Results for 'H. Ohtsuka'

942 found
  1. Seasonal changes of zooplankton community in Honjyo area and its neighboring waters of Lake Naka-umi.S. Ohtsuka, T. Hoshina, Y. Seike, S. Ohtani & H. Kunii - 1999 - Laguna 6:73-87.
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    Effects of magnetic field on shape evolution of Fe–Co particles in a Cu matrix.C. Kanno, T. Fujii, H. Ohtsuka, S. Onaka & M. Kato - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (8):747-759.
  3. The Enigma of Health.H. G. Gadamer, J. Gaiger & N. Walker - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (1):105-111.
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  4. Kevod horim: halakhah u-maʻaśeh la-meḥanekh, la-madrikh, la-talmid ṿela-ʻam: dine kevod u-mora av ṿa-em ba-meḳorot, Miḳra, Ḥazal, mefarshim, Shulḥan ʻarukh ṿe-nośʼe kelaṿ u-fosḳim aḥaronim ʻad le-yamenu.Yiśraʼel Ḥayim Druḳ - 1995 - [Israel]: Ḳesharim.
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  5. Aḍāḥī manṭiq al-jawhar: taṭbīq muqāyasāt al-manṭiq al-ḥayawī ʻalá ʻayyināt min al-khiṭāb al-Islāmī al-muʻāṣir: madrasat Dimashq lil-manṭiq al-ḥayawī: dirāsah.Ḥamzah Rastanāwī - 2009 - Dimashq: Dār al-Farqad lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Maṣābīḥ al-qulūb: sharḥ-i Fārsī-i panjāh va sih ḥadīs̲-i akhlāqī az Payāmbar-i Akram.Shīʻī Sabzvārī & Ḥasan ibn Ḥusayn - 1996 - Tihrān: Daftar-i Mīr̄ās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by Muḥammad Sipihrī.
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    A tale of 2 amateurs who crossed cultural frontiers with Boole symbolical algebra-with a mathematical commentary by Kauffman, Louis, H.-special-issue.Milton Singer & Louis H. Kauffman - 1995 - Semiotica 105 (1-2):3-185.
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  8. Aʻmāl al-Muʼtamar al-Falsafī al-thāmin li-Bayt al-Ḥikmah: azmat al-falsafah fī al-ʻĀlam al-ʻArabī.Ḥusām Muḥyī al-Dīn Ālūsī & Hudayl Saʻdī Mūsá (eds.) - 2009 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
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  9. al-Falsafah: āfāquhā wa-dawruhā fī bināʼ al-insān wa-al-ḥaḍārah.Ḥusām Muḥyī al-Dīn Ālūsī - 2010 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
    Philosophy; philosophical theology; philosophical anthropology; history.
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    Aristote et les conditions épistémiques de la démocratie.Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):233-239.
  11. Animal psychology and ethology in Britain and the emergence of professional concern for the concept of ethical cost.H. A. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (2):235-262.
    It has been argued that if an animal is psychologically like us, there may be more scientific reason to experiment upon it, but less moral justification to do so. Some scientists deny the existence of this dilemma, claiming that although there are scientifically valuable similarities between humans and animals that make experimentation worthwhile, humans are at the same time unique and fundamentally different. This latter response is, ironically, typical of pre-Darwinian beliefs in the relationship between human and non-human animals. Another (...)
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    Humanists, Scientists, and the Cultural Surplus.H. Porter Abbott - 2001 - Substance 30 (1/2):203.
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  13. Dialectical materialism.H. B. Acton - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 2--389.
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  14. Man without Conscience?H. B. Acton - 1949 - Hibbert Journal 48:33.
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    The Late Viscount Samuel, O.M.H. B. Acton - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (144):198 - 199.
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    (1 other version)Viii.—New books.H. B. Acton - 1936 - Mind 45 (179):396-397.
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    Orestie: Eumeniden.H. G. Aischylos - 2011 - In Tragödien: Griechisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 397-468.
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    Zum text und zur übersetzung.H. G. Aischylos - 2011 - In Tragödien: Griechisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 541-541.
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  19. Varianten des kritischen Rationalismus.H. Albert - 2002 - In Jan M. Böhm, Heiko Holweg & Claudia Hoock, Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus heute. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 3--24.
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  20. After the Revolution, the Normative Revival in Post-Analytic Philosophy of Education.H. A. Alexander - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Language and metaphysical truth.H. G. Alexander - 1937 - Journal of Philosophy 34 (24):645-652.
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  22. Images of Educational Change.H. Altrichter & John Elliott - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (4):457-457.
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  23. Experiments and Concepts.H. Andersen - 2008 - In U. Feest & G. Hon, Generating Experimental Knowledge. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. pp. 340--27.
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    Identität und Versprechen.H. M. Emrich - 1994 - Fichte-Studien 6:179-193.
  25. Marāqī al-jinān bi-al-sakhāʼ wa-qaḍāʼ ḥawāʼij al-ikhwān.Ibn al-Mibrad & Yūsuf ibn Ḥasan - 2003 - Bayrūt: Dār Ibn Ḥazm. Edited by Muḥammad Khayr Ramaḍān Yūsuf.
