explained in terms of acts of synthesis required for having sensible intuitions of objects, is justified by establishing their generic identity with logical functions of judgment, i.e. acts of judgment required for referring concepts (...)
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    Early Experimental Graphs.Laura Tilling - 1975 - British Journal for the History of Science 8 (3):193-213.
    The graphical presentation of experimental data in the physical sciences has several advantages which today are too familiar to require very detailed enumeration. Its greatest strength lies in the clarity and succinctness with which it displays the information contained in tabulated results: for the experimenter a graph provides a rough and immediate check on the accuracy and suitability of the methods he is using, and for the reader of a scientific report it may convey in a few seconds information that (...)
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  29.  38
    Hiding Behind Machines: Artificial Agents May Help to Evade Punishment.Till Feier, Jan Gogoll & Matthias Uhl - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (2):1-19.
    The transfer of tasks with sometimes far-reaching implications to autonomous systems raises a number of ethical questions. In addition to fundamental questions about the moral agency of these systems, behavioral issues arise. We investigate the empirically accessible question of whether the imposition of harm by an agent is systematically judged differently when the agent is artificial and not human. The results of a laboratory experiment suggest that decision-makers can actually avoid punishment more easily by delegating to machines than by delegating (...)
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    Kunst & Wiederholung: Strategie, Tradition, ästhetischer Grundbegriff.Till Julian Huss & Elena Winkler (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
    Kaum eine andere künstlerische Strategie prägte das Wertesystem der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts wie die Wiederholung. Sie lässt sich als wesentliches Moment ausmachen, neue Wahrnehmungsweisen zu ermöglichen, Kritik an Formen der Repräsentation zu üben und neuen Sinn zu produzieren. Der Band nimmt eine kritische Revision des Phänomens für die zeitgenössische Kunst vor und eröffnet anhand bildnerischer, skulpturaler, performativer, technisch-medialer wie auch kuratorischer Wiederholungen in der Kunst eine Perspektive auf die Wiederholung als Grundbegriff des Ästhetischen.
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    Das doppelte Erhabene: eine Argumentationsfigur von der Antike bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts.Dietmar Till - 2006 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    In den 1980er Jahren wurde das Erhabene im Kontext der Debatten um die Postmoderne wiederentdeckt. Dabei konzentrierte man sich auf die Theorien Burkes und Kants, in denen das Schöne dem Erhabenen gegenübergestellt wird. Die Geschichte des Erhabenen in der Frühen Neuzeit dagegen blieb weitgehend im dunkeln. Diese Geschichte wird hier dargestellt, wobei die Studie von der These ausgeht, daß für diesen Zeitraum gerade nicht die Dichotomie von Schönem und Erhabenem zentral ist, sondern die Opposition zweier Modelle des Sublimen selbst: das (...)
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    Symbolic Value of Brain Organoids: Shifting the Focus from Consciousness to Sociocultural Perspectives on Resemblance.Sietske A. L. van Till & Eline M. Bunnik - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):210-212.
    Recent scientific and technological developments enable the generation of increasingly sophisticated organoids: three-dimensional, lab-grown stem cell-based entities that model human organs anatomi...
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    Access to effective but expensive treatments: An analysis of the solidarity argument in discussions on funding of medical treatments.Sietske A. L. Till, Jilles Smids & Eline M. Bunnik - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):111-119.
    The development of new effective but expensive medical treatments leads to discussions about whether and how such treatments should be funded in solidarity-based healthcare systems. Solidarity is often seen as an elusive concept; it appears to be used to refer to different sets of concerns, and its interrelations with the concept of justice are not well understood. This paper provides a conceptual analysis of the concept of solidarity as it is used in discussions on the allocation of healthcare resources and (...)
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  34.  96
    Barriers Against Globalizing Corporate Ethics: An Analysis of Legal Disputes on Implementing U.S. Codes of Ethics in Germany.Till Talaulicar - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (S3):349-360.
    Global firms need to decide on the correspondence between their corporate ethics and the globalization of their activities. When firms go global, they face ethical complexities as they operate in different legal and cultural environments that may impact the admissibility and appropriateness of their approach to institutionalize and implement corporate ethics. Global firms may have good reasons to establish global codes of ethics that are to be obeyed by all employees worldwide. However, developing and implementing such codes can be rather (...)
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    Order Ethics: Bridging the Gap Between Contractarianism and Business Ethics.Christoph Luetge, Thomas Armbrüster & Julian Müller - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):687-697.
    Contract-based approaches have been a focus of attention in business ethics. As one of the grand traditions in political philosophy, contractarianism is founded on the notion that we will never resolve deep moral disagreement. Classical philosophers like Hobbes and Locke, or recent ones like Rawls and Gaus, seek to solve ethical conflicts on the level of social rules and procedures. Recent authors in business ethics have sought to utilize contract-based approaches for their field and to apply it to concrete business (...)
