Results for 'Therese Angert-Quilter'

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  1. The human soul's individuation and its survival after the body's death: Avicenna on the causal relation between body and soul: Thérèse-Anne Druart.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 2000 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 10 (2):259-273.
    As for Avicenna the human soul is a complete substance which does not inhere in the body nor is imprinted in it, asserting its survival after the death of the body seems easy. Yet, he needs the body to explain its individuation. The paper analyzes Avicenna's arguments in the De anima sections, V, 3 & 4, of the Shifā ' in order to explore the exact causal relation there is between the human soul and its body and confronts these arguments (...)
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    The new enhancement technologies and the place of vulnerability in our lives.John G. Quilter - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (1):9-27.
    What is the place of vulnerability in our lives? The current debate about the ethics of enhancement technologies provides a context in which to think about this question. In my view, the current debate is likely to be fruitless, largely because we bring the wrong ethical resources to bear on its questions. In this article, I recall an important, but currently neglected, role that moral concepts play in our thinking, a role they should especially play in relation to the introduction (...)
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    Health Humanities Reader.Therese Jones, Delese Wear & Lester D. Friedman (eds.) - 2014 - Rutgers University Press.
    Over the past forty years, the health humanities, previously called the medical humanities, has emerged as one of the most exciting fields for interdisciplinary scholarship, advancing humanistic inquiry into bioethics, human rights, health care, and the uses of technology. It has also helped inspire medical practitioners to engage in deeper reflection about the human elements of their practice. In _Health Humanities Reader_, editors Therese Jones, Delese Wear, and Lester D. Friedman have assembled fifty-four leading scholars, educators, artists, and clinicians (...)
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    Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context.Thérèse Bonin - 2003 - Cornell University Press.
    The eleventh-century philosopher and physician Abu Ali ibn Sina (d. A.D. 1037) was known in the West by his Latinized name Avicenna. An analysis of the sources and evolution of Avicenna's metaphysics, this book focuses on the answers he and his predecessors gave to two fundamental pairs of questions: what is the soul and how does it cause the body; and what is God and how does He cause the world? To respond to these challenges, Avicenna invented new concepts and (...)
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  5. Epistemology. The nature of cognition and knowledge.Therese Cory - 2022 - In Eleonore Stump & Thomas Joseph White (eds.), The New Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. [New York]: Cambridge University Press.
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  6. Contestation of the ends of higher education and philosophy.John G. Quilter - 2017 - In Janis T. Ozolins (ed.), Civil society, education and human formation: philosophy's role in a renewed understanding of education. New York: Routledge.
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    Fabricating The Posthuman Child In Early Childhood Education and Care.Therese Lindgren & Magdalena Sjöstrand Öhrfelt - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:264-276.
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    L'organisation du culte israélite en Belgique.Thérèse Baudin - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (1):37-47.
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    Richard Cross.Therese Scarpelli Cory - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Vivarium.
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    Jean R. Michot, La destinée de l'homme selon Avicenne. Le retour à Dieu (ma‛ ād) et l'imagination.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (69):116-117.
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  11. My research journey: contributing to a new education story for Māori.Therese Ford - 2013 - In Mere Berryman, Suzanne SooHoo & Ann Nevin (eds.), Culturally responsive methodologies. North America: Emerald.
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  12. (1 other version)Die Platoniker und die civitas dei.Therese Fuhrer - forthcoming - Augustinus.
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    On the special symposium in this issue and the demise of Godfrey Tanner.John G. Quilter & Peter Forrest - 2004 - Sophia 43 (1):1-2.
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    Why do they hate us, thick and thin?John G. Quilter - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (3):241-260.
    Immediately after the September 11, 2001 terrorist strikes on the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and a plane over Pennsylvania, many in the West, but particularly the United States of America, felt urgently the pain of the question ‘Why do they hate us?’ in relation both to those who directly perpetrated those dreadful events and to those who sympathised with their perpetrators. In this paper, I will offer an account of some of the conceptual issues at stake in addressing (...)
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    As the World Turns on the Sick and the Restless, So Go the Days of Our Lives: Family and Illness in Daytime Drama.Therese Jones - 1997 - Journal of Medical Humanities 18 (1):5-20.
