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C. Steel [94]Carlos Steel [76]Carlos G. Steel [15]C. E. W. Steel [15]
Catherine Steel [8]Craig Steel [1]
  1. The changing self: a study on the soul in later Neoplatonism: Iamblichus, Damascius and Priscianus.Carlos G. Steel - 1978 - Brussel,: Paleis der Academiën.
  2.  60
    Breathing thought: Proclus on the innate knowledge of the soul.Carlos Steel - 1997 - In John J. Cleary, The perennial tradition of Neoplatonism. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. pp. 24--293.
  3. Theology as First Philosophy. The Neoplatonic Concept of Metaphysics.Carlos Steel - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):2-21.
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  4. An Unknown Treatise of Avveroes against the Avicennians on the First Cause Edition and Translation.Carlos Steel & Guy Guldentops - 1997 - Recherches de Philosophie 64 (1):86-135.
    Although the treatise presented here is most interesting, it was never widely disseminated. As far as we know, it is preserved only in Latin, in one manuscript. The text poses many questions. Who produced a copy of the text? Who is the translator? Is the treatise a genuine work of Averroes? And if so, what was his intention in writing this monograph on the First Cause?
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    Does Evil Have a Cause? Augustine's Perplexity and Thomas's Answer.Carlos Steel - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):251 - 273.
    IN THE DISCUSSION on education in the Republic, Socrates lays down the principles which those who speak about the gods must follow if they want to avoid the errors of traditional mythology. The first typos of this rational theology is this: "God is the cause, not of all things, but only of the good." For "God, being good, cannot be responsible for everything happening in our life, as is commonly believed, but only for a small part. For we have a (...)
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  6.  17
    (1 other version)Procli in Platonis Parmenidem Commentaria: Tomus I, Libros I-Iii Continens.Carlos Steel - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Carlos G. Steel, Caroline Macé & Pieter D' Hoine.
    The Commentary on Plato's Parmenides by Proclus is the most important extant document on the interpretation of this enigmatic dialogue in antiquity, and has had a crucial influence on all subsequent readings. In Proclus' Commentary, the Parmenides provides the argumentative and conceptual framework for a scientific theology wherein all mythological discourse about the gods can be integrated. Its exposition was therefore the culmination of the curriculum of the Platonic school. This theological reading of the Parmenides persisted, through the medium of (...)
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  7. Why should we prefer Plato's Timaeus to Aristotle's Physics? Proclus' critique of Aristotle's explanation of the physical world.Carlos Steel - 2003 - Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 78:175-187.
  8. Providence and Evil.Carlos Steel - 2016 - In Pieter D'Hoine & Marije Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    How can evil exist in a world governed by providence? That is the main question addressed in this chapter. To answer it, the author first sets out Proclus’ defence of providence, which combines the gods’ transcendence with their sharing goodness. The next step is to show that despite providence, evils have reality as well. There is, however, no substance or principle of evil, and only human and irrational souls and material bodies are susceptible to it. Evil’s having a ‘parhypostasis’ is (...)
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  9. Verzameld werk. Plato, Xaveer De Win, Jef Ector, Rein Ferwerda, Ko Kleisen & Carlos Steel - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (4):752-755.
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  10. (2 other versions)Definitions and ideas.C. Steel - 2004 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 19:103-121.
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  11.  65
    Neoplatonic versus Stoic causality: the case of the sustaining cause («sunektikon»).Carlos Steel - 2002 - Quaestio 2 (1):77-96.
  12. The Moral Purpose of the Human Body A Reading of Timaeus 69-72.Carlos Steel - 2001 - Phronesis 46 (2):105-128.
  13.  24
    Henry Bate’s Translation of Ibn Ezra’s treatise The Book of the World. A Critical Edition.Carlos Steel - 2019 - Quaestio 19:227-278.
    Critical Edition of Henricus Bate’s translation of Ibn Ezra’s Book of the World (Sefer ha-‘Olam), which deals with the astrological prediction and interpretation of political events and with weather forecasting. Bate’s preface to his translation in which he defends Albumasar against Ibn Ezra’s criticism and advocates an approximating method of calculation of astronomical data is a remarkable document in the medieval history of science. The introduction gives a survey of the manuscript tradition of this translation which was quite successful.