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  36.  18
    Beyond ANT: Towards an ‘infra-language’ of reflexivity.Till Jansen - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):199-215.
    Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) offers an ‘infra-language’ of the social that allows one to trace social relations very dynamically, while at the same time dissolving human agency, thus providing a flat and de-centred way into sociology. However, ANT struggles with its theoretical design that may lead us to reduce agency to causation and to conceptualize actor-networks as homogeneous ontologies of force. This article proposes to regard ANT’s inability to conceptualize reflexivity and the interrelatedness of different ontologies as the fundamental problem of the (...)
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    12. Kapitel: Erste Vorbereitungen für Restitutionsmassnahmen nach Beendigung des Krieges.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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    13. Kapitel: Politischer Schutz der Kulturgüter durch die USA mittels Importbestimmungen und die Diebstähle ihrer Soldaten.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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    23. Kapitel: Restitutionsgesetzgebung in der britischen Zone.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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    26. Kapitel: Schlussbetrachtungen.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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    8. Kapitel: T- Force-Einheiten.Thomas Armbruster - 2008 - In Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beutethe Recovery of Nazi Spoils: Die Suche, Bergung Und Restitution von Kulturgütern Durch Die Westlichen Alliierten Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. De Gruyter Recht.
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    M. Buschemeir, E. Hammer, Pragmatismus und Hermeneutik: Beiträge zu Richard Rortys Kulturpolitik.Till Kinzel - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    Richard Rorty is rightly considered one of the most interesting authors in the field of intellectual pursuits. This vague formulation also indicates that Rorty’s thinking and writing cannot simply be classified as philosophy, although by and large they seem to be part and parcel of the pragmatist tradition. For Rorty clearly confronts a number of traditional problems of philosophy, even when he suggest getting rid of the problem by redescribing the issue or changing the perspective. There is...
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  43. Der Ekel auf der Hohen See: Begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen im Ausgang von Nietzsche.Till R. Kuhnle - 1999 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 41:162-262.
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    Eisenman's banana', extended review of Andrew Benjamin's' Architectural philosophy.Jeremy Till - 2001 - Radical Philosophy 108:48-50.
  45.  19
    Encoding-retrieval interactions in memory for implicational sentences.Robert E. Till - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (3):171-174.
  46. From Intuitions to Objects. Towards Explaining the Structure of the B-Deduction.Till Hoeppner - forthcoming - In Kant's Project of Enlightenment. Proceedings of the 14th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter.
    I sketch a novel reading of the B-Deduction, Kant’s argument aimed at establishing the objectivity of the categories. I argue that this requires both that they purport to be about objects and do so successfully. The objectivity of the categories consists in their purported and successful representation of objects of experience, as contrasted with their failure to even represent anything and with their representation of something that does not exist or not as represented. This is why the deduction of the (...)
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    On the Original Content of Kant’s Categories: Metametaphysics, the Analysis of the Understanding in the Synthesis of Experience, and the Discovery of the Metaphysical Concepts of an Object in General.Till Hoeppner - 2024 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 68 (2):319-354.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant develops a metametaphysical view concerning the domain and source of a distinctively metaphysical cognition of objects of experience, which is given in terms of an analysis of our representational capacity for thought, namely, the understanding, regarding its sub-capacities and their constitutive abilities and acts. In the Analytic of Concepts, more precisely, in the Metaphysical and Subjective Deductions of the Categories, Kant develops an elaborate account of the content and formation of those metaphysical concepts (...)
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    Delusion and Hallucination in Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Perspective.Till Grohmann - 2018 - Phainomenon 28 (1):103-125.
    The present paper reflects on hallucination and delusion in schizophrenia from a phenomenological perspective. The paper’s aim is to understand the relationship between these two symptoms within the theoretical paradigm of schizophrenia as a self-disorder. The paper draws on fundamental insights from contemporary phenomenological research by Louis A. Sass, Josef Parnas and Thomas Fuchs. The argument begins with current definitions of hallucination and schizophrenia in the DSM-5. I will critically illuminate these definitions by key thinkers of phenomenological psychopathology (or close (...)
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    The Ethics behind the Ambiguity.Sarah Till - 1996 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 13 (1):165-183.
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    Is the self real?: an investigation into the philosophical concept of 'self' between cognitive science and social construction.Till Vierkant - 2003 - Münster: Lit.
    This book gives a convincing philosophical explanation for the strong persistence of our diverse folk psychological intuitions about the self. For this purpose it introduces, on the one hand, the distinction between subject and self model as proposed by Metzinger, on the other hand, the distinction between a social/normative and a cognitive/organic perspective on the self. The book argues that one needs to take into account both distinctions, if one wants to answer notoriously difficult questions like the one that gives (...)
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