Results for 'Thomas Bachmann'

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  1.  15
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 2/2021.Thomas Buchheim, Volker Gerhardt, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Isabelle Mandrella, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer & Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (eds.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch, Bd.2/2021, 128. Jahrgang.
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    Creating Analogies-on Aspects of the Mapping Process between Knowledge Domains.Thomas Bachmann - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 56:75-96.
  3.  18
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch.Thomas Buchheim, Volker Gerhardt, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Isabelle Mandrella, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer & Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (eds.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Das vorliegende Heft des Philosophischen Jahrbuchs versucht, der der Philosophie eigenen und für sie unverzichtbaren Streitkultur jenseits ideologischer Beschränkungen Raum zu geben. Das dokumentieren nicht nur die beiden Beiträge zur Relektüre des Klassikers Utopia und zur Entwicklung des Verstehens von Wahrnehmung und Perspektivität oder der Diskussionsbericht über Rahel Jaeggis Sozialkritik, sondern auch die nunmehr sechste Jahrbuch-Kontroverse zur „New Political Ontology for a Mature Information Society“ von Luciano Floridi, dessen im letzten Heft erschienener Initiativbeitrag hier nun im gewohnten Format kontrovers diskutiert (...)
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    Die Grundlegung des Wissens und die Rationalität der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis. Zur Theorie der Wissenschaften in den Aristoteles-Kommentaren des Thomas von Aquin.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2004 - In Pia Antolic-Piper, Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.), Erkenntnis Und Wissenschaft/ Knowledge and Science: Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters/ Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 239-252.
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    Thomas von Aquin als politischer Denker: Ein neuer Ansatz zur „Politischen Theorie“ im Mittelalter.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2013 - In Dirk Brantl, Rolf Geiger & Stephan Herzberg (eds.), Philosophie, Politik Und Religion: Klassische Modelle von der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart. [Berlin]: De Gruyter. pp. 55-66.
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    „Experientia” bei Thomas von Aquin.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2006 - In Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.), Erfahrung Und Beweis. Die Wissenschaften von der Natur Im 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert: Experience and Demonstration. The Sciences of Nature in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Akademie Verlag. pp. 153-162.
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  7. Metaphysics in the twelfth century: on the relationship among philosophy, science, and theology.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Alexander Fidora & Andreas Niederberger (eds.) - 2004 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Although metaphysics as a discipline can hardly be separated from Aristotle and his works, the questions it raises were certainly known to authors even before the reception of Aristotle in the thirteenth century. Even without the explicit use of this term the twelfth century manifested a strong interest in metaphysical questions under the guise of «natural philosophy» or «divine science», leading M.-D. Chenu to coin the expression of a twelfth century «éveil métaphysique». In their commentaries on Boethius and under the (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas and the Epistemology of Moral Wrongdoing.Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2008 - In Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.), Handlung Und Wissenschaft - Action and Science: Die Epistemologie der Praktischen Wissenschaften Im 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert - the Epistemology of the Practical Sciences in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Akademie Verlag.
  9.  26
    (1 other version)The Discovery of a Normative Theory of Justice in Medieval Philosophy.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2000 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 9 (1):1-14.
    Aristotle earns the distinction of having put forward the first comprehensive philosophical theory of justice. After the end of the antique world, St. Thomas Aquinas was the first philosopher and theologian to return to Aristotle’s theory of the just. Not only did he do so with the requisite systematic precision; he also developed a new philosophical interpretation of justice. In the present article I shall outline, with the brevity expected of me here, the fundamentals of Aristotle’s theory of justice. (...)
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  10. Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal.James Bohman & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.) - 1997 - MIT Press.
    In 1795 Immanuel Kant published an essay entitled "Toward Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch." The immediate occasion for the essay was the March 1795 signing of the Treaty of Basel by Prussia and revolutionary France, which Kant condemned as only "the suspension of hostilities, not a peace." In the essay, Kant argues that it is humankind's immediate duty to solve the problem of violence and enter into the cosmopolitan ideal of a universal community of all peoples governed by the rule (...)
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    “Actus circa singularia sunt” – „scientia non est de singularibus”. Thomas von Aquins Konzeption einer praktischen Wissenschaft.Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2008 - In Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.), Handlung Und Wissenschaft - Action and Science: Die Epistemologie der Praktischen Wissenschaften Im 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert - the Epistemology of the Practical Sciences in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Akademie Verlag.
