Results for 'Tetsuji Ikegami'

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  1. Der geschehende Sachverhalt in der japanischen Denkweise.Tetsuji Ikegami - 1985 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 92 (1985):123.
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    How should we Foster the professional integrity of engineers in japan? A pride-based approach.Tetsuji Iseda - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):165-176.
    I discuss the predicament that engineering-ethics education in Japan now faces and propose a solution to this. The predicament is professional motivation, i.e., the problem of how to motivate engineering students to maintain their professional integrity. The special professional responsibilities of engineers are often explained either as an implicit social contract between the profession and society (the “social-contract” view), or as requirements for membership in the profession (the “membership-requirement” view). However, there are empirical data that suggest that such views will (...)
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    Boolean-Valued Second-Order Logic.Daisuke Ikegami & Jouko Väänänen - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):167-190.
    In so-called full second-order logic, the second-order variables range over all subsets and relations of the domain in question. In so-called Henkin second-order logic, every model is endowed with a set of subsets and relations which will serve as the range of the second-order variables. In our Boolean-valued second-order logic, the second-order variables range over all Boolean-valued subsets and relations on the domain. We show that under large cardinal assumptions Boolean-valued second-order logic is more robust than full second-order logic. Its (...)
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  4. Use-novelty, severity, and a systematic neglect of relevant alternatives.Tetsuji Iseda - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):413.
    This paper analyzes Deborah Mayo's recent criticism of use-novelty requirement. She claims that her severity criterion captures actual scientific practice better than use-novelty, and that use-novelty is not a necessary condition for severity. Even though certain cases in which evidence used for the construction of the hypothesis can test the hypothesis severely, I do not think that her severity criterion fits better with our intuition about good tests than use-novelty. I argue for this by showing a parallelism in terms of (...)
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    Chaotic itinerancy needs embodied cognition to explain memory dynamics.Takashi Ikegami & Jun Tani - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):818-819.
    Memory dynamics need both stable and unstable properties simultaneously. Hence memory dynamics cannot be simulated by chaotic itinerant dynamics alone, with no real world correspondence. Memory dynamics are constrained by both semantics and causalities in the embodied cognition.
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    Determinacy and regularity properties for idealized forcings.Daisuke Ikegami - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (3):310-317.
    We show under that every set of reals is I‐regular for any σ‐ideal I on the Baire space such that is proper. This answers the question of Khomskii [7, Question 2.6.5]. We also show that the same conclusion holds under if we additionally assume that the set of Borel codes for I‐positive sets is. If we do not assume, the notion of properness becomes obscure as pointed out by Asperó and Karagila [1]. Using the notion of strong properness similar to (...)
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    Democracy in an Age of Cyber-Financial Globalization: Time, Space and Embeddedness from an Asian Perspective.Eiko Ikegami - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (3).
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    Gendai shisō no 20-nen.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Ibunsha.
    冷戦終焉の直後から大震災の直前まで、世紀をまたぎ『現代思想』に毎月書き続けられた編集後記。世界の哲学・思想の最先端から政治・社会・文化の現状に鋭く斬りこみ、ネオリベラリズムにいち早く警鐘を鳴らし、「他 者」「マイノリティ」の声に耳を澄ませながら新しい理論、運動、文化を次々に導入した旺盛にしてスリリングな活動の軌跡。.
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  9. Imi no sekai.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1978
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  10. Imiron.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1975
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  11. The occurring fact in the japanese way of thinking+ and language.T. Ikegami - 1985 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 92 (1):123-124.
  12. The Self-moving Oil Droplet as a Homeostat.T. Ikegami - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):114-114.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Homeostats for the 21st Century? Simulating Ashby Simulating the Brain” by Stefano Franchi. Upshot: Using the example of chemical oil droplets, the paper discusses the idea of a homeostat in terms of a default mode network.
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    疑似科学と科学の哲学.Tetsuji Iseda - 2003 - Nagoya-shi: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Giji kagaku to kagaku no tetsugaku.Tetsuji Iseda - 2003 - Nagoya-shi: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Near Triviality of Conclusive Reasons.Tetsuji Iseda - 2005 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 14 (1):1-20.
  16. Socialization of Epistemology: For a Better Relationship Between Epistemology and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.Tetsuji Iseda - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park
    The main theme of this dissertation is to explore how to establish a better relationship between sociological and philosophical investigations of science; how should epistemological considerations be used in sociological studies of scientific knowledge, and how should sociological findings be used in epistemological studies? To answer these questions, I review both sociological and social epistemological literatures on scientific knowledge, with more emphasis on the latter. On the sociological side, I point out that a large part of SSK literature is, contrary (...)
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  17. Jukyō kōwa.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1941
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  18. Koten no eichi.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1981
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    Mōshi no hanashi.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1975 - Tōkyō: Taishūkan Shoten.
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  20. Shushigaku taikei.Tetsuji Morohashi & Masahiro Yasuoka (eds.) - 1974 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha.
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  21. Taidan Tōyō no kokoro.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1976
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    Busshōkaron to shihon pawā =.Tetsuji Yamamoto - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Minato-ku: Bunka Kagaku Kōtō Kenkyūin Shuppankyoku.
    商品の魅惑と横暴さによって見えなくされている“資本”、それは「利子生み資本」とは異なる「つつましやかな資本」の可能条件である。「利潤」を生む資本と「剰余価値」を生む資本とを区分し、原発危機・経済危機を 産みだしている悪しき「ふとどきな資本」に分水嶺を設定し、物象化の構造化された諸構造を超えていく自己技術と資本パワーを示す、画期的な書。場所資本、環境資本、文化資本の理論場を切削する。.