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  14.  39
    ‘The Soul Never Thinks without a Phantasm’: How Platonic Commentators Interpret a Controversial Aristotelian Thesis.Carlos Steel - 2018 - In Benedikt Strobel, Die Kunst der Philosophischen Exegese Bei den Spätantiken Platon- Und Aristoteles-Kommentatoren. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 185-224.
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  15.  38
    Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance =.Thomas Leinkauf & Carlos G. Steel (eds.) - 2005 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    This volume is a study of the influence of Timaeus on the development of Western cosmology in three axial periods of European culture: Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance.
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    Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought.Carlos G. Steel, Gerd van Riel, Caroline Macé & Leen van Campe (eds.) - 2004 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    From an epistemological viewpoint, the Forms constitute the objects of true knowledge. From an ontological point of view, they are the principles that underlie the order of the universe.
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  17.  34
    Priscianus lydus en de "in de Anima" Van pseudo(?)-Simplicius.F. Bossier & C. Steel - 1972 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (4):761 - 822.
    Dans cet article nous avons essayé d'examiner la valeur de l'attribution traditionelle du commentaire De Anima à Simplicius. En comparant ce traité aux grands commentaires de Simplicius (sur les Catégories, la Physique et le De Caelo d'Aristote), nous avons été en effet frappés par les divergences de style, et de langue, ainsi que par la différente manière de commenter. Dans la première partie nous démontrons que l'auteur de l'In D.A. a écrit également la Metaphrasis in Theophrastum, qui nous a été (...)
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  18.  26
    Hallucinations as a trauma-based memory: implications for psychological interventions.Craig Steel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  19.  36
    Proclus : Filosofie en mythologie.Carlos Steel - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (2):191 - 206.
    Since its origin, Greek philosophy has made an attempt to rationally determine what the 'divine', object of myth and religious practice, really is. In the present article we examine Proclus's project of a philosophical theology. First, by determining its object (theion) : the absolute One and the henads, secondly by distinguishing its method (logos) from other forms of theological discourse : symbolic-mythological, eikonic and oracular. Finally, we explain how Proclus came to understand the logical discussion in the Parmenides of Plato (...)
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  20.  77
    J. Beaujeu: Cicéron: Correspondance VI . Pp. 315. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1993. ISBN: 2-251-01372-5.C. E. W. Steel - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (1):168-169.
  21.  15
    The Roman Senate and the post-Sullan res publica.Catherine Steel - 2014 - História 63 (3):323-339.
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  22.  20
    Neue Forschungen zum Neuplatonismus (1995 – 2003). Teil II.Carlos Steel & Christoph Helmig - 2004 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (3):225-248.
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  23. De eerste filosofie. Metaphysica Alpha. Aristoteles & Carlos Steel - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (2):381-381.
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  24.  12
    La Béatitude de L’'Me'. Averroës, Marc Geoffroy & Carlos G. Steel - 2001 - Vrin.
    Averroès, musulman andalou du XIIe siècle, discute le " De anima " d'Aristote dans une approche rationalisante du rapport entre religion et philosophie, entre étude de la vérité révélée et surnaturelle, et étude démonstrative de l'univers. La béatitude spirituelle de l'homme est décrite dans le Coran. En philosophie, elle serait l'union de son intellect à l'intellect agent universel.
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  25. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts IV-V: On the Nature of Matter. On the Intellect as Form of Man.Henricus Bate & Carlos Steel - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (2):355-356.
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  26. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts XI-XII: On Platonic Philosophy.Henricus Bate, Helmut Boese & Carlos Steel - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (2):324-325.
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  27. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts XX -XXIII : On the Heavens, the Divine Movers, and the First Intellect.Henricus Bate, Carlos Steel & Guy Guldentops - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):371-371.
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  28. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts VI-VII : On the Unity of Intellect. On the Platonic Doctrine of the Ideas.Henricus Bate, Carlos Steel & Emiel Van de Vyver - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (2):377-378.