  12.  15
    Zum epistemologischen Status der Medizin in der Summa Avicennae und bei Thomas von Aquin.Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2008 - In Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.), Handlung Und Wissenschaft - Action and Science: Die Epistemologie der Praktischen Wissenschaften Im 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert - the Epistemology of the Practical Sciences in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Akademie Verlag. pp. 97-105.
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    Praktisches Wissen und „Praktische Wissenschaft”: Zur Epistemologie der Moralphilosophie bei Thomas von Aquin.Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2008 - In Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.), Handlung Und Wissenschaft - Action and Science: Die Epistemologie der Praktischen Wissenschaften Im 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert - the Epistemology of the Practical Sciences in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Akademie Verlag. pp. 89-96.
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    Gottesbeweise als Herausforderung für die moderne Vernunft.Thomas Buchheim (ed.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die einfache Entgegensetzung von Vernunft und Religion wirkt nach der Religionskritik des 19. Jahrhunderts und der Vernunftkritik des 20. Jahrhunderts philosophisch naiv und historisch unaufgeklart. Dadurch fallt aber ein neues Licht auf das Projekt der Gottesbeweise, die fur die Religion zentrale Gottesvorstellung dem Denken argumentativ zuganglich zu machen. Die Autoren der hier versammelten Uberlegungen beleuchten auf je eigene Weise die traditionellen und aktuellen Gottesbeweise mit dem leitenden systematischen Erkenntnisinteresse, ein neues Verstandnis von Vernunft und Religion zu gewinnen. Mit Beitragen von: (...)
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    Handlung Und Wissenschaft - Action and Science: Die Epistemologie der Praktischen Wissenschaften Im 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert - the Epistemology of the Practical Sciences in the 13th and 14th Centuries.Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.) - 2008 - Akademie Verlag.
    Im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Bandes steht die Untersuchung des Selbstverständnisses der praktischen Wissenschaften, wie es sich im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert im Umkreis der Höheren Fakultäten der Universität sowie insbesondere innerhalb der Philosophie artikuliert. Die Frage nach der Wissenschaftsfähigkeit des überlieferten juristischen und medizinischen Wissens sowie jene nach dem wissenschaftlichen Anspruch der Praktischen Philosophie, insbesondere der philosophischen Ethik, und der Theologie, verstanden als einer "scientia practica", beschreiben die Herausforderung, mit der sich die hier behandelten Autoren und Texte des Mittelalters beschäftigen. (...)
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    Geheimnisse der Alchemie. Manuel Bachmann, Thomas HofmeierAlchemie: Lexikon einer hermetischen Wissenschaft. Claus Priesner, Karin Figala.Winfried Schleiner - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):391-392.
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    ?Thomas Bernhard's infinite phrase?: A summary. [REVIEW]Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (4):445-459.
    Gargani's work aims at discovering the link connecting the multifarious aspects of contemporary Austrian culture in the connection between ethics and aesthetics. In Gargani's view this connection is responsible for the strong criticism of contemporary society, based on mechanization and automatic processes, as it is instanced by such authors as F. Kafka, L. Wittgenstein, R. Musil, I. Bachmann and above all Thomas Bernhard. According to Gargani's essay, starting from the rejection of the notion of a correspondence relation of (...)
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    The Constitution of Equality: Democratic Authority and its Limits.Thomas Christiano - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Today the question of the moral foundations of democracy is more important then ever. In this book the author helps to explain when and why democracy is important and also gives us guidance as to how democracies ought to be shaped.
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    The Worth of a Child.Thomas H. Murray - 1996 - University of California Press.
    Thomas Murray's graceful and humane book illuminates one of the most morally complex areas of everyday life: the relationship between parents and children. What do children mean to their parents, and how far do parental obligations go? What, from the beginning of life to its end, is the worth of a child? Ethicist Murray leaves the rarefied air of abstract moral philosophy in order to reflect on the moral perplexities of ordinary life and ordinary people. Observing that abstract moral (...)
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  20. A Theory of Granular Partitions.Thomas Bittner & Barry Smith - 2003 - In Matt Duckham, Michael F. Goodchild & Michael Worboys (eds.), Foundations of Geographic Information Science. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. 117-151.