    This essay begins with a discussion of the primacy of the nuclear family in American drama. Our best playwrights have been strikingly preoccupied with domestic life, consistently portraying the family as a dream of solidarity and a nightmare of enmeshment. Daytime serial dramas are also stories about American domestic life, privileging a conservatively defined nuclear family and imaging conflicting hopes and fears around it. In serious as well as popular drama, illness is frequently the catalyst for familial destruction and restoration. (...)
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  16. Knowing as Being? A Metaphysical Reading of the Identity of Intellect and Intelligibles in Aquinas.Therese Scarpelli Cory - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (3):333-351.
    I argue that Thomas Aquinas’s Identity Formula—the statement that the “intellect in act is the intelligible in act”—does not, as is usually supposed, express his position on how the intellect accesses extramental realities (responding to the so-called “mind-world gap”). Instead, it should be understood as a claim about the metaphysics of intellection, according to which the perfection requisite for performing the act of understanding is what could be called “intellectual-intelligible being.” In reinterpreting Aquinas’s Identity Formula, I explore the notion of (...)
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  17. Embodied vs. Non-Embodied Modes of Knowing in Aquinas in advance.Therese Scarpelli Cory - 2018 - Faith and Philosophy 35 (4):417-46.
    What does it mean to be an embodied thinker of abstract concepts? Does embodiment shape the character and quality of our understanding of universals such as 'dog' and 'beauty', and would a non-embodied mind understand such concepts differently? I examine these questions through the lens of Thomas Aquinas’s remarks on the differences between embodied (human) intellects and non-embodied (angelic) intellects. In Aquinas, I argue, the difference between embodied and non-embodied intellection of extramental realities is rooted in the fact that embodied (...)
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  18. Summa metaphysicae ad mentem sancti Thomae: Essays in Honor of John F. Wippel.Therese Cory & Gregory T. Doolan (eds.) - 2024 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    This volume is a tribute to Fr. John F. Wippel. Following the philosophical order that Aquinas might have adopted "had he chosen to write a Summa metaphysicae"—an order that Wippel himself lays out in his Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas—these essays unfold new research on some of the most intriguing topics in Aquinas’s metaphysics, from the most recent generation of scholars formed by Wippel’s pioneering work. -/- The contributors address the discovery of being qua being via separation (Gregory T. Doolan), (...)
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    Performanz von Wissen: Strategien der Wissensvermittlung in der Vormoderne.Therese Fuhrer & Almut-Barbara Renger (eds.) - 2012 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    "Thema der Beiträge sind intentionale Praktiken der Wissensvermittlung, die in den Medien Text und Bild in vormodernen Kulteren von der Antike bis ins Frühmittelalter erkennbar und beschreibbar sind. Untersuchungsgegenstand sind altorientalische, antike griechische, römische, syrische, klassisch-arabische und frühmittelalterliche Texte und bildliche Darstellunen, in denen die Kommunikation von Sach-/Fachwissen und religiösem, philosophischem, politischem, sozialem, paradigmatischem Wissen eine Rolle spielt. Im Fokus stehen die an diesen Prozessen beteiligten Akteure, insbesondere die Darastellung ihrer verbalen, mimischen und gestischen Kommunikation bzw. (Selbst- ) Inszenierung in (...)
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  20.  12
    Zur Rezeption der hellenistischen Philosophie in der Spätantike: Akten der 1. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 22.-25. September 1997 in Trier.Therese Fuhrer, Michael Erler & Karin Schlapbach (eds.) - 1999 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
    "Der vorliegende Band hebt sich aus der wachsenden Zahl der Publikationen zur Spatantike und namentlich zur spatantiken Philosophie schon durch die Originalitat des behandelten Themas hervor, das eine Forschungsluecke schlieat. Die Beitrage von Wissenschaftlern verschiedener europaischer Nationen, die als Spezialisten fuer die Spatantike gelten konnen, bieten sowohl einzeln als auch in der Zusammenstellung einen echten Forschungsfortschritt." Plekos "a a valuable contribution. The volume also shows, as the product of predominantly young scholars, that the future of scholarship in the area of (...)
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    The COVID Pandemic: Selected Work.Therese Jones & Kathleen Pachucki - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):1-1.
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    On the Lives of the Saints.Therese Aquinas Roche - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (6):44-44.
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    Performing AIDS: Introduction to the Special Issue.Therese Jones - 1998 - Journal of Medical Humanities 19 (2/3):81-89.