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  23. Gakkō no gensō, gensō no gakkō: kyōiku no nai sekai.Tetsuji Yamamoto - 1985 - Tōkyō: Shinʼyōsha.
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  24. Shin tetsugaku shisō jiten.Tetsuji Yura - 1948
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    A Sociological Theory Of Publics: Identity And Culture As Emergent Properties In Networks.Eiko Ikegami - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67:989-1030.
  26. Shame and the samurai: Institutions, trustworthiness, and autonomy in the elite honor culture.Eiko Ikegami - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (4):1351-1378.
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    Dynamical categories and language.Takashi Ikegami - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):500-501.
    The dynamical category uses the sensory-motor coordination to do categorization. If categories are inevitably grounded in sensory-motor coordination, sharing categories may also share the same sensory-motor coordination. Concerning this aspect, we discuss the color category as a dynamical categorization. Additional to the converging effect of a category by communication, we discuss the diverging effect of communication that creates new categories.
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  28. Emikoohnuki-Tierney.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1993 - Semiotica 96:301.
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    Mode 2 Science and Science Communication: From an Epistemological Perspective.Tetsuji Iseda - 2010 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 43 (2):1-17.
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    Preface to the Special Section: Philosophy of Science in East Asia.Tetsuji Iseda - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 26:9-12.
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    Where Does the Peculiarity of Engineering Knowledge Lie?Tetsuji Iseda - 2008 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 35 (2):65-76.
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  32. Jugaku no mokuteki to Sōju Keireki Keigen ni itaru hyaku-rokujūnenkan no katsudō.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1929 - Tōkyō: Taishūkan Shoten.
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    Nyoze gamon Kōshi den.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1969 - Tōkȳo: Taishūkan Shoten.
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  34. Taidan Toyo No Kokoro Nihon No Kokoro No Genten o Saguru.Tetsuji Morohashi, Hajime Nakamura & Tadashi Kamada - 1976 - Taishukan Shoten.
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    Nihon (shakai)-izumu to posutomodan fashisuto =.Tetsuji Yamamoto - 2009 - Tōkyō: Bunka Kagaku Kōtō Kenkyūin Shuppankyoku.
  36. Purachikku riron e no shōtai: anmoku no shikō ryōiki o dō toraeru ka.Tetsuji Yamamoto - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sankōsha. Edited by Kazuki Yanagi & Yukito Takimoto.
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    プラチック理論への招待: 暗黙の思考領域をどうとらえるか.Tetsuji Yamamoto, Kazuki Yanagi & Yukito Takimoto - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sankōsha. Edited by Kazuki Yanagi & Yukito Takimoto.
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    Shakai kagaku riron kenkyū.Tetsuji Yamamoto - 1992 - Tōkyō: Bunka Kagaku Kōtō Kenkyūin Shuppankyoku.
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    Tetsugakusuru Nihon.Tetsuji Yamamoto - 2011 - Tōkyō-to Minato-ku: Bunka Kagaku Kōtō Kenkyūin Shuppankyoku.
    1. Tetsugaku jiban no ten'i : hi bunri jutsugosei basho hi jiko --.
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  40. Geisteswissenschaft und willensgesetz.Tetsuji Yura - 1931 - Berlin,: Pan-verlagsgesellshaft m. b. h..
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    Forcing absoluteness and regularity properties.Daisuke Ikegami - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (7):879-894.
    For a large natural class of forcing notions, we prove general equivalence theorems between forcing absoluteness statements, regularity properties, and transcendence properties over and the core model . We use our results to answer open questions from set theory of the reals.
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  42. Kyuko no mei.Toshirō Ikegami - 1942
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    Shūkyō to inochi.Akira Ikegami, Masaru Satō, Seigō Matsuoka, Yasunori Andō & Hiroshi Yamakawa (eds.) - 2018 - Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten.
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    Bayesianism as a Set of Meta-criteria and Its Social Application.Tetsuji Iseda - unknown
    This paper aims at giving a general outlook of Bayesianism as a set of meta-criteria for scientific methodology. In particular, it discusses Social Bayesianism, that is, the application of Bayesian meta-criteria to scientific institutions. From a Bayesian point of view, methodologies and institutions that simulate Bayesian belief updating are good ones, and those with more discriminatory power are better ones than those with less discriminatory power, other things being equal. This paper applies these ideas to a particular issue: diversity in (...)
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  45. Nihon shakai shisō shi.Tetsuji Kada - 1951
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  46. Sensō honshitsu ron.Tetsuji Kada - 1944
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  47. Kō-shi to Rō-shi.Tetsuji Morohashi - 1952
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    A Stratificational Analysis of the Hand Gestures in Indian Classical Dancing.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1971 - Semiotica 4 (4).
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  49. Imitation by social interaction? Analysis of a minimal agent-based model of the correspondence problem.Tom Froese, Charles Lenay & Takashi Ikegami - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    The brain is not an isolated “black box,” nor is its goal to become one.Tom Froese & Takashi Ikegami - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):213-214.
    In important ways, Clark's (HPM) approach parallels the research agenda we have been pursuing. Nevertheless, we remain unconvinced that the HPM offers the best clue yet to the shape of a unified science of mind and action. The apparent convergence of research interests is offset by a profound divergence of theoretical starting points and ideal goals.
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