    We have a variety of different ways of dividing up, classifying, mapping, sorting and listing the objects in reality. The theory of granular partitions presented here seeks to provide a general and unified basis for understanding such phenomena in formal terms that is more realistic than existing alternatives. Our theory has two orthogonal parts: the first is a theory of classification; it provides an account of partitions as cells and subcells; the second is a theory of reference or intentionality; it (...)
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  21. On the moral responsibility of military robots.Thomas Hellström - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (2):99-107.
    This article discusses mechanisms and principles for assignment of moral responsibility to intelligent robots, with special focus on military robots. We introduce the concept autonomous power as a new concept, and use it to identify the type of robots that call for moral considerations. It is furthermore argued that autonomous power, and in particular the ability to learn, is decisive for assignment of moral responsibility to robots. As technological development will lead to robots with increasing autonomous power, we should be (...)
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    Due vedute di Roma.B. R. Brinkman - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (2):176–192.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by David Noel Freedman with Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins. The Gospel of Matthew. By Daniel J. Harrington. Paul: An Introduction to his Thought. By C. K. Barrett. A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identiy. By Daniel Boyarin. New Testament Theology. By G. B. Caird, completed and edited by L. D. Hurst. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius. By Peter Widdicombe. Dieu et (...)
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    Anselmian Explorations: Essays in Philosophical Theology.Thomas V. Morris - 1987 - University of Notre Dame Press.
  24. (1 other version)Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind.Thomas Reid - 1969 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 38 (2):424-424.
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  25. The no-self alternative.Thomas Metzinger - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher (ed.), The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article explores the ‘no-self alternative’ in the debate on the metaphysical and phenomenological concept of the self. It suggests that the no-self alternative may not be an alternative at all and it could simply be the default assumption for all rational approaches to self-consciousness and subjectivity. It outlines several different anti-realist arguments about the self and explains why the idea that there are no selves is counter-intuitive. It shows why the intuitions of phenomenology are traceable to the contingent fact (...)
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  26. (1 other version)The Origin of the Phenomenology of Feelings.Thomas Byrne - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):455-468.
    This paper accomplishes two goals. First, I present a distinct interpretation of the inception of the phenomenology of feelings. I show that Husserl’s first substantial discussion of intentional and non-intentional feelings is not from his 1901 Logical Investigations, but rather his 1893 manuscript, “Notes towards a Theory of Attention and Interest”. Husserl there describes intentional feelings as active and non-intentional feelings as passive. Second, I show that Husserl presents a somewhat unique account of feelings in “Notes”, which is partly different (...)
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  27.  20
    Insolubilia.Thomas Bradwardine - 2010 - Walpole, MA: Peeters. Edited by Stephen Read.
    The fourteenth-century thinker Thomas Bradwardine is well known in both the history of science and the history of theology. The first of the Merton Calculators (mathematical physicists) and passionate defender of the Augustinian doctrine of salvation through grace alone, he was briefly archbishop of Canterbury before succumbing to the Black Death in 1349. This new edition of his Insolubilia, made from all thirteen known manuscripts, shows that he was also a logician of the first rank. The edition is accompanied (...)
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  28. Coercion, Incarceration, and Chemical Castration: An Argument From Autonomy.Thomas Douglas, Pieter Bonte, Farah Focquaert, Katrien Devolder & Sigrid Sterckx - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (3):393-405.
    In several jurisdictions, sex offenders may be offered chemical castration as an alternative to further incarceration. In some, agreement to chemical castration may be made a formal condition of parole or release. In others, refusal to undergo chemical castration can increase the likelihood of further incarceration though no formal link is made between the two. Offering chemical castration as an alternative to further incarceration is often said to be partially coercive, thus rendering the offender’s consent invalid. The dominant response to (...)
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  29. Genidentity and Biological Processes.Thomas Pradeu - 2018 - In Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré (eds.), Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    A crucial question for a process view of life is how to identify a process and how to follow it through time. The genidentity view can contribute decisively to this project. It says that the identity through time of an entity X is given by a well-identified series of continuous states of affairs. Genidentity helps address the problem of diachronic identity in the living world. This chapter describes the centrality of the concept of genidentity for David Hull and proposes an (...)