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  24. Women and fundamentalism in Islam and Catholicism: Negotiating modernity in a Globalised world [Book Review].Therese Vassarotti - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (4):500.
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    Ästhetische Gesichtspunkte in der englischen Ethik des 18. Jahrhunderts..Therese Zangenberg - 1917 - Langensalza,: Druck von H. Beyer & Söhne.
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    What is an intellectual "turn"? The Liber de Causis, Avicenna and Aquinas's turn to phantasms.Therese Scarpelli Cory - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 45 (1):129-162.
    Este artículo pretende dilucidar la expresión utilizada por Tomás de Aquino “vuelta al fantasma”, con la intención de esclarecer lo que entiende por “vuelta”. Se argumenta que el marco conceptual subyacente al “giro intelectual” se encuentra en dos fuentes islámicas que fueron ampliamente influyentes en la psicología filosófica latina del siglo XIII, y que presentan conceptos técnicos específicos de la “vuelta” como un tipo de dependencia. Las obras son: Liber de Causis, de autor anónimo; y Liber de anima, del filósofo (...)
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    The neglected canon: nine women philosophers: first to the twentieth century.Therese Boos Dykeman (ed.) - 1999 - Boston: Kluwer Academic.
    The outstanding points of The Neglected Canon are that it provides a multicultural anthology of women philosophers: Chinese, European, North and Central American, that it provides a history of women philosophers through selected works from the first century to the beginning of the twentieth century, and that it provides unusual comprehensiveness in its bibliographies, biographies, and introductions to the works. In these three points it offers a more complete text than any yet on the market in this field. Designed for (...)
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    Linguistics as an Indiscipline: Deleuze and Guattari's Pragmatics.Therese Grisham - 1991 - Substance 20 (3):36.
  29.  21
    Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III by John F. Wippel.Therese Scarpelli Cory - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):371-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III by John F. WippelTherese Scarpelli CoryWIPPEL, John F. Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2021. ix + 321 pp. Cloth, $65.00; eBook, $65.00This volume is the third in what can now be considered informally a series of volumes collecting some of John F. Wippel's most important writings. (Two previous volumes, Metaphysical Themes in Thomas (...)
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    Ethics and professional responsibility for legal assistants.Therese A. Cannon - 1996 - Boston: Little, Brown and Co..
    In this Second Edition of her best-selling ethics paperback text, renowned paralegal educator Therese Cannon clearly addresses pertinent case law, rules changes, and other developments involving this important area of the law. Organized in 10 concise chapters, Ethics and Professional Responsibility for Legal Assistants, Second Edition, covers key concepts, including unauthorized practice of law; confidentiality; conflicts of interest; fees; trends in legal malpractice; discovery abuse and other advocacy issues; pro bono work; and more. to help your students grasp the (...)
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    The face on the screen: death, recognition and spectatorship.Therese Davis - 2004 - Portland, Or.: Intellect Books.
    There was a time in screen culture when the facial close-up was a spectacular and mysterious image... The constant bombardment of the super-enlarged, computer-enhanced faces of advertising, the endless 'talking heads' of television and the ever-changing array of film stars' faces have reduced the face to a banal image, while the dream of early film theorists that the 'giant severed heads' of the screen could reveal 'the soul of man' to the masses is long since dead. And yet the end (...)
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    Bonaventure’s Christocentric Epistemology: Christ’s Human Knowledge as the Epitome of Illumination in De scientia Christi.Therese Scarpelli - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):63-85.
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    Bioethics in Action.M. Therese Lysaught - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (3):285-288.
    “One of the great mysteries … is why some people stand up for what is right while others do not”. So ends Bioethics in Action. The greater mystery, called out by this book, is why many of th...
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    The Commission for Australian Catholic Women.Therese Vassarotti - 2002 - The Australasian Catholic Record 79 (3):315.
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    Animal Ethical Evaluation: An Observational Study of Canadian IACUCs.Thérèse Leroux, Claude Dumas & Lise Houde - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (4):333-350.
    Three Canadian institutional animal care and use committees were observed over a 1-year period to investigate animal ethical evaluation. While each protocol was evaluated, the observer collected information about the final decision, the type of protocol, and the category of invasiveness. The observer also wrote down verbatim all verbal interventions, which were coded according to the following categories: scientific, technical, politics, human analog, reduction, refinement, and replacement. The data revealed that only 16% of the comments were devoted to the 3 (...)