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    William James Ashley: A Life ; with a Chapter by J.H. Muirhead and a Foreword by Stanley Baldwin.Annie Ashley & John H. Muirhead - 1932 - P. S. King.
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    Hittite Etymological Dictionary, Vol. 3: Words Beginning with H. Trends in Linguistics 3.Richard H. Beal & Jan Puhvel - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):84.
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    ‘Adequacy’ as a Goal in Social Research Practice: Classical Formulations and Contemporary Issues.H. T. Wilson - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (3):473-489.
    This essay provides evidence to support a promising conceptual and potentially practical set of ideas at once both principled and effective found in the work of Max Weber and Alfred Schutz addressed to the issue of ‘adequacy’ as a goal in social research. Efforts to achieve adequacy beyond the epistemological conditions required by Weber’s demand that evidence meet both causal adequacy and adequacy on the level of meaning were significantly refocused by Schutz’s later concern, responding specifically to Weber, that the (...)
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  29. Sefer Yiśmaḥ libi: maʼamarim ṿe-ʻiyunim be-hanaḥot muskamot u-meḳubalot im yesh la-hen masoret u-meḳor be-divre Ḥazal ṿe-rishonim.Ḥayim Zeʼev Hershḳoṿiṭsh - 2023 - Monṭreol: Mekhon 'Banim u-vene banim'.
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  30. al-Manhajīyāt al-muʻāṣirah lil-mabāḥith al-ʻaqlīyah ʻinda al-Shīʻah al-Imāmīyah: Madrasat al-Najaf unmūdhajan.Fāliḥ Ḥasan Jabbār - 2011 - al-Najaf al-Ashraf, al-ʻIrāq: al-ʻAtabah al-ʻAlawīyah al-Muqaddasah.
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  31. H. künste und wissenschaften.H. G. Plinius Secundus der Ältere - 2004 - In Caius Plinius Secundus, Naturkunde / Naturalis Historia Libri Xxxvii, Gesamtregister. De Gruyter. pp. 1237-1424.
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    Andreas Rödder: Konservativ 21.0. Eine Agenda für Deutschland, München: C. H. Beck 2019, 144 S.Joachim H. Knoll - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 72 (2):233-236.
  33. A forgotten Marot manuscript.H. P. Clive - 1983 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 45 (2):325-326.
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    The psalm translations in bibliothèque nationale manuscript fr. 2336.H. P. Clive - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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    La classification des exemples d'après Aristote.H. G. Coenen - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (3):321-336.
    Aristotle considers all examples, as far as they are used as rhetorical arguments, to be inductions . On the other hand, he finds it worthwhile to distinguish different kinds of examples . Moreover, comparisons and fables are said to be “made” by the orator, whereas historical examples are not . The present article attempts to explain this opposition.A close examination of what can be meant by “induction” reveals that this term applies differently to historical examples and to comparisons and fables. (...)
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    A neo-realistic theory of analysis.H. T. Costello - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (18):494-498.
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  37. (2 other versions)Journals and New Books.H. T. Costello - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (11):306.
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  38. Notes and News.H. T. Costello - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (11):308.
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    Intelligence and susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer illusion.H. R. Crosland, H. R. Taylor & S. J. Newsom - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (1):40.
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    Aeschylus, Prometheus and "Forbidden Knowledge": a Meditation.H. MacL Currie - 1966 - Apeiron 1 (1):1-3.
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  41.  41
    Dryden and vossius: A reconsideration.H. Neville Davies - 1966 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 29 (1):282-295.
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    7. Zu Cicero pro Roscio Amerino.H. Deiter - 1906 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 65 (1-4):318-318.
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    Zu Livius XXII.H. Deiter - 1896 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 55 (1-4):432-432.
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    An Approach for Generating Pattern-Based Shorthand Using Speech-to-Text Conversion and Machine Learning.H. K. Anasuya Devi & K. R. Abhinand - 2013 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (3):229-240.
    Rapid handwriting, popularly known as shorthand, involves writing symbols and abbreviations in lieu of common words or phrases. This method increases the speed of transcription and is primarily used to record oral dictation. Someone skilled in shorthand will be able to write as fast as the dictation occurs, and these patterns are later transliterated into actual, natural language words. A new kind of rapid handwriting scheme is proposed, called the Pattern-Based Shorthand. A word on a keyboard involves pressing a unique (...)
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  45. La storia naturale da Bacone a Diderot.H. Dieckmann - 1976 - Rivista di Filosofia 67:217-43.
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  46. (2 other versions)Through Science to Philosophy.H. Dingle - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (52):479-481.
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    Heraclides περί Πολιτειών cap. 2.H. Düntzer - 1863 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 19 (1-4):649-649.
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  48. Peut-on tout croire, tout penser et tout dire du Christ?H. Donneaud - 1994 - Nova et Vetera 69 (1):14-24.
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  49. Logic by Way of Set Theory.H. EHLERS - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (2):181-182.
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    Baioeshikkusu no kiso: Ōbei no "seimei rinri" ron = Bioethics.H. Tristram Engelhardt, Hans Jonas, Hisatake Katō & Nobuyuki Iida (eds.) - 1988 - Tōkyō: Tōkai Daigaku Shuppankai.
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