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    Criteria for unconscious cognition: Three types of dissociation.Thomas Schmidt & Dirk Vorberg - 2006 - Perception and Psychophysics 68 (3):489-504.
  31. Innocent statements and their metaphysically loaded counterparts.Thomas Hofweber - 2007 - Philosophers' Imprint 7:1-33.
    One puzzling feature of talk about properties, propositions and natural numbers is that statements that are explicitly about them can be introduced apparently without change of truth conditions from statements that don't mention them at all. Thus it seems that the existence of numbers, properties and propositions can be established`from nothing'. This metaphysical puzzle is tied to a series of syntactic and semantic puzzles about the relationship between ordinary, metaphysically innocent statements and their metaphysically loaded counterparts, statements that explicitly mention (...)
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  32.  8
    Die Sophisten: ihr politisches Denken in antiker und zeitgenössischer Gestalt.Barbara Zehnpfennig (ed.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Die Sophisten waren und sind umstritten. In der Zeit des Perikles, der Hochblüte der griechischen Kultur, als Wanderlehrer in Griechenland tätig, bewirkten sie mit ihrer Lehrtätigkeit, welche die verschiedensten Wissensgebiete umfasste, einen grundlegenden Blickwandel: Ihre Befassung mit Erkenntnistheorie, Rhetorik und Politik lenkte den Blick vom Kosmos zurück auf den Menschen. Indem sie den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihres Denkens stellten, ja ihn sogar zum Maß aller Dinge erklärten, wendeten sie sich zugleich gegen die traditionelle Sittlichkeit, die in der Regel religiös (...)
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    A Systematic Review of Associations Between Interoception, Vagal Tone, and Emotional Regulation: Potential Applications for Mental Health, Wellbeing, Psychological Flexibility, and Chronic Conditions.Thomas Pinna & Darren J. Edwards - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing.Hélène Cixous & Susan Sellers (eds.) - 1993 - Columbia University Press.
    _Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing_ is a poetic, insightful, and ultimately moving exploration of 'the strange science of writing.' In a magnetic, irresistible narrative, Cixous reflects on the writing process and explores three distinct areas essential for 'great' writing: _The School of the Dead_--the notion that something or someone must die in order for good writing to be born; _The School of Dreams_--the crucial role dreams play in literary inspiration and output; and _The School of Roots_--the importance of (...)
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  35. Increasing the risk that someone will die without increasing the risk that you will kill them.Thomas Byrne - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (2):395-412.
    I consider cases where you increase the risk that, e.g., someone will die, without increasing the risk that you will kill them: in particular, cases in which that increasing of risk is accompanied by a decreasing of risk of the same degree such that the risk imposition has been offset. I defend the moral legitimacy of such offsetting, including carbon-offsetting.
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    Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Language: The Legacy of the Philosophical Investigations.Thomas McNally - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Throughout his philosophical development, Wittgenstein was more concerned with language than with any other topic. No other philosopher has been as influential on our understanding of the deep problems surrounding language, and yet the true significance of his writing on the subject is difficult to assess, since most of the current debates regarding language tend to overlook his work. In this book, Thomas McNally shows that philosophers of language still have much to learn from Wittgenstein's later writings. The book (...)
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  37. Science and the Enlightenment.Thomas L. Hankins - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (2):321-322.
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  38. Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics.Thomas Pink - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):142-147.
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    (3 other versions)Heidegger: the man and the thinker.Thomas Sheehan (ed.) - 1981 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
    Many people consider Martin Heidegger the most important German philosopher of the twentieth century. He is indisputably controversial and influential. Athough much has been written about Heidegger, this may be the best single volume covering his life, career, and thought. For all its breadth and complexity, Heidegger's perspective is quite simple: he is concerned with the meaning of Being as disclosure. Heidegger's life was almost as simple. He was a German professor, except for a brief but significant period in which (...)
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    Early philosophical interpretations of general relativity.Thomas A. Ryckman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Living Transcendental — An Integrationist View of Naturalized Phenomenology.Thomas Netland - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:540151.
