Results for 'The Father'

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  1.  33
    Mendel's Influence on the World of Thought.Father Raphael C. McCarthy - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 4 (6):87-88.
    Father Raphael C. McCarthy Doctor of Philosophy of London University and Professor of Experimental Psychology at St. Louis University, contributes this paper as a general estimate of the influence which one man has exerted upon the vast and complex network of scientific world thought. We also acknowledge our indebtedness for this paper to Mr. William J. Miller of the School of Philosophy, who prepared it for those pages.
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    The Philanthropy of the Orthodox Church: A Rumanian Case Study.Father Ovidiu Dan - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (3):303-307.
    On the basis of a definition of God as “love”, human philanthropy is derived from Divine philanthropy, and therefore extends to all human beings. Because Divine philanthropy is most centrally expressed in Christ's incarnation and resurrection, Christ's identification with all who suffer presents the strongest motivation for human philanthropy. After a short review of the Romanian Orthodox Church's development after 1989, the author turns to his special case study, the Social-Medical Day-Care Christian Centre for older citizens. He describes the wan (...)
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    Classical Christianity and the Political Order: Reflections on the Theologico-Political Problem.Father Ernest L. Fortin & Daniel J. Mahoney (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Volume Two of Ernest Fortin: Collected Essays, Fortin deals with the relationship between religion and civil society in a Christian context: that of an essentially nonpolitical but by no means entirely otherwordly religion, many of whose teachings were thought to be fundamentally at odds with the duties of citizenship. Sections focus upon Augustine and Aquinas, on Christianity and politics; natural law, natural rights, and social justice; and Leo Strauss and the revival of classical political philosophy. Fortin's treatment of these (...)
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    Locke, ‘the Father of Modernity’?Pa Schouls - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (2):175-195.
    Locke was the first to develop with profundity and defend the thesis that we are all responsible for our believings, and that to do one’s duty with respect to one’s believings one must, at appropriate junctures and in appropriate ways, listen to the voice of Reason. Reason must be one’s guide. Locke had forebears and cohorts in this line of thought; I want not only to concede but to insist on this. Nonetheless, Locke was the great genius behind our modern (...)
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    The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan.Judah Goldin (ed.) - 1955 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    This is the first English translation of The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan, one of the richest depositories of rabbinic reflections on the study of the Torah. It is the earliest commentary on Abot, the only tractate of the Mishnah that does not deal with legal matters but exclusively with "agada," an unlimited variety of religious, ethical, and edifying subjects.
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  6. The Father's spirit of sonship: A significant contribution to Trinitarian theology.D. Orsuto - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (1):147-153.
    A propos de : Thomas G. WEINANDY, O.F.M. Cap., «The Father's Spirit on Sonship. Reconceiving the Trinity», Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 1995.
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    The father: a life of Henry James, Sr.Alfred Habegger - 1994 - New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
    A thoroughly researched biography of Henry James, Sr., the father of author William, philosopher Henry Jr., and diarist Alice, presents an in-depth portrait of a complex, brilliant man whose restless and driven life had a great effect on his children.
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    Chesterton Brasil Interviews Father Ian Boyd.Chesterton Brasil & Father Boyd - 2014 - The Chesterton Review 40 (1-2):188-191.
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    What ‘The Father’ had in mind? Arthur Ruppin (1876–1943), cultural identity, weltanschauung and action.Etan Bloom - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (3):330-349.
    Arthur Ruppin was the central figure in the Zionist colonization project in Palestine-Land of Israel in the decades preceded the establishment of the state of Israel. Ruppin's immense contribution gave him in Zionist historiography the title of ‘The Father of Jewish settlement in Palestine.’ Nevertheless, in spite of the title ‘Father’, Zionist historiography actually treats him as a ‘Zionist clerk,’ diminishing his role to an apolitical expert on bureaucracy and the economy. Exploring the reasons for his ambiguous position (...)
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  10. Plato: the father of western philosophy.Lindsay Zoubek - 2016 - New York: Rosen Publishing.
    Early life in Athens -- Plato's education in philosophy -- A departure from Socrates -- The Academy and Plato's last teachings.
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  11. The Fathers of Sinology: From the Ricci Method to Léon Wieger's Remedies.Lisa Bresner & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (178):107-124.
    Informing the Superior General of the Society of Jesus that the cornerstone of the Jesuit mission in China – that is, Father Matteo Ricci – had passed away on 3 May 1610, Father Pasio wrote:Fu servito Nostro Signore di chiamare al paradiso il buon P. Matteo Ricci, tanto antico nella Cina, e che accreditò molto la legge di Dio e la Compagnia con la sua santità, prudentia e patientia, aprendo il cammino agli altri Padri in quella folta selva (...)