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  29.  29
    Henry of Ghent and the transformation of scholastic thought: studies in memory of Jos Decorte.J. Decorte, Guy Guldentops & Carlos G. Steel (eds.) - 2003 - Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
    Throws light on the particular renewal of the theological and philosophical tradition which Henry of Ghent brought about and elucidates various aspects of his metaphysics and epistemology ethics, and theology.
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  30.  18
    The Leonine Edition of «De spiritualibus creaturis».Guy Guldentops & Carlos Steel - 2001 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (1):180-203.
    Over the last decades, the Commissio Leonina has built up a very strong reputation. Editions such as theSentencia libri De anima and the Sentencia libri de sensu et sensato by R.-A. Gauthier or the commentaries on Boethius by P.-M. Gils, L.-J. Bataillon and C.A. Grassi have set new philological standards, not only because of their fine critical introductions and excellent reconstructions of Thomas Aquinas’ texts, but also because of their rich and accurate apparatus fontium. It may be doubted, however, whether (...)
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  31.  30
    Vernacular Philosophy for the Nobility: Li ars d’amour, de vertu et de boneurté, an Old French Adaptation of Thomas Aquinas’ Ethics from ca. 1300.Guy Guldentops & Carlos Steel - 2003 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 45:67-86.
  32.  6
    L’ Élaboration du Vocabulaire Philosophique au Moyen Âge.Jacqueline Hamesse & Carlos G. Steel (eds.) - 2000 - Brepols Publishers.
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  33.  27
    Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought: studies in honour of Carlos Steel.Pieter D' Hoine, Gerd van Riel & Carlos G. Steel (eds.) - 2014 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    Essays on key moments in the intellectual history of the West This book forms a major contribution to the discussion on fate, providence and moral responsibility in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Through 37 original papers, renowned scholars from many different countries, as well as a number of young and promising researchers, write the history of the philosophical problems of freedom and determinism since its origins in pre-socratic philosophy up to the seventeenth century. The main focus points (...)
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  34. Kroniek Van het hoger instituut voor wijsbegeerte: Academiejaar 1986-87.C. Steel - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (4):718-722.
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  35. Bessarion lecteur du commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide, avec une édition de ses scholies aux livres II et III.Caroline Macé, Carlos Steel & Pieter D'Hoine - 2009 - Byzantion 79:241-279.
    Ambrosianus B 165 sup., a 14th-cent. Constantinopolitan manuscript containing Proclus' In Parmenidem, was once owned by the Cardinal Bessarion, who has read, corrected and annotated the text with remarkable care. In this contribution, we provide an analysis of Bessarion's work on this manuscript, thus offering a case-study of his philological method. We also discuss some quotations from this text in Bessarion's works, which testify to the importance of his knowledge of Proclus for his own writings. In addition, Bessarion's Greek scholia (...)
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    Bulletin des recherches de Théologie et de Philosophie médiévales.G. Michiels, J. Decorte & C. Steel - 1997 - Recherches de Philosophie 64 (2):437-454.
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  37. Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Tome II : Livres V à VII et Notes marginales de Nicolas de Cues. Proclus, Guillaume de Moerbeke, Carlos Steel & Moerbeke - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (1):126-127.
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  38.  12
    Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon: traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke.Carlos Steel - 1982 - Leiden: Brill. Edited by William & Carlos G. Steel.
    t. 1. Livres I à IV -- t. 2. Livres V à VII et Notes marginales de Nicolas de Cues.
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  39.  24
    On the existence of evils. Proclus, Jan Opsomer & Carlos G. Steel - 2003 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Jan Opsomer & Carlos G. Steel.
    He also protected higher causes from responsibility by saying that evil may result from a combination of goods. Proclus objects: evil is real, and not the mere privation of form. Rather, it is a parasite feeding off good. Parasites have no proper cause, and higher beings are thus vindicated as being the causes only of the good off which evil feeds."--BOOK JACKET.
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  40.  25
    The final section of Proclus' commentary on the Parmenides: a Greek retroversion of the Latin translation.F. Rumbach & Carlos Steel - 1997 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 8:211-267.