    In this article I take on the “Transcendentalist Challenge” to naturalized phenomenology, highlighting how the ontological and methodological commitments of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy point in the direction of an integration of the transcendental and the scientific, thus making room for a productive exchange between philosophy and psychological science when it comes to understanding consciousness and its place in nature. Discussing various conceptions of naturalized phenomenology, I argue that what I call an “Integrationist View” is required if we are to make sense (...)
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    Leviathan, Revised Edition.Thomas Hobbes (ed.) - 2010 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan is the greatest work of political philosophy in English and the first great work of philosophy in English. In addition, it presents the fundamentals of his beliefs about language, epistemology, and an extensive treatment of revealed religion and its relation to politics. Beginning with premises that were sometimes controversial, such as that every human action is caused by the agent's desire for his own good, Hobbes derived shocking conclusions, such as that the civil government enjoys absolute (...)
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  43. Allowing the Poor to Share the Earth.Thomas Pogge - 2011 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (3):335-352.
    Two of the greatest challenges facing humanity are environmental degradation and the persistence of poverty. Both can be met by instituting a Global Resources Dividend (GRD) that would slow pollution and natural-resource depletion while collecting funds to avert poverty worldwide. Unlike Hillel Steiner's Global Fund, which is presented as a fully just regime governing the use of planetary resources, the GRD is meant as merely a modest but widely acceptable and therefore realistic step toward justice. Paula Casal has set forth (...)
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    Killing Time: Waiting Hierarchies in the Twentieth-Century German Novel.Jennifer Marston William - 2009 - Bucknell University Press.
    This monograph explores how seven prominent German and Austrian novelists of the twentieth century—Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Anna Seghers, Uwe Johnson, Ingeborg Bachmann, Wolfgang Hilbig, and Marlene Steeruwitz—conveyed their literary figures' time spent waiting. By presenting states of waiting as emblematic of human existence in the turbulent twentieth century, these writers criticized hierarchical power structures in various historical contexts. Killing Time presents fresh readings of seven German-language novels, while providing insights into how and why German and Austrian writers (...)
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    Disability at the Limits of Phenomenology.Thomas Abrams - 2020 - Puncta 3 (2):15-18.
    Musing for Puncta special issue on "Critically Sick: New Phenomenologies Of Illness, Madness, And Disability.".
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    Poverty and Violence.Thomas Pogge - unknown
    Citizens of affluent countries bear a far greater responsibility for world poverty than they typically realise. This is so because poverty is more severe, more widespread and more avoidable than officially acknowledged and also because it is substantially aggravated by supranational institutional arrangements that are designed and imposed by the governments and elites of the more powerful states. It may seem that this analysis of world poverty implies that citizens of affluent countries have forfeited their right not to be killed (...)
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    Descartes and the Seven Senses of Indifference in Early Modern Philosophy.Thomas M. Lennon - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (3):577-602.
    ABSTRACT: Indifference is a term often used to describe the sort of freedom had by the will according to the libertarian, or Molinist account. It is thought to be a univocal term. In fact, however, it is used in at least seven different ways, in a variety of domains during the early modern period. All of them have plausible roots in Descartes, but he himself uses the term in only one sense, and failure to notice this consistent use by him (...)
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    Das Verhältnis der Vermögen des menschlichen Gemüts zu den Sittengesetzen.Thomas Höwing - 2013 - In Andreas Trampota, Oliver Sensen & Jens Timmermann (eds.), Kant’s “Tugendlehre”. A Comprehensive Commentary. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 25-58.
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  49. Contextualism and the meaning-intention problem.Thomas Hofweber - unknown
    The relevant alternatives approach in epistemology1 arose some years ago partly out of the hope to be able to reconcile our ordinary claims of knowledge with our inability to answer the skeptic. It was supposed to give rise to an account of knowledge according to which our ordinary claims of knowledge are true, even though the claims about our lack of knowledge that the skeptics make in one of their more persuasive moments are also true. To know, according to such (...)
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  50. Ancestral Graph Markov Models.Thomas Richardson & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    This paper introduces a class of graphical independence models that is closed under marginalization and conditioning but that contains all DAG independence models. This class of graphs, called maximal ancestral graphs, has two attractive features: there is at most one edge between each pair of vertices; every missing edge corresponds to an independence relation. These features lead to a simple parameterization of the corresponding set of distributions in the Gaussian case.
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