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    Revisiting The Father: Precarity and subversive performativity.Parisa Shams - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (3):289-302.
    The ambiguity of August Strindberg’s approach to women has engendered varying interpretations, including accusations of misogyny. Among his allegedly misogynistic plays is the 1887 naturalistic masterpiece, The Father. Chronologically coinciding with the rise of the women’s movement in Sweden, The Father, rather than endorsing a misogynistic culture, allows for an alternative reading that contributes to the destabilisation of gender binaries and an understanding of gender identities as relational and performative. In its portrayal of a fierce struggle between a (...)
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    The Father of lights: a theology of beauty.Junius Johnson - 2020 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, a Division of Baker Publishing Group.
    Offers a robust, full-orbed theology of beauty, showing how it has functioned as a theological concept from biblical times to the present day.
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    The Fathers of Sinology.Lisa Lisa & Jennifer Gage - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (178):107-124.
    Informing the Superior General of the Society of Jesus that the cornerstone of the Jesuit mission in China – that is, Father Matteo Ricci – had passed away on 3 May 1610, Father Pasio wrote:Fu servito Nostro Signore di chiamare al paradiso il buon P. Matteo Ricci, tanto antico nella Cina, e che accreditò molto la legge di Dio e la Compagnia con la sua santità, prudentia e patientia, aprendo il cammino agli altri Padri in quella folta selva (...)
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  15.  20
    Christ, Image of the Father. On the Lasting Importance of the Christology of Thomas Aquinas.Henk J. M. Schoot - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1109):79-91.
    This contribution discusses the expression ‘Image of the Father’ as a case in point to Aquinas's approach of naming Christ: Christology and Trinitarian theology, as well as the discussion of analogical naming in divinis, need to be taken together. ‘Image’ and ‘Father’ are predicated differently of Christ and God the Father than of human beings. Moreover, God is ‘Father’ in a different way towards the Son than regarding human beings. Christ is the unique image of the (...)
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  16.  20
    God the Father in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas by John Baptist Ku, O.P.T. Adam Van Wart - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (1):367-371.
  17. Finding the Father: A Psychoanalytic Study of Rebel without a Cause.Chris Wood - 2000 - Senses of Cinema.
  18.  9
    Plato: the father of logic.Alex Sniderman - 2006 - New York: Rosen Pub. Group.
    Son of Athens -- Plato and Socrates -- The philosopher -- The teacher.
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  19. The Father or the State?Anna Martin - 1921 - Hibbert Journal 20:307.
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  20.  57
    The Father of Claudius Etruscus: Statius, Silvae 3. 3.P. R. C. Weaver - 1965 - Classical Quarterly 15 (01):145-.
    The career of the father of Claudius Etruscus is of special importance in the history of the Imperial administration in the first century A.D. In the course of a long life he rose from slave status under Tiberius to be head of the Imperial financial administration and to equestrian status under Vespasian. He was one of the most important, wealthy, and influential of the Imperial freedmen in the first century when their influence was at its peak; he is one (...)
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  21.  27
    Freedom and Orthodoxy.Father Amvrosii - 1994 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):87-88.
    The Russian Free Orthodox church, a church that preferred martyrdom, ostracism, and the underground to serving the Bolshevik regime, is now emerging from the catacombs and returning from exile. We heard in D.E. Furman's talk that among respondents there were more persons expressing their adherence to the Russian Free Orthodox church than those expressing their adherence to the Patriarchy. I, too, think that this is a reaction to the combination of the words "freedom" and "Orthodox," but this is a very (...)
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  22. One God, the Father: The Neglected Doctrine of the Monarchy of the Father, and Its Implications for the Analytic Debate about the Trinity.Beau Branson - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 6 (2).
    Whether Trinitarianism is coherent depends not only on whether some account of the Trinity is coherent, but on which accounts of the Trinity count as "Trinitarian." After all, Arianism and Modalism are both accounts of the Trinity, but neither counts as Trinitarian (which is why defenses of Arianism or Modalism don’t count as defenses of Trinitarianism). This raises the question, if not just any account of the Trinity counts as Trinitarian, which do? Dale Tuggy is one of very few philosophers (...)
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  23.  37
    Are the Fathers Alright? A Systematic and Critical Review of Studies on Gay and Bisexual Fatherhood.Francis A. Carneiro, Fiona Tasker, Fernando Salinas-Quiroz, Isabel Leal & Pedro A. Costa - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:285694.
