Results for 'Thierry C. M. Christiaens'

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  1.  71
    Quality of care: the need for medical, contextual and policy evidence in primary care.Mieke L. van Driel, An I. De Sutter, Thierry C. M. Christiaens & Jan M. De Maeseneer - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (5):417-429.
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    Art History and Visual Studies in Europe: Transnational Discourses and National Frameworks.Matthew Rampley, Thierry Lenain, Hubert Locher, Andrea Pinotti, Charlotte Schoell-Glass & C. J. M. Zijlmans (eds.) - 2012 - Brill.
    This book undertakes a critical survey of art history across Europe, examining the recent conceptual and methodological concerns informing the discipline as well as the political, social and ideological factors that have shaped its development in specific national contexts.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.H. W. Pleket, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, W. Den Boer, E. J. Jonkers, G. Van Hoorn, J. H. M. M. Loenen, C. J. Ruijgh, J. C. Kamerbeek, M. J. Sicking, G. J. De Vries, L. G. Westerink, G. J. D. Aalders, H. Wagenvoort, J. W. Fuchs, A. D. Leeman, P. J. Enk, D. Kuijper, J. J. Thierry, J. H. Waszink & B. A. Van Groningen - 1960 - Mnemosyne 13 (4):331-383.
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    Bibliografische Nota's. [REVIEW]B. Delfgaauw, J. H. Walgrave, Karl Schuhmann, P. Swiggers, L. Braeckmans, L. De Vos, K. Verrycken, André Cloots, Henk Struyker Boudier, C. Struyker Boudier, Herman Parret, Hugo Sonneville, J. Janssens, Etienne Van Doosselaere, C. Steel, M. Christiaens, P. Van Tongeren & I. Verhack - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (4):677 - 688.
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    Le Salut des Ignorants : Locke, Macpherson et la religion des pauvres.Patrick Thierry - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (4):451-464.
    Les articles essentiels de la religion chrétienne doivent être, pour Locke, accessibles à tous et suffire au Salut. Ce souci de simplification a été rapporté à sa vision de la société, les gens modestes devant se contenter de croire et de rester à un bas niveau de rationalité : les thèses, encore vivaces, de C. B. Macpherson font d’une telle religion un moyen de contrôle des mœurs et de maintien des pauvres dans l’obéissance. Locke les supposerait incapables d’un comportement moral (...)
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    "Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and His School," ed. Nikolaus M. Häring, S.A.C. [REVIEW]Lee C. Rice - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 50 (2):234-234.
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    Heidegger et la question de l'humanisme: faits, concepts, débats.Bruno Pinchard & Thierry Gontier (eds.) - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le débat qui partage les partisans et les détracteurs de l'humanisme n'est pas seulement dicté par l'ampleur des événements planétaires. La question de l'humanisme est d'abord l'héritière de toute l'histoire de la pensée. Qu'il ait cependant appartenu à Martin Heidegger, à peine arraché à un temps d'inhumanité radicale, de transformer, dans sa fameuse Lettre sur l'humanisme de 1947, le simple recours aux " valeurs ", de l'humanisme en l'affaire par excellence de la pensée, constitue une énigme sur laquelle il valait (...)
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    Adam Smith au-delà de sa caricature néolibérale : suggestions réglementaires et éthiques pour la banque, la finance et l’économie.Thierry C. Pauchant & Franco - 2014 - Éthique Publique 16 (2).
    La financiarisation du marché est associée à un déficit démocratique, à un accroissement des inégalités et à un contexte mondial d’incertitude et de crises. Dans le présent article, nous revisitons les vues d’Adam Smith au xviiie siècle sur ces sujets, au-delà de sa caricature néolibérale. Nous suggérons que le père de l’économie moderne, sur qui l’on fonde l’idéologie de la « main invisible » en économie et le « laissez-faire » pour les entreprises, recommandait en fait l’instauration de régulations strictes (...)
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  9. Adam Smith et l’approche des capabilités : une fondation pour le post-capitalisme.Thierry C. Pauchant - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):15-29.
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    L’insuffisance de l’apprentissage culturel et éthique en gestion des risques.Thierry C. Pauchant & Parent - 2002 - Éthique Publique 4 (2).
    Dans cet article, nous évaluons l’exécution actuelle des recommandations formulées après le déluge du Saguenay. L’étude de ce cas permet également d’analyser de façon critique la nouvelle loi au Québec sur la Sécurité civile, en la comparant aux avancées de l’éthique dite « postmoderne ». En regroupant ces recommandations en cinq catégories, il devient évident que leur exécution, plus de six ans après l’événement, reste surtout limitée à trois domaines spécifiques : les changements légaux, les changements technologiques et ceux qui (...)
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  11.  23
    Ethics and spirituality at work: hopes and pitfalls of the search for meaning in organizations.Thierry C. Pauchant (ed.) - 2002 - Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.