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    Aquinas on Human Self-Knowledge.Therese Scarpelli Cory - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Self-knowledge is commonly thought to have become a topic of serious philosophical inquiry during the early modern period. Already in the thirteenth century, however, the medieval thinker Thomas Aquinas developed a sophisticated theory of self-knowledge, which Therese Scarpelli Cory presents as a project of reconciling the conflicting phenomena of self-opacity and privileged self-access. Situating Aquinas's theory within the mid-thirteenth-century debate and his own maturing thought on human nature, Cory investigates the kinds of self-knowledge that Aquinas describes and the questions (...)
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  37.  83
    Substance in Arabic Philosophy.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 1987 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 61:88-97.
  38.  90
    Parry in Paris: Structuralism, Historical Linguistics, and the Oral Theory.Thérèse Vedet - 2005 - Classical Antiquity 24 (2):257-284.
    This paper investigates the origins of the Oral Theory as formulated by Milman Parry in Paris during the late 1920s by reexamining the scholarship on which it rests. Parry's Oral Theory compared the texts of oral performances in Yugoslavia with the Homeric texts in order to shed light on the presumed oral origins of the latter. His work integrated the work of the linguist and Indo-Europeanist Antoine Meillet, the linguist and scholar of oral poetics Matthias Murko, and the anthropologists Lucien (...)
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    (2 other versions)Disability disclosure: A case of understatement?Thérèse Woodward & Robert Day - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (1):86–94.
  40. The Question of Evil and Feminist Legal Scholarship.Thérèse Murphy & Noel Whitty - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14 (1):1-26.
    In this article, we argue that feminist legal scholars should engage directly and explicitly with the question of evil. Part I summarises key facts surrounding the prosecution and life-long imprisonment of Myra Hindley, one of a tiny number of women involved in multiple killings of children in recent British history. Part II reviews a range of commentaries on Hindley, noting in particular the repeated use of two narratives: the first of these insists that Hindley is an icon of female evil; (...)
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  41. Al-F'r'bî, the Categories, Metaphysics, and the Book of Letters.Therese-Anne Druart - 2007 - Medioevo 32:15-38.
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  42. Muslim Perspective on Philosophy & Religion: The Decisive Treatise of Averroës.Thérèse Bonin - 2006 - Περιπατητικός 6.
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    The emanative psychology of albertus Magnus.Thérèse Bonin - 2000 - Topoi 19 (1):45-57.
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    The Zero Degree of the Vital.Therese Budniakiewicz - 1992 - Semiotics:34-39.
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  45. Axel Gosseries.Thérèse Davio - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (1):109-17.
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    Al-Kindi's Ethics.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):329 - 357.
    MEDIEVAL ARABIC PHILOSOPHICAL ETHICS is a much neglected field. Not many texts have survived. Some of them are rather popular and belie the assumption that Medieval Arabic philosophy is essentially Aristotelian. For instance, al-Kindi, Abu Bakr al-Razi, Avicenna, and Miskawayh all wrote about treating sadness. Were philosophers at the time subject to acute bouts of depression? or did they have some serious philosophical reasons to deal with this topic? How can one conciliate the popular and highly successful genre of the (...)
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  47.  24
    In memoriam Georges Anawati.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):775-775.
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    Lexique historique de la langue scientifique arabe ed. by Roshdi Rashed.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1):174-174.
    This beautifully laid out dictionary will be very useful to anyone seriously interested in Arabic philosophy. Philosophers in Islamic lands often wrote classifications of the sciences or used examples taken from various scientific disciplines, particularly mathematics, that can be somewhat puzzling for scholars in philosophy. For instance, in his autobiography, Avicenna tells us that his father sent him to a vegetable seller to study Indian calculation. I always wondered what exactly Indian calculation was and finally found the answer to this (...)
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  49.  18
    Women Philosophers.Therese Dykeman - 2001 - Philosophy Now 33:7-8.
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    2. Politiker und Philosophen: Cicero zur Interdependenz von politischer Theorie und Praxis.Therese Fuhrer - 2017 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Ciceros Staatsphilosophie: Ein Kooperativer Kommentar Zu ›de Re Publica‹ Und ›de Legibus‹. De Gruyter. pp. 19-32.
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