    The purpose of the present systematic and critical review was to assess the findings and to identify the gaps in the literature concerning gay and bisexual fathers. A comprehensive search of relevant literature using electronic databases and reference lists for articles published until December 2016 was conducted. A total of 63 studies, spanning from 1979 to 2016, were collected. More than half of the studies were published after 2011 and the overwhelming majority were conducted in the United States. Nine themes (...)
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    The fathers of the church: a comprehensive introduction.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (1):669-669.
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  25.  88
    The father of empiricism: Roger not Francis.Joseph Kupfer - 1974 - Vivarium 12 (1):52-62.
  26.  47
    The Fathers according to Rabbi Nathan (Abot de Rabbi Nathan) version B: a translation and commentary.Anthony J. Saldarini (ed.) - 1975 - Leiden: Brill.
    INTRODUCTION The Translation Over eighty years ago Solomon Schechter published a second version of Abot de Rabbi Nathan1 ...
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  27.  54
    Killing the father, Parmenides: On Lacan’s anti-philosophy.Matthew Sharpe - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (1):51-74.
    This paper examines the historical claims about philosophy, dating back to Parmenides, that we argue underlie Jacques Lacan’s polemical provocations in the mid-1970s that his position was an “anti-philosophie”. Following an introduction surveying the existing literature on the subject, in part ii, we systematically present the account of classical philosophy Lacan has in mind when he declares psychoanalysis to be an antiphilosophy after 1975, assembling his claims about the history of ideas in Seminars XVII and XX in ways earlier contributions (...)
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  28.  17
    The father of modern psychology.Foster Watson - 1915 - Psychological Review 22 (5):333-353.
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    The Father of Monism.Sydney Waterlow - 1915 - The Monist 25 (4):579-595.
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    Aristotle: the father of logic.Kelly Roscoe - 2016 - New York: Rosen Publishing. Edited by Mick Isle.
    A boy from Stagira -- In the shadow of Socrates and Plato -- The student becomes the teacher -- New ideas in science, logic, and politics -- The rise and fall of Aristotle's legacy.
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  31. Are the Father and Son Different in Kind? Scotus and Ockham on Different Kinds of Things, Univocal and Equivocal Production, and Subordination in the Trinity.J. T. Paasch - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (3):302-326.
    In this paper, I examine how Scotus and Ockham try to solve the following problem. If different kinds of constituents contribute some difference in kind to the things they constitute, then the divine Father and Son should be different in kind because they are constituted by at least some constituents that are different in kind (namely, fatherhood and sonship). However, if the Father and Son are different in kind, the Son's production will be equivocal, and equivocal products are (...)
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  32. The father, the son, and the daughter: Sellars, Brandom, and Millikan.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (1):59-71.
    The positions of Brandom and Millikan are compared with respect to their common origins in the works of Wilfrid Sellars and Wittgenstein. Millikan takes more seriously the “picturing” themes from Sellars and Wittgenstein. Brandom follows Sellars more closely in deriving the normativity of language from social practice, although there are also hints of a possible derivation from evolutionary theory in Sellars. An important claim common to Brandom and Millikan is that there are no representations without function or “attitude”.
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    ‘The Father of the Experimental Philosophy of the Human Mind’: Descartes and the Scottish Enlightenment’s Moral Philosophers.Sofia Calvente - 2022 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 20 (3):217-235.
    Thomas Reid, Adam Ferguson and Dugald Stewart were exponents of the experimental philosophy of mind in the Scottish Enlightenment. The unique character of their philosophical project lies in the adoption of the mind-matter dualism as a necessary condition for the study of mental phenomena. This fact led them to recognize the importance of Descartes, both for being the first to clearly delimit the mental and material realms and for emphasizing the relevance of reflection as an instrument for the study of (...)
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  34.  44
    The Fathers and Ecumenism.J. N. D. Kelly - 1971 - Augustinianum 11 (1):21-33.
  35. God the Father: Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity.E. Earle Ellis - 1978
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  36. Socrates, the father of Western philosophy.Bayly Turlington - 1969 - New York,: F. Watts. Edited by Plato.
    A biography treating the philosophy as well as the life of the great Athenian thinker.
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  37.  21
    The Father of Cartesian Empiricism: Robert Desgabets on the physics and metaphysics of blood transfusion.Patricia Easton - unknown
    The period in the history of blood transfusion that I discuss is roughly 1628, the date of publication of Harvey’s work on blood circulation, De Motu Cordis, and 1668, the year of the first allegedly successful transfusion of blood into a human subject by a French physician Jean Denis, and the official order to prohibit the procedure. The subject of special interest in this history is Robert Desgabets, an early defender and teacher of the Cartesian philosophy at St. Maur, in (...)