  41.  17
    Proclus et la théologie platonicienne: actes du Colloque international de Louvain, 13-16 mai 1998, en l'honneur de H.D. Saffrey et L.G. Westerink.H. D. Saffrey, Leendert Gerrit Westerink, A. Ph Segonds & Carlos G. Steel (eds.) - 2000 - Paris: Belles lettres.
    Dans ce volume considérable, on été réunies les contributions d'un Congrès international tenu à Louvain en 1998 pour marquer l'achèvement de la première édition de la Théologie Platonicienne de Proclus. Ces contributions, toutes rigoureusement centrées sur la Théol. Plat. concernent (1) les principes et les sources de la Théol. plat. (2) Les méthodes théologiques de Proclus (3) La postérité de la Théol. plat. dans le monde grec, païen comme chrétien, et dans le monde islamique. Des indices très détaillés permettent de (...)
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  42. Revival of Ideas & Revival of Persons.Matthew S. Santirocco, Richard Sorabji & Carlos G. Steel - 2001 - New York University Press.
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  43. Proclus et la théologie platonicienne. Actes du Colloque International de Louvain.Alain Ph Segonds, Carlos Steel, H. Saffrey, L. Westerink, Concetta Luna & A. Mettraux - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (4):820-820.
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  44. Commentaire sur les Catégories d'Aristote. Tome II. Simplicius, Guillaume de Moerbeke, A. Pattin, W. Stuyven & C. Steel - 1977 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (4):706-707.
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  45.  40
    Aristotle's animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.Carlos G. Steel, Guy Guldentops & Pieter Beullens (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
    Aristotle's zoological writings with their wealth of detailed investigations on diverse species of animals have fascinated medieval and Renaissance culture. This volume explores how these texts have been read in various traditions (Arabic, Hebrew, Latin), and how they have been incorporated in different genres (in philosophical and scientific treatises, in florilegia and encyclopedias, in theological symbolism, in moral allegories, and in manuscript illustrations). This multidisciplinary and multilinguistic approach highlights substantial aspects of Aristotle's animals.
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  46.  56
    Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha: Symposium Aristotelicum.Carlos Steel (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The volumes of the 'Symposium Aristotelicum' have become the obligatory reference works for all studies on Aristotle. In this eighteenth volume a distinguished group of scholars offers a chapter-by-chapter study of the first book of Aristotle's Metaphysics. Aristotle presents here his philosophical project as a search for wisdom, which is found in the knowledge of the first principles allowing us to explain whatever exists. As he shows, the earlier philosophers had been seeking such a wisdom, though they had divergent views (...)
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  47.  15
    Abraham und Odysseus. Christliche und neuplatonische Eschatologie.Carlos Steel - 2002 - In Jan A. Aertsen & Martin Pickavé, Ende und Vollendung: Eschatologische Perspektiven im Mittelalter (mit einem Beitrag zur Geschichte des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln anläßlich des 50. Jahrestages der Institutsgründung). De Gruyter. pp. 115-137.
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  48.  28
    (1 other version)Colloquium 4.Carlos Steel - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):83-102.
  49.  26
    Commentary on Ch. Brittain: attention deficit in Plotinus and Augustine.Carlos Steel - 2002 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 18:264-273.
  50.  15
    Der Adler und die Nachteule: Thomas und Albert über die Möglichkeit der Metaphysik.Carlos G. Steel - 2001 - Aschendorff Verlag.
    Wie sich die Augen der Nachteule zum Tageslicht verhalten, so die Vernunft unserer Seele zu dem was, seiner Natur nach am offenbarsten ist. Dieser Vergleich des Aristoteles am Anfang der Metaphysik (II, 993b9-11) hat in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie Anlass gegeben zu verschiedenen Interpretationen. Was hier zur Diskussion steht, ist die Frage, ob dem Menschen eine Erkenntnis dessen moglich ist, was sich der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung entzieht. Kann der Geist, der mit dem Korper verbunden ist, die substantiae separatae erkennen, die ersten Ursachen (...)
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