    Pauchant's book emerges from a forum on International Management, Ethics, and Spirituality, the first of its kind to be held at an internationally recognized business school, and represents the thinking of six CEOs and six scholars of ethics and spirituality from Australia, Canada, the United States, and Switzerland.
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  12. Competence.C. M. Culver & B. Gert - 2004 - In Jennifer Radden (ed.), The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 258--271.
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  13.  51
    Conventionalism and Legitimate Expectations.C. M. Melenovsky - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (2):1-23.
    To be a conventionalist about a specific obligation or right is to believe that the obligation or right is dependent on the existence of a social practice. A conventionalist about property, for example, believes that a moral right to property is generated by conventional norms rather than by any natural right. One problem with dominant conventionalist theories is that they do not adequately justify conventional moral claims. They can justify why it is wrong to steal, for example, but they do (...)
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  14.  55
    Promises, Practices, and Reciprocity.C. M. Melenovsky - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266):106-126.
    The dominant conventionalist view explains the wrong of breaking a promise as failing to do our fair share in supporting the practice of promise-keeping. Yet, this account fails to explain any unique moral standing that a promisee has to demand that the promisor keep the promise. In this paper, I provide a conventionalist response to this problem. In any cooperative practice, participants stand as both beneficiary and contributor. As a beneficiary, they are morally required to follow the rules of the (...)
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    The Basic Structure as a System of Social Practices.C. M. Melenovsky - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (4):599-624.
    In his own writings, Rawls purposively used only a loose characterization of the basic structure, but two prominent misinterpretations highlight the current need for a more detailed account. First, G.A. Cohen argues that the Rawlsian focus on the basic structure is arbitrary due to the Rawlsian appeal to profound effects. Second, some theorists conflate the justification of coercion with the assessment of a basic structure by defining the basic structure as the coercive structure. Both misinterpretations can be corrected by carefully (...)
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    The Moral Leader. [REVIEW]Thierry C. Pauchant - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 6:211-216.
  17.  91
    Why Free Market Rights are not Basic Liberties.C. M. Melenovsky & Justin Bernstein - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):47-67.
    Most liberals agree that governments should protect certain basic liberties, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the person. Liberals disagree, however, about whether free market rights should also be protected. By “free market rights,” we mean those rights typically associated with laissez-faire economic systems such as freedom of contract, a right to market returns, and claims to privately own the means of production.We do not use the phrase “economic liberties,” as Tomasi does, because it does (...)
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  18. Die Geruche vom psychogenetischen Standpunkte aus.C. M. Giessler - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:417.
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    On Eth. Nic. I. c. 5.C. M. Mulvany - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (2):85-98.
    In E.N. I. c. 5 Aristotle is considering divers views as to what constitutes Eudaimonia. He told us in c. 4, 2–3 that there are many conflicting opinions on the subject. The Many identify Happiness with some palpable good, such as pleasure, wealth, honour, but the Wise identify it with something beyond the Many, while [Plato] denied it to be any specific good at all. Of all these views we should consider such as have many adherents or are considered to (...)
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  20. I contributi rosminiani di raschini.C. M. Fenu - 2001 - Filosofia Oggi 24 (93):59-66.
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    Indentation fracture of a-C:H thin films from chemical vapour deposition.C. M. Lepienski, M. D. Michel, P. J. G. Araújo & C. A. Achete - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5397-5406.
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    The aesthetics of Charles S. Peirce.C. M. Smith - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (1):21-29.
  23. Il volume di Chiocchetti su "La filosofia di Benedetto Croce".M. C. M. C. - 1915 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 7:IV:412.
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  24. La Bible du centenaire.M. C. M. C. - 1913 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 1 (3):248.
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  25.  39
    The Value of a Non-Ideal.C. M. Melenovsky - 2019 - Social Theory and Practice 45 (3):427-450.
    In The Tyranny of the Ideal, Gerald Gaus gives an extended argument on behalf of the “Open Society.” Instead of claiming that it is uniquely best from some privileged moral perspective, he argues for the Open Society by showing why it is acceptable to many perspectives. In this way, Gaus argues for a liberal market-based society in a way that treats deep diversity as a fundamental feature of social life. However, the argument falters at four important points. When taken together, (...)
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    Modelling size effects using 3D density-based dislocation dynamics.M. Zaiser, N. Nikitas, T. Hochrainer & E. C. Aifantis - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (8-9):1283-1306.
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  27. Below the surface: a true-to-life course in editorial practice.C. M. Anson - 2000 - In Linda K. Shamoon, Rebecca Howard, Sandra Jamieson & Robert Schwegler (eds.), Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum. Boynton/Cook. pp. 121.
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  28. Paradise Lost and the Genesis Tradition.C. M. Evans - 1973 - Religious Studies 9 (1):119-120.
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  29. Dimensional Methods and Their Applications.C. M. Focken - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (20):344-346.
  30. Die Gemütsbewegungen und ihre Beherrschung.C. M. Giessler - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 51:315-316.