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  38.  26
    Rutherford: The Father of Nuclear EnergyT. E. Allibone.Thaddeus Trenn - 1975 - Isis 66 (3):430-431.
  39. Atlas (Greek mythology) 49 Augustine, St. 187 Bacon, F. 189 Bakunin, M. 183, 190 Ballerowicz, L. 176 n. 5.Father C. Bartnik, L. Von Beethoven, H. Bergson, P. Bergson, Rabbi Hillel, E. Bevin, Bishop Pieronek, Bishop T. Pieronek, O. Von Bismarck & M. Black - 1999 - In Ian Charles Jarvie & Sandra Pralong, Popper's Open Society After Fifty Years: The Continuing Relevance of Karl Popper. New York: Routledge.
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    Socrates Meets Descartes: The Father of Philosophy Analyzes the Father of Modern Philosophy's Discourse on Method.Peter Kreeft - 2007 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This is the 5th volume in the series of popular, small volumes by the well-known philosophy Professor Kreeft in which the "Father of Philosophy," Socrates, cross-examines various other important philosophers and thinkers In this work, he states that Socrates and Descartes are probably the two most important philosophers who have ever lived, because they are the two who made the most difference to all philosophy after them. The two of them stand at the beginning of the two basic philosophical (...)
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  41.  25
    The Catholic Life Formation Curriculum of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cebu: A Critical Review.Reverend Father Eduardo O. Ventic - 2012 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 2 (1).
    The essential mission of the church is evangelization (EN 14). She establishes her own schools to accomplish this mission. Evangelization aims at the formation of the whole person. In this complete formation, the religion or faith dimension plays an important role in the development of the other aspects of one’s personality in the measure in which it is integrated into general education. The extent to which the Christian message is transmitted through education depends not only on content and methodology but (...)
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  42.  29
    Buddhist and Catholic Monks Talk about Celibacy.Father Ryan Thomas - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):143-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist and Catholic Monks Talk about CelibacyThomas Ryan, CSPThe electronic sign at the Minneapolis–St. Paul airport was flashing "Orange Alert" as a dozen Buddhist monks arrived in their burnt orange robes from around the country for three days of dialogue on celibacy with a similar number of Catholic monastics come together from various monasteries at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. As he opened the October 26–29, 2006, meeting, (...)
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    Gethsemani II: Catholic and Buddhist Monastics Focus on Suffering.Father Ryan Thomas - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):249-251.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gethsemani II:Catholic and Buddhist Monastics Focus on SufferingThomas Ryan, CSPApproximately twenty Benedictine, Trappist, and Camaldolese men and women monastics met 13-18 April 2003 with an equal number of Buddhist monastics at the Trappist Gethsemani monastery in Kentucky for five days of dialogue on the causes of suffering. The encounter, Gethsemani II, was a sequel to a similar 1996 meeting at the monastery made famous by the monk Thomas Merton, (...)
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  44.  87
    The Father of Ethology and the Foster Mother of Ducks: Konrad Lorenz as Expert on Motherhood.Marga Vicedo - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):263-291.
    ABSTRACT Konrad Lorenz's popularity in the United States has to be understood in the context of social concern about the mother‐infant dyad after World War II. Child analysts David Levy, René Spitz, Margarethe Ribble, Therese Benedek, and John Bowlby argued that many psychopathologies were caused by a disruption in the mother‐infant bond. Lorenz extended his work on imprinting to humans and argued that maternal care was also instinctual. The conjunction of psychoanalysis and ethology helped shore up the view that the (...)
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  45. The father of Little women.Honoré Morrow - 1927 - Boston,: Little, Brown, and company.
  46.  43
    God the Father in Vattimo's Interpretation of Christianity.Matthew Harris - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5):891-903.
  47.  6
    Henry James and the Father Question.Andrew Taylor - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    The intellectual relationship between Henry James and his father, who was a philosopher and theologian, proved to be an influential resource for the novelist. Andrew Taylor explores how James's writing responds to James Senior's epistemological, thematic and narrative concerns, and relocates these concerns in a more secularised and cosmopolitan cultural milieu. Taylor examines the nature of both men's engagement with autobiographical strategies, issues of gender reform, and the language of religion. He argues for a reading of Henry James that (...)
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  48. God the Father: Studies in Paul.Nils A. Dahl & P. Donahue - 1977
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  49. On the father's name (Jacques Lacan).Antonio Di Ciaccia - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (2):31-43.
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    Hegel, ‘The Father of Art History’?Michael Squire - 2020 - Philosophy Now 140:14-18.
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