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  31. Das Ich im Traume, nebst einer kritischen Beleuchtung der Ich-Kontroverse.C. M. Giessler - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15:229.
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  32. Die Identifizierung von Personlichkeiten.C. M. Giessler - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10:84.
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    Symposium: Is Psychical Research Relevant to Philosophy?M. Kneale, R. Robinson & C. W. K. Mundle - 1950 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 24 (1):173 - 231.
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    Recrystallization and grain growth of deformed magnesium alloy.C. W. Su, L. Lu & M. O. Lai - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (2):181-200.
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    X-ray backscattering study of crystal lattice distortion in hidden order of URu2Si2.C. Tabata, T. Inami, S. Michimura, M. Yokoyama, H. Hidaka, T. Yanagisawa & H. Amitsuka - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (32-33):3691-3701.
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    An Arabic translation of Themistius Commentary on Aristoteles De anima.M. C. Themistius, Ishaq ibn Hunayn & Lyons - 1973 - Columbia,: University of South Carolina Press. Edited by Isḥāqibin Ḥunayn.
  37. Selectively searching for conjunctively defined visual targets.C. E. Wright & A. M. Main - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):505-505.
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  38. Psychology and Alchemy.C. G. Jung, R. F. C. Hull, Herbert Read, M. Fordham & G. Adler - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):156-156.
    Alchemy is central to Jung's hypothesis of the collective unconscious. In this volume he begins with an outline of the process and aims of psychotherapy, and then moves on to work out the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma and symbolism and his own understanding of the analytic process. Introducing the basic concepts of alchemy, Jung reminds us of the dual nature of alchemy, comprising both the chemical process and a parallel mystical component. He also discusses the seemingly deliberate mystification of (...)
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    Extension to the basic design of Transaction Cost Theory analysis.C. Ferro Soto & M. Guisado Tato - 2006 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2 (2):118.
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    Programme of the society.C. M. Goethe - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (1):77.
  41. What Can Cybernetics Learn from Design?C. M. Herr - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):583-585.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Design Research as a Variety of Second-Order Cybernetic Practice” by Ben Sweeting. Upshot: Based on Sweeting’s central question of what design can bring to cybernetics, this commentary extends and adds further depth to the target article. Aspects discussed include the nature of practice in relation to design, the introduction of designerly ways of acting and thinking through acting to cybernetics, and the re-introduction of material experimentation typical of early cybernetics.
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  42. Thoughts about education administration and improvement.C. M. Achilles - 2003 - Journal of Thought 38 (4):105-122.
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    From molecules to mindfulness: How vertically convergent fractal time fluctuations unify cognition and emotion.C. M. Anderson - 2000 - Consciousness and Emotion 1 (2):193-226.
    Fractal time fluctuations of the spectral “1/f” form are universal in natural self-organizing systems. Neurobiology is uniquely infused with fractal fluctuations in the form of statistically self-similar clusters or bursts on all levels of description from molecular events such as protein chain fluctuations, ion channel currents and synaptic processes to the behaviors of neural ensembles or the collective behavior of Internet users. It is the thesis of this essay that the brain self-organizes via a vertical collation of these spontaneous events (...)
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    Effects of magnetic field on shape evolution of Fe–Co particles in a Cu matrix.C. Kanno, T. Fujii, H. Ohtsuka, S. Onaka & M. Kato - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (8):747-759.
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    Making Sense of Management.C. M. Cherry - 2002 - Philosophy Today 15 (39):10-11.
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    Doxastic Naturalism and Hume's Voice in the Dialogues.C. M. Lorkowski - 2016 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (3):253-274.
    I argue that acknowledging Hume as a doxastic naturalist about belief in a deity allows an elegant, holistic reading of his Dialogues. It supports a reading in which Hume's spokesperson is Philo throughout, and enlightens many of the interpretive difficulties of the work. In arguing this, I perform a comprehensive survey of evidence for and against Philo as Hume's voice, bringing new evidence to bear against the interpretation of Hume as Cleanthes and against the amalgamation view while correcting several standard (...)
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    An improved hybrid algorithm for capacitated fixed-charge transportation problem.C. -M. Pintea & P. C. Pop - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3):369-378.
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    Mekka in the Latter Part of the Nineteenth Century.Samuel M. Zwemer, C. Snouck Hurgronje & J. H. Monahan - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (4):383.
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  49. The Bury bible (cambridge, corpus Christi college, MS. 2).C. M. Kauffmann - 1966 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 29 (1):60-81.
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    (1 other version)On the existence of atomic models.M. C. Laskowski & S. Shelah - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1189-1194.
    We give an example of a countable theory $T$ such that for every cardinal $\lambda \geq \aleph_2$ there is a fully indiscernible set $A$ of power $\lambda$ such that the principal types are dense over $A$, yet there is no atomic model of $T$ over $A$. In particular, $T$ is a theory of size $\lambda$ where the principal types are dense, yet $T$ has no atomic model.
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